Clay Soils Native List

V Flower Colour ¡ Also suitable for loam, sand, gravel

¶ Salt Tolerant 6 Wet Site Tolerant * Specialist Salt

Trees over 15m Corymbia calophylla Marri V Dec-May ¡ Eucalyptus marginata subsp. thalassica Jarrah V Jun-Jan ¡ Eucalyptus patens Blackbutt V Feb-Nov ¡ Eucalyptus rudis Flooded Gum V Jul-Sept ¡ 6 ¶ Eucalyptus wandoo Wandoo VV Dec-may ¡

Trees / Shrubs 5-15m

Allocasuarina huegeliana Rock Sheoak V May-Jan prionotes Acorn Banksia V Feb-Aug ¡ 6 ¶ Casuarina obesa Swamp Sheoak V May-Jan ¡ * 6 ¶ Eucalyptus loxophleba York Gum V Aug-Jan ¡ (local provenance) Melaleuca rhaphiophylla Swamp Paperbark V Jul-Jan ¡ 6 ¶ Melaleuca teretifolia * Banbar VV Oct-Mar ¡ 6

Shrubs 3-5m Acacia saligna Golden-Wreath Wattle V Jul-Dec ¡ 6 ¶ bipinnatifida Fushia Grevillea V Mar-Jan ¡ 6 varia Variable-Leaved Hakea VV Jul-Nov ¡ 6 ¶ Melaleuca cuticularis Salt Water Paperbark VV Aug-Nov 6 ¶ * Melaleuca thyoides VV Sept-Dec 6 ¶ * Melaleuca uncinata Broom Bush VV Jul-Dec 6 ¶ * Melaleuca viminea Monah VV Jul-Nov 6 ¶ Viminaria juncea Swishbush V Oct -Jan 6

Shrubs 1-3m Acacia drummondii Drummond’s Wattle V Jun-Oct ¡ Acacia lasiocarpa Panjang V May-Oct ¡ 6 Allocasuarina humilis Dwarf Sheoak V May-Nov ¡ Astartea fascicularis V May-Nov 6 Calothamnus quadrifidus One-Sided Bottlebrush V Jun-Dec ¡ Marble Hakea VV Jul-Nov Honey Bush V May-Sept Wavy Leafed Hakea V Jul-Oct ¡ Hypocalymma angustifolium White Myrtle VV Jun-Oct ¡ 6 Verticordia plumosa Plumed Featherflower VV Jul-Feb ¡ 6 ¶

Shrubs Less than 1m Anigozanthos humilis Catspaw VV Jul-Oct ¡ 6 Anigozanthos viridis Green Kangaroo Paw V Aug-Oct ¡ 6 divergens Spreading Coneflower VV Aug-Oct Isopogon dubius Pincushion Coneflower VV Jul-Oct ¡ Verticordia plumosa Plumed Featherflower VV Jul-Feb ¡ 6 ¶ Clay Soils

These soils range from sandy clays to cracking clays (clays which crack strongly as they dry out). Red, grey, brown and yellow colours are common. These soils are generally prone to waterlogging and are rich in iron and organic matter. Retention of nutrients such as phosphorous is high as they are held by the clay particles, therefore nutrient loss mainly occurs through the erosion of topsoil.

Isopogon dubius Eucalyptus wandoo Calothamnus quadrifidus