tilIÏVElRlrllty 03' j4AN:]"T0BA


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j/ÛslER Olr SÜ3,Ï:IùGE

APRTT L?6"r acitro\'fT.m)Gm{msrs

The ç'råter v¡Èshes to e:qpress hi s mrnest appreciatf on to Jan:ice, A.LLísou and. Davåd., Írz acknowledgenaent of thefr patÍenee anð u.nåerstaadågg ín vi.ll-iragly glvfrug 'ap thefr ri.ghts to 'the eompanS"orashåp anå at'Lentínn r¡f a husba.trð and' fether during the many hours sPent on this thesis.

I&ny that:les ave alnc¡ åt¿Ë to Professor E" Ktliper for his årrspåratiou in the i,nitåatlon of, this stud-y and' his guldance ancl assåstanee tÏ.lz"oughout " The w.riter would also Like to eryrers his appreciation to the månage¡geni and ,sf"aff af Underwooð, Mçtellan and. AssocÍates, for their ånteres'L a.rio Ínvolvement ån thj"s thesis, especially to

Meser"s" A. G. Spaffor"d" and R. c. La'tta, vå'bhout whose gtrÍdance and assÍstance this thesís j..n j"ts fånãt fow¡r wou[d. t ot be possfble' The r+¡"íter also wÍshes to acknovf-ed-ge grateful-Ly the assfs.tance of 3,fr. Ii, c. TdainwrÍgh*,, and his staff at suceese

Comereial CoLJ-ege, Ín the preparatfon of this thesis' CON"IM\TS




ïr1G*neraåo"6cocco eoeaao ,J. T.2 Scope af Sbud¡r . o . 0 çaatae 2 ), T.3 Prograrnme of Str*3;y e o Ðoooel T 1,4 LfuuttatJ.ons of Study e oaQoo.c I.5 Sources of ïnfnr¡uation oaa9ce 7 T,"6 Surßrta:ryo.. o. c o o oaoccc I


Il .1. Gerrgral- n . o o 6 o o e c o o e orc ö c o. o 10 II.2 ProposedStorage e c o c o c o c c o c o e 11 Tl.3 Asswrptic.ms RegardinÊ; qreråticr¿ of DiversÍon Sehe.tlg o r .o c e e c e o o o ç e c e c t- Tl .l+ WaterBud.get, c a c... o o c o. c o . rit ' rlr TI"5 AvatlableDiversl"onCapacÍt5.es . c c. o o IT.6 QuaÅi'tyof Ði,v'ert:ed. l{a'Ler,. o. e o Ç..


1ry lïï.1. üeneraf. . . r e c o . o o c o o . . o o -Lj fIT"z Topograplçvarrd.Geolngy o o o o... o. o :-8 Iïï.3 CJ"Ímate . " . e o ç e o o e o o . . ? e c e 2A Ill.,+' General Arra:rgement of St':rrcLures . o c c o 2L ïïï.5 Dams e o e c c e c c o o o o o c o . t c o **4, / 22 TIl .6 Spillwayand"Sltriceway . o ¿ c c ô ô. ' e ITl.? Flood"ùngAlongDiversionRoute c c c o. o 25 TI"J"B Construc"bion ÐfvètrsÍon a¡:.d. Sc.heôuling " c a ¿Õ TIf"g Estimateof Cosj; e. e e e c c r o e c e o 1t lÏl.10 P'ctential Power Ðevel,opment on. 'the Sturgeon*lleirRiver " . o o o e . . . c o c ITI.I-L Effec'be of t"he Di-versÍon on Other Ïnterests 33


pÊ. lv.l Ge.ngral". o o c c e o. ooe9ccatJV IV"2 üeoJ-ory and. Topography c ooocoot.39 lcn lV"3 Climate ¿.; o .-o e o o c .e.9e..ettr\, :TV,h' GeneraL Arrangement " e e .o..ørkO coiv'Ímilrs FFgu-

ïV"5 DÍversÍonChamneLs" o o o ó c trr l. ^ IV.6 Earth HilJ" Dykes . o c o e c c e +5 IV"'/ Contro1Str¿eture e e e c c o h: IV.8 Derre]gpgsntSchedule". e e ô ô hh l+t¡. lV.9 Hffects of Rai.sed" Water T,ev*ls e ïV":-C Esll:Í.mate of Cost . n . . . c e c )+6


V.l, General o o c o . c .o c o e c o c . r r . " Ë)t V.2 GengraLArrarigement e c e o . . o c . ¡. e V.3 Estiutate of Cost " " e o c . o c o e o . . . -,'"4Þf t. Econonui"c Cremparison, of Al'f*::yiativ'e PmpÍng ïnsta-i,l-atåons o c c c e o . . r c o c c . o 2o 'f,5 Sched"u-1.e of Develop:nerit e e o o . e c c . . q7


'VI.I qR '\fÍ.2 Gener¿ul e o e e e o . e . . c . o e . c c . Pr:mpf.rrg Ðåversion fro¡a Athabasca , . . 58 UT.3 Soui;h Seal Ri.ver Ði've,:rsion . . . . . o o . . 6o



1'¡'i v¡.Éì r'r¡'þr" n'n vÏlr"1, .r,¿¿\r{v*r.{,þ u¿v¡¿ c c e c e e c c t a a a a ¡ a a Ð7 ïT*"{ è rr.^,*.{-^ l.!t-, VTÏ3: "2 lJ.f¿Jþ VU=!Þ o g ç a c o e o e a ¿ . . a o c a




APPENDÐ{ TT LIST OF DßAI¡ITIü$S i "L Loeatåon PlLan otl Fre*t-i'age; Ëa':lfr¡'s .i."Í?Cagel-FreEientLori,ç5Te:,"utAv*.r,,ageÏ,*r:flowsanåoutflctu'li t.3 Case IJ. - -Propo;*;d' Tn:f"Í-ows anit Ourtf3:ows Route 1.4 War-.e:: Su.rfaca llnofl"I-e Atong fii've'r'såon

â "l- Re,e erv':ir ä.;drogruPhs Dj'v*rsion ßh<¡wl"ng Fi-oorielrc -!,.t Lo*atår"x. Päarr r:f {iht¿rchi.it Rive's' Aress

Ðc-'vr¡.1;tx'eaÏrr col:.+,fof ilenevaJ- 3 ".å churrchl.Ll Ri,ver D:tr-ve,r"*j-c,n A?:],'â]1.É5emen':;

-ì.3Chzi'rr¿hilf.f,RÍ'verÏ.¡Èvelrsj'orrDcwnsty*,a.rnCon'tt'o].See'bi'Ons and, Þetai"'Ås

H:ive.¡:s:j'cn F:ir']ß Fcrtaq+ Cc'otro1 i?ene::raÏ -r,")+ ChLlrehàIl R:i'vcr A:rr:angerenb 3,5 thurehÈ).]. R.t.rrer Ð:ir'e¡::sj,o¡": F::*g Ptr:r:,telge Corrtz"o]. Sect.j.cn.s and. LletaåI.s

)+.f Locatåon Ïìlnn of Proposet'l' Diversi-ons Ìt."È Díversio.r¡ channe1 cetla:" Lak* i;o T,ah* wÌnr:Lfpegosir Genetral Arrarrgçr&ent

4.-a, General- A:rrungeiloent Meadow Fol'tage Ðlversfon Chsnnel sections ar:d 4.ti. Meaclow Por*tage ar:rd Mosss'Jf Po'r'bage channets Detail"X. s

ii.5 Stage-Durati.on Curves tr-ake WSnnipegcsÍs ïr Il$'t'BoÐuc-rtTON TN General

The UnfversÍty of Ì¡tranitoha i,s presentJ.y undertaking a

trroad.Iy trased., lnterd.i.sciplfn,ary stuðy of l{ater Resou,rces and l,üatey."

IltårÍzatå.on 3,n Western Canaða. The Department of Energy, Mi-nes

and Resources, Governrnent of has provided. paz't of the fu-nds

f'or the researeh and. lnvestigation ::equi"red for the study. It is

in-tjerrd.ed" that 'bhi.,s stu.dy wilt resu.Lt l"n ihe submission by 'the

Universi'ty of a report on futur,re water"" d.evelopment ín hlestern Canada " The roaJox' ohjectives of the study are an asseEsmen,t of

the possi'ble future scope of watex" d.evelopment fn Western Canadn

and the feasibi,Lity of water expor:t bo the Unl"ted. S'tates.

T!Ís in,terd.åscÍp).ínar";r sburd;r invorves the Faeutties of

EngÍneerÍrig, AgrS-curtìirîe and. La.i-l en,,l Depsrrbments of EconomÍ,cs,

Cor.unerce, Geogrephy, Pc¡LitÍca,L Sr-ri.r,;l-ic:er, fiociology, GeoJ-ogy and

Bi-ology. Each of the d.iscipl.:lrres Í.ri,rrcrJ-y¿sJ, through research and

Í.nvestigation, vÍll provid.e informat;i"on. wh:i-ch wíII eontribute 'toiuards r"ealizati,on of the obJecti.,ves c¡f the study'. SpecÍfåcally,

there is presentT-y an abundance of uater flowå.ng through r¡orthern

I anÍtoba whf.ch discharges fnto Hu.dson Bay, wTrerêas the need for

ffater ün the Uniteð States and. Ín the so'ü,Lhern regfons of the Pr,airÍe Prowfnees is st;eadi,ly Ín.ereasing. [hÍ"s gf"ves riee to the / technical probf'em of ðiveru:íng the lrater from the North to the area Ín i¿hich it is need.ed. Tt Ísthus frltendeå that the Eng:ineering studies r,¡iII reveal the d"åversi,on potenLf,al of the rivers investigated.,

the future ::equÍrements for wute:" use fn, I¡ües"bern Canad.a and. through

the prel:in1,r:*r"y clesign of the proposed. úÍversj.on works, an ässessnent I 9f the feaei"bÈl-ity of propo*ecl. d.i"versÍons. The obJeet:f.ve of the

Agr."S"cultr"rral studies vùIt be to d.eterroÍne the ultfrnnte water

demand. for frriga"blrrg the Canad.ian Prairies. The ob¡eetives of the Poli"tÍcal- ScÍenee and lal¡ studies vi"LI be to asseÊË jurÍsd.ie- tional- fnterests in ,rmter pl-annång ån order to establlsh etan- dard.s for analysi.s of fu.ture d.evelopuents in this fÍeld. ' SiunÍf,arly,

each d.i.scip]-lne wiï-l contribute special- know -ed.ge 'Lo the ovevall


ThÍs thesis'has beer-r, r,rrl"tten as part of the researeh and Ínventf.gation perforuaed r*nC.er the d.Írection of the Ðepartment

of eivil Eng5"neering rufthin the seope of the interdÍsciplinary

s'tud."y of llater Resou.rces and !üa.ter Utf li"zatf on fn Western Canaf,a "

The objeet of t"hfs thesis ís irl eontrfbu,te to the store of 'oasåc k:aowled.ge on severät ðåversi.on seheuee , prÍncf.pâIl-y the ChurehåLl Ri.ver di-versÍ.on vÍa bhe Sturgeon-lf,eÍr RÌ'¡er and the d.i.versÍotl, of

tþe Saskatehewan River in'br: Imke ldant'boba, by the aecumuJ-atÍotl

and eorrelation of avaÍ.lable i"nfor"nntion ar¡d. through urtflizatlon of this i-nfornatfon to arrive at logf.cal and raeanfnrgftll results

' and. co:leLusions.

I. 2. Seope of Stud.y

As euTnffirized. ir.r the f ii. f.r+, X¡1" 'thesis coneêrn'Ë arl

Ènvestigation of the d.iversi-crr: of r,,rat;er frou several sourees Ínto

Lak-e }¿lanftoba. The cugfn featur-^a of' the Í"nventi,gation are the d.Íversion of the Churchill RÍver into the Saskatehewan Ri-ver vÍa

:; the Sturgeon-lleir Ri'ver, the d.iversion, by pulttpi.ng of mter;,. rotu Lske l¡lirmipeg j.n'to , the heari.pond of the Grand Rap:ids,

r"eee:yvoir, äurd 'the d"lvercÍon of these flows, co¡abined. wl"'th the

Snskatchewar¡ RÍver d.ischarge, lnto Lake }{anitoba via Lake WimafpegosÍs.

2 The proposed" d.iversi.ors ::epresent dÍfferent engíneering design requfrements and. req*i-;:'e :;'-,:1.t4:rlate äþfrIyges to aesess the eeonomie feAsÍbilfty of ear:h r:r: i:¡eiiine. For instAr:.ce, the ChurchÍLl River d.Íversion requÍreffi the corlstruetfon of relatlvely short sectioss of concrete dams, ìl-ess than 60 feet ln he5"ght, a rel- atÍvety short tenrgth of earth fi"lf dyking LesÉ than 4O feet fn heÍght anð two sections of spåIlvay to ttiverü an aYerage fl-ow of approximtely äârOO0 e.f .s' by gravj"ty i"nto the Saslr¡tche¡san

Råver. The d.fversfon from tr^ake l-fS"nnfpeg vouL.ð reqtrii.re the installation of 1arge pwrps ßapäbte of ôf.schaz'gÍng 3Br00O c.f .s. against a ]eead. of aptroxÍrua'bely 1Ê5 feet. To prod.uee the d.esign averqge d.Íscharge of iì,)rr)00 c"f .s. nould cost ap,proxiuately 9.0 ¡nillfon dollars anïåuai-l.T fo3 pumpS.ng anú vou[d d.ecnease the prod.r.letS.on of hydroel-eetrÍc pûi,fer at Grand Rapid.s vith a potential anmral value of approxi"uately 5.5 nni"llfour d.ollars. Fínal"ly, the dlversion to lake [&nÍtoìra r,¡otr]-ð require exegvation of two large d.å.ve:rsÍon ehannels and a coatrol strueture at 'bhe outlet of lake hlirur$.pegoef s ' In ad.d.ltÍon to the capÍtal- cost and operatlng cost of aII the propose'l scheznes, an estimate muet be uad.e of tþe valure of the energy foregone by d.eveJ-opneut of theee qliversj.on schemes. Sínee the water vhieh vould. be d.iverted" voul-d. otherwise flov efther natu:¡al-l-y, or by the proposed. Burntwood. d.fversÍor¡' thr:c';.gjr approximatety 600 fee+; of rLeveloped. head. on the Nelson Rive::,

Ít6 value for thj-s purpose ¡auet 'oe assessed. agafnst the cosb of the d.iversion schemee. Lake lhnitoba has been selected as the ter"mÍnus of all

3 'l,t)t:fir,i, ,j.-iver:*:;i.i:;;.rj 1.'cf.:¿rrJ.¡i:e 'iL Ís a potent5..AI dj.StråbUtiOn r:eservoir

fof vaflous proposed. í,:,::lr, ::t,, :i;, :Îor the d.ivefËÍOn Of TüAter" tO

aÊfÍcuJ-turåI flreaË ån ir{ani'Uoba a:od Saske¿tchewan or to ¡sater

åefieient ârears of the m:i"c1-vestern Ur:ríted. States. Th$"s la'Lter scheuoe fs und.er tnvestlgati.on at the Unåvernfty of lhnitoba hy P. N. Feechuk Ín a'Lhesis e'nt,l"tleoJ. "Läke lvtranftoba - üarrfson Reservoår Df.versfon." Sånce tkrÍs proposed. tli,version requÍres

rais:i.ng the wat;er hy ptrmpi,ng up tlhe Assår¡.iboine RLv*r ünd. over

the }re5.ght, of Laraql. f::rto lTorth Ilako'tn, ùt fs of g:reat aðvantage

f"o have the sup3rll-y reservoi,r at the krf.gheut posøib1e elevatfor:1.

Therefore, treke }&pitol¡a Ìs preferable to lake trüÍ.mnfpeg beeause

Ít is approximtety J-00 feet fn elevati,on hi.gher at virtt¡al_i;r the same ].a,b5,tude in southenr ManÍtoba"

ï. 3. Progravme of Study

TÏ:is thesis is d.fvj"d.ed. :j.nto "bhx'ee raj.n äreas of ntudy.

The ff.rst comprS,,ses the r:ror,nr::Í-.t-ai:i.on of a'¿a:ilable d.íschærge

record.s Ln each d.raj"ruagc ' ì . '.rr"rd-er fnvestÍgation fr:r the þurFose

of d.etermÉn:ing the flow ar¡e':l.,l.r¿i;ier for d"ive:rs:ion froun these d.raÍn-

age basins at key LoeatJ.ons. I,fÍ'thout storage, 'bhe d.epend.able

flr:w ava:Ì.Iab"Ie for dl"versi"on woulð be the ¡ni.nlurum reeord.ed

d.fsel:arge in the rj"ver. Since this Ìs riormal_T_y orxLy a snal-l_ fractfon of the averagÈ d.åscharge i"n i;he rive:r (approxiuntely

one eÍghth on the Saskntche.wanr. Ri"ver, fo,r. eænple) Ít is of great

ad.vantage d.eveJ-op to storage reservoi,rs to -{-srereaÉe the 'åepend"- abJ-e fl-ow availqhl-e for d.iversion. Thes"efore, by combånatlon of o:f the avaflãbJ.e d.ischarge :ieeorfl.s wli:h the storage eapacfLies

of the varicu.s poten,tfaL reservoirs throughout the rj.ver systems

Smvestfgated", the fí:rn d.J-scharge avaÍlable fron the combfned.

tr öi-versfon schennes hau been esbabl-ÍshetL.

Tl:e eecond. part of the s'tudy Ínvolves am engJ"neerÍng

design and eos{: estiunte for eaeh cf the d.i"versfo¡l sehemes fr¡ves-

tignt:eC ^*r,Íie Chu.rchftl- Råver d.i.version, the purap$"ng d.iversfon

frono take and. the combl"ned. d.ÍversioÏã iuto lake I'hnf"toba.

EstÍnates of eost for the reqllÍred engfneerfng vorks sueh as

dåms, spf,lllray str,-u.ettareo, c&a"qls and. pum¡rång works were md.e fn

order that the eost of these di,version schelu,es and. their re'lated.

beneff'ts rony be ecmpared with alternative s*henes for ¡¡ùl.lfzatfon of this l¡ater. The 'thirri. aepeet of thås stud.y ÍnvolveË a d.fseussfon of other proposed. rcater r:esouree developments, streh as tÏ¡* d,fvryeion,

'by punryfng, from lake A'bhabasea and. d.iversion of the South SeaL

Rf,ver ånto the Churer¡ill River, r,rÏ¿i"ch um;y' affleet the eehenes presented. Ín thfs thes5.s, and a proposal for scheð.uling these

schemes so as to best co*ordinate them r+J.th exietfng and. 'proposed.

l¡at;er ut"ÍI-f zqtåen sclîemee i.,n tl¡Le are&. I. 4. LÍmita'blons of Study The vall,d.5"ty of the resul-ts and. conelu.sions d.erived.

from this sttrd.y 5,s parbl-y depend.ent our the aeeuraß¡r of the baeic data on whfch the varfous aspeets of the study &re founðed.. Thus,

i.t fol-Lsws that the rel-i"ab5"IÍty of the coet estinatee is d"ependent

fn many caseË upon the a.ecuracy of the assuued. geotechnieel- eonðltåons at the sitee of constmetÍon for the varfo'us engf*

neerÍng wonks. Ti:e assuna¡rtions Tì';.¡?.'j..,: l{ere eoa$i.d.ered. to be real-

fstie, com!ûens'utîate r,rfth the avail-abl-e f.fformation anct indÍcatlons

reI-atfng 't,o site conrl.itlons. Tf the aesrurptlorils appearto be

optimfst5"e, Ít is beceuse the fnfor¡¡atÍon availabl-e l-ead.s )-ogi.eat-ll-y

5 to the conelu,sÍon of favoräb}e enigineering conditions. For i:rstanee, at the site of the d"o'¡rnstream eontrol- strueture for the

Churchil1 Rfve:r EÍ.versforù, the observed" exlstenee of bed.roek outerop o¡l hnoth banks, and. the hfg"n veX-ocÍtfes and. shall-ow d.epth of tÏ¡e channel l-ed. to the asnnnn¡ption that the channel bottom l¡as bedrock. Th:i"s may not be the case, however, test hol-es r¡or¡Ld. have to be d.vi.ll-I-ed. to evaluaá;e the assuuption. It has alÊo bèe¡r recogr,lflzed. that sl"nce the assumed" soil-s and. geol-ogi.caf, cor¿d.f.tfo¡rs have su,ch a large ttearfng om the over-all cost of eor:.strr¡,ctf.on, there ís a d.efÍrüfte reqta,ireuuenb for a substantlal eontfngeney factor. If the roil-s and. geol-ogÍea1 eond.åtÍons prove to he trorËe than those arusu:ned, eomstruetiozr of the proposed. engi,neerång works voul-d be more d.i,ffi"cul'b, äad eonsequently, more costly. Hovever, ít ls felt that constvue'LÍon wotnl-ei. ttot he i:lfeasible, sfnce there are no other valushle entft'tes whÍeÏ¡ voul-d. be affected. by d.esågn ehanges. The eost esti.nates presenteå in thi,s thesis are orrly a ffrst estiuate of the order of *ost of the 'c¡rorrosed. schemes.

A fÍrm estima'te crf r:oet wouLd r,*t,;. ",,. ¡i Kore eorrpJ-ete stud.y whÍch voutd include obtatning fu¡"ther topopgaphÍcal and geoteehnf"cal- fnforrnation, but èhe tine an'1 eost reEuired. to p::oduce these results is ce:rtaÍ,nï"y beyond. the seope of thLs thesis. l$onetheJ-esË, thÍs study ¡¡as earried. out J"n 'bhe bel-Íef that the engi,neerfng d.esign and. estirnates of eost presented" in this 'Lhesis are suffÍ* eently yeli.ab.te to f:nfluenee a d"ecisÍon as to whether or not these proposecL vater *;.r¡: r'*rÍon scheües shou]-d. be fracluÖed. fn'bhe fr¡.ture plannfng of the waber reËoìlrceñ of llesters Oanada. 5 " Soux"ces of Tnroryna'tåon The ir.¡for:mtì"on req.irÍ:t"ed foz' the preparatåo:n c¡f this thesis falls ir:re three main caLegorfen-*

HydrologicäI record.s Topographjlesr} de hait Geotechni"ea J_ d.e scrfp'bion

The hyd.roJ_ogÍcal reeor,.¿l.s whi.ch comprise basÍc data for the repox"t f.nel-ud.e the fol-low:ing:

TABLE T. f,"

HydroS.ogåcal Recorde Used. In Thesi"s

L_o-_e_a!ioF. Ilata Reeord.ed. Feri,ocl of fi,eeord Souree of Tnfonnation

Ghureb:i.It Rfver l)ischarp;e L9r:9 - L96-l Department of Energr, at l.sland. FåIl-s lLtnes and" Resourees, trilater Resources Braneh. Relitåeer Rfver JìS..scharge :i.ç::'9 * I9l\ at ou.tl-et of Reind.eer Iske Rei"nd.eer Lake i,trater Levels "1]lr) - L)6\ at Broehet

Saslcatcheløn RÈver Ðischarge ;ii,. ,ì - :1964 a'f; *he Pas

Ir:q r¿ener.'a].. toÞogt:aphf.cal detail fr¡r this stud.y ruas : i.¡ r ': r'.¡.,, ,;.., ., . ,.'l:t obtained" froru the I:äJûr000 seaJ-e topographíc map serÌes pubJ-iehed.

by the Departmen'ë of }4inen and. TechnS"eal_ Surveys. Howeve:r, Ëome

vaAuahile suppìI"ementa:ry d.e'bail on the Stu:'geo'n*ÏJeir River system

i.n the fonm of l- :inr-h;4000 foot !+caJ-e topographÍc nappÍng from

aerial photography lms obtained" r:ourbesy of }hnS"toba Hydro. Thls

napping, whieh lnclud.ed. 25 foot ir¡terval_ contour J-ines, was usecl

as t"he baee rmp for Pl-ates 3-ä and 3-l+.

Topograp}:ical rletail on the area between Ced.ar lake

and Iake wfnnipegosis ând lake wír¿nÍ.pegosis and r.ake }4anÍtoba was obtaÍned. from the T¿later Control- Bruneh, Departmemt of Agriculttire

and Conse:vation, Provinee of luÞ.:titoba. T?:is coaef sted. of topcn,

p.,r.r;: ¡;i'.Í.r-r trc;:Ëing to va.r'ious -rcales gÍvÍng þ foo'L íntertral_ contour

Iine-c a'L the propose'd. cons'i:riietion si.tes, as showre on Pl-abes )+-2 arrd 4-J.

Geater:hnicaL inforns¡tion wars oÏ:tai.ned ån ]-ímited.

d.etaåL from varÍolxs reports and. p*b'låcati,ous on this area,

referred. to -{-n the bi"bl-åography. Soane fu"r'bher inforuatior¡ on

the Sturgeoa*1,üeir River lças ol¡tained. fronn c¡bservaiior:.s mad.e

d.urÍng a reeoTxrsåissance trÍp to the si"te of tlae d.åversÍon

s'tru,ctures at Frog Fortage and. ReÍind.eer Rfr¡er in September of L966. However, no d.rÍLll.ng or" tesrtS,ng wes carried. out. Photo- graphic cover'åge of LhÍs trip is presented" ir¡ SectÍon IT of the appendi,x of this thesi"s

J. O. Suwrary

AI-though the compJ-exity r:f the eragfneerÍng works requåred.

for each of the dj.versÍons investfgat"ed" 'å.¡r thfs 'hl¡esi.s varied. .o* greatl-y, ai-I the sehenes were for¿:lá tc feasíbl-e "

The requirements of 'hhe p'unpÍug diversion at tìr,an,l

Rapi,J.s wou"I.d- present a aore d.Ífficul-t chal-I-enge tÏ¡an the rlesigr

of structures for the Stu.ngeon-trrleir .Di.versio¡t" Apso, the pw4¡ling

d.l,versfon woul-d- be a more expensive ßou,ree of ¡rater d.ue to the

inherent operatíonal cost of i:he energy requiremenbs of the scheme.

Hovever, the d.ecf.sion to deve"Icrp each seheme r¡ouJ-d he fnfl-uenced"

by the denand. fonnmte:' ãhd"the va,J-u,e vhich Ís pJ-aeed. on water

by this d.euand.

The t¡.ster bud.get i.ndica'Led. tha^h the propcsed" system of

B dåVerSi,Or,. :.:,: :t::-.: ì' ,. 1 j.:ï,C-ll.LÌ-riÈ ¡i Cr.t,Í:fii.Éint d.åp*ndai.¡Le ånfJ_CfW tO r"jtr,i) relk<* Mani.tc,"i-¡g r.;i 'l'Ê, iì1 * ",f', . , ;i'r'ctr the th::*-- Bt)ure eÇl ùf rri.ver¡Lt"¡n¡ the chuz.chÍ"ii. Rivr*,:r' er.r, F.r.:cË Foriapçer, the sasiratche,wan R:i-ver" at üedeir Lå.Krr änd. ra.r-t' '/,r.årin.i.peg rrc #::"an,i Rapicrs" prates i.2 ariit g5,ve r.";l a crouTps,ï.'i.,on cLf ¡-r:¡:*.ûsï),L lol:rlu, ter:u ãver¿rge inflou"s ancl outf.t.úTris of a.H-5¡1;1. .l.s.i¿:*s irr l&"-,r:Ì.tct¡e wi.th proposed" a-vú.Ïãqe Ínf,t_cw¡r end oi_r.tflL.oriliij ¿ì;:j pr"oilurc_rec1 by chese $cj:iemes. Pia't;e ,r,l+ r-rr]cws 'r¡.s'Le:r ,ç,:.ofi,Le a ;-rî¡r"f;¡*r.: of i,he corrbined d.iversj_on roi¿tes. II. I,'IATER AV-CI.LABLE f¡-OR ÐIVERSïON

TT. GeneraL

The wabe:: ai¡ailab,ie fo'r.' 'l-iversirrn 'ùo Lnke lvlanifoha ås Cevivel rìrin.cÍpar-Iy f:;"orn t. ::r.'e n¿l.l clr'airiå',ge h.l s-ins, ti:e Ckru.r'ch:Ì.¡-i

River ba;Í.n, lhe Sa*kaieheira.{D RivÉJ:r be,sin gnc tile Lake }trånnipeg

ôr'aÍnage basin. --ii-' . A]-tl.o-r"¿; ::'espstl;.'lve d-r'a:ir.age tasins of the three

sou:"ces of d.:i"ver.""s:i.or-i Rre aå¡la':er',:"i-o cne another they are dissin-

j-tar enough ån phyrsÍ oqr:apìr.y ri: h¿.v'-' ,1:-s:'r:ã,rge pal,telîn,s wh.ich rl"o

nnt r'tñqêt v r¡ñr"rêÊrlñnd Èn r-r,+ îr:)t.:le :.. '.the Chu.r"Chif-f basi.n fO:l

Ínstance, begins j.n the cre'?-:t,,:eni;'¡ ;¡i*ti.i,:'rerits of Alberta, north

of Eiimontc,n and floi^rs Lhr"ouqh fha P:"eca:¿,r:ri.an Shlel-d. of Så,$kflt¿:herdan

to the po:i-rit of clåversior¿ e'c F::"irg Pc;r','ia4*. The ua:ir¡,:"i-ver stream

eonsi.stÍn.g of a succeÐsÍ,oii r:,:f lai¡:*r; , ha$ a gr:tlat d.eal- of uåiu,ral

storage and thu,s a faÍ.:"i.y r'le.L,.l- r-'rj,!;u-r€i'tÉd" r:iature,I flow. The

SasketeherJarl RivÊr-'., bol'de:reil- or, ihr; r',rrrüh b¡-. the Chu:"chil-I- basi.n"

and. on, the Sorith b,y +";he l{ir;*o;"rj- h:sjn al-ûffig'Lhe:Ln'ternat-"i,or:a,I

l:nox"d.er Ín Al-tie:'tg and \nles'i*r'.i: Ë,n,:heitc]:ewê,t:r, z"'í$*s fn the foaï*

hills cf the Rocky Mour¡'|!ì.i.li,; :r;id" f,Ì'ov= r-tcrth *asteriy across

the nr"e i y"i es ,co thr. flr"anil Ë¡:.,.,11 ,q Êí+:ìFi"'Vcrí r- At the OUtIet tO

Leke \¡IinnÍ.peg. The l¡Iånni-peg R:i.ver" artd. cche:: eas'tern "¡ribu'Lar:les

of Lake Vlinnipeg d.raÍ.n the F::er-rg:rù::i.ar: Shield" regåon of Wes-Lei:ri Ontari.o and Eastern ManÍ"boba f::o:t itis't ,sceith of the InternaLÈonaìI

Bord.er to the nortlier"n end of.' the lake " The d.f ssÍnnilar discharge patterns of these ri.ver syste:ri,s xear, that a combinetÍon of

fl.ows fron the two vi..vers partÈalt1. C.aupens ou;t the natural extrends wi,thout requiríng a g::eaL voltt:ne of storage eapaeity. That Ís, the historÍeal pertoõ cf mj,r¿:Ì¡num flows in the Saskatehewan,

Råver d.Íû not coi.ncj"*l"e with u:l.ri,i.inu.m flor,rs ån the ChurchåLl RÍver

or månimum inflows to Lake W:innipefl fro¡n the eaeter:n trlbutaries '

TT . '¿. P:roposed. Storage ltråthout s"Lcrage." the depenclab'I* flolf of each d"iversior"¿

ås consid.ered, 'to be rhe mín|mu;r1 ï{:'eoï,i"eô river åÍscharge. For the ChurchilL River a'tl the p:."opost--tT új.ve::síon sÍte, the ujn:in¡.:m

flow was 95AO C.f .s" FOrthe 3i::ir]:,.årtelir,;-.''l,âfÌ Ríver at cedar Lake,

the rrÍnfunum floll wå$ åÏ]çO *"f "s. 1ì;V' t;hr: aådÌtÍon of regulated sf,orage to the d.iversÍ,on. scherae.+:ì."[ hqs b*err found, possible'to

increase the åepen.1al¡Le fj-ow +:o 18rÛL)ü c'f .s. ovr the Church:i.Il-

River diversion arid 161000 c.f "ri. ol1 tÌ:e River.

The aod.itf on of r"egu-Ia'Led. pr.rnpir:ig ir:flo'q+ fron

repreõerlts essen'tia}.hr a fiylr <1epe:;da'i:Ie d.Íscharge of 38,000 c.f .s '

The storage ålveåLab:Lc' fo:: 'l;he d"i.versíor¡s j'n th:1 s

d.eve}opmer.i; scheme is r.úad.e up f::.on vü3:.i.or-l,ç po'Lentåat and pre* sent,Iy exÍstÍrrg reËerrroi::s .i.u "rhe t"eËpe."l"ili.ve river õysteÍjßs. Ti is propo*eed. bo uj:;rl-isr.' l.:'; fee't of rägulated' storage vhich ¡'eÞres*nt¡ ât mii I:Lon å,ere feet on Reindeer Lake as the regu|etion fo¡" the churchilr River diversion vfa 'the

Stu::geon-WeÍs" Ri.ver. At present, by' !ûeäns of the 'vfhltesand- Dau:.. ten feet of live storage on'this lake ís utÍtized. for regälatåon of flolls +-o the hydroetectr'íe powei: Íi+iat;ior¿ ai f sl-and. FaILs.

