Ben- Parks Hlgh North Editor Business Mti/itiger i T in; \'^\\ ^ nail PS

I'ubMied by riii; cADK/rs and cokds )f 0/ NORTH GKORGIA COI.IJIGE

I)\lll OM.C \, (j1;()R(;I A REF U 428 .N6 C9 1941 Cyclops.


BEN PARKS, Edlof HUGH NORTH. Buiincts Manajef

After nine months of diligent effort, we of the annual staff present to you the 1941 edition of the CyCLOPS.

This task of providing the students with an an-

nual that is representative of college life, and at the same time keeping up with our aca-

demic work, has been no easy one. In the course

of our work it is quite probable that we have made slight oversights and errors. Such cases

wc deeply regret and hope that you will over- .

It is our earnest desire that this book, in later

life, will help you to live again the most pleas-

ant moments of your life at North Georgia Col- 1 lege. If indeed the CYCLOPS docs this, we feel the task set before us will have been accomplished. 3 Sincerely,

Ben Parks Hugh North

gj;Mf^;^,.-JJjgi.j!B,.:ti'!!iiWf#'--^--^ LiEUTEnflni coLonEL jflfHES E. mflTTHEUis, inFflniRy

I\ THE Years to Come, There Wile Be a Warm Spot ix the heart of excryone who has known him. Whether it be mere casual meeting, bull session, military class, or intimate ac(]uaintance we are instantly captivated by his charming personality. He has instilled into the being of every cadet the cardinal principles of military life, truth, honor, and devotion to dutv.

\\'ith the earnest hope that some of us will be inculcated with his outlook on life, we dedicate The Cyclops of 1941 to the "Colonel." 22SHS "W^J^



V';*s^ C L L ni E ^


Bull Juki

Price Meitiorinl

Bit 1 1 (I I nil 1 BdiiJ House

^ v^ Readituj Room



.1. t uuu

()M. W'JIOSE PllKSONAMTV H.AS inspired every cadet and coed in showing them the wonderful op- portunities and challenging them

to a prospective future. Dr. Rog- ers has successfully coordinated the work of the administrative personnel and professors. To him and the members of the adminis-

tration whose devoted service is so dear, we pay tribute.

til tlw ilt-sk F H II L T Y

J. C. SiRMONS . . . Dean of men . . . Education

Department . . . I'h.H., Kinory Uni\ersity: A.M.,

Duke University . . . Graduate Student . . .

better icnow n as Si . . . tlu'nks jokes are fine . . .

chicken farmer. • K. H. Hi.ack . . . Treasurer-

business Manager . . . silent . . . holds purse

strings of N. G. C. • H. H. . . .

Kookkeeper . . . jokcster. • Wayne E. Bow.max

. . . English Department . . . A.B., Elon College;

A.M., Uni\ersit.\ of North Carolina . . . eccentric

. . . liirector of dramatics . . . "(jot the fire." •

R. I). Calhoun . .. English Department . . . A.B., SIUMCIXS A.M., Louisiana State University . . . love of every

coed of N. G. C. . . . in case of an emergency "Oh woe betide, rue the day." • L. H. Free-

man . . . Commerce . . . B.S.C., M.S.C., Uni- versity of Georgia; Graduate Student, North- western University . . . (Graduate Student, —Harv- ard University . . . "Now you take Elmer " •

R. H. M..\GUiRE . . . Chemistry Department . . . "The force of a hammer—one more word out of tile class and someone will lea\c the room." •

J. C. SiMMS . . . Chenu'stry Department . . . B.S., Millsaps College: M.S., V'anderbilt Uni-

versity; Ph.D.. Western Reserve University . . .

Chemistry Professor, superfine . . . player

. . . very dignihed. • Jllia Carroll . . . Secre-

ROWMAX .ind CALHOUN I-'REKMAN ^rAGUIRI: t;ir\ . . . Niirtli Georgia Collcne . . . favorite

amonc the girls. • Hi:rii Norman . . . Secretary

to tlie President . . . unassuming . . . good daruer.

• J. I-. McD.wiKi. . . . Librarian . . . A.B., 'I'usculum College; A.H., L.S., I'niversity of

North Carolina . . . better known as Jaiiie L.

. . . best dressed woman on the lanipus . . . neat

and punctual . . . runs library on tlu'or\ of good

housekeeping. • Mxriiia Hi iciikrson . . .

Assistant I.,ibrarian . . . congenial . . . read) to

lend a helping hand. • P. I). Hlsh . . . Social

Science Department . . . A.H., A.M., Lniversit)-

of Georgia . . . Ma\or of the fair city . . . mar- ried one of the students while teaching her at

North Georgia College. • Andrkw C.\i\ . . .

Social Science Department . . . A.B., North Georgia College; A.M., University of Philip- pines: Graduate Student of University of Geor-

gia, University of Texas, University of Colum- bia, University of North Carolina, Universitj' of

X'irginia . . . "Padre." • P. M. HtTCHhRsoN

. . . Captain (). R. C. . . . Commerce . . . Com-

mandant . . . inost handsome facult> member . . .

married!!! • R. S. McConnki.i. . . . Lieuten-

ant. Infantr\ . . . .Militar\ Science . . . now a

Lieutenant, but will alwa\s be known as "Sarg" ... a jolly good fellow and one whose friend-

ship is to be cultivated.

SIMMS McllA.MKl. aii.l III'TCIIKKSON J. D. AxTHON\' . . . Biology Department . . . B.S., Transj'lvania University; A.M., Emory

University: University- of Kentucky . . . slow and

deliberate of speech . . . favorite sayinj;—-"I'm

sure that you know of what I am speaking." •

W. D. '^'oLNC, . . . Social Science . . . Education

. . . Registrar . . .

ing . . . tennis pla\er. • R. .M. \'a(;i;r . . . Math-

ematics . . . came to us in the winter. • W. ().

Hampton . . . Ps.\cholog\- . . . Social Science . . . B.S., Southeast Missouri Teachers College;

M.S., Ph.D., University of North Canjlina . . .

stutters . . . "Forty per cent of the students will

or . make F D." • J. E. .^LATTHl;vvs . . Lieuten-

ant Colonel, Infantr\ . . . Military Science . . . " amazing person . . . — nou I said to the Gen-

eral" . . . of the cadets and id(d of the

coeds. • S. L. CoKliR . . . Physical Education

. . . Coach of all men ... A. B., University of

Florida; A.M., Columbia I ni\ersity . . . capable

. . . hot-tempered . . . refers to the boys as "you

birds." • \V. Bridchs . . . Assistant Coach . . .

likable person. • H. B. Forresthr . . . Biology

. . . B.S., Uni\ersit\ of Alabama; Ph.D., Univer-

M \TTin:\\s coKKR .ind r.kiix'.rcs r

12 sity of Wisconsin . . . enthusiastic . . . Iiflptui . . .

" refers to i;oi)ii lab work as "a beautiful dissection.

J. L. Ci.ARK . . . Militar\ Department . . .

North (7eor^ia College . . . once Cadet Lieuten- ant Colonel of the Hattalion here, now Ser};eant in Arm>. • L". J. Dismiki-.s . . . I'lciuh . . .

A.B., Hirmin;;liam Soutliern ; A.M.. L ni\ersit\'

of .North Carolina . . . Director of (jirls' Glee

Club . . . recorder . . . "Malister these vcrrbbes perfectly." • R. H. Fi.andkrs . . . Knclish

A.B., A.M., Kniory L'niversit\- ; Candidate for

i'h.D.. Ihike L niversit\ . . . pianist and music

lover . . . thinks Canteen is root of all evil. •

\'f.r\ki,i.i; R.-\>' . . . Home Kconomics . . . B.S.H.K., Alabama CoIlej;e: A.M.. George Pea-

bod\ College . . . she comes on (H.F.P. ) little cat feet and catches the "rats" out of their holes.

• F. K. Andrkws . . . Social Science . . . A.B., West Libert) State Teachers College; A.M.. In- diana University; Candidate for Ph.D. Degree,

Louisiana State University . . . joung . . . hand-

some . . . dashing . . . pool shark. 1»* ^

K.W il.\ndi;r.>; W. L. Hi.ANKKNBLRc. . . . Ph\ sics am in Mntliemarics Departments . . . 15. S. Civil Kntiineerinji, Case School of Ap- plied Science; M.S. in Civil Knjiineer-

\njz. University of North Carolina . . . in sport of the campus . . . enthusiastic work. • H()l.LO\VA^ . . . Dean of Irma IIDI.I.OW AN

. . . Women . . . English Department A.B., Ba\l()r University; Graduate Stu- dent, Texas Technolojrical Colleiie am

Southern Methodist Uni\ersit\ . . . loves

dogs for pets . . . finds pleasure in plan- ning parties for the students. • W. Des- mond HooTH . . . English Department for . . . H.S., Georgia State College

.Men; A.M., Emory Universit.\ ; Gra(: uate Student, University of North Caro-

in- lina . . . "The piano is a stringed strument." • Sara Hrlce . . . Direc- tor of Physical Education for Women

. . . B.S., Coker College; Graduate Stu-

University of Tennessee . . . popular among the girls. • J. C. HARNES . . .

Mathematics Department . . . B.S., North (jeorgia College; Graduate Stu- dent, Harvard University . . . known as

"Daddy Barnes" to his students . . . strict and stern but right. • Ei.i/abeth

Richards . . . Dietitian of College . . .

came to lis in the winter . . . strives to

please all . . . deser\ing. • Ferdinand

AxGELSBERG . . . Director of North

Georgia Band since 1^)1.^ . . . Retired Army Band Director. .WGELSBERG BOOTH 3^^.

I ^ -Jr fe*^


Pri'sitlcnt of the Student Body

G. C. DoSTER . Presiileiit

\\". T. (]1;ntr> . . Seeretiiry

H. 1). North . . Treasurer

U F H M R E S • • •

16 Antonio Rai'm \ki \V. T.

ACEVEDO 'J'ii;nft!l, Gil. Deciiliir. G(i. L'ompany "A"; V. .\L C. Si-rm":mt. C(imp:m> "H"; Ri- A.; Rex Club Member. de 'IV.'iin, 2; Scienci- Club,

1: \. M. C. A., 1, 2; Non- C'lim C'liili.


