A FRIEND IN NEED © By Bruce Pomerantz 5687 W. Bavarian Pass Fridley, MN 55432 Phone: 763-574-2330 Email:
[email protected] SYNOPSIS Bryce, a co-worker of Darlene’s, volunteers to stay one evening with Val, her convalescing husband, so she can have a night out with a girlfriend. But the tables turn when Bryce ends up recuperating from a broken leg and arm at the couple’s home and Bryce’s parents insinuate themselves into the house, also. BIOGRAPHY Bruce Pomerantz, a retired librarian, is undergoing his second young adulthood and doing things he was too scared to do the first time around. FRIEND IN NEED CAST OF CHARACTERS AND SET Darlene Arnold A woman in her early 30s; Val’s wife. Val Arnold Short for Valentine. Darlene’s husband, of similar age, using a wheelchair due to a recent bone marrow transplant to cure idiopathic anemia. He is the Target’s a product management and sourcing for men’s wear. Consequently, while at home convalescing, he dresses a refined casual. Bryce Morrow Darlene’s friend, age 27. Bryce is overly earnest because he is uncertain of himself and appreciates any kindness shown him. Father Morrow 66 years old, Bryce’s dad Mother Morrow 64 years old, Bryce’s mom Case Manager Of any age or gender. Can be doubled by anyone but Bryce and Darlene Formatting note: Lines ending in / indicate the speaker is to be interrupted by the next actor. MOTHER pronounces Bryce’s name as the two syllable diminutive Bry-cee FATHER has a habitual stance of putting his hands in his rear pants pockets when standing and in his front pockets when walking or sitting.