Contro1 of d.istlhaï"ge o"J:. +.he propofred d.iversÍ,on ltould be effect'e'd' by the dau and spilllüay at Fr"og Po:'ta.ge, thus elimfnatÍng the

fr:.nction of the l¿thite'sand. Daul'

ri At p,r"ese.r:i, ìl-2 fee+. cf "Live stcr:age on Ced.ar Lak'; Ís

operated" fov.' Lhe :regi¿Js'L:orL of flows to 't,he h¡óroelec'brÍc power

staî.io'í: at, Gr,¡¡nC Rtip.iLls, belt,ween e Levatioris 830 an¿ 8l+2. It ås proposed.'co oper"ate 5.5 feet, of,'i.'r¡e s"Loi:âge on Ceða.r Lake,

l¡e'bween elevationr iì;i; lJ ¿¡rrri ii:i:j, ,',t¡:,:h .v'ep':'es*c:rts a gtoz:age

volume of 1,.9 :ni-,1-tj.or:, acre*fee'i;.

It Ís alsc propos+;L 'rc oþöz"ate 5'5 feet of storage ori Lake l¡íyinipego;ii: 'i:çtr^iees¿ eleval.:i,o;r." lì:2?.1 arrd I,J5 w'ilicn ï'epïe* sents a storage ctrpar:ity cf "(,'ll: nj.'Ll:ir-',n asr,¡:*fee"i:. A corrl:roll

siru.ctu:re i-n the [lrcposed. d.i.vels-iovt' chav"Lne]- betçeerr Lake

Irifnn:ipegosi,s eri;l Lake ivlanå,tcLr.a tto'r:,.1-C i:egulg,"f;e tk¡e $'Lo.rãge cEpE{c*

i"+;y ori 'L:o'th Lalce \r'li.r:.r:.i;:egogt:Ls â1ìí1 Cesi'¿ìr Lake. This eo;rtrol

st::u,c'L,ure wouïd regulate coTlcJ.rí'1,ïlt[y the lelre,Ls of the two

ìLgk;es i^lhi.ch uouìLil'oe conr¡.ecLel hy i? c:l:¡e:::.r'ieJ- tc Lre e::ccavatetl

:hro'r,rgh McsseY Fo¿''-.:r.,ge '

It i.s alsc pz"oposeril. *;o,o'Lace a level- con'irol or¡L Lake

liirti:r,i.peg to proviåe five fte':; cf 1i.r¡e sf.or"eg-- beLveen el-evation.s

?09 e.n,l 7I4 whÍch re'preserì'ú;ì ¿f, ,l"t,Gl."-âge capacrty of J0 mi]-Iion ac:"e-feet.

1.ï. 3. Assr:.mpti,ons Ragarll:î.ng Opez"eL:iorL of .DÍver:sio:1, Scheure Tn perfoyming 'L.he rerervoi,r oper:atåon study, ar:sump'tfons

were mad"e .to establisT: the d:ischn;rge capacf.'ùi,*s of the contz"ol

uorks anC. Lhe pa'tterrr of reg:;.Ltl't;:lcr.r of stor:age. WÍth r"egarå 'io the Ch::r'chj LL River Diversion via the

Sturgeon-Weir RÍver, the na{;u.:'al e¡icrerce f)-or,¡s at the point of

diver,sion ranged. fvozu a ui::;t;|rnq.ri o.f 9îÛ0 c.f.s" to a uaxißu-m of

57r300 c'f .s. co,mpç'red- w|th i:'he-: ave:'åge fJ-ow of 2Jr250 e'f 's'

J ¿i.. Tne t-1mi¡S whíCh Vere U,sed fO: t,.he I"er-''e.i'¡¿oj.T' OfJt:i'r::li..iòn Stt:.dy

1rîe:Í"É a ffgKl'in;iú úi.scharge o:fl ?5r0Ûe c.f,s" And â.;i '.r.ii-iïl''J'!È ðinclial'¿t+ of 1BTOOO c.f"s" The Ll,ppel"l:Ì.rr:il pr-'ovÍ.rìeð a hÍp,l:'iegree ofl u'tjÍIiza"i;j.on of Chu.rr:r.l:iilL River: illr:ivr,i vi.';Ï:r,,Ltt p,rovíd;ir¡.g aTi exc:i:tä- sive rl.åsehar.'g5e r:apacity to i¡.r:,:o.rimc1a'*;e .1:ere'J-y o*c':.rrÍng high peak flovs" Th:r.s raa.,'d.lnuÏn a,l-sÒ pla':*:s a ]-i,n:i.tatíor¡ on the floo¿ed. AreA åIOng "thË d.ive.rs;c.'::r .r,'Ol-lif;, Thc lnån.ímum diversíovl diseha:rge c,f l8rQoo c "'f ' s ' rms o'ct¡¡:il:Le d"b-l' operatåon ofl the t"eser"voi..r j.n ac*or:ilance l,iith iä :'l¿re eu-f"ve,. d,esågne'J 'bc mnke optinu:r, use of the ava:i,,1-a'cle ¿'Lo.r"aa;* eapacity wh:i}e alfor.^rÍng ml.nis:uin ,spj.rl.âðe. j.l 1.^les atìi:li;l-:glc:f, "i'i:a'*: a -rrrÈ,ft.:irnun'i rlischarge of

300 c.f.s. cronti.nl'roui.s vcruld. ]:,e i+;¡;,1.Í-eO to cl.or¡:ns'lr"earn. Ínterer¡ts

on the Chur*,håIL River: "

TL 'çnrr a.ssuuted. the"; t;t-ie :;ne,vi,¡t¿m discha:i:ge cn the

Saeikn'bche'r¡rðTl R;ivç):r vo'ii-l.d be li.r.r::rt.":d io t00rCI00 c'f .s., a disci:arge a'"", r,¡h:i.cl: they d"yi*es :i:i tÏie :"e'-rlË;rlrr¿'tåon area iuo¡;l]-d- not be er¿ð-a:L-

gered. trr¿ cas*ri nltere the l1j-vez'si.ot:, of 'Lhe Cnurchill River' :irÏLo

'LÏ¡e liasketche-wa;: R:i.ver rtoul.,i .resi'il.t j'-n a. d.isclharge greater t'i:a:'

'LhÍs znexi.rru,m, ;i.+. r.¡as assumed 'bh¡e'L i:he ÙhurcÏ:Íli Rj.ver f[ows

1Jou.ld he d"ecrea¡:ieíI o:4 withheld. *.orpletely as reguí.red." For the

purpose of the stu.d.y, it vas a;.:cu"ued' 'bhat the fir'Jl d-j.scharge of the saskatchewan Ri,ve:: ,r\rou-,ld 'kre availabte to ManÌtoba. Lt

5.s like1y tl:at c.rr:,T.y'IOr00O ¡o t5rCI00 c.f.s" of 'the lo:lg terrn

ave;rage of app:r:oxiüâ'berly å2100Û c.f .ç. wii-ìL b*^ avaåIaÌ:Le to

I4anito'ha j^n t]:e fut"'cure d.ue to cc:is*mptive u,ses of Ùhe r¡¡a-ber ir¿

Saskatche!üaTr änd Altreria. TltÍ¡: voirlO red.uce bite Xon,g term

Ave:rage flow avai.Lahte for ðÍve'::sioi: An.C. wou"jd also red"u"ce bhe 1j storagâ cãpaeå'iy re'q:-r.;i,r'ed. w-{-ti:Ì* tce d.iver;r:1,on sc.herne "

A fi¿r't;her a;su.mpti.o::r 'h,-,a,s ¡nad"e 'i?ie,b tÌ:e Ceday" Lake-:

L,nk* I'lÌnnj.pegoris ;"erevvoí:' reo*Iå 'le cps:¡.'ated" so as 'to mi.n:í"niiz"e

the purnping head. f:lorn Ie.ke !trlirnipeg, Tl';un, Ced.a:: Ie,ke wot-li-d. be

d"ravn down, 'Lo elevstrio:l B3;:.,3 Lre,fo:i:e arry piurpi.ng ccrrunenced..

SÍro:ì.J-ar:Iy", tlie ol¡,tle4.; cor:."trol on T-eke WÍnnipeg rdorlld mnir¿taå¡i

a hi"gher avçr"åge tetåJ-"vm+;er t:ilan under nov¡tal cir.'cu"mstanr;es to

reduce t'he purmpårug head.. S'lci:'r,ige Ì;r'ili"ographs are ;hr¡wr, cn P.j.¿;, 1,c: ;:"ìl-

'r'T )' Vüe.fer Bud.ge't,

The rnete:: ]¡'r¿cleet fo:" the r:o¡(h:ir¡ed. scherne of d"i-ve:"si.or:,s

¡ras C.*riv¡C b;r comt'ins'+¿i.on of f;he avnùIabre d.ischar.'ge s'eeosds

(fgep "i;o prese:lb) w'å"bh the s'Lo::age t:erpac5"tÌe"ç at tlie verfou.s

Ioca't,"i.c¡ris our,I:ineå i.n sectåon "í,1-. :1 ", cpereted" so g,s to ;'o:'oduee

{:}¡e unxi.mu"¿n fi,:rn d.iv*r'si.on d-Íscharge into leke Nlar,:itoba. This

crornplete oËera'cåoy* is pçiven å:,:r sec't;i.or: .I . of the apperd.ix of thís th*sás.

ïï. Ã AvaÍIable Dfver,$Íon Canacitrie:¡

The ,rLiversÍori of ïhc; (,l.nm::chÌLt F.iver at Frog Po"':tage

woulcl prod.i:ce ån aveu"åge of'2Ir[i:ìC c.f.s. or.:-t af the long'[,errr

äveråge of 2Jr2,iû c.f .n. at thÍs poåut. The d.Íversi.om. of +-;he

Saskatchersrr. Ri.ve:: a't Ced.ar lake vr.:uìLd 'orod.uce 2Lr2''¿A c"f .s. out of tlie long terur aver:age of 2)-r$90 c..i'.s, at that poin't. FinnI-Ly,

the pnurpå.:rg diverei,on from .L:ke Wiu:rÍpeg at Grand. Rapid.s woul-d.

prod.uce an average of 28r!760 ,::.f .s" The d-ischargeË f'ron hotir

the Church:i"Il and. Sankatche'wan BÍvers reþresenb in exeesç of

pt)y'0 u'eiT-Èz*atio:n of flows.

.i. l-i TÏ 6. Quat.:'-'h;r r::i Dj-verted. r¡iater

The fntentÍon o.í.

p:l'crv:'-t.ì l.r ';¡41;eT" Í'or muitj.llu.rplr:icr li.:i1¡.: tiu.(:.l:ì ;r,t f'o:l ;i,rrigati.ori,

:Lnciur-¡t:"Í4,1, eOnsuÍlpt,Íori anä cì r.ri:r,cr;1.;,Ì(r í.:{)icrrji'Lr,rú'p"1,Í,nil,. lfhus, :!-'c is

impcrtarit to make an aËser;cm,ili:,t; r-r-;"Ll.i,:r q,irstlf,ity of the water."

a vai-L.ai:.'].e from the vâri.ou.".; i(.),.i.T,:.:c'r:::,.

Concefn hAË ber¡:l:. Ûriíircí:isccl ov':ì.r 'ì-,he fact 'hliau bhc:

cl-"lvc:rtecl fJ.ows f'ron ldo:r.'ther,r-: l"f.¿ti::i,tr;Ì.ia lrzã¡"Leï" courseË wiì1 ,.t. T:e

pcrssed through Lake lt{ar:iti¡"c¡: ri1:j.,t:,f.i r:c'r.v:te.i.n,$ råther' trtoo:: qrmLf,ty

r/iater, Ref'erence'ho the::'c¡,rLr.r:{: b;v.J" F. J'" Thr:mag entit.i"ed.

"Ind-ustrial l¡iaf,er Resour-'ces o:.' ila:-'lari.a--l"later Suz"vey Report, Ìrl'r:" :i..[J'

quat.i.ty 'l;llc' '*,ii,"1r..-rr-' vc,:r':Lfics the pc;or o:.' iüanipJ.etl Í'r:rrnr Lahe Ïvlan-L'cr-¡"ua "

Ïn comparing lt wi'ch ci¡urnoi,L s-i;an,dü:r:ás fi-¡:f ï/ater. qrlal.:Lty, È'ü is

apparent that the Lalce l'{ani,to1ri-l wrlf:rlr dr)e$ noL rrlee't clo;mes'i:i,c

consurnp'bion regufremell{;¡j. -L'L h¿rs a hÌg;ir clissr-¡rved socl:Lum

content whfch melces it substar,dard for" most i:.rj.gatir:n pu.iipocerì

ancl it fs ratl:er pr:or":1'oi: nträ'f; :I.ti(illlirb:rj.a"L. neeås due to su.r:t:

characteristfcs as hl.g.h, tote¡1. $olij"ils; cr:rn'tren"L, hfgh totaJ" hard.*

n{rs$, coìlour and. turbirii.t;y.

I{owever, vâriou.r'.; t;üu.'fces -['atn:i-,t.:i"ar r¿j-{,}¡ 'nr^h ioznt: n-{'

water suppty and" treattneTrr,i .have olf)r'r:Ìti$eìd 'LÌ'te cr:mmon. op:inlon

'bïrat the chemtcaL chäractcr:i.st;Ícs of' tï¡e.; wåter $amp'J-eÊ large.l.y

reflect the condftions r:f' tj¡e Ílr)tir..c{1ì üf tl:e wåter sìlppJ-y, Tn

the ease of Lake }4anito'l:a, rvhich cl:'ar;vûì r¿ater from a low retief

i;oo::"i-y d.rained area) grou.nd 'vtt'l,rz't m¿t:,:r] t.J¡ ):'rom gi:anuJ-ar Éieclinrlen-

tal"y d.eposits ls the sourcc-: ,J:f' $uTrp.J.y.

Tt ís utated, t'-n "Gr"ounii t¡latr':r iiyclrr:J.ogy" by D" K" lllocì.d.,


rD "AI1 ground ¡,iaters contain $al-ts carråed. i-n so-Iution' OrtlinaråLy, higher proportíons of d.issol-veel. clor"rs'tjj.t'Ú.ents are found in grcnlr'l wat,ere than in surfaee fiAtÊrs becau.se of the greAter e)iposure to 3oï-ì.;ftIe u:aterÍal-s in geûT-ogic s'Lrs{;4.--Poor]-y drained' Aveäfirt parbÍ.cularÏ.y tasins havÍng inter"i,or ðraånage, coritaj"n hÈeh sal.t concentråtåons. Sed.imenlary roc:kË Are $ore so[uþI-e than S"gnectrs rocks**Êödium av¡d' caLcium are ecËirtontl¡r add"ed' catÍons; båcar* bonate, carhomste and. su.lphate are correspond.ing anions " " J"t appears that tlle chemicaL c?¡aracterj-s'tics of the r¡ater in Lahe

Ir4anÍ*oba are j,nåicative of 'the grou'nd r,¡tlter snpplÍeð to the lake. 1+, cân¡ therefore, be presu,rned. that the qualÍty of i:Ïre

¡*at,er which d.:lscharges from take l{alritoba under the proposed' system of d.iversÍons w:iLL reflect a combfu:,atfon of the chenof'cal" charaeteristlcs of al-L the sou::cres of suppl"y. si.nce the lorrg s'.' term average inftow "co Lake i,s Í¡1'the c¡rdez'of JÛCÛ 'ú'f' these inf}o.ws wå]-I- have only a s:naf,J- effect on the quality of the outft6ïü compared. to i:ilat of the 70,0Û0 c'f"s. dive1'ted fron other ríver systems. .llowever, asstming a ðiversion outf]-ow

from I-ake }¡Ianitoba of f2rOOC c.f"s", it would requ,Íre 2"to 3

months to fl-uefu ou"'b the vo[ume of i;¿r1desira.ble l¡ater curre6tly stored. in the lake. An anal:fsås of the lrater Èources from the Churchill

Ri-ver, Saskatehelran River and Lake \'lirul3'peg, gÍven in the "Inåtrstrial Ï¡fater Rescurces of canad.a" Í,nd.icates that the water frorn aLl these soul:ces Ís veil-L wÍthi.n the suggested. mter qrlåI-å'tjy tolerances given by D"K. Tlod.ct for bc'bh Ìnd.rrstri,a1 and. agË'j'- c.ultu:al uses and. vitti varyfng degrees of treatmen't it wouid

be econo.måcaI-Iy feasÍble to irnprove t.hese supp'Iles to domestic


J.TÏ . T. Ger¿era"I

Tl¡e d.iversion o,f flcws fro:n the Chux"ehi.Ll- River t"o

other river basÈtrs is not a rlew n:r ìlnÈ:su,äf, proposal. lnvestí-

gations of varíc¡us possibJ-e d.åversj..'o:rp 'to Íncrease hydroel-eetrie power productior:r in, ad.;acent r:iver basins have been car"råed out

by varÍous iriterests d"l"irÌ.'ng t.he past fÍf'ty yearÉ" Cu.z"rentï-y,

the initíal phase of the ¿svslç-rplueti-i. of hyd.roel-ectri.c power cn

the Nel-son Ri.ve:: k'y i;he lvlsr¡i'Loba l{yd..ro and the Fed.eraìl Governmen'b

rÌ "r¡cù.., inclu.rLes the d.iversÍon of 'h'he Chu:rehi.l-ìl- River via the Bu:"mtwooð RÍver into the .

As early as Lg'I.T, irr a report by Ru:st, 1p2O 5.n a

report by FJ-anagan, artd. Ln L)i!.Z "-rn a ::epor"t by ktterson, i.t

rras pr,"oposed. to d.ivert; water from the Chur"cnÍLl River i.nto the

S'L:urgeon-tlleir River fcr the purpose of ptloducing liydr"oel-ectrÌ"c

poT{elî cn the T-at'ber. In aXL tkr: earl¡'* i.nvestÍgatÍ.or:.s, however,

the d.f.versíon i',lov tl::.d.er consåde.*ati.on was less t}:an 5000 c"f .E.

Ðåver"sj-cn of ihe ChurchÈI)- F,iver via the Sturgeon- Weir River at Frog Portage is not än unu;suål suggestlon for

another very l"mportant reason' Becrau,se of the topography of the rÍver basi-n in tÏ¡at våcÍ.ri:lty, a natural d.iversion of the

Chr"rrehil-T- Ri've:: irito the Sturgeon-Weir Ri.vev takes plaee at Frog Portage at tinaes of }:ì.gh d.isekarge on the Churehill- RÍver.

The fl-ood. sn¡oJ-'Ien river overfJ.cws its banks anri. spil-[s i.nto

I^Iood Lake, the northern end c¡f the Sturgeon*I,,leir draÍzrage ?:asln. Professor E. KuÍper ohserveð +"hf,s phenoïienon in a canoe trÍp

:L7 to thÍs area Ln Sep+;ss6.t, L95\ a.nti f:rosl hås interviews with the natÍves at Pel-lcan Narrows, it, nny be ccnelurLed. 'u?.nt this over-

ff,o'çr conðitiotl hag occu,t"-r-'eC. five 'Låmes since LBB0" The LocatÍon cf the po:i'nt of 'd'iversion Ìs at Frog

}or.bage, approxï,uate;T.y ti,venty mÍl-.es upstream of the eonfl-uence of Lhe F,eindeer RÈver wj.th the thurc-frå"I]- River" I'b is, however, most benåfici-a]- to co:ls+.l"uct a con¡ro1 dem d.or+nstrea¡r of this

confî-uenee Ín order to ut;ÍLfze d.i.scharge fr,:m tlre Reind.àer Rl'ver.

vhich Ís approxir:a'i;e]-y eguial- 'bc-r ^:".he Churchill River d.ischarge

a,b that point, and. take ad.van'bagè of the va-c''ú storage capacå,'t"y

or¿ Rer'-y:.deer Lake, for regu[atÍcrn of the d.iverså.on f[ows. The

d.iversf on sÍt"e i.s approxi,nat;ely B0 mttes northr,rest of Fl.fn FJ-r:r:r, . Ivhnitoba, the nearest eentre served. lo;r ra:ïI" azrd. hÍghvay eoniTlec'-


The rCIaxi.nuul head.mtetr J-€ve,5 eleva'r:lon Í-]-06, vhÍch

wou,ì[d. provÍùe the st,orage capacitjes ,qncl d.epenrla'b]-e fiow, as

ouflt_Íned. in chapter 2, vou,f,d" increa.se tbe J-eve]- of the ent,i"re -Lretween ReÍndeer RÍver and. the churchi.Ll Ri"vez' Keg lake and

the d.owlstreäm eontrol struqt'ure to e]-er¡atÍon I-L06 "

T]T. 2, Topography and GeoLogY Íhe general- topography' of the rÍåversion route u'nÖer J.nvestÍgatfon can 'be sepgrated. åruto two naturaX div$.sj.ons,

cors.esponding tg 'bhe md.erlyÍng geoiogÍ.ea} uníts " The Churchil-i-

Biver ehannel apd. the uppêr reaches of the Sturgeon-Weír River, As far rl.ownstream aË }4ãligre Iake ar"e in i;he Pre-Cambrian region and the lower reaches of the Sturgeon*lfefr Rive:r flon through' a ff,nt area which is u¡ld.er]-ain b;y hed"rock of the Pa]-eozofc group. 'r iì The ua¡o:: portion of -Lhe diverslon r"ou"be is situsted" iri 'bhe Pre-Causbrlan regfon. I4any steep rcck :faees are vÍsÌble along 'ùhe banks of the Churr:hi.,l-I Rive:: 3.n the seetÍon årmed.fatel-y upstreau and downsir"eam of +;he prr:3osed. d-iverpÈon sÍte ar¡d. rock formä**fonã are generally in the form, cf kr:olls and rídges. The t¡anks of the Chu,rchåIi River upstream of Frog Portage r6nge from one hund¡"ed to severa]- hundred" feet in height, rielS,ng steepty' fron the waterds e,i.ge.", in gerreraJ-. Hovever, at Frog Portage, the hígh rid.ge o¡l the south bank d:'ops rapÌ"dly to a J-ov r'Ídge eovered. with willolu anrl pop'Iar grovbh, l¡håch conti.nues at J.ess thart ?5 feet at'cve the water su:rface elevatfon for app:roxiuateLy one .uile Ìn lengÉ'h and then the bank rfsee r:apid-ly agaíTl to a heigh'L of approxÌ,xna'bely 200 feei above the

I'iver J-eve1 .

From an aei::tal recon,'nai.sciasl,ee ef the area by the write.r", ín Êitrp't.ember, L)66, the Frog Pr:r'tage site waË observeå

'L,o be overllai::r by an un,öeter."míned. d.epi;n crf over-ourd.en. Howeve:l, the existevrce of beðrock cutcrnpe at the sÍt,L' an.d. I-ess thsn a thou-sand feet upstream and. d.ownstream of the proposed. spiJ-I-way suggents the overbr:ird.en uay be fairly shalLow. The report on a sura/ey of Frog Portage in 19tT Ï;y H" P. Rust presents rock contours which indicate tbe d.epth of or¡erbu.rden to be Less than

1-O feet at t;he spi.Ll-uay site. ,{ I¡rom an ínspection on fOþt c:f the site of the d"own* stream corrtrol struciure í.n Septernber:, L966 t rock outcï"op on both abutments vas observed" T::ee cover Í.s predonn:tnant[y spru.ce

arrå poplar. From the va'ber slì,rfäee, where the char¿nel wåd-ih Ís

"i (f, apprc:ci,ne'cely il0O feet, the roehy t'anks rÍse steepLy to a J-evel-

of approxirnately eli-e'¿ation J-2ti,3 approxfroately I00 feet a?¡ove

t}:e proposed. head.luaitev l-eve1 a"b elevatl,c'ri tl-06. Ðepth so'und.i"ng

taken Í,n thÍ.s narrol¡I chanm,el. showed" a faÍrll.;v shaL."Io,t¡ dep'bh of

13 to lL5 feeL. Thi"s s,hal-Iov clep'L,h ar¿C t?¡e exÍ.st*nce of rcck

on Lroth atutucents å.ndicat,ed. 'bhe probabll-e exie'benee of rcek Í¡l

'the channel- bcttoru.

The northerst reach of the S+;urgeon*l¡trelr BÍves" corrsi"stç

of a serÍ.ee of , Wood, ivhnawan, PeJieanrl¡li-rond. and. CorneÍl1e,

al-l- of vhi.eh have high ba'nks (up to 2û0 feet a1¡ove the mter slnrface.) Ttree eover is pred.oro*onn'Ll-y sp:rü.ee, popl.ar and bÈrch.

Dor'n:,streaun of Corr¡eille L'ake," the chan,neL. has hÍgh,

rocky" ban.ks and as the rfver eflerges frou the Pe"e*CauqbrÍan r:egion to the kleozcie region., the banks become l-or,rer, w:i'th

TÉore narshy stretches Ín evid.ence. Anåsk lake is cha:ract,erf zed.

by a lÍ,mestom* s'horelf,ne ranging ;in height fro:m ) feet to 3O feet.

Doril¡1,;ctream of Ami.sk Lake the rel-åef :Ls ver.y ]-ow wlth the general grorurd. l-evel- beÍng le*s tharr 50 fee'h above the river

channel. The eharmeJ- drops rap:i,d.I.y a totall- ,:f approxirnatel-y

3.00 feet in the Ë5 u:i]-es 'r¡etween As¡Ísk Iake and Namew Lake " Lov level- aerÌal photographs of the d"iversfon ro'ute

taken in Septenbev, L)66, provÍde a mc¡re g:mphfe lndåcatfon of

the topography of tÏ¡e areä. A selectior:, of some of tbe more per{cinent ones is given in the append.ix of thfs thesis. rTT. 3. C]-inate The Atl-as c¡f tanad.a , L957, eiassifies the Churehlll

',¿(t RLver basin as a sub-a::etÍ,c cliroatle region. The $tì1ütgecn-t[ein ,tË, r.\ Rlver has ft headr,¡aters fn thi.a sub*arct:ic region but flows

prlmarlly through a clåroatlc reg5.on cl-añsffied as "Hu¡cfd Conti.*

nentaf,, Cooîl- Êuunuer, no dry' season." The tempeÍ€ture range :!"r¡ thlls general area of the ili.version fs -60 tc'l;tOO d.egrees.Farenrhe;[t.

The tota1 aruruaÍ prer:fpftatl"ov¡ Ís appronlmntet-y t6 lnches and

there are a,pproxlmateJ-y one hundred. frost-free days. Thf"s af,ong wÍth the fact that the d.fverrsion site fs l"n an area of d.l"scom-

tinuous pertnafrost ua¡r possibly demand. a ehorter than normnl year1y constructfon perlod and. some $peef.al.lzed. construetfon

Lechnfques. ITI. 4. General Arrangement of Struetures Íhe gene:ral arrangement of s'truc'bure'ç for the proposed.

Church:[]-l- Rfver d.fveref.on showtl on Pl-ates 3.2 and $.4 assumes s head.mter Leven of elevatl.on L"t,06. The år:rangemerut eo¡r'sfsts of a gate-controll-eeL overfJ-ow spflil-uay vÍ'th a capracity of

I.55,OOO c"f .s. and. concrete gzuvf.t;v' d.ams to a mn>d.mum height

of 65 feet, foutrd.eet on hedrock d.ownirstream of the eonfl-uence of the Churehil-]. Ri"ver wfth the Rel"ndeer RLver pf.us a gate-eontrol-

Lecl ÊJ.t.l,J"ee'!räl/' at Frog Sortage for the ¡îe1eaËe offfieof*tua dl.version flows as hfgh as ä11000 e.f.s. and. ehor+., seetions of

earth fiX-I- dykes wfth a rou,¡*å*o* height of 40 feet' Plate 3.3 ehows the d.ownstreana controf, structure

consj.sting of a concrete gravS"ty d.am an,l gate-eontrolled. ovêr-

fX-ow sBå,]-f,way Loeated. fn a TÌarrov sectfon of channel on the

ChurchfltT- Rf,ver, I-ä00 yards ðowr¡strearn of the eonfï-uence wfth

the Ref,ndeer Rfver. The gate-eontroll-ed" spiï..I-uay l"s fntended.

,à.). to provlðë 6n outl-et for exhreme fLood. fLolre ag well åÉ T[flÍn-

taf.nÍ.ng a specÍ.ffed, ml.nf,m'uu¿ d.f.sctrarge from 'tihe resefvoÍr to

Ëerve d.ownetreau f.r¡teyests on the ¡'åver'" The entf,re structure

woulð be co:netrucf¿ed. wLthÍ.n crofferdams wh,f.Le a tunrlel- constr\retieö

ro ;l.r¿- th:t: #or.l,tir I¡Ank of the yfver wo¡¿T-d" oc,lxvc,y' 'bh{* þåt'Urql. rlver

fT-oqe d.urd.ng *'j:e ct¡rrsf,ruetf ott perfod ' BoAd. &ceesÉ to the efte

wou1.d. be fro¡r t!¡e southwoøto wf"th a pankf.ng area on the eouth

i7'ì!' bank. Ìfhe ]'ro8 Portage eontrol- ntruc'h.ure slrr-rwl on P,l-ate 3'l+ 't,wo sonsl.etis of a gf,tê-eontro].l,ed Ë.J.ll'.l;i 1c"'¡m,:i i'l"L*::iri+.:ci' Ì::y r+hcrt

seet1ons of concrete gruvf"ty' d,äm and. a;rrproxluntelty' 5000 feet of

earth f,f.LT- dyke to the south of tÏ¡e) sJ-r.llrr,^;.r,È¡, whlch wouÍd eorn*

¡rT.ete the resertro:Í.r enciL.os'ure 'Lo a l"eve'I, of el-eva'El"on il-Iâ. Because of *;he el,evatLo¡r of the s:tte above nc¡rmnI- mter ï"evel-e, the entLlre etrueture woulü loe construe'he,å, f"n the d.ry. Roed.

6CCe## VoULd be from the ean't, wå.th parkÍ.ng area on the east

sf.d"e of the etructure "

Iff. 5. Dams The d.ow¡etream controL structure voufd bo connected, to the abutuents hy ltwo eeetfone of comerete gravl,ty dßnr eåch upproxLuately â00 feet fn Lenffth .¡¡:tth a r¡ø:dmum heLght of 65

feat aud. f or.lr¡d"ed. on beörock, Two other short eectfons of cotLcrete gravfty d,âm

totaf,l.lug q'bou,t 1"50 feet Ln x.,emgçth wouï"d separnte the 'ft,ii.çtÉ';qvfly at Fro6 portuge froro 'tihe earth fLtl- dykes or¡ the Left and. rfgh'b abu,tueøbo, Barth fltlt råykeo ad.Jacent 'bo the conerete grav5.ty ,|¡e lÏ¿tms rqou.Ld. of ,l,riltnc',gerteons :rn*it¡¿rf-aJ-,

¡rA Two other Lenrg',hs r:f earth f"Ì,J-I d.;vke, totallfng ahou:l;

)000 feetr :l"n J..e:lgth, fi,ï'e req'uired 'to +oiqp.Iei;e the reservoJ.r

*nclosure. These d.yker to tlie sou.f,h of "i;he sJ.rzåcer,nay at Frrrg

Portiage would. have maJ,är1y nr-.rnog*neor¿,s ."lectj,jLorxs vj"th transåt,åons

to z.crv,ed. earth fi,rr e¡ntrank¡uents for d.yken grea'tex" 'bhan Ê) feet

i.n heS.ght 'Lo a l'ggåtr\,-L?.n o:f )+O fee'U ir: h*ighr:. $ince it íe liiceT-y

thqt areas of perroalk'ost rvårl- l¡e encounterecl, an al-Lowance ,L¡as

been mad.e for gand" d.r:af.:¡s and" Ío;;liirlr¡tji.on "L;yëätmer¡t in these

äreas. F:lom the a..¡airable topr:grap,lr3.eal mappi.ng, it appears

that :lo ,qad.d.Ie clyiei.ng wii'I 1¡e required. heyond.. the 1fr¡Èts show¡:i on Plates S"ä and" iì"4"

: A cros,s çec'båon throrrgh a typlcaL gravfty dein,',';,,rì

secticn is sihor,rn on Plaie J.l. Oz"os$ see.i;fons through typical_ earth fÍl-"I se*'tåc¡'ns ä:r'e shr:wr on PJ_ate ]"). ll"t. o" Spf lÌ-J-way ä l"r:L S:l-.-ij, rrÌs-rray

The gen*::al arrangetû*!:¡"ü fo:l the Churchj_l_l_ River

,d,ive:rsíon r¡fa i;he Stu;rgc-^on*trÌeår Rive:r coní.rråseË a r\.j-uicenay at

Frog Fortage ond. spil-Li'nìy imr¡'red.l.a¿rely d.owns'Lreana of 'the confiuence of the Rei.:ld"eer River wÍih "bhe Chr:rchil_l River.

