c o n t e n t s Conservation and Wise Use of Rich and Diverse Wetlands RAMSAR SITES in The Japanese Archipelago and Nature ...... 2 Location Map of Ramsar Sites in Japan ...... 8 Kutcharo-ko ...... 9 of mammals, 700 species of birds, 30,000 Sarobetsu-genya ...... 10 species of insects and 7000 species of vas- Uryunuma-shitsugen ...... 11 The Japanese Archi- cular plants as well as many endemics. Miyajima-numa ...... 12 The population of Japan is 127.5 mil- Onuma ...... 13 pelago and Nature Utonai-ko ...... 14 lion, most of which is concentrated in Tofutsu-ko ...... 15 The Japanese Archipelago is an island the very small flatland areas. The average Notsuke-hanto and Notsuke-wan chain spanning 3000km from north to population density is 343 persons per km2...... 16 south along the Japan Sea in the east Human intervention and the changing Furen-ko and Shunkuni-tai ...... 17 Kiritappu-shitsugen ...... 18 of the Eurasian continent. It consists of lifestyle induced by rapid urbanization Akkeshi-ko and Bekambeushi- four major islands of , Honshu, during the high economic growth have shitsugen ...... 19 Shikoku, and Kyushu, with 6000 islands increasingly exerted pressures on the Kushiro-shitsugen ...... 20 surrounding them. natural landscape, as well as biosphere in Akan-ko ...... 21 The is diverse as Japan. As a result, many flora and fauna Hotokenuma ...... 22 Izu-numa and Uchi-numa ...... 23 seen in its high altitude mountain ranges are faced with extinction. Kabukuri-numa and the surround- exceeding 3000m in height, coastlines ing rice paddies ...... 24 of over 30,000km, and hundreds of riv- Kejo-numa ...... 25 ers and streams flow down the generally Oyama Kami-ike and Shimo-ike ...... 26 steep, eroded slopes. Status of Wetlands in Hyo-ko ...... 27 Spanning subarctic to subtropical Sakata ...... 28 zones, climatic conditions are varied as Japan Oze ...... 29 well, influenced by seasonal monsoon Oku-Nikko-shitsugen ...... 30 winds, with distinct weather patterns for Because of the large amount of precipi- Watarase-yusuichi ...... 31 each season and average precipitation ex- tation and the surrounding oceans, Japan Yatsu-higata ...... 32 Tateyama Midagahara and ceeding 1000mm per annum. is a country blessed with water. Conse- Dainichidaira ...... 33 Forests cover over 25 million ha, or 67% quently, within its small land area there Katano-kamoike ...... 34 of the total area of Japan, with most found are numerous marshlands, rivers, ponds Nakaikemi-shicchi ...... 35 in mountainous areas. The slopes of the and lakes, beaches, tidal flats, coral reefs, Mikata-goko ...... 36 Tokai Hilly Land Spring- mountains are generally steep and dis- mangrove forests, seagrass/seaweed fed Mires ...... 37 sected by many ravines and gorges. Most beds, rice paddies, reservoirs, springs, Fujimae-higata ...... 38 plains and basins are small in size and and underground water systems, which Biwa-ko ...... 39 scattered among hills or along the coasts. represent the myriad of wetland types Lower Maruyama River and the surrounding rice paddies ...... 40 Many of them were shaped by the river supporting Japan’s rich biodiversity. Kushimoto Coral Communities sediments...... 41 Land use is quite complex in Japan, due Marshlands: Nakaumi ...... 42 mainly to its topography. Most mountains In the field of soil science, marshlands Shinji-ko ...... 43 and hilly areas are covered by forests with are known as peatlands. These can be clas- Miyajima ...... 44 some parts converted to pastures and sified into high moors which are rich in Akiyoshidai Groundwater System ...... 45 orchards. Flatlands including plateaus, plant species such as sphagnum sustained Kuju Bogatsuru and Tadewara- terraces and plains are generally used only by nutrient-poor rainfall, low moors shitsugen ...... 46 for agricultural and residential purposes. where reeds and sedge thrive enriched Arao-higata ...... 47 Rice paddies dominate the plains except in with trophic salts from rivers, and the in- Imuta-ike ...... 48 Yakushima Nagata-hama ...... 49 sprawling urban areas. termediate moors characterized by colo- Manko ...... 50 In such a country where there is a rich nies of plants such as Moliniopsis japonica. Kerama-shoto Coral Reef ...... 51 growth of all forms of life, the Japanese As low moors tend to be directly im- Streams in Kume-jima ...... 52 have nurtured a culture to live in accord- pacted by human activity, those at lower Yonaha-wan ...... 53 ance with the changing seasons while they altitudes in southern Honshu have long Nagura Amparu ...... 54 were forced to live while facing the natu- been converted into rice paddies and resi- ral disasters such as earthquakes and vol- dential areas. canic eruptions. However, instead of con- While they are found as far south as fronting nature, the Japanese acclimated Yakushima Island, intermediate moors are to nature and cultivated wide-ranging generally distributed in cool temperate knowledge, skill, arts, sensitivity, and a zones throughout Japan. sense of beauty. High moors are found extensively in the Japan’s rich biodiversity has been Chubu region of central Honshu and Hokkai- shaped by the climate, intricate land use, do in the north, and provide important habi- diverse natural environment and tradi- tats for relict species of the Ice Age. tional view of nature in each region where The largest marshland in Japan is Ku- people live harmoniously with nature. shiro-shitugen, a Ramsar site in Hokkaido, Approximately 69,000 species have been with an area of 18,000ha. There are many identified in Japan including 160 species other marshlands designated as Ramsar

