Spoon-Benders’ Pushing Nuclear Armageddon by Jeffrey Steinberg Enemy Nation Through Every Avail- Brutish Level

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Spoon-Benders’ Pushing Nuclear Armageddon by Jeffrey Steinberg Enemy Nation Through Every Avail- Brutish Level The New Citizen Supplement September 2005 Page 1 THE NEW Supplement ® WATCH LaRouche International Webcast from USA Live Saturday, Sept. 17th, 3:00 am EST (early Sat. am) www.larouchepac.com CITIZENWeb: http://www.cecaust.com.au Email: [email protected] (Archived soon thereafter) September 2005 50c (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 Cheney Plots New 9/11, Nuclear War vs. Iran he two extraordinary articles you gust, 2005 New Citizen Extra, to box, “What You Can Do!” Then, the Tare about to read in this special which this is a supplement. Suffice institutional forces in the U.S. Con- New Citizen Supplement were first it to say that the world is on the edge gress and elsewhere, rallied by La- published in the August 26, 2005 is- of an explosion of a speculative bub- Rouche, can move to impeach Cheney sue of Executive Intelligence Review ble of hundreds of trillions of dol- and his pathetic puppet, Bush. As that (EIR), the weekly magazine founded lars —the greatest financial crash in begins to happen, we can move toward by U.S. statesman and economist history. In these circumstances— a durable solution to this mess, by re- Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Circulated merely typified by the impending placing the Money Power’s failed sys- in pre-publication copies, they al- bankruptcy of General Motors, the tem of globalisation with LaRouche’s ready had a bombshell impact among world’s largest corporation—a des- idea of a return to sovereign nation- U.S. institutions, including the mili- perate financial oligarchy would states in a fixed exchange rate, tariff- tary and intelligence communities rather unleash nuclear war and a protected, national banking-centred and the U.S. Congress, and have been New Dark Age, than lose dictatorial New Bretton Woods system. Such vet- featured on dozens of radio shows and control over their disintegrating “glo- erans of “old Labor” as Common- websites in the U.S. and abroad. balist” system. wealth bank founder King O’Malley, The background to Cheney’s plans First, we must stop Cheney’s hid- Jack Lang, Frank Anstey, John Cur- for a new 9/11 and nuclear war eous plot, in which you can play an tin, Ben Chifley and Jim Cairns would Sociopath and nuclear mad-man U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney against Iran was detailed in the Au- important role, as specified in the p. 4 have readily understood. Cheney’s ‘Spoon-Benders’ Pushing Nuclear Armageddon by Jeffrey Steinberg enemy nation through every avail- brutish level. War should take full advantage of Reprinted from Executive Intelli- able medium, and it must strike at “MindWar must target all partic- such phenomena as atmospheric gence Review the nation’s potential soldiers be- ipants to be effective. It must not electromagnetic activity, air ioniza- fore they put on their uniforms. It only weaken the enemy; it must tion, and extremely low frequency ometime in late 1980, then-Col. is in their homes and their commu- strengthen the United States. It waves,” the paper concluded. Paul E. Vallely, the Command- nities that they are most vulnerable S strengthens the United States by de- The “MindWar” paper was dis- er of the 7th Psychological Opera- to MindWar.... nying enemy propaganda access to turbing, for reasons beyond its fa- tions Group, United States Army “To this end,” Vallely and co-au- our people, and by explaining and scistic and occultist content. For Reserve, Presidio of San Francis- thor continued, “MindWar must be emphasizing to our people the ra- one thing, Colonel Vallely’s co-au- co, California, co-authored a dis- strategic in emphasis, with tactical tionale for our national interest in thor was a PSYOP Research & cussion paper, which received wide applications playing a reinforcing, a specific war.” Analysis Team Leader named Maj. and controversial attention within supplementary role. In its strategic Leaving nothing to the imagina- Michael A. Aquino. Five years be- the U.S. military, particularly with- context, MindWar must reach out tion, the document concluded by fore the circulation of the MindWar in the Special Operations commu- to friends, enemies, and neutrals emphasizing that MindWar should paper, Special Forces Reserve of- nity. The paper was titled “From alike across the globe—neither employ subliminal brainwashing ficer Aquino had founded the Tem- PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychol- through primitive ‘battlefield’ leaf- technologies, and weapons that di- ple of Set, a Satanic organization ogy of Victory,” and it presented a lets and loudspeakers of PSYOP rectly attack the targetted popula- which was the successor to Anton Nietzschean scheme for waging nor through the weak, imprecise, tion’s central nervous system and Szandor LeVay’s Church of Satan. perpetual psychological warfare and narrow effort of psychotron- brain functioning: “There are some Aquino would soon be grabbing against friend and enemy popula- ics—but through the media