The sptl-[wa;y' which is J-ocrated, approxÍ:rete]-¡r I20r) yard.s

dcr,n¡.streas¡ of t'.kre ccnfl-uenee c:F the twe a'bove-mentiorred. rívers serves a two foLd. pr-ia'pçs6. The ffu:nt function of the spfl]-uay would be'br-l pasa extr"e¡ne f]-ood. d.Íscharges whl.eh míght oecur Ín

the ühurchi.Il Rj.ver bas:tr:, 'whllle the seee-.,nð functÍon woul_d be

'bo pass a cor etant ríparian f[or* to the channeîl d.ownstream of

the control. d.aua. The d"esign d.f.ocharge fcr the spiX_Ilmy rcs

selec"ked bJ' rnea'ns of a fnequeney' plot of annugl .peak f5-ows at

lì3 .[s]-av¿d. Fax.r-s f'or the pe::f od of recrod. J.gpg ha î:rre preser.ii:. ironr this flood. fr*r¡uency anatysÍs e dfçchaz"ge of L!)rût0 c,f "s., 't¡hich corïe$ponds to a frequerÌc;)¡ of I:Ln tûr000 years ruas s*J-e*tect" as the xpti.J-way d.esigTn eapacÌ"by. The vaJ.ue of property d*ffäge¿ o'the iaunber of J-:rves endan64ered. Try a possi.ì:I-e daru :fal"'l-r¡re i"s *rmlr-. Horçever trre ccst af pror¡fcling thj.s sprr-I_iuery, capacity rathev" than hha'L c.,r"ï,espond.ing to r in ,1-ooo yea::s is not great" Tl:er"efo:,e, the spåLt.wa¡r, r-as ,lesignecl fo:. a fl-ocd. frequene¡¡ .bhe of L fn }rþrJCIo yeår$. At naxÍrru'i .heqtl_watcr reve.l cf,' elevaåü"cn LrL06, five Jg by hà. f'eot fj.sed_wheeL vez,tiear_ r.fft gntes pl'aced. art a aft.l_ e]-,er,ution of fû65 wo¡rl_,J provfde ttre z"egui':"ed' spfj-r-nmy eieica{j:i'by'. fhe getes vcr¡J-d be opeiated. by, flx*'d. hci'sts lrraced. ir: a gp]-I-eï,r/ sulpporterr" above .Lhe d.eck hy s'teel t'owers fou¡rd.etl on the pi.ers " A :çaoi¡arafr_ wi.th hoÍst ji-Þ r'¡o'¿.:,Ld. be orsed. to i::¿starl the urpetreärn stop T_.gs ruhich wourir-rf be pz'rrvr'-ded- fr.¡r na.tr.tterlari.ce of the Êjate;;. The qj.ormstrea¡n sf.de of the ggtes wou.J.d be de'rmtered" ¡¡j,,th trhe ga.ïrea: e1r¡sed beea,use of ttrre e'J.evat:i.on c¡fl tire sÍIL a-bove terilTrratr:.r.r gt the s:Lte. A cr"o¡ss_ sectfon througÏ: thÍ.s spÍLÏ-roray í,s shou.lr on plate J.J. The stufeeffay oï, contr"ol_ strueture, at Frog For-tage çoulcl regurate qi.:Lversr'o:ß tl:e fr-ows to tÏ¡e sturgeon_weir Båver. Fou:'Ji f*.:t hy j'/ feet fiy-+c.-wheel ver.ti,:al uft gat;es placed" at sÍ11- e[.e'¡atår:zr a at ,tOJÊ r,rouJ_d. be capa.bl_e of passing rlhe uaxi.¡rrum d.Íversi.on flaw of 2Tr0CIrJ c.f .s. et a heqd.i^qter r-eve]- at e]-evation J-oBp, or' the mfn:i.mu¡o d.fver,,Ìf on f'J.ow of," r-Brû00 c.f .s. wåti;: a head.uater I-eve]- at e]-evation Lû86. As Ín the d.or,vr¿str"earu sp:iJ-rr"ray the gates wour-d be o¡rerated. by f:!.xed. hor.sts p'_aced Írr

?:i+ a gd'J"iez';y Hrrpported, erbove "LÏ¡e cleck by s"beel towers found.ed. on

f ?'a n'i aæc lï+r'.r4,.-r.,,,"reflm Ë'tjcp ;L,oË{Eir se:iîvÍcieti. by a hofst Joh aruå

ÐDinú?åile .,r*cu1rC. 'oe provid.erl fc¡t' ïi¿alïitenancÊ cf the gates " A ri.rofãLì sectfon, throug$ "hhf¡r sìl-llice-v¡ãy Ls shown on PLate 3"5. :ù, ITT. T" ¡'ro¡tfui.ng AJ-r--lnr,g 3i:ïverg:ion Ror.:.te

Ti?¡* :rug rdJïi'"irir i:ea'1r,rat¡.:r T.er¡el of elevatÍon 1L06 $ouï.d.

qau$Ê soEne :f]-or:'rS.ng olr ti-ie Chur"eh:l".Ll RÍver up,stï"eäm of !'rog

Fortage aff f6,r aË the wes'tÉ.rn encl of K,eg Leke. The eritire

Reln¡i.eev B,S.ver qnd. 'þ"he CT:u.rchå.I-L lìfver ,i.orrnstream äs far å.s

the eontrc¡T- str-"i¿ct'u.re rroï,¿T-á a,r-Ë{) he rai,sed to el.evatfc''n l.tO6.

TT¡e flocd.Í,:ng .tn these &reas vnuld" he eonfirqed rmfm.J-y to the

ri.r¡er *hars¡el-s "çinee tÌ.lry' err'e co:aiair¡ed. hJ" banics whÍch ri"se

si:eeçI-;y mr:r* th,en r¡ne ?ru.r¡dred. fee'b ät¡ov*^ the prer:ent rrat*r

su^r"'fåce" Iüo hab:Ìtatic'"rirs, othr:r ttrlqr:L e few geasonåI- hu,r¿tiia:rg and. 'b;f f:ishårrg shaüks w<¡uï-å 'oe affecred. tÌ:sese Í.r'-unrcase,l f,evel;.

Ëac.rkwatey" c(}raputatic.ns ro¡håcl"¡ uere perfø':¡re'l j.n thÍs

study ízlrlÍca'ke tha'b t.?.¡e ma:y-L¡rum d.Ír¡erej"on f"J.ow cc,rdi'bfons wouL.d

rai.çe the wå'c*tr l.evels aìLc'firg 'bhe Stirrgeon*r¡Ieår River chan,ilel-

I-ess t.ban j-ü feei:. Thås r*ouI.,l ye,s'rìl.t 5"n onT.y s1Íght effeets

on the twr settT-ements along 't;he üiv--rsioe route, Pelfcan }larrows

a.nd. Sturgeon, Iand.åag. These effee+;s vor¡L.d. present no fne'ür-

¡nounLabJ-e problems, the nnå:n requirernents beÍ.ng possibl-e reI-o-

catli.on of few si'.:ro::eT-ine struc'bu::'es and" re]-ocail"on cf al-I- rloek-s,

X.arrd.ings and. ?:riðges. The fJ..ood.Íng aï-ong the d.iversi.our route

r.ray' be decreaseð by exeavatåc:r of rapÌ,d.s and. control sectl"ons

at key f.'.:eat:!.ons to red.uce the Lle'vel- ùf the t¡aekr¡rater upstreaur

cf tl¡ese see'tio¡rs. Gated. *ontro]- dn:ms ç6q¡"1d. be fnstal-l-ed. to

âq ,) ruaintaån l,rater J-eveL,s ulr¡,der ï-nw fìIov couditl"ons. These works

?¡ave rrc¡t beez:r de*íg:ned Í.rii rletalï-, b'i.r'l; a fuup s'rxr of Ê.5 ¡nùT.Iionr

dolÏars has h,ee¡: i.n,eL.uqled. in t}:re cost esti,ruate for ,Lhem.

Topog::aphÍ.': ;+u:"ve;irs wi,llJ" b* req"u,ired" 'to provid.e 'i;.he

Ínfo¡ruatio¡l for & rlicr"e precåsc *omputu'b:io-n of bacL"r,¡ater cuÍryes

3.n r:rd.er to make aa ãeeruT"&'b* foreegst of future wBter ]-eve1s"

The epproxiuete extenÍ cf flrrrM.erå areas is si¡*m on the åoeation uap for the p:ropon¿.:å dfvu¡"si,on shor,n¡ on Piate l.I-"

AÍl qJ-l-owåri{ie hâ,q 'be+r¡ rr*tle :in the eost entimtes fo:n

ecsts Í,ncurreci" ;in fLoorlíîxg arÈaË å;Long ch,e d.åversj"on. Th* casfj

of e:ry' pro.poscrd. âkan;nel. :i.n4i::oveue:¿t flc¡r the purpore of ï"owerång

the -¡ater level.s erl,c":.rrig r"he d-i*¡ersi.on ro¿ite would. have to be

ccmpared. wi'Lh the cos'b o:f' fll-ood.ing fn ord.er to d.ec:ì"d.e on the

exi;e;rt'b of eha:uletl fir¡ps'ove.ment wi:r:i.ch i.s requi.red. "

IIf: " 8. Constructi,orr, .ii:ive:i:si-o,rir and- S*hed';rl-fllg Becau*e of Íts ei*rveti,oiL äb*ve th* normal r,mter. leve].s

oio the Ci¡ure?¡ål.T- Råver, the slu.j.r:e\,rpi;/, r:onclrete gravåty daus

and. earth fÌ"[î- dykes at ]-rog Pox"tage \i/ould. b,e cc,ns'þructed" ïfüth-

out any need fo¡l cofflerdamm:in,E o.r d.åversic¡:;t of fï-ows " The constructåon cf these lror"k"s vr:"'"rï.d" tahe p.l-ace þríor t"o ccr¡stru,ctior:r

of the dor,rrnstreaia spÍï.3"u'ay sectfo,.n :ir¡ order to provÌd.e an out]-e'f;

capacity for a portÍon of the exceËË fLows of a pr:ssibÍ_e fl_oo,l

ovr the Chur+hil-L. River during the cc¡nurtruetion åiversi.or¡r period."

Thi.s schedul-f ng w,¡uJ.d. sl-l-o\r a red.u.ctfan i"n the sfze of tÌ:e iiir¡,

df,versl"on tain:nrl" allcl, h.ence, & red.uc'bion L.n the large eost of 'Lne cï.iversÈon 'works. The eonstrr¿etiosx ti-¡ne for the Frog portag* -brro con'LroL atrr;ct'ure wouJ-o be appz'oxåna"beJ..y years "

,::", i:i T}¡e d.or.¡nistream ccr:rLrol stn¿cture noi¡l-d, be cgu,gtruct'ed"

entå,reity rvl.th;i,n *c.ffe:,"

,J,å.ver.iion )*û,ß0r] c . ri fl-ov cf "f "

By rneans i::f the l,J"-aÍ'fuesanqT. k:¡r and. s,pÍLlway at the ot¡t-

l-et of Ref.nciee:ry Lake, th:i.s stcrage resêr"vo:lr +ot¡.J.d be drawn

down prÍ,orho co¡:ìstr':t.:í:åo:il r:,rr tÏ.e tl.or+n'.strean'¿ control- strueture.

Reindeer lnke *oui"Id- th*n be utl"I-:lned as a d.etentÈon basln during

the eo:nstrt.¡.ca;åç:n pe:r':i"od. ån c:,råe:" to :'ed"u.ce "hke outflow to the

Reinf,eer Ri.ver 4n,1, 'thr:s, reclu,ce ti,ie requå,red. capacity of th.e

d:iv*rsi.on tunnel-, T'L vrt-,uIri sJ)T-ieÐv that the pcten*;:ia.I- savå.trg

:in cos'b, 'uol¿Ltl vqsr"a:nb in,*T-ln!.J.ng thås meaçttre fn the eoc].strucrtion


Tlre eonsLructåcn 't;i,.rne on 'the ffisesnd. phase of the

d,f,'ve:'iij"ori rç*,irf,Eå he appr"oxl"mately 'hwo and. a ?ulf yearË. Hovever,

part of 'ch,,* conntruq:'båon such an the tnm¡¡elång ,':ou-l.ð be earråed.

cn eon(1urrentf,y ltåth eoust:lttcti.oz¡ at Frog Foraaege, K¡rkårlg the

total- c+r¡¿r"b:¡:u,c'üi.n:n tfme approxiua'beI;l four ltears. ïïï. g" Estimate of Cost

An est:irmte of capÍ'f.aÏ cost shown crn the fof,f,owÍng

pages haic heerÌ prepaned. for the d.evel.opment outllf'ned.. The cost

eEtjmate d"oe¡-: no'¡; i,ncJ.ud.e 'tlie cogt of acqìj¿J,sÍtion of fÏ-oodeð


Tke cosi; of al-.X- o'ther åtems assr:e:Lat;ec!. vith the work,

i"neï-ud.5.ng iruter:e¡E'L rltrrå'ng eorastru.at,J"otù,, engineerÍng and. iraepectåon,

e:c¡:Loration., üåmi.nÍ.sLrutf or¡, eceefr Ë and tran,sporiation, and.

gcirst,ruc'ü:io:a ea:ryræ have ï:'een :i"ncl-uLcted."

Tlie +,o'bal estirm'tecl er:,st for the d.eveI-opuaent, fs $t8rOOOrOOO" f, .Î9^fr.Pf 1\ e$-r'r{1\1 êlnÎÞvuv¡tvur!! lffTlît rt+ v E@'.Et ,I fi vlrrÞ lflp¿vtI




A" DOTüNSTREAM CONTRgL- STRUCTURE . Á'l 1. DÍversion and 'Dewatering Y+9vrv9vvvSi n nnn .l. 2. Spillw-ay and. Concrete Gravity Dam 4,U5U,UUU^^^ ^^^

R FRo.i_F oErAÊE c oNr¡=o:r slrRucluBE ; J. Spi.llvay and. Concrete Gravity Dam 950,OO0 )+. Earth Filt Dykes T90,000 , " Channel Tmpz"ovement ?-rqqd!O,

Total Direcb Ttems $9 ,8Bo , ooo

Coniingencies *1 "120 ,000 Tota1 Direet Canítal Cost $11,000,000

TNETRECT ÏTEMS ô^ É^^ Access and. Transportation QZelyuruuu^^^ .7 ConstructÌon Canrp 250,000 Â Cost of Flood.ing I .000 ¿_qgq

Sub-Total (6,"l,8) )+ o0l+o rO0O

Contingencies 190,q00,

Sub"-Total $)+, e30 , ooo

Engineering and Supervision 66o,ooo tn Surve_ys and. fnvestigations 500 ,000 'l 'l )' )'n nnn .A.dministration anil Tnsurance r+v , vvv

Sub*Totat (Ttems 6 to ff) fßqf/rv¿vrvvv ß-rn nnn 12" ïnterest During Construction 1,1ï0.0q0 èz nnn nnn ÎOTAL TNDTRECT CAPTTAL COST rP | ,vvv,vww

TOTAL DIRECT CAPITAL C09,T,,,.- l¡#11 .000 .000

.Q TOTAL CAPÏTAL COST Yrvtvvvtvvvêr nnn nnn



u¿¡\!vf!f!IvtDn1Ê'T1 ñrT1r¡trÎ lif<

rì¡.^-+ -" +-- Item 3.s"3*1-u.+ yJ Unit Rate Amounr

'_ ,,u I 4!: r !.:trì, f:l: rrr¡q !rr¡.r+.r,drl!¡r .,,,.\,1,. /,r!ir; ..r¡j.ùt¿ì,ir.1r a !vTll^tï7I\TqrFR¡t¡M ftrrvr¡t!ru'f .vv¿tñriìt\]ïf{ÞñT r¡rv! Ðllìuu

úp-gtiÇam côffërdarrl d rockfill 2L óÔn vóJ õ v 2.ro $ 6o,ooo imnervinus fli11 q Âôô t ./q 1^ rtrO . ai"a':* ¿ Jvvv ¿o | / Lv )L) removal_

Dornmstream co fferd"am rockr"ill 13,ooo c "y" 2 "50 32,500 i mncrr¡i nrrs filf l+ u56o r"T5 7,980 removal B'780

: Dewatering, And Seepage Control 150,000 Tunnel rock excEva'Gion 21,000 50" oo 1,o50,0oo 1íner 2,600 c "y. 50.00 130 c]-osure 150,000'000

. 't'otar say

2. Spilfway,:qnd ,Csf=rcrets Ìtv De{q

qnn Clearing ?n{.. grub-þing. acres 500 00 2Ét/vv Earth excavatr"on q " Y qrìrì c .y" 1" i0 I t /vv ^rì^ I Rock excavation I+,¿>U c.y" 4" )u-^ O+ r:.z5 FoUnd.ation p¡eparatíon / )/ lv s.y. 5.00 20 7qn| /v Pressure -/-tqo qnn g4outing ¿oÐo // Concrete t /vv g,2l.O e77 in piers and sÍd.e waÏls c .v," 4r. so J.l I t v+v ^1 ^ in deck ?on c "y. l-10 . 00 ha Onn in r"¡l'lr¡qr¡ *..*qn¡1 apron ¿!el¿+ c.y. 28.00 6nR cvc j n sra.vj t;w hn] khead. IU OO¿ co{ Ç,a6, e c "y. 28.00 È/v)/rv ïtem Quantit¡r Unif R+tç i:iid,ì*,

iì'- ,,i:+,¡,-., L roÞ oy q.. r5;ooû . " . -, ry*çqþ"",e..F3.s]jJ.;lii-tu , MisceLlaneous s'teel IoÐo . '20¡000 fln.iac qnÁ har'e'l:e , -l ,,, Y*::" ¡ ìíÌ'ì .. ¡iY:lY vv ea. "93u99q,99, . ,,,.465 r000 StoploEs ,h6r5oo flqf.a haoi'arc ,, :.Ì-:Y ' 2T ,5OA '1 RË .72){ ?l q '7{q Cement Lv/9 l Jv !*19 | // Rein;forcíng steel 8zg,z6o ;.'t+9,267

FoundatÌon contingency I 500 .000 " Íotai say

9""'þnoc'eöË'inen'0öñTforr'ìÉrnu'óri-rns ¡" qprllyq.r.;áp3-s,

fprt¡ excävatior, ' c ,,TOA I,25 | )*a/ "y" a l.en Rock excav'ation 2 r100 c.y" 4"50 Y s+)v côô Found.ation preparation 1 s .y. o/ /vv "900 5,00 , Pressure ggouting Io Ð o 19,000 '. Concrete Í.n rr)' Qnn piers 21800 e "y" 41;00 III t VVV in deck 266 c.y" 110"00 ¿>^^ )¿ou^a^ aP oA. nn in rollway and ap-ron )ro?f ^e oJ o 141 0988 in grArrit¡r, bulkheads 28 oo r ÁÁ RRn , 1960 c.y" " WaterproofÍng JoÍnts l_2,000 Miscellanèous steel IoÞo 10,000 Gates and. hoists h ea" 55,8oO.OO 223,200

Stgplogg JoÞ o . TT ,250 Gate heate(s 4 e4" , 5,500.00 22 5000 Cement 6tr649 bagp 1.T0 r n)r 8na -ñ qr Rcrì Reínforcing steel 32)_1390 .LþS " . -LÕ /-.!-t:-¿:_

Total *ocna/ /v rJ/v acÁ ñÂô s. uay t2,-tY::'_Rocô .- 4,ì. Earth Fil-} l-rykes qn?âc q C1earÍng and ?qn ovvôñ t(n .grubbíng I> J/v /,!/v StriBpi4g )+5,OOO c."y_," I"25 qÁ arin Xarth fill , 263,57a c "y " 2.50 658,9zj $,ip rap and slope t )r Ë ñlìñ protection 15r0OO c"y. 3"00 a / jwwv t^ Sand. d.rains È/2q 4vvvnññ lotal æ#790,\2, say æ$.r90,ooo jt

:' i'. t,' ": ' /\,^ r. +..i.,1-** rìItem búka.Lr u I uJ l" - Unit "i Amount

Channel- ImBrgr¡sTns6tr l. s . $ e,5oorcoo

Total Dir"e.:t ïtems 9,B8o,ooo

llnnf ì noar¡,â{ êd -51?o-9qi{

Tota1 1911dr r qWWVa\^^ qVVvr\^^ Direct Capitat Cost s=E#:

l-r Access and. Transpor"tat:-on

Access roads 'r2 mi. $35,ooo"oo $2 u 520 ,ooo MaÌntenarice 150,û00 Pç r"-k ì nr âTêq c I 2n ônn Total g?#.94 ge4Ë9"'qqËeqjesp

nn+rqf- Í nn r' Buildings e services a4d = Cost of FloodinE

Reloeation struebures af .L s ôr,n,rn q nnn of fected. " . 9I.. VVV VVV 'htr fll r" ñ vJ r rvvqrr¡ó^ ^Ä ^ l. nl.¡ Sub-Total (6rTrB) + ru+u euuu^^-.

{1nn'f:ìnsennie=v vô¡ e ¡-¡Þ s.-v¿vv 20n nrìn


rfgå_ snd S up erri s i on (yvvvQÁnn nnn Engjg_e3 ::ê . vvv l_0 . ÞurrlefE_ agq_Jgvg s t i I ong, åat ,$500 "000

4 ),^^ nnn l-1 ¡ 4 æ*æ=ll/+VV qVVV L2. Þlssss b Dsq1es-qggËg=gq!¿en

)+'OOO,OOO @ 5.5/, for 36 months fi5'rc,89)+ l+r89orooo @ j"5/, )rÊn onr tor 18 months ,vv r/lL 6,9oo,000 @ j.5/, 6 months 'ìR? lon tor 4 Total Tnterest DurÌng Construction

Sa.r $1.170 "000


Sturgeon*,lfei,r R:!.verbo t;he gss,]çsi:;chevayl Rl"ver woul-d d.esce:¡¡d.

eome âJ0 feet allo¡rlg the 0itru:"9*orr*,Wel-r Rl.-¿er, A porti"on c¡:f t}i:ln

eouÍ.d be dev*T.oped. ab varJ,o¿rn s:i.*e*e for the production of

el.eetrÍcaf, ereergy" Sr¡roe o:f tl¡ese sfte:c }¡ave aI.reaily been

ånvestigated. in stud.ies by Ru,st, FXanegael an

vere nenti,onerd. prevåoi:sf,y'. Thesei s"';ud"Íes, vhi.ch cons:id.ered.

onl.y t,he '¡tmturaJ- fllcr,ys of the rfver and. the 'possÍhrT-e ad.ôf'bioru of up to 45íi0 c"f.s. ßorleluåeü'bhat: ser¡ei6I- altes cou1d'be

d.eveI"qped. econouni"*ql.Í.;" ¡ot 'bhe p:rotLue'bfc¡rr of hyd.roelectrj.,e

pover-'. llower¡er, {u,e 'bE: the:l.r rerno'bener:s frrrn roarkets gnet 'h,hë

ex.i,stenee of efterc wf'hh greater ene:rgy' porcentåaX-, the Sturgeoru*

lrleår River lfäË ruo'r; d.eve[cped. as H sorrrce of hy'd:roel-eetrl.c

power. T?¡e g:nea'i,ìly :inc:rease',1" f .o'ws rest'Lt,fng from the clÍversion

of the th'tmchi,llÏ Rfver vc-'uJ"d n'rw 'm,ke ð*r¡elopmer¡t of potentiaf,

power sÍtes an attractl,'ve co:rsi.d-eratír:r.1"

A k¡rfe:t" e:ean:iÌrËt:"<.,:n of ti¡e topogaphy of the dtversi.on

rou'te fndieaters three goorl pcbenti.al- sl.tês " Approninatel-y J0 feet of head. eoul-

stru,cture at Frrrg PorL,age^: " At a si't;e referred" to as Birch Rapid.s, ll"ocaterf" ? mil.es upst:"eaut c:f }&Li"gne Iake, it appears

economi.call;y' fea*fbl.e to d.evelop approxiuatel-y 45 feet of head..

This wor¡T-d,u however, greatly :"al.se l¡a'be:r" "Levels upstreqm at the se'btltrísent o:f PeJ..l"can l$a:rrcws " It appears econouoieal-f,y at+úÍ€,:-

'tl.ve t,o d.eve'J,op app:'r>xÍuateJy :.ì5 feeb of heact at Spe'tree BnpÍd.s,

Loeated. fiv* nsil"es upstreaü¡, of A¡risk Iske. Al-though no est:í.'aq¡r.tes "i2 of r:os,t ¡:ave 1¡+eu, rffiåe fl,rr d.evel.apn+ult of these eites, tiriere

û:re no apperen'ib eostl-;r rJ-eber:rent* '.Lcr +¿heÍ,x' devel.,opne:r.t. TÏle

reunin,Íalg I-û,J :feet" of ?ieaú ,.l.oçrr,s'tr:r:fim of Aæj.sk. Tske &ppeäz"ri

une*onc¡ffrcul- to d.eve3-op krecau*:* i:f tiic: flle'b reLf.ef cf the

r¡'r,¿rround;inê; flr"tì& ar¿ú tÏ:e La*.t: cf a gocid potenti.al- si"te al-ong thís str**eh of tÏ¡e ri.v*r.

'Iire po'w*r wi;l"ch u"c¿rld þe obtal.:iied, frors d.evel-opment of

si.tes af,ong t!:e Sturger:n-\rfeJ":: River cc'u.T-d repl"ace the power:

I.cs;: d.ue to "uli* propos*tt d"ivt+x'si.c,'m *f approxåmteï-y )0 fe*'b of

d,evelopetl nead, at 'L?re ïsï-arid. Fai.].s {ienez"atÈng li't at:i"cn on 'bhe

ühu.rcÏ¡å]-]. Ri"ver rrt. å1.. Effect;s af tÌ:,c Ði"versi.on oä O+;herr ï:rl'here,sls

I't; is a¡rp,e:r"ent i;hat tl** rl.j"versri"on cif 'Lhe Ckurehåìl-L

Råve:l v.la +¡he litr.lrge¡or¡:'iüe:iv RÍv*::" å.ntn tht $ar:kgtcvheuan Ri.v*r

wr:t"zlrl aff¡¿i:fi o'ihe:r ve$o'ür,3'3r'ì eanö u*'t,Í.¿Í''"'Íe*i ln +:he &Ï'rìä. The

effec'bs orl ¿',Íi'#olaÍ"ces s'r¿ch as ial;:iJ.ug, fås,hÈng, vÍLdl.åf:* end

fo::es't:r-y gs well- as h'i¡:nari' activ:L*;i'arc en'"*erpråse ås of'gr"<-=;fl'b

"b}:e i.ntere s'b anrl :i"mpc.r'tar:,ee f :¡r ovevglill nEseasruent of the seheum " The fn*"erd,i-sr:È;:I-fnary study can take iedr,'ari:bege of the s'¡:ecåal

er¡rerÍ,en*e of representatfves frcru, varfcus d.isciplÈnes to mflke

a d"ete:lied nsse,ssr"n,n't of tke, eff*e{;*i, Howe'¿er"" from an Êffi:ü*

i,nntion: *f the exLenib of fl.tr-rd.È.ns anü the aueas in wh:leh Ít

occu.rsr sevs::Hl ohses"va'ti"oils earì. be sfitd,e,

'I.he ! fr:ot i.ncreqse j.ri rmåimu,& str¡v6gs Leve1 nn

Refrrd.ee:' lske ço'nLcl ltlkeï,y ha';¡* låt'b1e effect o¡:r the swLf,

amou¡l'b of *omuce,rci.a} flÍsh'ir::¿1 -rri'r:i"tr3: l.s cürr.i.ed" orii fn this Lake.

Sirlee f"i'ttÏe ûr rxú fi"shl.ng of ainy' våJ-',;l*^ is carrl,ed. on fn the

-1. .( Re:ind.ee3 B;.ï.i,,t:;f or Chu.rchllft Råv*¿'' b*'i;r+e*ni Frc,g Portage and. the con,fl-u,ence 'wå'hh "çher Reinrlee.r, tire effec'i:s wouLÏ.d not be hnx'nfirl- economs*elly. The imrct'e8,sed. Levr-liLs crn Woo,tr, M*navan, Felf"cam amð Mlra:nd trehe,s wr¡uT"d. T"fkeTy' affecù f'f"shÍ.:ng un t;hese Lakes to a eerbafnr e:rtent. Tï¡e Ínlm,bftsrn'Ùi¡ af PeüJ"cerr Nsrrows nuight requi.re recompebtßa'bf.on for f'or:¡d X.r:sse'* untiï- the bJ,oI-ogicnl cycl-e womlð aulJust to the ruew eor:icliti.ons " I)owrustrearn r¡f tÏ¡l.e apea, the effeets of tÏle d.S.versic',n or¡, fÍshJ.nç5 woul-d be slufrIL..

T'he effects of +;he qti.¡e.l:såon c,r¿ wi"LdLl:fe l.n ti're e:rea are l.:lke'Ly to 'be fnrsfgnf,fice.rtt, ßå,ltite fI-oorler-l ,åre&F are verir sronï-X Àr:r cc.rlpariso:n tr¡ present wuter Are&Ë Aad Are wel.L tli,strih* u'bed. througþou;t tÏ¡e d.år¡ernic,v:r c'ou"-e. Til* mnturail habftat, of wates" nnrgi.n ,f,we[]-iurg area'btrres :uii.ght be al.teretl s]"Í.giit]-y, bu.t

no re,i.ue"t'ion o:f specíes shot¡l.d resuï-b "

Si.ace ther+ e,re uncict¿k't'eetrLy poter:'tia]. qorrl&ere:iä:'f. t:irnloer si;and"s ån 'ühe ftre&r *h¿ d.i.vt*i:sf.cu prrtvJ"d.es }-arge f]'ows for a "potenb;Í"aL ti-¡nber l-oggfng r':rtl'l"e qo the proposerl puf,p a'ràd peper d"evelopme:r¡t qt 'fhe Pas " The rl:ti.gþrt fncrease f'n uater I-eve!-s affect;s onl-y narrcrw str"5.ps of 'l;å.mber ä:Iong shore[iruest

X.fttl"e of' whi-ch lms any potenbf"sl- coronerc:Ï..aï va}ue.

SÈnce the fJ-ootl.ed. a:leas flre g,enerül.L;r pgvsow beI-ts sloug'bhe pr.'esen,b I'sater0s ed.ge, t,l¡* effec'b of 'bhe dfversJ-on on, potenrb$al nnf,nf"ng d.evel-opmem't ín the a:rea woal-d. nc¡t be Adverse.

lh* ac*er¡s: road.'q whi.cl¡ wor¿Ld. h,e req'nired to the pro- 'be pooeð. construetfclvl sÍtee woulü e,n ap,set *o r:bher fo:rns of

d.evelopunent f.¡t tlhe srea.'Imlnspo:rtatio'rtr facíLibies ¡+ouï-d.

eneo'flrage mnr* xadrlÈ.Iilg e)cpI-or8,'tfom as: wel-J. as potentiaf, I'cggfng operatlorrs. :i4 :[he d.fvere$.ön wor¿]"d not ;requf.re the relocatJ"on, of any comunû'bfes i.b the åren. It f"e antl"c:i.Fttedl that stme buÍ.ldtLngn andt lostereÍ.ile struetures at PelÍ.can Narrovs snrl gturgéon trand,fng flould requfre ren,oestLon, hôwever, the MJo Xrart of these eettl"erner¿t'e woul.d. ber u¡raffec'bed. ConetructÍ.on aotf.vÍty wouLcl provÍ.rte ehort terun empT"oymen't for the J.nhabLtantÉ, TdhÍ.I.e f,nereasedl aetf.vfty i.n the area nn$.ght Í.ead. to Long teru enrpl,oy* nent l,n f.nduetrLsl operatd.on,o.


ïv. t. Generail.

