Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKFISFisheries Science0919 92682006 Blackwell Science Asia Pty LtdFebruary 2006721105114Original ArticleFood sources for corbicula in lakes A Kasai et al.

FISHERIES SCIENCE 2006; 72: 105–114

Food sources for the bivalve Corbicula japonica in the foremost fishing lakes estimated from stable isotope analysis

Akihide KASAI,1* Haruhiko TOYOHARA,1 Akiko NAKATA,1 Tsunehiro MIURA2 AND Nobuyuki AZUMA3

1Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, 2Shimane Prefectural Inland Fisheries Experimental Station, Hirata, Shimane 691-0076 and 3Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University, Bunkyo, Hirosaki 036-8561,

ABSTRACT: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in tissue of the bivalve corbicula Corbicula japonica and particulate organic matter (POM) were measured in Lake Jusan, and , which are the foremost fishing grounds for the corbicula in Japan, to determine their food sources. The bivalves in Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji showed enriched isotope composition, while those in Lake Jusan were depleted. In addition, the difference in the isotope ratios between the sam- pling sites was remarkable in Lake Jusan. Chlorophyll concentrations were significantly higher in Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji than those in the inflow rivers, although that in Lake Jusan was equivalent to that in the river. Residence time of river water was estimated at 1 day, 455 days and 88 days in Lake Jusan, Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji, respectively. These values indicate that the bivalves in Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji assimilate autochthonous phytoplankton, while those in Lake Jusan assim- ilate terrestrial matter in the upper reaches and marine phytoplankton in the lower reaches because of low production in the lake.

KEY WORDS: bivalve, brackish lake, Corbicula japonica, food source, particulate organic matter, stable isotope.

INTRODUCTION diet of organisms. However, among the methods, direct observation of feeding behavior of bivalves is The infaunal suspension-feeding bivalve corbicula unfeasible over long periods in the field. Indirect Corbicula japonica inhabits brackish waters. The techniques, such as gut content analysis of bivalves landing of corbicula in 2001 reached 17 000 tons, may be misleading because it cannot distinguish which was 28% of the total landings of inland fish- ingested material that is not assimilated. Algae, for eries, so that the corbicula is one of the most example, can survive passage through the digestive important fishery resources in Japan. Corbicula tract.3 Therefore, neither direct observation nor gut plays an important role in the ecosystem through content analysis are suitable for determining food feeding and nutrient excretion activities, because sources of corbicula. they often dominate the macrobenthic community In contrast to these conventional methods, sta- in brackish waters.1,2 It is therefore essential to ble isotope analysis has received increasing inter- know corbicula nutrition for the elucidation of car- est as it can measure assimilation by potential bon and nitrogen cycling in the ecosystem. Esti- producers. The 13C/12C and 15N/14N ratios of an ani- mates of food sources are also important for the mal directly reflect the composition of food management of the corbicula resources, because it sources assimilated and incorporated over time.4 would affect their growth rates and reproduction. Since the isotope composition in each primary Corbicula obtains particles through filtration by source of organic matter shows different character- holding its inhalant siphon above the sediment istics, this method has been used successfully in surface. There are several ways to understand the many studies of spatial and temporal variations in potential diets of invertebrates in various estuarine 5 *Corresponding author: Tel: 075-753-6314. Fax: 075-753-6468. and saltmarsh food webs. In our previous paper, Email: [email protected] carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured Received 6 May 2005. Accepted 10 August 2005. in the body of C. japonica in the lower reaches of 106 FISHERIES SCIENCE A Kasai et al.

