Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, Dod § 334.866
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Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 334.866 United States Army Corps of Engi- W, and the east flag pole is located at neers, shall be enforced by the Com- latitude 32°41′22.4″ N, longitude mander, Navy Region Southwest, and 117°12′38.7″ W. such agencies or persons as he/she may (4) When live firing is about to be un- designate. dertaken or is in progress during peri- [68 FR 37972, June 26, 2003] ods of darkness, three (3) red flashing warning lights will be displayed at the § 334.866 Pacific Ocean at Naval Base top of the flag poles on the southern Coronado, in the City of Coronado, berm of the small arms range at the lo- San Diego County, California; naval cations described in paragraph (b)(3) of danger zone. this section, so as to be clearly visible (a) The area. A fan-shaped area ex- from all points of entry into the danger tending westerly into the waters of the zone. Pacific Ocean from a point on the (5) The danger zone is not considered beach of Naval Base Coronado, Coro- safe for vessels or individuals when live nado, California beginning at latitude firing is in progress. When live firing is 32°41′13″ N, longitude 117°12′45″ W; about to begin or is scheduled as indi- thence easterly, along the mean high cated by the warning flags or flashing water mark, to latitude 32°41′14″ N, lon- warning lights described in paragraphs gitude 117°12′32″ W; thence southerly to (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section, all ves- latitude 32°40′31″ N, longitude 117°12′12″ sels will be required to expeditiously W; thence westerly to latitude 32°40′25″ vacate the danger zone. N, longitude 117°12′43″ W; thence north- (6) Anchoring by any vessel within erly, landward, to the point of origin. the danger zone is prohibited. (b) The regulations. (1) Range live fir- (7) Prior to conducting live firing, ing on the Naval Base Coronado, Coro- Navy personnel will visually scan the nado, California small arms range may danger zone to ensure that no vessels occur at any time. Information on live or individuals are located within it. firing schedules and coordination for Any vessels or individuals in the dan- community concerns can be obtained ger zone will be notified by the Navy by calling the Naval Base Coronado Range Safety Officer using a marine Small Arms Range Safety Officer at VHF–FM marine radio and by other 619–545–8413 during normal working means as necessary, to exit the danger hours. Assistance is also available via zone and remain outside the area until the Naval Base Coronado Hotline at conclusion of live firing. As new tech- 619–545–7190 or the Naval Base Coronado nology becomes available, the VHF–FM operator at 619–545–1011. If the phone marine radio communications system numbers are changed, they will be up- may be updated. dated on the Naval Base Coronado Web (8) Safety observers will be posted in site accordance with range standard oper- (2) The danger zone will be open to ating procedures at all times when the fishing and general navigation when no warning flags or flashing lights de- weapons firing is scheduled, which will scribed in paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) of be indicated by the absence of any this section are displayed. Operation of warning flags or flashing lights on land the small arms range will only occur in the locations specified in paragraphs when visibility is sufficient to main- (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section. tain visual surveillance of the danger (3) When live firing is about to be un- zone and vicinity. In the event of lim- dertaken or is in progress during day- ited visibility due to rain, fog or other light hours, three (3) large red warning conditions, live firing will be postponed flags will be displayed at the top of the until the danger zone can be confirmed flag poles on the southern berm of the clear of all vessels and individuals. small arms range, so as to be clearly (9) Naval Base Coronado will main- visible from all points of entry into the tain a schedule of live firing at the danger zone. The west flag pole is lo- small arms range on its Web site, http:// cated on the southern berm at latitude, which will 32°41′21.5″ N, longitude 117°12′42.8″ W, be accessible to the public, mariners, the middle flag pole is located at lati- and recreationists. The Navy will tude 32°41′21.7″ N, longitude 117°12′40.9″ maintain the Web site on a year round 599 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:48 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 223132 PO 00000 Frm 00609 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223132.XXX 223132 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR § 334.870 33 CFR Ch. II (7–1–11 Edition) basis and update information as needed (ii) Craft of any size shall not be ex- for public safety. cluded from transiting the area. How- (c) Enforcement. The regulation in ever, they shall proceed through the this section will be enforced by the area by the most direct route without Commanding Officer, Naval Base Coro- delay or loitering. On occasion, access nado, and such agencies and persons as to the bait barges may be delayed for he/she may designate. intermittent periods not exceeding 30 minutes. [75 FR 26102, May 11, 2010] (iii) No craft of any size shall lay-to § 334.870 San Diego Harbor, Calif.; re- or anchor within the area except on stricted area. prior permission granted by the Officer in Charge, U.S. Naval Degaussing Sta- (a) Restricted area at Bravo Pier, Naval tion. Air Station—(1) The area. The water of (c) Restricted area between Ballast the Pacific Ocean in North San Diego Point and Zuniga Point—(1) The area. Bay in an area extending from the An area in San Diego Bay between Bal- western boundary of North Island last Point and Zuniga Point inclosed about 0.2 nautical miles bayward and by lines connecting the following sta- basically outlined as follows: tions: Station Latitude Longitude Station Latitude Longitude ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 1 32 41 51.3 N 117 13 34.0 W A 32°41′17″ 117°13′58″ ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 2 32 41 51.3 N 117 13 46.6 W B 32°41′19″ 117°13′36.5″ 3 32°41′43.3″ N 117°13′50.0″ W C 32°41′01″ 117°13′34″ 4 32°41′35.8″ N 117°13′48.0″ W D 32°40′59″ 117°13′55″ 5 32°41′35.8″ N 117°13′35.0″ W E 32°41′03″ 117°13′56″ A 32°41′17″ 117°13′58″ (2) The regulations. (i) The restricted area shall not be open to swimming, (2) The regulations. (i) No vessel shall fishing, mooring or anchorage. anchor within the restricted area at (ii) Transit will be allowed through any time. the restricted area except that no tran- (ii) Dredging, dragging, seining, other sit will be allowed within 100 feet of the fishing operations, and other activities ammunition pier (Bravo Pier). All un- not under the direction of the United authorized vessels entering the re- States, which might foul underwater stricted area shall proceed across the installations within the restricted area by the most direct route and with- area, are prohibited. out unnecessary delay. Only vessels (iii) All tows entering the restricted owned by, under hire to, or performing area shall be streamed and shortened work for the Naval Air Station or the to the seaward of the area and towing Naval Weapons Station may operate appendages and catenaries shall not be within 100 feet of the ammunition pier. dragged along the bottom while pro- (b) Restricted area at U.S. Naval ceeding through the area. Degaussing Station—(1) The area. That (iv) All vessels entering the re- portion of San Diego Bay near Point stricted area shall proceed across the Loma, inclosed by lines connecting the area by the most direct route and with- following points, which are rectangular out unnecessary delay. coordinates and are referred to U.S. (d) Restricted area at the Naval Supply Coast and Geodetic Survey station Center Pier—(1) The area. The waters of ‘‘Old Town’’ as their origin: San Diego Bay extending approxi- mately 100 feet out from the north, ‘‘a’’ S. 18,738.80, W. 16,299.50. west and south sides of the Naval Sup- ‘‘b’’ S. 18,817.60, W. 15,791.30. ply Center Pier enclosed by lines con- ‘‘c’’ S. 19,376.09, W. 14,270.73. necting the following stations: ‘‘d’’ S. 20,023.15, W. 14,462.94. ‘‘e’’ S. 21,080.24, W. 14,333.14. Station Latitude Longitude ‘‘f’’ S. 22,074.40, W. 16,371.48. A 32°42′50″ N 117°10′25″ W (2) The regulations. (i) There shall be B 32°42′50″ N 117°10′38″ W no introduction of external magnetic C 32°42′54″ N 117°10′38″ W ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ field sources within the area. D 32 42 54 N 117 10 25 W 600 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:48 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 223132 PO 00000 Frm 00610 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223132.XXX 223132 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR.