Faculty of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Graduate Studies

3'A.C|IJL:IY 0F t'RA:)LlrÊ'TE Ë'TJIÏE'1 DEP/ìRTMfiÌT OF,- T],VJ ]. EI$GTIVEEBSNI] tilIÏVElRlrllty 03' j4AN:]"T0BA AN ÍN\TfißTTI.íTITTOJ\T O}' T}IE ÐTVERåJ.OIf C}:.rÎ NOR'IIìTB.N }4ANTTOEA I{ATE¡I.:3 J,NTO ].,AKE }IIAJü OÉA l- Jt t. .4. Fl:-¡40I{ n TI]Tfl:I:ì J:I{,PÅR]TÏAL FLI"LF],ffÆI\T 'sUBT\MTTEÐ CIF T'TIE REQLÍSAEME}Í?i3 iIÜR TTIE NEGBEE ÐF j/ÛslER Olr SÜ3,Ï:IùGE APRTT L?6"r acitro\'fT.m)Gm{msrs The ç'råter v¡Èshes to e:qpress hi s mrnest appreciatf on to Jan:ice, A.LLísou and. Davåd., Írz acknowledgenaent of thefr patÍenee anð u.nåerstaadågg ín vi.ll-iragly glvfrug 'ap thefr ri.ghts to 'the eompanS"orashåp anå at'Lentínn r¡f a husba.trð and' fether during the many hours sPent on this thesis. I&ny that:les ave alnc¡ åt¿Ë to Professor E" Ktliper for his årrspåratiou in the i,nitåatlon of, this stud-y and' his guldance ancl assåstanee tÏ.lz"oughout " The w.riter would also Like to eryrers his appreciation to the månage¡geni and ,sf"aff af Underwooð, Mçtellan and. AssocÍates, for their ånteres'L a.rio Ínvolvement ån thj"s thesis, especially to Meser"s" A. G. Spaffor"d" and R. c. La'tta, vå'bhout whose gtrÍdance and assÍstance this thesís j..n j"ts fånãt fow¡r wou[d. t ot be possfble' The r+¡"íter also wÍshes to acknovf-ed-ge grateful-Ly the assfs.tance of 3,fr. Ii, c. TdainwrÍgh*,, and his staff at suceese Comereial CoLJ-ege, Ín the preparatfon of this thesis' CON"IM\TS Besc_ ACKNo'lffmGm,fH{TS CT{APTffi T -, TNTRODTJCTÏON ïr1G*neraåo"6cocco eoeaao ,J. T.2 Scope af Sbud¡r . o . 0 çaatae 2 ), T.3 Prograrnme of Str*3;y e o Ðoooel T 1,4 LfuuttatJ.ons of Study e oaQoo.c I.5 Sources of ïnfnr¡uation oaa9ce 7 T,"6 Surßrta:ryo.. o. c o o oaoccc I CHAPTF,R T[ - TilATER AVATI,ABT"E FOR DTTff$TON Il .1. Gerrgral- n . o o 6 o o e c o o e orc ö c o. o 10 II.2 ProposedStorage e c o c o c o c c o c o e 11 Tl.3 Asswrptic.ms RegardinÊ; qreråticr¿ of DiversÍon Sehe.tlg o r .o c e e c e o o o ç e c e c t- Tl .l+ WaterBud.get, c a c... o o c o. c o . rit ' rlr TI"5 AvatlableDiversl"onCapacÍt5.es . c c. o o IT.6 QuaÅi'tyof Ði,v'ert:ed. l{a'Ler,. o. e o Ç.. CHAPIE'R TTT - DTVTRSTON OF fifE C]ÍT]RCHT1,T-, RÏTER T$TO THE SASKATCTÍBT'IAI\T RTV-ER VTA TTTE SILTRGEON-WEÏR RTVER 1ry lïï.1. üeneraf. r e c o . o o c o o . o o -Lj fIT"z Topograplçvarrd.Geolngy o o o o... o. o :-8 Iïï.3 CJ"Ímate . " . e o ç e o o e o o . ? e c e 2A Ill.,+' General Arra:rgement of St':rrcLures . o c c o 2L ïïï.5 Dams e o e c c e c c o o o o o c o . t c o **4, / 22 TIl .6 Spillwayand"Sltriceway . o ¿ c c ô ô. ' e ITl.? Flood"ùngAlongDiversionRoute c c c o. o 25 TI"J"B Construc"bion ÐfvètrsÍon a¡:.d. Sc.heôuling " c a ¿Õ TIf"g Estimateof Cosj; e. e e e c c r o e c e o 1t lÏl.10 P'ctential Power Ðevel,opment on. 'the Sturgeon*lleirRiver " . o o o e . c o c ITI.I-L Effec'be of t"he Di-versÍon on Other Ïnterests 33 CHAPTM TV - DTVET,STON TPROM CMAR T,ATTT TO T,AKE MANTTæA pÊ. lv.l Ge.ngral". o o c c e o. ooe9ccatJV IV"2 üeoJ-ory and. Topography c ooocoot.39 lcn lV"3 Climate ¿.; o .-o e o o c .e.9e..ettr\, :TV,h' GeneraL Arrangement " e e .o..ørkO coiv'Ímilrs FFgu- ïV"5 DÍversÍonChamneLs" o o o ó c trr l. ^ IV.6 Earth HilJ" Dykes . o c o e c c e +5 IV"'/ Contro1Str¿eture e e e c c o h: IV.8 Derre]gpgsntSchedule". e e ô ô hh l+t¡. lV.9 Hffects of Rai.sed" Water T,ev*ls e ïV":-C Esll:Í.mate of Cost . n . c e c )+6 CHAPTM V - TNSTAT,I,ATTO1\ OF P'Ifl4PTNG ÜAP,ACTry A[ GRAI\D RAPTDS V.l, General o o c o . c .o c o e c o c . r r . " Ë)t V.2 GengraLArrarigement e c e o . o c . ¡. e V.3 Estiutate of Cost " " e o c . o c o e o . -,'"4Þf t. Econonui"c Cremparison, of Al'f*::yiativ'e PmpÍng ïnsta-i,l-atåons o c c c e o . r c o c c . o 2o 'f,5 Sched"u-1.e of Develop:nerit e e o o . e c c . q7 CT]åPTER VÏ - Cff}fffi ÐTVET{STTJNS 'VI.I qR '\fÍ.2 Gener¿ul e o e e e o . e . c . o e . c c . Pr:mpf.rrg Ðåversion fro¡a Lake Athabasca , . 58 UT.3 Soui;h Seal Ri.ver Ði've,:rsion . o o . 6o C}TÁPTER VJT - SEQ;UEN'CE OF ÐEtrETOPMM\T OF PROPOSM DTVERSÍOIVS CHAPTER \ruTT * CO,ST OF ÐT'VMTTM WATER 1'¡'i v¡.Éì r'r¡'þr" n'n vÏlr"1, .r,¿¿\r{v*r.{,þ u¿v¡¿ c c e c e e c c t a a a a ¡ a a Ð7 ïT*"{ è rr.^,*.{-^ l.!t-, VTÏ3: "2 lJ.f¿Jþ VU=!Þ o g ç a c o e o e a ¿ . a o c a C]]APTER TX * RTCOMMEIVÐATTO.NS A}TD ÍJOTICI,USTONS BÏBÏ"TOGRAPHT APPENDD( T APPENDÐ{ TT LIST OF DßAI¡ITIü$S i "L Loeatåon PlLan otl Fre*t-i'age; Ëa':lfr¡'s .i."Í?Cagel-FreEientLori,ç5Te:,"utAv*.r,,ageÏ,*r:flowsanåoutflctu'li t.3 Case IJ. - -Propo;*;d' Tn:f"Í-ows anit Ourtf3:ows Route 1.4 War-.e:: Su.rfaca llnofl"I-e Atong fii've'r'såon â "l- Re,e erv':ir ä.;drogruPhs Dj'v*rsion ßh<¡wl"ng Fi-oorielrc -!,.t Lo*atår"x. Päarr r:f {iht¿rchi.it Rive's' Aress Ðc-'vr¡.1;tx'eaÏrr col:.+,fof ilenevaJ- 3 ".å churrchl.Ll Ri,ver D:tr-ve,r"*j-c,n A?:],'â]1.É5emen':; -ì.3Chzi'rr¿hilf.f,RÍ'verÏ.¡Èvelrsj'orrDcwnsty*,a.rnCon'tt'o].See'bi'Ons and, Þetai"'Ås H:ive.¡:s:j'cn F:ir']ß Fcrtaq+ Cc'otro1 i?ene::raÏ -r,")+ ChLlrehàIl R:i'vcr A:rr:angerenb 3,5 thurehÈ).]. R.t.rrer Ð:ir'e¡::sj,o¡": F::*g Ptr:r:,telge Corrtz"o]. Sect.j.cn.s and. LletaåI.s )+.f Locatåon Ïìlnn of Proposet'l' Diversi-ons Ìt."È Díversio.r¡ channe1 cetla:" Lak* i;o T,ah* wÌnr:Lfpegosir Genetral Arrarrgçr&ent 4.-a, General- A:rrungeiloent Meadow Fol'tage Ðlversfon Chsnnel sections ar:d 4.ti. Meaclow Por*tage ar:rd Mosss'Jf Po'r'bage channets Detail"X. s ii.5 Stage-Durati.on Curves tr-ake WSnnipegcsÍs ïr Il$'t'BoÐuc-rtTON TN General The UnfversÍty of Ì¡tranitoha i,s presentJ.y undertaking a trroad.Iy trased., lnterd.i.sciplfn,ary stuðy of l{ater Resou,rces and l,üatey." IltårÍzatå.on 3,n Western Canaða. The Department of Energy, Mi-nes and Resources, Governrnent of Canada has provided. paz't of the fu-nds f'or the researeh and. lnvestigation ::equi"red for the study. It is in-tjerrd.ed" that 'bhi.,s stu.dy wilt resu.Lt l"n ihe submission by 'the Universi'ty of a report on futur,re water"" d.evelopment ín hlestern Canada " The roaJox' ohjectives of the study are an asseEsmen,t of the possi'ble future scope of watex" d.evelopment fn Western Canadn and the feasibi,Lity of water expor:t bo the Unl"ted. S'tates. T!Ís in,terd.åscÍp).ínar";r sburd;r invorves the Faeutties of EngÍneerÍrig, AgrS-curtìirîe and. La.i-l en,,l Depsrrbments of EconomÍ,cs, Cor.unerce, Geogrephy, Pc¡LitÍca,L Sr-ri.r,;l-ic:er, fiociology, GeoJ-ogy and Bi-ology. Each of the d.iscipl.:lrres Í.ri,rrcrJ-y¿sJ, through research and Í.nvestigation, vÍll provid.e informat;i"on. wh:i-ch wíII eontribute 'toiuards r"ealizati,on of the obJecti.,ves c¡f the study'. SpecÍfåcally, there is presentT-y an abundance of uater flowå.ng through r¡orthern I anÍtoba whf.ch discharges fnto Hu.dson Bay, wTrerêas the need for ffater ün the Uniteð States and. Ín the so'ü,Lhern regfons of the Pr,airÍe Prowfnees is st;eadi,ly Ín.ereasing. [hÍ"s gf"ves riee to the / technical probf'em of ðiveru:íng the lrater from the North to the area Ín i¿hich it is need.ed. Tt Ísthus frltendeå that the Eng:ineering studies r,¡iII reveal the d"åversi,on potenLf,al of the rivers investigated., the future ::equÍrements for wute:" use fn, I¡ües"bern Canad.a and. through the prel:in1,r:*r"y clesign of the proposed.

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