The Glory of the Invisible God the GLORY of the INVISIBLE GOD Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology

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The Glory of the Invisible God the GLORY of the INVISIBLE GOD Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology JCT JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN TEXTS IN CONTEXT AND RELATED STUDIES 31 ANDREI ORLOV ANDREI Andrei Orlov examines early Christological developments in the light of references to the “two powers” in heaven, and specifically to the glory of God, tracing the impact of a key idea/phrase through both canonical and non-canonical material. Orlov begins by looking at references to the “two powers” in early Jewish literature, in particular the book of Daniel, and in pseudepigraphical writings. He then traces the term through Rabbinic literature and applies this directly to understanding of Christological debates. Orlov finally carries out a close examination of language of the “two powers” in Christian literature, in particular accounts of the Transfiguration and the Baptism of Jesus. Including a comprehensive bibliography listing texts and translations, and secondary literature, this volume is a key resource in researching the development of Christology. ANDREI ORLOV Andrei Orlov is Professor of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity at Marquette University, USA. The Glory of the Invisible God THE GLORY OF THE INVISIBLE GOD Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology BIBLICAL STUDIES ISBN 978-0-567-69223-8 90100 Also available from T&T Clark 9 78056769 2238 JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN TEXTS IN CONTEXTS AND RELATED STUDIES Series Executive Editor James H. Charlesworth Editorial Board of Advisors Motti Aviam, Michael Davis, Casey Elledge, Loren Johns, Amy-Jill Levine, Lee McDonald, Lidia Novakovic, Gerbern Oegema, Henry Rietz, Brent Strawn The Glory of the Invisible God Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology Andrei A. Orlov T&T CLARK Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK 1385 Broadway, New York, NY 10018, USA BLOOMSBURY, T&T CLARK and the T&T Clark logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc First published in Great Britain 2019 Copyright © Andrei A. Orlov, 2019 Andrei A. Orlov has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc does not have any control over, or responsibility for, any third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have ceased to exist, but can accept no responsibility for any such changes. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN: HB: 978-0-5676-9223-8 ePDF: 978-0-5676-9224-5 Series: Jewish and Christian Texts, volume 31 Typeset by Deanta Global Publishing Services, Chennai, India Printed and bound in Great Britain To find out more about our authors and books visit and sign up for our newsletters. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known. Gospel of John 1:18 . the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Cor 4:4 For Ian Arthur Fair Contents Abbreviations xi Preface xiv Introduction 1 Part One Two Powers in Heaven Traditions in Jewish Accounts 5 “Two Powers” Appearances in Early Jewish Accounts 9 Daniel 7 10 Book of the Similitudes 16 Primary Adam Books 24 The Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian 28 2 Enoch 32 Apocalypse of Abraham 38 Ladder of Jacob 54 Theophanic Molds in Rabbinic and Hekhalot Two Powers Debates 62 Conclusion 77 Part Two Two Powers in Heaven Traditions in Early Christian Accounts 79 Kavod on the Mountain: The Transfiguration Account 83 Mosaic Settings of the Transfiguration Story 89 The Extra-Biblical Mosaic Developments 95 Moses’ Enthronement 95 Moses’ Glorification at His Death/His Translation to Heaven 97 Moses’ Angelification and Divinization 100 The Afterlife of Biblical Mosaic Traditions in Other Second Temple Mediatorial Trends 105 Mosaic Features of the Transfiguration Story 108 Timing of the Story 108 Chosen Companions 109 Motif of the Mountain 110 x Contents Mountain as the Throne of the Divine Glory 111 Secrecy 114 Jesus’ Metamorphosis 115 Jesus’ Garment 118 Jesus’ Luminous Face 123 Elijah and Moses 128 Three Dwellings 129 The Fear Motif 130 Veneration Motif? 133 Imagery of the Cloud 136 The Divine Voice Traditions 137 “Listen to Him” 139 Conclusion 143 Kavod on the River: The Baptism Account 145 Theophanic Settings of the Account 145 Jesus as a Visionary 148 The Motif of Water 151 Fire and Light in Water 154 Robe of Glory in the Jordan 157 The Glorification of Jesus at the Jordan 160 The Motif of the Torn Heaven 163 Topological Peculiarities 166 Cosmological Ramifications 167 Likeness Language 173 Acquisition of the Spirit as the Restoration of the Image of God 174 The Divine Voice Traditions 175 The Dove Symbolism 177 Pteromorphic Glory 179 The Image of God Traditions and the Temptation Story 182 Conclusion 188 Conclusion 190 Bibliography 193 Texts and Translations 193 Secondary Literature 197 Index of Names 210 Index of Subjects 214 Index of References 218 Abbreviations AAWG Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen AB Anchor Bible AC Anthropology of Consciousness ACW Ancient Christian Writers AGAJU Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums AnBib Analecta Biblica ArBib Aramaic Bible AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies BAC Bible in Ancient Christianity BAR Biblical Archaeology Review BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research BECNT Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament BibInt Biblical Interpretation BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library BJS Brown Judaic Studies BSJS Brill’s Series in Jewish Studies BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft BZNW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CEJL Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature ConBOT Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament series CRINT Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium CTSI Catholic Theological Studies of India DSD Dead Sea Discoveries EB Eichstätter Beiträge ECR Eastern Churches Review EE Estudios eclesiásticos EJL Early Judaism and Its Literature EKKNT Evangelisch-katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament EstBib Estudios Biblicos ETS Erfurter theologische Studien FAT Forschungen zum Alten Testament xii Abbreviations FRLANT Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments FTS Frankfurter theologische Studien GCS Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte GOTR Greek Orthodox Theological Review HTKNT Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament HTR Harvard Theological Review HTS Harvard Theological Studies HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual ICC International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments Imm Immanuel JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JCPS Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JSHRZ Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit JSJ Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period JSJSS Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period: Supplement Series JSNTSS Journal for the Study of the New Testament. Supplement Series JSOTSS Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series JSP Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha JTS Journal of Theological Studies LAB Biblical Antiquities of Ps.-Philo LCJP Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers LCL Loeb Classical Library LNTS Library of New Testament Studies LXX Septuagint NHMS Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies NHS Nag Hammadi Studies NICNT New International Commentary on the New Testament NIGTC New International Greek Testament Commentary NovT Novum Testamentum NovTSup Supplements to Novum Testamentum NSBT New Studies in Biblical Theology NTAbh Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen NTOA Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus NTS New Testament Studies Abbreviations xiii NTTS New Testament Tools and Studies OC Oriens Christianus PA Philosophia Antiqua PNTC Pillar New Testament Commentary PTS Patristische Texte und Studien PVTG Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece RB Revue biblique RechRib Recherches bibliques RTL Revue théologique de Louvain SANT Studien zum Alten und Neuen Testaments SBLDS Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series SBLSP Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers SBLTT Society of Biblical Literature Texts and Translations SC Sources chrétiennes SHR Studies in the History of Religions SJ Studia Judaica SJLA Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity SJS Studia Judaeoslavica SNTSMS Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series SP Studia Patristica SPhA Studia Philonica Annual SSEJC Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity STAC Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum STDJ Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah SVTP Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha TCS Text-Critical Studies TG Tesi Gregoriana ThZ Theologische Zeitschrift TNTC Tyndale New Testament Commentary TS Theological Studies TSAJ Texte und Studien zum antiken
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