OPENING CEREMONY Ol Neuropolhology
XIII lnternational Congress of Neuropathology Department of Neuropathology Sept 7-12th 1997, Perth, Australia Royal Perth Hospital Wellington St lnternational Society of Neuropathology and the Perth Western Australia 6000 Australian and New Zealand Society of Neuropathology Tel: (619) 2242925 Fax (619) 2242556 email: lniernolionol Society OPENING CEREMONY ol Neuropolhology IN THE SHOWROOM OF THE BURSWOOD CONVENTION CENTRE 6:30 PM SUNDAY, 7TH OF SEPTEMBER 1997 Ghairperson: Professor John Howell 6:30 pm Welcome and reading of message from the Prime Minister of Australia, The Honourable Mr John Howard by Congress President, Professor Byron Kakulas . Religious Blessing of the Congress by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, Greek Orthodox Primate of Australia and Oceania Address tlo the lnternational delegates by The Honourable Mr Hendy Cowan, Deputy Premier, Government of Western Australia "The Australian and New Zealand Contribution to Clinical Neuroscience" by Professor Georg Kreutzberg, President of the lnternational Society of Neuropathology 7:15 pm Refreshments in the Ballroom of the Burswood Convention Centre Conference Managers: ICMS Pty Ltd (lnternational Convention Management Services) PO Box 8102, HINDLEY STREET, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5000 TELEPHONE (618) 8210 6776 FACSIMILE (618) 8212 5101 XIIIth International Congress of Neuropathology Sept 7-l2th 1997, Perth, Australia NATIONAL PATRONS OF THE CONGRESS The HonourableJohn Howard, Prime Minister of Australia Dr lGith Woollard, Federal President, Australian Medical
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