MiJtIlt Ion. Gti. (iiorcl Theall Allen S lie nun. Ga. Iliimc Kiunomics t"liil\ 2. •Rec" Club, 2: ^. W. t A., 2.

Lei. A M mh.da Allison CItirtisville, Gii.

Debate Club, Sec. 1,2; Cho- \Kiu;i.i. Anijerson ral Club, 1 : Home Kionom- nine Riilff. Gti. iVs Club, 1,2; "Rec" Club.

1; W'ciinen's (ilec Club, 1,

2; 'i. \V. C. A., 1, Cabinet -Member, 2.

jiiiiN Rdbkrt Arnold, jr.

// I filler. Gti. Rose E. Anderson Captain. Compan\ "H": ^. nmis'inville. Ga. M. C. A.. 1,2; Si'uma llieta I'lcifie, 1,2; Officers' Club.

Robert Leon Ash j. LwNRENCE Askew J filerson, Ga. Coliim/'us. Gil. Cumpanv "H"; "D" Club. Lieutenant Colonel ; Unifier 1, 2.\. M. C. A.. 1. Staff. 2: V. \L C. A., 1, Cabinet Member, 2; Rex

Club, 1, 2; Officers' Club, President.

William Barnett

Jflfrrson, Gti.

Seiniul Geori.e Bac.ley Lieutenant. Hanil ;

( ienerals, I, 2; .Men's (ilee Cunimings. Ga.

Club. 1, 2: Choral Club, 2;

^ . M. C. A,. 1 ; Rex Club

Ple.ltie. 1 : Officers' Club. ; ;

yi. Harold Harrox Bascom Hill Mkk.irs. Ill

ClarksvHie, G(i. ,1 i(iniliilc hstatis. Gii. Company "B"; Y. M. C. A. Seifieant, Company "C"

1, 2. Bualir StafF, 1. News Kdi- tor, 2; Uramatic Club, I,

President, 2 : Sitrma Tbeta

Pleilize, 1, 2: Non-Com Club.

Ruby Mae Blissitt Artiilr K. Bolton Cedartun'n. Ga. Grilfiii. Gil. Uramatic Club, 2: "Rec' Serjeant, Company "D"; Club, \.2\\. \\. C. A., 1 Busier Staff, 1 : Debate 2. Club, 1, 2; Y. M. C. A., 1,

2 : Sigma Theta Pledj^e, 1 ; Non-Com Club.

Frank Bowman Robert Brisendine Tift on. Ga. Gii/fiii. Gil.

Klmo Hoou Brown Charles Brown Cornelia, Ga.

Dillunl. Ga. Ser>;eant, Company "B"

Y. .M. C. A., 1, Council, 2; Non-Com Club.

Martha Brown Janie Lou IJrown Martin. Ga. Suainshoro, Ga. Rec" Club, 1, 2; Y. W. C. Home Economics Club, A., 1, 2. Vice-President, 2; "Rec

Club, 1. 2: V. W. C. A.. 1,

Sara Anne Bryant Wh.llam B. Calhoun Maxeys. Ga. Columbus. Ga. Dramatic Club, 1,2: "Rec" First Lieutenant, Company K': Bugler Staff, 2; ^'. -M". Club, 1, 2; Y. \V. C. A.. 1. C. A.. 1, 2; Officers" Club. ;

C\Ri. Franklin Chai'man

Ri Bii. Cariisi.i: Macon, Ga.

llowfiy li ninth, iiii. Company "D".

Charles Berkeley (iKORCI \N'\l.lkR Cheney ChAI NLKV Macon, Ga. / til(/'isli:. i!(i. C:iptain. Companv "D"; De- C'cimparu "A": ^ . M. C A.. bate Club, 1 ; Officers' Club. I. 2.

(jeorge W. Chism

\ashrillf. Ciii. Jam IS L. Clark

Cnnipanv "A" ; Sij;m:i Theta MilUn. Ga. Plclizc, 1.

Katherine Ki.i/ABi in COFER Kdith Corn Alhintii. Gil. Diihl'inei;a. Gii. Hinif Kconomics Club. 2:

Roc' Club. \. 2:Y. \V. C.

A., 1, 2.

l.iDN ARi) Klmer Crew

Kdiiii Lraic. 11 liit;liii>ii, Gti.

Clay Inn. Gti. Company "C" Ni)ti-Com Club.

Grace Davis ZtKh D\L(iMlhR^ Wayside, Ga. Jtlfl. Ga. Women's Athletic Council.

: Economics Club. Band. 2 Home 2; 'Rec" Club, 1. 2; Y. W.

C. A., 1, 2. .

E. Revxoi.ds Dim \r:i

M'dsllllll^U))! , (ill. James R \^ Dodd

Sergeant, Hand : GencralN, I Clarkesvilh . Gti.

2; V. M. C. A., 1 ; N..ii Company "B". Com Club.

(j. C. DosTER, Jr. Monroe, Ga. LuRA Mae Dorsi:^ Seri:eant. Company "H'; ^. Clerelunil, Gti. M. C. A., 1.2: Siizma Tbeta

Home Economics Cluli, 1, I'leiji;?, 1: N.)n-Com Club; Treasurer. 2. President of Sopbomorc Class.

Cecelia Downs Conyers. Gti. John Duckworth Home Economics Club, 2: Hiinvassce. Gti. V. W. C. A., 2.

Barbara F'lder EBERIlARr RaMEI.I.E // titkinsrille. Gti.

Alaysville , Gti. "Rec" Club, 1, Treasurer,

2: y. \V. C. A.. 1, 2.

Bin Evelyn Fagan Ellis Donald Mtirtin, Gti.

Snniiiti , Gti. Heme Economics Club, 1 ;

First Lieutenant, Companv Rec" Club, 1, 2; Women's

"D": Sij^ma Theta Ple.l-e. (ilee Club. 1, 2; Y. W. C.

1 : Officers' Club. A., 1, 2.

Robert H. Farrar

Ai'ontlalc Estates. Gti. (j. B. Karris

Captain Adjutant, S-1, Staff: Stishrille, Teiin.

Staff, 2 : Bii<;lcr Cyclops Captain, S-4, Staff; Y. M. Staff", 1, Editor 2; Y. M. C. A.. I. 2; Officers' Club.

C. A.. 1 ; Rex Club Mem-

ber 1, Secretary, 2; Officers' Club; Pan-Hellenic Council. "

Ai.isi. Fin-

Diililnufga, (til. \\ ii.i.h.M. ] l.\,\.SAc;.^N Dramiiric Club, I, 2: -K.v 0'/(J/;«///77//e, Gil. C'liih, I, 2; \\'<)mrn\ ( Ilri-

Ouh. 1. 2: Chnn.l Cluh. I.

.1 \i k Morris Fi.i;tchir M \Ri II \ Si li F'ri;i;ma\ M'liiltiie, (ill. (iiisfiiimril/f, Gil. C'onipain "L"": V. M X", Kec" Club, 1,2; Women's A.. I, 2. ( ;iee Club, 1 ; V. VV. C. A.,

1. 2.

(iiiiRci-: Frank (iarri.son

.Itliinlii. (ill. Srrcfaiit, Companv "C": Cvci.oi's Staff, 2; Biii;l,r Cm \ki.|;.s I5i. ardkn Gav Staff, Husiness .ManainT, 2; // iishiinit'in, Gil. KiHc'IVam, 1, 2: "I)" Club. I'irst Serf^eant, 2: ^^ M. C. A., 1. 2: Si-ma C<)mpan\ V. A., Thcta Pleiluc 1. Mi-mln-t, C": M. C. 1, 2: X'lic-Pri-sidcnt. 2: Ndti-Cdni Non-Com Club. l.'liili: \'iic-l'icsi(lfnt, Frt-^li- nian.

\S'iiii\M Thomas Ge\tr> III IIi;rbert Cecil Glover Mition. Gil. (Uevildiiil, Gti. Sfr;:t'ant, C(impan\ "C": Corporal, Company "B"; Drainatii- Club, 1, \ice-Prc-s- V. M. C. A., 1; Sifzma The- i.lont, 2: ^ . M. C. A., 1, 2; ta Pledge, 1.

Sijzma Tbcta Member. I : Presitlent i>t F"re

Smiinn/ili. (!ii. HonBv Graves Secorul Lieutenant, C<;mpan\ / III ClHl. Gil.

"A": Cvci.oi's Staff. I : Hu^lir Staff, 2; ^. .M. C. Corjioial. Hand; Re\ Club Member. 1. 2; .Non-Com A.. I : Re\ Club .Member. 1. Vice-President, 2; Officers' Club. Club Treasurer.

jvMKS Prestox Grigokrs Hob Hall

Jliomiislon, Gil. Sdiiid (Millie, Gil.

Cnmpain "H"; 'i'. .M. C. A.. ."serjzeant Cumpan\ "B";

I ; Sij;ma Theta Plcdt;e, 1. SJL'ma Theta Pleil;;e, 1 ; -^k£k \o:i-Com Club. Clarence Dover Hambv Harbin Clriyton, G(i. Frances Lai'onia, Ga. Compain "H"; Si^iiia Tlieta Pledt^e, 1.

Carol Harding Der/itiir. Ga.

Uramatic Club, 2; Home Harr\ Hari'er Economics Club, Treasurer, Ghickanuuiiia. Gii.

1, 2; Women's Glee Club, 1, CompaUN "A." 2; Women's Athletic Coun- cil, Secretary, 2; "Rec"

Club, 1, 2; Choral Club, 1 ; ^. W. C. A. Cabinet Mem- ber, 1, 2.

Hhmbree Hl-NJAMIV EUGEN'E Mar^' Hatcher, Jr. Atlanta, Cia. Griffin, Gti. Dramatic Club, 1: Home

Kcunomics Club, 2 ; \ . W. Company "D"; ^. M. C. C. A., 2. A., 1, 2.

HiGHSMrrn WiLi.LAM N. Frances Jhanette Hicks Gil. Ntilnin:(i. Lavonia, Ga. First Serj;eant, Compan) Rec" Club, 1, 2; V. W. C. "D"; Bustler Staff, 1 ; Sports A., 1, 2. Editor, 2 ; Non-Com Club.

