“NICOLAE BĂLCESCU” LAND FORCES ACADEMY TTHHEE KKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEE--BBAASSEEDD OORRGGAANNIIZZAATTIIOONN THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MILITARY SCIENCES CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1 27-29 NOVEMBER 2008 “NICOLAE BĂLCESCU” LAND FORCES ACADEMY PUBLISHING HOUSE SIBIU, 2008 Scientific advisors: Dipl.Eng. Vitězslav Jaroš, PhD Prof. Baboş Alexandru, PhD Assoc.Prof. Năbârjoiu Neculae, PhD Assoc.Prof. Stoina Neculai, PhD Copyright: out of charge, all reproductions are authorized provided that specific references are made. “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy Address: 3-5 Revoluţiei Street, Sibiu Tel.: 0269/432990, Fax: 0269/215554 E-mail:
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[email protected] web: www.armyacademy.ro web: www.armyacademy.ro/editura The authors take full responsibility of the content of their articles. ISSN 1843 – 6722 MILITARY SCIENCES. SECURITY AND DEFENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Military Sciences Historical and Economic Research of Logistics - Class II of the Bulgarian Army from 1977 to 1910, Assoc.Prof. Dimitrova Sevdalina, PhD, Monolov Daniel, “Vassil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria ………………...…. 7 The Role of Advanced Communication and Information Technologies in the Development of the Communication and Information Systems of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, Jivko Hristov Prodanov, “Vassil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria ………………………………………………………….... 14 Camouflage Patterns – Optical Illusions of Fusion and Decomposition, Momchil Todorov Tachev, PhD, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria …………………. 22 Comparison of Standing Operational Procedures of the Army of the Czech Republic on Level Formation (Independent Unit) during Combat and Peacekeeping Operations, Dipl.Eng. Vitězslav Jaroš, PhD, University of Defence of Brno, The Czech Republic ……………………………………………………………………… 29 Management, Organization and Relevance (I), Ioan Sorin, PhD, Department of Defence General Headquarters, Bucharest ……………………………………….….