2 RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN Status of Wetlands in Japan

sites such as Sarobetsu-genya, Kiritappu- as the managed broad-leaved deciduous Coastlines: shitugen, Bekambeushi-shitsugen, Utonai- forests in the surrounding hills form the Japan consists of over 6000 islands ko, Uryunuma-shitsugen, Oze, Oku-Nikko- unique, secondary natural environments and the total length of the coast line is shitsugen, and Kuju Bogatsuru and found everywhere in Japan. This sort of 32,800km, of which 53.1% is natural and Tedewara-shitsugen. secondary natural environment is a rich 33.0% artificial. Approximately 1300km repository of biodiversity and has been of natural coastline has disappeared due Rivers: maintained by moderate human distur- to artificial modification in the 20 years Japan has 109 principal river systems bances such as the undergrowth clearing following 1978. In the main islands of encompassing about 14,000 rivers and and pond dredging that have been con- Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, streams. Because Japan has many moun- ducted in people’s daily lives. However, natural coast line covers only 42.3%. tains, most rivers are short in length, and this balance has been lost because of the The Ramsar sites along the coast- travel down steep inclines to the ocean. changing lifestyle. line includes Miyajima, a well conserved Heavy rainfalls in the upper reaches result Rice paddies are the grounds for food natural coast and forest in the back, and in repeated sudden floods. Flood control is production as well as the important Yakushima Nagata-hama, a natural sand the greatest challenge in river basin man- stopover sites and feeding grounds for beach which is the largest nesting habi- agement schemes. migratory birds such as shorebirds and tat for the Loggerhead Sea Turtle in the Of the 113 major rivers in Japan, very few other waterfowl. In addition, rice paddies Northern Pacific region. remain in their natural state, unmarked by provide habitats for innumerable aquatic dams, dikes, and sluices. Natu- Brackish Lakes: ral riverbanks have largely un- There are numbers of coastal dergone artificial modification, lagoons in Japan and most of resulting in the habitat loss for them are brackish lakes linked aquatic species every year. The to the sea. Often being the Bekambeushi River in a Ramsar final depository of organic site in Hokkaido is one of the trophic materials from rivers, exceptional rivers retaining all these lakes are shallow, with a of its natural riverbanks. complex ecosystem combining freshwater and saline environ- Freshwater Lakes: ments. These combined char- Various types of lakes are acteristics create a highly pro- scattered throughout the coun- ductive ecosystem that abounds try. Some are in mountainous with marine resources that areas, while others lie in flat- support fishing industries. The lands, and still others exist as lagoons in species such as fish and insects. Rice pad- Ramsar sites in Japan include those brack- recessed coastlines. dies are included as some of the Ramsar ish lakes such as Akkeshi-ko, Furen-ko and Biwa-ko, a lake in Shiga Prefecture, sites in Japan, such as Kabukuri-numa Shunkuni-tai, Tofutsu-ko, Mikata-goko, is Japan’s largest lake with an area of and the surrounding rice paddies, Katano- Nakaumi, and Shinji-ko. 67,000ha. Other freshwater lakes desig- kamoike, and the Lower Maruyama River nated as Ramsar sites include Kutcharo- and the surrounding rice paddies. There Seagrass/Seaweed Beds: ko, Miyajima-numa, Onuma, Utonai-ko, are numbers of Ramsar sites such as Seagrass/Seaweed beds refer to coastal Akan-ko, Izu-numa and Uchi-numa, Miyajima-numa, Izu-numa and Uchi- waters where vast communities of sea- Kabukuri-numa, Sakata, Katano-kamoike, numa, Sakata, Nakaumi, and Shinji-ko, grass such as Eelgrass and seaweed such and Imuta-ike. They provide important that consist of a complex wetland ecosys- as Kelp thrive. These areas provide oxygen habitats for ducks, geese, swans, and oth- tem with the rice paddies around them. for marine organisms, purify water and er waterfowl, as well as freshwater fishes, In 2010, Japan and Korea jointly pro- stabilize the sea-bottom environment. In plants, and aquatic insects such as drag- posed at COP10 a draft resolution on addition, they are important for providing onflies. enhancing biodiversity in rice paddies not only food sources, but also places for In addition to freshwater lakes, irriga- as wetland systems, which was adopted nesting, growth, and hiding for countless tion pools and reservoirs for rice paddies unanimously as the Resolution X.31. (See species including fish and sea turtles. Sea- in Japan have played an important role as Appendix 1) grass/Seaweed beds have been excellent habitats for wildlife including migratory fishing grounds for Japanese people for a water birds. Groundwater Systems: long period of time. The Ramsar Convention now recognizes According to the Survey on Marine Rice Paddies: subterranean karst topography formed by Organisms Environment (Seagrass/Sea- Rice paddies cover 2.6 million ha out limestone and underground hydrological weed) in 1994, Japan has 200,000ha of of Japan’s total land area of the 38 mil- systems as a wetland type. Japan’s larg- Seagrass/Seaweed beds (counting those lion ha. From ancient days, the Japanese est karst topography, the Akiyoshidai exceeding 1ha in area) within the wa- have earned their livelihoods by rice pro- Groundwater System, with three subterra- ters shallower than 20m. Compared to duction. Rice paddies and their intercon- nean caves, is designated as a Ramsar site. the 1978 survey, 6400 ha of Seagrass/ nected channels and reservoirs, as well Seaweed beds was lost by land reclama-

RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN 3 tion and other factors caused by degra- Coral Reefs: tional legislation of laws such as the Natu- dation of surrounding environment. As The total area of reef-building corals in ral Parks Law and Wildlife Protection and these trends are still continuing today, Japan is approximately 35,350ha, most of Hunting Law. 3. Gain consent and support their conservation is a pressing issue. In which are located south of the Tokara Ar- of the local communities. addition, there are many reports that a chipelago in the Nansei Islands, Kagoshima Wetlands are classified into 42 types by number of Seagrass/Seaweed beds have Prefecture. The species diversity of reef- the Annex I to the Resolution VIII.13 of been damaged by the Tohoku earthquake building corals found there is among the the Ramsar Convention (See Appendix 3) and tsunami in 2011. most outstanding in the world. Kushimoto The wetlands designated as Ramsar sites Particularly large Eelgrass beds remain Coral Communities with a unique high lati- in Japan also include various types of wet- in Notsuke-wan, a Ramsar site in Hokkaido. tude coral community, and Kerama-shoto lands such as marshlands, lakes, rice pad- Coral Reef with a magnifi- dies, salt marshes, tidal flats, seagrass/ cent coral community are the seaweed beds, sand beaches, mangrove Ramsar sites with coral reefs forests, coral reefs and groundwater sys- in Japan. tems, reflecting the diversity of Japan’s wetlands.

Ramsar Sites in Japan The Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands When Japan became a contracting party to the Defining wetlands in the broadest of Ramsar Convention in 1980, terms, the Ramsar Convention strives not Tidal flats: Kushiro-shitsugen became Japan’s first only for their conservation, but for their In the Seashore Survey of 1998, Ramsar site. In 1993, Kushiro City hosted wise use as well. The ‘wise use’ of wetlands 49,380ha of tidal flats (exceeding 100m the Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the is defined as “sustainable utilization for in width and 1ha in area) were identi- Contracting Parties (COP5) to the Ramsar the benefit of mankind in a way compatible fied. When tidal flats are exposed and Convention, greatly raising awareness of with the maintenance of the natural prop- submerged repeatedly, rich nutritious the objectives of the Ramsar Convention in erties of the ecosystem.” In Japan where sediments from the river and sea are de- Japan and the rest of Asia. The number of people have been fostering a culture to posited there to build up a rich community Ramsar sites in Japan gradually increased coexist with nature instead of controlling of microorganisms and benthos. The water thereafter, to reach 13 at COP8. it, there are a number of examples of wise purification function of these organisms These numbers would soon multiply: in use practiced by people for a long period of attracts people’s attention these days. November 2005 at COP9, Japan added 20 time. Rice cultivation in paddies is a form of Tidal flats are indispensable habitat for more wetlands. This was achieved in re- wetland management. Domestic use of reed shorebirds for feeding and resting as well. sponse to the global objective set at COP7 and lotus plants that have a function to Due to scarcities in flatlands, tidal flats in 1999 to double the number of the 1000 prevent eutrophication in lakes and marsh- tend to become the targets in various de- Ramsar sites by 2005. es, and local rules for hunting and fishing velopment projects in Japan, and conse- In the Third National Biodiversity Strat- are other examples of wise use. It often is quently 6000ha of tidal flats disappeared egy of Japan established in 2007, Japan important for the promotion of wise use in in the twenty years following 1978. Some set an objective to increase 10 other each region to review these regional cul- of the existing tidal flats are under the Ramsar sites by COP11. In response to tures and traditions. threat of development even now. The Ram- the objective, 4 new wetlands were desig- sar sites of Yatsu-higata, Fujimae-higata, nated as Ramsar sites in October 2008 at Policy for Wetland Conservation: Arao-higata, Manko, Yonaha-wan, and COP10. In 2010, Japan selected 172 wet- Japan’s national policy on wetlands is Nagura Amparu are valuable examples of lands that satisfy the criteria for wetlands described in National Biodiversity Strat- tidal flats that have been preserved. of international importance identified by egy of Japan 2010 (established in 2010). the Annex II to the Resolution VIII.13 of In order to conserve the unique ecologi- Mangrove Forests: the Ramsar Convention. (See Appendix 4) cal character of wetlands while achiev- According to the Seashore Survey Out of the selected candidate wetlands, 9 ing consensus of the society, it directs us (1998), out of 2670ha of mangrove forests wetlands were designated as new Ramsar to promote conservation in a big picture in Japan, over 95% are found in Okinawa sites at COP 11 in July 2012, counting 46 encompassing the river basin and coastal Prefecture. Although most are small in sites in Japan in total. areas, using various measures such as scale, there are a few which exceed 100ha When designating wetlands as Ramsar grasping the ecological changes and con- in area. Out of over 100 species of mangrove sites, Japan sees the followings as prereq- servation status through monitoring, ex- plant in the world, 7 species belonging to 4 uisites. panding protected areas, implementing families have been identified in Japan. The 1. Meet the international criteria set nature restoration projects and network- mangrove forests are found in Manko, and by the Ramsar Convention 2. Ensure long- ing the wetlands. Nagura Amparu, Ramsar sites in Okinawa. term conservation of the site through na-