L\UL\ Hodgson Dick Hobbs

GaimsvilU , Ga. Abbeville, Ga.

Martha Somantha Edwin Franklin HoLBROOK holcombe Gainesville, Ga. Canton, Ga. Home Economics Club, 1,2; Sergeant, Compan> "B";

"Rec" Club, 1, 2; Y. W. C. Y. M. C. A., 1 ; Sigma The-

A., 1, 2. ta Pledge, 1; Non-Com Club. ;

I'l 11 ( 1 I R )sll()R\ Icll I II) \^ lli-.R.M.w I.i.ovo Huff Mill on. (hi. (jhiilsiiurllt. Gti. llr>t l.ifiitfii;int, Cimipain M.inci. I; C<)mpan\ "C" C"; 'I. A.. 1. M. C 2: Dramatic Club. 2; \. M. C. Officers' Club, Secrft;ir\. A.. I ; Cabinet, 2.

lUwilT R. HlNllR

C.iilumhiis. (.!

Captain, S-2. Staff; Men's .J()si:i'iiim: Johnson Clff Club. 2: \. M. C. A.. Ihiiiliii . Ga. I. I'rfsiilcnt. 2; ( )liiaTs" Club.

ROSKI.^ N JOHNNON DiiRsi.^ \'. Jones. Jr. Jrlfirsoii. Gil. Jallafifjosa, Ga. Dramatii- Club. 2: "Ri'i" Serjeant, Company "B"; ^'\uh. I, 2: Home I'cDiKim- "D" Club, Secretary and us Club. 2: >. W. C. A., Treasurer, 2; Non-Com I, 2. Club.

Fri.u Jones DnNAI.D KeEFE Dtihl'ini!;ii. Gn. \iisliville, Ga. Compan\ "B." Company "A."

fjRACK Marie Kemp Clrtis Kell // oot/>toik, Ga. /)( nitiir. Ga. Home Economics Club. 1,2: Company "D." •Rec" Club. 2: ^^ W. C. A. Cabinet .Member. 1. Presi- dent. 2.

Caihi.rini. Banta King TiKiM \.s Si.vDi; Ki:\ii> .Itlanta. Ga. I'll ham, Gn. liui^lir Staff. 2; Dramatic Corporal, Compan) "A" Club. 1.2: "Rec" Club. I. N'«n-Com Club. 2: ^. \V. C. A.. I. 2. a

Ei.i/.ABKTH King Fort Gaines, Ga.

(ii:()Rc,i; !)i:\\ i:"!- Kinc;, Jr. Biii^lir Staff. 2; Dramatic

(jolunihas . (la. Club, 1, 2: Women's Ath- letic CouiiLil, 2; Debate- Serjeant, Baiul ; ^ . .M. C. Club, 1; "Rec" Club, 1,2; A.. I ; Noti-Com Club. Y. W. C. A., 1, 2.

James H. King

Clayton. Gfi. Ji;\Ei.LE Lacey Compan\ "D"; ^. M. C. Pitts. Ga. A., 1.

Clara Nell Lavendur BONNEI.I.E LaWSON Jefferson, Ga. GaineSiUle, Ga.

Home Economics Club, 1, Bustler Staff, 2; Home Eco- 2; "Rec" Club, 1; V. W. C. nomics Club, 2; "Rec" Club, A., 1, 2. 1, 2: V. W. C. A., 1, Secre- tary and Treasurer, 2.

George Lipscomb Norman M\rnis Dahloncga, Ga. .Ihhiiille, Ga. Band Sergeant, Ciimpan\ "C."

James R. McCai.ia Duke .Martin \riLnan, Ga. Cliitkaniauga, Ga.

Cumpan\ "D": ^. M. C. I'irst I lieutenant, Companv A., 1, 2; Siszma 'Diet ".A"; Sigma Theta Member,

Pled-e, 1 1, President, 2; Officers' Club.

William E. .McDavid. Jr. Atlanta. Ga. Charles McClure Sergeant, Companv "B": Canton, Ga. "D" Club. Vice-President, 2: ^'. M. C. A., 1; Non- C(jm Club. Treasurer. .


Norm w I.. McI-iou Gliii Cove, S . Y .1 ttiipuluiis. tin. Scrncant, Company "D"; L"<)nipan\ "D"; Cvci.oi'^ Dramatic Club, 1; Science Club, \'ice-Presi(lent, 2; Y. Stuff, I ; liimtir Stnff, 1 : \I. C. A.. 1, 2:Si«maTlieta Si^ma Tlu'ta Pleilm*, I : ^ . I'lcd^r. 1, Ser;ieant-at-Arms, M. C. A.. 1. 2.

2 ; .Ndn-Cotn Club.

Wii.i.iAM Harvey -Ml rria.m

(jiiliiinhus, Gil. I )l RW \KI) M I Kl I K

Captain, Company "A" ; 'I . .Mllinll. (.III. M. C. A., 1, 2; Rex Club

Coiiipain "C": 'l . M. L' i'ledjie. I, .Member, Treas- A., Cabinet Mrmbcr, 2. urer, 2; Officers' Club, V'ice-

I' resilient ; Pan- H el len ic Council.

Leslie Moore 1<(JBERTA .MoORK Diihliiiifi^ii. Gil. Dahlonega. Gti.

Ro\ v.. Moore Sara Earl .Moorehead Cunimiiig, Go. Biiikheiiil. Gti.

Master Sertjeant Staff; ^. "Rcc" Club, 1, 2: Science

M. C. A., I, 2; Non-Com Club, Secretar\ and Treas- Club. urer, 2: V. VV. C. A., 1, Council, 2.

James C. Morrison DovLK E. Mote

Giiiiiesvillc. Gil. Calhoun, Gii. Serneant. Company "H"; Corporal, Compan\ ""A"; ^. 1: "D" Club. I. 2: Ncin-Com .M. C. A., Rex Club Club. Pli'djie, 1, .Member, 2; Non- 4Ik4iii Corn Club.

II \MII. Ml rrw

DtiHiihiille, Gil. H \RR^ I). Ml RRAY

Scamil Lieutenant, Compaii) // tiihim'lon. /). (]. "B": Science Club, I'resi- (Generals. 1 ; V. M. C. lient, 2; ^. \\. C. A., 2:

A., I ; Rex Club Pledge. 1. Sinma Theta Pleiice. I ; ( )fti- cers' Club. 11 1 (;ii Davis Noin ii

.llhuitn, G(i.

Major, Staff: Cvci.oi'S Staff, Jack Nix business Manager, 2; Bw^hr Staff, 2; Dramatic Club, 1; Cleveland. G/i. Rifle Team, 1, 2; "D" Club, "A"; Sergeant, Company 2 ; Sigma 'i'iu-ta Member, Non-Com Club. Treasurer, 2; Officers' Club; Secretary of Frcsiiman Class,

1 ; Sigma 'I'lieta Pledge, Pres-

ident, 1.

X'iKciNiA Farrijll ()\vi;ns

Diililonei;/!. Ga. Max C)\V|;^B^

Hiinciisscc. Cjii. Dramatic Club, 2; Women's Atbletic Council, 2; Home Company "A." Kconomics Club, I , Presi-

dent, 2; "Rec" Club, 1 ;

Women's (jlee Club, 1, 2.

Hi \ J WIIN Fr \NKM\ Parks Kl.DRIDGi; NaTHANILI. Miiysvdie, Gii. Parker Captain Company "C" B 11 run 1 istii, Gti. Cyclops Staff, Associate Ed-

First Seri^eant, Companx itor, 1, Editor-in-Chief, 2 "A"; Debate Club, 2; Men's Bu<;ltr Staff, News Editor Glee Club, 1. 2; Cboral 2: Dramatic Club, 1: Men's

Club, 2; V. M. C. A., 1, (ilee Club, 1, 2: Choral Ciuii. \'. Cabinet, 2; Non-Com Club, 1 ; M. C. A., 1, Cabinet, 2; Officers' Club; P,an-Hellenic, Secretary.

Arthur Kimsi;\ Pa>ni: Wylette Payne

Mount Any. Cjii. CnrnesvUle, Ga.

Company "H"; \ . M. C. A., Home Economics Club, 1, Secretary "Rec" Club, 1, 1 ; Sigma Theta Pledge, I. 2; 2: Y. W. C. A., 1, 2.

Chari.ks S. Phit.i.ii's Criindall. Ga. P. K. Phillips Sergeant, Compan\ "A": Lithunia, Ga. Bugler Staff, Circulation Company "C." Manager, 2; Y. M. C. A., 2; Non-Com Club.

William James Phillips Hi;li;x Jeanette Pierce Gainesviili'. Gn. Eton. Ga.

Sergeant, Company "A": Dramatic Club, 1, Secretar\-

Rex Club Pledge, 1, 2; Non 2; "Rec" Club, 1, 2; Y. W. Com Club. C. A.. 1, 2. ;

KU« \RIJ I'oRllR Wii.i.iAM Carswki.i, Thomttsvillf, G'li. Pridgen

I'irst l.ifii tfii:in t . H:iiul : (jnrileli . (iii.

IliU'lfi- Staff. I ; Rfv C'lul) Corporal. Haml ; Dramatic I'lcilj;!', Pri-siiU-nt, I. Mcm- Club. 1 : V. M. C. A., 1, 2; Ixr, I'n-si.U-nt, J : I'a.i-ll.-l

Si'^'ina Tlu-ta IMi-dtic. I ;

It-nil- Ci)iiiKil, Prt'sidcn t ; Jlub, ()ftiiTr>' Cluli. (k-nt.

Wksi.iv M. R\l^l^

Ihifiiii I islti. (ill.

(.'iinipanv "C"; Cyci.oi's Ri)\\ i.ANij Ransom Staff. Sports Kditor. 2: Tfite, (ill. liu^ln Staff. 2: -n" Club. 2:(u-iuTals, 2: V. M. f. A.. SiT^cant. Compan\ "C

1, Scirctarx aiul TicaMm-i. 1

Ci.iFKORi) Ray James Ray

liiixlty, (i/i. G'irilele. Gn. C(impan\ '"D." Company "B."

