TAQWACORE, RESISTANCE and MUSLIM YOUTH IDENTITY in CANADA Anya Hussain Master of Arts, 2010 Immigration and Settlement Studies Ryerson University
---------.. IS PUNK llARAM?: TAQWACORE, RESISTANCE AND MUSLIM YOUTH IDENTITY IN CANADA by Anya Hussain, BA, Concordia University, 2008 A Major Research Paper presented to Ryerson University ~ . in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Program of Immigration and Settlement- . Studies . ' Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2010 © Anya Hussain 2010 t PROPERTY OF RYERSON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Author's Declaration I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this major research paper. I authorize Ryerson University to lend this paper to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. I , I u _I ~S~i-wm--tur--e----------'" I further authorize Ryerson University to reproduce this paper by photocopying or by other means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. - -I ii ,- !t "li~:-'i, 'L"'~~~,;; *! ~ ",.~ ~ "'I ,: 'd' ,,,i. !~" • IS PUNK HARAMl: TAQWACORE, RESISTANCE AND MUSLIM YOUTH IDENTITY IN CANADA Anya Hussain Master of Arts, 2010 Immigration and Settlement Studies Ryerson University ABSTRACT Diasporic Muslim identity in the West is increasingly conceptualized 'as being "under siege", especially in a post 9/11 context. This paper examines some of the complexities of , identity formation and belonging as experienced by Muslim youth in the current political climate in Canada. However intense and· antagonizing this social and political climate may be, I argue that there is room for dissenting and subversive reconfigurations of a Muslim identity that resists the eviction of Muslims from full belonging and citizenship in Western society. This paper explores this possibility by focusing on Muslim~ youth identity formation in the context of Taqwacore, a Muslim punk scene popular among some second-generation youth.
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