Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. Corporate Overview Q1, 2007 About Mellanox Technologies

ƒ Fabless semiconductor supplier founded in 1999 • Business HQ in California • Research & Development and Operations HQ in Israel • Global sales offices and support ƒ Leading high-performance connectivity products for servers, storage and embedded systems ƒ $117M raised in IPO - February 2007 • NASDAQ: MLNX • Profitable since 2005 ƒ Shipped 1.7M+ 10 & 20Gb/s ports as of December 2006 ƒ IBTA and OpenFabrics Industry Leadership

2 Interconnect: A Competitive Advantage

End-Users Servers And Blades Enterprise Data Centers ƒ Clustered Database ƒ Customer Relationship Management ƒ eCommerce and Retail ƒ Financial Switches ƒ Web Services

High-Performance Computing ƒ Biosciences and Geosciences ƒ Computer Automated Engineering ƒ Digital Content Creation Storage ƒ Electronic Design Automation InfiniBand and ƒ Government and Defense

Embedded ƒ Communications Embedded ƒ Computing and Storage Aggregation ƒ Industrial ƒ Medical ƒ Military

3 Leading Customers / Growing Markets

Hardware OEMs Software Partners End-Users

Enterprise Data Centers Servers


High-Performance Computing




4 Comprehensive Solutions

ƒ Adapter ICs

ADAPTER SWITCH ADAPTER ƒ Adapter Cards ƒ Switch ICs ƒ Reference Designs ƒ Software

Blade/Rack Switch Storage ƒ End-to-End Servers Validation

5 Product Roadmap

4th Generation Gen2 Adapter Two 10/20/40 Gb/s IB or Two 1/10Gb/s Ethernet

3rd Generation 20, 40Gb/s Total Adapter

40, 80Gb/s Total Adapter

480, 960Gb/s Total Switch

2nd Generation 40Gb/s Total Adapter

160Gb/s Total Switch

1st Gen. 40Gb/s Total Adapter + Switch

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

6 Powerful Trends Drive Large Markets

Clustering and Blades

Virtualization Low-Latency

Multi-Core CPUs Consolidation

7 Addressing Large and Growing Markets

17.0M ports 10.6M ports Storage Storage 4.7M Overall: 13% CAGR 2.6M Servers: 11% CAGR Storage: 16% CAGR Embedded: 14% CAGR Embedded Embedded Servers 0.3M Servers 0.5M 7.7M 11.8M

2006 2010

Source: and

8 InfiniBand Leadership

ƒ Industry-Standard Performance Roadmap • Established software ecosystem Gigabits per second • Wide range of system solutions 120 ƒ Price / Performance / Power 110 • 20Gb/s node-to-node (40Gb/s in 2008) 100 ch it • 60Gb/s switch-to-switch (120Gb/s in 2008) 90 w -S o • → 1us application latency 80 -t ch it • Lowest power per Gb/s bandwidth 70 w S ƒ Reliable 60 60Gb/s • HW reliability and congestion management 50 40 de -No ƒ Efficient 30 e-to • RDMA and Transport Offload Nod 20 20Gb/s • CPU focuses on application processing 10Gb/s Ethernet 10 ƒ Scalable 8Gb/s FC • Tens-of-thousands of nodes 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ƒ Service Oriented I/O • Security and Quality-of-Service • Virtualization • I/O consolidation including storage • HW protection and isolation

9 InfiniBand Leads Price/Performance

Adapter Switch Total Price per Price Price/Port Price Gb/s 20Gb/s InfiniBand $690 $369 $1,059 $66 Dual port 10 $945 $598 $1,543 $154 Single port

4Gb Fibre Channel $820 $590 $1,410 $352 Single port

Gigabit Ethernet $100 $120 $220 $220 Single port

*All prices are end-user, single unit prices InfiniBand Dual-port adapters include high All prices are fixed format, stand-alone products availability option at no extra cost ! All prices from CDW, March 07, except: 10GigE switch price from announced OEM product at 30% discount 4Gb Fibre Channel Switch price from Tolly report Additional information available upon request

10 Data Center Resource Optimization

ƒ IB delivers 2.5X Price/Performance Advantage Source: • 35% Price advantage vs. GigE • 62% Performance Improvement vs. GigE • World Record TPC-H benchmark with IB storage

ƒ IB advantages for virtualization Source: • Reduce I/O Infrastructure cost 60% vs. GigE and FC • Reduce I/O Infrastructure power 27% vs. GigE and FC