Sidney Newtox RrcllARDSON lIuKi; S. Rmui.E / illii Rial. Gil. .lilcy. Gil. S»T<:faiu. Ccmpaiix "A": A.. V. M. C. A.. 1 : Rev Club Company "D" ; Y. M. C. I'leilue. 1.2; Non-Corn 1.2; Sigma Tlieta Pledtje, 1. Club. USk. mjM

X'lRGIMA VeRXON M AR^ Roi'ER Salnders Ciirion. (in. Miiinii, Gn.

Ilualir Staff, 2: Dramati* Hiii'lir Staff'. 2: Women's Club. •Re Club. 1.2: Arliletic Council. President,

^ . \V. C. A.. 1. 2; "Rec" Club, 1,2; Science

Club. 2; Y. \V. C. A.. !. Council. 2.

Wii.iiAM Se\i.i;s

I'lrry. Fla. Corporal, Company "C" M \RTHA SllATTLCK f.iitiiyfl.'f, Gn. V. M. C. A., I : Sitima 'I'lu--

ta PIc.Il'i-. I. James Douglas Shannon Jim Haddock Shli'I'ard JeffersonvUlf, Gn. I: r/is 'in, Gn. Sergeant, Company "D"; Re\ Cluli Compatn "D"; Rex Club Pledge, Pledge, 1, 2. 1,2: .Non- Cum Club.

Mary Elizabeth Shori; Balduiii. Gn. Dramatic Club, 2; "Rec" RuBECCA Slaton Club, 1, 2: Women's (jlee Dnusonville, Gn. Club, 1, 2; Choral, 1, 2: ^^

W. C. A., 1, 2.

Lewis Roger Slaton

East Point, Gti. Fred H. Captain, Band; Drama tie- Smith

Club, 1 ; Science Club, 1 ; ^ . .Itlnntn, Gn. M. C. A., 1, 2: Rex Club Company "D." Pledge, 1, 2; Officers' Club.

Jo Mak Smith Toccoa, Gn.

Cyclops Staff, 2; Bii«ltr Staff, Reporter, 2; Dramatic

Club, 1, 2; Women's Ath- letic Council, 2; Debate Celeste Stephens Club, 1, President, 2; "Rec" Lnt'onirt, Gn.

Club, 1 , President, 2 ; Wom-

en's Glee Club, 1, 2; Science

Club, 2: Choral Club, 1, 2:

'l'. W. C. A.. 1, Council. 2.

Bill Suduath Savnniinh, Gn. C A I II ERIN i: S\\ INT Band. Cliifilt), Gn.

Earl Hawkins Tilford Jasper Alfred Tii.l^-

Clinrlotte. .V. C. Decntur, Gn.

Color Sergeant, ^ . M. C. A., Sergeant, Band; Bugler

1 Staff', 1 ; Sigma Theta Pledge, 1 : ; Sigma Theta

Non-Com Club. Pledge, 1 ; Non-Com Club. I). I'.. TlKIMI'SON R. i-i:i-: TiioMi'soN I'm, hill si. (1,1. Dtihliinc^a, Ga. Scrt;i':mt, t'iimp;in> "(.'." Ser;:eant, Company "D. 4ks^Tlk

Geise Usry

Smith; ill,'. G,i. JiMMIi; \'\l.nN'TINE

Second l.icuteiKiiu, C

M vt \' WDIVERI-; \Mi.s Di.xoN .llli,iii\. (ill. .1 Vkai. R'lysl'jn, G,l. C'(inip;ui\ "C" ; Debate CI iilv

1. 2. Hmi.l: Rex Club Pledge, 1.

Sara Ai.ici: \'ickir^

Unrticell. Get.

Home Kionomics Club, I; JACK Wall

Debate Club, 1 , 2 : V. \V. C. Ji ijcrsonrille, Ga.

A., 1. 2,

Thomas A. Wai.i.

Blue Rit/ve, G(i. liwMDSii ( ). W'aters

HatuI : C> ci.ors Staff, Assist- Syh'tinia, Ga. ant Business M.inaj;er, 2: Men's (ilee Club, 2: Choral Second Lieutenant, Companx Club. 2: ^. M. C. A., 1.2: 9 "C"; Sii:ma Theta Pledge, Sinm.i riieta ^ I : Officers' Club. Member. 1.2: I'an-Heileni'' Council.

C\RITn\ Wli.boRN

^ irutennnt S-.?. Staff: First Serjeant, Band; Non- Officers' Club: -D" Club. I. ^[b^ Corn Club ;

-M \R^- KAiiimN \N"Hm-; Maysville, Ga. Martin Wiiith Hartut'U. Ga. Biii^lvr Staff, 2; Dramatic Club, 2: Home Economics Corporal, Comp:in\ "C." Club, 1, 2; "Rec" Club, 1.

2; V. W. C. A., 1, 2.

Llxili.i; \Vi(;<;ins JliWIiL Whitmire Saa/ltrsTille, Ga. Gainesville, Ga. Women's Athletic Council, 2; "Rec" Club, 2; Y. W. C. A., 2.

Mil. LARD N. Williams Thrjinast'in. Ga. Corporal, Company "C" Donald Willis Bu!;hr Staff, 2; Science \'. \ashville, Ga. Club. I : AI. C. A., 1 ; Sigma riieta Plcdiie, 1; Non-Com Club.

Norman Wood 1'ali. H. ^Olnc Tallapoosa. Ga. fort I alley, Ga. First Sergeant, Company Corporal, Compaii\ "D' "B"; "D" Club, 2; Non- Non-Com Club. Com Club. President. r^

j. \V. Starr . . . . I'resiileiil

Hi \ I \Mi\ ( Ir \ci; . I iie-l'nsiilenl

ji)ii\ Harrows . . Senitiiry

Sii;\i. .Ma(;ar(;f:i-: Triosurer

F II I N II II I \ • • •

Steve Brunson Abston . Rrj/nr. Ga.

VOMS AbERNATHY . Diiniehvillc. Gfl.

IsHAM W. Adams . . Htiituell.Gn.

JiMMiE Adams . . . .Iilnntu. Go.

Sara Frances Adams . Tignall. Gn.

W. A. Adams .... Cm ton. G/i.

Eari. J. Al.FORD . . . Sylvfsti'r. Cm.

HE^'R^ H. Ai.I.EN . . Covin^trin. Gn.

Sid Allison . . . Blairsvilh . Gn.

James Anderson . Mumiyville. Gn.

Agnevv Andrews . . . Tifton.Gfi.

Carol Andrews . . . T'hcoh, Gn.

Charles L. Atkinson . Gnrfiehl. Gn.

H. H. A\ER\ Stnne M rjiiiitniii . Gn.

Ernest J. A>ers . . Chnmhlce. Gn.


'l"nM\n UvRKSDAI.i; . . Coiiycrs.Gil.

dii. W. J. li.ARR CfilartiALn.

I'"hII) MaRRITT . . 'J'll'jiiuisloil. (I'll.

IdiiN RoBKRi Harrows . .1 ihiiiin.Cin.

Jiiiirii/in, (ill. I'm I. 15 \ss .... (

RoHiRi Ni \i H\ii.MA.\ . Mac'iit.Gii.

(ii;()Rc;i: W. Hi:asi.ev . L/ivonia, Ga.

Kkhari) T. 1}i:ckiiam . Molina. Ga.

W . W . Bird .1 vniiilnlc Estates. Ga.

C. 1\ 1}|, well \Rl) lI'adley.Ga.

W'li.i.iAM K. Holing . . (lanton. Ga.

Wai.i.aci; Hrackiit . Giandall. Ga.

Marion L. HrIDGES . . Samntr.Ga.

HiTH Brooks . . . Ciinitiiiiii;.Ga.

.MlKlwi HRiiiiKSHIRi Piiatur. Ga.

33 • • •

Alvah Brown . Siiiiniiil. G/i.

Orris Hlrroughs I'dlun/i, Cj/i.

S. H. BuxTOX . Byrdnivillc. Gii.

WlXFRED D. CagLE . . Mtiroil. C!ll.

Eleanor Campbell . Conunercc. Ga.

Frances Chamimox, Poini I'cirr. Ga.

High Ch amitox . . Tiiif. G(i.


Barbara Chiluers Cliii kstnii. Ga.

Louise Collins . . . Gtilfin. Ga.

S. H. Christopher . Mnnfictil'). Gti.

Herbert U. Clark . . .Il/ui/iy. Gn.

W. B. CoCHRAX . . Covington. Ga.

Prestox Milo Collins . Macon. Ga.

Hal D. Coxxer . Mount lemon. Ga.

34 FRESHmen

I.DVMN F. Cook . . Bl/iirs?illr, (,',i.

( ii;()R(;i-; T. Cdok Itiltl'is/ti, Citi.

Frank Cook . . Montinll'j. Cin.

Howard Crani-: . . . .1 itniiiii.C'itt.

I'.RNKST CroWI.KV . . . .Ilh(in\.(l

Dl-I.OAMK Clmbaa, |r., C'lliinihus. C!a.

I-kRov Otis Clrtis . Moultrie G/i.

Warrin (i. Cltts . . Cdlh'iun. Gn.

V.Wf. v.. DAMIil, . JtlJirs'jil, Gtl.

I. hi: DwiDsoN . K'tsi Point. Ga.

Robkrt Jknmnc.s Davis . Mmon. Gti.

Fi.i/ABKTH Dknard . . Ti^'lall. Gil.

AFvRiK Dkrr^' . . .M/iron. Gil. Q Artiilr I) KIR'S, Jr. Gri/jiii. Ga. ^tkA F',MOR^ Dll.l.ASHAW Cochran, Gii.

35 • • •

Marvin- C. Dix . . .1 l/lxvillf. Gn.

Rai.I'H H. nnni) . (Jollt'!;i- I'lirk. (Jii.

George I^. Drake, [r. . (Jon/dr. (i K. UlwiNi; . Idlildsid. Gn.

William H. Kstes . Li/irohit'iii . Gn.

F.uwiN H. Kthi;riix;e . . Cnrl.G'n.

James J. Fairci.oth . .1 shhiun.Gn-

Sara F. Fi'I.i.ovns . . Stcrfiisnii. .1 hi.

