Charles Goodall, M.D., F.R.C.P
[From Schurigio: Lithopogia Historico-Medica, Dresden, 1744] ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY Third Series , Volume II January , 1940 Numbe r 1 CHARLES GOODALL, M.D., F.R.C.P. A DEFENDER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON By SIR HUMPHRY ROLLESTON, BT., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. HASLEMERE, ENGLAND HARLES GOODALL (1642- title page of this printed dissertation, 1712) was ail ardent cham- which is in the British Museum, de- pion of the rights of the scribed him as “Carolus Goddal, anglus, Royal College of Physicians Acad. Cant. L. et Coll. Email., ibidem of London and the vigorous opponentnuper alumnus. ” He was incorporated ofC unlicensed “practisers” during most m.d . at Cambridge on November 26 in of his professional life, beginning, by the same year. bringing out a book on the subject, even Settling in London he then attended before he was connected with the Col- the anatomical lectures of Walter Need- lege and lasting until his death when ham (1631-1691?) whom he was des- he was president. He was the son of tined to succeed on April 28, 1691, as Thomas Goodall, of Earl Stonham. Suf- physician to the Charterhouse where he folk. Admitted a pensioner (an ordinary resided, as the regulations of the foun- undergraduate) at Emmanuel College, dation directed (which Needham had Cambridge, on January 20, 1658-9 he not obeyed), with occasional visits to was licensed to practise surgery (C.L.)* his house in Kensington. This charity in 1665. was founded by Thomas Sutton (1532- On June 21, 1670 he “entered on the 1611), a soldier and the richest com- physic line’’ at Leyden and on July 6 of moner of his day, for eighty poverty- that year obtained the doctorate of med- stricken “gentlemen,” soldiers, mer- icine there with his “Disputatio de chants ruined by piracy or shipwreck, haemorrhageis scorbuticis,” which was and servants of the sovereign, and sec- dedicated to his father, Rev.
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