Number 43 15 December 2005

Scientific Editor: Bertil Nordenstam Technical Editor: Gunnel Wirenfus Nohlin

Published and distributed by The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Phanerogamic Botany, PO. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden

ISSN 0284-8422

Susana E. Freire, Gisela Sancho, Estrella Urtubey, Nestor Bayon, Liliana Katinas, Daniel Giuliano, Diego Gutierrez, Alcides A. Saenz, Laura Iharlegui, Claudia Monti, and Gustavo Delucchi

Catalogue ofAsteraceae of Chacoan Plain,


Comp. Newsl, 43. 2005


Susana E Freire'^, Gisela Sancho^^, Estrella Urtubey\ Nestor D Bayon^, Liliana Katinas'^,

Daniel A. Giuliano', Diego G. Gutierrez', Alcides A Saenz^, Laura Iharlegui', Claudia Montr,

and Gustavo Delucchi''^.


The present catalogue documents 325 of Asteraceae known to occur in the

Chacoan plain of Argentina Twelve taxa are here first recorded for this area From the total of

the Chacoan species of Asteraceae, ca 120 have been employed for economic uses

The Asteraceae of the Chacoan plain of Argentina are presented following a catalogue

format, including synonyms, infraspecific taxa, iconography references, vernacular names,

habit, flowering period, phytogeographical and political distribution, uses, and vouchers for

each taxa. Keys to tnbes, genera, species and varieties or subspecies are also provided.

KEY WORDS: Asteraceae, Argentina, Chacoan plain. Catalogue


We appreciate the helpful contributions of Bertil Nordenstam, and the valuable comments of

John Pruski on the first version of the manuscript. We are grateful for the cooperation of the curators of herbaria mentioned. This study was supported by the Consejo Nacional de

Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Argentina

' Division Plantas Vasculares. Museo de la Plata. Paseo del Bosque s.n., BI900FWA La Plata.

Argentina. E-mail: freire@fcnym. unlp.edu. ar

" Area de Botanica, Departamento de Biologia y Ecologia, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales.

Universidad Nacional de La Plata, calie 60 entre 1 16 y 118, 1900 La Plata, Argentina.

' Facultad de Ciencias Naturales \ Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s.n..

1900 La Plata, Argentina.


The present catalogue documents 325 species of Asteraceae known to occur in the

Chacoan plain of Argentina Twelve taxa not published in the regional floristic treatments of 2 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Asteraceae (Cabrera, 1963, 1971b, 1974, 1978), Flora Fanerogamica Argentina (Ariza

Espinar & Delucchi, 1998, Ariza Espinar & Urtubey, 1998; Arlza Espinar, 1997, Bartoli &

Tortosa, 2003; Cabrera & Freire, 1997; Cabrera, Freire & Ariza Espinar, 1999; Cerana, 1997;

Freire, 1995, 1996, Giuliano, 2000; Katinas, 1995, 1996; Ariza Espinar & Petenatti, 1997;

Sancho, 1996; Sancho & Ariza Espinar, 2003;Tortosa & Bartoli, 2003; Urtubey, 1996), and

Catalogo de las Plantas Vasculares de la Republica Argentina II (Zuloaga & Morrone, eds

1999) are here first recorded for this area. From the total of the Chacoan species of

Asteraceae, ca 120 have been employed for economic uses, including medicinal, edible, or ornamental.

The area

The Chacoan plain ("Llanura chaquena"), also called Chacoan Park ("Parque chaqueno")

(Ragonese & Castiglioni, 1970), constitutes a natural area (Morello, 1967; Moreno & Adamoli,

1974), and belongs to Chacoan province of the Chacoan domain within the Neotropical region

(Cabrera & Willink, 1973). It occupies most of the Chacoan phytogeographlcal province with the exception of the slopes of the Subandean and Pampean mountain ranges in the western side of the area Chacoan plain extends in twelve Argentinian provinces, i.e. southeastern

Jujuy, eastern Salta, Formosa, Chaco, Santiago del Estero, eastern Tucuman, eastern

Catamarca, eastern La Rioja, northeastern San Luis, northern and center Cordoba, northern

Santa Fe and western Cornentes (Figure 1). This big plain slightly descends in a northeastern-southwestern and northern-southern direction. The climate is humid in the east and becomes somewhat arid towards the west where the rainfall decreases from 1000 to 500 mm/year Therefore, in the eastern side of the area lagoons and streams are common whereas in the western side salines are abundant The typical vegetation is the xerophilous evergreen forest, with grasses, cacti, and terrestrial bromeliads There are also palm groves, savannas, and halophilous shrubby steppes (Cabrera, 1970). The Chacoan plain constitutes one of the few areas of the world where the tropical and the temperate areas are continuous and have not a desert between them. It is probably the only place in the world where the tropical-temperate thermic gradient, and the transition from tropical to temperate soils can be observed along a wide range of homogeneous bands of rains, topography, and continentality

(Morello, 1967).

The vegetation

According to Cabrera's classification (1971a, 1976), the area under study comprises three phytogeographlcal districts: a) Chacoan Oriental, b) Chacoan Occidental, and c) Savannas.

