Geology of the Methow Valley Okanogan County, Washington Frontispiece
STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands DON LEE FRASER, Supervisor DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES VAUGHN E. LIVINGSTON JR., State Geologist BULLETIN N0.68 GEOLOGY OF THE METHOW VALLEY OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON By JULIAN D. BARKSDALE ' 1975 .. - WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY 111~1111111111 Ill llll!l llll l!I Ill Ill 111111~~ AbOOOO 135493 GEOLOGY OF THE METHOW VALLEY OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON FRONTISPIECE Methow Valley looking southeast from lower slopes of Last Chance Point. Goat Wall in the middle dis tance left is the result of glacial erosion of Midnight Peak Formation andesitic rocks. II STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public lands DON LEE FRASER , Supervisor DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES VAUGHN E. LIVINGSTON, JR., State Geologist BULLETIN N0.68 GEOLOGY OF THE METHOW VALLEY OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON By JULIAN D. BARKSDALE 1975 \ For sale by Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, Washington Price $ 2.00 The publishing of this report on the Methow Valley was made possible by the generous financial contributions of the EXXON COMPANY Minerals Department, PLACER AMEX INCORPORATED, and QUINTANA MINERALS CORPORATION and THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IV FOREWORD Dr. Julian Barksdale, the author of this report, is the dean of the Methow River Valley geology. Berky, as he is known to his friends and colleagues, began his ~ork in the rugged Methow country in 1939 as a new Ph. D, recently hired by the University of Washington. During a field trip into the upper Methow late in 1938 with Dr.
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