NORTH EYRE ROAD R.D.5 7475 PHONE 03 3125850 FAX 03 3125896 Email [email protected] Online www.westeyreton.school.nz

Thursday 3 September 2015

Dear Parents & Caregivers

This week we were all extremely sad to receive news that one of our 5 year old pupils, Sophie McInerney, had died. Sophie was a delightful wee girl who gained so much pleasure from coming to school. Sophie had formed many friendships here at with pupils of all ages - we have all been touched by her, especially her happy demeanour, her beautiful smile and the big steps she was taking with her learning.

On behalf of the West Eyreton School staff, pupils & Board of Trustees I extend our deepest sympathy to Sophie’s mother, Stacey, and family.

Sophie’s funeral will be held this Saturday, 1.00 pm at the Oxford Town Hall. Children are welcome to attend with their parents.

Jillian Gallagher Principal.

Principal’s Pics of the Week:

Years 5 – 8 pupils enjoyed a two hour session learning about Structures - Bridge Building under the trained eye of the Science Alive tutors.

School News:

New Pupil: Welcome to Lily who started in the New Entrant’s room this week.

Ice Skating Tomorrow Friday 4 September: Tomorrow is our school ice skating trip, which we are all looking forward to and for those opting to stay at school the teachers are organising a stimulating & busy day for these pupils.

Transport information with the names of all participating pupils, staff & parents was sent home with children yesterday as well as emailed out to these families.

All junior children attending school tomorrow should go to Room 2 on their arrival at school and senior students to Room 7.

A huge thank you to those parents & caregivers who are providing transport & supervision for other children on the ice skating trip.

Tomorrow, the school buses will run at their normal times – pupils participating at the ice skating can travel to school on the bus to be collected from school by their transporting parent. The bus will depart school at 3.00 pm.

West Eyreton School Ski Team Race Training Tomorrow: Tomorrow, fourteen pupils will be attending a practice race day up at the Porters Ski Field where they will be training for the local primary schools’ “Derby” on 9 September. Best wishes to these children and their parents for a great day’s racing. Thanks to Fiona Bretherton who is the school ski team organiser.

School Choir Reminder: A reminder to all choir pupils that there will be a rehearsal for the Christchurch Music Festival this Tuesday 8th September at the Avonhead Primary School. The bus will leave school at 9.00a.m. and return at 1.00p.m. The school is funding the cost of attending the rehearsal so there is no transport cost for this trip.

School Calf Scheme: A big thank you to Mark Graham and Jan Powell & family for raising a beef calf over the last 15 months as part of the school calf scheme. $1,846-77 are the proceeds from the sale which will be used to enhance the educational experiences for our children. Many thanks once again Mark and Jan for your support of West Eyreton School.

Geoff Spark -School Calf Scheme Co-ordinator.

REPEAT - Pet Day 2015: Our annual Pet Day is coming! Monday 19 October will be a great family day out– held 9.00 – 1.00 pm. Lots of fun events & activities for the children to enter & participate at i.e craft entries, animal judging, ring events, interactive displays, variety of demonstrations, Mr Whippy, BBQ & lots more. The PTA will again be running a Hay Bale cafe for the adults. Postponement date is Tuesday October 20th.

All families received their Pet Day programme & entry forms last week. These need to be filled out and returned to school by the due date 11 September (this is before the end of this term) so that the office staff can organise the different judges, certificates & events held.

This week’s newsletter contains full details about the day. If you have questions, please contact the school office and speak to Val O’Loughlin, Lisa Duff or Jocelyn Austen who are the Pet Day organisers.

REPEAT - SWIMMING – Please fill out this questionnaire…

The ‘Waiswim team’ from Dudley Park Pool will be coming out to West Eyreton School to take “Learn to Swim” lessons in our school pool between the 7th December – 17th December. • There will be a small cost involved – T.B.A. • All students are expected to participate in this programme • All abilities will be catered for • Water skills will be fine tuned before the summer holidays

Fact Sixty-one people drowned in during the first six months of this year, a 30 percent increase on last year.

