Ill Ivi: Songs Specially Prepared for the Occa London, March 29
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COAL. COAL. FURNITURE MOVED. STORED. SHIPPED. We have a first-claas sad up-to- Wellington Colliery date Furniture and Plano Moving Co. PADDED VAN. Phone 121Î GOVKRX1UBNT ST. Burt’s Wood Yard x Phone $3 Phone 81*. *1 PANDORA ATE, VICTORIA, B. C„ MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1909. No. 74 BALflAN CRISIS HEAD-ON COLLISION ZEPPELIN AIRSHIP CHAPMAN COMES IS AT AN END NEAR BRANDON; 3 DEAD ASCENDS 6,000 FEET NEXT MONDAY ;; jSpCCal to the Times.) Frelderlchshafen, March 29.— Winnipeg, Man., March 29. A The Zeppelin airship made a SERVIA SURRENDERS head-on collision between the successful flight to-day to a MONSTER RALLY TO Kate van local train uhd a height of 6.000 feet, the greatest TO DEMANDS OF EUROPE freight trmw^ook" ptwnr it' few aUltude. yet reached. The land BE HELD IN THEATRE miles out of Brandon on Satur ing also was successful. day afterru>on. The fMissenger The airship recently made u train took the wrong tra k. successful landing In an open Reports Say King Peter Will Ab The dead are: Hiram Hodg field with a crew of 26 men on Victoria Development League son. engineer, of. Brandon; W. board. Will Hold Public dicate—Possible. Success - J.> Perch ley,-^fireman, Hraftdon;. and ThoYnn# Leyclf. br.nkeman, Gathering. ors to Throne. Brandon. The Injured are: Geo, Bird, baggageman. Schil- dcl and a» express messenger. SSI ILLNESS OF COLONEL CLARKE. A week from to-night the Victoria Belgrade*, March 29.—Servla has-sur- Flora, Ont.. March 29.—Col. Charles theatre will be thrown ope# for a A" nderod i imip demands of Clarke, former Speaker of the Ontario grand rally of citizens when the subject v Europe. The tension of six month* over legislature, is seriously 111 here. of ‘ the publicity campaign of the city 1 the Balkan situation will come to an will be the subject prominently put end thi* afternoon. The action of 8er-’ forward. This was decided upon at a . ti*. JW'W to.MIL SEU hr 1 ial.hl» JO».-, INDIANS FLEE ,nwt,og Ot the Development league lion at rest for many years. bel» tfils. mottilag. C. e. UMk66h»M;: St The minister* . r «:•. ■* Rrltafn WOMAN DIES IN Portland, who is so favorably known France.And Russia anil Italy will to BEFORE TROOPS here, will be present to deliver an ad day verbally inform the .Servian gov dress. A -"companying Mr. Chapman ernment of their recognition of the an ELECTRIC CHAIR v<ill be another publicity man who ha* nexation of Busina and Hefsegovna by EFFORTS TO QUELL a wide knowledge of public men and Austria-Hungary. They will advise who has a great fund of general In Servla to consider this .question closely BROWNSVILLE TRUNK formation. He was formerly secretary and - ireutar nnte t., efl the OKLAHOMA UPRISING to Carter Harrison, of Chicago. He will IMiwer* acknowledging this annexation, it I* expected also address the meeting and at the same time to assure Aus MURDER IS EXPIATED and during the *tay In the city these tria-Hungary of her peaceful inten Redskins Retreating on "" two publicity experts will be available tions. revoking all claims to idemnify- 1 Efëivf™ In the way of giving advice to the local ing concessions. tain Stronghold Before Farmer Declares Her league. Servla undoubtedly will swallow this » x y branc *9 the public gathering there will _ bitter medicine and follow the advice., Giving Battle. Husband Guiltless of be provided good music also. "Booster"' of the powers. ill Ivi: songs specially prepared for the occa London, March 29. -Special dls- Ghastly Crime, sion will be given by a quartette of patches received here from Rome and ft local singers. Vienna give rumors that Peter, the Kansas City, Mo., March 29.—A talk Mr. Vhgpman, who is at the head of King of Servla, and all the member* with Henrietta. Oklahoma, the nearest |DEVElflPMtiti LEAGUE.^ one of the largest publicity agencies on of his family are pre|«aring to leave telephone point t-> th« geefte "f the In Auburn, N. Y.. Mardi 29.—Murmuring the roast, visited Victoria some weeks Belgrade. dian uprising, brought at 1 o’clock this a prayer for her soul, Mrs. Mary Farm *g° Hls Inspiring addresses at the The message from Rome says that afternoon the Information that up tp er was quletiy led to the electric chair business men'* lunch at the Empress King Victor Emmanu^ tuu received a that hour no new* had been received of set ^ nan s In Auburn prison shortly after 6 o'clock and in-the meetings of the Vancouver letter from Belgrade to the effect that fresh encounters between the state this morning and executed for the kill Island League will long be remembered. King Peter and hla sons are going to militia and the bands under Craxy ing of Mrs. Sarah Brennan at Brown- The opportunity to hear him again will Switzerland. King Peter suggests that Snake. ville last April. be readily embraced: the youngest son of Prince Nicholas of The execution of Mrs. Farmer, the There Is - little difference of oplnltifo Montenegro take the crown of Servie. Muskogee, Okla.. March 29.