Roues Non Standards Conformes À L'article 1.3.018

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Roues Non Standards Conformes À L'article 1.3.018 LIST OF APPROVED MODELS OF FRAMES AND FORKS Version on 03.09.2014 The Approval Procedure of bicycle frames and came into force on 1 January 2011 in accordance with Article 1.3.001bis of the UCI Regulations. From this date, all new models of frames and forks used by licence holders in road (RD), time trial (TT), track (TR) and cyclo-cross (CX) events must be approved on the basis of the Approval Protocol for Frames and Forks available from the UCI website. Approval by the UCI certifies that the new equipment meets the shape requirements set out in the UCI regulations. However, this approval does not certify in any case the safety of the equipment which must meet the applicable official quality and safety standards, in accordance with Article 1.3.002 of the UCI regulations. The models which are subject to the approval procedure are: all new models of frames and forks used by licence holders in road, track or cyclo-cross events, all models of frames and forks under development on 1 January 2011 which had not yet reached the production stage (the date of the order form of the moulds is evidence), any changes made to the geometry of existing models after 1 January 2011. Models on the market, at the production stage or already manufactured on 1 January 2011 are not required to be approved during the transition stage. However, the non-approved models have to comply in any case with the UCI technical regulations (Articles 1.3.001 to 1.3.025) and are subjects to the commissaires decision during events. At the end of the approval procedure, the names of the approved models of frames and forks, together with the manufacturer’s name, the sizes checked, the date of the approval, the category involved and the identification code are added to the List of Approved Models of Frames and Forks, available from the UCI website. This list will be updated whenever new models are approved. The use of approved models is permitted in competition from the date of approval. The use of approved frames and forks remains subject to Article 1.3.007. 1/17 AIRSTREEEM.COM GMBH Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code Triple EEE Triple EEE RD XS - XL (5) 18.04.2013 AIR-EEE-RD AIR-EEE-RD AQUILA CYCLES Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code EQUIPE-R FB-F0007 RD 48 - 60 (7) 29.10.2013 AQU-EQR-RD AQU-EQR-RD ARGON 18 Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code E-118 E-118 TT 49 - 55 (4) 15.03.2011 AR18-E118-TT AR18-E118-TT E-116 E-116 TT 49 - 55 (4) 15.03.2011 AR18-E116-TT AR18-E116-TT Gallium / Gallium Pro GA31 / GA31-PRO RD XXS - XL (6) 20.03.2013 AR18-GAL-RD AR18-GAL-RD Krypton KR Fork RD XXS - XL (6) 19.03.2014 AR18-KRYP-RD AR18-KRYP-RD Nitrogen N7 RD XS - XL (5) 14.05.2014 AR18-NITR-RD AR18-N7-RD AUTHOR Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code CHARISMA CHARISMA RD 420 - 580 (8) 28.03.2014 AUTH-CHAR-RD AUTH-CHAR-RD AVANTI Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code Avanti Pista Evo 2 Pista Evo 2 Fork TR S - XL (4) 17.06.2011 AVNT-PIST-TR - Chrono Evo 2 Avanti Chrono Evo 2 TT S- XL (4) 19.08.2011 AVNT-CHR2-TT - Integrated Fork Avanti Cadent ER2 Avanti Cadent ER2 RD S - XL (6) 21.03.2012 AVNT-CER2-RD - Fork Avanti Corsa DR Avanti Corsa DR Fork RD 50.5 - 59.5 (7) 29.05.2012 AVNT-CDR-RD AVNT-CDR-RD Avanti Corsa SL Avanti Corsa SL RD XS - XL (7) 18.03.2013 AVNT-CSL-RD AVNT-CSL-RD BASSO BIKES SRL Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code ASTRA ASTRA RD 450 - 610 (7) 13.08.2012 BAS-AST-RD - DIAMANTE DIAMANTE RD 450 - 610 (7) 13.08.2012 BAS-DIA-RD - KONOS KONOS TT 500 - 580 (4) 16.10.2012 BAS-KON-TT - BERRIA BIKE S.L Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code BERRIA belador - RD XS - XL (5) 07.07.2011 BERR-BELA-RD - BH BIKES EUROPE S.L. Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code Ultralight Ultralight RD XS - XL (5) 17.02.2012 BHB-ULTR-RD - Global Concept G6 Global Concept G6 RD SM - LA (3) 02.07.2013 BHB-G6-RD BHB-G6-RD Aerolight Aerolight TT SM - LA (3) 09.07.2013 BHB-AERO-TT BHB-AERO-TT 2/17 F.I.V.E. BIANCHI S.P.A Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code IMPULSO FN11 RD 44 - 63 (10) 03.01.2012 BIAN-IMP-RD - OLTRE FF0053 RD 47 - 61 (7) 18.01.2012 BIAN-OLT-RD - OLTRE XR INFINITO FF35 RD 47 - 61 (7) 19.01.2012 BIAN-INFI-RD - SEMPRE FN38 RD 47 - 61 (7) 31.01.2012 BIAN-SEM-RD - D2 pico Crono fork - TT one size 11.04.2012 - BIAN-408-TT (C1605408) - C1605412 TT one size 21.05.2012 - BIAN-412-TT SEMPRE 2013 C1605403 RD 470 - 610 (7) 11.04.2012 BIAN-SEM2-RD - ZURIGO Disk Brake C1605447 CX 490 - 610 (5) 22.02.2013 BIAN-ZUDB-CX BIAN-ZUDB-CX INFINITO CV C1605420 RD 47 - 63 (8) 19.12.2012 BIAN-INCV-RD BIAN-INCV-RD INTENSO C1605404 RD 47 - 63 (8) 24.01.2013 BIAN-INT-RD BIAN-INT-RD OLTRE XR2 / C1605444 RD 47 - 61 (7) 05.04.2013 BIAN-OL2-RD BIAN-OL2-RD OLTRE XR1 ZURIGO MY 2015 C1605447 CX 49 - 61 (6) 18.03.2014 BIAN-ZU15-CX BIAN-ZU15-CX ZOLDER MY 2015 C1605495 CX 49 - 60 (6) 02.04.2014 BIAN-ZO15-CX BIAN-ZO15-CX AQUILA CV C1605511 TT XS - L (4) 20.06.2014 BIAN-AQCV-TT BIAN-AQCV-TT PISTA CARBON MY C1605483 TR S - L (3) 20.06.2014 BIAN-PI15-TR BIAN-PI15-TR 2015 BLUE COMPETITION CYCLES Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code Norcross SL Aero / Norcross Aero Disc CX 500 - 580 (5) 09.08.2013 BLUE-NOR-CX BLUE-NOR-CX Norcross EX Aero BMC Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code Time Machine Hinge Fork BMC-TMHF-TT Time Machine TT S, MS, ML (3) 21.06.2011 BMC-TIMA-TT Time Machine Regular Fork BMC-TMRF-TT Granfondo 01 Granfondo RD 48 - 61 (6) 08.11.2011 BMC-GF01-RD BMC-GF-RD Granfondo 02 Granfondo RD 48 - 61 (6) 07.11.2011 BMC-GF02-RD BMC-GF-RD GF02 Disc GF02 Disc CX 48 - 61 (6) 01.06.2012 BMC-GF2D-CX BMC-GF2D-CX Time Machine Road BMC-TIMA-RD Hinge Fork Time Machine Road RD 48 - 61 (6) 22.12.2011 BMC-TIMA-RD Time Machine Road BMC-TMRR-RD Regular Fork TrackMachine TR02 Track Fork TR XS - L (4) 26.09.2012 BMC-TR02-TR BMC-TR-TR TeamMachine SLR01 TeamMachine RD 48 - 61 (6) 02.10.2012 BMC-SLR1-RD BMC-TEAM-RD TrackMachine TR01 TrackMachine TR01 TR S - L (3) 30.04.2013 BMC-TR01-TR BMC-TR01-TR TeamMachine SLR02 TeamMachine RD 48 - 60 (5) 02.10.2012 BMC-SLR2-RD BMC-TEAM-RD Crossmachine CX01 Crossmachine CX01 CX 48 - 60 (5) 02.07.2013 BMC-CX1C-CX BMC-CX1C-CX canti canti Granfondo 02 MY 15 Granfondo RD 48 - 61 (6) 08.11.2013 BMC-GF2C-RD BMC-GF-RD TeamMachine SLR03 TeamMachine RD 48 - 60 (5) 20.09.2013 BMC-SLR3-RD BMC-TEAM-RD Crossmachine CX01 Crossmachine CX01 CX 48 - 60 (5) 02.07.2013 BMC-CX1-CX BMC-CX1-CX BRIDGESTONE CYCLE CO.,LTD. Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code RIS9 RIS9 RD 430 - 550 (5) 14.11.2011 BSC-RIS9-RD - TR9 TR9 TR S - L (5) 29.06.2012 BSC-TR9-TR - RL8 RIS9 RD 390 - 540 (6) 13.07.2012 BSC-RL8-RD - CX6 CX6 CX 510 - 550 (3) 07.06.2012 BSC-CX6-CX - RS8 RS8 RD 46 - 55 (4) 25.07.2013 BSC-RS8-RD BSC-RS8-RD 3/17 BTWIN Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code ULTRA ULTRA RD XXS - XL (6) 01.10.2013 BTWI-ULT-RD BTWI-ULT-RD ALUR ALUR RD XS - XL (5) 07.10.2013 BTWI-ALUR-RD BTWI-ALUR-RD CANNONDALE Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code Super Six Evo Super Six Evo RD 48 - 63 (9) 04.03.2011 CANN-S6E-RD CANN-S6E-RD Slice RS Slice RS TT 50 - 58 (5) 14.03.2011 CANN-SLICE-TT CANN-SLICE-TT Synapse HM Synapse HM RD 48 - 61 (7) 14.01.2013 CANN-SYHM-RD CANN-SYHM-RD