Fare W. F'i.elch i;r . Moiilirn. Gn.

(lEORCic M. F()rbi:s . . Miwui. Ga.

. I.i/niplci/i Thomas M. Fori. Jr. . G"-

EvEI.VN Franklm . (Uarkesville. Gn.

.Margaret . LaGrtmge. Ga.

Ln.ELAx Fuller . . Calhoun. Ga.

Frank Gheesling . . .-I tl'inia. Ga.


WllllWI (JiUUKNS . . r

I'.DW AKI) S. ( il.l ATON Diuntlir, (!il.

U. C". (lODFRiA (itiliiesrillc, (ifi.

Hl.N.I WIIN (iKACi; . .lUulliy, (ill.

(ii.oRci: S. (iRi;i;Ni£ . . Cordelcdti-

]. W. (iRiNGA . . . Nenii/iii, Gil.

1 1. I.. ( iRUFiN . . Att(it>ul);us,Gii.

Li fill ( iRi III \ . . . S/>iiiks, (ill.

W. 1!. (Irimis, Jr. . Gainesville. Gn.

V . Max (iRisr . Ditlnnl. ('H.

John 1\. H \rris . . . Millen.Gn.

\)\\ \. H AViiS . . C'lllei^i I'lirk.Gii.

M \R> M, H x's i:s . Mori^iiiitnii, Gil.

l\i in Ni;i,i. Hi;ai.a\ . .hihiirn. Gn.

|\Mis V Mil. Hi:ajii . I/iiirsvitli-. Gil.

37 • * •

. Milstiad.Ga. Clyde J. Hicks, Jr. Cu. C. H. Hill, Jr. . • If'ashington,

. . Marietta, Ga. J. William Hill

James P. Hogg . . lluukinsvUh.Ga.

Robert A. Holt/claw . Perry, Ga.

Blairsiillc. Ga. Garner J. Hooi'lr .

VV'ILLIS K. Howard . LaG range. Ga.

Sue Hughes . . . Oakuood.Ga. Max Hooks Hvman Conlile. Ga.

John- Richard Irwin . Albany, Ga. Ga. MoNCHER Lee Ivey . IVamlck. Ga. James C. Jarrard . . ICayrross,

Martha C. Jarrard Cliicopee, Ga. Imogene Jett Buford, Ga.

. Orlando, Fla. Bernard Johnson . ^v^

38 (RESHniEn

VdLNc Johnson- . . Ruysimi. Gti.

Mays Joi.r,i;v .... El/ijuy. (Jti.

Tikjmxs Joi.i.hv Tifion. d'ti.

Dwii) F. joNKS . H/iukiiisville,(J

.1 wii.s j. joNi:s . . Gainesville, G(i.

JOHN Al. FORD (on i;s . Deailur.Ca.

I.I I I \l I joNi:s . . Dtihlone^ii.Ga.

\KioN . M joNiis . Grif)in.Ga.

Fl.o iJoNU JoRlj.\N . Riiyslon. Ga.

STi;\ii SlllRLii^ Ki; AKIN . Canon. Ga.

James E. ll'hitestnne.Ga.

John Km.LUV . . . I'idette.Ga.

W. Rai.I'H Ki.i.i.ev Peny.Fla.

Jamhs R. KiiNNEMLR . IT liinluim. Ga.

A1.I.KN MtM. KiNC. . . While Plains, Ga.

39 • • •

. .Ilbany. Gu. Charles B. King .

John Monroe King . .Itltintn. Ca.

James K. Kinkead. Jr. . Criffin.Cin-

-V. . C. \VILE^ KiNNEV . Minphy,

D-iut^lasvilh\ Gu. Robert Leake .

Wii.blrn M. Lee Edisnn , Gil.

Gil. CI,^ NE W. LfNSFORD . SuchfS.

John Owen McCcn . . I In/mr. Gu. Gu. Harr^i' McDonald . Bithlclmn.

Gu. H. Bo\D McWhorter . Gnthnin.

. Decatur. Gu. Steve ALagargee . Gu. John ^L\LE'i . . GnbhftlerUlc. ill

James B. ^LANDEVH.LE . Tcnnillf. Gn. Lo* «h| f^j Gil. JlMNUE ^L\R0NEY . GllimSvUlc .

Richard X. ALathis . l-itzf^enilil. Gn.


M \i

DoKolin K. M A'i Sniidersville.Gn.

(iti. S.\MII-.I. v.. M.\^(J . . Riihlfinil .

. . Mfirii'iiti. Cii. JDiiN M xL'iHi; .

(j'/i. Dwil) I'.. MiM.lR . Mnriillfi.

II. C'. Mlll.lR . .Ivilll/ulf lisltiits. Gti.

Jcilix 1.. MlM.I-R . (Jallioun. Gti.

Rill) Misi NHi:rMi-.R . Gaiiiisvillf. (rti.

'l']H)\i\s K. .Mucin:!. I. . Griffin, (ic-

ThoMX.S W. Miii)1)\ Munrnr. G/i.

L'll \Rl IS R. MoORK . Ddhlnneiiu.Gn.

L'llVRlls il. \Ii II. . M'jiiriin/on. Gti.

I'iRR'i W. Mri.l.KN . . Duntlir.Gil.

\\ll.ll\M M. .MlRRMI . RlihUtnil.Gd.

Gti. H ARol.L) I.. Nh'RON . . Atlanta. * • •

Dan Newborn . . . D'juglas. Ca.

Robert Neely . . LaFayette. Ga.

Robert C. Nix, Jr. . Commerci', (Jti.

U. L. Oesterreicher . Oiiitmtin, Ga.

Leslie E. Oglesbv . . Udriifi-ll. Ga.

Charlie V. ()u/.ts . . Tauiille. Ga.

Edith Bond Owens . Dahlonctfa. Ga.

John A. Owens . . Ilahiia. Ga.

RoscoE C. 1'arks . . It'inihi , Ga.

Hlakklv a. Parroti . Dablin. Ga.

A. L. Partridge . . Limuhiton. Ga.

Eugene C. Patterson . .hiel. Ga.

William Patterson . . .h/el. Ga.

Sara Peacock .... .h/cl. Ga.

James Pearce . . . LaGrangr. Ga.

42 = fRESH(ll£n

Jim N. Pi:ri;RS()N Supert'in. Ga.

W'll.l.lAM t'. I'nil Ill's nniiliir. (!ri.

. iilllir. (in. J.AMI'.S Rn\ I'iRKI.i: . !)(

CHIN I.. 1'i.i;uci;r Ccdmid'un. Cn-

AM'jiiroe, Ga. J. N. I'rkston .

A. I.. 1', |r. .Itlantti. G(i.

jniiN l'i

I'aliloslii.Gii. \\\\A.\ I'l Rl)> . . .

.Illiuitii.Ga. R. I.. K \i (.11 1 Mil Ri; .

Gti. Kari. \i\\ . . . Cluiti.uillr.

H. (j. Ri;chsti;ini:r . Diililniui;/!. Gn.

R. (). Ri iiisi i.iNiR . Diihl'iiHiid.Ga.

. l'ark.G

j. I). Rii)r.i;\v.\v Royslon. Ga.

[am i;s Vinson Rii.i;v . . Jmip.Ga.

43 • * •

Edwin' T. Roberts . . Diiuiiir. Ga.

William H. Roberts Griffin, Ga.

Claud E. Robinsox . Granshfji-ii. Gu.

Paul Roper Jtco. Ga.

W. A. Roquemore . Xashi'illc. Gu.

Martha V. Rudasili. . Cant'ni. Ga.

James F. Russell . . IJ'avirly. FRESHmER

C. (L SlICI'I'ARD. Jr. . . .Itliinla. Cd.

H. C. Sll I I'l' \i(i) . . Stint/fiirilh', (i\i.

(."ll.XRI.I S SiKKKII.N . . MiJiiriii, C/l.

I \(K 1,1 \ SiNci.i r \K^ . Miims. (ill.

C'll \KI.I s r. S\lll II . . Siiri;,iit. (ill.

I i)\ \ Mm Smith . . I' ihkHIIii. da.

Vn\ v.. SMiTir . . . M'jiiliric, Gil.

James I.. Smiiii . .N'l,-; I lollmi,/. dn.

R()>C1L Smii II . . . .1 iiliiini. (ill.

R \> WiNsiiii- Souther . Macon. GV/.

Bin R. Sl'AlMioiR . ditinesviUe. Gn.

[niiv \\'\iri:R Starr .1 l/i/iny , Gii.

M \Rli-; S'lAioN . . . Jilftrs'jii, Gil.

RoBiRr C SriiMBRiDGi; . Ellijuy. (in.

Ki.NNETH A. Stephens . Sfmrta, Gu.

45 • • •

T. J. Stephen's . Xeu- Unlltin/l. Ga.

Leasox B. Stiles . Blue Riil^c. Cm.

Edward W. Stone ll'liii'hii/>i. (Ja.

Cecil L. Strickland . LaGrnniri'. G/i.

James A. Strickland . Roysian. Gu.

JiMMIE H. StLBBS . . Edl'illl'in. G/l.

LoRic SwiNT, Jr. . . Clii/>li y. Gn.

Johnnie Symmes Atldtitii. Gfi.

Anita Tanner . Sfiiii/o si'illi', Gti.

LlcIL S E. TeASLE^- U/irtlnll. Ga.

Frank A. Thomas . . MdKin.Go.

William Timmons . U'lsi I'mni.Ga.

Carlvle Q. Trimri i: . Moultrie. Ga.

Ramse^' R. Trimblt. . M'jiiltrie. Ga. \V. H. \'andi\ER. Jr. . Jefferson. Ga. ili


.[amis M. \'\r\i;r Si/.itlnilli-. Gil.

Miriam S'aiciin II iHitinisnii , (ill.

Hi (III W.AdvoN (hiilinini. (in.

W. O. Wmton . C;r-,l (iiihlis.llii.

KURHSS Warm ACK (ilinlsn'irlh. (in.

(i. \Vi;aiiii:ria . .Mniintiiiii (iil\ . (in.

Margarih \V'i:i;ms Clnrkstnn. (in.

