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Documentation Kerala DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTAATTIIOONN KKEERRAALLAA An index to articles in journals/periodicals available in the Legislature Library Vol. 11 (2) April – June 2016 SECRETARIAT OF THE KERALA LEGISLATURE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DOCUMENTATION KERALA An index to articles in journals/periodicals available in the Legislature Library Vol.11 (2) April to June 2016 Compiled by G. Maryleela, Chief Librarian V. Lekha, Librarian Preetha Rani K.R., Deputy Librarian Hima.P.R, Catalogue Assistant Type setting Sunitha V.S BapJw \nbak`m sse{_dnbn e`yamb {][m\s¸« B\pImenI {]kn²oIcW§fn h¶n-«pÅ teJ-\-§-fn \n¶pw kmamPnIÀ¡v {]tbmP\{]Zhpw ImenI {]m[m\yapÅXpambh sXc-sª-Sp¯v X¿m-dm-¡nb Hcp kqNnIbmWv ""tUm¡psatâj³ tIcf'' F¶ ss{Xamk {]kn²oIcWw. aebmf `mjbnepw Cw¥ojnepapÅ teJ\§fpsS kqNnI hnjbmSnØm\¯n c−v `mK§fmbn DÄs¸Sp¯nbn«p−v. Cw¥ojv A£camem {Ia¯n {]tXyI "hnjbkqNnI' aq¶mw `mK¯pw tNÀ¯n«p−v. \nbak`m kmamPnIÀ¡v hnhn[ hnjb§fn IqSp-X At\z-jWw \S-¯m³ Cu teJ\kqNnI klmbIcamIpsa¶v IcpXp¶p. Cu {]kn²oIcWs¯¡pdn¨pÅ kmamPnIcpsS A`n{]mb§fpw \nÀt±i§fpw kzm-KXw sN¿p¶p. ]n. Pb-e£van sk{I«dnþC³-þNmÀÖv tIcf \nbak`. CONT ENTS Pages Malayalam Section 01-36 English Section 37-53 Index 54-85 PART I MALAYALAM Aadhar Agriculture 1. kzIm-cyX Ih-cp¶ `c-W-L-S\m 5. ImÀjnI {]Xn-k-Ôn¡p ewL\w acp-¶n-Ãm¯ _Päv BÀ. cma-Ip-amÀ tUm. tPmkv tPmk^v am[y-aw, 11 G{]n 2016, t]Pv 47þ49 IÀj-I-{io, G{]n 2016, t]Pv 10þ12 kzIm-cyX DÄs¸sS ]uc-·m-cpsS `c-W-L-S\m IÀj-I-cpsS hcp-am\w 2022 BIp-t¼m-tg¡pw Ah-Im-i-§Ä¡p-ta AXn-{I-an-¨p- Cc-«n-bm-¡p-sa¶ {]Jym-]\w bYmÀ°y-am-¡m- I-S-¡m-\pÅ km[y-X- DbÀ¯p-¶-XmWv \pÅ amPn-s¡m¶pw tI{µ _P-än ImWm-\nà B[m-sd¶v teJ-I³ kaÀ°n-¡p-¶p. F¶v teJ-I³ A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. 2. B[mÀ_nÂ: `c-W-L-S-\m-hn-cp-²amb \nb-a-\nÀ½m-Ww. 6. BÀ. cmwIp-amÀ ac-Wm-k¶w {KmaoW C´y sI. Ac-hn-µm-£³ Nn´, 1 G{]n 2016, t]Pv 6þ10 B[mÀ t{]mP-IvSn\p ]n¶n-epÅ bYmÀ° ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 11 G{]n 2016, e£yw t£a-]-²-Xn-I-fpsS sa¨-s¸-Sp-¯-tem, t]Pv 25---------------þ27 Zmcn{Zy eLq-I-c-Wtam Asöpw kmaq-ly- Irjn D]-Po-h-\-am-¡n-bn-«pÅ `qcn-]£w taJ-e-bnse kÀ¡mÀ CS-s]-S Ipd-bv¡p-I - {Kmao-Wcpw apgp-¸-«nWnbn-te¡v \o§p-s¶¶v sb¶ \h-en-_-d \bw \S-¸n-em-¡p-I-bmWv hni-Zo-I-cn-¡p¶ teJ-\w. F¶pw hyà-am-¡p¶ teJ-\w. 3. Zcn-{Zsc ]c-a-Z-cn-{Z-cm-¡p¶ B[mÀ 7. \ocbv¡p hne 30 cq] hnbÀ¸nsâ kn.