Spring/Summer 2013 ffreshfreshresh paintpaint Celebrating Our Student Artists Leaving a Legacy FP-SPRING-SUMMER 2013.indd 1 6/14/13 10:54 AM inside faea Advocacy Update ....................... 4 Division Updates ........................ 6 Retirees Group ............................. 9 contentsSPRING/SUMMER 2013 Volume 37 • Issue 1 Districts Assembly ................... 10 Art Teacher Leaves a Legacy 13 Arts for Life! departments 16 Awards President ........................................ 3 DeLaura Jams Scholarships 14 with Yam FLORIDA news & notes ..............14 Announcements ...................... 22 Scholastic Art and 20 Writing Awards About the covers: Jurissa Tellez, Coral Reef Senior High School, Art Teacher: Scott Mckinley, Miami-Dade County (front); Thomas Goebel, Jensen Beach High School, Art Teacher: Daniel Gorostiaga, Martin County Lisa Kammel Raguso, Editor Fresh Paint is a quarterly publi- ADVERTISERS Florida art education. The publish-
[email protected] cation of the Florida Art Educa- ACKNOWLEDGMENT er does not endorse any particular tion Association, Inc. The purpose Fresh Paint is made possible, in company, product or service. The Debbie Dewell, Creative Director of this publication is to provide Florida Art Education Association
[email protected] part, by the participation of the membership information. It is pub- following businesses whose ad- (FAEA) is not responsible for the David Dewell, lished digitally in the spring/sum- vertisements appear in this issue. content of any advertisement and Production Assistant mer (May) and winter (December), They make it possible to provide reserves the right to accept or re-
[email protected] and printed and mailed in the fall our membership with a high qual- fuse any advertisement submitted (August), by the Florida Art Educa- ity publication and we gratefully for publication.