Native American Heritage Guide
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and volcanoes, Transformer may still be at work today. today. work at be still may Transformer volcanoes, and Cover photo: artist Shaun Peterson (Puyallup). Photo: Esha Hart Esha Photo: (Puyallup). Peterson Shaun artist photo: Cover people live. Given the region’s dynamic history of earthquakes earthquakes of history dynamic region’s the Given live. people Content by Past Forward NW Cultural Services, third edition 2016 edition third Services, Cultural NW Forward Past by Content spirit being called Transformer who created the landscape where where landscape the created who Transformer called being spirit cedar and salmon. Oral histories among tribal groups feature a a feature groups tribal among histories Oral salmon. and cedar generations, traditional life centered on two primary resources: resources: primary two on centered life traditional generations, in the Cascade Mountains to lowland rivers and beaches. For many many For beaches. and rivers lowland to Mountains Cascade the in 10,000 years. Sites are found throughout the landscape, from high high from landscape, the throughout found are Sites years. 10,000 Archaeological sites in the Puget Sound area date back over over back date area Sound Puget the in sites Archaeological traditional foods. traditional such traditions as canoe carving, weaving, and preparation of of preparation and weaving, carving, canoe as traditions such 4Culture / King County Public Art Collection Art Public County King / 4Culture Sound Native communities, based on renewing and passing on on passing and renewing on based communities, Native Sound and artist the of courtesy fabrication), (in Wisdom Grandfather’s Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, Wilbur-Sigo, Andrea In recent years, a cultural revival has taken place in Puget Puget in place taken has revival cultural a years, recent In education programs. programs. education working hard to revitalize the language through youth and adult adult and youth through language the revitalize to hard working community events that make Seattle unique. Seattle make that events community cultural legacies. cultural that is traditionally spoken in the Seattle area, and tribes are are tribes and area, Seattle the in spoken traditionally is that of Native legacies in the place names, artistic traditions and and traditions artistic names, place the in legacies Native of contribute to this project and who preserve and protect Seattle’s Seattle’s protect and preserve who and project this to contribute Lushootseed, or Puget Sound Salish, is the Coast Salish language language Salish Coast the is Salish, Sound Puget or Lushootseed, and special events, and exploring the city with an awareness awareness an with city the exploring and events, special and Our sincere thanks to all the community members who helped helped who members community the all to thanks sincere Our ways – by visiting museums and heritage sites, attending festivals festivals attending sites, heritage and museums visiting by – ways Hilbert (1918 – 2008) – (1918 Hilbert Vi Elder Skagit Upper - Washington State Convention Center at 7th & Pike. Pike. & 7th at Center Convention State Washington taRšeblu Seattle’s Native American heritage can be experienced in many many in experienced be can heritage American Native Seattle’s “We have always been here, we are still here, we will always be here.” here.” be always will we here, still are we here, been always have “We at 1st & Pike in downtown Seattle or the main floor of the the of floor main the or Seattle downtown in Pike & 1st at rather than the role of Columbus in colonizing the Americas. Americas. the colonizing in Columbus of role the than rather . Or stop by one of our Visitor Information Centers Centers Information Visitor our of one by stop Or . Indigenous Peoples Day, honoring the resilience of Native culture, culture, Native of resilience the honoring Day, Peoples Indigenous Alaska and the rest of North America. America. North of rest the and Alaska Learn more about Seattle and access expert travel advice at at advice travel expert access and Seattle about more Learn In 2014, the Seattle City Council designated October 14 as as 14 October designated Council City Seattle the 2014, In diverse group of Native people from throughout Washington, Washington, throughout from people Native of group diverse County Lodging Tax) and the the and Tax) Lodging County . Office of Arts and Culture and Arts of Office Tulalip, and Puyallup Nations. In addition, Seattle is home to a a to home is Seattle addition, In Nations. Puyallup and Tulalip, and cultural resources. resources. cultural and Visit Seattle, and supported by funding from from funding by supported and Seattle, Visit (King (King 4Culture including the Duwamish, Suquamish, Muckleshoot, Snoqualmie, Snoqualmie, Muckleshoot, Suquamish, Duwamish, the including managers, along with federal and state governments, of natural natural of governments, state and federal with along managers, The guides are produced by the Cultural Tourism program of of program Tourism