—Up td second Infliction of death on a woman among cttlaens as to the need of a live *^The King of Italy, according to thirf noon to-day there had been no en by electricity In this state, was effect campaign in this city. The present year dispatch, does not opposa- the abdica counter between the state tailltia and ed with sensational incident. Three con Is an Important one. ae many visitor* tion of King Peter, but he will urge . Oasy Snake and his band of Cree In- tacts were given, and the phyhiclans will be in the city. It Is up to the peo that Peter's son Alexander succeed ■ dTfths and negro allies, according td the officially pronounced the woman dead ple to make the beet possible showing him. boat Information ax’allable here, and PLANTING PROSPERITY * ____ ____ at 6.13 o’clock. Five women, two of in order that aattler* mgy he attracted. The diepatyh frpm Vienna says that the troops still were pursuing the band. whom were prisoner attendant*, wit™ here. an Influential |iarty in the Servian par Vamtmicr Maud Farmer—"GoHy, with such fine seed and *o much oTK I gure* we’ll have a rewd harvest It 1m reported that Craxy Snake, fear --------------------- - tills year.” • X nessed the death of Mrs. Farmer. R. M. Palmer, deputy minister of liament Is agitating against the Kar«- ing arrest/ has made his escape, de Father Hickey, spiritual advisor of the agriculture, bears out this idea. He georgevltch dynasty, the family of serting his followers, and Is now on his condemned woman, following the exe say* that It will be Impossible to make King Peter, and is dierusslpg either the way tQ_ Washington to IntçruBda-wtth *TRSnprrianro'fiSAriK or con." TWENTY-ONE DROWN cution. gave out a statement, signed anything like the showing at Seattle the “Great Father."' “GREATER NAVY” CRY IN 1WATEBFB0NÎ OF by Mrs. Farmer, In which ahe declared fair that the state of Washington will naught as a possible succewaor to the that her hsuband. James Farmer, wa* make. A vast earn will be spent by that throne. _____ . Oklahoma f'lly, March 29.—The Creek BRITISH BY-ELECTION WHEN SLOOP FOUNDERS entirely innocent and knew nothing of state, and at the best the E Indians, half-breedw, amt negroes, uf- the crime until after It had been com the province wilT be overshadowed by GOVERNOR COSGROVE der the personal command of Chief HAVANA ABLAZE mitted. **------ —-------- --------- the adjoining state. Therefore Mr. Pal Oraxy Snake, who have been on the Led by Father Hickey, and with Mrs. mer says It Is essential that the pro war path, to-day are retreating liefore Croydon Voters Will Give Ver Victims on Passenger Vessel Dunnlgan and Mis* German, the two vince make as fine a showing as pos DIES SUDDENLY five coin pailler of Oklahoma militia In women attendants who have been with sible at home so as to catch the visitors Ian effort, apparently, to reach » dict on Momentous SHIPPING CATCHES FIRE, Were Residents of Nicar her constantly since ehe was brought to and gtvrf them a good opinion of British ► lrough*»l,i In the Tiger mountain*: Auburn prison. Mrs. Farmer walked Cotifffibla. I The militia ordered out yesterday by Question. DRIFTS BEFORE WIND agua. unfalteringly to the death chair. Her The Development League can do a Washington Official Had 3 I Governor Haskell, ax a result of toe eyes were half closed and she saw gdod work In thl* way. and all cttlxens Long Struggle With the uprising that came after a clash at the nothing of the death chair and the rows are asked to co-operate by attending home of Craxy Snake.. In which Mar London. March 29 —A very great de New Orleans. La., March 29.—A spe of witnesses. In her hands she elapsed the meeting on Monday. Grim Reaper. shal Baum and Deputy Sheriff Odom gree of Interest Is being manifested -hr Flames Badly Damage German cial' dispatch from Bluefleltls. Nicar a crucifix, ahil a* ehe was being strap were killed, tramped for the night at the by-election for a member of par agua, gives details of the loss of the ped in the chair Father Hickey stood JOHNSON’S EFFORTS TO Hickory Hill*, the camp which, had liament that is being held at Croydon Steamer Heligoland—3 sloop Kearsxrge, and twenty-one resi ut her side and offered prayers for the been hastily vacated hy Craxy Snake, to-day, because the question of a dents of Nicaragua, or the night of dying.