The d,:iver,gi"on o:f fÏ.rtwø fnom Ceúlar Lnke tc Lr¡:.t;e

ßhnf tr¡ba furvoÏ.ves corirstructåon at two .i-o¡:at:i"ons " FiretJ-y, a

channel. wou].d be exe&vat,ed, t]¡s'or*6gh Lhe ÍHpro.Ír neek of l-ar¡cl

çhfr:h separutea ceilar" ï,arke f:s'crs l.ake wfnnj"pegr:afs and. neccrndJ-y

fl channeJ. woul"d l¡e excflvated. þe'Lvyeer"l rske wfnnJ.pegosås and lake

lvknÍtobe " Thi"s Lstter," ehä$nel- vor.r].,d h+ Èriteg:rated. wLth a 6ate

eon'tror.ï.ed. sp$"Lluury tco r:egu3.&t*, s'ftq¡.s'6H* ûn cerd.ar ïeke a-nil ïake ï{ÍnnlLpegerni.s nrul eur{h f:Ì.]-l d.yk*s t'l control fl_c¡odfng at tì:c

¡¡outhern enå of rmke iffnn5.p*gn,ei.s, and. bllo*k tlff the l,ts*,:erh¡:i,.,

Rfver, a natur"a]- water eourse whj.crÏ: preseurtl-y dxqåns r*ììi:;,:, lfånnÍ.pegosf s fnto trnke lfsn,i1,obs " .fthe The sp$.i]-way' ut ü;rsr:Ld. Rapí,J.s T1;id.r+e,t-ec,tr"l"c d.eveil-,-

ûSiEcen*c wi"bh a capaci.r,y c,f ß,I,ÐCIü r:.f"s" at a h*ad.water r*ve]..

of eìl.evatfon 835 and the assurleü c::rJrrs'tËl:r{. cl.Í,¡rer"sÍon fï-ow of

7ärü0O c"f .a" to lake trÍan,t+.oirsr r+ou.l.d. prcwid.e a spÍX_I_age

eapasity of )-55rCIûù e.f"s. ll:r:re].e,åse of fl.cs:ð fJ,or+s on the

saskertehewan Rfver., whj"eh ús greate:r tha,r..r the present eaSncj"ty

of the Grund. ftapfds spÍ-[ru'u;r. The *ontr,"oìt sir,l¡etu,re on the

Ferj-r'fc.rd. Ilir¡er: provåclen en orutl-et cupa*i.ty t:f r.oroCIO e"f .s.

whfre the proposed. tus"b3,n,e puTrrtrrs ut ss"6¡¡¿ Hapios are cepabJ.e

of passing i()r000 e.,f .s. rt has l¡*r:r¿ assuned. .Lhat the d.ivers:Í.ons to the south ç¡uul-d reqr"rÈre er *¿r retnnt flt*w of färtoO .:"f.s"

The reservoå.r at ced"ar Le¡ke - f,a!çe blårrngpegosis was mad.e a

*omrBon one wå.th rna:rimuun rerre-ll- a+¿ r-"levâ.tr,:n fì35.to provåde a

Ëmller head. for the proS:ose*{. GnaÐd Rap:Í,,:ie purnpång lnstaJ_I-atj-on"

"/i If, however, 5"t unust he qss,,'Mied. tl::{i'I. 'l;h+:r dj.ve¡lsl"on flow to the sou:Lh ujtght,b,e eu"b off at, any tf.me, there wou]"'å not i¡e ¡lufflcåent fx-oc¡ð ep-åLlage eapae:íty i"n the ;iyr;t"era, åEl wh$,eh f*aße a controf, s'LruLetrtre wc¡uld 'ne re,q'u.f.rùd. jln the c'h¡ennel- between eedAr Ï*eke

Anel, Lrake llÍ.ruråpegouf s. fÏ,¡i.s control struc'fu'ru-ne vouLd pex"ui'åt rmf*ing of ,h]:e \f&ter f-*vel- on ceds¡: trske 'bci e]-evatl"on th} tn order psßË a d.es,i.çp fl,ood of [l+ûrtot) *.f,ç¡" aÙ the Grend. Rapfds epiJ.Imy.

The d.j..ves's.l'lvir eha:mel l:e*aween Cednr Inke and. lgrke

'rrfS,nnfSregos:is w,)u}.61 h,e loca,teti. At Mosß*y Poytage a reÍ.g'Ùfve]-y

*.;]:r-: ";i:lfi 'i'vrrr J-r'rw-r"e).i"ef l:a-,r',rot¿* ,:rg rtf :i ¡.:tltl:t.t,s rshåci: separa'i:ee f,akeu:. Mossey å3crll'c$ge ås ar.rirt*.r,*.livrLel-¡r }.f, inj,les w*st of

Eas'i,ervil-Le anr,ü n,rnae j6 ml.Isrs we¡it of 'bht: liyd'roeleci::ri'c d'eve]--

6pmerrt At ü:rqnd, Ilap9,ür;. The pr*ee'liL'h 54il'oturrd. el"evatåonß aelÎcËffi ghÐre- the r:'Oute of the prc'pclned. dlversfon slrannel rfse frorn å

,l_i'ne erl.evnticrr c,f' appr:"gxl.rr¡m'beT-y 0l+* on ceei¡¡r i,ake 'ùo å hi.gh po$"n{, cf r*}evatir:n ü?O umid. 'th*n dee'n,:i"ue more sharply to a

,shcr"el.ir:.ai t;.i.*:vütÈon øt 83A r¡r.l Luk* 'r,fi:)i.nn'åSiegosf ri. The l-o*At$ otL

of the propo*t-"d. ,åir¡ers:l.on char:nel j"s ,shown r¡n Pl-ate 4'1"

Th* d.lversåon ehqm.ne]. 'Lt¡ he co.rrstructed. hetween Ï-ake

Wl.innfpegoaå,s anú l¡ake Ïvhni.tobu 'r,rouLd. he a Xesel costly sl.tem¡atlve

t,o f.uuBrovemen{: of the ä5 mi"}e,ç of nelîural +hannel of the

\,faterhen Ri.yer, Thf.s Tx.atLrysll ehannel has a preoemt eapaelty

of [e$s than 7.0rÐ00 e"f"ñ" frs et:nparr:d. to the proposed. d.ivereion fLow of "rärf,00 c"f .s" The nev cham,nel- would be :-ocated ai!

Meadow Forfrage, at 'hhe r¡crr.lth eao'l' *nLd. of l¡ake tr{ln'nf"pegosf"s. The

c,ttannel .ggnul-d, 'be excflvatted. 'Lh:rou,gh tTre narrowest pof-rat of the

Y',{ Lurrå sepa::a'L.î.ng 'i.",h.-* *:wrr :i.i:ß:i.ri.r ¡iríìr:l r¡¡lrüLrj- r'".l,vi Pa,):'#,LÏ.n,1 a¿id. Í'á"iä,:ûli''ïJ

*o an, en;í.rt:T"ng sectir:n ïûad, eT)P3.'oxi.u;stei-;v .J :¡1å'li-en eol.t''Lh of uhe

þ.?,eÉ:ü,åg.t" Mernd.r¡r¡r Fr:X*hage pr-rst 0:f'f:li.r:e ünd 'r"lCr¡lrei T-ijl rnÈI*' çlclr,lt Of .hhe t;cwt:Ì. ofÌ W;in:rripe Er:,¡:i ¡ " F.:,,*:3er:,'t- grCr':l::id" Ê'i..,:li/il ì.. - ':)r::rri:l ?ì cll.ct-;5 gi 't-,he rou,t* o'f i:he trì:r"r;,pçÉi*d sli.veJ:cL,olx r:hql¡ne,"l vÍ'sle l'v:'"ru ïiltü3'É{r-

L,J,rle eJ-evstf.orr o5l a¡r;ür'oxi,irmtely f.i? ,:nt I'erir:e \'{'i'nnf'pe¿ram3.s Èo a iligìx(ii{turû elevatf¡¡r¡' sf 8;JB antl thar¡ ¿iec]-Jrie 'br) a r:ht:rr:fr1J-in'r') ril.sr/&t,:'r.clT"r o,f appv¡¡;ç¿.:itn'i,irl;y 8:|i] ci¿r. T.qk'e ]vþnfttiba.

'pre*¿*n'1"r.;y Jl.rt:,::"r,-),î tr: 't,,hcl Þl¿arl.E¡ol "Pcr"L*gtr lil:'t'c-¡ ås exve'.i-J.- n}rii.erhçr¡r¿rz"¡;¡',1;.'ii;::.':o:r:Lrrar-]".s:ll;f'1.'äri)-ei¡o:flr::oadwÖu.l'{,1:¿iveli;c.r

g¡t hÈ cr:n,n¡t¿t'r.i.'r'r.;{,'j. -l'¡.r:L' (rr.:e+jg 'bo l-;he Viossey' i'cl:rtq€5e sj'i:e "

.i.r:, t:r"d.r,::' 't;r: T:r"c;d.'rr':'nì: â l)or).íi.'li¿Ty:{; i:i;itf'Ic'"!'t oll 'iâ/0Ü(! c: ' i'' $ ' fliO¡.n e*int;:!.nA'i,:iilT.i r.r:li thr, d.:iv*:r"'i;e'1. tlrurl;L':i.l1.L Rivcìl' fLc''lüili, Il.aüi.13:å:L

ßilrS:rCAlchq,i,rân R:i"'vr,',,'; fll.r:tu"n ¿til:td. P',åm[)f:r¿l ;ï.u,f iÌ..r:Wg frCri l¿ke hfÍilnipre:¿q,

r,vo'u'LJ'be j.n 9.,i i::!.l.i.ir;¡: flt:ï'¿**,f't,Êt oi: tj+.j1"i.'fege "'-'equ,;',Ll'erl Lhi* s(r.rr*:1'-r.,(,r . Sitr,ci* ;¡:'riir:n""; ngråct.r.iì.tur.4,i s,rtd r.rt,i:t'r' clev*i.Lo¡:nti'.lr:t: around fuik* lulnt:.li-'Lr:;b,s¿ rvciu.|Lct 't;oIe:'At,e û ve:fy *r:ma,LI I'ür:rt¿!e rlfl

I,eveJ.;:'r¡ri,"l,he Lnlre (tlhe Wa't;ey.'Cnr¿'f:::"oit' tsr:i¡l:",ü.,h.,avt, pronti:ìr:r'C.{"a.,igì-'r- l.*it;:,.'.xi 1rtrl.;',)üi:Ìe::t í:ìJ,erv& i;;;.r)l:- Éj,i.'t lr'il¡i ii'f.3), '1";hJ,n i'i'i;o:r¿îE* :;:'eq;;'ive¡:ei¡'t lra* rnede L:F rJn Ce'f.n:l LEke er"d. ,Lnke !ül.lnriipegcri;is. 'l,i;urrì., 't'jie"

*Ont:tîcl, utru,cture *t Mead.ot¿ Fortage wouÏd. r*guf,ate an fnjÌI-ow of 'fâr0C)0 c,f "n. 'to T,¡¡ire Ï4ail:[tobs, whi'*h wou¡ìIrl 1ce êQi.tåì[ to the ol.1tfl6'çr fon rLrvetr"rs:i,on 'tjo i;he ,¡ou.th and west , By' ;maf'ntaÍning the ssrne s'tr::i."gge:rtÌ:rr.g,e on, Üei'iar.Lnk* an'd. Lake lll'.rin,3"pegorfs, the

requ,Í,reme4t fo;r' .9, crotr,+",eo11. ÊitruÕ'bu,re lr¡ the Mi:sney Forta¡1e

clmnmel f æ eT-Í:u:i.t.rlil.:,:rill . ALsCr, 'the rúgf:xllrar.i.m reçe:rvof"p Level At -by eT.evatÍcn Blj) vc,i:rl.rl reáuce LÏ:e Pumping i:eed" J ftieb frorr t'þ.e

38 3:r,*m*rilt må:¿:1'Fl.tr¡ :,;1 ,:::r:rElççe ll-,+''¡+ll. si''i: r::,j:;:r'i+i"i;:ì,ll:;, -b)-':1,

'i'Ji.¡e, ir.',a:,'::i-r¡r:i:Tl up¡ìTÊ.Tr' ,.T.e'¿*l ;:i çlleirg'iir::::: 3;jj cl:rÌ, +iht Cede¡r'


tü'vti:.g ¡1¡¡d i;*t1,'i;ï€,m,*i:r:tiì úii "t.ri¡:r iu?i'¡: ä$iir.:,îr)'i¡, F"n e¡is*i:¡g:ir-t+-.n'i; o5l

jr'r-.5j:t. thj.rl í* f'tÚtù* ,Ln'i,t;:1., ::i.ri; i;he *.¡:ltl :fr:r." .*be'_r J:r:i:r.{pft:.:1.å Ç:i' r-:b,te Ì..t.,*

*r:r't,ii,y,..e*,* r.:.1 r:a¡J .l:il"Ì" 6*.:i',iÉ]:r*ía¡;1, alíI ù i:h.Ì-* *rlcn,ú$,äi¿Ì " lï " È, {}-i+3-$Fl itï,i:j. T,r-r,,r:',i;tgi,fìr'

rlÍ:.: ;:rii,i;g¡ï.s ir:í" î-ð,ird r.l¡¡,j;::l:r."tt-*.;!,n".1.6 #e*.e:e, L,qif+r f",,."oil+ LEk+,

ÌU-ftu:Li.¡r,;,y,iii,l ,'l ,:,L.ri-r,,r'ï.í'¡l:el 1,rr:i.m:l:r';il.y uiÍ" eir ËìLtür.:jr,¿¡lL 'ti.;tìl rj.o:"Ër:si!:,

Te':'t ü:r,"iìl l:i-'n't: ,o¡'o 'î¡:''1:1iì$rJ, i';i :i;Jh* 1di:¡ri','..;r." ijcii:rt:raiì- ,Sxatlr*i:.0 DerÐl¡ï'JjÊer¿t

of A,,il^,r':i t:ti:l.I1..,¿.¡""t1 ¿1rì'¡iÍ, Üi):tii.$È::'.¡er'1:Í..t¡"-:t." Iii"¿:,1 :!.:'"t::t c,:fl Ï4än:!i::cii.l,â. :i-n 1?50

i,:nrj.;i.r:ati,:rl. *;h* cj.eÌ:i:rrg:iü i:':i tî(ìiï"ù'h&:ï,fl p:r,j":n,aiJ-ft.- e[,gT r{r:ìî..1-l ;Ëi:r'l¿i:,: lç.ä:::d.

A:ß, ïct¡.11-ti"*r:1."s i..lii*i:':ll':ì!lï:íÌfiü"" ?É;iilil :i:i,::rllc,íi çr'1.:;":t di::":l.J.i+:d tc, ä, ìtr"{-ri;i.titi.-q

c:|"+L¡rt,,t: ErJ,er¡üÌ';:i.¡.:'r"i: i.{¡Ü á.r¡r s¡r i¡ii: .i,x. ':}iå1si+r wt'fhr'.-rri:r."r; flc¡ti*i.gtt;î,rrg b*årociïo:"

TÏre cn].;g f¡l*'i; þc)-s r,*ït:i'"r:r,Ì: wðtFi Ìi.Ïìi.L:.tirr1 ',lrl lL':,ci,:i:oc.k.i,,.:¡.:lnheil. "i.t e'I:

elevutrl.cm, 'i'39,6. 'f''i:,:r l¡*doroi:rk: i¿rìn:!'Êrliïjl$lg 1:;fiis å;,i,ea J,s cf.ås*ql-

f:i.*tl aa-: i,lâT.ec,øtÍ.'-: *:ui , S:ì..Lu.ri.an fl¡qrr Ðr:r".i-i:r:uil,*uic lii:se mj;';nr* wå'th

uii.r:,o,r 8ì :f; gi. I :l'.& f â {:'i,)r,r,i k){r(ctr* "

Tkio¡ g-'i"*u,nd- ye]^jief hns n îJåä)rj.rû'r¡.m el**¡aLågn *f aÏp:rcxi-

r¡a+.ely' 'eÍ.e''rat:'r-r.r¡¡ 8?*,, ßpou::iLl d':Í)'íl..l:l': {1ot1#j"rï*;ii c,'f :g¡¿rsn .riåt},

í;tpfl -t",*ElÇ.! lrÊle ß o1/ê'j:,f .

Ii;e M*ad.+w Pcr:iagc-r d.i,"yrl"rs:"clr ¡:it,t,rr :l"p rilso cove-:r:ed, b,y

a gJ-aei-äl 'lÍ.ìlL, lf,::r'l; i:¡o,le:i clyå"tI.ç:,. :i.r:r l!-?li0 Í,r¿,3:Ì.cn'beal pr:írur.'ÍiT-y

'li:t¡li"LC.ex"e white cl"â:i' îI?jrÈh ;iiìli+ g;l'arieJ- A.i¿trå ,, T'".i::t; hcleâ !fÊ;ï'ê

,d":lrl-teri t"r: d"ep'thsl var;yÍ.ng f:i:oin elevei::ì-rn 8¿ll¡ '¿,: el.*vn+;:ion BË-j -l-ied;'ocltr" rnrÍt.hout^ ,ilr.tcour¡,+¡Êrå:ng B,':i.:z,oti-r- ¡"1:dsy',i.;;.irug thís areei

wot1ï..å her r:.f th,r: ssr¿e *i,Et"B$ìl.fi"ca"i::li.o:ir a:ï e'il h4,::s*:ey' For:'bage,

_i:Í Ground. cove-yi cons:ïsLs of hay)-anrl.u marsh and rsooded

areã.Ê. $dnximum gr:ound Level is appruxinraieLy elevei;1on Bl+CI"

IV. 3 . Cl-Ínate

Tire A'bìLas sf Canad"a , 'L957, cieseri,bes the area in vhich the d.iversion channeï-s ä-re p::oposed as trh"¿:mið contS"nentaX, cool sr:smerr no ö.ry SeASon", The 't",eXrperetUre extremes r6ngÊ fr.om -55 'to y'-iOO ðegrees. The tatal 6nnr¿åL precipitatÍor¿ :ts

approricirmte1y L8 ilrehes and. ther¿e are apprcìxiuatel-¡r one hund.red frast free d.ays. Soue per'rnafi:au"e was evrccu.ntered, d.tLrùng rlrílL- ing cperatLons at Moni:ey Portage å.n l-95Ùt. Thls ås, however',

more com¡non turder å eovçr of ncoss, a'v:ri ii; rcay he *xpecteú '!:Ïiat renovai of the !ftúss g::ounû eover lroul.a ha¿rten thawing of perua-

frosi Pock-et.t. IV. 4. General- Arrangemen+;

The p:"oposeü geaeral a:':i'sngeme$*¿ for diveriiÍon of

flowe froun Cedar Ï¿ke to laice illarri.'t:oT,a *ur¡Lsists ¿tf 'blro efements"

plate h"P sho'trs the åir¡ez'síon charrv:*I be"i;'ween Cee!"ar Isiee a.trå

Iake l{fnniipegosÍs, whil-e Plate )-1."i #kroiüâ the dÍversiorr charinel

betweerr Lake Wirulåpegosis avsl T,å¡..:e Mai::.írc"l';at .

The proposed.'channe'I be'tween Cedar Lake and. lake

Wínnipegosis, at Mossey Portage, wouI.d be ex*avqted- aI-nost

entire]-y in the d.rry'.. aparb from shar"t sec'i;ions at each end.,

which r¡ouJ-d" require d.r.ed.gfng. The arrangencent shctnr cr:¡. F}ate 4.?

aÊsunes a r¡nximu:n reserr,.oir level of elevatfcn 835 on the 'bwr:

f,akes whleh vcuT-ð be connec'"èd. Tlre nrnrioserl-:-""- geue:al arrangemeiit at }4ead.ov Portage

sho'wr¿ on Påate )+"&, asar¡nes a sa)cirßuin headmt*r Level of elevation

4c B3l and. constr:u*ri;:i.on 3:rimarrfl.;' i.::r Ì;l:e, d,ry" Exr:avatÍoru r:f tÌ¡e

d.Ívepsi.on chgn:neï- a'i l:¡oth ;indr r¡it;;,i'Í. i:;r.: i.rù!Ë,rrl-et*d hry :means of

dredgS"ng "

The general årr"Hng{ì!:ritåt cny:Lsi,si$ r,f t:ha dj.ve:r"sicrrr

chanrueiL,, approxl:mtely 35 xnlles of Ïiotucge!:eûrir: ea.rth riil d.;'"kes

noost of wïri.ch flr"e I.efiffi th,an 1.ó feet fru T:l*fght and" a gai:Ê-

contro3-Ied. epfT.J-way, Xocated" ag:pr,:xi.ruteiy tu,30 feet froø the

dov"nstreauo er¿d. of ùhe uÈ.ver,'sis'n *krastrueJ-, T.he eårbh fJ..3-I. rlyhels

exbend. no 'bh east,i,rord. bey'o:rud *he lfåtìe::k¡e¡l ftfvr¡r" j...n crd.er to

cut off the pres*n"; :rst;u,räll q:u'ïi.etr *f -fi.elilre WÍrurrip*gcsi,s arr,l

approxin:atel-y' ï mile*: cEalrÈ}: o:f the chsrurel " Ð;1,;'k*n a,d.Jacent

to 'the cltanr¿ef woul-.d. eoupS.,ete th*+ r"6sius*o"o'j.y *¿r*J..osl¡re tr:; t3¡e

el-evatícn Bhã "

Roao. eecees ta tt¡e ill*ad.cw Pot'tetge r:rinn¡o,rli:3'Li.on si"ie

'htetw"een exilsts i.n the forno of gec'b:i"on roao,s T'or¿"¡e* Aid.eE an"d.

Mead.ow Fortage F.0, This loerd. rdr.¡u,J-rL also fo:rru the l-i,nre of the

priuary dyking i"n thås flu,ear. Ap¡r:r.',,ox3rna"t,*i-y Lå ruf.l'es r:f r,:ad.

wr¡u]"d. be eons'brn:¡eted f,c"orü Ea¡,Ì:¿-::lr':Ì"iT* fo:l aereÊ:s to the Mosøey Portage site.

ïV" 5" .Dùvers-{on Chaianel-s

The rliversÍr¡n chgr:¡:LêI- äL ÞTc¡sscÏ" Pcr:tage wouJ..d 'h,*

approximatel-y ä0r()û0 fee't i.ur J-eng;l;ir, The cliann*l iles u b,:ttom

wid.tlt of i400 feet, eÍd.e sf..cçes of å":¿.i- anrt a:nf::ri.uøu¡n

set at elevatåc,sr 8L5, wi:f"t.e the cioiunstream, åTivert is at el-evati.r:n

B[3.8. The ehairñeJ- cr"ossr*seclÈcn hae þee.a t{esjrgr:red" tc pams the

norual- d.esi"g d.ischarge af JË,tû0 c.f .r¡. nt velL,o':ities Less

lJ.Ï -t.h**e than J f .p"s. 'rhe heEr,d. Lr:es unre:" cr¡vldi-tions be '!,Õur-d l feet" und-er tempo.rar¡' "i1 conrj.åti.r,:u:." l,rrre crr:fl.¡lrui,:1t. wourð ¡xasu eÏftre:E*e rl"i.ccr,l fl"ows at. un:cimu¿n v,r:,T..c,¡:r:i-l:i.eri of 3,5 f .p.s" ï:o

ord.er to a,i¡c;!"d. er',-,.i3ic¡n of"ti:e chanaieJ- L'.:,ri. lu¡t,r:L:ieJ_ t,?¡e ehanniei..

veJ-ocitfe¡i k',ave been rø^"T-rltaån*d. w:Ì"thinr tÏ¡e Ii.rni.t;:: iiÉ"lr cuit b;y FortJ.er a:eld. lJeobey', 19'à6. A crr¡"*lE-.si**.t,;:,on thruugT: .ù].le trap- eaol.dar pT.a'f:r c-f.¡anruel-:i"s shor.,nn on )+ iir wi::'.te the pra,n våew Ès ehowa c¡n F}ate h"?.

The dfvevsåon crirann*"J at M*ed.r¡r,v F,:r:lt,erge, r¿hi.eh :i"s

.J-0r trapezol,daL :i,n cross-sec'ti,crn wouj.d'ne a;op::cd.ima"bery oOc feet ir¿'J..engfth, -þotturs The crha¡:isrel Jras ai l,r.i.dth of I-600 ,r.ee+J, side s3"opeis, c¡f 3"5;1 and a ¡nLnÍrerq¡a d.e.ptÈr slf f1o1r cif lJ1,,) feet" The cront:ro]- s"brurci;ure and. ea.'."Lh fÍl'll- dy:ìr:es wir.i.*b, b,order t-?:e

dfver,sion chanyueÍ. have a tcþ *Lsr¡ati.c¡:n at BLä, vhå.ch all-Lo¡us

7 f'eet of :[reei¡oard. above umxÌ.r'ru;n mtsr 'J.ever, T]¡e upstr"eaur

fr¡vert iE qt el.evati.oru Bt5, whfr.e.Lhe si"].x- eÏ_eveti.or¿ eri: t.he

conLrol- st:rücture :is nt eLel'ertion 8J.Ê. ,A T-oca]_ d.e*pe.ní.rug of

the i:rharm'e]- upst:reqm oÍ' the sp5J-ll,ra"v vi:L¿r.r:r s:ai,nta:rn "",e]-oeitfes x-ees than 3 feet per second " The eharmel_ d.owestream of the spfï"I..vay wcr¿Id. have an invert eJ.cr¡atlr:::t, c"r 79"à. A cross-sectfon through 'the cha:rur:ieL :i.,s gfven oi¿ jjl¿.i:r: ri . ;, wnÍI.e the þJ-ar¡ vL.ew fs shom on FÏai:e )+ .i,

To ar-T-ow for sonne cr'¡er.L.osrd to eoqn<;nsat;e for terçorary red.ucatlons Lr¡ flow due 't,o cont:roJ. structurc :r:*i_nter¡anee or mf"s*operatfo¡o o,f mtolHge, 'bhe co$¿"bs,c¡J., structÌr-rÈ &r¡d. cha:rmel-s have been checriced.:for a ,f,lscharge ot¡'{Jfir0ût e"f.s. Ti¡e retru,e'turre ar:.* charmel.s are capah,Le o:f i:esr*f"ng i;hùs d.Í,pcihnrge, vhÍeh fs equfv-

he aï"ent fra LAlo greater thnn nor¡na'J-, wXlthf.n the alL.T-ol.m'bler veir:citiü*s, ff. 6" Earth Fff,I" Dnrkes Apprn:drnntef-y' 35 mf'Iee of hnnnogeneous earth fÍ"LX.

d.ykee woutrd be requi.red, to ccmrpl.ete tï¡e repervol,r encl"osure a't the southeastern end, of trnke Wi.n'nfpe6osf,n " [t¡S,s diyklng Ls nfide uB of aBBrordmately J000 feet ad,)ucent tio eaeÏ: bank of the

dlversfon eharme:" between the sl¡fl,Lway ñnd, the upøtream end of

the ehanm,el., approxï"ninteX"y 5 utï"es of dyke to tï¡e eouthweøt of

the channeÍ. nt l-esa than 7-0 feet 5.Tr hef.g$t, an'd approxfmntely 26 mlles of rlyke to tÏ¡e northeast of the eha¡rnel. The T"atter

eect'Lon of dylce, most of vhfch J.s X"ese than I.0 fee'b f,n hef.gltt,

ctrosÉeß and contaÍ"m,ç thre lfaterhen Rl.ver, tlne present nnturell"

outjle't of Lake Vfi.nnfpegosf e. fï¡e un:cJ.mt¡.ut earth f:1.1.1 eectfom

ts ap3rrotd.mstel.,y "Jþ feet fm, hel"ght srlld {;he fiverqge i"s I"0 feet"

Ehe cross sec'tÍ.on l¡qe a to'p wfil.t'h of ä0 feet ,rnLth u$.d.e nl,open of 2¡tr and. 3s[, Seeti,one through the earth fJ.Íl. clykes are ehoïn or P]sii * Ir.l¡ , Avaf.I-aï¡l,e topogpaBlr$.c mappfng wlth ä5 foot'

contour i.nrterval.s lvas used. t'o d.eternr{"ne the fåmLts o:f the

requfredl dlykes " TV. 7, Control Strtrcture

Ehe controf, strtleture at Mead,ow Portage woul.d. he located. fn the centre of 'bhe d.f.versfon chanuel, approxfma'bely

T.000 dlounetream encl irtfne Ê6 f-b by )+Ct.5 feet fron the " " ft " fL*edL-wheeÍ. vertfcal [Í"ft gaten p3need. at a el"X"[ el-eva'üfom of

8X-â r,rouï"d provf.d.e the requfred. oplLf,røay' rlapacfty of 721000 c.f .s"

st a mi"nLmun heaclwuten [evel. of el"evatLor Bâ9.0" The gates

t+g wouT.d be o¡lerated. by f;Í"xed. hofe'fue eup"ported, mbove d.eck ï.evel- by rtruetural. ptee!" r<¡weru, Iips'breann etopLogn vou,l.d be provf.ded. for mafntens3roe of the ga'bes. The spi"l,.llv¡ay l¡otlLd be fl.snkeil on

each s$.de by two eeci[l[oms of reÍ,mfc¡rc€rô conore'i;e bneaBtua'll

whf"eh conm,ect the epÍ.T"I"uay w:!'tÏ¡ nn eurth fåI,I" secti,oto" A brfd.ge

cteck vouf,rl be construeterd. for Sccesß SeroËË the spl"T.Luay" 'Ï'Ï1e

nBJ.iltuay ctrute woul"d be r:o:rustructed. otl r;,r:i.9Í,nrrrf grounå wfth

weJ"X. eoupactect co¡leoÍ,Ldated 6maveï. for," d.ru$.mnge And. eonerete

cutoffp r/ror¡:l-d, be prov:ldedl. at 'h]re upmtream and d.ownntream snd's

of the epJ.l.fl,fl0y"

IV. 8" Ðevel,opiueurt Scl¡eúrull.e TÏ¡e tCIflel., construct:f.om 'r"d.une fon th$"s d.ùvereLon pro,l*ct

wou1.d be apBra,xL:mtely $ yearo. ConstructLo'n wot¡I-d be carrted.

out ef"uu,Ltaneousl-y at the two sÍ.t,es $.,n order to have eoupLetÍom of the two port,Í'one oo:tncfd'e faf:r!.y' cf"rlsely" ry. 9, Effects of RnLsed' Wa'üer Level-p Al.thoul.gtlthe ¡rroposed reeervo$.r storage rsnge on

Iatce l{f¡mÍ.pegoe$.e $"n w$tt¡i"r¡r the range of h$.e'boil"i.eaÍ ertre¡nes oa '!he ïake, tl¡ere would und.or.lbteal"ly be a Inore conMou occur-

rence of hl"gþer l.,eve].,s than l.e prenerutl"y erçerl"encedl" Accord'fng to f.nforuatLon obtal,ned, from the lslces Ïütnufpeg amd' ß'hnl.toba

Board. Report, the erbrem* :uqnge of ï-evc*ll.e on Lske ïfÍLnn$.pegosla

r d,ur,lï:rg the hl.etorÍ.aqÍ. perLod. of reeo¡'f, was ef,,er,'ntrfovl 826.6 to

eil.syvatlon 8¡t"e . lt 5.s prcrposed, to regul.,ate ).) fee't of storage

between el.evatltor¡s 849"5 a'nd. 835"t1 otu Ï-uke WÍ.rnnf"Be¡¡onf's" lnlherens

the X"evef, of Ï¡eke lït,nruf.pegosf"s eäsceedLedl elermti$.on 8$3"i t]rree tfuea ðurLng the lri+ yearperf"od of record,, thås ï"evel wotlLrl'

h)+ Lflrely have bçen exceed.ed. at T-eaert once A year 1[rr a]'X- but three yeaï.Ë under the propoÊed. ËtçÎeÊle reпìtuf,'bi.on condl'tÍo'ns ' However uncler the assu¡neå reservoi.r oF+ratíon condl"tfons, el"evatl"on yeorn 8Bl+ vou1d hnve been eã(eeed.eiL ölrLY appyo:ç1u6tel,"Jf onge [n $ " A cor4rarlËon of the ;prereut ÍTfusf4er^,D¡*rnt$.on l;'urve ïf'bh onÊ correspond.lng to the proposed d[vÉ-*1"sl"on echeme Ls sho'!ün on P1ate h"5. frouj.nveetf,gp.lÍrrn.j'ntoavaf.Ímbletopographf.cund.

georletf.c f,nformnti,orÀ, $.t f,e apparent iihflt' fl-c}r¡d' clnmnge oocutrÉ

Ln var{ouË d,evex-oped. areue fl[ong ti¡e ].ake üt e ïater LeveiÏ' of, elevqtlo'n, 835. Moreover, the mnld.nriuun u'Ùoruge ]e;vef of eleva'bl'6n

83ã eorrld 1f"keL"¡r he i.ncreameil temporg11X"l.y i"n the Ûß'd.e.r, of two

feet d.ue to vtnd. eetqp cond,ftjlons. lhnrs, 1['t f.n nÊcë{rìBqry tio 'bo hj{"gh apBraLÉe the poesá"bx-e extent c,f damage due fl"ooð;tng hy

ïater x"evelg. an elmruÍ,uøtl[on of a "bopoguephl"c pI-mm of the towr¿ of

wf.nntpegosf"s, ohor,l$"ng olle font; t¡onbour :r,mt,ervsxs, f,nåj.eates would that a BgfltLon of the town adf,ucent to t,he l{omm¡r R$.vet' be tnund.qted, nt q lnke l"eve], of el-evatüori 835, wh$'ch $&s vef- remai.r¡- LfLed. 1cy the e:çerÍ,eneee of x,99Ì+ and Lg55. Moet of' the cler of the toun, hovever, ïould he w¡nffectecl' Most recent

bulfdf"ngs und. appurtenmnceu, such as the hospf.tal' and. the to Bê,rrage ltågoon, (Ay*e ËT.,ev6t,Lön 8tt0"5) have been deof'gm'ed' qntl cope wfth hlsh ffiter l"evel.ß " The tonn of Üuqpervf.l"fe settlenentð st Dîrck Eay unü shoaï" R$.ven, aI.T.. I"ocqted. on the laheshore qre affeeted. to eoue exbent by hlgh lake l"eve1s" 'k¡e lfhe poøt of,fLce at Mead.ou Portage eoul"cL X,ocated f'n the l"ee

r+") of the proponed. r:Lyltf,n,g nt the souLtheast e:rtd. of lhe 3ake"

ln vlew of the clarna¡:,tl lrhÍcil can 'L;*, a:L{f.e:1.pa.t,e'1 frozr

the propoeed. hll,gh wu'te;r Í.eve1. c¡:.1, furke hli"nn:iç,egosi,s Bome trrenmn*

nent d.yk'f.ng nÊflr d.ev*J-op*'d. riirtaËi nl,gh'L ï¡+r wa:'rglr,,ted.. Thu,s, anr

anor¡nt of $I"r000r000 hus't¡een ffil}Ïüwed. i.n'Lhe cclst" es'tfmn'he for

re]"ocatllc¡n of gtrtrct;ur+s en.* eon"str"uet;1,c,'.r, of. pe:r:lotrn+iÍlt Jyk:l"Trg,

Shou,I-d. thfs amourirb be great'3y' exceeúed, i"t t:reed. not Ïre grea'Ler

than approxfmntef.y $â10001000, wïiÍ"ch wou.I"d, be the *or¡t of

consìtrråct$.ng m cor::bvol. s*ruc'hure 5r,q 'tjlt* *ïigmneil at Mouee;r Forüuge,'

If fl-oott,i"rrlg conts prove tcl te err"c*nçii.ve, an, aT.,t;e*::neit:ive woul-d.