CHILD’S NAME: ______(Please print)

1. Can your child put their face in the water and float (front and back) without being held or holding on to anything? No - Level 1 Yes - Level 2 2. Can your child float on their front and back and do their arm strokes for freestyle and backstroke? No - Level 2 Yes - Level 3 3. Can your child breath with their arm strokes? No - Level 3 Yes - Level 4 4. Can your child breathe on both sides with their freestyle stroke (bi-lateral breathing)? No - Level 4 Yes - Level 5 5. Can you child swim 1⁄2 a length (Dudley Park) of the lane pool freestyle and swim breaststroke? No - Level 5 Yes - Level 6 6. Does your child have good breaststroke kick technique and swim can swim 1 length (Dudley Park) freestyle or the lane pool? - No - Level 6 Yes - Level 7 7. Can your child swim 2 lengths (Dudley Park) of the lane pool continuously with good technique of freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke? No-Level 7, Yes-Level 8

8. If your child currently attends or has attended lessons at, Dudley Park Aquatic Centre, Aquatic Centre or Oxford Community Pool please refer to their most recent progress report/certificate. ______what year? ______

Other information…

Thank you Linda Marshall

Please return your completed form to their class teacher by Friday 4th September.

School Office News:

Pupils Who Are Absent: A reminder that if your child/children are going to be absent from school due to illness, appointments etc the school office must be notified by 9.30a.m. at the latest. The computer registers for all classes are processed at this time and we need to know the reason for their absence. There are specific codings for these absences so we need to have the correct details before the attendance report is printed off morning and afternoon . If your child/children will be returning to school after appointments etc, please make sure they first come to the school office to “report back in” and to receive a pink form to take to their class teacher.

School Photos: On Tuesday 15th September school photos will be taken by Langwood Photography who will be present at the school from around 8.30a.m. onwards. Every pupil will have their portrait and class photograph taken and a proof copy will be sent home attached to the order envelope. Family Group Portrait Pack: If you require a family group portrait please fill in the form included from Langwood’s Photography and return to the school office as soon as possible.

Pet Day 2015 – Information for new Parents & Pupils: Monday 19th October, (Postponement Day Tuesday 20th October)

Pet Day Information: Pet Day is a traditional event at West Eyreton School, as it is in many rural and some urban schools throughout New Zealand.

We continue to hold this event to provide encouragement to our children for the effort they put into raising and caring for their animals.

Many, with the support and encouragement of their families, still raise farm animals from birth and in doing so, learn a lot about animal husbandry. Pet Day is their opportunity to show off their animals, to share their knowledge with judges and to take pride in participating in a show. These children are able to take part in the traditional Agricultural Club Award Scheme, which is explained below.

Pet Day is for everyone, and although some children may not be involved in raising farm animals from birth, most have special pets of their own. For these children there are pet categories to enter and judges will also speak with them about their knowledge of the animal and the way they care for their pets.

To give Pet Day a true rural show day atmosphere, and to encourage participation in other practical and creative activities, we also have a craft section in the hall.

So, Pet Day provides the opportunity for all children to participate in some way.

Please read carefully the information below so that you can select the best sections for your children to enter.

Agricultural Club Award Scheme There is the option of participating in The Agricultural Club Award scheme that has been running in NZ for many years. The Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Club is a programme which encourages children to learn how to look after a farm animal from birth and/or to grow their own small garden.

Upon achieving the following number of points special awards will be made and presented at our annual end of year prize-giving ceremony. The points are awarded each year but also accumulate over the time at school. This means that children can work towards earning their excellence certificate towards the end of primary school: • Achievement Badge - 26 points, • Red Bar - 42 points • Green Bar - 58 points, • Certificate of Excellence - 74 points

Agricultural Club Categories:

1. Agricultural Club Animal Project For this section children must raise and care for a farm animal from birth. This is judged at our Annual Pet Day in Term 4. Judging will take place under the following headings; . Condition . Leading & Handling . Care & Attention / Knowledge . Project Booklet (completed at home - includes daily record of food eaten, changes and developments, inoculations etc, information about the breed, characteristics eg wool type, body structure, rate of growth etc; diseases and how to prevent them, rules for how to care for this type of pet, housing needs, what you do with your pet, parentage, condition, care and attention, leading and handling. Include photos, samples of food, other useful information) The maximum number of points to be won for any animal is 16.

