CRISIS ROADMAP FOR MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS COVID-19 and Beyond Nov. 2019 Matthew Soursourian and Ariadne Plaitakis February 2021 Julie Abrams Acknowledgements This publication was authored by Julie Abrams, CGAP consultant, under the leadership of Ivo Jeník, CGAP senior financial sector specialist. Xavier Faz, CGAP lead financial sector specialist, oversaw this effort. Peer reviews were provided by Dr. Joachim Bald, Practice Leader Risk Management, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management; Daniel Rozas, Senior Microfinance Expert, e-MFP; Dr. Narda Sotomayor Valenzuela, Head of Microfinance Analysis Department, Peruvian Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros, y AFP; Syed Mohsin Ahmed, CEO, Pakistan Microfinance Network; Rosemarie Castro, Executive Director, ECLOF Philippines; Tamar Gogokhia, Financial Officer, JSC Lazika Capital; Denis Khomyakov, CEO, Oxus Kyrgyzstan; Mary Munyiri, CEO, and Raphael Otieno Onyango, Head of Innovation & Strategy, ECLOF Kenya; Georgina Thompson, Executive Director, ECLOF Dominican Republic, for their insightful and helpful reviews; and to Jarri Jung, Head of Financial Institutions, Triple Jump, for providing an investor perspective. Valuable com- ments were also provided by the following people at CGAP: Greta Bull, David Crush, Mariana Martinez, and Corinne Riquet. The author thanks Sizwe Mdluli, CGAP financial sector specialist, for valuable support throughout the research. Consultative Group to Assist the Poor 1818 H Street NW, MSN F3K-306 Washington DC 20433 Internet: Email:
[email protected] Telephone: +1 202 473 9594 Cover photo by Nicolas Réméné for CGAP via Communication for Development Ltd. © CGAP/World Bank, 2021 RIGHTS AND PERMISSIONS This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (https://