þe to d.eveÏ.op 'Lhe requLl,r,ed. storage r:mpacß,ty by etgull-ntfng e:Igltt

feet of ntou"age c¡n 0edsr trmlre, berL,'tü*a"rl, el.evatÍ,orus 831+ anrü 8l+2,

and, three feet of etorug¡e osir Låke4 Tüfrurri$.iregosl,x¡ b'ertweifrrm o*I.Êvatjloníc

B!0 nnA 833, wi,tH trhe sd"d.åtÍc., r r¡:fl å güi'r-r**r:c,nt:rc¡J-'led rupfltlwa;y

a'b Ûdossey Porbage.

Coe"t, ïv. x'0 " EatLmate öf An esti¡nate of ceBJ"'haL oclst hn$ treein pre¡tq:red. for

the d.eveÏ"opmenb oultl*fned, Bmsuunli.n6{ s ùonstanit df'ver"ni"o¡l c¡f

72,.OOO e.f .Ë" The cost, eet:i,mmte, prenente'd. cr' 't]:e pa¿geo that

fol"Low, J.r¡cll.t¿ðes the +on'b r¡f ,gX.).. :l'ir:1iÌÉíi qßsocl,ated. wtt;h the

work sttch qË {,nte;ree't' d,urrl'mg *onr-'!;ru,c'il^i"r¡n¡ errgtnee:r:tng and

funepectf.on, ad.unf,uÍntrutJ"oui, cr:¡r:r,strut'L$.on *anpn und. expI".oratl.on,

No recompensutl"clm for tihe T..osn of po'benlbfal- pöTiler lrrori.uctiorc

was l.ne[ud.ed. slnce thfs rp$,111. he :r:eferred. to e'J"$ew,ï*t'r.' :i.n 'i:h.j"s

theeLs "

The uni.'b pnf.ce whfch hns the greatregt i"nfll.uer¡ce omr

the cost of thi.s uehenne J"rit 'i:,|:çtt of *a:r'Uh ex*a'sat,i.on" Aecordfng

IITf to fnforwtf.on received fronn the rdater controf, and. co.nservati"or:¡

Boar"d., Frc,vs,r¡,ce of l¡fanftoba, the price r"ånge for earth exca¡ietj"r¡n ,fû on the Red fii-ver FlLoo,lway raae LB "g,l l+t,1. per cdbÍc ya,ytT". The gver,äge pr"$.ee for reqsomabJ-y fJoc/d. eI.ay annterLqL euc?¡ ae fc¡r.rnd f"u t'he ürloesey Fortage and. l4eaclow Fortage qreq liaßJ *Tfi pex r:rubi.c yurd. Ifowever, tt J.s bell.feved. that the renoteneos of the ¡"ij.,i;e and the T-åmltedi wox,kÈng ÉeaËoxl would. neeeepftate a consfCrerarcty hígher unlt prfce. Therefore , )+Clç perr eubf.c yar

Lfm'ited. imd.lcate'# tlaat at present cost Level"s, the Mooney

Portage channel.. col¿X-d be excavs'herl by X.arge r¡cale NueÏ-ear 'bl.an'ttng (¿ m,f " c'laarges) for eppronJ"nn'tely one thfrd of th* coet nf conventf rma'I megns. However, the cost of' 'l,he pre;een'L ernrt l"r:tug te?fi eff'e*te af rad.let:ion on bf.oï-og;ùca"t- l-j.fe fn the af,eü,, ars utslLT. ae the Fotþnt:tal, effeets Of shocic r¡ruvesj on nee;rby \r./ \,,.\ Btr,qcfllsres &re too oqmpl-ex to aseesd ati prenen'[.. Np;rrertheJ-e*ii:¡r techn;l+ali; advqtr'lcement nuy make thfe metk¿cd rnor"e åttractfve fr¿ the fcree*eeakrle firture

fhe to'tal" esi:årnated^ eoçt of conetruct'Ion Ls $)+SrOOCrOC'0"





A" CHAIn\rEi BxT,t{rfrEN CEDAR T,AI(E AND T,ATG ÌrrlqqIPXGoSTS (MOSSEr E 1. Eiversion Channel $I9,)+3o,ooO


z Áqo nnn ?" Dí.version Cirannel | ,v/v )vvv -tjal'tn !'1.1I uyKes 5 ,690 , ooo Spillvay and StÌl}ing Basin -"=38o-&g Total Direct Ttems $35,o5o,ooo

qqô' ôrìô Contingencies' "¿r'//v tvvv

$38 ,600 , oo,o *æ


l,ryn nnn Aecess a4d Transfþortation. 4+ | \J,\J\,/V Construction Camps )+OO , OOO (. Cost of Flood.ing 1];oqq"99q

dr Qrn nn:n Sub-Tote,l ( 5 ,6,TJ rPr¡vlvtvvv Contingencies' :9q-qoo-

Sub-Total $t ,960 , ooo

-t*Fl*:æ À^ 8. Engineering a4d Supervísíon PZ, ZUU,UUU^^^ ^^^ 9 Su:rveys and.'. Tnvestigations: 35@,'ooo " - 1../ a aaa 10" Ad¡ni.nistratÍon and ïnsurance -1 .¿+þ9rUU.U i sub-Total- (Tterns 5 to 10) $5,9To,ooo 11" fnterest During Construetion a t.a¡ a¡¡ .: -J-r-lJl¿i!-99 TOTAL TNDÎRECT CAPTTAL COST $9,\oo,ooo

Áôrr lìnô TOTAL DTRECT CAPITAIT COST -æ"RJvivvvavvv TOTAL CA?TU.A.L COST $l+8,ooo,ooo

l+8 " . .,,PIJåLSJgI.LJE-0&.æ--D*4¡*!åg--w , ru!*çgËJ*gÞrug


il.i; Amount *l ,Q¡r3ntity, , .uqrii.. ..,.83{ç .,

'criAñiiiii, poRIåqg¿ i, ¡jifü¡:t' éÈp'¡L-is-r{E r"t}rÐ -té5E-Iilg.Eqosls --tl'{oss¡r 'l D{ wcrs Í on Channe.I Clearing and grubbíng 688 acres $:oo"oo $ 206'400 Earth Excavation B0û scï'aper 4te8l+2,ÜOo c"Y' "hO l8 o 136, t,090 500 dredge 2rl8l-r000 c"]"" "5o " T¡tai $.19-{¿1":oO sav U¿æ¿ry ('I/IEADOI{ Po'Rr1Ú9-L B; cHANNEILBETI,TEE¡. l,AlËr-IilIur"PEs-Wlgjll\iLlÀsg u4lrJjoE',q' 2" Piverflio+ Cþannel--

Clearing and grub'bing 5TI+ â'cres 300 " 00 U2,2OO 12 c l+O h 868 Earth excavation 1170 ,000 'y ' ' ' 'oOO scrapeÏ dredge 5,567 oaoo c.Y. .5P Tctal say

Earth Fí11- DYkes

ClearÍng and grubbing 596 äcres 300 "00 178 ,8ûû Sf¡i¡n{nrr 950 5000 c.y" .70 66),ooo Earth fill 7ô-11Q ê 256.-OOO c.y. '50 i2B,ooo from borrorrr 2,06l-,ooo c"y. l-.50 3,091 ,5Õ0 Ri n-rqn 250 c"Y. )+.oo 1,000,000 ,000 /'Ar S'l nrre Prot eet í on 250,000 c.y" 2.50 ^^^ v+v}/v --o<2*ll!. Total $5"688.300 a^^ say æÞ).QYU.UUU^- ^^^

'tr7 ,t. . .,:: ' Amc ü-iil ,,T çn,,, .., ^.,.. \,Ì Bê t''lnalcr,i B qE41[N4!- BETI,TEFIT: J'$Eqì,W,il[$J?-Erq,QF.IË ÂNÞ, !.AI!P . llt{]qi'r-jQ r, i " PÕRTAGE)PORT ÜONt;'Ða, ffin'i I f,

j. .. ,'.i:,.:,..-\.r!i+!¡.,.,":. ....1., .. \" Spillwav and. StiilÌng Basin

_ " '''::' . ; 4"û0 ¡'.""eptiott preparetlpn T2 169() ;+.J"" $ $ . )Cr,'fóo Concrete in piers 5,i55 c.:Y" I+f.OO 22i,Ti' rn rollwaY slab 10rh48 c .y. 28. û0 292_,)4"4 in stilling basin =lul^ ru5. ^- 28" oû s66 ö8iI fJ , c.y" ' in stilling basin wàlis ' ' : ZrL'-o c"Y: Jo"00 64,5ùo ' in breastwall 9AO c ")r. t5 .00 49 , ttc i-Tü,r'f û in declt L 1547 c "y. 110 e00 rn cutoff Bg6 c"y" 29¿OÖ 2i,g9t+

Rip-rap )+ ,6:0 c"y, h"oo iB , >2Ü BackfÍll 9,9t4 r.y. L"25 \2,3'15 WaterProofing Joints 2),OA0 Gates and hoists 9 eå. +5 ,ÙÛÜ.0Û [oi,ooo t-rg,tùt Gaie heaters 9 Éa" 5,500"00 .I"S c 22,>Aû ¡jt opf ogs : Miscell-aneous steel ì0 ,0Û0 Cement L55,696 bags I"65 216,89',ò ReinforcÍng stee'l ir303r45Ù 1b" .rB == ?34,_6.2:,_ Totai úaJQ qrr

A -r,-- ¡ É^ 'Iotal Direct ftems Q52,U)U )uuu^^,1

fa¡f.ìì-rûêntrìêsvv¡¿v+¿¡ôv--v $ 3,55û,000 - -- 'Iotat Direct CaPital uos-E \lì/,x 'F; ¡\ItJ lNDTR EC.Ï IT ggË.

ïtem QuanLity Unit Rate A,nrouni

5. . AccçS¡- ag9 Tr":gPcl3+-t:.t.-gg 00 420 Access Road.s L2 mile $35,000 " $ 'uÛu Maintenance 50,0Üt)

'Iotaf $ 470 "oûü -:+#= Constrqc-tlqn rqg.m!-

Buíld-ings, services and- operatÌon I.s" +æ=É-=$ 40ù . üc,û

Cost of' !-looding RefocatÍon of sho.r"eline facìiÌties and possible Permanent dYking Sub--Total (5,6,T) $1,8î¡.locoü

ContÌngencies 9ù , Ü00

Sub*'TctaL $i.96o,ooo

'1r.. ZUU^^,- UUU -Lolio ¡#æÐ;¿. " Ensineering_-lllll!+_.=:: and" SuPeYvisic¡n

a nôar wù J)v9vvvrn 9" Survevs and" lnvestigations #.¿fFæ:æ=

'l $t .l+6c. ooo rì Administration-roãî:niräct and. fnsurance æ G7; r cäpit ar Cost ) qa 11, . ..Inte_rest'Buring

11r30O,OOO @ 5"5$, for 30 monLhs $1,6i-8,4Jl L,\5r,0"15 r z )rnn ôoo @ 5 f oy 18 months I t-vv rvvv "5/i lqR l ô? 13,2OOr0OO @ for 16 months . 5"rf' --!¿:-L=:4 lotai $ Æ say $3.43û,ooo -=æ TOTAL TNDTRECI' CAPTTAL COST $ 9,4oo,ooo



\r T GeneraìI

Apprr,-tl"rnr''f::;:.'J' itr:i p*::':entl o-r' gïl Íáiv{:3,'âge r:'.:i '},8r}6Ü r't ' f:'; '

f.t.r¡'lr,s to LT:s,L'alrç:e ðfuni;lob¿i nH+;trr:iL;r'ir- out of the t,ijta1 '11È've-'""t¡*d

harre bee,n aeerrrneð {"o tr¡r fl"y¡åj"1.,å',lle: f:c"r-r:Iû Läh-e Wj"n:nipe,g" b;v' Ílei'itl,t:'

f.f a puræf,ng fnnLal,l'mlloni ei'b ü"ira:¡id Be.pi,'il*,'

Thf^q ave¡'agr.r puraplitug d.:l.sr-lha:r:HÊ l.'úprÊ#er¿ts'Lhe u.sak'Le '.l"ane wate3, su1Jp;[.y f]c,:: dfr¡e::';ii.c;t t,o lVrnnf,taba.' cû1"'reË'porxd.:i.ng to

an instql-l"ed. pr-l:rrçl,ng es\p:.4i::1ty r:t 58r::ü1, *.il,s" :Iiret f-r:,

d.ependfrlg on the Sasxat.chtrwan fti.vc+r ci."Tur':harge an,å 'i;,i:e r'it:'o:rå,s1e;

I"eve1, of tT¡e Cedelr trals,¿ * l,air,t; l¡lf:'¡,:t¡Ípeg';*t,s reservoi:1, tttä'ie;:r 'L'e frclfn l.e,ke l{i:run:Lpeg wcrrl.0 no'L ¡:,uxqped" 6+c; iâ3.11 't':im6-"s, atii t,i.'-'-ur';-

tfated. li:l tI:'; Re*É,:'rir"',i"r ii*gV.l-Urtlrr: S'í:Ur1,i," j):rrjiirí:ìj':t#(l f,u Secticl: 'Í.

of the A;op.*n,;i,Í.x. Th:i,o, aliL lnstal.J-cd pr'rrrr¡¡rf.ftÉ.r i:i:r5&,t::i'r,;y of 38.0CÛ

{;r-: É,11 âve¡r.ege of'fi8,96ttt c,f i'r c"f.s. wou¿l-ö'Í're:r'*guir¿rd. "$ìJiIrtP " t'Th'¡ A 'thr::lrfr:r c¡;::ti.'fi]-e'd Üri'-,:::l"d:Lngt,ic':n ':t-f' !Ílä,il;r.-1"': Ex¡rort

Wfth Pcwey Der¡e;f.cll¡ylr?;li', ßTir trhe t{*llscTl Ri,vc+r'r' :1"s *u'rrent'iy 'a*:Í"ng

rqrJ.t'ben h;y Mv, E, T' Ïlag,n,*:t'., ËtJ,i .1'rg,1"i- nil *Ï¡e T.ir"t:i-'¡sr'"¡j^'1,;v Qf

tr¡lanl.{:ciLra Tnt*,::.,:l,.isc::i.pllf,re,r';¡ l¡lqt*r Re*t.rç¡.r;'¿:esr Sfu*y, A'n aT;J*ctåve

r:f thfs tken:.i.,g r¡¡oiri.it he'brJ estabili.sÏ: thel d-i..scJ:ürge r'Êqu:Irect tc

uAintal,n Lhe f:i.r,r¿ caSrsr*Ìt"¡¡ r:¡f the pr"opoËÈ:d. lVeT.c,otx R3.ver Ïl;Vdro-

e[ectrJ.c rtrevelr:pmeil'Ls whe,:n p]a,:lerl l.n ti,:ie peair c'f e¡ fu-T:l-ir"e

energy lOgd cu.i-ve. Ho-r,üever:, p.reLÍ.UnfruarJ* l"esìjllj'tt¡ !¡s¡r,râ J,rud.f cated.

a måKlm'úM pr.urpfng eapacS"ty in the oÏ'd.*: c,:f'\"Or'iÜo c.f.s. cCIlåld

be l"nstqlll.ed o:y.:¡ Lnþ;.e \^ltnnåpeg. ,VkirËrover, år¡Ëì;[ËÍng e rÈÍniEßmn

d.ependa''aT.e d.:i"schrgrge r:*ql;i:irËrrnÊ$,'il c,f :jtÖt '::.I.s,, nni t,he Ne[sotl

ßf"verr, f:lve feet r:rf stil:rnge Wc'r:,lld Jr*ìr¡e tc he regUllA'hed. on l"eke

!.: l:) T'Itnnfpeg to prov$.d"e a f'f.rm pr.lnrp'i,ng *nnacf'by oÍ' ]ÉJr000 c":l""s"

Thle l"s oonßfirj"ered, to k¡e t;he r¡axJ,irnln dea;fr,a"bLe rmurge of re#'.rÌ8'Lifoï1 on the I.ake.

Ti,i:Lrr proposaL wouLl"f, d.ef'åutrf,i:e],y i"r* a t$/)?""(i eliæÊìnslve ooìLrce of water muppily thain *Ïre cllituer{ìj pf-¿Jvforurr;l;7 :inv*"ct5"gated, clue t6 ,bhe Lnherenü oper6b:T.c¡nel" tlc,et of provfrJ.fng tÏ¡e energ# r()qglred, to BuluB 'bhe lrrater aga'i"tlstr g head, of more than ovtEr hundred, feet,

[h1f.s Bum,p:i.rng d.f.velr:stom, &rH T{*L1 as t}re QthÊr d"f'v'*r*i:i"Öü's proBosecl. Ln tÏtf,s tl¡ei¡l,r: iloul-d, r#ðtnûe tJrl* fìl.ow at the proposeC"

¡¿it¡e p6fier d,evef-OpUnemt,p otl the l{f*l.nc,tl R,L"¿e:r. .Ail, Am$esÅìIneir*b t¡f

'b]¡l,L* 'tÏ¡esf,s våLue of pover [,*n,t $"e road.e fnL c}rrapter vl,[ of "

there å:L"s'Urüo,rtrvjLr¡tïs ailtoruiatÍ"'v'Ê ar,"ïsÏrsements for

Ï¡re BI¡¡t$$"lng ldu,ter hetwee.n tt¡e two fqke$. Qme wr:¡u[d. tr¡ converb the tlraz.d. ,Repi,rln Ïìyclrrleler:{::tl:i,r: fir*ner'å'ti"ng Stqti"o'rn to a dtin]- purposs pg¡ilp$.hrËj*gÊrxe:rûtÍmg i.'ilstaI.IÄt,:Ion" Th$,s ,propog6L !üo1x|"d. uaÍ,ntaf"n the hyd.ro*ellecùr:l"c trupnc:it¡t of t'he stqti'cm for u]¡ort temO OBerUt{on i.m the peA}e o'11 the syg+ieiln il.r::râc:., wrrÍIe ULecl

Brovtd"lng the caBaclty fo* pti.trip$,T1g tþe requi|r'nfl watelr" d'e¡nund for dtvereton to tske Ïr&n$.tiÕtu&. fhe aï"ternatl"ve to thf e e{rr'ån$e*

ment wou[d be the (lotïËtructlolrr of a nelT Puüdpl,ng $.netq)"latfor,l

on the Dau,ph$.n Rfver-*Fa$"rfo:rd. R$.vey Êyßtìere whfch vould pu[üp

d,Lrectl.y betwee¡u Iske TfÍ,ru¡Lpeg urrrrd" Lgke lllån[to1¡a " AT"though

thf.s [$itter, scheÍ¡¡e wou[d red.tlc,e the Bumpt|n# heed, by ã0 feet

änd. thuË red,uce the upero'bd"omg]" eoelt of the scheme, {,t vnn roJecteð åfter A br5.ef erconomÍ,c r.lonçrarÍ"nomr of tho tWo schemeu,

preËe'nted. trs'be'r J,n thi,s chqptêif , fhe propoeeil 'sf,dtër l"eve]"e o:f

53 th,-+ various 3.äke--^s Ín the scireln¡c $riì;j-i":Lri.Ëlirated. crn P1ate l-.2"

Asi:u.rÍj.ng tha+" eL tu"þ-1,{.-tar.ï' ,C.;j-1,'í:r.'ij!íì,fi ,q+,n*me of tiij.s nai;';:r'*

.ì.re, 'ti:ilr pc**Ì,ì:iT.ei h/oulá nctt; :r:'r::qui.reð Ín :.iiiliiiiU.eï= r,i:',il.;y:,.-', "'1-'t mäy l*e

to co-ord.inate tl:e pvc,'posad. i,i:l,r"l¡l'lìr.:at;åltr: wl""L.h the evev.rttlgl

'Ìr.r'n'rrà11Éjrn.,rytr rrf''l.he pft;;.*:i:;t,'l;.,1-:"1:,i.1:,íì*fiÊ1:nÍlåtc:'s¡ U1-,'hhe *net, f,.

thei.r servÍce ll:Lfe, scne )t t.: 5il ye&,ï'ri* 1l::onr now,

¡f i.ienera L Arra:ng;errlent

The i.,r.'r..staìl-lnrtic,n .i:r.' þi:imþi-neT ,rllpa,c:lty at (.rqnd Rai:i il,i

r,uc-lul-ci requÍ.re the r.,ep],a1l\::flií.rl't r.:i 'i;l:.r 'tu'i?.'i.rres 'çqf';}: Derj"An c:+

Frn¡¿cÍ.s T)rinp-+iiß"hÍnes a:rd. u,;.i:r,:l :::"r,'i¡:i.{-üccnent of 'Lhe g;ene::qtorr

lE:i.th r"er¡errihL.*J mctür*,p.iÉ-r:rergtr¡rn" T"¡ s:åJ/' aI¡ìo be ponni.bJ..e f'c¡.1:

the gei:.e:ratc'v-'r; 'ïo br: elila.r:te;i. 'i;cr notc:::r.'*glerÍitl.i:å'to:: i"1utiei+., Replaec-

raùrtt, ¡f 'Lhf;¡¡c, u::iis wou,lr:i :i.i i :r -I'¡::oil,i.r't ,:'r:l:lì* acJt:l;'i;rr:entg tr: ''rnt:,

powel"-Ìroursr; r.l:i.v:i.',1 w.-ìL.iif.i l;i:.cLi 1,ilì li'..:l'ír l. j. ua;;i:;ì.i, çh:'af1; tuT'e:,s,

i.¡t'cakes ari

T t;he r:uJ;lle cr;;, i.'''..c.i;::.c;..r.,.;r.i i.1å,; ååïir,-^icïi'::lcj.i.ì"-t; rify' si.rpiÍ.fy 'the €1d..-iuisu;*

nefi't;ç Vrl;r':T: tj-e cr-r-,fl'cr"sÌo;r, j.i¡ cri::Lii;1:rrirî;j-ni:È(L ä'li:: C,peïãtÍon oi:

¡:u:upfng fvo:,i l¿ll'.:e l,fÍ..n;i:l;i,pe',; \tr.L).i{i å1.tjú).1:",,-'qtl.i.llq.Ì ãi cc¡:}trûl at:Ì:he

'*et;uraìI cu+.l.+t of Lake l,I:ï,nr::ì.,-r:rcg -i:o lt-nìj-t:.'¿'aj.r¡ a .L¡;vel of e,Le.¿äLicrt'l Tftl Ín r.r:'{e:: t': p:'r:'vÍd.e sl.:,f.îir:::lent punipä.Ii.ij Þ'toragö. Corrtro,i.if"r:g

tTrel il-ake Lc-:veJ. -r,ìol):lcl preven'r, e:t:::ee¡Jå've otiifi.ortls fron, Lþe laiie

d,uring; pe:rÍrd.s cf' llow i.r:fJ-r.;i,;" .3:1.nce 'bi:er "pr:mpl.ng ins'baJ-Iatio:

wcu.i.rl wrthrlraw åri avËrbtge of'fj:,i!ä c:l'' t;ke j.n,l",Lor¿¡ to lnke ll'5.ngi.pcg,,

s'bn:r"ag,e il; r";qu-lred to rn¡¡j.r:'taj..;.; i.lc pum¡-,ín;4 cirpr¡cÍty firm d.uri:tg;

nr:r:,.iclrrsed- :r+lr¡,r:C.s o'î f,o'ç'l izr:i'jí.o"¿ to 'the ,l¿lke. As d.iscu$sed.

earJ.ie:: iri t,ire ühapLe: ar¡d i:: C.rrapLer ï1, five fr:et of s-ucrage

r¿ouJd be :'egu.ire¿ i?Ca tc J,i)r-). llhis cr¡::rtvol need" onlty i:e an

- t.i overflov Ï¡eår to provi"de

&nd. a lov l.eve1 gate eontro"i-Led. ouiLlet Èo provid"e a minimun d.epend-

able d.åseha,rge.of 3000 cof"s" to d.ownstream i.nterests on the Nel"son

River.". A ¡nore sophåståeated eontrol" arrangement at ltarren0s Loneting

i.s currently und.er *nvestfgati.on by Man$.toba Hydro;

The presentl.y ånste,Xled. ttirbånes at Grand. Rapid.s trave theår dåstrûbutor. eentreÏånes set at ,eLevatåon 69t"3 w]¡iah is well

beLorc bhe mín*mum taf.l",¡ater l-er¡el" at el-evatåon T09. A pump-1i;rlrbåne

would. not lJ.keJ"¡r requåre an;r J",owerl"ng of, the d.reft tube or 'otad.e

settång ån ord.er.to funetå,crl as a selfè-Ttfiás!;ång prxmpo In an artåel"e

htr F" E",Jaskå. ent'it1ed. "Fulrç*gqnbúnes * L954 Frogress Reportror

i.t is .stated.u flReve¡:s*ble puirp*t'i.rrbånes ean be buílt i.n sizes as large.,aß..a.re pnactf"eai f,cr Franeås turbår¡es; They ean'be built

. to,clevel"op l50rûe0 hopo and. moiær: $.n a singl"e maehi¡een íf, a suibab¡J"e

- .motor-generator ean-be mauohe'å to the*r speed a,nd.'power;tt It iroui"d. " . be d.esårab1e to. repJ"aee t,he ürar¡d. Rapåd.s unåts ruhieh are nated

at .I501000-ho¡r" wÍùh-nevera;i.ï¡Ie unåts of a si.miLar såze whi.ek¡

woÌrld.-a1so,,provÈd.e,.the requf,u',ed d.i,seharge eapaeity of, 38r000 Gof,oso

ïfo however,r.i.t:*,s.;not possible uo d.esågn four units-to provåde

.. ,- the requiredipunpå'ng.eapaeity, it l¡or¡ld. be necessary to use a

greater number smal"i-er i¿nåts of "

Vo 3o Eetinete..of,. Cost . -

An estlmate. of 'capåteJ" epe,ù has been pre¡lared for eon-

verslon. of- the:Grand, fiapÍd.s iïydpetreetnic GeneratÍng Station

to a: pumpång*generatång":insballatåarn" The total capital eost

of $ZeÐOO0rO00 ineludes replaeernent of turbine-generators wíth 1"evêrÉLb]-ë TriåehJneË, fld.Justments to cfvJI r¡¡orlcs necessi.tgted

by the neç utrit;:, .¿:nri, ccnetr"uc'tlon of a eontroT-, for the netu,r'af outl,et of letle Wf.reiaf.peg. lhe Loss of pot,entfal- pÖüer generat$on at ürand Fapå'ås amounts 'bo approxlmsbëxy 5'5 hfl.x-lon dof,raru

årdrruflI.T.y, on the Ï¡asi.s on a unft coet of 3 mlfT"s Ber kf,l"ovatt*

hour, fhe eståmteil. cost' for repx.acêmefÅt of unfte, whJ.cÏ¡ fs the largest l"teu of tÏ¡e erstfrrate.u Í,,* eoasfd.eredL {io be cc¡tl* eervatlve, but faj.rìLy aeeuyatn" b4snufActurer$ d.o not Éupply

êBtf,ilsteË wf"'thrrub detaÉX"ed d[e*f gn d.atq on the rumehånery' T]re

êËtffiËte trä6, ]ìCllfever, b6sed. om, t,he &oet reoen't coets AvAl't*

abÏ.e form [&nftc¡ba ]lY&ro" fhe estlfiåte of coet, for the J.nstalllåt'fon fe as

foT"Loïe c

fi,epLacement of turb:i.:¡¡,e*generatr:vs w:.ith $fSrOOOrOOCl rever'glb:l(;r iÌi,J-t 3

ArlJus'true'nts to c'Í.vlï- 't'¡orks ä'b firrí''älircl 310001000 RnPlds devel'opruent

j , Orjtl.e'b covltrol- for lalr,e llfnnj"peg Xr00tr0Ö0

Englneerlñ,g and, contlngencfes 3rQQ-Qr-QQÛ rcr.rAL $âarooorooc v. 4" Eeononf.c Öoruparl son, of, Afiternst,lve FwrpÍ,ng Tnstaill"atfclns AereentJ.oned.earT":lerl-n"bh:l"schapterrthereLean

al.ter,nåtfve to the Lnstql"tatfon of ,plrurpl:ng capaclty Atj Gr'årxcl

Baptd.e Tdhj.eh ffould red.uce the operatång eost, of the pumpfng d.lvorsf.on. InÉtgf,f,atåon of a purqpf.ng etatfon on ther Fa:it'flord'

Rlver * Dauphl.,n, Ríver wat,erecu¡'se t'etîÍeen IAke Dhrrft;o(ra ancl'

Ieke Tf:tnn:l.peg üc,u,iil, :'edr¡ce the pumpÍ.rrg fiead' ?ry approxlmat'e[y

56 ä0 feet " i' Asnr:rnl:ing ti:e r¡nllu.e of fl:mn electrÍcaf energy "i;c ber

mfl.LË per ktï"olm'tl, T.t,t:;ta71, 'L'ne ä{3 foot red.uc'bíot¡ fn pump$.ng liead'

wog¡-d represent a eavfng:i.n th,e operat$,orruaf, east of T-.5 mi"lLLl"otl

do].I-ars gnnus!"f,,y" Íakfng the annuaX- charges 6n the new pumpÙng s,xcepis o:f etatlon to be 7 "5/t, an ex¡rend.fttrre of $fr0r000r()00 ftr the cost of conversl.on of fis,and Bapfci.s r¡ou]-d be warnented"

Thus, ff the caplta|" cor-,rJ-, r:f lyrs'baT"Ie'LÍon of a pumping etatåon at the Ïlai.rford, Rf've¡: vere ìi'ri'ar; 't;?ru'ri $)+21000rÛ00, thfs al"terÏx-

atfve voL¿If1 be pr*ferebl-e 'Lo 'tire Ëcheme a'b ürsnd Rapf d.s.

Howeve¡., f't, j.s estrfnåted. ths'i: a rrew pu,rr¡rtrnf4 irrstaJ-Íatj.orr of

thlrr gai#:li.t;ude a'1,'bhe Faírforct Tì:iver wo-t,Lrl eont ån the ord.ev'

or $75rCOi:),CI00 to $'J"0Ûr000r0Ü0 "

V. 5 " Sched.u'J"e of Devellopmen'f 'Ihe corç'J,e'hl,on of the Oramd Hapfds Punprf¡161 scl¡ene

wou"Id requ$.re atr¡proxÌmtel.y two yeqrË. At the $ranct Rapfcls

slte, acceË$ unrl tccornodet:i.orr fr:r"' the eonstructfcm perlod ur.'e åvåfîLat,Le " Ad.Jr:.s'bments to the cf v:l,'J" works wou'ld take an¡roxiL- mate"Iy one ye&r, whi-Le l'mstaJ"T-a+jfon of rrnLts woul-ð 'take anotÌ¡er

yeat'. 'IT:e r:evevsl.l¡le puxp-tu:r'hine un:i.tar çouLti. have to be

orilered. apprr)Qcl[!a'l:¡:ir-y two 'bo three years prlor to l"nstaJ"ìIatl-on.

The const:r,uct:lon of the out]-e't, controll wr::lke wor.r1d requlre

approxi,mateT"y one year and^ ccul-d be sr:herå.uìIed s:i.¡aul.taneouaf,y

vfth the eonstructfon at ürar¡ct Ïìapicln "


V:" i.ietn,ere]-

Brfef consl"d.eration has been sÍven to two other

dfversion Éche&¡es * tlie d.iverafon by' puqpång frouo Lake Athabasca

to 1¡loll-aston ï,ake arrd. thenee by gravity $.nto Reindeer Lake,

and d.lversfon of the Soutl: Sea.l É.fv*r ii"uto the Churc,hfl]- Btve:r

at So¡rthern ïnd.J.an lahe. Ar, ¿:,r;,îcssrmerit r+as rnad.e of the ellfects

of these two uropoeed. schemes on the d.eveT-opments l,nvestlgated.

