The Aspects of Revival: A Forensic Look of the Reign of King Study Guide May 10, 2020

Passage: :1 – 20:21 & :1 – 32:31

Background: King Hezekiah was the son of King . Scripture says of his father King Ahaz that later in his life he became even more faithless to the Lord (:22) and sacrificed to all sorts of gods, including the god of who had earlier defeated him. At his death the people did not bury him in the tombs of the kings but only in the city of (2 Chronicles 28:27).

Hezekiah becomes king at age 25 and reigns for 29 years. He would have died 15 years earlier if the Lord had not saved him from a terrible illness. At the start of his reign he consecrates the house of the Lord, reinstalls the priests and in active duty, and tears down all the idolatry throughout the land. Throughout all of his reforms he prospered greatly (:21).

2 Kings provides a wonderful outline of the events of Kings Hezekiah while 2 Chronicles reflects the spiritual reforms brought about by his reign. Both texts show a king committed to the Lord in a way since the reign of King . This guide will point out the different aspects of this time of revival in the life of Judah.

Aspects of Revival

Spiritual Revival 1. Repairs to the house of the Lord – 2 Chronicles 29:3 2. Consecration of the priests and the house of the Lord – 2 Chronicles 29:4-5 3. Removal of filth and idolatry from all the land of Judah - 2 Chronicles 29:16 & 2 Kings 18:4 4. City officials participate in the revival - 2 Chronicles 29:20-21 5. Renewed worship to the Lord - 2 Chronicles 29:29-30 6. Declaration given to keep the Passover as prescribed - 2 Chronicles30:5 7. Great quantities given to the house of the Lord - 2 Chronicles 31:6 8. Enrollment was very high in serving in the house of the Lord - 2 Chronicles 31:17 9. King Hezekiah & his leaders mourn & seek the Lord in time of need – 2 Kings 19:1-2 10. The prophet of is brought in for his counsel and advice – 2 Kings 19:2

Question: Compare and contrast a modern-day revival to the spiritual revival of King Hezekiah.

Revival of Faith – 2 Kings 19:1-2 1. King Hezekiah & his leaders mourn & seek the Lord in time of need 2. The prophet of Isaiah is brought in for his counsel and advice

Question: What is God asking you now to step out on in faith that seems very scary? Are you praying prayers that require large amounts of faith?

Revival of Perspective – 2 Chronicles 29:6-8 1. King Hezekiah recognized that Judah had a lot of problems because it was not following God’s law and was worshipping other gods. 2. King Hezekiah’s view of the world was informed by the Mosaic law and not the practices of the other nations.

Question: What is your worldview? Is your worldview shaped more by society or the Word of God? Be honest with yourself on this question.

Revival of Leadership – 2 Kings 18:1-7 King Hezekiah… 1. Trusted in the Lord – verse 5 2. Held fast to the Lord – verse 6 3. Obeyed the Lord – verse 3 4. Brought about significant reforms – verse 4

Question: Where does revival start in the life of leadership?

Revival of Hope – found in the Word of God 1. Prophecy – 2 Kings 19:29-34 2. Miracles of God – 2 Kings 20:8-11 3. Testimony of God’s faithfulness – 2 Kings 19:19

Question: What can hope do in the lives of people? How is it important in revivals?

Physical Revival 1. Assyrian camp destroyed by an angel of the Lord – 2 Kings 19:34-35 2. Healing of King Hezekiah 2 Kings 20:5-6

Question: What would a physical revival look like to you?