2. Agricultural Club Garden Project. (not a Pet Day event)

For this category children must develop and maintain their own small garden - vegetable or flower. Children will need to inform Mrs O’Loughlin in the school office if this option has been chosen and she will arrange for the gardens to be judged in December or February the following year. Judging will take place under the following headings: . Layout & Planning . Growth . Cultivation & Tidiness . Project Booklet (include diary, growth data, feeding, care, plant species information, pictures, leaf samples etc.) As for animals, gardens will be judged out of a maximum of 16 points.

Pet Entries

Children may bring along any pet for this section. The judges will speak to the children about the way they care for their pet, their general knowledge of the animal and its breed, and any other relevant information. Children will earn a special certificate for this with a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Highly Commended placing.

Pet Novelty Events

This section is a lot of fun. We encourage all children who are bringing along an animal to enter at least one of these events.

Craft Entries

While neither of the above sections are compulsory for Pet Day, the craft section is. All children will need to enter at least one activity on the list. Bring this along on the morning of Pet Day. These entries will be displayed and judged in the school hall.

New Competitions This Year - Please see information below ….

1. Craft Section – Decorate a hat or kete (basket) – this is a creative, artistic entry – use your imagination to find objects to decorate an appealing hat or basket from the natural environment e.g flowers, grasses, flaxes, feathers, nuts etc …..or manufactured objects e.g. buttons, bows, ribbons, etc.

2. Craft Section – Digital Technologies –this is an opportunity for students to create and innovate using digital technologies. You could create a slideshow, video, animation, Minecraft creation, Stacks creation, digital photomontage, Photoshop creation, a digital poster or use many other creative digital applications. Just remember the focus in on creating and innovating.

Favourites that will be part of Pet Day again this year …

1. Craft Section – Scarecrows: Creating a scarecrow was a very popular section at last year’s Pet Show and there was a large number on display in the Scarecrow’s Corner. There are no limitations on size, or what type of scarecrow character you would like to make. If you have old trousers, shorts, a floral or checked shirt, an old scarf, hat etc or any other type of accessories use them to your best advantage to make the scarecrow “stand out in the crowd”. They can be brightly dressed or take on the old “weathered” look appearance – the creation is entirely up to the individual pupil.(any questions please contact Mrs Val O’Loughlin)

2. Craft Section – Lego: This was a very popular new section introduced last year - Lego!! Yes…..so children…get thinking and planning…there will be two classes for each room: 1) Best Original Lego creation….so what can you build from those blocks….no instructions…. your ideas e.g a vehicle, building, art display……. 2) My Pet Lego….now this is a lego creature you have made, created……part of this class will require you to write 5 sentences about your animal….what it is, species, mix, alien, what does it eat, what does it do, where would you find it, and why you love it……use your imagination……

Remember this is an ORIGINAL build…….pick those pieces up off the floor and start planning!!!!! Also lego, duplo or other lego like bricks are part of this section, any queries contact Bridget Stokes.

Other School News: School Disco: FRIDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER “A Night In Ancient Eygpt” Please keep this date free!! After learning about important structures in our world, we are going back in time to experience some of these first structures. Prizes for costumes and dancing and more…………………….

Anyone interested in helping please contact – text Fiona Fulton 0210630178, and Bridget Stokes 027277666 More information will follow soon.

A Fundraising Opportunity Through Main Power: Help us get the most votes to have a share in Mainpower's $10,000 community sponsorship programme. Go to www.mainpower.co.nz . On their Home page choose 'Help us Spend $10,000'. This will take you to a voting page where you can put in a vote for West Eyreton School! Voting closes at the end of August.