4 RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN Status of Wetlands in Japan

Laws for the Conservation of the Natural and wise use. Acknowledging this, the in- Twinning arrangement between Wet- Environment: ternational community has high expecta- land Sites: Legislation for nature conservation and tions for Japan, a developed country in In order to promote information ex- the protection of wildlife in Japan include Asia, to work towards its realization. To change and awareness-raising activi- the Basic Environmental Law, Basic Act on meet these expectations, Japan is actively ties for the conservation and wise use of Biodiversity, Nature Conservation Law, engaged in a variety of international co- wetlands between Japan and other coun- Natural Parks Law, Law for the Protection operation such as those described below. tries, twinning arrangements have been of Cultural Properties, Wildlife Protection established. The existing arrangements and Hunting Law, Law for Conservation Financial Assistance and Technology are linking Kushiro-shitsugen, Kiritappu- of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Transfer for the Conservation of shitsugen, Akkeshi-ko and Bekambeushi- Flora, Law for the Promotion of Nature Wetlands: shitsugen to Hunter Estuary Wetlands of Restoration, and the Invasive Alien Spe- Japan International Cooperation Agen- New South Wales, Australia, Yatsu-higata cies Act. Some of the laws regulate the de- cy (JICA) invites trainees from developing to Boondall Wetland in Queensland, Aus- velopment and exploitation of resources countries to Japan for study courses for tralia, and Fujimae-higata to the wetlands to protect specific species and/or specific the conservation and wise use of wet- in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. areas, and some of them are aimed at res- lands, conservation of coral reefs and con- toration of lost natural environments. servation of mangroves. In addition, tech- Bilateral Agreements for Migratory Many wetlands and the countless species nology transfer projects including wetland Birds: inhabiting them are covered in these laws. conservation are underway in Iran and Japan supports migratory bird protec- Uganda. Japan also supports the various tion and has bilateral conventions/agree- Stakeholder Participation: wetlands conservation programmes in the ments with the United States, Russia, In Japan, local governments are the Asian region by contributing voluntarily Australia and China. Actions have been administration bodies working closely to the Ramsar Small Grants Fund. taken to ban migratory bird hunting, pro- together regarding wetlands and their mote information exchange, establish surrounding catchments. They are respon- sanctuaries, secure measures for the con- sible for implementing wetland manage- servation of habitats, as well as to conduct ment policies through various public serv- joint surveys. The Japan-Korea Environ- ices. These activities are supplemented by ment Protection and Cooperation Agree- the establishment of prefectural wildlife ment was signed, whereupon joint surveys protection areas, nature conservation and meetings have been organized for the areas, and natural parks, as well as the protection of migratory birds. independent formulation of prefectural environmental legislation and projects for The Partnership for the East Asian- wetland conservation. Australasian Flyway: There is also a network called “Meeting There are nine main flyways for migra- of Japanese Municipalities Involved with tory birds in the world. Japan belongs to Wetlands Designated under the Ramsar the East-Asian Australasian Flyway which Convention” that encourages information is crucial to more than 50 million migra- exchange and project cooperation. Regu- Wetland Surveys and Information tory waterfowl such as shorebirds, cranes, lar meetings are organized to promote Exchanges: swans, ducks and geese, including 28 grass root wetland conservation activities The Ministry of the Environment organ- worldwide endangered species. In addi- striving for appropriate management of ized surveys and workshops in Myanmar tion, in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, mi- these sites. in order to compile a national wetland in- gratory birds account for 60 percent of the Conservation and wise use of wetlands ventory, which subsequently led to Myan- bird species recorded, and as much as 80 may not be achieved without the under- mar’s entry into the Ramsar Convention. percent in Hokkaido and Ryukyu islands. standing and participation of the local In addition, the Ministry supported the This indicates that the Japanese Archi- people who are most familiar with the wet- designations of Ramsar Sites in Thailand, pelago is an important place for migratory lands. In many Ramsar sites in Japan, there Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. birds. are numbers of examples of cooperation The Ministry also supports the “Asian Japan is one of the leading countries and collaboration involving many stake- Wetland Symposium”, which has been held in the Partnership for the East Asian- holders promoting local level activities. regularly inviting scientists, specialists, Australasian Flyway (EAAFP) along with administrative bodies and NGOs for wet- Australia and Korea, and promoting the land management in Asia. Japan proposed water bird conservation based on this at COP 9 a draft resolution on encourage- partnership. International ments and instructions to promote re- Cooperation gional scientific and technical fora such as the “Asian Wetland Symposium” and it International cooperation such as shar- was adopted as the Resolution IX.19. (See ing experiences and technologies is vital Appendix 2) to meet the goals of wetland conservation

RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN 5 Appendix 1: Resolution X.31 Enhancing biodiversity in rice paddies as wetland systems

1. RECOGNIZING that rice is grown in at least 114 countries worldwide and, as the staple diet (IWMI), Wetland Action, and Wetlands International, including the preparation of a framework for over half the world’s population, has contributed to about 20% of the total calorie supply for guidance related to interactions between wetlands and agriculture; and in the world; 14. NOTING that information and products related to rice paddy farming are available through the 2. AWARE of recent concern over global food supplies and costs and the need for increasing food work and publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on production, and ALSO AWARE that Resolution X.23 on Wetlands and human health and well-being agriculture and biodiversity, including agri-biodiversity indicators; that information on wetland, highlights the interdependencies between human health, food security, poverty reduction and water and rice farming is available in the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in sustainable wetland management and calls for Contracting Parties to “strengthen collaboration Agriculture (CA); and that the analyses of distribution and representativeness of Ramsar wetland and seek new partnerships between the sectors concerned with wetland conservation, water, types, currently being undertaken by the IWMI for the STRP, include, inter alia, rice paddies as health, food security and poverty reduction”; human-made wetlands; 3. RECOGNIZING that rice paddies (flooded and irrigated fields in which rice is grown), a typi- cal agricultural landscape for a significant proportion of world rice cultivation, have provided THE CONFERENCE OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES large areas of open water for centuries in regions with a variety of rice-growing cultures, and, in 15. ENCOURAGES Contracting Parties to promote further research on flora, fauna and ecological addition to producing rice, also provide other animal and/or plant food sources and medicinal functions in rice paddies and on the cultures that have evolved within rice-farming communities plants, thus acting as wetland systems and helping to sustain livelihoods and human well-being that have maintained the ecological value of rice paddies as wetland systems, in order to iden- in these regions; tify sustainable rice paddy farming practices that reinforce wetland conservation objectives and 4. NOTING that rice paddies in many parts of the world support important wetland biodiversity, provide ecosystem services such as groundwater recharge, climate moderation, flood and ero- such as reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, insects and molluscs, and play a significant role in sion control, landslide prevention, provision of plant and or animal food resources and medicinal waterbird flyways and the conservation of waterbird populations; plants, and the conservation of biodiversity; 5. FURTHER RECOGNIZING that aquatic biodiversity associated with rice paddies can make an im- 16. INVITES Contracting Parties to consider offering recognition and/or protection to such sites portant contribution to the nutrition, health and well-being of rural populations; through, for example, their designation as Wetlands of International Importance and through 6. RECOGNIZING ALSO that in some particular regions, it is important that irrigated rice paddies mechanisms such as the FAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Programme, and remain connected to surrounding natural/semi-natural habitat, in particular to wetlands, for FURTHER INVITES Contracting Parties to disseminate and exchange information on these prac- the sake of biodiversity; tices and sites amongst governments, farmers and conservation agencies, in order to support 7. RECALLING that “rice fields” are included in the Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type improvement of sustainable rice farming practices and water management; as a human-made wetland (“Type 3 Irrigated land; includes irrigation channels and rice fields”) 17. ENCOURAGES Contracting Parties to: and thus, where appropriate, may be designated as, or included in, Wetlands of International i) identify challenges and opportunities associated with managing rice paddies as wetland sys- Importance (Ramsar sites), and that at least 100 designated Ramsar sites around the world in- tems in the context of the wise use of wetlands, also paying attention to the concept of con- clude rice field habitats that play important ecological roles and support a range of biodiversity, nectivity between rice paddies, natural wetlands and river basins, as well as to the promotion including supporting internationally important populations of breeding and non-breeding resi- of sustainable agricultural practices, and furthermore to encourage conservation authorities dent and migratory waterbirds; to