The New Citizen Supplement September 2005 Page 1 THE NEW Supplement ® WATCH LaRouche International Webcast from USA Live Saturday, Sept. 17th, 3:00 am EST (early Sat. am) CITIZENWeb: Email:
[email protected] (Archived soon thereafter) September 2005 50c (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 Cheney Plots New 9/11, Nuclear War vs. Iran he two extraordinary articles you gust, 2005 New Citizen Extra, to box, “What You Can Do!” Then, the Tare about to read in this special which this is a supplement. Suffice institutional forces in the U.S. Con- New Citizen Supplement were first it to say that the world is on the edge gress and elsewhere, rallied by La- published in the August 26, 2005 is- of an explosion of a speculative bub- Rouche, can move to impeach Cheney sue of Executive Intelligence Review ble of hundreds of trillions of dol- and his pathetic puppet, Bush. As that (EIR), the weekly magazine founded lars —the greatest financial crash in begins to happen, we can move toward by U.S. statesman and economist history. In these circumstances— a durable solution to this mess, by re- Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Circulated merely typified by the impending placing the Money Power’s failed sys- in pre-publication copies, they al- bankruptcy of General Motors, the tem of globalisation with LaRouche’s ready had a bombshell impact among world’s largest corporation—a des- idea of a return to sovereign nation- U.S. institutions, including the mili- perate financial oligarchy would states in a fixed exchange rate, tariff- tary and intelligence communities rather unleash nuclear war and a protected, national banking-centred and the U.S.