1n'trhÍ,s thesis, No atterrpt ha*r l--lÊen n'acle to estírate the cost

of thege d.iversi.ons, orthe rcap:r:-'L'c,r-rcl¡-r oJl tl¡e ö:Lve:"s:i"on trorks


VÏ. 2. Putupfng Diversiorr From l-aÞrei /\thabasca

a ) In,troductÍon: A thesfs e'nt;i'tled "A $tudy of the Feasibillty of

üiateu" Ðf.versíor¿ From Inke A"!-r.hah¿r¿ica "t;c Inh;e Manftoba" l.Ë

eurrentl-y be:i-ng vrÍtten at "r,h,*' Unfvr:r'siby of ilIanito'ba by

R. A. I4add"ez"" This thesi"s fnvo,Lves the d.esfg'n än(l crrßt es'ti.'

nätes for the rÍaJoir works requ,fred. for "bhe puqpl.ng d.í.versj.,on

of nater frour Lake Athabasca vla the Fond-d.u*Lae Rfver to ï[o]-laston Lake, and thence by gruvf.ty along the rou'be of the

Broposed Churchf ,LL Rfver Ðlversion to leke lttranltoba " fhe economrtrc and, engl-neering feasåbtl.fty of thLs scheme viII- be

asÊesÊed as rre:l-J. as the optfmum dfver:si.orr capacfty. Prelfnrf.nary

lnvestfgatfons lndÍcate 'fhat an aveÍ'age d.i,scharge capacfty of

501000 ta 60,OO0 c"f "s. voul.d i:e avafl-able through thls

d.fversion "


VT, l"Íeneral Bri.ef consÍderatíon has been glven to two other

d,i.versíon scher¡es - t}¡e d.iverefon by' pwrpfng froua Lake At'habasca to llollaeton lske and. thence by gravi.ty Lnto Refndeer L€ke,

and dLJ.verËfon of the South seå.t P.iiver Ènto the Chuvchlll- Rfve:r at So¡rthern Ind.fan lahe. An ¿+,s.ses$meuL vas nAde of t'he effectp ofthesetwoproposed.sche¡nesontheåeveLopment'sf'nvestfgated' Lnthfs thesls" No attempt hari beerì rmcle to erÈtfüåte the cost of these Öiversl.ons, or tht¡ ranp;ni'L,'-td.e oJl the d.:í"vers:l.on Worirs requfred.. VT. 2. Punping Dfveref.on From trake A'bhaÏrasca

a ) Intrr¡d.uctf on: A t'heefe ent;:T"'bl-ed. "A l3tu.dy of t'he Fessfbllfty of 'i;o Trlntey Dl.verslon From leke At,,tlabasca l*xhe trvtranùtoba" ås

currentx-y bef.ng wrÍtten at 'hh,ri lJni:tver"siby of ufanltoba by n. A. I¡tradder" Thls thesl.s 'Invo,Lves the d.eefgn ¿ìnd coßt r:s'ti'- nåteg for the uaJor vorks requfred. foybhe pumpl.ttg dÍversiion' of vatey fron Ï,ake Athabasea vfa the Fond-d.u-Lac Rlver to

}ÍoT-Xaston Lake, and 'ther¡ee try gravi"ty al-ong the route of the proposed. churchíir-il RLv*r DfversÍo¡l to Ïeke l{anltoba " fhe

econou{.c and, eng$.neerf"ng feast"bl.l.l"ty of thfs scTreme v!ìLl be

aseessedi. eË veLT. tË the op'bluum dfversf'c,n capaefty' Prelf"nrtrmry J fnvestfgAtLons l"ndfcate that an averâge cll.scharge capacfty of

5OTOOO to 60,000 c"f .s' woul¡i1 be avafl-able through thls

d.fversl"on "

58 b ) AsËÊssinent 3

A baeicl,u1,er.' cotçtrLatåon lras p*rfornecl o:l the $turgeorl.*

I,rleÍr Ri,ver fov a narii.mu:n dÍ.scharge of )+ürÜO{-) c"f "s' ThÈs Lracic- r¿qter computatÍo'n i:rdieatecl tÏ:at a head',¡ater ,leveJ. of eïevgt'io.lr ''oe .t.086 voul-d requ.j.red. a'u Frcg PorLage Ín orde:l' to pass thi s ciÍ,scha:"ge " TÏ.ri.s covrpave$ wi.th a level of el.evatåon L08ä r"equiyed to pasr the d"esÈgn dÈsr:hä¡g(ì of 2)rÛ00 c'f .s. from the Churchi]."I Ri"ver d.jversi"r>.n" BobÌ: of these l.evels ä:le mu-ci: below tl¡e minimum storage LeveJ- of elevatÍo¡l t093 on Reindeer

Teli+ r'-'e:r.¡l::i.r",:d fo.r stclr:age of Chr¿rcÏ:-i-tI River fll-ows. I-ïort 'the¡se ca,Ir:r;-.i sri-,i.{-rn.

Ler¡el requi.:'ed 1:c pass TOrtÛO c'f .s. rLolru the z"tver channe'I wr:uld, not be greater tÏ¡a:i elevatåon fO93. The spíI-T-tnn;¡ at Ì-rag

Portege ås ca;oable of passing JOr000 c":f.s. a'i, a heacluat*r:

-l j:r:,r.¡c; +vvv¡eve-.r of ellevaf;ìon Il-06. Ga.I:es wouJiÌ t,c'be ad.d.ed. to aiL.Iow the s'trueture te pas$ '70r000 e,f .s" al: "i.;"trt' i¡:r:i'i::.i.mLtrc heaÓwaier"

I.eveL c ) toncl-us:ions : J.t v'r:ul-d be :fleasÍble 'cc þäss the coabÈneü fl-ows of

the Chuschf"Il iìÍver d.iversion and a pu.mpi.r.,g ri-lr'ersi,on frgn l*rke

Athabasca d"own tÏ¡e Sturgeon - T¡Iei.r River"' {:i}ràìï;l:re,r) l:ovÊr/Ê3¡ more detailed inr¡estigations would be requÍz"ed. to åiìrrii;rrr "t;he effects of the greatJ-y incr"ease'å fJ-ows on l¡Iåter le'veJ*c sJong the river and the exberlt of' f)-oorJ.Íng" The settlerr¡ents at

Pel-ican Narrolss an,ð Sturgeon, I.e::ci.;l:,ÉÌ nilght reguÍre reJ-ocrät;ion,

"ce ',-rnd.er" 't'hege cond.itÍo:rls' The -'i..i.i:.1''i,'¡lst':,; .l'i.or{s rrlr:uJ-d .LJ"keIy

conta:ined withån the hÈgh 'banks o.f ti:e rrppel: r<:aches of tl:e

59 :r1le-r, north of [4a[igne Lake, hovever d.owtistreaa rr,!' A.rri.Ê'k traice

vhere the 'oanks are 1ower the adJacent J.andr, ci¡ulil be inrlundated,

ln :mrry areäs. The possi'bfJ-i,ty o:e diver'¡i,or¡ of flovrù l'rom Lake

Athatiasca wou1.d. alscr häve effer:ts on the Saskatchel'¡an Ríver.

Dykes f.n the Saskatcher¡mrr De:l-ta Reclarnrintfon area wouLd have

to be rafsed". A rough eståmate of the ord.er of cos't for 'such a measure woul.d be "I0 tnfJ-I-ion dolìlars, ho'wever, â móre thorough

stucly vould. be r-^quf.reti to obtaitt an accu?ate cost. The

possi.hÍL;ity of upstream d.eveìLopme:lts d.ecreasÍng the aval.Iable

Saskatche¡'mn Rf,ver Öi,scharge wouìld. nnke avai]-ab1e eapaeity for"

greater d.iverel,on flor,¡s .

Y.I, Sou'th SeaI- B:iver Díversi-on

a ) Lntroductl.on

The close p.r-'crz;i.rnÍ.'í.,y cl1' varÍous l"ahes on the Sou,th

Seal. R;iver' basin to various t,rfbul,aries of the Churchill Rl.ver

fnvites con¡ide::'a'tíon of the Sor.tth Sea:L as a þossfbl-e source

r:f ad.d.Ítlonal- flJ-ows to'bhs Ckr'irr.'ci.rfl1 Rivc;:n which couJ-rl then be

ad.ded 'to 'tlne N'elsov¡ Rfvel: 1;;,i 'Lhe ¡-rv6pç¡ricd. ChurchÍ"Iï- Rfver

d,:Lversion route-:, r,:i.a 'bhe Rat and. þ11¡plr¡rc:L)cl Rf,r¡ers" At one

Sou'l;h di.vi.cle 'than point aï-ong the 'SeaìL Ri.ver, a of less a rrile separates the southe::n tÍ.p of Bi"g Sancl lake firom the Churchill

RÍve:r d.rainage basin" Sim;L-1-ar1-y, approxinate'Iy 50 rnj.'Ies d.ol,¡n- strearn, a dÍvide of Less than a mile separates Trout Lake vhicrh

d.lscharges fn'bo ChÍpewayan Ïe,lce on the South SeaL Rfver ftovt

Lfttll-e Sand. Lake vhich d.ischarges into the Churchfll- Rfver at

Southern Indian Lake" Therefore, an assessnent wås mad.e of the

probable cllseharge whfch wouLd be avafJ-able for dfseharge ln+-o

ihe Churciii.iL,I. Rf.ver "

6rs b) Ass*ssment

No reco::rrs of dåscha:'ge ar¡ the south ,sear- River r¡rere ar¡aÍ-T.atrre, other than mlmeerlafter:us f,teasiliernen,bs taker: by tlie T¡later Rescurces Bnanch " Tirirs, ait es.tÍu¡a.te of the rr.rnoff fnc,tor of the clraånage basån wa..¡ i'¡ir;i.':., Lr;¡ conparÍson with nearby d.ralrr.* -h'asins 'rong age on whfch a ter"m perfod of d.ischaÏge reeords waü ever:".rabre' The uve.rage rr:noff on the Bi:-rntwoc¡d River, whrci:: is approxina'î:e]-y tcr0 mlles to th* sr:uth c¡f, the soutÏ¡ sea.r- d'rainage basÍn:i's 0"j6 c,f"s. per $quaï"e rn:i"re. Thè averagje rur:off of the Reir:ideer River basirr Lclcated. approximateJ-y t)o måies tc the west of the sc-'a} River Ís 0.5'¿, c"f .E. per sq':äre

nL'l-e" Basins farther nor:'t]: .--rhow a sÏi"gh.rl-y JríËrrc-":Ì: ru:,noff " Iì'or e:murple, t;he Sr¿.ere Rive.r, Ín the No::.i:i;r^¡e.st ll.,erråtorierrr has a :s'urioff of o'råB c.f 's. per $Eu.ere :mile. Acc*rd,i*g to the Atìlas 'È,he of Canada, meân ünnlJ-all nrmoey r:,Í,{ie,:¡:iï,ec= d,eys äLrove .basj,ns häoF for the Rej-n,l,eer ll-j-ver a:nd Bu_rn.tr^Ji;r:ir_i R:i.,.r_-::

i's app::oxiuate]-;y LTöcr vhi.Le -6he cr:.r;r"espondÍ.ng figure for" .bhe south sear- Bfve' bas;in is app:"oxånratery rh00, rvhic_rh is about

the same as the snare River ?-¡asin" The trûean gï¿r'uâr. .Lota,r_ precipÍtati-on on the south seal River basi,n Ís approximateJ_y ll fnches, whÍr:h corlpareË wÍth L6 inches on the Reindeer River basÍr'r., I-J Ínches crn the Þurn"bwood. Rr.ver basi.n and 9 Ínches on the s*are River bas:Í.n" TakÍng an av-sräge of these cor-rdf.iions, the runoff far the sor:th sear. Ríver basi¡: \^r¿lrì üsti*Hted. at û.45 c.'Í.æ. per sguare m"*¡-le. hrfth a d.raår:ep;e ät-,eå of IL,20Ð squar"e nnl"res t;r5.bu.'bary to chåpemya:: Lake, an âveïage d.ischarge of 5Õ5a c'f .s. wolrilri be e4pect,ed. at trris pofnt. De'veLo.pment . 6t of the vast etorage poten'bfaìL c¡n i:3:p; Íianrl lake woulrl resuil.t in a high u,tilizatf on of flor¿s fr¡r dive::sion purpoËes. Ther:ef ore,

ft fs con,rcid.ered. that an nve:r"er{ei ,liversÍon cLi.rrcharge of app::oxi-

mateT-y 45OO c.f .s. could be ol.¡t,ai.r¿ed. f.ron the Íiouth SeaL. River"

Avai"X-abl-e topographic infortmtf crn lnd,lcates that cotrstructfo:n

of a dam apprcrrïnately l-00 feet fir¡ hef,ght doi¡motream of

Shethanei Lake wouJ-d rnke it possJ"bLe to rlùvert r,¡ater fr"ou the

N'orth SeaI- Rfver, aË vellr to SoutÏ¡ern Ïndfan lake on the

ChurchåI-L R:i.ver, This r,¡ouï-d j.ncrease the cirafnage area tributar"y to the d.fversfon poin"L to aporoxÍ.nately IBr200 $quare rni)-es, vÈth an äverîage d.ischarge of 8eO0 c"f .e" and. a potentlal

diversÍon of about 75rJQ c.f.s.

c ) ConclusÌon,s PreÏ.itiinary ind.ÍcatÌons suggest the Seal- Rlver basíll 'to be an attractfve sourc:e of rqater for ðiversfon fnto the

CþurchÈ[L RÍver. Fgrther investigati.ons sho'n[d be inftfated. to

âssess the feasibfT-1ty of dfverti,ng r'rater from the Seal- Rfver basl"rr for" t,he p'{.ffpose of l.n,r::rr:asÍng the }ower productJ"on of the proposed" hydroell-ect;ric cleve"Ioprren'Ls on the Brrrntwood Rfver and NeI-son RÍver" 'Ihi.s clJ.versfon co'ull"d provfd.e a partlal

rep'Jneement r:f fLover to the currentT.y proposed. Churchll.lt. Rfver

d.fversion vla the Burn,twood Rfver, ff flows were dlvertecl upstream at Frog Portage at sone futu,re date.

Ál.J VÏT" SEQUENCE OF ÐEVELOPMENT OF PROPOSM ÐÏ\IERSTONS The seqr"rence iJ.eveLcpment of for thÍs l¡ater p;ran \,¡i.,i.r, 'und.r¡uhteti."Ly be dåc'tated. hy economi.c consíd.e'a.tions. rvone of the proposed. d.Íverni,ons wfrl be u.n¿r.evtaicen un,tir the valu.e of i+ater for murti.-pul:pose consu.mptÍve use exceeås i.ts val-r.:.e for the p:"od.uctåo* of hyd.ro-erectråe polïer plus the eos.t of the d.iversion r,rorks ï'e(:yessary to *ake åt avairable for consurnpii.ve use' Thås situat:ion has a1rea,ly or:eur:red. i.n the southr¡les*-rern Unåted. Stav;es, but it i.s lÍkely to be a conni,dez.ab*.e,length cf tÍme befor"e rfe e:per"j.ence th:i.s occi:rï,ence i,n v,i+stern ca¿ad.a. Nei,ghboi:.rÍng Ínterests nay, hower¡er¡ be wå¿Ling Ìjo pay åì sr:'ffr'cÍe'lt prrce foz' thi.s uater ir¡ the near future. v'Ihen the rremand fo:" ihis natez" i.nereases its varu,e to the pro¡.:a-'3' rever, 't,h.t sequence of d.evercp:me't wf,rl agatn ìoe governed" 'bT econo'ií,c cansi.der.,atl,ons. The proJect which requ,Í,:"es the towest .Lo ínÍ.tÍal- expenditu::e d.iverî; r¿ater wi,LI be i;þs first .to be constructed " Sinc+ the d"åver.sion r¡rorks at Mossey Portage anii. portage Mea'd"ov are requÍreri ån order" f;o p:"ovfde aTl r¿atev to southern rvranÍtoba, these rorould necessarfry be the first 'to be constructed. secon,d"ry, the d.iversion of the churchi.r-r River wou.rd be consiruc.bed." Although the ínftiar capitar cost for 'proiect this wou.l,d be gz"eate.tharr the cost of a pumpÍng in;rta,r.iatÍ.on at G.rand Rapids, the operatr;.orÅå-J. ccìst; e:rf pumpfng in the "Lt*'b.'ber ;eheme ffikes the unit cost of vater g:"eater' FinarJ-y, the Grand Rapids pu.rupíng ¡'^nstarration r,¡o*-rd k;e mad'e' The south sear- RÍver d.iversion, if Ít prove.$ economicar o{ :flor the prod.uct:ì-cn of pr:r*er o:; tJ:¡e Burrro"woo,å and. Nelso:r RÍver..e r^roulrl )-ikely be icehed.uled^ s,f..lru;I.taneous'J.y witir the Sturgeon*Weir d.Íversåor¡ ir* order to parti.aLJy rimÍ.rLtaÍ,n gene:.at5"ng capacÍty in t,he }¡Le.n;i.toba electrieçl gerrer"at:ing systera" As referred to

ån V"I", the +,:hesis by E. T, Wagner is Íntended. to d.eteruåne the mår¡,funu¡n d.ischarge reqi:ireuent to inaS"ntal"n the fÍrm cepacÍty of the Ne]-sc¡n Rfver Fclyer lleveloþnents. I,ühether the water

'woul-d he supplåed. fron J,ake l,ü.t.nnipeg o:: from another Fcir.rce,, su.ch as the SeaI R:iver wouJ-d be d.ecícleC by futrlre Ínvestågatic:,:ls.

Ar¡ alL.ternc¿tÍr¡e .$eqL:,*nce of d.evel-opu¡erirt coul-d be

"i,nf}'r.¡.enced. by the potentåal va,Lue cf the Ch¡:.rchåLL Rfve:r rliversion vla the Stu:rgeo:r-Ïlej"r" Råver: for the prorlucbÍc,n cf

Ïryd:'oelectri" c en,erCy st presentL,'¡r ileve Loped hydroe.Le ctrf.c

:installeiions. l't rny l¡e founrri. that the vail-u.e of the ,Lìc,\¡rer which cc¡u1d be prorJ.lrcr:rl. et 'bhe Grand. Rapids an,c1 Ke1ney üene:rat- ång StatÈons fs *'¿ffj.cienl tc: Jus'tÍfy develcrpment of the

Sburgeon-lÍeå,r d.iverriion Írl a eom-t"r:inatÈon wÍth the prèsenrly pJ-anned" d,iversi,on v:.a i;he Br-lrntwor:d RÌver" Tf t.hfs al_ternatá,ve d.eveïopment '¡iere fol,ior,^ied, the construc'tÍon of the di"version woi:ks at Mossey' PortagSe, and Meadow Pcrtage vo't¡Id d.ivert 'the crombfned flows of the Sasl<;atche¡uan Rl,ver and. Chu"rehi.I'I Ri"ver - approxårrntely 4trûr30 c.f .s" fn tota"L * into the T,ake l{anitoba r¡'a'bersk,ed.. The l"nsta,Llati"on of purnpÍng capacity at Grand.

Rap5d.s vor.lJ-d t¡e the fÍna-I phase of this d,evelopment" The devel- opment of the Sou"tl: SeaI River d.Èversion wou.l-d. Likely eoi.ncide çi.th the ínÍtj.aL phase of thÍs Þlân, whfch represents a consÍ.rl- erable d.íwi.nj,,qi:inq of flolrp; 'Lc the Nelson Ri,vei:.

O+ vïti" c0$r 0$, ÐivEnTED WATER vïïr" I" Intnod.ucti.on

Fhe t,otal eomt ,of ùhe r,ya'ber whi"ch woutd be'mad.e al'ai.l-

ab3.e at Leke Manj"toba f"rom -t,ire prerposed dåverslon sehemes woul"d be made u¡r of, two eLemen'ù,s - 'bhe annuat ec¡st of, the diversf.o¡1,

works amd, bhe:.arlnual value o:l 'bhe e,nerffir f"onegone by d.íversi,on

of water.ntiÍeh çouSd.other*¡:tse úiseherge tlrrough i-2þ feet of,

deveftoped,:heod'eÈ:;¥d.. Rapåds, 56- f,eet of d.eveloped head. at,

Island,.FalJ.s and;.ap¡:noxi"miat,e.ty 6t0 f,eet of heEd to be d,ev,e3-oped

on..the, Nelson-R¡iv'er .dt¡¡r$.m,g the. next 25 yes"r6;

The.a¡¡nual".eosg. of 'öhe d.åversflon sehernes eonsists of,'

the annu.al".;elaarges :a,¡rpXi.ed, to the d.eveJ"opnrent, expressed' ap a

pereentage.of the:capåta1 i"nvestinent- e.nd the eoet of enerry fon-

any purorpång.:vhåeh.-is. reqnlned, ín Èhe seheme¡ The an:rual ehanges

.on. s,Ïl".sehemes;;::eonsåst e,,f,. intenest, depreeÍ.atÍon, operat$.on and

:-maûntenanee*..üaresu:,.edmå:reis'g,retåon'and ånsuranee whj.eh amou,nts to

.f"þ ¡leæcent-.of,..'bhe-eapÍtaJ" reost" The e,ost of pumpÍngn at the

proppsedl.Grand,-.tsq$.ds Õpvelopment vtas based on a,n energy eost of,

mÈlls per kåtror+&'bt*heur 3 " Potenti;e] energðr fonegone by d.$.versi.on of water was

valued at 3 mtj-1-e per-kd.losratt*hour, assuníng that the Grand Rapf,d.s

:and. Nel"som Rive¡r power plants ean be plaeed. Ín the peak of, the f,uture system:lsed-eua',ve wùtir,out l"osç of eapaaity benef*ts" If thÍe is not

tnue¡ a coasf.deæably håghen va1ue must be-assigned. to the enerry lost,

from-'these pLentn-": The enerffir f,r:regorne annually at the Is1and,

Faì.Ls Generdtifng fitat-Èon wouLå have-a r¡'aïue of approx;.*meteJ-y 2

må-ll"i"o¡r:ðo.lrlare'a Fhe enerffir*foregone annnrally 'aù the Grand Rapåd,s

"ûenerat*ng Statåon woutrd, ha¡re a ve,lue of, epproxinatetry 5"0 mil"tríon rlol"lars " The vs,true of the energy foregone on the Nel"son 65 RÍver would be app:no.-xf.uately 76.5 nÍl-:Lion ilo"IÏar:s per ännum.

In this las"ú fnst&nce, í*: r¡ras asËrrmed. t3.rat Chu:"chill RÍver flows

vouLd cthei:wise p::o

the proposeü cliversj.on viq tb.e Burn,Ì:wood flive::.

VTTT. 2" UnÍt Cc'sts

Developmer:¿t of the Saskatcl:eluan Ri.ver Ðiversf.on to

Lake Maniioba vor¡l-d con\¡ey' I-6rt00r000 acr'e-feet per year to Ieke },{anitoba. The totat capÍtaJ- cost c,f this d.Íversion wouìld

fe $4ErOO0r0ü0. Âssr:¡oing anÊu,a:t c;ha::ges of 7.ifo, the annr-ral 'b,e ccst of +;his scrhe¡ne wouJ-cl $3r6cOrûoo plus $510001000 for""

enerm¡ f'oregon.e at üra.rio Rapids, pl-u-s $â4r'tÛ0r000 for energy

for"egol.e on 'the lle)-son ¿T.íve-r. Thu,s, the tota'J- gnnual cost i"s

$3e,60crccÐ or $n.o)t per acre foot.

.DeveLopment of tne Chu.rchlJ-L River lli,r¡ez"sl"on vJ.a the

Stu,::geon.-l¡üair ßi.ver l¡oul-tl convey en addi.tÌonal L6r000rO0O acre-

feet of ïil61'Ler arinua)Ly io T¿ke Me.ni"toba. The capital cos'b of

tl:ís ilj.version r¡ouiLd ne $t8rOOOrOOO, resu.lting in a.r* antrusl

cost of $tr3OOrOOû, whÍch u'or-ild "oe ad.d.ed. to the a¡mu-al errergy

ross at IsLand FaLI-s wor+.h $2rCOClrClOO an,cl the annual energy Lcs"

cri the Nelson Eivez' wo;:th $f6rTr:0,CiOO. Thus, the incremer:tal

cost c,f uater frorn the S'burgeon-We:Lr di.ver"sion would te $2OrO0OrO0O per year or $t.2i per ac;:e*foot" The unLt cost of water fron

this d.iver.'sion comiri..ned. r¡Íth tÏ¡e Saskatchervan Rfver

vouìLd. le $f .6)+ per acre-fo,:t at lake ivlanitoba.

Developmen'b of the pumpÍ.r-rg ånstallati.on at Grand

Rapid.r; as outJ-ined. pz"evior¿sl;v wc'uld convey 2Ir000r000 acre*feet

of r'¡ater qnr¿Ti.åf,ly to lake }4ani-toba ' llhe capital- cost of this

scherie woukì" tte considered a-q the cci;-t, oii ctl.lu¡ersÍorr of 1.;he

65 genereti.r¡g stfr,"ùion, $:¿?Búilí]âüü'.], p:u's she inåtÈa} ûevel"oi:,ment eost of $t30r0CI0eü00" Tirås resui.t,s ån annual charges of

$il¡l+00,000 p)"us en ennual p'u.r;..¡-r,ing eos'¿ of $grooou0oo and an annua-l €nergtrr l"oss.of ç35-;rYi)tiut),üíJ ,,on the lüe"Leorr Hi.vero Thu*e, the Í,nere¡ner¡tal ao,st of waterr f.¡r'one the Gra:r¡ri Rapíds pumpång i.nstatlat*,orr wou']"d t¡e $i5drl"û,]rüüt pe:r year or $2"67 per a,cre* foot-" The uni;tr eost of v¿a,$en fr,om al.JL thnee dåversåons aombår¡ed would ue $P"ûþ pen aere*:floot at Lake Manåtoba"

ç)i J.X" REC0I,Íþm]\T[}AIT0Tí$ AM) C0NCLUSIoNS

X. From sn engf"r:,eer':ing pc5,nt of v:ieu, ft'wouLd. be feasJ.ble tr:¡ d.eveJ"op the d,:Í,vers;lcr.i *c.heim.(rÌr:i inventågat;et1 in th'ís 'Lhe6:1s3 d.fversfon of' the Chweirít..ìt Rfver vtu the Ëturgeon-ltÏeår: Rlver fnto the Saiìi*ltr,rher,¡an Rl"ver, dÍ.ve'¡lctl,on of tlte Saskatehewan

Rfver ir¿to Lnke Ï,¡lanf'tc'b4.. m:td. r1Íve::såo:r, try p'tumpfng at Grar.¿d

Rap5"d.s of r,¡ater fvcrm Lsire lrlf"nrrÍpeg J,nto Cedar ï,al*:e and thenc¿r

tuo lske l4t¡rrftoha "

È,, Ðevelcrprneim'D of i;he tlhree &bov*r m+ntü,onecl. d"iversfons woulcl convey 53rûû0r00fJ äcre*fr::et per yearto Lake ivlqn:Í.'boba at a cost of $e.O> per acre-,:flor:rt, -,,¡hfï.e deveîr-opner¡;t of the fi"rs't two d.iver"sÍorrs woul.f, co'jrvey 3Ar000rC)*$ eter:e'"fee't per year at

$f ,¿l+ per ac:r"er-fc,o"L,. jJ. It ts reeonmendeel. 'b.hat, an i.nver¡¡'tf,gati,on be mnrle o:f 'the

SeaX- Rlver d;iv*rsloiî. 'Lr:' assesñ i..ts va,l,ue for fui,u,re T¡üate:r

Resou.rces P]-ann:i,r¡q.

4" Tt fs r"eeo¡ume:n,ået trrat a mor:e qi.etâ:i,Led. f.nvestfggt:!"cln be mnd.e af the three di've¡:'sior¿s or¡'tiT-J.il.ed. ín pol,nt I" c¡f thf,s chapter, 'bo aseess the effecte of aT'teri.ng water l-evel-n and fJ-ows on hurån activ:Lty, ff.shfng, forestry, rruÌ"nf.ng and. c1;her other reeolìrceË fn tÌ¡e greå,

5, As notecl f,n Chapte:r VIl, the Ch'urchJ.l-'J. RÌver: Dtversifor¿ r¡fs

'bire Sturgeon*Wei":r ßåver wot¡.T-d have immed"iabe energy tenefits at the tv:and" Raptös qnd Kell.nie;v Generatfng Stat3,ons, aË wei-T. as ft:"ture krer¿effts frorn Nel*on Rfr¡er pove:r d.evelopment. T,herefore, f'b would appear vorthwhi.Le 'bo inves:'t,igate co-ord:ination of 'twc; d.lve:nn.f.or¿s on the C}¡urc,nåLL Rf,ver - tÏ.re o.ÍversÍon via t;he

6{¡ llrrrntwood. to provlde energ:y beneff.ts now ancl to nafntafn tÏ¡e capar:ål:y of the Nelson po'rÌer siqtfons in the future when d.iversfons are contempl-ated., and the dÍver:ston vla the Sturgeon-i,fel"r to provl,d.e eTrergy beneffts no'w anð uultf.-purpose beneffte ln the f'utu,re.


Acres, H" G" anð Corcpany, "FLeport on ürand F,epåds Pa'oJect,, Rea'p¡raÍ.sa1 c¡f Sfter" X.955"

Ae:res, lf. G, and. Cour,p,an;/r' t"-[lr,- l':';r:.I¡osed Grend. Rapåd.s Ðeve}op- ff*nËr " ìt-96û "

Cnnao,a Ðe¡:art'men'b of MLnes and Teehn-.lcal Surr¡eys¡ "Atï-as of Canaðar " 1.957 "

Chow, Ven Te, "Open Channel- Hydraulfcs," L959"

Crippen, ü" E" and Assaciates Lå.må"becl, "NeIß-on R:í.ver ltevelcrp- m*lar, " Mårch, L96r+.

Fal).is, K. J., Manit,oba HytT.ro, "Some Co.nstructåon Aspeets of the Grancl Rapids Hydno-Eï.ea'[ric Dev,:lopmen*,, " T{gff¡ L965 " FÍlluon, G. 4.., Unåvcrs5.ty' of }tlan5..tob'a, "Reports on Test Frcgrammes foY Hyd.raulic Mod.el- S'Lurliee for the' Fr:cposecl Portage Tìi vers3..0r!,r " I_9&. .; ì .,.:t,;.::j.:!ï1. Filanagan' 0" L" t - "ReiT'os"ii on Propose'L Fower DeveT-op- rnent at; Birch lìapid.s ovr $'L¡¡egeon* \^Ielr RÌ.ve:1, -qa$kateher¡an for FJ'1n I'Io:r Synrciicater " December, t96[:] "

{ìa1ay, V., Iuhn3,'t^oha l,Ía'ber Cont::ol av¡.d Conservaiio:l Branch, "Portage ÐÍ'versiozr Ou.tl.et St:nrcture Mod.el S'tizdi.es, " :t"96)+ "

G:ibb Und"erwoc,d. and. McLeI-I-ail, "Report otr Chu::*hiìlT.' River ÐÍve:rsÍon, " Octoh,er, L965,

GLbt Underwood" and. Mcle]-lan, "Repo:'t on Brrrntvood Power Sites, " tr4arch, ',f.i66;'

Gordoni, G. E" , "An A.ppï-i.catJon of EnvÍronmental PrÌncipï-es to Commuinity F annång in the Sr¿b-ArctÍ"er" bhreh, 1965.

J,å,.skr'.',' F" E" , "Pr.l"ur5:-TurÏrf.nesr" L954 Progress Reporb"

Ku.:Lper, 8,,, Pruiri.e Farm RehahÌI-i.tatfon Arlministrationr "Tnteri"m ¡tiit$#14,'l Report Nc. B¡ Sask-atehewan River .Reclanrtn'nti cn ProJec-b, H;vd.ro-metri"c :i:iìriì+ ji: Surveys, tt 11954.

Kufper, 8., "t¡fa'i:er Resources Ðevelopraen'tr" f9æ"

Iakes ltri,rinåpeg and. lhn:ltoba Board., "Meai;;Jreet f]or the Control" ofl {:he-' W¿¡terr; of Lakes lüÍ"nnf,peg and- I,Þnftobä, " j'r;Ìxe, [958 . I4e.lniser.,O'E., "fly'drclo¡3¡/," Ighâ"

Iviud:"y, IT., [4anitsba W'ater Resources Bräncrh, "Tnteriim Report on the Ðaupilln Rfver Power ProJectr" iu.ne, f95f . : Ovsr:¡:gaarC, E' K., Man5.toba ÌIyd::o Systern Ï'laruaÍ.ng, "Coroparfsori of {irand Ra;nlds an,cl DauphÈ,t Rfver Pot¡er Pro$ects . "

Pat,*;erson, E. 8., Douånion ldat¿:r Fower Brunch, "Report on Reccrvsnså.sËance Survey of the Sturgeon*' hÏeS"r R:tver, " Februa:ry, 19âÈ. Pabtr:rsozr E" B, , "Saçkatchevran River - Grand Rapids ProJect, Reassessment Report No. J..r" March, L958.