The Chacoan Oriental district ranges from eastern Formosa and Chaco, northern Santa

Fe, and northwestern Corrientes It is a hot and wet plain crossed by numerous rivers and streams. The climax community is represented by forests of "quebracho Colorado" Comp. Newsl 43. 2005 3

{Schinopsis balansae), the forestal economically most important species in Argentina, and forests of "quebracho bianco" (Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) There are other representative arborescent species (eg, Astronium balansae, Caesalpinia paraguariensis,

Gleditsia amorphoides. Patagonula amehcana. Ruprechtia laxiflora. Tabebuia impetiginosa). shrubs (eg, Acacia praecox, Prosopis ruscifolia). cacti (eg, Harnsia bonplandii, Monvillea cavendischii, Opuntia anacantha var retrorsa), grasses, and spiny bromeliads {Aechmea disticachantha, Bromelia serra. Dyckia ferox). There are also many edaphic communities of palms (Coperntcia alba) Due to the inclination of the area, the water courses in some places

become irregular and originate wetlands (with e g , Eichhornia spp , Pontedena spp ) and swamps with marshy vegetation (eg, Cyperus giganteus, Panicum pnonitis. Paspalum intermedium, Sorghastrum setosum) The species of Asteraceae are found in diverse habitats, for example Eupatonum christieanum. Gnndelia scorzonenfolia, and rubricaulis inhabit forests of "algarrobo negro" {Prosopis nigra) and "churqui" {Acacia caven),

Eupatonum christieanum and Gnndelia tehuelches inhabit the "caranday" palm groves

(Copernicia alba) and forests of "algarrobo bianco" {Prosopis alba), also, the "aliso" or "pajaro

dodoneifolia and Baccharis salicifolia are bobo" ( Tessaria integrifolia) together with Tessaria frequent in river banks

The Chacoan Occidental district ranges western Formosa and Chaco, Santiago del

Estero, and eastern Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman, Catamarca, La Rioja, northwestern Cordoba, and

northern San Luis The western limit of this district reaches 500 m elevation, beyond this

altitude the mountain ranges are found Comparing to the Oriental district, the Chacoan

Occidental district is drier being the evapo-transpiration the highest in the country (Ragonese

& Castiglioni, 1970) The plain is covered by forests spotted with steppes or "pampas", spiny

shrubs, and cacti The climax community is the forest of "quebracho Colorado santiagueno"

{Schinopsis lorentzii), "quebracho bianco" {Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco), and "palo

santo" {Bulnesia sarmientoi) There are also other significant tree species (eg, Caesalpinia

paraguariensis. Cercidium praecox, Ceiba speciosa, Prosopis kuntzei. Ziziphus mistol),

shrubs (eg. Acacia caven. A. furcatispina, Cappans tweediana). cacti (eg, Opuntia quimilo,

Pereskia sacharosa. Stetsonia coryne), grasses (Digitana sanguinalis. Gouinia latifolia,

Setaria pan/iflora), and terrestrial bromeliads {Bromelia hieronymi. B. serra, B urbaniana).

Communities of palms {Trithrinax biflabellata), "water hyacinth" {Eichhornia spp), and

marshes with Panicum pnonitis . Scirpus californicus are also found Salt mines are common

in this area which are covered by an halophilous vegetation {Heterostachys ritteriana,

Allenrolfea patagonica) Among the typical Asteraceae, Holocheilus hieracioides and Trixis

cacalioides inhabit the "quebrachales" (forest of "quebracho"), Cyclolepis genistoides grows

among the cacti, and Tessaria integrifolia grows associated with Salix humboldtiana

(Salicaceae) in sandy nver banks.

The Savannas district is a narrow area that occupies northern Santa Fe between the

Oriental and Occidental districts. The climax community is the savanna of Elionorus muticus

together with grasses (e.g., Bothriochloa barbinodis, Leptocoryphium lanatum, Schizachynum 4 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

condensatum. Sorghastrum pellitum), herbaceous dictotyledons (eg., Desmanthus virgatus,

Glandularia peruviana), and Isolated trees (Geoffroea decorticans. Prosopis affinis, P. nigra).

Other communities of this district are the savannas of Leptochloa chlondiformis on salty soils

and Spartina argentinensis in wetlands Among the Asteraceae, Aspilia montevidensis var

setosa. Bacchans artemisioides, B. articulate, S. coridifolia, Pterocaulon cordobense. and

Vernonia incana can be found.