the Kushida River.6 The results indicated that the the river mouth were quantitatively estimated by contribution of terrestrial organic matter is signif- Kasai and Nakata,6 but those in brackish lakes are icantly important for the corbicula diet, although still unknown. The differences in the environmen- the contribution gradually changes among sam- tal conditions would cause different contributions pling sites. between rivers and lakes. Therefore, the present Corbicula japonica inhabits lower reaches of study investigates the isotopic composition of rivers and brackish lakes, so that the corbicula C. japonica in brackish lakes. Based on the isotopic fisheries are prospering in many lakes. The results, the use of different components of organic environmental conditions in brackish lakes are matter in the bivalves’ diet is discussed in relation usually different from those in river mouths. From to the difference in the environmental conditions the physical point of view, for example, it is among brackish lakes and lower reaches of rivers. expected that surface water temperature is higher in brackish lakes than river mouths in summer. However, active primary production caused by the MATERIALS AND METHODS long residence time of water might increase abun- dance of phytoplankton and lead to improved bio- This study was conducted in Lake Jusan, Lake logical conditions in brackish lakes.7 The relative Ogawara and Lake Shinji, which are the foremost contributions of food sources of the corbicula in fishing grounds for corbicula in Japan (Fig. 1a).

(a) 130°E 140°E

(c) L. Jusan L. Ogawara N 40°N Sea of Japan 5 O2 OM 10 O1 L. Shinji Japan

O4 O3

OK2 PacificOcean O5 O6 30°N

R. Doba 20 R. Takase O7 O8 (b) OR OK1 15 O9 J2 N 2km JM J1 J5 O10 J9 R. Sadoro J3 J6 J10 R. Anenuma J8 J4 J7 1 .2 J-K 5 JR R. Toriya

2km R. Iwaki

L. Shinji

SM (d) L. S13 N S15 Fig. 1 (a) Site locations. Topog- S12 S1 2.5 S2 raphy and sampling stations in S11 S14 5 S3 (b) Lake Jusan, (c) Lake Ogawara S10 S4 and (d) Lake Shinji. K, M and R in the labels indicate stations from R. Hii S6 S9 S5 which benthic microalgae were S8 S7 collected, marine stations and SR 2km riverine stations, respectively. Depth contours in lakes are in meters. Food sources for corbicula in lakes FISHERIES SCIENCE 107

Landing in the three lakes accounted for over 70% and 23.7 ± 2.93 mm (average ± standard deviation) of the total corbicula landing in Japan in 2001. The in Lake Jusan, Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji, corbicula is the main component of the animal respectively, and their differences between stations biomass in each lake, and thus the most important in each lake were small. Bivalve samples were fisheries resources. stored at −40°C until analysis. The foot muscle for Lake Jusan is a shallow mesohaline lake situated each sample was excised, dried in an oven at 60°C, on the coast of Sea of Japan (Fig. 1b). The lake has and ground to a fine powder with a mortar and an area of 18.1 km2, and an average depth of 2 m pestle. with a maximum of 3 m. The River Iwaki and River To investigate the characteristics of organic Toriya empty into the lake at the south-eastern sources from rivers and lakes, the isotopes for par- and eastern ends, respectively. Adequate water ticulate organic matter (POM) were also measured. exchange between the lake and ocean through the For POM sampling in the lakes, 1 L of bottom water north-western channel leads higher salinity in (0.5–1 m above the bottom) was collected with a the north-west (>5), while salinity is kept lower van Dorn water sampler from stations where the by the freshwater discharge in the southern and bivalves were sampled. Fresh water at the middle eastern area (<5).8 Corbicula mainly inhabits the or lower reaches of River Iwaki, River Takase and northern part of the lake.9 River Hii was also sampled (JR, OR and SR, Fig. 1) Lake Ogawara is a deep oligohaline lake on the to provide data on terrestrial particulate organic coast of Pacific Ocean (Fig. 1c). It has an average matter that is transported to the lakes. In addition, depth of 11 m with a maximum of 25 m in the cen- as representatives of organic matter produced in tral part. The lake is approximately 4 km wide and the lower side of each lake, the water at the down- 14 km long with a surface area of 65.6 km.2 Fresh stream side of the lakes was collected (JM, OM and water is supplied mainly from the River Takase with SM, Fig. 1). However, these sampling sites may not additional supply from the River Sadoro, River offer pure marine POM, but potentially offer vari- Doba and River Anenuma at the southern or south- ous mixtures of riverine, lake and marine POM. western ends, while the lake water flows out to the The POM was defined by the particles collected on Pacific Ocean at the north-eastern end. The salinity a precombusted Whatman GF/F glass microfiber in the lake is significantly low (∼1) because water filter. In addition to terrestrial organic matter and exchange between the lake and ocean is strongly phytoplankton, benthic microalgae have recently limited.9 Corbicula mostly inhabits shallow coastal been recognized as important food sources for area of the whole lake. estuarine secondary producers by their high palat- Lake Shinji is a shallow oligohaline lake on the ability.6,12–14 Therefore, benthic microalgae were coast of the Sea of Japan (Fig. 1d). The surface area extracted from the surface sediments of the mud- of Lake Shinji is 79.2 km2 and its mean depth is 5 m flat in Lake Jusan (JK) and Lake Ogawara (OK1 and with a maximum depth of 6 m at its center. Fresh- OK2) by a procedure of Yokoyama and Ishihi.12 The water mainly derives from the River Hii at its west filter samples were put in a desiccator with HCl end, with relatively small freshwater input from fumes for the first 24 h to eliminate CaCO3, with minor rivers around the lake. The lake water flows NaOH fumes for the next 24 h to neutralize the out to mesohaline Lake Nakaumi, which is con- acid, and then dried. nected to the Sea of Japan, through a narrow chan- Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen were nel at the east end. Salinity in Lake Shinji is usually measured by a continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass <10, while that in Lake Nakaumi is >15.10 The cor- spectrometer with an elemental analyzer (Carlo bicula does not inhabit the central part but inhab- Erba, Lakewood, CO, USA) connected to a mass its the coastal area <4 m depth because of the spectrometer (Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Germany). hypoxia in the former in summer.11 Isotope ratios, δ13C and δ15N, are expressed by the Corbicula sampling locations are shown in standard δ notation (in ‰) in equation 1: Figure 1. Live bivalves were collected at 10 points δX = [(R /R ) − 1] × 103 (1) in Lake Jusan on 20–21 July, at 10 points in Lake sample standard Ogawara on 16–18 July, and 15 points in Lake Shinji where X is either 13C or 15N, and R is 13C/12C for car- on 3–5 August 2004 (Fig. 1). A dredge net or joren, bon and 15N/14N for nitrogen. Pee Dee Belemnite which is commonly used for corbicula fisheries in and atmospheric nitrogen were used as the isotope Japan, was used for bivalve collections in Lake standards for carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Jusan and Lake Ogawara, while a Smith–McIntyre Precision in the overall preparation and analysis grab sampler (Rigo, Saitama, Japan) was used in was ±0.12‰ for δ13C and ±0.16‰ for δ15N. Lake Shinji. Six corbicula were collected at each An aliquot of water (0.2 L) was collected to mea- point in a total of 210 individuals. The shell lengths sure the chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration in the of corbicula were 25.4 ± 1.87 mm, 28.2 ± 2.00 mm lakes and rivers. Chl-a pigments were extracted 108 FISHERIES SCIENCE A Kasai et al.

from POM in the dark for 12 h by 90% acetone, and (a) their concentrations were measured by solvent 13 J1 15 extraction photofluorometry. J2 Salinity was observed at each sampling station J3 11 using a water quality meter Clorotec (Alec Elec- J4 N

5 J5 1 tronics, Kobe, Japan) in Lake Jusan and Lake δ J6 Ogawara, and using a water quality sonde Quanta 9 J7 (Hydrolab, Loveland, CO, USA) in Lake Shinji. J8 Since corbicula inhabits bottom sediments, only J9 7 the bottom salinity was analyzed in this study. J10 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 The following data were also used to estimate the δ13C retention time of river water in each lake. Aomori (b) Prefectural Fisheries Research Center observed 13 O1 O2 salinity along the longitudinal lines of Lake Jusan ° ′ 12 O3 and Lake Ogawara, off Lake Jusan (41 00 N, O4 ° ′ ° ′ 140 00 E) and off Lake Ogawara (41 00 N, N

