Newsletter 271, November 1979
THE INTERNATIONAL CONCERTINA ASSOCIATION No. 271 N E W S L E T T E R Nov. 1979 President: Rev. Kenneth Loveless, V.R.D., F.S.A., F.S.A. Scot., R.N.R. Secretary: J. Harvey, 44 St. Barnabas Street, London S.W.1. Treasurer: F.J. Hutcherson, 45 Valentine Avenue, Bexley, Kent. Notices The next meeting is our Christmass Social, which is on Saturday 8th December, at Montem School Annexe, Hornsey Road, Holloway, London N.7. from 2.00pm to 6.00pm. Nearest Tube stations are Holloway Road, and Finsbury Park. Note the earlier time than usual. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday January 26th at the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London. Further details in the next Newsletter. We still have no nominations for next year's committee. If you have any suggestions, write to Jim Harvey, address above. We also need an Auditor. If you think you can do the job, or know someone capable of doing it, please write to John Hutcherson, address above. Christmass Message from the President This year the concertina has been celebrating its 150th anniversary. It is one of only two instruments that we have so far managed to invent, the other being the Northumbrian smallpipes, on which so many young people are beginning to be wonderfully proficient. Our instrument was patented in 1829, and had its heyday in the early years of the 20th century, when it could be described as a 'parlour instrument'. These were the times when families made their own music in their own houses and often invited the neighbours in for what was called a 'musical evening'.
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