IFC’s Approach How to Contact Us Direct Investment advisory global/Washington DC Middle east & north africa • Establish new commercial microfi nance institutions • Provide management, training, and technical support to Mengistu alemayehu Deepak Khanna • Transform non-governmental organizations into regulated, start-up microfi nance banks in frontier countries Tel: +1 (202) 473-5337 Tel: 971-4-360-1006 Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] commercially viable microfi nance institutions • Provide capacity building assistance to support the com- mercialization of existing microfi nance institutions Martin Holtmann africa • Provide support to NGOs in underserved regions Tel: +1 (202) 458-5348 • Support the implementation of innovative solutions that Email:
[email protected] Tor F. Jansson • Work with commercial banks seeking to downscale opera- Tel: 27-11-731-3176 expand access to fi nance for underserved communities, for tions into microfi nance or expand into banking for small Mark P. Berryman Email:
[email protected] and medium-size enterprises example, mobile banking and small deposit mobilization Tel: +1 (202) 458-7613 Email:
[email protected] South asia • Partner with organizations such as CGAP and the World Microfi nance • Launch innovative products, for example, local currency Swapnil neeraj lending to microfi nance institutions protecting them from Bank to develop policy and fi nancial infrastructure, for advisory services: Tel: 91-22-42302435 asset liability mismatches example, microfi nance credit reporting Makanda Kioko