collaborate with agriculture authorities and those agencies responsible for rice production 8. NOTING that some sites associated with rice paddies are or could be included in the Globally and disease prevention to identify and actively promote planning, farming practices, and water Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme, which was initiated by the Food management in rice paddies that serve to enhance the natural biodiversity, ecosystem services, and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and promotes the dynamic conser- and sustainability of rice paddies, while also contributing to improved nutrition, health and vation of areas important for indigenous techniques and cultural and biodiversity values, and well-being of farming household members and surrounding community members and to the con- RECOGNIZING that such sites could provide examples of wetland wise use; servation of waterbird populations; 9. CONCERNED about current and potential threats to the role of rice paddies as sustainable wet- ii) ensure that such planning, farming practices, and water management are implemented wher- land systems, as well as about the potential and current impacts to the surrounding environment, ever applicable, making appropriate use of the Ramsar guidance on wetlands and river basin caused by factors such as inappropriate agricultural practices relating to water management and management adopted in COP10 Resolution X.19 so as to ensure that river basin processes and change of natural flow, as well as introduction of new taxa, including invasive alien species, use of possible upstream and downstream effects of rice paddy farming are considered, while being high levels of harmful agricultural chemicals, and the impact of inappropriate conversion of rice conscious of the need for food production and the interests of local communities; paddies to other land uses; iii) ensure that planning, farming practices, and water management associated with rice paddies 10. NOTING that some water management approaches, such as flooding of rice paddies when do not lead to loss of existing natural biodiversity and ecosystem services through inappropriate they are not in use for rice production, have been adopted in order to provide suitable habitat for conversion of natural wetlands or other habitats to human-made wetlands; and some fauna, including migratory waterbirds, and to control weeds and pest insects; iv) consistent with the measures identified above, seek appropriate environmentally sustainable 11. ALSO CONCERNED that inappropriate conversion of wetland to paddy field may have potential ways of minimising risks to human health associated with waterborne diseases, disease vectors negative impacts on local biodiversity and related ecosystem services, and AFFIRMING that this (including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza), and excessive and inappropriate use of agricul- Resolution is not to be used to justify conversion of existing natural wetlands into human-made tural chemicals in rice paddies; and wetlands, nor to justify inappropriate conversion of land to human-made wetlands; 18. REQUESTS the Scientific and Technical Review Panel, working with other interested organiza- 12. ALSO AFFIRMING that the focus of this Resolution is specifically on the maintenance and tions, to: enhancement of the ecological and cultural role and value of appropriate rice paddies as wetland i) prepare a technical report on the role of rice paddy in supporting the conservation of wetland systems, consistent and in harmony with the Convention, internationally agreed development biodiversity and the delivery of wetland ecosystem services, taking into account differences in goals, and other relevant international obligations; the ways in which rice fields are managed, considering also the work of the GAWI partnership; 13. RECALLING that Resolution VIII.34 (2002) highlighted, inter alia, the importance of ensur- and ing that agricultural practices are compatible with wetland conservation objectives and that sus- ii) review, disseminate, and exchange available guidance and information related to rice paddy tainable agriculture supports some important wetland ecosystems, and AWARE of the work cur- planning, management practices and training on sustainable rice farming that protect or en- rently being undertaken in response to Resolution VIII.34 by the Scientific and Technical Review hance wetland biodiversity and ecosystem services while also supporting essential food produc- Panel (STRP) and the Guidance on Agriculture-Wetlands Interactions (GAWI) initiative with the tion, in collaboration especially with FAO, IWMI, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), FAO, Wageningen University and Research Centre, the International Water Management Institute the Africa Rice Centre (WARDA), the GAWI partnership, and others.

Appendix 2: Resolution IX.19 The importance of regional wetland symposia in effectively implementing the Ramsar Convention

1. TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the need for the establishment of appropriate regional frameworks for sia), and 2005 (India) and organized through the leadership of the Ramsar Center Japan (RCJ), a fostering international cooperation amongst Contracting Parties and other organizations and non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Japan, have contributed substantively to enhanc- stakeholders, in accordance with the Guidelines for international cooperation under the Ramsar ing effective regional cooperation and networking in Asia; Convention (Resolution VII.19); 6. UNDERSTANDING that these Symposia provide a single platform for discussions among various 2. RECOGNIZING the critical role of regional cooperation for promoting the aims and objectives sectors including, inter alia, national and local governments, NGOs, scientific experts, the pri- of the Convention, as reiterated by the Regional initiatives for the further implementation of the vate sector, and local and indigenous peoples engaged in wetland management, and that their Convention (Resolution VIII.30) and the establishment of regional initiatives in the framework recommendations embodied in the Recommendation of the Asian Wetland Symposium (1992), of the Convention (Resolution IX.7); the Penang Statement (2001) and the Chilika Statement (2005) have been reported to Ramsar 3. CONSIDERING that such regional cooperation can be achieved through closer partnership COP5, COP8 and COP9 respectively; between and among governmental and non-governmental sectors and scientific, technical and 7. MINDFUL that the Asian Wetland Symposia, and a series of local workshops organized by the policy-making sectors in different regions of the world; Ramsar Centre Japan, have been successful in the Asian region in promoting public awareness of 4. RECOGNIZING that the participation of local communities and indigenous peoples is essential the aims and objectives of the Ramsar Convention, and accession thereto; have encouraged Con- for the conservation and wise use of wetlands, as embodied in the Guidelines for establishing tracting Parties to identify and designate Ramsar sites; and have promoted participation of local and strengthening local communities’ and indigenous people’s participation in the management communities and indigenous peoples in the management of wetlands in the context of attaining of wetlands (Resolution VII.8) and Resolution VIII.36; sustainable development including economic growth and poverty reduction; 5. ALSO RECOGNIZING that the Asian Wetland Symposia (AWS) held in 1992 (Japan), 2001 (Malay- 8. RECOGNIZING that Ramsar Regional Meetings and Conferences of the Contracting Parties

6 RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN (COPs) focus increasingly on policy and administrative issues, so that the Asian Wetland Sym- 12. ENDORSES the continuation of the periodic Asian Wetland Symposia; posium series provides an increasingly valuable complementary forum for the discussion of sci- 13. REQUESTS Contracting Parties, in cooperation with the Ramsar Secretariat and international entific and technical issues and priorities for the conservation and wise use of wetlands in the NGOs, to facilitate the support to and participation in the Asian Wetland Symposia by a wide Asia region; range of stakeholders, including but not limited to local governments, NGOs, the private sector, 9. ALSO RECOGNIZING that financial support for the Asian Wetland Symposium series has come and local communities, noting that this will not have any financial implications for the Conven- from a wide variety of donors, including central and local governments, business entities, aca- tion’s core budget; demic institutions, international organizations including UN bodies, and international NGOs, 14. REQUESTS the Ramsar Secretariat and the Standing Committee to encourage and develop and that these contributions have been invaluable to securing the continuity of the Asian Wet- linkages between Ramsar Regional Meetings, including subregional meetings, and such regional land Symposia, as well as the series of local workshops, leading to the establishment of effective, wetland fora, so as to ensure that the outcomes of the fora are made fully available to Contract- diverse and vibrant networks on wetland conservation and wise use in the Asian region; and ing Parties and governments in support of their implementation of the Convention through ex- 10. NOTING that the fifth meeting of a biennial International Symposium on Wetlands was held change of experiences and innovative practices discussed at such fora; and in Zapata Swamp, Cuba, with the participation of scientists and wetland managers of different 15. RECOMMENDS that Contracting Parties, international NGOs, and other relevant scientific countries from the Americas region; and technical organizations consider the usefulness of establishing similar periodic regional scientific and technical fora where they do not already exist, drawing on the experiences of the THE CONFERENCE OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES Asian Wetland Symposia, as a means of increasing scientific and technical support for the im- 11. ENCOURAGES all Contracting Parties and non-Contracting Parties in the Asia Region to give full plementation of the Convention including, inter alia, any regional initiatives established under recognition to the Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS) as an effective forum for information exchange the Convention. and as a source of good practical advice for the conservation and wise use of wetlands in Asia;

Appendix 3: Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type

The codes are based upon the Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type as approved by Recommendation 4.7 and amended by Resolutions VI.5 and VII.11 of the Conference of the Contracting Parties. The categories listed herein are intended to provide only a very broad framework to aid rapid identification of the main wetland habitats represented at each site. To assist in identification of the correct Wetland Types to list in section 19 of the RIS, the Secretariat has provided below a tabulations for Marine/Coastal Wetlands and Inland Wetlands of some of the characteristics of each Wetland Type.

