Guaranteed Perio dic Real-Time Communication over Wormhole Switched Networks Alejandro Garcia, Lisb eth Johansson, Magnus Jonsson, and Mattias Weckstén Scho ol of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden
[email protected], ket, e.g., Myrinet [1] and Gigabit Ethernet [2]. How- Abstract ever, these networks typically have no or very little supp ort for real-time trac, esp ecially hard real-time In this paper, we investigate how to eciently im- trac which is required in applications like those men- plement TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) on a tioned ab ove. Networks like ATM are available but wormhole switched network using a pure software solu- less complex aordable alternatives are needed where tion in the end nodes. Transmission is conict freeon eachnode can be connected directly to the switched the time-slot level and hencedead lock free. On the sub- network. slot level, however, conicts are possible when using early sending, a methodwepropose in ordertoreduce In this pap er, we present work done on time- latency while stil l not hazarding the TDMA schedule. deterministic communication to supp ort cyclic traf- Wepropose a complete system to oer services for dy- c in a class of switched networks. By using TDMA namic establishment of guaranteed periodic real-time (Time Division Multiple Access), the access to each virtual channels. Two dierent clock synchronization link in the network is divided into time-slots. When approaches for integration into the TDMA system are the trac is changed (e.g., a new real-time virtual discussed.