5 O5

1 11 141°30′E), once a month. In addition, Shimane δ O6 O7 Prefectural Inland Fisheries Experimental Station 10 observed salinity by grid surveys in the whole area O8 O9 of Lake Shinji and Lake Nakaumi, once a month. 9 O10 The average salinity from April 1996 to November -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 2004 in Lake Jusan, from April 1996 to October 2004 δ13C in Lake Ogawara, from February 1995 to December (c) 13 2004 off Lake Jusan, from June 1997 to November S1 S2 S3 S4 2004 off Lake Ogawara, and from April 1995 to 12 March 2002 in Lake Shinji and Lake Nakaumi were S5 S6 S7 S8 N analyzed in this study. The discharge from the 5

1 11 rivers flowing into each lake were quoted from δ S9 S10 S11 S12 the Japan Infrastructure Development Institute 10 database.16 S13 S14 S15 9 -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 δ13C RESULTS (d)

First, averages of stable isotope values for the cor- J-LOW 12 bicula were calculated at each sampling point. Sec- J-UP ond, they were classified by salinity into two or O-LOW N

5 O-UP 1 three groups in each lake; upper, middle and lower δ 10 S-LOW area. Third, their Mahalanobis distances from the S-MID center of each group were calculated. When the S-UP distance in the group was larger than that in 8 another group, the bivalves were reclassified into -27 -25 -23 -21 the other group. The results are summarized in δ13C Table 1. Corbicula shows different isotope ratios in the different regions of the lakes, indicating differ- Fig. 2 δ13C and δ15N plot of Corbicula japonica in (a) ent mixes of organic matter sources as their food. Lake Jusan (b) Lake Ogawara (c) Lake Shinji and (d) all The δ13C–δ15N map of stable isotope composition lakes. Bars indicate standard deviations. UP, MID and clearly displays the characteristics (Fig. 2). In Lake LOW indicate upper, middle and lower sites, respec- Jusan, they were statistically classified into two tively. See Table 1 for the definition of upper, middle and lower sites. groups. Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios for the bivalves near inflow rivers (Stations J7, J9 and J10) were considerably depleted (δ13C = −26.3 ± 0.72‰ and δ15N = 9.0 ± 0.66‰), while those downstream at Stations O8–O10 (δ13C = −23.7 ± 0.41‰) than (Stations J1–J6 and J8) were enriched in δ13C = those at Stations O1–O7 (δ13C = −22.0 ± 0.44‰) in −22.7 ± 0.59‰ and δ15N = 11.0 ± 0.63‰ (Fig. 2a, Lake Ogawara. They were significantly different Student’s t-test, P < 0.01). Figure 2b shows that the between upper and lower sites (Student’s t-test, carbon isotope ratios for the bivalves were higher P < 0.01), although the variation was smaller than Food sources for corbicula in lakes FISHERIES SCIENCE 109