Cultural the by produced are guides The spaces. Several Indian tribes call the region around Seattle home, home, Seattle around region the call tribes Indian Several spaces. treaty rights for fishing, shellfishing and hunting, and serve as co- as serve and hunting, and shellfishing fishing, for rights treaty communities and unique history. unique and communities be found throughout the city’s museums, galleries and public public and galleries museums, city’s the throughout found be States government. Tribes today are sovereign nations which hold hold which nations sovereign are today Tribes government. States that will give you an insider’s view of Seattle’s vibrant ethnic ethnic vibrant Seattle’s of view insider’s an you give will that and landscape features have Indian names, and tribal artwork can can artwork tribal and names, Indian have features landscape and Creek (1854) and the Treaty of Point Elliott (1855) to the United United the to (1855) Elliott Point of Treaty the and (1854) Creek about museums, historic sites, public art and neighborhoods neighborhoods and art public sites, historic museums, about the Suquamish and Duwamish people, many of our communities communities our of many people, Duwamish and Suquamish the acres of their traditional territories under the Treaty of Medicine Medicine of Treaty the under territories traditional their of acres visitors who want to explore the city’s rich cultural heritage. Learn Learn heritage. cultural rich city’s the explore to want who visitors Seattle is Indian Country. The city is named for a hereditary chief of of chief hereditary a for named is city The Country. Indian is Seattle Indian tribes in the Puget Sound region ceded thousands of of thousands ceded region Sound Puget the in tribes Indian are a resource for for resource a are SEATTLE CULTURAL HERITAGE GUIDES GUIDES HERITAGE CULTURAL SEATTLE INTRODUCTION Project 562, 562, Project Tulalip), / (Swinomish Wilbur Matika by 2014 (Tulalip), Ancheta Eckos and Bibiana Darkfeather, Canoes representing Native American tribes from the Salish Sea wait at Solo Point during a canoe journey. Photo: Ingrid Barrentine / NW Guardian NW / Barrentine Ingrid Photo: journey. canoe a during Point Solo at wait Sea Salish the from tribes American Native representing Canoes HERITAGE SITES SITES HERITAGE • GALLERIES • MUSEUMS SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL • CULTURAL HERITAGE GUIDE HERITAGE CULTURAL NATIVE AMERICAN AMERICAN NATIVE ABOUT THIS GUIDE THIS ABOUT Portrait from University of Washington SPECIAL EVENTS LIbraries, Special Collections, NA 1511 Seafair Indian Days Pow Wow Photo by Jack Storms FIRST SALMON CELEBRATION Spring or Summer, Indian Reservations throughout the Pacific Northwest These annual ceremonies are observed by many tribes, depending on the timing of local salmon runs. According to tradition, the first COAST SALISH ARTWORK salmon caught each season is welcomed as a sacred guest, and treated with respect. This time-honored event is an opportunity “Every part of this country is sacred to my people. Every to thank the salmon for returning and for giving its life to feed the The ubiquitous totem pole, the most visible example of Native Small items such as spindle whorls and hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed people. Contact individual tribes for information about dates and artwork in Seattle, actually comes from Southeast Alaska and canoe paddles were both utilitarian objects locations; a directory of tribes can be found at by some fond memory or some sad experience of my tribe.” British Columbia. and ornately carved artworks. Twined baskets, as well as hats and clothing were made from SPIRIT OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE FESTIVAL Since the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897, Seattle has had close ties June, Seattle Center cedar, and master weavers created elegant blankets (si?aA) to the Northwest Coast, and many monumental works of art from This festival brings together American Indians, Alaska Natives and CHIEF SEATTLE and robes on large looms using yarns spun from the First Nations People for a pow wow, Native art market, music and Haida, Tsimshian and Tlingit carvers can be seen in Seattle. hair of mountain goats and woolly dogs. dance performances, and cultural celebration. Seattle is the only major city named for a Native American chief. Recognized as a leader of the Suquamish and Duwamish people, Totem poles were traditionally carved from cedar trees to serve Local design traditions have long been overshadowed Chief Seattle was known as a peace maker, and as a great speaker as memorial posts displaying inherited crests, or as exterior house SEAFAIR INDIAN DAYS POW WOW by more imposing artistic styles from farther north, in his native Lushootseed language. This 1864 studio portrait is posts providing support for large cedar long houses. but contemporary artists such as Susan Point, Roger July, Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Discovery Park Hundreds of dancers in full regalia, dozens of drum groups and the only known photograph of the famous Indian leader.