ƒ IB used to connect mission-critical global risk management systems Source: • 15% to 70% increased hardware utilization • Reduced TCO by $10M/year

May, 2006

11 Mellanox Superior Application Performance

Market Segment Application Performance Advantage

26% better than QLogic 85% better than Myrinet LSTC LS-DYNA Automotive 115% better than GigE ESI PAM-CRASH 300% better than GigE Oil and Gas Schlumberger Eclipse 55% better than Myrinet 145%-1400% better than GigE Fluent 15% better than QLogic Fluid Dynamics Exa PowerFLOW 24% better than Myrinet CD-adapco STAR CD 29% better than Myrinet Digital Media Autodesk 470% better than GigE Financial Wombat 120% better than GigE Database Oracle 62% better than GigE

** Partial List ** Platforms may vary, contact Mellanox for details 12 Escalating Computing Needs

Total # of CPUs in the Top500 Total Performance of the Top500 (000s) (TFlops)

3,528 % 1,021 40 = % R 85 AG = 6 C R 00 AG 0-2 C 00 732 06 2 -20 2,305 00 20

409 1,130 267 220 140 162 529 293 88 135

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ƒ Computing market growth and increasing number of ports ƒ Diverse set of applications • Research, HPC, financial, semiconductor, retail, utility computing ƒ First Petaflop cluster expected in 2007-2008 Source:

13 InfiniBand Momentum / Ethernet Ubiquity

Number of Clusters in Top500 (1 6%) ƒ Trends from Top500 256 212 249 215 propagate to 142 (1 0%) 102 enterprise markets % 89 5 0 82 80 1 ƒ InfiniBand is the only 40 30 growing high speed 18 interconnect 6/05 11/05 6/06 11/06 6/05 11/05 6/06 11/06 6/05 11/05 6/06 11/06 GigE Myrinet InfiniBand ƒ Majority of the largest Number of Clusters in Top250 supercomputers

(4 106 109 8% utilize InfiniBand 97 ) % 9 6 ƒ InfiniBand is the (2 1 70 4%) 50 leading interconnect 40 41 38 29 26 13 15 in the top 250 supercomputers 6/05 11/05 6/06 11/06 6/05 11/05 6/06 11/06 6/05 11/05 6/06 11/06 GigE Myrinet InfiniBand


14 Convergence on InfiniBand and Ethernet

Connectivity Fibre Connectivity Requirements Proprietary Channel EthernetRequirementsInfiniBand Industry Standard Industry Standard

Performance Performance

Price Price

Power Power

Reliable Reliable

Efficient Efficient

Scalable Scalable

15 InfiniBand and Ethernet Expansion

Current Architecture iSCSI Storage

Ethernet Ethernet Switch Fibre Channel Fibre Channel Switch InfiniBand

InfiniBand Switch

InfiniBand Fibre Channel Storage Storage

Converged Architecture with ConnectX – I/O Consolidation iSCSI Storage

InfiniBand or Ethernet InfiniBand or Ethernet

Low Cost Bridge

InfiniBand Fibre Channel Storage Storage 16 The Management Team

Name Title Experience

Eyal Waldman CEO, President & Chairman of the Board Michael Gray CFO ASK Computer Systems Roni Ashuri VP Engineering

Shai Cohen VP Operations & Engineering

Michael Kagan VP Architecture

Thad Omura VP Product Marketing

Dave Sheffler VP Worldwide Sales

17 Strong Revenue Growth

Historical Annual Revenues ($M)





$4.0 $1.7

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

18 Mellanox Differentiators

ƒ Expert Design • Advanced architecture and proven mixed-signal technology ƒ Solid Execution and Product Quality • Silicon, Software, and Systems • Proven high-volume manufacturing capabilities ƒ Well Established Relationships • Leading Server, Storage, Communications Infrastructure Equipment and Embedded System OEM customers • ISV Partners and 3rd Party Hardware Vendors • Direct interface to end-user customers ƒ Experienced Team • Technical, Business and Management

19 Summary

ƒ Leader in silicon-based, high-performance connectivity solutions ƒ Market-wide adoption of InfiniBand • Servers/blades, storage and switch systems • Data Centers, High-Performance Computing, Embedded • Performance, Price, Power, Reliable, Efficient, Scalable ƒ 4th Generation adapter extends connectivity to InfiniBand and Ethernet • Market leading performance, capabilities and flexibility ƒ Driving key trends in the market • Clustering/blades, low-latency, I/O consolidation, multi-core CPUs and virtualization

20 Thank You