JLl.i- \V. Wici.BORN . /linesiillr. (in.

(ii:oR(,i ( ). W'lllTAKiR . I'nli/ostn. (in. %Am. ^^^IM

Fri:d I,()RI\(, WiiiTi: . Ihuklnml.Ga.

.M>K\ W'lnri-; . . . Cuiironl, Cn.

jiMMii Will I Fill. I) . Bliii Riiiiie.dn.

Cl.ALD W'lI.l.IA.MS . Gninesiillt'.Gn.

CiiARi.i;s ]. Williams . Saufonl. Fin. JJ.1 [amis M. Williams . Monri,i,Gn.

47 • * •

S. M. Wll-SOX . StniiiM'jiintiiin. Ga.

Doris L. Wofford . . Corncli/i. Ga.

D. Woodman' . .Ivci/n/zili- I:stiit(s. Ga.

Fri;d B. Woodward . Cc

'InM F. WoRSHAM . Jt'lJersDnx'Uli-. Ga.

Sam Worth H'lir/ii Sf

RoBIRT \VyXNE Macnn. Ga.

48 w w t' f L' 'J

s r I) \ s I) i( N ^^^ n liy^

Miss Mary Shore Baldwin', Georgia

Sfionsor of the Cyclops UJNN Itrudlc) (liirk

Miiii. \, ( Ikorcia

apunsur ol the Slinliiil liuily

228HS Miss Kitty Maner Savannah, Georgia

Sponsor of the Rex Club Hiss lEiirhiii'ii rnisN

L'li \ir woodA, Ihnnessee

Sponsor III till- Si!;mri I'lii In I' rtitirnily Miss BonnHU Lawsuii Gainesville, Georgia

Sponsor of the Battalion tlisN llnllc I lark

M II.I I \, ( il nK<,| \

Sponsor of III,- liiilUili'iti SliilJ


% > % r h^

Miss Mary Gvelyn Mathis Richland, Georgia

Sponsor of "A" Company A

Hiss tliirv I I'll (I I (I

W'iNDI.R, Cil-.dkdl

Spitiisur nf " li" (i'jiiifiiiny rs. Floyd 1. Parks Athens, Georgia

Sponsor of "C" Coinpaiiy IlisN II II Ml I lie lie V

\ I \(.()N, I ilORl.l \

"/)" Sponsor III (lonit'iiny Mrs. E. R. Slaliiii East Poixt, Gkorgia

Sponsor of l)it Baml )\\S. i;. I'. llllNllT

A lllNRDI., ( "iKORCI \

i>f>rjii.\iir III tlif iiofilio/iiott' Class Miss Mary Sniifh

Bain BRIDGE, Georgia

S/'onsr/r nl the [• nsh/iuin Cleis!: llrs. II. r. Farriir

A\n\l)\l|, I'AIAIIS. (Ikiri.ia

S["iiisnr III The llii'^lir •, )^'-^.'-«:yCT.rr idia

MisN Kiilh Haywood


sponsor 0/ the Officers' Cluh )\\s. K. It. Poller

I lIllM \S\1I.I.I . ( il liUl.l \

S/>onsor of ihr I'mi-I Irlh iiii (Inuitiil V. ,jf"

>;":*< f


Mrs. Basconi Riggers AvoNDALE Estates, Georgia

Sfionsor of tin- DruiiKitic Cliih A

)\\s\ Mil lie llerrv *

M \C()N, ( ll.DRCI

s/ioiis'ti of iiii- y. M. ('.. .1.

\ Miss Eli/ahelh king Fort Gaines, Georgia

iMiss Xorih Giorgia College Ill I L I T A l[ 1

Color Guard

( AI'I.MN 1'. M. lILTHII.USiiX I IKS I 1.1. K. S. M, (ONM;!.!. SKKCKANT J. I.. tl.AKK Ci'mnitititltint .Issislaiil I'. M. S. d- T. Axsislant to the P. M . S.


Throuj^h the endeavors of the members of the Military Department, North

Georgia College has emulated the traditions of the Military Academy at West Point; in like manner, North (jeorgia College may well be called "Georgia's West Point." This year brought about a reorganization of the department through the government's defense program. These measures called Captain Hutchcrson to active duty, promoted Lieutenant McConnell, And transferred

Sergeant Clark from R. O. T. C. training to special duties in the department.

Another promotion that so pleased the cadets was that of Major \Litthews to Lieutenant Colonel. Through him as P. .M. S. & T. with his assistants has come to the Cadet Corps an excellent program of training which is upheld bv the aid of the Cadet Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers.

71 » 'i


LlELTENANT Coi.ONEl. AsKIiW Cninmaudcr

Major North Exnutive Officer

""^ Captain Farr \r (.lilintniit)

C p Captain Hunter

First Lieutenant Wei. born ^'-^

Captain Farris ^-4

Sergeant Moore ^^"-'"' ^"Se""'

72 Passing in Rn-inv

Honor Cnmfany l)ist>i\liim

73 C

Cai'tain AIhrriam .

First Lieutexan j .Martix Second Lieutenant (jNaxn





First Lieutenant \Lartix Plntoon Leader

Sergeant Phillips, W. J. . Staff Sergeant Sergeant Harper . Line Sergeant

J. Adams F. Bowman E. Crowley G. Hll.ME D. Mote J. Tate E. Alfiiri) M. Bridges H. DiLLASHAW E. Herrix W. Moody R. TiMMOXS

H. Allen A. Brown E. Elliot R. JoyxER M. MURRAH (i. Weatherly

J. AXUERSON B. Brown J. Elrod J. Jordan J. \LX J. \\ HITE

N. Ash G. Chainckv O. Hemi'hill C. Lyle E. Sherrer 1). Willis

E. Reck HAM J. Cox NELL H. HtXDERSOX W. Math IS P. Tapley

.-..fin? f f 9 ? \ Y a

(jitiiipitny (Joniiiiunilfr

Si'inni/ in i'litiniiuniil

I'lnl't'in (lumntiinilir

. iirsl Sergaint



SECOND PLATOOX Second Liuitknant Gxann Platoon Leader

Serckant Pllll.l.ll'S, CUAS Staff Sergeant Serc.eant \ai.i:\tini: f-i'"' Sergeant

T. AllKKI KdMlllK C M F

Cai'i \l\ Ak\(II.D




i.ii;ri'i;NANi- cai.iioun f f 9 9 \ Y II

f>''j /;/ />« II y (ill in milniter

Stiiinii ill (jiiiiiniiinil

Pint nun (i'liiimnm/ir

His I S fit; runt


l.liarri'.N.WI MIKUAV


Si-LOM) l,ii:i ti:n A\ I Mirr\>' Pliilooii Leiiihr

Si:r(;i:ant I)()sti:r Staff Sergeant Sirt^cant Skrgkant Acevkdo . Line

\Va(.xon J. Ai i.iscix F. Cook R. Hai.1. W. I.l NSKOHI) C. Phim.ifs H. R. Asii W. CfTTS H. Mam MOM) J. M( Kav 1 1. Sanm)ers A. Whai.ex II. I! AKKIIN M.Dix R. Haxley J. MoKKISON r. Saxiieks F. White W. MiKl)

S. BkAi KKTT W. (illlDEXS I. Kf.nnkmi K 1.. Oci.ESBY J. V'arxek J. Wilson v.. C'oilK J. (JKKiGKKS M. Key A. I'WNE C I) M P

Captain 1\\kks ....

First Lieutknant Hoi i.iua^-

Si'COND Lieutenant Waters Gay


i.IKl'TKXANT AY f f 11 M Y I]

Gil III pun \ ('.hiiiiiKiiidfr

Si'i'iiiii/ ill (liiiiiiiitiiiil

I'liitu'iii (Jiiiniiiiiiiilir

. Siii;i/iiit

si;Ki;i;\Nr <;.\y



SiCDM) I-IKITKN AM WatKRS Pl/ltOOii Leader Shrcuant Ransom Si"ll Siigamt Sergeant Riggers Line Sergeant

A. AXDKKWS M. Cl.AKK (I. KoKIlKS Il.HuFF K. MatHIS J. Pl.F.IlCKR T. liARKsiiALK L.Davidson \V. Gextky M.Ji)nf..< W. Rainey C. Hi.AX( HAKii R. Davidson H. ("iodfkkv J.Jakkard H. Myron \V. Scalf.s W. Boi.iNC R. DoDD M. (Irist L. Ku ki.iciitkr F. Phillips B. Si-ainholr .\. I'ru I. BiTLER R. Kntzmincjer J. Harris R. Lk.\ke J.Starr R. K. Stei-hexs \V. Cochran J. Fletcher W. Howard J. Manheville Ralchexherg M. W'lI.l.lA.MS M F J

Captain Cheney


Second Lieutenant Lsr^- Hlr.ilSMITH ....





First Lieutenant Ellis Platoon Ltadcr Sergeant Smith Staff Sergeant Sergeant King Line Sergeant

R. An A.MS C. I'r.NNixG L. Hk.ndkilks J. L'.. Rllker C. Strickla.n'u G. .Ai.EXAXDER L. FlT/CEKALD B. HlI.L D. NEWBORN R. ScAKBROlGH J. SlLBBS P.Bass J. Faikcloth I). Horne E. Newton J. Shannon D. Svfan J. Cash Fort R.Jones J.Owens J. Sheppard F.Thomas C. Ch.M'Max S. Gleaton Keaton J. Peter.son C. Shockley J. Wei.i.horn S. Chri.stopher W. (Irimes J. MiCalla W. Roberts R. Souther J. Whitehead D.Conner 1!. Hatcher J. McCoy W. Rocjue.more K.Stephens T. Worsham S. Worth f f n n

Y I)

Ijiintpiiii \ (^iiiiimtiniler

Siiuiiil in (luiiinianil

I' lilt nun l^iiniiiDiniltr

. hirst Sfii;eiiiil

skk(;k.\.\ T iiii.iisMrrii

!• 1,11 I 1 \ \\ I ISCKV


Sn.()\i) Liii fV r H E

Captain Si.aiox

First Lii:rTi.\ an i I'ortir Uarxett Webb



. (i'iiiif>iiny CiiiiiiiKitulfr

Siiiiiid in (Jornniiiiitl

. Sfioiiti Lieiittniint

. lirst Si'rji^iiiiit


LIKl'TKNANl" llAKNiri' I f f'«lK V OF ; ;gc\i VIVA m ^3'




^\^ K mit4. ILK

I ha III Hand.