-]n. \mcm-b-W³ hne 100 cq] Nn´, 1 G{]n 2016, t]Pv 14þ16 B[mÀ_n ]mkm-¡n-sb-Sp-¡m³ tamUn sP. tP¡_v kÀ¡mÀ C{Xbpw XnSp¡w Iq«n-bXv IÀj-I-{io, G{]n 2016, t]Pv 60þ62 P\-§-fn KWy-amb hn`m-Ks¯ k_vknUn kz´w sX§nse \oc kzbw Sm¸v sNbvXv B\p-Iq-ey-§Ä e`n-¡p-¶-Xn \n¶v aq¶n-c«n hcp-am\w t\Sp-I-bmWv I®q-cnse Hgn-hm-¡m-\m-bn-cp¶p F¶v teJ-I³ \mfn-tIc Irjn-¡mÀ. A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. 8. tIc DXv]¶ cwK¯v h³ Accident sXmgn-e-h-k-c-§Ä BÀ. Úm\-tZ-h³ 4. tbmP-\, amÀ¨v 2016, t]Pv 72þ73 tdmUn Poh³ s]men-bm-Xn-cn-¡m³ \ocbpw \oc DXv]-¶-§fpw hn]-Wn-bn inh³ taXe kPo-h-ambn Ign-ª-tXmsS kwØm-\¯v tZim-`n-am-\n, 24 G{]n 2016,t]Pv 46þ53 h³tXm-Xn-epÅ sXmgn-e-h-k-c-§-fmWv tdmU-]-I-S-§-sf- imkv{Xo-b-ambn krjvSn-¡-s¸-«n-cn-¡p-¶-sX¶v teJ-I³ hne--bncp-¯p¶ teJ-\w. A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. 2 ]¨-¡-dnss¯ DÂ]m-Z-\-þ-hn-]-W\ taJ-e- 9. {Kma-þ-\-Kc kl-I-cW km²y-X-IÄ I-fnse t\«-§-sf-¡p-dn¨v hnh-cn-¡p-¶p. ssPh-Ir-jn-bnÂ. lcojv F³. Ip¶¯v ]©m-b¯v cmPv, G{]n 2016, Archives t]Pv 23þ25 ssPh-Irjnsb {]Xn-]m-Zn-¡p¶ teJ-\w. 15. s]mfn-¨-Sp-¡m-\p-Å-Xà Ncn-{X- kvam-c-I-§Ä tUm. Fw.-Pn. iin-`q-j-W³ 10. kpØnc hnI-k-\-¯nsâ IemIuap-Zn, 10 G{]n 2016, t]Pv 22þ25 ]cn-t{]-jy-§Ä ]ß-\m-`-kzm-an-t£-{X-¯nsâ ap¶n-epÅ sP. thWp-tKm-]m \mbÀ ]ß-XoÀ°-¯nse IÂa-Þ-]-§-fn-sem¶v \h-bp-Kw, 1 G{]n 2016, t]Pv 35þ39 s]mfn-¨-t¸mÄ \½Ä ImWn¨ Acniw cmP-`-c-W- s\Âh-b X®oÀ¯S kwc-£W Im-es¯ alm-kvam-c-I-§Ä \jvS-s¸-Sp-¯n-b- \nb-a-¯n shÅw tNÀ¯v AXnsâ ]gpXv t¸mÄ Ft´ ImWn-¡m-¯Xv F¶v teJ-I³ D]-tbm-Kn-¨p-Xs¶ Irjn-`q-an-sb h[n-¡m³ tNmZn-¡p-¶p. Ign-bp-sa¶v tIc-f-¯n sXfn-bn-¨n-cn-¡p-I -bm-sW¶v teJ-I³ Nq−n-Im-Wn-¡p-¶p. Banking 11. A´m-cmjv{S ]bÀ hnf hÀjw 16. Fkv.-_n.Sn F¶ P]vXn-Pw-Kaw kptcjv apXp-Ipfw A\q]v ]c-ta-iz-c³ tbmP-\, G{]n 2016, t]Pv 46þ49 ka-Im-enI ae-bmfw 27 Pq¬ 2016 temIs¯ Gähpw Btcm-Ky-Zm-b-I-amb t]Pv 15þ22 `£y-hnf F¶p t]sc-Sp¯ ]bÀhn-f-I-fpsS Fkv.-_n.-Sn. sb Fkv.-_n.