Offgrid Power Forum / Intersolar

21 June 2016 AccessHolding: Basic Facts German stock corporation (AG) created in 2006 Purpose: setting up small business banks in emerging markets „House Bank“ for MSME and low/middle-income households Full range of financial services but focus on business lending: Commercial bank license Core product: cash flow based lending to micro and small businesses Holding approach: Developing centralized core bank holding functions to support the emerging network Strategic Investor: AccessHolding aims to acquire majority stake Regional Clusters Responsible banking Commercial targets but long-term investment horizon: break-even in Y3-4; RoE of > 20% from Y5 on

27-Jun-16 #2 KPIs per December 2015

Paid-up capital of EUR 87.2 million

Currently 10 financial institutions 8 banks & 2 MFOs 9 majority - owned Expansion plan for 14 institutions until 2021 Total Assets: EUR 1.2bn, Gross Loan Portfolio: EUR 0.9bn 570 thousand loans outstanding (95% for small business purpose) Average outstanding loan balance EUR 1,598 56% of the loan clients live in rural areas, usually with bad or no energy supply ~ 8,000 employees in 191 branches Two in three branches are located in rural areas

27-Jun-16 #3 History of Network Development

Acquisition of AB AB AB AB MFO CREDO AH Share 16.5% AH Share 50.7% AH Share 55.6% AH Share 51.0% AH Share 60.2% Fitch Rating: BBB- Oct. 2002 Nov. 2007 Jan. 2009 Oct. 2011 Oct. 2014

Feb. 2007 Nov. 2008 Apr. 2010 Dec. 2013 Jan. 2015 Acquisition of AB AB AB Tajikistan AB Bank MFI Brazil AH Share: 55.2% AH Share: 50.1% AH Share: 63.4% AH Share: 50.5% AH Share: 93.3%

27-Jun-16 #4 Network of Small Business Banks

Headquarters: Berlin, Germany

Network Banks/MFOs: Azerbaijan Brazil Georgia Madagascar Tanzania Nigeria Liberia Tajikistan Zambia Rwanda

27-Jun-16 #6 AccessHolding: Capital and Ownership Structure

Shareholder Structure of AccessHolding AG, 31 December 2015

5 private and 4 public investors LFS - lead investor and technical partner Over time, more capital increases foreseen from existing and new investors

27-Jun-16 #7 Rural Finance Strategy


Large Majority of the growth potential is in rural areas Current focus on farm finance Challenge: high transaction cost  need to capitalize on client relationships Opportunity: high actual energy expenses of customers represent additional debt capacity (replacement) AH network banks possess good knowledge of customer financials and is able to assess and monitor debt capacity (development)

27-Jun-16 #9 Activities & Plans for Renewable Energy Finance

Central support unit for rural finance established on holding level in

2014 Rural Finance prioritised in BP 2016-2021 Widened scope  addressing wider customers needs savings, payments, mobile money, RE finance, consumer finance, etc. Energy finance: mainly off-grid solutions: solar-powered irrigation, SHS, small commercial or community-based solutions, pico-systems Market segments: Rural : BoP households & communities Urban: BoP & middle class households / small enterprises Looking for partners: local equipment providers often insufficient, in particular with regard to quality management, warranty, after-sales services…  Support for new market entry possible: talk to me!

27-Jun-16 #10 Thank you ! Martin Rohler Rural Finance Manager [email protected]

Access Microfinance Holding AG, Berlin Firmensitz: 10119 Berlin, Schönhauser Allee 10-11 Reg-t: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 103848B Vorstand: Christoph Diehl Vorstandsvorsitzender: Thomas Engelhardt Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Hywel Rees-Jones