2016/17 Operations Plan

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2016/17 Operations Plan Republic of Chad 2016/17 OPERATIONS PLAN African Risk Capacity (ARC) 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 DESCRIBE THE STATUS OF THE COUNTRY IN TERMS OF RISKS .................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE PURPOSE OF THIS OPERATIONS PLAN ................................................................................................................................ 13 3 COUNTRY DROUGHT PROFILE ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 DESCRIBE THE GENERAL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF DROUGHTS ............................................................................................................... 14 3.2 DESCRIBE THE GENERAL RAINFALL FEATURES OF THE COUNTRY ........................................................................................................................... 22 1. THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE AGRO-ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION SYSTEM IN CHAD ........................................................................................ 23 2. SITUATION WITH REGARD TO RAINFALL ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.3 INSERT THE SEASONAL AGRICULTURE CALENDAR .................................................................................................................................................. 26 3.4 HISTORICAL DROUGHT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.5 HISTORICAL DROUGHT IMPACT (IN TERMS OF NUMBER OF AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS/CATTLE) .............................................................................. 27 3.6 HISTORICAL DROUGHT RESPONSES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28 3.7 DISCUSSION OF THE HISTORICAL DROUGHT CONDITIONS, VULNERABLE POPULATIONS AND RESPONSES ................................................................29 4 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 4.1 existing national policies or legislation ................................................................................................................................................................... 30 4.2 EXISTING ASSESSMENT PROCESSES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 32 4.3 CONTINGENCY PLANNING PROCEDURES FOR DROUGHT .......................................................................................................................................37 4.4 DROUGHT RESPONSE COORDINATION MECHANISM ..............................................................................................................................................38 4.5 PROPOSED FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS AND COORDINATION OF ARC PAYOUT ................................................................................................... 43 5 RISK TRANSFER PARAMETERS .........................................................................................................................................................................................44 6 SCENARIO DEFINITION AND GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE ...................................................................................................................................................45 2 6.1 THE DROUGHT MODEL SCENARIOS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46 7 INTERVENTION DETAILS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 48 7.1 FIRST INTERVENTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 7.2 SECOND INTERVENTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 8 M&E FRAMEWORK AND PLAN ........................................................................................................................................................................................70 9 PROGRAM RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................71 10 . DEFINITION OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES .............................................................................................................................................72 11 Annex 1: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ..........................................................................................................................................................................77 LIST OF ONASA SUPPLIERS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................77 REGIONAL DELEGATE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................78 12 Annex 2: Budget ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................79 3 List of Acronyms ACC Adapting to Climate Change ACMAD African Centre of Meteorological Application for Development ANALA National Agency for Locust Control (Agence Nationale de Lutte Antiacridienne) ANAM National Meteorology Agency (Agence Nationale de la Météorologie) ARC African Risk Capacity CASAGC Committee of Action for Food Security and Crisis Management (Comité d’Action pour la Sécurité alimentaire et la Gestion des Crises) CILSS Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel DAC Departmental (District) Action Committees DASSP Directorate for the Development and Safety of Pastoral Systems (Direction de l’Aménagement et de la Sécurisation des Systèmes Pastoraux) DFID UK Department for International Development DPEP Directorate of Planning and Prospective Studies (Direction de la Planification et des Études Prospectives) DRE Regional Livestock Delegations (Délégation Régionale de l’Élevage) DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EWS Early Warning System (SAP = Système d’alerte précoce) FFD Free Food Distribution (DAG or Distribution alimentaire gratuite) FNE National Livestock Fund (Fonds national de l’Élevage) FSE Special Fund for the Environment (Fonds spécial en faveur de l’Environnement) FSS Social Solidarity Fund (Fonds de solidarité sociale) HCT Humanitarian Country Team HEA Household Economy Approach HF Harmonised Framework IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IDA International Development Association IDB Islamic Development Bank IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies LAC Local Action Committees MA Ministry of Agriculture 4 MAM Moderate Acute Malnutrition MSF Doctors without Borders (Médecins sans Frontières) MT Metric Ton MWG Multidisciplinary Working Group (GTP ou Groupe de travail pluridisciplinaire) NCP National Contingency Plan NDP National Development Plan NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NT National Treasury ONASA National Food Security Office (= Office national d’appui à la sécurité alimentaire) ONDR National Office for Rural Development (Office National de Développement Rural) ORSEC Disaster Relief Organisation PNSA National Food Security Programme PRESAC Regional seasonal forecasting exercises RAC Regional Action Committees RCC Red Cross of Chad SIPSA Information system for monitoring pastoral dynamics in the Sahel (Système d’Informations sur le Pastoralisme au Sahel) SISAAP Information System on Food Security and Early Warning (Système d’Information sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et d’Alerte Précoce) SNPS National Social Protection Strategy (Stratégie nationale de protection sociale) SNSA National Food Security Stock (Stock national de sécurité alimentaire) TFP Technical and Financial Partner TWG Technical Working Group UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programmes WFP United Nations World Food Programme 5 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Country: Chad Legal representative Surname/Name: NDJERASSEM NGARADJIM Title: General Director of the Ministry of
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