Råes, H. und. \rtratson, T. L", "En.gínee,ri.r:rg Geol-og¡rr" t936. t'Repor'c Rl.lst, H. P. , on Proposed. Hydro*Electrf c Ðevelopmen't at Blrcb Rapl.ds, Sturg*on* ïfefv" Rf ver', Saskateher,ratn, r' \Toveuiber: r9r7. .rh,,:i1', .r. F. r., ;j;*H.:-'iåJi,Ëi',.T:;iiiï.oilo. r0",,

TodC, D. K, , " ßsoun'J l,later ÏIydrolcry." l]nðerwcr:d Melel-Ia:o and Associa'f;es LÍ.mited.r "Pelj'can Narrovs Sebtl-emezrt - Repor"t orl Flarured. Ccruinuni+:y Deveroprnenb, " Ivlarch, L9æ "

Unåvers,i.ty' of lvlan,itoba, 41l'*^n'rn, J,nl.er"-l.i.ecÍplånary' S'budy of i'Iate:" Resor:.rces end ]¡ia'ber UtilÍaatÍ.c'r:, 1n" \nlestern Canarlar" Febr*ary, L966.

LT.S, Bureau of Rec1av:matåol, "Ðesj"gn of SrnaLl- Ðams," A?PENDTX I



a) Opçracíon of, SÇoç4ge for Sturgeon - Ifeír Dlverslon


1" . Operêtlon of 33 feet of lfve storage on.Reth{eer Lake beüwee,n el-evatfons 100"0 and 113¿0" (Correspondfng êppfgxirp4telyIËo Geôdet,lc el-evaÈíons' L093 and 1106) " SÈoragç-çappslËy..fs 345,P00 s"f ;m. 2" 201000 s"f "m" stor+ge ça4 be obËained fr-orn drawdounn of reservoÍr area downst,ream of Reíndeer Lake, betvreen el-evatlons L093 l-085 and " 3; Maximum díverted flow wouLd be 251000 c,"f"s,, mfnf.mum t8r000,a"f.s"

4; Mlnímtm spflL4ge Ëo Island Falls r,¡oul-d be 300 ,c"f "sn

5 o Rule Cur\¡e as f olLor¡rs : Reservofr E1evaËion æ-Divension Release >L10"4 25,000 c,;f,.s" l-09"9 Ëo 1L0c4;, Rfsíng J-imb hydrograph ZS,000 a"f "s. FaJl-fng Jímb hvdrograph 101"e Ëo loe.e t3;333 å,f.T" 4101"9 18,000 a.f,s.

NOTE:Reíndeer Lake Inflow,,¡was rec,onstrucËed by usfng Relndeer Lake Out,floro, pJ-us or mínuq the eþänge ln st,orage" ChurehÍll RÍver flow upsc'ream of'Ëhe c,onfl-uence''lùfüih.the Refndeer Rfver riras reconscquçËêd by using dfscharge of the Churchil-l- Rlver aË Islqnd.Fal-ls minus Reindeer Rivãr ' åt the outlet of Reindeer Lake; b) Operatfon of storage for ReguJ-aLíon of Flor¿s to Lake Manftoba


I' Regul-at{on of 5 feeË of storage on.Cedar L; -,L. I,üfnnÍpegósfs'betweerr elevat,ions 829.5 and 835¡0 would provide t,he required sËorage volume of. L49,O0O S.F"M.

2" Sfnce there ís no'pumpíng requíremenË,when,therê fs st,orage fn the upper 3ã1000 s"F¿M" of Ëhe reservofr, t,he maximum,H"l^i.L" durfng pumpÍng at Grand Rapids would be 833.8" e) Operation of. Storage on Lake Ï,rrÍnnipeg

Ffve feet of :lfve sËorage on Lâke irlinnfpeg between.eLevatlons f,09 and f,14 r¿ouïd provfde thç requÍred purnpfng,eapacíty at Grand Rapíds,durfng the crl-tleaL dry ,'perÍod of record " _-, -:_ --.-.-- ."..,-.- - ASSUMED CONSTANT OUTF]-OW FROM LAKE IilINNIPEGOSIS - 72,000 c.f.s" .3 tn e"f.s. odÉo HH Ðr{ rt O ô0 ô0 B o os) 'j Èrl +rF+ Þ F rHå{ Op. C) rl l''¡ "r{ o .¡ O O | È Oel lq0 rl b0 $'r F{ Oh ,C.-f 'd o"rl ò0 "L{ o.u q) | +J þr 'rt Fl O od $o F o) 00 eJ h ÒOË Fl É Ñ årO O O 4J cs"ú u É Ë F Ê ${ (to Fo €Þ .rl .r'{ o *d "do o o'Ú daD O'ü rl E $rÞ -l d (Û $¡ O Sl"rl o -l +! $r .+-l S-t e) € ?-l E .r{ r{ ¡r É tr-l É oo -{ fit J¿ O ÞB .J dB .t¡Fl Ðv) çü d tH'.I ot4 Câ "r{ {l "rl ÞFl .r{,-l o > É- tr{E u) çi Ð F|f4 p o (U o U) C) o d "$-r Êo) oÞc) o.m d "H É (JF_< Þ' t uF4H 4É 112.00 4ú o ú ØF-{ v) ú ÊrFl FrQts] 59, ooo 1930-"Iune 16,000 19 ,400 112 37 25,300 -13,000 -13,000 " tl 66,700 5,300 -18,300 July l-3,200 8r400 tLz "23 -"14 "'loo '9' - il 55 ,300 :35,000 Aug. 8r 100 2,900 111.7r - "52 "16,7oo ' tt tl ll,?ll18,7oo za,3oo 72,000 SepÈ. 9r400 11,200 111_.54 - "L7 35 4oo Ocü. 9n200 L2 170O LLL.,42 -.L2 rr,600 e il :: :' 400 Ïoo Novn 10,460 ro,70o LLL"27 -e15 8,600 38 ,00û 7t,600 - -as, tr il 67 4,300 Dee. ro,/oo 11,400 llt.13 - 4,700 ,7AO - -39,700 "Lt+ :: :" It LLO J+ 3,900 66,900 - 51100 -44,800 193I-ian. 9,200 6,700 "79 -. il 110 49 3 ,600 66,600 - 5,400 -50,200 Feb. 9,000 8,100 " -"30 :: :: t+ ft 4,800 000 9 110.23 1200 67,200 - -55 " Mar. 8, 300 ,800 - "26 ll +.d43 79 r9o0 +'7r900. -/+7 ,100 Apr" 11,000 26,000 110.66 le'?ee ll + :: :: t5,600 78 ,600 + 6,600 -40,5oo May 14,9oo 22 r5OO 111 " t0 "44 rt ut 17 800 34,700 77 + 5,500 -35, oo0 June L6,200 23'.70O 111_. 63 +.53 rr rt r ,500 17,3oo 20,900 112 10 +.47 36 9oo 10, loo ,' ,lOO July " rr tt " Aug. 17 t7 ,500 LL2.46 +.36 28 r B00 18,200 ,500 :: ti :: Sept. 17,900 16 112 80 +"34 't 22 ,7 00 24,300 ,700 " It Oet 18, 900 16,500 1t3 .00 +"20 29,9O0 " 4600 L9,2oo 27,800 " It rf tl ft Nov" 17,100 L2,900 30 ,000 47 ao ll r 3oo 35 r700 It Dee" 14,100 16 30,600 !1, 5300 3;100 38 r 000 66,100 slooo 900 ,500 tl il - -40, L932-Jan, L2,4OO 13,200 25,600 ,' 600 3, 700 66, g0o -,5r100 ft ft -46,000 Feb 9,900 t6 25,900 900 4 r7OA 67 ,900 4 ,1_00 " ,000 " tl - -50;1-00 Mar" 8, 100 13,700 LLz "87 -lt, 25r 300 " 300 4,600 67,800 - 4,200 -54,300 ffi, ll Apr. 9r000 15,900 LLz.B6 -"01 12600 20 1200 83,200 +11,200 -43,100 May 15,900 25 ,800 113 .00 *¿ 14 37 ,9oo " 37700 40,10û ls,:00 80,100 + 8,100 ?f -35,000 iune 22,400 40,300 62,700 f 25100 52,900 77 ,900 + 5,900 -29,100 July 23,900 26,200 It 50,100 29500 62Ð500 87 ,500 +15,500 il " -13,600 Aug. 30, 700 23,800 54,500 ,, 24900 37 Ð200 62,200 - 91800 It -23,4oo Sepc. 34, ooo 15 49 1900 l-4900 28 r 300 z, roo 60 ,400 -llr 600 ,900 tf " -35,000 Oct 27 L2,600 39,900 7800 17,900 29 ,100 7 2,000 " ,300 ft " l\ov t8,900 13,9oo : 32,800 5100 L2r4O0 34,600 " It " Dee. 13 16,700 30 ,100 300 6,400 38 r 000 69,400 - 2,600 ,400 " rt tl -3;"Goo UÁ+ rr 6rooo 69 3e000 1933-"lan. 10,400 13 ¡ 7oo LL2 "96 - - 25 ,300 ,000 - -40,600 It rf ¡t Feb. 8, 800 8,700 LLz "67 - "29 51600 .68Ð600 - 3,400 -44, o0o rt tt tt . Man" 9,200 10, 200 J.L2.45 - "22 5 ,3oo 68,300 -,3¡700 -47 ,7OA

a LLz,45 700 1933-Ap:-Í-1 8,800 8,l_00 LLz.'L4 -"31 25, 300 25 ,000 300 18,000 38 r 00il 81,000 +9,000 -:18, goo il May 201000 37, l1"-1,00 u": 34,400 9"4Cû 50,30û /+UU ¡15, 700 +3'700 -,1t5Ð000 June 26r9A0 3-l,800 It 60, fûo tl 35, ,¡ût 53,700 78, ll0û +'6,700 -28'300 tl il +6 J".rly 23 r3OO 27 ,AOO 50,300 25,3oo 53 ,400 78,400 e 400 -21 Ð 900 il 1t 'i Aug. 24rZA9 8, 500 32,700 ,700 32,304 rlooo 58r900 -l_3,1-00 --15 ,000 il il Sept. 22,80t 8, 200 131 ! 000 6,000 24 e2A0 22,800 72 |l tt ' OcEo l_9r800 6r500 : 26 ?300 ir300 14,900 32,100 ll il ï0û Nov" iór900 11,600 z8,500 .3 r 5oo llr400 35,600 û8 tr j_5 :35 Ðee" 15,100 9,000 LLz.92 -. 25 ,3oo .i00 8r600 38 r 000 7 600 -. 400 3 4oo I a 4 7'r i? il n lt 19.3/+-Jan" i3r 700 6 b20A LL¿, I ¿ -?n 6,r00 69 å i0'J -2Dga1 -38 r 3[¡0 tl ll 81 Feb. L2,70A 9, 700 LLz.54 *.18 7,l_00 3l .. 7C,100 --l_,900 -40;200 11t 'l 1 il It lf Mar. 11,700 7 ,4oO .L.LL . ¿ \ B,300 tr 7.1-, 300 700 -40,900 tr tt il Apr i_"1_,800 5;5oo LL7- - ":!9 23,900 29 77,900 +5',900 -35,000 " "42 .*-".JO il tf ll ,000 Mav zirgoo L3Ð200 112 " 38 54,800 79,8oo +7,800 -2t r2AO tl .iune 3.5,000 :38,500 i_l_3 00 -"u_, 56 ,600 3l_,600 50,l-0û 75 ! t_ûo +3 r'i_00 -24, "i_00 tl " il July 33,100 28,800 6 i, 900 56,9oo 56,800 8l-, 800 +9 80û -r4 ,300 lt " Aug" 25,400 20,800 tt 46,244 2LrLtj 35 ,500 : 60,500 .=.1_l_,500 :25 ,800 ll ll Sepu 19n900 20,800 40,700 L5 Ð7OO 23,200 14 r 600 62,800 -9,200 -35,000 " It tt OaË, 17Ð900 13,400 3l-,.300 6,300 i-6 ,600 30 r"loo il il Ð400 tr Nov. 16r300 18,000 : 34,3ûo I ,300 i-5 ,000 32, iJ00 il il !t Dea" 13,200 _15 ,400 28,60û 3Ð600 tû,400 36 ,600 tt *2 200 .1935-Jan" 11,700 L2,7OO J-LZ.97 -"u.1 25 ,3oC 3û0 6r800 38 r 000 69, 80û u -37 Ð2Ð0 tl ll tl :t_12 85 . 5 8E t_00 *3 Feb 1l_,100 10, 900 " -.12 ,100 ó8, ,9C'Û -41, iOo " ll n It ir Mar" 91100 7 ,000 LLz.5L - "34 7r5û0 7o,500 -1 â 500 -42,6A0 tl tl It Apr" 10r2C0 7,800 LLz.2,+ - "27 t_9 r ûoo 35 79,600 +7 s 600 -35,0oo il ,600 May L7 r2OO 36,000 113 00 *. ¡=6 32 ,40il ? ,400 37 r 300 9"700 7 2 ,000 tl " il "lune 19 r 800 t8,900 38, 70û l_3 ,700 38,200 9r800 il .þ1,90û july 1-7,20A 2r100 1I2.78 - "22 25,300 300 48, 900 73,9oo -33,1_oû !t il ll :1,900 Aug. 16,700 8"100 LLL "76 - "02 44 Ð2OA 900 70, loo -35 ,00Ð ll tf 1t Sept 15,700 L2,700 LLz -L'll 22,200 24 l2 ooo " "87 Ð 800 r 83 tl tl tt 11,700 OaË" l-3r400 10,900 rr2 " -"04 35 o 3oo It tl tl 12 112 81 02 5 ,-3 Nov. 12,600 ,l_00 " -. ,500 38,000 68, 500 ,500 -38 ,500 il il il It De.:" "10r000 L2,70O LLz.'']L -.10 4r700 6i à700 -4 ,3oo -42 r 800 1936-Jan" 9,20A 11,500 LLz.54 -.u tl tl 1t 3 ,600 tr 66,600 -5 ,400 -48, 200 rl It tt tr !t Feb. 16,800 8,400 .3 r 200 66 -5,300 -54,000 fÌ r! il "200 Mar" 51900 5,600 112 .03 -"5r tl -59,800 il il 8l April 7,500 9,900 L.LL " I4 -.29 15 ,400 78 r 4oo +6,400 -53,400 ft \\, :r- ì