I'eacoik iicis a iiioiilh full. Kcx. Retreat. "The regulations say ..."

Paginate li Z'ietdrioiis. Bamjuct. Jitterbugs? Ihiinan Hug. .Mahel. Coeds? Bob and .Mays. Butch and Bottle. "Big Dog." SuperzL'oman. ^^ Grasscater.

If it' L L

(' 1 T II L K T I J I) I II \ 1

JUNE 1, 1941


Coach Coker— one whose iintirin^ ef-

forts have placed our colle;:e hijzh in the

rank of sports— to him we dedicate this

Athletic JoLinial.

This \'ear Coach Coker had seven of his last \ear's letter men hack, and with the atldition of sex'eral good freshmen, he put out a szood haskethall scjuad. 'The Cadets won thirteen ^ames and lost ten.

The luLih point man for the season was Captain Bill\ McIJaviil with a total of 231 points. He was closely followed hy Dorsey Jones, with a r

I s n u T Y (I r HI Tlu" season's riVDrd is as follows:

X. Ga.

Nniinaii I'ark 2.? Mi

Hnhorsliam 2« 4.?

Rabim Ciap 51 40

(lordon 24 2.^

Aujjusta liinior Collc^i' .... 34 2^

Abraham HaMwin 17 10

Habersham 44 52

West (Jeorjiia 35 26

South (K()r^ia 32 40

Rabun (Jap 50 36

V'ounj; Harris 48 36

Reinliartlt 34 49

Soutli (ieorj;ia 57 24

Norman Park 17 32

Armstrong' 37 32

Abraham Mal.lw in 35 49

Rcinhardt 24 43

West (u'or^'ia 34 49

Clordon 33 53

^Ounji Harris 32 43

Armstrong; ii 58

Auiiusta Jutiior Collej^e .... 46 79

West (jeorjzia 4S 46

Left side, luf to bottom: Ash. Wood. KIroil, IVrkins. .\rnolil.

. . . Center, left to right: Xlcl).ivid, Ad.ims. White. Xlorrisim, Jones. . . . Right side, tof to Iwllom: IJcdiiiKficId, North, Dilla- shaw, Holtzcl.Tw. McWhiirtir.

1j RIFLE T E 1 Jl


Ix Spite ok a Change of Coaches at the Middle of the season, which was necessitated by changes in the Military Department personnel, the ritle team made a creditable showing toward the end of the season. John Symmes' possible scores in various positions and the support of other men on the team placed North Georgia high among the participants in the Fourth Corps Area annual match. An even higher goal was reached in the Hearst Trophy match. The season came to an end with a close win over Boys High School of Atlanta. A rearrangement in the different phases of Mili- tary Science is proposed so that riHe marksmanship will be taught at the beginning of the year. This will enable every member of the Cadet Corps to k. compete for the varsity team. With these changes and practically all this year's entire team back to form the nucleus N. G. C. has prospects of another cham- pionship team for the coming year. Silliii" > It'/ ^ / ten . . . -^..'.«/ /v' cr^/»

^f^fCfv^^^.'^ By Ak^l iJ


This year. Coach Cukcr had several ot liis hist \ ear's ehanipii)i\>hip team liack, aiul \\ itii the addition

of several i;ood freshmen, has put out a team rliat i^ iU>tme

State Junior CoUe^e tournament a^'ain.

Witli liis hist year's numher one man, Carlto;) W'elhurn, hack in that position, and McClure,

another seasoned \eteran, hack in numher two position, Coacli should put out a M|uad that has never

hcen equalled in the state Junior Collejies.

W'elhorn and McClure should he ahle tn hcdti dtiwn the numlier one douhles, and u ith Starr and

Williams in there fijihtin;; at number t\\o, the State Tournament siiouid he easily taken.

So far this \ear tile sipiad has drupped (inl\ (ine match, this heinL' "ith (leorgia K\enin^ ScIkjoI.

Tile schedule for this \ear is as tollows:

April 8— South Geori^ia Colle^je here April II — (leory;ia Kvenini; School there April \A— P. C. Frosh there ^^ April 17 — Kmor\ Junior there *i^B .April 18—Abraham Haldwin there ^P*

April l<^' — South (leor^ia there ^^H^^HHV - .April 23— (leorjiia Frosh In Athens i^V^^^P^B 'M April 2-t— Riverside here ^^n^^HJF^^i April 26 West Georjiia there — Sr^ \ April 28— P. C. Frosh here *i •T .April 30—Georgia F'rosh here May 2—Gordon here .Ma\ 3— West Georgia here Ma\ 10—Georgia Kveninj; Collej;e here 17 .Ma\ 15, 16, —Junior CoUefre Tournament . here .May 2-<— F.mory Junior here 'i'ech Frosh — Cl'entative .Arrangements)

89 I n H il M I! R I L S

III! X 1 i\ G d

k 7

CHAS. ilcCLURE Manager of Basketball

Left side, top to bottom: IIAVKS. "D" CompaTU'. 125-lb. W'gt. Chainp. . . . IIVMA.V.

Band, 118-lb. Wgt. Chami>. . . . BASS, "IV Company, IS5-lb. Wgt. Champ. . . . (IRIMES, "D" Company. I75-lb. Wgt. Champ. * Right side: HANI.EY, "B" Company, 1101b.

Wgt. Champ. . . , MYRON, "C" Company. 1.15-lb. Wgt. Champ. . . . KE.\TOX. "D" I 7 M Company, 145-Ib, Wt. Champ. . . . THOMAS, "D" Company, Heavyweight Champ. i N (I F T II 1 I I

l'r();.'i:im. Coach A new >c:ir broiijxht to us a cuinpli-te new SNSteni tor tin- Intranuiial 'I'his \i-ar —with Coker, aiilcil bv liis ever- read)- assistant, Coach Uriilyes, lias sliowri the aim of the projiram "One for all anil all for one." Plans have worked out in such a manner that every cadet on tlu- campus may have the chance to take active part in some sport, whatever the t>pe it may be. FRESH.MAN BOX- clash in Compan\ Spirit. .Man\ times it was shown that it was INCi . . . every year the most exciting not the most adept at the sport that came out "CHAMP" but that "it was an\bod\"s (ij;lu that jiave it what there was under the belt. Rope bruises, iilove burns, nor sprained joints could not put down the "never-say-die spirit" beliind eacli punch. As the season closed Compain "D" was found to have barel\ nosed out the Band. FALL I'KNNIS . . . due to six excellent tennis courts, and tlie Cadets' likinj; this sport. Fall Tennis found many entrants on hand. Through the winners of this tourna- ment. Coach Coker was able to pick out his present \'arsit\-. This \ear the tournament was won b\-


"A" Company. The winner, Carlton Wellborn is number one man on the \'arsit\. ... before the cool weather of fall came upon us bats were wielded on the shortened diamond of the base- ball fieKl. The victorious team was also Company "D" as the\ defeated Compan\ "B." TOUCH on the field, di;.iijin^ FOOTBALL . . . from the inexperienced to the ex-hi^h school star, they trod their toes in deeper in every pla\. This tourney h\ no means a one-sided afifair was won by the hard- the hitting "A" Company bo.\s. BASKETBALL . . . winter's breezes just round the corner threw boys on the iiardwood. X'ictories were piling in for every team ; as the bitter struggles took place Coach Coker was busily engaged in picking the outstanding freshmen for his \arsit\- squad. The sensa- tional \ictor\ of the Band over "B" Compan\ ga\e that organization the tourne\. FOOL . . . breezes still whipping around the corner also brought sweeping victory for "A" Company in the doubles tour- nament with Bowman and Tate as Champs. VOLLFA BALL . . . still on the hardwood comes the

FIELD II (I I' k E V II II IV 1 1 \ i; I' I \ li I' II \ li

houncinu aiul yclliiiji ot tliosi- UT\i'ntl> fiij:a^eil iii hitter strii'j:i,'li'^ to kcrp the ball in the air. Com-

pany "B" was victorious in the volleyball tourney. H()\VUN(j . . . comes the sensational six-man team of "C" Company with such outstrnilinc men as P. K. Phillips, '40 singles winner, Kntzmin^er. \eteran, and Harksiialc. tresiiman Hash, to bowl over every oncomer with no trouble and finally to

defeat the Faculty team. KIKLD HOCKFA' . . . sprin;: brinjiintr its usual sinjzinj; of birds, cuddlinj;

of couples, sprained \\ rists. and still a new one for the new sport introduced this \car, namely, "busted shins." SInncS'i of the <:ame was overcome with the introduction of the jiuards and sticks si im betjan

to fly until "A" Company came out as winners of their matches. THOSK 'i E T TO CO.MK ... as the Cvci.oi'S jioes to press the INTRA.MLRAL PROCjRA.M has not by an\- means been completed. Man\ men are lookin;: lonvard to competing; in those to come which will con'^ist of PADDLF" BAD- MIN'ION. PINC^, P()N(i, TRACK. CROSS COLNTRV, HORSK SHOKS, AND O'lHKRS.

II 1 N k [] T II 1 L L P II I) L Ell snins


Coed Intramural Sports would not be

complete without the able leadership of

Miss Bruce, who for several years has

been their Physical Education instruc-

tor. To her, we dedicate Coed Sports.


Among the numerous sports, the coeds display unusual ability in archery. At right are some members of the archery team. Eeft to right, they are Lucille Grif- fen, archery manager, Virginia Saun- ders, Bonnelle Lawson, Edith Craig.

Archery tournaments are held in the spring (Quarter with competition between the various teams. •Toni SIK lloiM.soX i.liAi.i: D.WIS Caf'fain Cat' tain


Till' 'l"r;ilil\ tans, one ot tlu' two siiplKimoic Tilt- -MciTurians, another of tlic sophomore teams, won second place in the song-writinji con- teams, were winners of stunt nit;ht, and tliird test, and were also second place uiiiiicrs in tlic contest of stunt nijilit. place winners of the song-writing contest.

llll'l'()l,i;rA.NS PHI-OMICROXS

Tile Hippolctans. one of the freshman tc.ims. The Phi-Omicrons, another of the freshman were winners of first place in thi- soiii-'-w rititig contest, and winners of fourtli place in stunt teams, won third place in stunt night, and were night. fourth place winners in the song-writing contest.