Table 1 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (‰) for the bivalves, salinity, chlorophyll concentrations and category of sampling points C. japonica Site δ13C (‰) δ15N (‰) Salinity Chl a conc. (µg/L) Category Lake Jusan J1 −22.3 ± 0.23 11.5 ± 0.43 7.17 7.3 Lower J2 −21.8 ± 0.27 11.1 ± 0.39 6.63 4.6 Lower J3 −22.9 ± 0.32 11.6 ± 0.29 nd 8.5 Lower J4 −23.1 ± 0.25 11.0 ± 0.61 6.52 18.1 Lower J5 −22.4 ± 0.35 10.8 ± 0.18 5.28 8.9 Lower J6 −23.3 ± 0.24 10.7 ± 0.34 5.65 7.1 Lower J7 −25.7 ± 0.28 9.7 ± 0.48 6.70 11.4 Upper J8 −23.3 ± 0.29 10.1 ± 0.64 0.91 8.0 Lower J9 −27.1 ± 0.38 8.7 ± 0.29 0.07 2.4 Upper J10 −26.0 ± 0.44 8.5 ± 0.44 nd 5.1 Upper Lake Ogawara O1 −21.9 ± 0.37 11.4 ± 0.44 1.48 27.5 Lower O2 −21.6 ± 0.41 10.6 ± 0.42 1.39 30.6 Lower O3 −22.4 ± 0.22 11.5 ± 0.33 1.30 23.9 Lower O4 −22.3 ± 0.25 11.1 ± 0.30 1.39 24.7 Lower O5 −21.9 ± 0.23 10.8 ± 0.41 1.39 26.9 Lower O6 −21.9 ± 0.62 10.6 ± 0.18 1.29 37.4 Lower O7 −22.0 ± 0.45 10.3 ± 0.40 1.34 27.2 Lower O8 −23.2 ± 0.24 10.6 ± 0.33 nd 37.6 Upper O9 −23.9 ± 0.15 11.1 ± 0.31 0.66 32.8 Upper O10 −24.0 ± 0.18 11.7 ± 0.23 0.94 30.4 Upper Lake Shinji S1 −21.0 ± 0.32 11.7 ± 0.34 6.46 8.2 Lower S2 −20.8 ± 0.15 11.6 ± 0.29 6.32 17.0 Lower S3 −20.8 ± 0.20 11.5 ± 0.42 6.53 17.5 Lower S4 −21.1 ± 0.44 11.1 ± 0.52 6.16 14.3 Lower S5 −20.9 ± 0.25 11.0 ± 0.26 5.91 22.6 Lower S6 −21.2 ± 0.15 11.0 ± 0.19 5.09 20.8 Middle S7 −21.4 ± 0.19 10.5 ± 0.18 3.89 28.1 Middle S8 −23.4 ± 0.26 10.9 ± 0.30 4.23 46.1 Upper S9 −22.2 ± 0.08 10.2 ± 0.27 3.21 19.2 Upper S10 −21.9 ± 0.10 10.7 ± 0.23 5.93 14.2 Middle S11 −22.8 ± 0.12 10.7 ± 0.15 5.79 7.8 Upper S12 −21.8 ± 0.14 11.1 ± 0.23 6.11 13.3 Middle S13 −21.8 ± 0.19 10.3 ± 0.33 6.05 9.9 Middle S14 −21.0 ± 0.25 10.4 ± 0.18 6.53 14.0 Middle S15 −21.2 ± 0.31 10.3 ± 0.08 6.53 11.1 Middle

Values in δ13C and δ15N columns are mean ± SD. Upper, Lower and Middle categories indicate Upper site, Lower site and Middle site, respectively, categorized by isotope values for the bivalves and salinity. nd, no data. that in Lake Jusan. Nitrogen isotope ratios were S12–S15; and (iii) δ13C = −20.9 ± 0.30‰ and 11.1 ± 0.54‰ in the upper and 10.9 ± 0.53‰ in the δ15N = 11.4 ± 0.46‰ at Stations S1–S5 (ANOVA, lower sites, and no significant difference was P < 0.01). In all lakes, the deviations at each station detected (Student’s t-test, P > 0.01). The variation were small for both δ13C and δ15N. in the isotope ratios was modest in Lake Shinji Figure 3 shows isotopic compositions for POM (Fig. 2c). However, a similar carbon isotope trend, and benthic microalgae. POM in Lake Jusan was that exhibited an enrichment from the upper site low (δ13C < −25‰ and δ15N < 8‰), with more to the lower site, to the other lakes was apparent, depletion in upper sites (Stations J6–J10). The iso- and the bivalves were classified into three groups; tope values were comparable to those for riverine (i) δ13C = −22.8 ± 0.52‰ and δ15N = 10.6 ± 0.39‰ at POM (δ13C = −30.3‰ and δ15N = 3.3‰), indicating Stations S8, S9 and S11; (ii) δ13C = −21.5 ± 0.39‰ strong influence of terrestrial matter. However, and δ15N = 10.6 ± 0.36‰ at Stations S6, S7, S10, and benthic microalgae showed considerably enriched 110 FISHERIES SCIENCE A Kasai et al.