Áen 3 g8'+ 66 oo€ ?z ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ 86'90T 00ç'lg 00T'B 00ç:6¿- 00r + OOT: T8 l¡ 'rdv 00ç'oz t¡ tl ¡¡ €t"- 0T'9OT OOZ'L OO8'Z 009:88- 00Ë'ç + oot't-{- " r'EI^l ¡¡ ¡t t¡ ç€'- Tv'gar ooç'9 aog'z oo7,'zr- 008'6ç ¡t 008!z 'qêJ 006'€6: l8 t¡ il 6g"- çL"go]r oo¿'ç aoL'7' 0o?"2 3 00¿ " T8- oog'z1- oor/'6ç 8¡ c 'u€f-6€67 t¡ t¡ tt 6ã'- 7'1"" Lar ooÌ ç oo? 8 n 00T' zr- 006'6ç l¡ 006'z "îêc 0or 69: tt l¡ zz"- 6V'LoT 00T'6 CI06'Ë ¡å coo6ç t o0T'¿ç- 000'u r- 000'09 ooS € " ¡'oN 4B ¡l t¡ ¿€'- 69" Lor ooz'ç *' ¡t oaz'ç 000'çÞ- 009ç6 ffiz:7,9 u ù¿0'80T 'lÐ0 000 çT t¡ tl tl L_r'- 009'T 009"¡ 00¿'çË:- 00u 009'T¿ 000'gË € ":das aaçoz7 t¡ It tl oz" - 6i7'B0T 002 I 00ç'ç 000'¿ ¿ c0¿'08 '8nv 3.4 o " ¡¡ !l tl - ¿9 8or ooü'zr' 006'9 n T{ u + ? ¿ 009't't 0ûg dittl 000 ç[- 000'z 000' 6 0t¿ I " 8? l¡ u tl 8?'* ç9'B0T 005'ãZ 0c? 0[ 000 - ênÌrc 000'l-Í;* 000'çl+ 000* ¿6 ç? -L' çT " 008' 00Ç € 00T " 9[ il ¡¡ l¡ 80T 9¿ 000'?,9* 006 02.1 0Q6'Z.(¡ 3D -Cç.+ gg " "i ,{eioi It ¡t It 1,0T 000'gZ 00g'ç o + l') tc'o' f z 006 z 8:' 0ú8o¿ 0ß8: 6¿ ":dt il t¡ ¡¡ BE'- [i.' ¿or oot:'g ,, { 00¿'02 * GC1- " G6- 000' ç" l" 000 ii " Í'Ëw It ¡¡ It zr' ¿ oT ooç ç CIcrç'z 00tt'f. 8E'- "qes oûrl " ç6- 006' lr- 00T'09 ¡l gE"- oo/""¿ 6 ¿ aai'7 t¡ il ¡t oç"¿oT ooç'9 ûû8: É"8- 008 er-' 00¿ 65 åtr 'ttPf.-8L6r' t¿ t¡ lr"- 98'l-0T 006ut 000'f € u 00ç'I :Ð'Ðü 000 T¿- 00¿ "T'í* 00[ 09 ¡l nno{ç i:1 ¡t ¡l zE'-' og'8or ooo*¿ oo"L"t Y 0rJe " 6ç- t09'TT' 001 09 ô¡ "ôoN 00ç"8 li t¡ gF"- z9"BaI oo';u€ ocl["€ aolu ¿r¡- cû¿'g ".- 00t " ç9 ¡t gç' " '?-ro .i¡ t¡ ¡t ^ 80 60T 000'T 006'z 6 001: '0ï, 6 ooo'Tt;* 0úÇ6t '- 00ç ¿9 ¡¡ ooo u ooo +/ +das * 0cÌ¿'É î rù ç¿'- t9'6or B * " - CIOç 0¿ 0c-!0 " Ei" * " Bnv 00":; 9¿- *ßçsi ¡r go'- GB " 6G; oo¿ ¿T oo¿ 5 ^-.- { ¡¿ ooct ç, f.* UU\ i-T 00çn6¿ ûG?' çf toÏ' ç¿ 'Áini u ¡¡ t! 80'+ z6' 6aT 0G9' 91 a(J'="'!' 0Gi- 68 It êir¡'i. 0úç'"t t,- oûi'¿ï* at6'7,L It ÛilO"9 u t¡ Ç-i'+ f8'60T 006'9T u Oti ¿ CIg- 0C6"Q + co6'8i r!¡ \iûtt.'Zz gï' " oGû ftl^' o 4! ¡¡ ll ?' 6i 6Gi. tûç'ç1 ¿ fi0f"¿ + 0Gt e; tl It tç,';''ez ";r1\¡ 00lut9* It lt 60"- gg'6ci cocoTT c¡oiu9 ('\l'iç7 + aAiu *: i G06'¡ i 'lÉtrù Otl"?¿- tt ¡l gt"- ir"6C-t 0Gtr*9 0Ü8"i GClir 'Z ûG-t 'l ¿* 0t6," íT- û0T " 6:i ¡l f ÚÛ',iuf "qп1 r 'l u t¡ û0gngT Gt '6.i l.['* ii'011 0û"ì*1. o -' r:C[¡* z. t19- i;[¡7 l, 0cÊ 8g 11. 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(, UUT }( Þt. - 0OCI'çË- ttCT " ET'+. 00-f '06 00006 1Ê, xñn lR oní') 8j" 100 'r -69,800 Ju4e ii, i0{) 23, 300 107 .54 + lct ìoo flnn ¿11-900 o 9r7C0 "56 lr tl g jiriy l,2r7OO 15, 300 107.87 +"3:l 50,200 2 8 ,000 ? ,000 *2ir , Ð00 -44,800 il il ii 90ù 1l r OO 8 .=:ì 5 A,-,Ë" 9'000 23,300 .r08. 35 +.Eö 28, i ,800 + 9,800 ,000 ff tt il l'6, 30t1 l6,9oo 72,000 B 300 8,500 108 " 27 -"08 Sepr. tl tl -=39 ' _n7 I 100 :q8,000 6:Ì , 5ilO 4 o 5oo Ocr 'Ð 1600 I4 r:rgg tOB. 20 rl, - ,5Û{l " ll fl .10, i 108 09 .',i 61,800 20,J -49, 100 Nc,; ^ ,400 8*600 " ,00û rl ?l 1tr =-18 02 b, 800 63 o á0,J - 8?+00 r tû0 Dec. '6'800 8,300 108 " ^l It 1( lf tl !t 60, i00 L. :¡Ð0 8Cû .l-9l+O-;an 5 9, 70Q 707 3, 500 -i -69 Ê ,300 "87 It ll i! " .rî ;: +C0 59$200 .- l2 , Bûû -82,600 Fab- 5 990û 5,30q r0r " 58 -.29 u tt ll tr i00 jtlar" l+1400 5 qE Lrll 25 -"33 2, 100 59, -1.2,100 -95, lo0 ,'i " tl tt [? It i l+ 7L,Zoo - 800 95 ,9oo AËr. I 3"7Q0 106.9Í -.28 ,:19¡ 'i¡', .r )O ri tÌt il flfifì 97,û00 --Zir 0ü0 y1ð.¡l á '900 20,800 L0'7 å/j, ¿{10 u -Joo90o ,300 "26 tf il 10.r . &0 + ¡.+ 1l .13,500 .38 ,000 90 ,300 'þi8,.10Û -52 ! ó00 6r200 L6 ,600 ".i ll ";¡:.ne çi tl 81, tO,J 1Ð0 j*i-v 5 BCO L0] .zL =, t9 24: i0û + 9, -+:l, I "r00 ,j tj ? ,00û lr tl _37 ' 06 ¡ì,lû0 78, i00 + 6,i0Û ,400 :1,'-ig" 2rBCO 1,400 "66 -.5:; tt lr í9 7i, 50'l 50û Sept 2" 300 2 106 i3 -.,53 i4,236 - -17 ,900 ,400 " tf rt !Ê 1"5,00c Ii_,8ûû 20û '=38 ¡ i00 0c L .. L, l.00 5 ,000 r05.65 -"48 ll .- r? il 63,700 B 400 2 2 "105 i_3 6rloo - o:ì00 -ai6 r Nov. rt0a " fl n l: '.300rl 1+ ,4t+ 6.1 900 =.-57,.J00 Dee r 800 LOt+ - 4, i00 , ioc -t0, "69 TT lt " tl BI 6o,600 --i-.i_ +00 l0[ì 19'll-ian" 1Þ500 i,900 101+. 19 3 ,600 s -68 , il il ri i! +e Z, _59e i00 -i2 Þ iûû -81,000 Feb . !-, 6Û0 iuu L03.,12 tl 11 ì¿ì^ ll ii It i'lû Mar. l-r700 .; I t J\]V -93,3oo ll tl ?t 1,900 22 t03.91 +,tg 2I, 9û0 ¡8,700 + 61i00 --86,600 Apr" rì+AO, ll il -l-" a1 ;r0r50o .--; oo May 500 36 L04 / tf l-j 7 il0 - i, -88 '_00 -E ' "dgg "6',7 tl il il " t? 69,50Ð *90,6û0" June 3,Û00 30 105.19 +" 52 :12 700 - 2e5ÐÐ ,400 It 3t " il +.7 C ii 19 l-00 15,900 + J,900 -86r?00 ,"¡uriy 3,700 3i+ r{¡00 t.05.89 " It tl It ll 7 3 + Ir400 --85,300 Aug. 2,700 9 ,3oo 105.63 - "26 Lb 160A ,400 _r7 ll tl Íl 14 TF I L,400 600 -85,9oo SepÈ" 2,904 8,800 r05 .36 ,600 !l - lf tt It 66 5oo 51500 4'10 OeE" 2,600 L4 r2AO -105.28 -"08 9 ,700 F - -91r tl tf il ll 66 200 2r500 10 000 l-05 .04 9r+00 Ê - 51800 -97 ,200 Nov" r il tl J-t, 9¡ tl 59,800 Dee." 2'300 L2,9AO 104.90 - " I ,0oo -LZa'200 -ro9,4oo ii It ir 8f 8oo 1.91+2-"lan" 2,10Û 8r200 104.58 - "32 2,000 58, -.t3,2oo -L22,600 tl tl tl 20 2 59 ,000 -13 * 000 -135,600 Feb 1,800 6, BQo 104 " -"38 Ð200 fll " BI ft ù8 59,.204 ragg l-,500 11,600 103.98 - "22 2 ,400 -12,800 -148 , Mar. It il tl 700 103.70 -.28 ll 15 71,800 200 -148,600 Apr. 2'800 8, ,000 ili - E8 tl il l5â800 Þtay 4 1200 29 ,000 L04.22 +" 52 19 ,000 + 3,800 -.1_44,800 tr il tl 37 700 97 +25Ð000 800 ,June 6 700 15 ,400 104.33 +" ll 40,500 Ê ,000 -1I9 I ' *glr,900 1942-Juiy 7,800 16, 700 LO4,52 .+".t_9 19,100 l-8,800 300 57e400 20,800 97,o0o +25,,000 It tt tf :69,800 5 L04 53 3200 25 ,000 Aug " ,100 10,600 "40 -.L2 tt ft il 33 38 000 90 !00 +18,100 Sep E 3,100 700 103.84 -"56 Ð 3oo r o -51_,700 tr It 23 tl il 78,400 +- 6r400 0eË n 2r000 400 103 " - "6L 21.600 -45,300 tl It ll tl 4,ooo Nov" 3,100 5,300 LOz -"39 li_ 200 68 ,000 - -49 E 3oo "84 fl n " * 8t Ðec" 2,000 4,300 L02.37 -.47 tl 6,300 63,l_00 - 81900 -58, 200 tl tl It It 19/+3-Jan 2,200 4, Oqq l_0r 90 - "47 5Ð600 62 r4OO - 9,600 -67,8oo " It tl Feb 101.36 -.54 18,300 18 r 000 4,700 60, ;i00 300 -7 9, r00 " L,800 r,8gp rl -trl, l_00.78 It il il 5r200 6L1200 -89 Mar. 1,500 e90 -,58 lt -10,800 ,900 It ilt it +20 :69,500 Apr. 2,800 4,000 100.36 - "42 36,400 92,&oo Ð 400 ll !t tr g:7 Mey 5 l+oo 19,9oo LO9 + "26 48 30,800 +25 r0Ð0 -44 r 500 "62 il ?,200 ,000 ' =r- .:u It !ç :35 Jrrne 6,300 20,:300 100.92 " 35 u 600 27 þ900 Bi,500 + 91500 r 000 *.5-l tl tl il July 7 ,300 25,500 10r.45 50 o 200 3â800 72 .+"44 tl tl Aug" ; 22,800 10r.89 ffg 38,400 i5,600 ' lf ,500 100 80 lt It ll _ lr SepË 5r900 9,900 l-01" -no 22 Ð 300 31¡700 tl tl 53 -.27 ?l 7.2 OeL" 60000 5,000 tOr " rzjt) 38,000 68,200 '. :l ô 800 :38 8oo tl tl r Nov. 6,100 10, 000 i0.l .4.5 -"08 tl g,600 ?l 65 ,60û "= 6â400 *45,200 il il lt Ðee. 5 ,400 8,600 L}L.29 -"16 tl 4,300 60,300 -t:,700 :56, q00 î1 tr tl .1.944-"Ien" 5 1i00 101,07 ll 3, 900 !1 59,900 ,000 7 å tl -12, t00 -69, 000 Feb 4,100 100 1C0. 70 - "37 ll lf l'' ¡00 tt 59, =:i2 " 4, ll "?00 ,.100 - 81,300 _. 39 tr ?i Ma-r" 4, lû0 100 3.r fl 3, 60Ð .59,6{10 ä 400 *93, 3r200 " ll -J_ , 700 - 1I !f ii il Ap r" 5,600 4 -100 00 2.i ,200 ;=7 n 200 r liuZ00 i:i00 " rl tl ii -88,500 llay 6, 200 lo,900 *.-.1100 - ì.100 fl ì 7, 500 l3, 5û0 +. i-o 500 ll il t, -87,000 June 6,100 :6600 - 55t0 -;1j i00 87 ioo 100 :7."tr9OO 6'7oo tr , , tl5, i"i.û-n0 ll It j i:i-y 6 ,000 -5500 52,0û0 27,000 91,Ðû0 +25 ,000 -l+6 900 "13,300 tl ll ¡ Aug. 5 100. 21 +"41 ft 38,6û0 27 l0o 83, 900 +.1I,900 ,8û0 23,600 tl , -35 ,000 +,.31 tl rl Sepu 5 r_00. 58 2 7 26 7 2,000 " ,900 22,400 tl ,500 ìSAIJ J-\a+ + qt t! Uçf . 6,600 .12 i-00. 60 "O2 [-1 38,000 7 1,400 ó00 :35 ? 300 il ,400 - s 600 Nou. 1,800 100.42 -"18 il il 7"600 ?t 6l"60o 8'1t00 5 ,700 iti - -i¿¡,000 f\^ - 100 4i -"01 ll It lf UÇ{ . i, 300 l_0,800 " 4, 800 ô0, 800 -ii" 2OCI -:55"¿00 il tl ¡tl L945*Jan" 7 100 10 -"31 il -l 500 59 500 *6?,!00 ,000 2,90C " ll " 3 -L2,5Ð0 il tr lt Feb 6, zÛo *4400 - "26 L,'¿AÐ 60 = l-, 800 79 " 4,400 ll ,2_t0 l - :)00 -6800 tl It * " Mat, 5,;00 5'7oo -13 200 4 60 u .'¡9 li, 100 -s0 o 900 " il tl '-10Û ll Apr- 5, 500 ?! ,'1+ -100 + 2,100 12,;6¡ It ì.8 i:10 5 8å n /il0 tt tt 'Ii "f4ay B, ;00 2.,504 -lB, J00 -7100 29 , LO] 8., i00 -¡Í,ó00 +9600 tl It =ii.i00 *I une 1 0, /+00 700 lr 4¿ ó0,1 16, +Sf 9?,000 17 ,l+00 -8, il , t2\,ÐOt -:û å bCO +7i00 1l rt Jui Y l_+, 900 *i,600 19; i00 2û, i00 8,? ,6C0 ti5,5ût *lì,000 n *S ro r:age vo.Lume V^l 1S- Reind.;ei L¿ke. 18,000 300 30,9.oo 23,100 7 2, ooo -35,000 1945-Aug... 81290: .91800 -1T00 -300 t8 r 30o rl It tl 20,600 33 ,400 s-*'pË 6,900 11 4oo It 1t " ¡¡ It oçË. 13,500 11r' 200 100.16 +;23 tt 18,600 35 ;400 r! It tf 66 100 51900 13 700 l_0,400 100¿37 1 *¿ 2l : 10,100 38 Ð000 r - -40,900 Nov" r ' It I il l:00 il 88 6r800 62 s80O - 90200 -50,100 Decq 11''3qq lQ,500 ?59 . :!.e'13 _ rl rr. tû 0-00 . 62 l-00 9,900 -60 e 1946-Ján 9 10,300 i"00.56 +;06 6 ,l_00 e - ,500 rt . tl :70, qoo. 2;199, r00.26 n. tl 6e000 62 ,0Q0 -l_0 ,000 Feb. 8¡000 -u30 :Ü tt ,7 l-00"12. n, It 6,800 62 |SAO - 9,200 -79 ÐZOQ Mar. ' à,200 7'3qq' -.14 It !t , +19; 500 :59 ; a;ooo 13 l_00.24 +.1-2 ll l, 35,500 9t r 5Qo Þ700 MF' ' TBa tl t1 ' tt 25 "'8 81 300 + 9,300 -5or4o0 llay 13;700 11,:l'go l-00.50 +t"26 ,300 â ll îç :35 000 il 34 3.5 87 r 4oo +15 r 400 å Ju-ne 15 e:100 20,r5gg 101.13 *¿63' ,4oo ,000 'lt r! tt ' it . 72 tø:" 'l JUJ-Y F8-;600 101-.69 +.56 43,l-00 5 nQ00i rO0O . ti ll 400 1.01.39 n r 29,400 24 1600 :' Aug. 9r700 -.30 It :: r 1ô !1 tl i 1l-;800 l-Ot T o J-!- 20, lû0 33 ;900 sepJ 9,900 " 5l ir '7LÐ200 4Q0 101.35 16 il !t 15,200 38 ;000 800 0e L. 13,6oo -. r! ll -35'800 Bi ri 6t+,700 ,îu300 Nov¿ 7 á.t_00 5,4öo 101 l4 -.2L , B, 700 - -43,166 " i l¡ îr !F 100 96 tl 4 60,200 - li, 800 :54;9Q0 Dea 5,Boo ¡3600 " -"18 1200 " rt ' it It il. 5CI 5r800 6i Ð 8oo -r0,200 .- 10û L947*Jan'" 5,300 s00 100 " -.46 ri -65 r il tl . !l 61r 4û0 600 Feb 5,r00 1.2,4A0 100" 47 - .03 5 -t_0 â -75,700 " ii tl ?.400 tf u8 62, i:00 9r9oo Mar. 13á 600 . , 6r1û0 - -85,600 4j700 rl il NI AFr" 4r400 8,900 l_00.29 -.18 il , 28, gqo 84,900 +L2Ð940 -72,Vgo l|. tl May L4r2O0 800 100. 17 -.L2 !l 5L,5oo 27 ¡50O ?7 î,9Q0 +25;000 -41;'Vaa ¡t tÌt 3r 84, 700 ç12,r 700 _3s, June L7 þVOO 6 1700 1C0.39 +".22 46,9oo 19,8oo lf t9 18 46,800 6 72 ooo JulY i7 ! Qoo 43, So0 101 " 91 +L"52 ,l_00 ,400 e ll I "800tr rî ' Ì8 , l?o Aug'" 19,900 1;500 101.99 +" 08 30,1O0 23 Ð 100 il. ' ¡l il tr ll SepË 15;300 24;9aO Loz:i6 +"! I 23,900 29,300 , , tl il ilt ' 22,70O 30 500 !î tt OoË ¿ 16 ,4oo 42,700 LOî ¿23 +Li47 r 104 98 +" 75 8t 89 rt t6,600 ,p Nov¿ t6,700 23;000 " 36,600 il fr !t . Dec¿ 14 r 500 15;300 t o5 .37 +.39 ro;0oo 38 ooo 66-,800 - 5!200 -¿0, zoo Bi ¡t. il " rî 1948-Jan" 12,4oo 10,000 r_05.49 +" 12 9 ,300 .6'6 Ð loo -,5r900 . -46,l-00 It tl tl tl Feb. t0, r00 7, ooo L05 -.07 7 Ð200 64 r o0o - 8,000 -54, i_00 "42 tl !P fl ff Mar 9,500 6,4ø0 105 .30 -.L2 6 ,40o 63 ,200 - I,800 :62 1900 " It It tl ll APr. 9r100 7r100 105.19 -"11 IL,700 68 r 50t - 3,500 -66 r 400 ll . il. tt May 15, ?00 18,700 105.75 +.56 79,600 98 ¡ 4oo +26,400 -40,000 il June L2r20O 16,600 106.80 +1.05 300 100, 7 00 100 ,700 +28 u 700 -11r 300 tt 107 13 .+" 33 l-9 r0o 18,800 78 97 +25 FUL,Ï, JUIY 13,800 L4 i4OO " , r 600 ,400 ,400 n f9 81 LO7 +"33 51,4oo 70,2oo .1r 800 Aug" tB o 800 9,300 "46 -.1,800 - 'i +-.62 !o aìn 18,800 _100 l2:7q0 5"1, 500 -20,500 -22 ?3OO î948-Sepr 15,600 20,5oo r08 " 08 î? tl ii9 o0o 22 -i-" 15 ò 400 25¡I00 59 Ê 100 -i2,70û -35 Ì Oct. 13, 200 9,800 108 " 14 tl It il 63¡800 8,200 -43, 200 Ncit l- L, 000 6 i08.15 '-"07 lr00ù 38,000 - î2OA ?-?: " tl ti ?00 60, 5oo i,,5û0 700 Dec.. 9,800 10,800 108.21 +.06 l, -i -5å, rrt ?? il tl .-i2, 59,900 L00 u 800 L9/Á9- jan" B, 3oo 8,100 I0B. l-r_ -. r0 3, ì.00 -66 1t ¡t n{ 3? il 2 59,50C 12 í¡eb. 7,440 4r800 t0 7 ;86 - ;500 -í9r300 tl if tl ''l0o tt i_l 900 i-01 54 *. J2 ._t å 600 60,400 - ,500 -90 $ Mar'" ti , 200 3, " '¡i +09 It t! !" i07.47 -"07 25 , iOil 8-L,900 + 9r900 "=8 , CI00 Ap{. i ,5û0 e,6Qg tl It q00 !! j-f igg l+, 500 +- 21500 -78, IYa,v .ì-l,2oo 34 i08 43 +" 96 r | 49CI " ?i rlq ? Ë lfin 2î 90,900 r18, 9ûC -59 $ 600 ,Jutne 22) 100 '+4 109à93 +.1" 50 25?000 ,900 ? "3q0 ,ii tf ll +1 5 i 800 July 22,800 33,900 Ltl.0B +¡_. ì_5 24,800 BT , q0il ,800 -'+ , tl tt q¡ .+ R RôO ::]55000 i -^ +,-1.00 25,2oo itj,600 B0 ¿r'jB' zil Ð200 28,3q0 l" t2 .08 ,80û t1 il 39 "i-" 3 i. 15 F 200 ìi,8rl0 72,000 SePt. 22 Ð 500 lt,4oo 1t2 " 'l tf !i 'i6 lto t1-2 39 ri iû,2c0 8oo ûee. L9,3oo 16, " 78 -," 4qo , It " _ I.l . l! ?u l* å00 :n_q i12 98 -,/-U "í 3 Ð 500 Nov" 13 * 6oo r ¡ ,200 " 1É 7^^ .. tl ,x ;8,000 ,-- 4,800 .=:i9,800 .Ðee 800 l-13 ó 00 7ûû ,2ù0 67,2t0 " .10, 15,400 -.0ì ,t8 EI 5,6ù0 å00 J-950*i,an^ 9, o0o þ,70q !.J-2 *.35' 25 ,300 3û0 3,&0c 66 r4Ði) - -¿+5; " "65 tl 8Ì t? 33 tl 4;3Ð0 67 '- 4, /:t0 -5ù ,1ûC Feb 7; +00 9 r,100 112 " - "32 ,3At " ll l3 ft ì8 -' 800 Mar-'¡ 3,600 t11. ?B -"55 å3zto 61 r24û '+, -54,900 6r600 !r . ' 'It tl tt . 15, 700 78 ,i00 r- 6r700 -lr8 ,200 Apr. 6,090 irl. " 3r -"'+! if It ll 33 8oo 26 " +i3, 200 CoO May 7,9C0 26,'lAA lll ;65 +.3& â 85,200 -35, . l-r iiB ^eOO 9s +" 30 È! 29;8-tÐ LT TZAA 72,000 Ji'¡ne 13 r 800 19,800 riI. ll 13 t? t¡ 49120{) 7!+ + 2,200 -32,800 JulY .[2, 800 À7 ,300 Lr2 " r20Ð ,- lr It t¡! 37 7r500 2,200 -35 000 l_i"u 5oo 9,600 1r L. 9B ..t5 ,:JÛÛ 69,800 - " "{ug. tl ,t lf {+00 Sepu 11,000 ltl,:300 ilr 87 - ¡l 21, 2-> Ð6tA 72 ,000 " iii 3i lì¡? H i3, L00 33 900 VULô B, 7oo e; loo LLL;60 - "2V Ð il il It l+oo u.¡ tr 38,000 70 600 - 'l -36 þ4AA No ¡ 7,00Û 13,300 LL.L.{+2 -. r8 r6jt E ' ll ll fl li8 * 3, 700 7 t-tI.1_9 5r300 68,300 -40,100 Dee" ,900 li- r 000 ll . ft _ 2,1 il lf 6,20û 2r8oo -42,9O0 195l-J¿n" 7 ,300 7 ,9oo t_l0.82 69,200 - ll l¡ tl 5u5tÛ ûr 68 500 1,500 -46 rtagg Feb. 6 ,200 4, l0o LL} "2"¡ -"55 o - tl lf n il * *.51+ 5 ,6oo 68 * 600 3'l+oo -å9,800 [iar . 5 ,900 4 r600 i09. i3 .t! !-t +1.!_ 2ó,800 83,6oo Ê 600 -38 r 200 Apr. 6 ,100 5,700 r09 "46 - "27 19, i_00 18,800 ) il '300 b,300 i May 110"31 +" 85 25,.100 ç. nôí-t 5J,.300 l8, + -3 ,900 12,000 36,600 lr 90 .r- 59 L È! t6,roo 8l_ ioo + 9,i00 -2 2 , 80i) ,J-r:ne lIr000 24,400 trO " " e tl il il +1 ,:r 800 Br00c J,ulY 15,400 16, loo trt t3 + 6 1 ,800 B6,800 o - " "23 IE tt It _1:i 000 +..1.01000 F-LJLt Ar:g. i6 ,900 li, loo r,11" 23 'r.l0 s 82,000 ì n? !t tt tt i+:i Ì00 t"300 - lr3û0 Sepe 15,300 4,600 I I -"20 , 70, i00 - 64,3oo 7,7oo 9,000 25,300 25, o0o 300 39 â 3oo - - l-951-Oct 14, 300 3r4oo 110.75 -..28 , tl " il , r! 50 -2L,700 39 25 ,300 ,300 -30,70o Nov¿ 1l-,600 3,900 110 " -.36 tl * i? 0t 14,000 za, ioo 67 |TOO -'4r3oo -35,000 Dec. 9,900 7,600 110 " t0 "29 ir tl ri . 7r5oo 38 0o0 70 '1e 500 -36,5oo 1952-"Tan 8,400 3,500 109 61 -.49 r ,500 - " " !l 8,100 ?? 64,900 ,7 i-00 600 *"¿o 19,100 t8 Ð 800 - Ð -43, Feb. 7 ¡9OO 4r000 109 .35 It It, ' 0r 8e500 65,3oo 6 r7OO -5o,30o Mar" 71100 2r800 109 - "34 - "0r il |l 8t 42;200 26,,300 87 +l-5 30û 000 Apx 71900 B,100 108 90 -.i_L ,3oo Ð -35 e " " tl !l It 64 83,700 +lã 700 300 May 7,700 r,l, 100 108 89 -.01 Ð9A0 Ð -23, " tr ll rl 48, _100 66,goo 5,100 4Q0 Junë 9i200 20, 600 109.28 +.39 - -28 r Ì! il il 65 83 +tl,900 13;800 17 tgo 109"7r +"43 ;1-00 ,900 -16,30o Juiy s ... iE il tf : 52,500 71e300 700 0oo LOg +" 06 -17 Ð Atrg, i3,000 7,gpo "77 tr ,11 . 'q! 32,300 z,Tso 90 ¡ 000 +18,000 *35 Sept" 13;100 t5,300 l_09 99 '+"22' ,000 " 18 18 700 28, 300 72 l_09 91 25 25 ,000 r ,000 Oet l-l-, 700 il-,300 " -"08 ,300 tl il tt " il 13 5oo 33,500 Nov. lIr600 12,9q0 109 .88 -"03 Ð '¡! 38, 000 62þ200 9,800 Boo Dec. 91800 12 Og0 109.98 +, t0 19 ,100 18 ,800 5,400 - -44, | il l1 67 4, B0o s 8oo - 4¡200 -49,0oo l-953-Jan" 8,200 6 ;400 t_09 59 -"39 25 ,:300 25, oo0 il " 'ùr 6l_ 3oo 6,990 L09.44 19, !00 18,8Q0 4r500 e -10,700 -59 eToo Feb 8,l-00 - "15 ¡t li " it. î8 62,600 -69;309 Mar; 7 100 3rQCIo 109 . tI -"33 5;600 -,9e600 s ff tl ¿+ ri il l-8 100 7 Ð,9ç0 + 21900 -66 Ð4Q0 Aprn 7,000 7 rzøQ 108.93 -"18 Ð ir It 35 too 97 0oo +25looo May 81500 108 99 +"06 tl 43, i_00 ô e -4i-,400 +3,309 " tl Íl It 57 600 2 65 Ð 600 61400 17 l-09 r.9 +.20 e - -35;000 June 7å800 ,000 " il ':00 8t !E +19 700 I 100 tl¡,40Q LOg,020 +.0L 72e900 91e700 p -15,300 "Tuly r ir 'rf 109 * ll 52;800 71r 600 -. 400 -15,700 Aug. 7,500 7j360 ,04 rL6 It t¡ t! 0oo 79 + 7 *32,9oo L4,ZQo 109 +e07 36 Ð Ð2oO suPË 6¡9oo !t '?oo "11 ll tl t8 200 32, 900 6e;e?o 2Þ100 -35 r 000 Oeü" 7 r4OA L2iLØa I09 l-4 +"03 ó - " tl il 38 000 68 1oo 9or0o t_0? lt !l Ii-D 300 e r -i3;900 -.ä8 ,9oo Nov. 91400 " -"03 9l . Et It ' It 5 . 61 r 900 *tr-O 100 -49r o0o Dee" IrB00 9 ,8Oo 109 -.02 ,100 il ¡ "09 m 9l ll 6r. LOO 0B u,190 -l-0,500 -59,500 1954-Jan" 7,800 11, 109 " -u01 rl ? f,ao 'rr _ il tt Ìl 000 Feb 7 a,ld 108,80 -70 e "' ,300 "29 tî rl il_ 81600 4,300 109 s1 tl 6r600 63,1+00 - -78 ,600 Mar; 61800 -.29 . " ll tf It 4 lt l_0 r 700 67 ,500 - 4,500 -83 r,100 Apr. 61500 e7A9 L08.22 -.29 It n 0! 33,500 +25 000 May 8,700 1-6;500 108.44 *;22 44,704 97,ooo ? -58,100 tt il ft to':oo 9s;100 +23 ooo June i-3 200 2t, ooo r-08.99 +" 55 66 ,300 ;100 -35 , r !t l! JuLy 16,000 2r,700 L09.67 +.68 ¡$ 73 1200 92 ,000 +20'000 -15, ooo il il It 78 61800 8,200 Aug 24,1-00 6,600 t10 10 +.43 60 ,000 ;800 + - " " li 69,800 94,800 +22 ,800 FULt SePË. 30'000 5 ,000 LLO "46 +"36 25,300 25 ,0oo +.25 tr tt ll 59,4oo 8l_,400 0cË¿ 21r800 10,400 110 " 71 6Þ400 6,400 195A-Nov¿ 18, 900 3,900 ttO .62 -"09 25 ,3oo ,\ ôno 300 4oo ó00 65,600 - - tl g¡ ir Dee. tl,900 1r0 78 28,800 60 e200 -.tr, Boo -18 ¡ 20o t7 ,800 " ll il 7 ,70O 1-[0.67 -¡tl tl l-.1 ,000 ¡,zao 55,200 -16 ,800 195-5-,Jan " .14, 6oo -,''loo 1 Ir tt . Fe-b 9 r2o9 110 s6 -'l ?E 12;200 34 ;800 72'Ð100 " 13, i-00 " ti Mar. 3,100 110.18 -"38 It ll 9â7oo 37,300 : 11;100 t? APr" 7 ,100 110.04 -.14 l8 il. 40,900 u':oo I4,40o t9 29 ,11_t 23 !l tl 64 100 89 100 +17 M'ay 28,400 ,300 " +1"19 n r r100 -rf ,9oo ll 81 17 83 1t 66,204 200 +T9 FTJLT June 24 500 ,200 lll +.60 9t Ð Ð200 r " 1! lr tt 5.7 300 82 FULL JuIy 7 ,200 LL2"O2 +. t9 D ,300 23,300 il . Îf 42 _100 67 Aug. 18,800 9,000 112. rt +" 09 â 300 - 49700 - 9 ,1-00 .qÎ .. " 0 .111" 75 rl tr 2i 300 46 100 800 Sept t5 ;500 -t36 â - ,300 -25; -34 Ð ' !l ÚB 9t .15 000 31"800 800 200 ocq. 1r,800 2;600 11r.35 -.40 â 7I6 -J5,o0o il il Nov" 12;800 5,100 ,111" 08 - 't7. lt 5 ,809 38 , ooo 68, 800 - 3d200 -38,200 It ?t tf 83 - Ît . 5, t00 6B á too 31900 Dec" rl,600 5r900 110 " "25 - -42r'Nf) It rl ft 5 300 Í9 68 300 : 3n700 1956-Jan" l-0 r 500 3r900 1l_0 .43 -"40 , D -45,.8O0 fi fî Ír. Feb" 9,500 2,400 I09 87 - ".lo t? 6 Ð200 69 ;200 - 21800 -48,,60U.- " ! ç, nrìn i? Mar; l-09.61 - 19,.i,00 .+vtvvv it ó; s00 63,300 : 8î 100 -57 ,3oo y,oo 3r400 "26 tl il 9, rl 2r;9CI0 78â700 + 6;7û0 :5S,600 ,{Pno 5,200 L0? "42 -.19 14 It tf tl 69;100 : 87 900 +15,900 700 May 12 40o l0;500 i09 +" r -34 Ð r "56 tl tl :25 Jtrne 600 i09. tl +".15 J9 62 á:_oo 80 900 + 8,ÈÐ0 ,8oo 10, 12 i 700 il t¡ " J'U¿y l+ 109 .5 7 It 50 ¡ 500 69 ,300 - 2r7}o -28,500 1.r,000 r 300 -.L4 il. ri Attg. 12 800 109 &5 ii 37 ,80Ô 8Ð9oo 65 2500 - 61500 -j5,100 r 3;100 " - "i2 ll _ tr 24',2A0 29 000 72dR00 Seq! 11",,l-00 U L09 ó "46 "29 i8 il Oct 10,500 100 108 85 tl r_6;600 36;600 " " -.31 il i8 _"1:¿ ll 10;800 38; 67 41400 4oo Nor¡ r0 200 l+ 300 i08.68 Q00 ,680 - -39 Ð " ? s ût tr 1f Dee. 108"52 ?l 5r500 62,300 - 9,7A0 --49, ioo 9,500 5,200 - ":l-6 tl il !i 1C 4 1957-Jan¿ L08 ¡600 6I,400 -10 E 60Q -59 Ð 700 I Ð2OO 3,000 "27 -.25 tt il rì! tl 3Þ4oo I'cb ¡ 9,300 rr000 LAZ.95 -.32 60,200 -ri" ,800 -ì71 ,500 It 38 It 8Ð800 107 69 it 4,400 61,200 -10;800 -82,300 Mar" 3,200 " -"26 'tt il q9 APr. 107 5r It 20,30Q 77 ,L}O + 5eI00 :77 ,2oo 9,4oo 4r800 " -"IB il !l May LOB"27 +"76 ?l 52 ,500 25 r7OO 97,000 +25,000 -32r2oo 16,600 23,300 lt ll June, 22rL00 23; LOg +.96 tl &8 ,200 22Ð200 89,200 +17,200 -35, ooo I00 "23 t? JulY 110. OB +.85 |i? 32 ?2OA 21,000 21,700 20,500 ll At¡g l-10;40 *"32 25 ,000 25 ,000 tt 2o,500 26 D5O0 "'lo' " 20,500 13,600 il tl tt 1r0.58 +" ril 18,200 28, Boo Sep-e t5 o 4oo t&, 700 i8 il lt . OeÈ _ 1? tr i3 -?00 33,700 " 12 ,5oo 9,200 110"45 tt tt ' tì 13 ,500 3:3 500 Nov. 1r,100 9,000 LLl "26 -.I9 " 7,300 70 j 300 1r?00 -36 sVoo 195 7-Dec. 1.0 400 8,700 Ito 03 -.23 25 r.:'00 25 ,000 300 - â " il t! tt "11400 68 : l95B-Jan" to,000 5 ,000 109.6s -.38 "'lno ,400 31600 -40,300 . 62 9, 60t) Feb. 9,200 5,600 LOg -.16 t9, loo t8 ,800 5,600 ?¿+00 - -49 ,900 "49 tl ll î! 65 6p 3C0 9,100 3,700 LOg 61900 0100 - -56 e200 Mar " - "23 "26 i! û? 37,400 93 r 200 +2L à2C0 :35,000 APr;" 12,600 9 ,000 109 d 35 +"0,9 " 37 , o0o rr 72,ulo0,, It 2!+ 25 42 1600 4 ,400 May t6,3oo r400 109 .9r t.56 25 ,300 ,000 ?! i.5 600 +.30 il, tt 42,500 år500 June t7,9oo n r10 21_ " tt i It " ?i ir ir lal, 17 15 * 400 +.27 QQû 5r000 "I'ulY ,400 ;110 " 48 zì'' tt 10,600 1l_0.46 il. ,' 31,900 t_5 100 Aug. 14,500 -"02 " It It r? sep.r. 10 ,400 110" 44 -.02 'ìf 17 1400 29 il il ,' ^600 ::' tl Oee t4,000 1.1;200 I2r700 35 300 " ?! " /+00 e 35 ._ no ir ir v 70,900 .- lÞ i_00 î i.00 Nov" 13, ItO " 3900 -36 ':00 n rl tt /-¡, ="l" :-40,700 Dee 1-2;300 L.Lo _OJJ {Qg 67o¿+û0 = 4e600 " "22 1? L959-Jan" r0,600 6,7OO 109 .93 - !rl ¡ç 5 ;40Q 68,4oo - 3,60Û -44,30o _ "2gq,o tl tl 68 000 40000 :¡+8 30û Feb, 9 ,500 5r100 109. 54 5,o0o ? - r " ,-57 Mar" 2,600 109.28 - 19,100 18 800 ''q 5 r6ao 62r400 - 9,600 ¡g0o "26 " i! ¿i it 9o,600 +r8 30û Àpr" l_0,300 r 000 rc9 " l0 - .18 " 33EBoo ,600 =39 r It tl '4 May i5,900 16,600 r09.59 + ç! 23, lot 34,400 ?6â3oo r ,3û0 - 35 ,000 "49 n! 3B,800 ri_o 94 2:5 25 I:l 500 72 000 June 23,300 " #f:.35 o 300 ,000 " 33;)oo ¡ e il ,r' + 3â400 july 23;600 20;1.00 111.61- +.67 50 q 400 75 Ð 4oo -31_,600 rf tl L7 10 il-l" ó9 -" 08 32â3qo tt 3Q0 68,600 3Ð400 --35 , Coo .At¡g. ,400 ¡100 " I - il rÊ ti 7,ooo l_11. 55 17 29 Sept 14 á 4oo -"14 'r ,4oo e6g0 n It k9 flnr - r4 7 ,500 LLL..42 i-6;800 30,200 "'l'o d 9oo -"13 llt " ¿too 11f_ 30 üç L.o Nov" l_3,700 s; -.L2 " Þ 800 36,2q0 " tl t¡ uee. i 2 Iri00 ti-l.l_4 l-6 9r3oo 37 7qo : ;800 -. i! " " -aû î! 83 3B, 1r700 Ð 7oo 1960-Jan. r"i;soo 5;200 l-L;0 -"3:L 7¡3Q0 Qoo 70 ? 3oo - -36 " tl ir Fe"o 1,800 1t0.39 - 't 61300 69 ,3oo - ZaVAA =-39,400 " "44 li ti ll, Mar 10,800 33900 110 1' 6rloo 69 100 - 2r9jo -42 ?300 " "00 -"39 tl r 5 109 67 il l_8,600 79r300 u t'loo -35 Þ000 Apr" 10,900 ,4.00 " -.33 " 36;700 ti ?i n' It May t6,200 34,4oo 110 " 59 +.92 34 ,,qoo t2 i 600 tf il 1t .june 30,400 4t, 5oo LLz.29 *å;?0 '1 36 b tlÛO t,l- 000 "'1" ìr! " .- rr ,JulY 27 26,900 113.00 34,800 9,'9Ot 3i,:,'9¿ 9,6ii0 ,300 !l ll Aug. 20,900 6,200 2 i ,100 2 i L00 2-i ,;to i9 ,300 - if ' lt .^: ,rl SepÈ, 16,2OO r0,000 26,2oO L,2A0 iJ,800 JJ 3 ¿UU tl It _ ¡i 0ee. l_7,800 8r300 26 ,100 .l ÐJ.00 9 ,64Ð :lÍà400 ii 2P Nov'" 16,600 5,700 rI2.89 -.11_ 25 , -300 300 6,600 3B,000 69 r600 400 -37 å400 tt tl tt 800 200 Ðec. 15 r 200 7r800 LLz "8L -"08 5r2oo 681 2oo i, -1+-l-, o4) ,n Ë Þ HB' I ö È tsl É Oil E=d o.) i) "!+ + ; ,r,lÞb0 rl '-l oô0 d *{o!r L{ .,4 fil tir i{ .$J !r .4JAJ ¡¡) +J !-¡ r1¡ 3ô, H €'; gË 0dD &: .l-r 0)d Q€.! Ða) '^i i *r .' {i { b;'u ,=l ,s(.1 qEFq r1 'Ç : "gE ') =iE Ji o 'H !¿ àj += ,i-, grQJ€ rl tr äü .,r.{ ! ir'1 ''ilËõ cç'{ .:J s= ,15 f üt= äj .ri d ì1 d 'J --t q rJ-¿4 n.ú (l) ô .Ê.ii¿ Êaì ttj¡d <1 3q .:: rlâii, i"¡ rnåiri dt 'flrF, rl E$."' g; Ë É uF4+' r-rÊ4 ú ìo4 â [r. 67 41200 *¿+5 z5r0o0 300 4u800 38 Ð 000 ,800 - r400 196 l-i ¿n. 1.3, 300 r0,300 !L2 .7 5 -"UÐ 25,300 tl tl n 4s500 t? 61 41500 -49 Feb 5,700 LLz -.26 - " -t2,500 "49 it 9t It "r}g :54,000"9oo tl 4"9CIÐ 67 ,9Oo - 4.,1ú0 Ma,r. 12 ,800 6,300 L:.'2.26 -"2:l tt .t .) It It 18,600 !r 81;600 Ë 9r60rJ -4t; rl+00 åpr. 13,100 8r800 ll2 ¡ l-4 It I )ôr^l 1469 + 9 _ 3-5 00û 3,t i00 l-13 .00 1-" 86 2g 200 22 3/+ ,00C 8Ir r4A0 ç May 20,600 , ' ¡ 'ii ^¿+A0 tl 47 2'2,904 l9 5oo 7r500 -Ïune 24 r4oO 23,500 ,900 " t? 1"1 ) 1-l It ?00 28, 200 t8,800 JuLY 18,000 900 - "23 2 5 ,300 "'loo t. ,il it 2r 6û0 2-5,,+00 Aug. 14, 700 800 lt2. -.16 " tl tl tl i3,000 3å,000 _ sqpE J-t;800 26, t-00 i.tz .89 +" 48 1i tl !! 8,100 38,000 t00 900 -:s,ioo OcÈ 90500 112.,i3 =.L6 7t, " lt,5oo ll !3 :,39 400 *."29 tr il 5r500 68;5oo ., 3^500 o Nov. l0,000 7r500 LLz.!+4 lt i! il .3,, l-OiJ * 5r9oo 300 8r300 1l,000 7L2 -.22 66 rLÐ0 -45 r Dec. "22 !!^ !l !r il 4 4050t -49 r9o9 7,å00 6 r_1-i_ B0 - r,4A0 67,400 - 1.962-,3ar," ,400 " "42 ?! ¡t .-53,.500 !l !ii 5,400 68,400 - .JeDUU Feb 7 5r100 rt].. 3 2 - "/+ó " ,000 il tl tl it : 2,:Ì00 :,56,200 6,700 6,700 .llo" 88 -.44 6r300 69,300 Maro 3¡ tt fii , . 14,000 71r000 +.- 5 -51r 200 AP.r. 7 ,000 3,900 l_io.35 -.53 ,000 ft il lt 39,800 23 +l-6 :35,000 24, 111 07 +"72 o 400 88,2oo â200 May 20 ¡ 900 loo " qt It 1Ìr 30 000 l_7 000: 22,400 J-3;400 lt_r_,45 +" 38 Ð Ð Junq tt : ll !!.,, 3l L.5 30Q 20,700 1l-r- 9s *¡50 Ê,700 F "'Tno Ju-l'Y 18;200 " il :; tù 26,600 20,400 AOJg" l_4 800 r.11" 5B ,3oo ll . 'L.LL",27 ll il il. i4 900 32 100 S-epr 13'100 3e700 - .31 e D tl t! û! 4å400 38;000 6V 4e60A -:39, 600 : rI+80 = Oee 12 e 200 7;200 ltt;05 - "22 'n !B " il ll 3r700 66 700 Nov" t0'900 9 ,000 rlo Bs -. ¿0 Ê - -51300 -44;9QQ " î! !r 18 3,900 It 66 900 -r5r100 -50,ooQ Deet 9 4;300 l-1.0;å4 -"41 " ,800 tl It . î! 3¡50Q it09.97 *.47 ll 2r800 6s ,300 - 6eä00 -56,200 1963-J-an 9rooo ll !t " B' ll ,=- 6,2Ðt 4Ð0 Feb 9,300 4, too 109 ^ -62 î " "53 "{+e It !1 !+ 3, i00 59,900 -,12, i-00 -74, =500 Mar. 8,800 rLg\ 109 -"45 i9 ,100 i8,800 tl "08 il ût It 0O 29, loo r09 80 *. ¡-2 2:],000 79,8oo +- 7,809 -66 ,V Apr. 9 ,600 91 " +Ai .) q rìnn ll 91, 90û .i-.!-9,900 -'46,80û May L5,700 26;300 110.41 25 ,300 2B r 9oo rr't 1t ll 21 3 1, å00 83r800 +:_ I, 8û0 - l-5,000 Jrrne 15 r 40o 29,!+OO -LJ! c !4 +"7L ,+AO tÌ t! tl 7, 900 l2 o 000 .Ju3,y 28,:100 8,500 iU-"4:-r 39" l0o !t ilr tl ,i å00 i_li 85 +" 3-1 31"30c lq, ?00 ,Aug. I-? o 400 -16 , " tt irç tl It ?-7 - 20{J Sepr .1.8, 3t0 lB ,200 L12.26 2û. B'JÐ

21,,B2o i,l9o 2Ir 3i0 28,960 AVER-ÅGE A?PENDÏX IÏ





SEPTEMBER, L9660 This phot.ograph shows Ëhe outlet of the. St,urgeon=I^Ieir River flowing into Cumberland Lake" The channel does noË appear to be deep and is,cut. ín overburden wiËh low relief on both banks" Photo ËAken looking Norf,-h"

This photograph taken looking EasË shows the Sturgeon-I,üeír River flowÍng inth,o

Namew Lake and the settlemenË aË Sturgeon LandÍng" The very shallow naËure of Ëhe channel, can easily be seen from Ëhe phoÈograph.

This phoÈograph was taken looki4g EasÈ and shows the confluence of Èhe Goose

River and Sturgeon-I^leir River to Ëhe right ín the upper rniddle portion of . Ëhe photograph. The Sturgeon-tr'leír Channel wÍth some smal1 islan{s ín víew flows from the lower left Ëo upper ríght. The channel appears narror¡r and less than

10 feeË deep "

This photograph shows Ëhe Sturgeon-trIeír River,at the ínleË to.Amisk Lake" The píccqre lras taken lookíng northrrrest. Channel appears Ëo be less Ëhan 10 feeÈ deep

spruee Rapids on the sËurgeon-h7eir Ríver ís'seen in thís photograph. The T¡iateÎ appears very fast and the drop in two sec,tions totals about l0 feet" A very definíÈe rock,conÈrol wiËh uruch roek visible ín the rapíds seeËÍon of the etrannel; This ís díscussed as a potenËÍal po!üer síte"

Thís photograph shows Scoop Rapíds, another veï)¡ narrornr.constríction ín Ë,he Sturgeon:l{eir River" ToËal drop is about 6 feeÈ" This photograph showe.Bfrch Rapfds on qhe Sturgeon-lüelr potenËfêl '¡ fl.fveru .a por¡ret s1Ëe". A fafrly concènçrated drop of ;.aþ6u¡¡10 feet osçufs at th{s siçe" The eonst,rfcËed iporËfon appears to be forned by a gravel..baro -

Thfs.photQ.graph sho\,rs Thrqe'Poçtagesr a Ferlee of th.ree.narrow roek-conÇtoll_ed" consËricËfone fn the uPPer stqrgeon-ülelr Rlver, systemo The dfscharge fs presenËL; very smal.L through the three, copsÇrfet{ons artd the toËaf drop fn hraËer level fs approxfmatàIy 24 feet.

Thle photograph eho\,re Grgsey Narrowe on Ï{ood Lakç, r¿hfch fç lyplcal,of the lakeg fn the upper . SËurgeon--I.Ielr Denee " spruee wttþ some.ura-tehy areas f e Ëypfcal.

A .. -T'.- _

This photograph shor,irs the heighü of land-knsw,n,as Frog portage.beÈween Trad,e T,ake on the ôhurchill Ríver and the headr^raters of the SËurgeon=Inleír RÍver channe,l" The well-worn porËage traíl'whÍch has been ir,r use for"hundreds of years is elearly :, in evidence the ín upper part,of the photograph" The n4tural overflow channel- of, Ëhe ChurcþilJ- RÍver ís,evídenced by a dark sËríp of vegetatíon whíeþ joíns Trade. Lake Ëo the smal-l:poo1 phoËogïapir ín the rrra,..hen.joíns the pool- ta Ehe,stream aË the upper. ríght. '

Thís phoËograph shows the.narrow control qecÈíon of Ëhe Çhurahill Ríver, ímrnedíat,ely dov¡nstream of the,confluence'wiËh.the Reíndeerr Ín which it is proposed to eonsÈrueÈ the Downstream control sËrueture" The photograph was Eaken J-ooking easL wiËh the Reíndeer River flow:ing ínto the Church,i|l from the,left,of Ëhe pícture' The narrowest parE of Ëhe churehíll is the proposed struc,tuïe cent,relineo

Thís photograph was Èaken díreclly over the sËrueËure síËe described above" The photo v¡as taken over Èhe souËh bank of the churc,hiL1, lookíng north" The swifËness of.the .a ü/ateï is apparenË wíth few roeks vísíble ín the channel" Roc,k ouÈc,rop can be seen on.boËh abutments"


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