Амурский зоологический журнал I(4), 2009. 296-324 УДК 595.768.2 Amurian zoological journal I(4), 2009. 296-324 ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF RECENT AND FOSSIL SPECIES OF THE FAMILY BELIDAE (COLEOPTERA) FROM THE WORLD FAUNA A.A. Legalov [Легалов А.А. Аннотированный список рецентных и вымерших видов семейства Belidae (Coleoptera) мировой фауны] Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Zoological Museum, Frunze street, 11, 630091, Novosibirsk, Russia Институт систематики и экологии животных СО РАН, Сибирский зоологический музей, Фрунзе, 11, 630091, Новосибирск, Россия. E-mail:
[email protected] Key words: Coleoptera, Belidae, Belinae, Oxycoryninae, world fauna, annotated checklist. Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Belidae, Belinae, Oxycoryninae, мировая фауна, аннотированный список. Summary. An annotated checklist of family Belidae is compiled. Key to the supraspecific taxa is given. New tribes Distenorrhinoidini Legalov, trib.n. (type genus: Distenorrhinoides Gratshev & Zherikhin, 2000) and Alloxycorynini Legalov, trib.n. (type genus: Alloxycorynus Voss, 1957), new subtribes Homalocerina Legalov, subtrib.n. (type genus: Homalocerus Schoenherr, 1839) of tribe Belini Schoenherr, 1826 and Zherichinixenina Legalov, subtrib.n. (type genus: Zherichinixena Legalov, gen.n.) of tribe Metrioxenini Voss, 1953, new genera Pseodorhinotia Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Brentus brunneus Guerin-Meneville, 1838), Tasmanobelus Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Belus pictirostris Lea, 1908), Blackburnibelus Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Isacantha bimaculata Pascoe, 1871), Pascoebelus Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Isacantha exigua Pascoe, 1873), Leabelus Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Belus simplicipennis Lea, 1908), Lyalixena Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Metrioxena enderleini Heller, 1915), Wallacexena Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Metrioxena corporaali Heller, 1925), Zherichinixena Legalov, gen.n. (type species: Zherichinixena nigra Legalov, sp.n.), Vladimirixena Legalov, gen.n.