Vegetation and the Initial Human Setflement Of
(993l. of BiogeographY 20'39H12 lourrtal 2 Gd" ilty {iammals, vegetation and the initial human setflement of palaeoecological tne Mediterranean islands: a approach 'rofion: l Afric¿, S c s Ü I a Institut Ur- und F rühgeschich¡e, Albert-Ludn'igs- Universit¿it, D7800 F re i. llins. \\ rl r, r. M für iburg Br., Gennant' ' ¡on. II1. J, shop qt .ur A, ¿l carbon of the lack of carnivores. the genetically fixed behaviour bon patterns for flight and attack are lost in island endemics. +7. u.s. During the Middle (Corso-Sardinia) and Upper Pleistocene, suspected or established (Sardinia, Cyprus, A Sicily) invasions of Homo sp. led to the near-complete ry extinction of the unwary endemic fauna. Some islands \rc$. as are the reasons for the extinction of the (Sicily, Corso-Sardinia) were repopulated by swimming t)uatcrìaü fauna. Small arboricole mammals may have ungulates which were exterminated by later human inva- n,,checi the islands on vegetation-rafts. Some larger mam- sions. For lack of game, a permanent human settlement mirls, like Myotragus on the Balearic Islands, Prolagus on was nearly impossible before the Neolithic. All extant wild Srrdinia, and possibly endemic deer on the Aegean islands, ungulates on the Mediterranean islands are feral domestic irruld be relics of the desiccation of the Mediterranean on animals, or continental game with intact behavioural pat- rhc Mio/Pliocene border. Hippos, elephants and giant deer terns introduced for religious or hunting purposes during alched the islands by swimming. At the a¡rival of new the Neolithic or later. None of them has Pleistocene ances- rpcies, older endemic species became extinct by ecologi- tors on the islands.
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