(a) (a) 10 J1 J2 8 J3 J4 30

6 J5 J6 N 5 y 1 J7 J8 t i

δ 20 n

4 i l

J9 J10 a S 2 JK JR 10 0 JM -34 -32 -30 -28 -26-24-22-20-18 δ13C 0 (b) J-R J-UP J-LO J-M 12 O1 O2 (b) 10 O3 O4

8 O5 O6 30 N 5

1 O7 O8 δ 6 O10 OR y t i 20 n

4 OK1 OK2 i l a

OM S 2 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 10 δ13C (c) S1 S2 0 8 S3 S4 O-R O-UP O-LO O-M S5 S6 6 S7 S8 (c) N

5 S9 S10 1 δ S11 S12 30 4 S13 S14 S15 SR y t SM i 20 n

2 i l -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 a S 13 δ C 10

Fig. 3 δ13C and δ15N plot of particulate organic matter and benthic microalgae in (a) Lake Jusan (b) Lake 0 Ogawara and (c) Lake Shinji. K, M and R in the labels S-R S-UP S-MID S-LO S-M indicate stations from which benthic microalgae were collected, marine stations and riverine stations, Fig. 4 Salinity in (a) Lake Jusan (b) Lake Ogawara and respectively. (c) Lake Shinji. UP, MID and LO indicate upper, middle and lower sites, respectively. Error bars, ±standard deviation. ratios (δ13C = −20.2‰ and δ15N = 7.9‰). POM in Lake Ogawara had average δ13C and δ15N values of −21.0 ± 1.26‰ and 8.5 ± 1.23‰, respectively, with lower sites. The deviation in salinity was largest in small variation. They are similar to the values for the three lakes, similar to that for the isotope ratios microalgae, and significantly enriched compared for the bivalves and POM. In Lake Ogawara, salinity with POM in the inflow river. In Lake Shinji, isotope was low at all observation points, showing a trivial values at the western sites (Stations S10 and S11) increasing trend from south to north (Fig. 4b). The were depleted (δ13C < −28‰ and δ15N < 6‰) and western part of Lake Shinji showed slightly lower comparable to riverine POM values. POM at the salinity (3.2–4.2 at S7–S9) than the central or east- center and the eastern sites showed higher values ern parts (5.1–6.5, Fig. 4c). It is a common feature with small variation (δ13C = −26.3 ± 0.60‰ and in all lakes that salinity was lower in the upper sites δ15N = 6.5 ± 1.17‰). than the lower, although the deviation was differ- Salinity was less than 1 at Stations J8 and J9, ent among the lakes. while 5.3–7.2 at Stations J1–J7 in Lake Jusan In Lake Jusan, Chl-a concentrations were 2.4– (Table 1 and Fig. 4a). The salinity front almost cor- 18.1 µg/L, which were comparable to that in the responded to the boundary between the upper and inflow river (5.8 µg/L, Table 1 and Fig. 5a), except Food sources for corbicula in lakes FISHERIES SCIENCE 111


40 Salinity was >5 at Stations J1–J7, while <1 at Sta- tions J8 and J9 in Lake Jusan (Table 1 and Fig. 4a). )

L 30 8 / This result is consistent with previous reports, and g µ (

shows high salinity was restricted in the north- a

- 20 . l western part of the lake. By contrast, the influence h

C of fresh water was high in the southern and eastern 10 parts of the lake. The water color changed between J6 and J8, showing a visible front between marine 0 and fresh water. Each observation station in Lake J-R J-UP J-LO J-M Ogawara showed low salinity (<1.5, Table 1, (b) Fig. 4b), indicating the least intrusion of ocean water into the lake. Using a numerical simulation 40 and hydrographic observations, Ishikawa17 showed that ocean water occasionally intrudes into the ) L