pos- purely natural conditions under headlines, which persisted through- Col. John B, Alexander (r.), with Hal tions alike, and even against the sessed by the United States which which minds may become more or out the 1980s, as a leading suspect Puthoff. Alexander was one of the first American people. have the capabilities to reach vir- less receptive to ideas, and Mind- to advocate the use of "MindWar" The “MindWar” paper was pro- tually all people on the face of the Continued Page 2 techniques. voked by an article by Lt. Col. John Earth. These media are, of course Alexander, which appeared in the the electronic media—television December 1980 edition of Military and radio. State of the art develop- Review, advocating the introduc- ments in satellite communication, Abu Ghraib, Satanists, tion of ESP (extra-sensory percep- video recording techniques, and la- tion), “telepathic behavior modifi- ser and optical transmission of cation,” para-psychology, psycho- broadcasts make possible a pene- And Spoon-Benders kinesis (“mind over matter”), re- tration of the minds of the world mote viewing, out of body experi- such as would have been inconceiv- by Edward Spannaus for Common Sense, and others, are tersects outright Satanic circles? ences, and other New Age and oc- able just a few years ago. Like the Reprinted from Executive Intel- 87 photographs and four video- cult practices into U.S. military in- sword Excalibur [King Arthur’s ligence Review tapes, which are reported to con- ‘Rape and Murder’ telligence. Alexander’s paper was magical sword—ed.], we have but tain images of rape, sodomy, and An examination of this ques- titled “The New Mental Battlefield: to reach out and seize this tool; and n a legal battle currently rag- other conduct far more horrendous tion, should proceed in the light Beam Me Up, Spock.” it can transform the world for us if Iing in Federal court in New even than that which has been dis- of recent hearings in the U.S. But the subsequent paper co-au- we have the courage and the integ- York, the Pentagon is desperate- closed so far. Senate, and the explosive New thored by Vallely went way beyond rity to enhance civilization with it. ly trying to block the release of The question raised, is what con- Yorker magazine article by in- ESP and the other paranormal tech- If we do not accept Excalibur, then more photos and videotapes of nection does this have to the reports vestigative reporter Jane Mayer, niques advocated by Alexander: we relinquish our ability to inspire prisoner abuse and torture at Abu received by EIR that the Special which have further documented “Strategic MindWar must begin the foreign cultures with our morality. Ghraib. At issue, in the lawsuit Warfare crowd based at Fort Bragg, that prisoner abuse and torture was moment war is considered to be in- If they can then desire moralities brought by the American Civil N.C., is deeply enmeshed in a deliberate, systematic policy, one evitable,” the document stated. “It unsatisfactory to us, we have no Liberties Union (ACLU), Physi- “spoon-bender” Mind War pro- Continued Page 4 must seek out the attention of the choice but to fight them on a more cians for Human Rights, Veterans grams and experimentation, and in- Page 2 The New Citizen Supplement September 2005 From Page 1 in a nationwide Satanic pedophile ring, that particularly targetted day- care centers on such military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio. Furthermore, Vallely and Aqui- no’s MindWar scheme is remarka- bly similar to the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program launched by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon, under the direction of Irangate figure Adm. John Poindex- ter. Ostensibly, the Total Informa- tion Awareness global propaganda and mega-data-mining plan was scrapped after a series of negative news stories, but Pentagon sources Gen. Albert Stubblebine III Army Chief of Staff Gen. Wayne A. Downing Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin have reported that the program was Gen. Peter Schoomaker merely “taken into a black box.” national Terrorist Organizations methods blur with insurgency. Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the ty Undersecretary of Defense for Indeed, on Aug. 16, 2005, The (for assassinating a number of U.S. Quoting from a September 2003 current U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Intelligence, a post he still holds. New York Times’ Philip Shenon re- military officers in Iran); and 2) de- San Francisco Chronicle article by was Commanding General of the According to The New Yorker piece vealed that a super-secret Pentagon mands U.S. military action to impose Naval Postgraduate School defense Joint Special Operations Command by Hersh, Boykin and his immedi- “special action program” called “regime change” in Tehran, through analyst and Pentagon counterinsur- (1994-96), Commander of the ate boss, Undersecretary of Defense Able Danger had tracked Moham- such measures as a massive bomb- gency advisor John Arquilla, Hersh United States Army Special Oper- for Intelligence Stephen Cambone, med Atta and three of the other ing campaign against Iran’s purport- hinted that U.S.
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