-sF.bnte¡v ebn-¸n- {]m[m\yw {Kma-X-e-§-fn hsc F¯n-¡pI ¡m-\p-ff Xocp-am-\s¯ Ipdn-¨p-ff dnt¸mÀ«v. F¶-XmWv hÀjm-N-c-W-¯nsâ apJy-e-£yw. 17. hmbv]m IpSn-Èn-I-bpsS t]cn 12. iXm_vZn ]n¶n«v tIc Kth-j-Ww. sXmgn \ntj[w BÀ. tlen ]n. Pb-N-{µ³ hyh-kmb tIc-fw, G{]n 2016, tIc-f-i_vZw 12 Pq¬, 2016 t]Pv 38þ39 t]Pv 35þ37 hnZym-`ymk hmbv]m IpSn-Èn-I-¡msc tPmen-¡ tIc Kth-j-W-¯nsâ iXm_vZn -t]-£n-¡p-¶-Xn \n¶v hne-¡p¶ Fkv.-_n.sF. BtLm-jn-¡p¶ 2016 hÀj-¯n tIc bpsS ]pXnb \bs¯Ipdn¨v hnh-cn-¡p-¶p. Kth-j-W-s¯¡p-dn-¨pÅ teJ\w. Census 13. k_vkn-Un-bn-Ã, tI{µw d_-dns\ ssIhn-Sp-¶p. 18. A[n-I-¸-ämWv BWp-§Ä IÀj-I-{io, G{]n 2016, t]Pv 65 tUm. _n. kp`mjv N{µ³ d_Àta-J-e-bv¡pÅ _Päv hnlnXw d_À ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw 18 G{]n 2016, t_mÀUnsâ {]hÀ¯-\-s¨-e-hn-\p- t]mepw XnI-bnà F¶-dn-bn-¡p¶ teJ-\w. t]Pv 30þ37 ASp¯ 20 hÀj-¯n-\nsS C´y-bn-tebpw ssN\- bn-tebpw 20% ]pcp-j-·mÀ A[n-I 14. \gvk-dn-bnse BZmb hgn-IÄ -¸-äm-Ip-sa-¶mWv kqN-\. AtXmsS km¼-¯n-I- tPm_n tPmk^v tXm«p-¦Â ambpw sXmgnÂ]-c-ambpw Gähpw Xmsg¯«nepÅ bphm-¡Ä Ahn-hm-ln-X-cmbn XpS-cm³ IÀj-I-{io, tabv 2016, t]Pv 10þ14 \nÀ_-Ôn-X-cm-Ipw. 3 Child Labour 24. A`n-\-b-¯nsâ Xne-I-Imew sI.-]n. Pb-Ip-amÀ N{µn-I, 21 tabv 2016, t]Pv 8þ13 19. _me-the þ Ah-km-\-an-Ãm¯ Ne-¨n{X Xmcw Xne-Isâ A`n-\b PohnX B{I-aWw hgn-I-fn-te¡v Hsc-¯n-t\m«w Sn.-sI. cmP-e£van Nn´ 17 Pq¬ 2016 t]Pv 17þ19 _me-th-esb Ipdn-¨p-ff hni-I-e\w Civil Service Cinema 25. sNdnb Im«nse h³]p-en-IÄ \n[n³ {]Imiv 20. BZy-Ime ae-bmf kn\na ZenXv N{µnI 4 Pq¬ 2016 t]Pv 8þ11 {]Xn-\n-[m-\-¯nsâ cmjv{So-bw. ^yqU Ime-¯nsâ Xncp-ti-jn-¸mbn \½psS cmtP-jv.-Fw.-BÀ hntÃPv Hm^o-kp-IÄ F´p-sIm−v amdp¶p {KÙm-tem-Iw, 9 G{]n 2016, F¶v teJ-I³ At\z-jn-¡p-¶p. t]Pv 56þ62 BZy-Ime ae-bmf kn\n-asb ZenXv ]£¯p \n¶p-sIm−v hnaÀin-¡p¶ teJ\w. Civil Supplies 26. B«bpw ]p«p-ambn hcp¶ hmÄamÀ«v 21. aWn-t¨-«sâ ac-W-¯n\v ]n¶n A\q]v ]c-ta-iz-c³ Nne kplr-¯p-¡Ä ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 9 tabv 2016, {]Zo]v DjÊv t]Pv 6þ11 tIc-f-i-_vZw, 10 G{]n 2016, `t£ym¸¶ hnXcWcw-K¯v 100 iX-am\w t]Pv 5þ7, 45þ46 hntZ-i-\nt£]w A\p-h-Zn-¡p-sa¶ tI{µ_-Päv Iem-`-h³ aWn-bpsS AIme \ncymW-s¯ {]Jym-]-\-¯nsâ Np-hSp ]nSn¨p ]²-Xn-bpsS ¡pdn¨v ktlm-Z-c³ BÀ.-FÂ.-hn. \b-amÀ¤-tcJ tI{µa-{´n-k-`bv¡p ap¶n-se-¯n- cma-Ir-jvW³ kwkm-cn-¡p-¶p. b-tXmsS hmÄ-amÀ«v DÄs¸-sS-bp-Å I¼-\n-IÄ ho−pw C´ybn kPo-h-am-hp-¶-Xmbn teJ-I³ A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p.
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