/ 30 lake, but its influence is restricted to within a few g µ

( kilometers from the channel and seldom spreads


- 20 . over the lake. Lower salinity was observed at Sta- l h

C tions O9 and O10 than the other stations, indicat- 10 ing stronger influence of fresh water from the rivers. This is also consistent with the numerical 0 simulation, which shows the river water is trapped O-R O-UP O-LO O-M by a circulation in the southern part of the lake.17 Salinity exhibited a gradual increase from west to (c) east in Lake Shinji (Table 1, Fig. 4c). The salinity 40 distribution corresponds to flow patterns caused by the wind in summer.18 Since the salinity gradient

) in Lake Shinji was modest compared with that in L 30 / g

µ Lake Jusan, the fresh water from the river and salt- (

a ier water from Lake Nakaumi would be efficiently - 20 . l

h mixed, although the circulation may affect the C 10 behavior of nutrient-rich fresh water. It is generally supposed that primary production 0 is low in Japanese rivers because the catchment S-R S-UP S-MID S-LO S-M basins are mountainous and thus the river water flows out speedily to the sea.7 It is expected that Fig. 5 Chlorophyll a concentrations in (a) Lake Jusan phytoplankton would be abundant in lakes, which (b) Lake Ogawara and (c) Lake Shinji. UP, MID and LO trap water for a long period. Assuming that water indicate upper, middle and lower sites, respectively. completely mixes in the lake, the retention time of ± Error bars, standard deviation. river water (τ) is expressed by: VS()- S t= OB, (2) for one point (J4) with a higher concentration. By SRO contrast, Chl-a concentration was 1.3 µg/L in River where V is the lake volume, SO and SB are the salin- Takase, but it rapidly increased in Lake Ogawara ity outside and inside the lake, respectively, and R (23.9–37.6 µg/L, Fig. 5b). The trend in Chl-a con- is the river discharge volume.19 In this study, salin- centration in Lake Shinji was similar to that in Lake ity in the outer ocean was used for SO for Lake Jusan Ogawara (Fig. 5c); Chl-a concentrations were con- and Lake Ogawara, and that in the Lake Nakaumi siderably higher in the lake (7.8–46.1 µg/L) than for Lake Shinji. Substituting the values listed in that in the River Hii (1.3 µg/L). In addition, Chl-a Table 2 into equation 2, τ is estimated at 1, 455 and concentration at the downstream sites of Lake 88 days in Lake Jusan, Lake Ogawara and Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji (Stations OM and SM) Shinji, respectively. The residence time is consider- was lower than measurements inside the lakes. ably short in Lake Jusan, but those in the other two These results indicate that primary production is lakes are sufficiently long to grow phytoplankton. low in Lake Jusan, while remarkable in Lake These estimates are in agreement with the Ogawara and Lake Shinji. observed chlorophyll concentrations in the lakes; 112 FISHERIES SCIENCE A Kasai et al.

Table 2 Estimates of water retention time and (a) (b) parameters

3 3 C-L C Lake V (m ) SB SO R (m /s) τ (days) 10 10 C-U 7† N Jusan 1.8 × 10 17.3 33.6 88.2 1 N MPP APP&BA 15 15 δ Ogawara 7.2 × 108† 1.1 33.5 17.7 455 δ Shinji 3.7 × 108‡ 4.4 21.0 38.4 88 5 TM 5 TM