Marine/Coastal Wetlands N Seasonal/intermittent/irregular rivers/streams/creeks. Y Freshwater springs; oases. A Permanent shallow marine waters in most cases less than O Permanent freshwater lakes (over 8 ha); includes large Zg Geothermal wetlands six metres deep at low tide; includes sea bays and straits. oxbow lakes. Zk(b) Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, B Marine subtidal aquatic beds; includes kelp beds, sea- P Seasonal/intermittent freshwater lakes (over 8 ha); in- inland grass beds, tropical marine meadows. cludes floodplain lakes. Note: “floodplain” is a broad term used to refer to one or C Coral reefs. Q Permanent saline/brackish/alkaline lakes. more wetland types, which may include examples from the D Rocky marine shores; includes rocky offshore islands, sea R Seasonal/intermittent saline/brackish/alkaline lakes and R, Ss, Ts, W, Xf, Xp, or other wetland types. Some examples cliffs. flats. of floodplain wetlands are seasonally inundated grassland E Sand, shingle or pebble shores; includes sand bars, spits Sp Permanent saline/brackish/alkaline marshes/pools. (including natural wet meadows), shrublands, woodlands and sandy islets; includes dune systems and humid dune Ss Seasonal/intermittent saline/brackish/alkaline marshes/ and forests. Floodplain wetlands are not listed as a specific slacks. pools. wetland type herein. F Estuarine waters; permanent water of estuaries and es- Tp Permanent freshwater marshes/pools; ponds (below 8 ha), tuarine systems of deltas. marshes and swamps on inorganic soils; with emergent veg- Human-made wetlands G Intertidal mud, sand or salt flats. etation water-logged for at least most of the growing season. 1 Aquaculture (e.g., fish/shrimp) ponds H Intertidal marshes; includes salt marshes, salt meadows, Ts Seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes/pools on in- 2 Ponds; includes farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks; saltings, raised salt marshes; includes tidal brackish and organic soils; includes sloughs, potholes, seasonally flooded (generally below 8 ha). freshwater marshes. meadows, sedge marshes. 3 Irrigated land; includes irrigation channels and rice I Intertidal forested wetlands; includes mangrove swamps, U Non-forested peatlands; includes shrub or open bogs, fields. nipah swamps and tidal freshwater swamp forests. swamps, fens. 4 Seasonally flooded agricultural land (including inten- J Coastal brackish/saline lagoons; brackish to saline la- Va Alpine wetlands; includes alpine meadows, temporary wa- sively managed or grazed wet meadow or pasture). goons with at least one relatively narrow connection to the ters from snowmelt. 5 Salt exploitation sites; salt pans, salines, etc. sea. Vt Tundra wetlands; includes tundra pools, temporary waters 6 Water storage areas; reservoirs/barrages/dams/im- K Coastal freshwater lagoons; includes freshwater delta la- from snowmelt. poundments (generally over 8 ha). goons. W Shrub-dominated wetlands; shrub swamps, shrub-domi- 7 Excavations; gravel/brick/clay pits; borrow pits, mining Zk(a) Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, nated freshwater marshes, shrub carr, alder thicket on inor- pools. marine/coastal ganic soils. 8 Wastewater treatment areas; sewage farms, settling Xf Freshwater, tree-dominated wetlands; includes fresh- ponds, oxidation basins, etc. Inland Wetlands water swamp forests, seasonally flooded forests, wooded 9 Canals and drainage channels, ditches. L Permanent inland deltas. swamps on inorganic soils. Zk(c) Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, M Permanent rivers/streams/creeks; includes waterfalls. Xp Forested peatlands; peatswamp forests. human-made

Appendix 4: Criteria for Identifying Wetlands of International Importance

Adopted by the 7th (1999) and 9th (2005) Meetings of the Conference of the Contracting Parties, superseding earlier Criteria adopted by the 4th and 6th Meetings of the COP (1990 and 1996), to guide implementation of Article 2.1 on designation of Ramsar sites.

Group A of the Criteria. Sites containing representative, rare a particular biogeographic region. nous fish subspecies, species or families, life-history stages, or unique wetland types Criterion 4: A wetland should be considered internation- species interactions and/or populations that are representa- Criterion 1: A wetland should be considered internationally ally important if it supports plant and/or animal species at tive of wetland benefits and/or values and thereby contrib- important if it contains a representative, rare, or unique ex- a critical stage in their life cycles, or provides refuge during utes to global biological diversity. ample of a natural or near-natural wetland type found within adverse conditions. Criterion 8: A wetland should be considered internation- the appropriate biogeographic region. ally important if it is an important source of food for fishes, Group B of the Criteria. Sites of international importance for Specific criteria based on waterbirds spawning ground, nursery and/or migration path on which conserving biological diversity Criterion 5: A wetland should be considered internationally fish stocks, either within the wetland or elsewhere, depend. important if it regularly supports 20,000 or more waterbirds. Criteria based on species and ecological communities Criterion 6: A wetland should be considered internationally Specific criteria based on other taxa Criterion 2: A wetland should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a Criterion 9: A wetland should be considered internationally important if it supports vulnerable, endangered, or critically population of one species or subspecies of waterbird. important if it regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a endangered species or threatened ecological communities. population of one species or subspecies of wetland-depend- Criterion 3: A wetland should be considered internationally Specific criteria based on fish ent non-avian animal species. important if it supports populations of plant and/or animal Criterion 7: A wetland should be considered internationally species important for maintaining the biological diversity of important if it supports a significant proportion of indige-