Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2000 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. RECESS bers of the House and Senate who are Commissioner John Busby, National The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the present today. Commander, Salvation Army, Alexan- order of the House of Thursday, May 11, The Clerk called the roll of the dria, Virginia, offered the following 2000, the House will stand in recess sub- former Members of Congress, and the prayer: ject to the call of the Chair to receive following former Members answered to Almighty God, Creator, Preserver the former Members of Congress. their names: and Governor of all things, we humbly Accordingly (at 9 o'clock and 5 min- ROLLCALL OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS bow before You on behalf of those gath- utes a.m.) the House stood in recess ATTENDING 30TH ANNUAL SPRING MEETING ered here; individuals who find pleasure subject to the call of the Chair. THE UNITED STATES ASSOCIATION OF FORMER in serving the people of this great f MEMBERS OF CONGRESS country. William V. (Bill) Alexander (Arkan- With thankful hearts for Your good- RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS sas) ness to each of them, we earnestly pray OF CONGRESS J. Glenn Beall, Jr. (Maryland) that You will take their minds and The SPEAKER of the House presided. Tom Bevill (Alabama) give them a new measure of wisdom, The SPEAKER. Good morning. On Daniel B. Brewster (Maryland) take their hearts and fill them with behalf of the House of Representatives, Donald G. Brotzman (Colorado) Your love for others, and take their it gives me great pleasure to welcome Clarence J. Brown, Jr. (Ohio) wills and make them more obedient to to the Chamber today the former Mem- James T. Broyhill (North Carolina) Your will. bers of Congress. This is your annual John H. Buchanan (Alabama) May Your servants here proceed step meeting. And, of course, many of you Jack Buechner (Missouri) by step, hour by hour to meet the chal- are personal friends from both sides of Albert G. Bustamante (Texas) lenges You have given them so that in the aisle, and it is important that you Beverly B. Byron (Maryland) the end, the purpose that You have set are here certainly to renew those Elford A. Cederberg (Michigan) out for this House of Representatives friendships. Charles E. Chamberlain (Michigan) may be accomplished for the enrich- As a report from the President will Rod Chandler (Washington) ment of people across this land and to indicate, you honor this House and the William F. Clinger (Pennsylvania) Your honor and glory. Nation by your continuing efforts to R. Lawrence Coughlin (Pennsylvania) This we pray in Your holy name. export the concept of representative James K. Coyne (Pennsylvania) Amen. democracy to countries all over the E (Kika) de la Garza (Texas) f world and to college campuses around Ben L. Erdreich (Alabama) this country. I endorse those efforts John N. Erlenborn (Illinois) THE JOURNAL and hope you will pursue that and con- Don Fuqua (Florida) The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- tinue it. Robert Garcia (New York) ined the Journal of the last day's pro- I also endorse your wise choice of Robert N. Giaimo (Connecticut) ceedings and announces to the House Chaplain Emeritus James D. Ford as Gilbert Gude (Maryland) his approval thereof. the recipient of the Distinguished Serv- Robert P. Hanrahan (Illinois) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ice Award. Chaplain Ford will finally William D. Hathaway (Maine) nal stands approved. have his opportunity, which he has Dennis M. Hertel (Michigan) f long sought, to speak from the floor of George J. Hochbrueckner (New York) the House, a privileged reserved only to William J. Hughes (New Jersey) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members. I would remind him, how- Hastings Keith (Massachusetts) The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ever, that the proceedings are tech- David S. King (Utah) from Georgia (Mr. DEAL) come forward nically held within the House in recess, Ernest Konnyu (California) and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- just to place things in perspective. Lawrence P. (Larry) LaRocco (Idaho) legiance. At this time, I would request that my Claude (Buddy) Leach (Louisiana) Mr. DEAL of Georgia led the Pledge friend, the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Marilyn Lloyd (Tennessee) of Allegiance as follows: Erlenborn, Vice President of the Cathy Long (Louisiana) I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Former Members Association, take the Andrew Maguire (New Jersey) United States of America, and to the Repub- Chair. Romano L. Mazzoli (Kentucky) lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. ERLENBORN (presiding). The Matthew F. McHugh (New York) indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Clerk will call the roll of former Mem- Jan Meyers (Kansas) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3175 . VerDate 11-MAY-2000 02:56 May 18, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17MY7.000 pfrm12 PsN: H17PT1 H3176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 17, 2000 Robert H. Michel (Illinois) I also want to say that I look forward out the United States meeting for- Abner J. Mikva (Illinois) to, I do not know how many of you mally and informally with students, Clarence E. Miller (Ohio) going to go to the event on China but also with Members of the faculty John S. Monagan (Connecticut) today, but I am on the panel discus- and the local communities. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery (Mis- sion. So I look forward to a vigorous It is a great experience for all Mem- sissippi) debate and discussion of that issue as bers, and those who have participated Shirley N. Pettis (California) well. have always enjoyed it. But our pri- William R. Ratchford (Connecticut) So welcome. I look forward to vis- mary goal is to generate a deeper ap- Marty Russo (Illinois) iting with you today, and I hope you preciation for our democratic form of George E. Sangmeister (Illinois) have a wonderful experience back in government and the need for young Ronald A. Sarasin (Connecticut) your House. Thank you. people in particular to participate ac- Patricia Schroeder (Colorado) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tively in the political process. Richard T. Schulze (Pennsylvania) Since the program's inception in 1976, Dennis A. Smith (Oregon) Chair announces that 49 former Mem- bers of Congress have responded to 119 former Members of Congress have Neal E. Smith (Iowa) reached more than 150,000 students Gerald B.H. Solomon (New York) their names. A quorum is present. through 267 visits to 183 campuses in 49 James V. Stanton (Ohio) The Chair will now recognize the gen- States and the District of Columbia. James W. Symington (Missouri) tleman from New York, the Honorable In recent years we have conducted Steve Symms (Idaho) Matthew McHugh, President of our as- Robert S. Walker (Pennsylvania) sociation, for such time as he may con- the program jointly with the Stennis Charles W. Whalen, Jr. (Ohio) sume, and to yield for appropriate re- Center for Public Service at Mississippi James C. Wright, Jr. (Texas) marks to other Members. State University. The former Members Roger H. Zion (Indiana) GENERAL LEAVE donate their time to the program, the Stennis Center pays transportation Mr. ERLENBORN (presiding). The Mr. MCHUGH. Mr. Speaker, I ask costs, and the host institution provides Chair now recognized the distinguished unanimous consent that all Members room and board. minority whip, the gentleman from may have 5 legislative days within At this point, Mr. Speaker, I would Michigan (Mr. BONIOR) for such re- which to revise and extend their re- marks as he may make. like to yield to Rod Chandler, the gen- marks. tleman from the State of Washington, Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, it is good The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there to discuss his participation in this Con- to be with you again. We welcome you objection to the request of the gen- back to the Capitol. I want to echo the gress to Campus program. tleman from New York? Mr. CHANDLER. Mr. Speaker, it has comments of the gentleman from Illi- There was no objection. been my privilege to visit five cam- nois (Mr. HASTERT), my dear friend and Mr. MCHUGH. Mr. Speaker, my puses under the Congress to Campus our Speaker, when I say to you this thanks to our Speaker pro tempore and program of the United States Former morning that it is good to see so many to all of my colleagues for being with Members of Congress Association. I am familiar faces and to comment how us this morning. We are, of course, es- an enthusiastic supporter of this pro- comfortable you look in your seats. pecially grateful to the Speaker, DEN- gram, and I believe that we are making I am sure, as some of you know, I NIS HASTERT, for taking time from his an important contribution toward the look forward some day of joining you very busy schedule to be with us, and understanding of and respect for our all in your present capacity, but not to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Nation's policy-making institution too soon. The great American historian BONIOR) for his warm welcome as well. itself, particularly the Congress of the and diplomat, John Kenneth Galbraith, It is always a privilege for us to re- United States.