-30 -25 -20 -30 -25 -20 V, volume of the lakes; SB, salinity of the lakes; SO, salinity δ13 δ13 outside the lakes; R, river discharge into the lakes; τ, retention C C time of river water. R for Lake Jusan is the river discharge of River Iwaki, for Lake Ogawara is that of River Takase, and for Fig. 6 Schematic view of isotope ratios and food webs Lake Shinji is that of River Hii. in (a) Lake Jusan and (b) Lake Ogawara and Lake Shinji. Data source †: and ‡: http:// C-U, corbicula in the upper sites; C-L, corbicula in the lower sites; C, corbicula; TM, terrestrial matter; MPP, marine phytoplankton; APP, autochthonous phy- toplankton; BA, benthic microalgae. Wider arrows indi- cate larger flux of organic matter. lower in Lake Jusan and higher in the others (Fig. 5). In a previous report,20 the total nitrogen output from Lake Ogawara was estimated at 739 t/ yr, compared with the total nitrogen input of approximately 5 mm/d in August, 74 mm/day pre- 1303 t/yr. It is also accounted in Lake Shinji that the cipitation was recorded on 2 August 2004 at nitrogen output is about 70% of the input.21 These on the east coast of Lake Shinji. A large amount of results are consistent with our results on phy- terrestrial matter must have flowed into the lake toplankton abundance. It is considered that phy- from the River Hii and other rivers. Therefore, the toplankton grows actively using a plenty of isotope ratios for POM changed temporally and nutrients flowing into the lakes from the rivers and the observed values would be unrepresentative of is subsequently used by the secondary producers the normal POM in the lake. Previous measure- such as bivalves and zooplankton. However, resi- ment of isotope values, which showed more dence time would be too short for growth of phy- enriched δ13C for sediments in Lake Shinji,30 sup- toplankton in Lake Jusan. In addition, the inflow ports this hypothesis. river water contains abundant mineral particu- Both δ13C and δ15N values for corbicula were sig- lates, so that high turbidity would restrict primary nificantly depleted in the upper sites, while production in the lake.8 enriched in the lower sites in Lake Jusan (Fig. 2). The significantly depleted isotope ratios for The former was similar to the terrestrial POM. POM in the rivers are convenient for estimates of Since primary production is low in the lake, the bivalve diets. The observed low values are in the contribution of terrestrial matter would be impor- range of the terrestrial organic matter,22–24 indicat- tant as a food source for the corbicula in the upper ing that riverine POM consists mainly of terrige- sites (Fig. 6a). A C:N ratio of POM in the upper sites nous C3 plants in the upper catchment basin. The (average 11.8) which is higher than the Redfield loading of terrestrial matter has an effect on the ratio (∼6.6) supports this idea. It is reported that isotope ratios for POM in Lake Jusan, which δ13C of marine phytoplankton is between −16 and showed the most depleted values in the three lakes −21‰, and δ15N is between 7 and 10‰.23,31,32 As (Fig. 3a). The enriched carbon isotope ratios for δ13C and δ15N of animal tissue are ∼1‰ and ∼3‰ benthic microalgae are also comparable with pre- heavier than the diet, respectively,4,33 the corbicula vious studies.12,25–29 POM in Lake Ogawara showed at the lower sites had stable isotope ratios between higher δ13C and δ15N values than the other two those for terrestrial matter and marine phy- lakes (Fig. 3b). Considering with the high produc- toplankton. Therefore, corbicula would assimilate tivity in the lake, the isotope ratios would reflect both of them (Fig. 6a). The comparable isotope the autochthonous phytoplankton. However, ratios of benthic microalgae and corbicula in the determination of the relative contribution from lower sites imply that microalgae might be one of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae to POM is the food sources. The contribution of benthic difficult as the isotopic signatures are similar to microalgae, however, should be insignificant in each other. POM in Lake Shinji, in contrast to Lake Lake Jusan because primary production is small. Ogawara, showed a shift in the isotope ratios to The dependence of terrestrial matter in the upper that of terrestrial matter (Fig. 3c). This difference sites in Lake Jusan is similar to that in the lower could result from heavy rain on the day before reach of the Kushida River, where primary produc- observation. Compared with a monthly average of tion would be small.6 However, the corbicula in Food sources for corbicula in lakes FISHERIES SCIENCE 113

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