I1.\K1!AK.\ nilI.l)KR.>; i:i.iz.\i!i;rii siianahax Cu/'far'n The Coed Program as outlined Bruce is carried out in such a manner

that every girl on the canTpiiJ in this division. Major sports

as shown here are made up'tj all, hiking, bowling, and tennis.



:^ .Iclion!

Other sports on the training in )ung ladies are Badminton,

Pong. X'arsity Basketball, and Arc hcse feats the coeds show unusual talents. aW^


it n E I, (; n ' L M I t ii ii u' 1

fi%jj l>(lk I I K .\lij;l;i \Ai I'AKKS


Edu ARD Pdrter PresiilenI

W. H. Mkrrlwi rke-Pres'uldit

Bex Parks Secretary

DuKK Martin- Tnnsurer

RriBKRT P'arrar Mcinhcr

Thomas Wall Member

100 (' T HE 11 I' V I {\n S T A F F

IJi.s Parks


HicM Nor I II Biisiiiiss Miinni'fr

J. C. H\rm;s . . I'll, II 1 1 \ .1,1 vise r of linancis

C. J. DisML KhS . i'aiiilly .1,/riser to the Etiiloi

Hou Farrar Feature Editor

Ri Hli: Cari.isi.i-; Sfiorts Editor

Frank (lARRrsov . .hsiitnnt liusiiiess Manager

^^^Rl()\ I()\i:s Photographer

MoXM.l.l.h LawsoN . . . .Issisttint Editor

JAS. .\r\\i)i:\ii.r.i-: . .Issoi'mti Business Manager

Cm AS. Oltzs Associate Editor

W. li\l\\.\ Sports Editor

.\F\R'. Shori; hsistani Editor

Jo Maf. Smith . .hsistant Business Manager

1 Hos. \i.i, . \\ . Assistant Business Manager


RoBFRT FaRR \R Eilit'ir-iii-(Jliii'(

Frank Garrison . Business Moiutner

R. S. McCoys' hi. I, . I'diiilly Adviser


Publish KD kvi-rv thrre wekks by the stiulents of North Georgia College, to express the unbiased

opinion of the students, establish high standards of conduct, scholarship and sportsmanship, to encour-

age greater participation and interest in all college activities and to promote stronger co-operation

between the students and the administration.

George Beasley Photographer Bascom Biggers h'c-us Sloll Rebie Carlisle Associate Editor Bill Calhoun Excliaugcs Edith Craig Features Margaret Freeman News Staff BiLLV HiGHSMITH Sforts Staff *Mariox Jones Circulation Staff Catherine King \e-j.s staff Elizaheth King Features BONNELLE LaWSON News Staff Charles McClure Sforts Staff Hugh North News Staff Ben Parks Xews Staff Gene Patterson Features Phillips Cireulalitfit Stati' Wesley Rainev sports Staff Bill Roolemore sports Staff X'iRGiNiA Saunders News Staff Jo Mae Smith Xews Staff Dan- Woodman News Staff

*No Picture

102 : GaM Suolet

The Voice Of North Georgia College


N. G. C. Enrollment Band Makes Trip Sets New Record To Basket Tourney

'. I. .Kir J<. Tin- 1440 41 vitiilrni Held In Tifton t)i of North (trdrfti^ ('nllcKC in

Ut^c^I ill tlir liiftlitry of thr .March II. Through the unsdfivh 'I'licrc arc I.W c«>rt|s »tt'. and and splenilidly cooperative donations

. • o.itU't<>, niakiiiK a total nf 59*1 of the remainder of the battalion and «liiilt'iii«. TIm^ rnr>>tliiiriit is larger the Kcncroiis niercliant*^ of Dahlon- l»> our llian last year. rga. :i portion of the .North Ceorgia IVt"»iilrnt KoKi-rs c<^liniatt-*l thai Crdlege hand accompanied the ba-^- :>i-l-ro\tniatcly I5n •>tihlcnt'« wi-rc tlc- kelbalt team to Tifton to atteiiil the t admiftKton l>rcati<>f k*' lai-k of junior college cage tourney. 'ititfiry ipnrr The Hand chartered a bus anil, nnilcr the guidance of Lt. .McConnell an

April I to 4 Numerous Improve- April I. I'litlcr l)ir spoiiitorship ments Are Made nf ihc V. M. r. .\.. KeliKunis Km- Clark Is Unopposed In Garrison Is New Bugler |iliasis W'cpk was obscrvcil April I- On Campus 4 !>r. R. S. VouiiK. |>astor of the Election For President Dusiness Manager Itaptist ^;al church of Ncwnan, i )ctoher 8. — Numerous improve- Fchruai 4. Frank ( iarrison, »;ur^i speaker for the week. Student y a ments have been and are being made Of Body sophomore from Atlanta, has on the campus and in the buildings I>r. Vouiift comlticled chapel pro- been chosen by the Publication Commit- of N'orth (ieorgia College. The in- t tctol.ii grams on Tue»4lay and Thursday at J9. Ill the elect io:» o( terior of old buildings have been re- tee to (ill the jiosilion of lUisitiess rct(iiUr chapel periu^ts. anil every Tuesday. ( )ctober 21. Lieutenant crvices with special *ongs and Colonel Clark hoMs many impor- now were freslimen who niaile an excel- furnished to meet all student needs. pr<)f!ram>. t >pcn forimis and discus- tant positions on tie canipn?-. lie is lent showing. Mr. C. J. Disniukes. sion^ were held in the aftern«>ons in Business Manager of the I'adct chairman of the Publication C"om- us dormitories and buildings ICuglcr. and has been very outstand- niittee. stated that the committee Elwyn Carter, ing in the military ilepartnu-nt of was greatly pleaded with the results otudents to meet and discuss the school as shown hy his present of the meeting and wished to urge [ problems. rank of battalion commantler. those freshmen who tried for the Famous Soloist, position this time to be sure to enter the competition again this spring at which time next year's Business To Be Here May 2 C Is Company Decorated With Citation Manager will be selected. April 11. li.e .\. t.. K. Men's (Ilec Club will present a concert in Cords At Colorful Parade of Knglish and Dean of Women the college auditorium at 8:30 p. Mrs. Martha Hutcherson. .\ssistant m.. on May 2.

Librarian ; Mr. Willis Hridges, As- Klwyn I'artcr. of will lolier 29. —Cadets of Company New York, sistant Coach: and Sergeant C. IL be the guest bass soloist with Mr. ^ . the Honor Company, were dec- New Members Are Chapman, Assistant in the Military C. J. i^ismukes directing and Dr. iirated with citation cords at pa- Dept. R. 11. Flanders at the piano.

I I- . Sunday by l*re<^ident Rogers. Added To Faculty f ceremony wa> very colorful, HONOR COMPANY tnemhers of the Honor Corn- < (clulter S, |%Ieven new inenii.ers wearing ilre?^s caps and blouses, were added to the faculty this year. the cords on the left shouMer Mr. Wayne Howman. Professor of iir ld

tor : Mr. Howard H. Ciilbert. I l)liie cords, the sophomores. Jr..

'inr«. new bookkeeper ; .\lr. Desmond r citation cord is something Itooth, Professor of Knglish and Di- ly new at North C*eorgia. In rector of Men's tllee (_"lub ; Mr. roliahility it will be awarded

. year to the member* of the Francis K. .\iiilrew. Social Science C.iinpany. Thr Hignit'icanc: ilepartment : Mr. Kicbard .Maguire. - ition Cord I* thai it calls Pro'e»sor of .Mathematics^

1 for \t% excellence. and l*ro'e?s

. the |H>ssihility o' Mr. William Mlankenburg, Professor • *. < ill adornment shoidd trie cadet the incentive to make of Mechanical Dr.iuing and Phy-.-

impany the l>e<«t company. ics : Mr*. Irma Holloway. Teacher :


put niissililc for church formation or Drill Field New parade, Coh^nel Kiehniorid based his opinion of the corps upon the gen- To Be Show Place eral appearance of the cadets and from information gained from Col- onel Matthews and Sergeant April 22.~The new drill field, Mc- which was begun only several weeks Connell. In a letter to Colonel Matthews ago, is almost completed. The grass he sent the following report: seeds have been sown and a boun- "Among the I" Senior R. O. T. tiful rain has lent its aid. C. units in this corps area, the unit Prof. J, C. Harnes says that with at this institution I North favorable weather we should have Cieorgia College) is, and has been for sev- a tiiick turf in about six weeks. eral years, one of the best, if not The new field has developed in indeed the best, ... Its efficiency an amazingly shoi t time from a is due ... to the remarkably sound • Irab, rocky, apjjarently useless, shal- and solid and never-failing loyalty low valley into a level, sodded and devotion to it upon the part of surrounded by the too familiar the corps of cadets. track. The rapidity with which the changes took place is remarkable. In a comparatively short time the plot has been graded, ploughed, cut, Metropolitan Trio NEW ARMORY AND CLOTHING ROOM harrowed, dragged and, in brief, pulverized. Presents Concert Armory And Clothing Roonr» Near Completion; December 10. —The Metropolitan Col. Matthews Pre- Trio of New \'ork presented a con- cert Tuesday morning, December 3, New Room To Solve Old Problem at the chapel hour. The program, sides At Memorial composed of classical and semi-clas- sical numbers, i)rovided N. G. C. February 18. — L'nder tlie guidance Day students with music of a very high of Lieutenant Richard S. McConnell. Program (juality which was educational as ilic in Memorial old library Price Prominent Form well as entertaining. IJall is being converted into a new Men 19. -November — Armistice Day was This Trio consists of three tal- elo tiling store and modernized arm- observed at North Georgia College ented musicians : Mack Walmer, an or\-. Located directly above tlie Stu Alumni Association by a special [>rogram in the audi- accomplisheroniinent men who use