Chalk Educated Toys – 2015 Fundraiser: Information was sent home in the form of a letter plus a coloured catalogue with order form etc last week. If you would like to order the deadline for this is Friday 18th September to have orders into the school office.

Parent & Teacher Association (PTA):

Fete planning has started! Yes - with a little over four months to go we have stallholders lining up to be involved with this year’s West Eyreton School Christmas Twilight Fete. Mark your calendars for the evening of Friday 4thDecember for a night of shopping, food and entertainment.

We would love more people to get involved so if you love Christmas – and really, who doesn’t?! – and want to contribute to a great community event then please, don’t be afraid to get in touch! Check out the Facebook page for further information: West Eyreton School Christmas Twilight Fete 2015.

Warehouse Fundraising Programme: The PTA is lucky enough to have been accepted into the Warehouse Fundraising Programme. So when you are next shopping please look out for the community boxes by the checkouts where you pop your brown tokens. Make sure you support our school and we would love you to ask your friends and family to support us as well. All funds raised go towards the purchase of a science trolley for the school

Community News:

SKIDS – After School Care – (Information included). SKIDS – School Holiday Programme - (Information sent home today). Wilson Decorators Ltd – (Information included). Natural Body Care – (Information included). Langwoods School Photos - (Information included).

Walnuts for Sale: 1 kg bags of Walnuts (in shells) for sale at the Kims mail box. $7 per bag, 1662 North Eyre Road (next to West Eyreton School). Walnuts are considered a ‘SUPERFOOD’, containing omega 3 fats, protein fibre, vitamin B7, vitamin E, antioxidants and flavonoids which help destroy free radical chemicals. Alpha linolenic acid (an omega 3 fatty acid) gives walnuts stress-fighting properties. Phone Eva on 312 5251 if you would like walnuts cracked to order. 200g bag shelled walnuts $5 per bag. (Once cracked walnuts freeze well in a container or plastic bag).

To Rent: A cottage is required to rent in the Cust, West Eyreton or Horrellville districts preferably with some land attached. If you can help, please phone Chris on 027 – 3874636.

The Wizard Of Whizz: The Dale Hartley School of Speech and Drama are presenting this major production for the year which includes 5 to 18 year olds. It will be held at the Rangiora Town Hall 2p.m. daily - Wednesday September 30th – Saturday October 3rd. 7.30p.m. Thursday October 1st and Friday October 2nd. Tickets are $15.00 plus booking fee. Available from 1st September at the a Town Hall.

For Sale: Four Peking ducks (do not fly) – 1 male and 3 females. $25.00 or near offer. If interested please contact the school office.

SKIDS - Safe Kids in Daily Supervision: After School & Holiday Programme: Full time, part time or casual bookings. For more information please contact Kim 03 3274405/0279220928 or email [email protected]

We care when you can't be there. As a working parent, the safety and welfare of your child is essential when looking for a great after school care or holiday programme. (Holiday venue is now West Eyreton School Hall)

We offer you the opportunity for your child to have affordable, supervised care by our qualified team members, in a safe and nurturing environment.

Cyf's approved…..WINZ & Oscar subsidies available

Kind Regards

Kim Quartly, Owner/ Manager, sKids West Eyreton

T: 03 327 4405; Mb: 027 922 0928 E: [email protected] E: @skids.co.nz W: www.skids.co.nz

P O Box 33 297 Christchurch Email [email protected] Ph 352 5359 Hours 9.00am – 2.00pm Monday – Friday

Your school photographs will be taken on th Tuesday 15 September 2015

Class photographs will be taken and a photocopy will be attached to your order envelope. Every pupil will have their portrait taken and we will send a proof photograph home attached to your order envelope. These proofs will be sent to you through your school and you will be able to order and pay for your child’s portrait and class photographs with this order envelope. Family group portrait pack. We will also do your family group portrait but you MUST fill in the form below and return it to your school before photograph day. Family photographs will only be taken of children who have returned a signed request.

Cut Here ! Family Portrait Request School______

Family Name:______Name & Room ______Name & Room ______Name & Room ______Name & Room ______

Parents Signature______