CANYON BICYCLES GMBH Frame name Fork name Cat. Size App. Date Frame Code Fork Code One One Eight CF Roadlite AL R12 RD XS - XXXL (7) 20.06.2011 CANY-R12-RD CANY-F15-RD F15 One One Four SLX Ultimate AL R13 RD XS - XXXL (7) 14.11.2011 CANY-R13-RD CANY-F10-RD F10 One One Four SLX Ultimate AL R23 RD XS - XXXL (7) 14.11.2011 CANY-R23-RD CANY-F10-RD F10 One One Four SLX Ultimate CF R14 RD 50 - 64 (8) 27.11.2011 CANY-R14-RD CANY-F10-RD F10 One One Four SLX Ultimate CF SLX R15 RD 50 - 64 (8) 27.11.2011 CANY-R15-RD CANY-F10-RD F10 Aeroad CF R16 Aeroblade SL F13 RD XS - XXL (6) 24.11.2011 CANY-R16-RD CANY-F13-RD Aeroad CF R19 Aeroblade SL F13 RD XS - XXL (6) 24.11.2011 CANY-R19-RD CANY-F13-RD Speedmax CF R24 Aero Fork SL F20 TT S, M, L 30.03.2012 CANY-R24-TT CANY-F20-TT One One Four SLX F17 CANY-F17-RD Ultimate CF SLX R20 RD XS - XXXL (7) 25.07.2012 CANY-R20-RD One One Four SLX F19 CANY-F19-RD One One Four SLX F17 CANY-F17-RD Ultimate CF SL R22 RD XS - XXXL (7) 25.07.2012 CANY-R22-RD One One Four SLX F19 CANY-F19-RD Inflite AL R25 F21 CX XS - XXL (6) 21.01.2013 CANY-R25-CX CANY-F21-CX Ultimate AL R13 One One Four SLX RD XS - XXXL (7) 01.05.2013 CANY-R13B-RD CANY-F19-RD MY2014 F19 Ultimate AL R23 One One Four SLX RD XS - XXXL (7) 01.05.2013 CANY-R23B-RD CANY-F19-RD MY2014 F19 Roadlite AL R12 One One Eight SL RD XS - XXXL (7) 19.04.2013 CANY-R12B-RD CANY-F25-RD MY2014 F25 One One Four SLX Ultimate AL SLX R33 RD XS - XXXL (7) 01.05.2013 CANY-R33-RD CANY-F19-RD F19 Endurace CF R32 One One Four SL F28 RD XS - XXXL (7) 20.09.2013 CANY-R32-RD CANY-F28-RD Aeroad CF SLX R28 Aeroblade SLX F30 RD 2XS - 2 XL (7) 09.05.2014 CANY-R28-RD CANY-F30-RD One One Four SL Inflite AL SLX R45 CX XS - XXL (6) 02.07.2014 CANY-R45-CX CANY-F21-CX Disc F21 One One Eight SL Endurace AL R34 RD XS - XXXL (7) 17.12.2013 CANY-R34-RD CANY-F25-RD F25 4/17 CERVÉLO CYCLES INC Frame name Fork name Cat.
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  • Table of Contents
    Table of Contents 1 Accell Group at a glance 2 Highlights 2015 2 Company profile 4 Reporting framework and guidelines 5 Worldwide 7 Business model 8 Keyfigures 17 Accell Group shares 18 Board of Directors 22 Message from the CEO 25 2 Looking to the future 28 Mission 28 Vision & Strategy 28 Targets 34 Stakeholder dialogue and materiality 35 Value chain and innovation 39 Vision of socially responsible and sustainable business 40 3 Performance of the group 43 Financial results 44 Financial position 45 Sustainability and innovation 46 Awards 2015 47 4 Performance per segment 55 Bicycles 55 Parts & accessories 56 5 Society and the environment 61 A sustainable product 62 The people of Accell Group 66 The environment in the operating processes 71 Chain responsibility 78 6 Supervision and Risk Management 81 The Supervisory Board 81 Report of the Supervisory Board 84 Governance & Compliance 91 Risks and Risk Management 99 Statement of the Board of the Directors 107 7 Financial statements 109 Consolidated balance sheet 110 Consolidated income statement 113 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 114 Consolidated cash flow statement 115 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 116 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 119 Notes 129 Company balance sheet 160 Company income statement 161 Notes to the company balance sheet 162 Other information 168 8 Historical summary 175 9 Other Information 176 Brands 176 Addresses 184 Colophon 190 This is a translation of Accell Group N.V.’s Annual Report 2015, prepared in the Dutch language and in accordance with Dutch law. By the event of any difference in interpretation, the Dutch version of the Annual Report shall prevail.
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