Iii. Visitor Profile

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Iii. Visitor Profile Surveys of Visitors to Ross Lake National Recreation Area: State Route 20 Corridor User Survey and Ross Lake User Survey Jane E. Swanson Darryll R. Johnson Technical Report NPS/PWR/PNWCESU - 2007/03 NPS D-286 January 2007 Protected Area Social Research Unit College of Forest Resources Box 352100 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2100 The Protected Areas Social Research Unit is the applied social science program associated with the NPS Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (NPS PNW CESU). This applied social science program has been operating out of the UW College of Forest Resources since 1970 when it was a part of the Cooperative Park Studies Unit (CPSU). The NPS (NPS PNW CESU) is located in the University of Washington (UW) College of Forest Resources. The NPS PNW CESU is part of a larger partnership involving 7 federal agencies, 12 universities and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The PNW CESU was created in October of 2000 to provide research, technical assistance and education to enhance management of natural and cultural resources on public lands in the Pacific Northwest. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by NPS, UW, or any of the other agencies or institutions associated with this research. The contents of the report do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the NPS, UW, or any of the agencies associated with this report. Copies are available from the following: Technical Information Center Denver Service Center National Park Service P. O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225-0287 303-969-2130 ii Surveys of Visitors to Ross Lake National Recreation Area: State Route 20 Corridor User Survey and Ross Lake User Survey Jane E. Swanson Darryll R. Johnson Technical Report NPS/PWR/PNWCESU - 2007/03 NPS D-286 January 2007 Protected Area Social Research Unit College of Forest Resources Box 352100 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2100 Cooperative Agreement No. CA9088A0008 National Park Service and University of Washington This research was supported by the Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission and the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit of the National Park Service iii Table of Contents Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................x Preface ............................................................................................................................xi A SURVEY OF STATE ROUTE 20 CORRIDOR USERS.................................................1 Corridor User Survey Highlights ...................................................................................1 Visitor Profile................................................................................................................................. 1 Trip Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 1 Facilities and Programs ................................................................................................................ 2 Trip Motivations............................................................................................................................ 3 I. INTRODUCTION AND METHOD ..................................................................................4 Corridor User Survey......................................................................................................5 Survey design and development................................................................................................... 5 Sampling and contact procedures................................................................................................ 5 Survey administration................................................................................................................... 7 Administration of mailings ........................................................................................................... 7 Peak versus shoulder season visitors ........................................................................................... 8 Sub-group analyses........................................................................................................................ 8 Statistical considerations............................................................................................................... 8 Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Non-response ............................................................................................................................ 9 Accuracy of the sample ................................................................................................................. 9 Conventions followed in this report........................................................................................... 10 II. VISITOR PROFILE .....................................................................................................12 Location Contacted and Destination Type................................................................................ 12 iv Age of respondents ...................................................................................................................... 13 Sex................................................................................................................................................. 18 Residence...................................................................................................................................... 19 Education ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Ethnicity and Race ...................................................................................................................... 22 Number of trips in the past three years..................................................................................... 23 Party Size...................................................................................................................................... 24 Party Type.................................................................................................................................... 25 Party members under the age of 18 ........................................................................................... 27 III. TRIP CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................30 Transportation Mode.................................................................................................................. 30 Type of destination ...................................................................................................................... 33 Driving pattern of visitors........................................................................................................... 35 Length of stay............................................................................................................................... 39 General activities engaged in...................................................................................................... 45 Most and second most important activity ................................................................................. 48 Walk/hikes during trip................................................................................................................ 51 Places stopped along SR 20 corridor ......................................................................................... 55 Overall trip satisfaction .............................................................................................................. 61 IV. FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS ................................................................................63 Sought information prior to visit ............................................................................................... 63 Prior knowledge of facilities and programs .............................................................................. 66 Awareness of and interest in North Cascades Institute’s environmental education programs ....................................................................................................................................................... 74 Interest in different types of ranger activities........................................................................... 79 Visitation of and satisfaction with specific facilities/programs ............................................... 95 v V. TRIP MOTIVATIONS................................................................................................115 Trip motivations ........................................................................................................................ 115 VI. LOCAL VISITORS...................................................................................................153 Comparison of local visitors with local residents using census data..................................... 153 Comparison of local to non-local park users .......................................................................... 154 Visitor Profile ....................................................................................................................... 154 Trip characteristics...............................................................................................................
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