Biodiversity and conservation

Given the topographic and climatic characteristics of the Chacoan plain, this is not

considered as one of the nchest areas of Argentina regarding the number of species or the endemic taxa. There are some genera almost exclusive of the area (that, for example, extend to the provinces of San Juan and Mendoza) specially in the Occidental district (Ragonese &

Castiglioni, 1970), such as Halosicyos (Cucurbitaceae), Mimozyganthus (Fabaceae),

Quiabentia (Cactaceae), Stenodrepanum (Fabaceae). The endemic species and infraspecific

taxa belong to different families (Zuloaga and Morrone eds. 1999): Amaranthaceae

{Alternanthera collina), Amaryllidaceae {Habranthus chacoensis). Aristolochiaceae

{Aristolochia schulzli), Asclepiadaceae (Morrenia schulziana, Oxypetalum lynchianum),

Asteraceae {Eupatorium lanigerum var. minus, E. mikaniifolium, E. militare. Grindelia

cabrerae var. cabrerae, G. chacoensis, G. ragonesei, IHyaioseris andrade-limae, Picrosia

cabreriana, Vernonia chaquensis, V. schulziana), Cactaceae {Gymnocalycium ragonesei,

Opuntia colubrina, Quiabentia verticillata), Caricaceae {Jacaratia hasslenana),

Convolvulaceae {Convolvulus schulzei, Ipomoea stuckertii). Cucurbitaceae {Apodanthera

anatuyana. Melothria schulziana), Cuscutaceae (Cuscuta cristata var. chacoensis, C. xanthochortos var longibracteata), Euphorbiaceae {Argythamnia salina, Jatropha

grossidentata, J. matacensis). Fabaceae {Acacia monacantha f. schulziana, Aeschynomene parviflora, Caesalpinia stuckertii, Centrosema kermesi, Desmodium intermedium, Galactia

texana var. degasperii. Prosopis nigra var. longispina, Senna chacoensis, S choroclada),

Malvaceae {Wissadula densiflora var schulzli), Orchidaceae {Eltroplectris lurida, Pelexia paludosa), Piperaceae {Peperomla comarapana f pubescens). Portulacaceae {Portulaca

ragonesei), Poaceae {Andropogon cotoratus, Aristida venustula var. scabrifolia, Digitaria

chacoensis, Ehochloa nana, Monanthochloe acerosa, Setaria nicorae, Zizaniopsis

villanensis), Solanaceae (Lycium athium, Nicotiana paa, Solanum comptum), Verbenaceae

{Glandularia nana). Zygophyllaceae {Bulnesia sarmientoi)

The human activity, mainly forestal exploitation, cattle, and agnculture, has caused

profound changes in the vegetation of extensive areas of the Chacoan plain. The most growing pehod. exploited species is the "quebracho" (Schinopsis spp ) which have a slow

Schinopsis IS very valuable because of its tannins and hard wood (the vernacular name

"quebracho" is from "quiebra", to break, "hacha", the ax). Other exploited species are

"quebracho bianco" {Aspidosperma quebracho-bianco) for the coal industry. Cattle, mainly Comp. Newsl, 43. 2005 5

COWS, has affected the herbaceous layer of the area with the consequential invasion of other species such as spiny shrubs and terrestrial bromeliads. Usually the fields are burnt at the end of the winter to allow the growing of tender sprouts of grass for the grazing of cattle.

Finally, open, extensive areas are cleared and used for crops such as cotton, tobacco, corn, sorghum, sunflower, and sugarcane (Ragonese & Castiglioni, 1970; Cabrera, 1971a).

According to Neumann (1999) the extension of the natural forests in the area has decreased dramatically from 1935 to 1998 As an example, the natural vegetation cover decreased from

107.000 km^ to 31 346 km^ in Santiago del Estero province, and from 82.000 km^ to 21 810 km^ in All these reasons justify extensively floristic studies in the area


The Asteraceae of the Chacoan plain of Argentina are presented following a catalogue format, including synonyms, infraspecific taxa, iconography references, vernacular names, habit, flowering period, phytogeographical and political distribution, uses, and vouchers for each taxa Keys to tnbes, genera, species and varieties or subspecies, as well as illustrations of the corollas and pappus types of the Chacoan species (Figs 2, 3) are also provided.

The Asteraceae of the Chacoan plain of Argentina, are presented according to taxonomic system of A L. Cabrera (1961) who follows the tribal arrangement of Bentham (1873) Author abbreviations for genera and species follow Brummitt & Powell (1992) Tnbes and genera were arranged alphabetically, as well as species, subspecies and varieties

Accepted genera appear in boldface type, together with their author(s) and number of species in the Chacoan plain of Argentina,

Accepted species are presented in boldface types and synonyms appears in italics following the accepted name. An index to all synonyms is provided

Iconography references Refers to literature where an illustration can be found.

Vernacular. Vernacular names are given for each valid species, whenever that information was available

Habit, The habit (including life cycle) is detailed under each valid species, i.e. shrub, subshrub, annual or perennial herb.

Flowering period Flowering penod has been taken from the herbarium specimens consulted and from the literature.

Status. The species are regarded as native, introduced (adventive), or endemic to Chacoan plain of Argentina

Distribution. The distnbution in Argentinian political provinces is compiled from the literature and from herbarium vouchers. The provinces are listed in alphabetic order and the following abbreviations are used

Catamarca = CA, Cordoba - CO, Corrientes - COR, Chaco = CH, Formosa = FO, Jujuy =

JU, La Rioja = LR, Salta = SA, Santiago del Estero = SE, Santa Fe - SF, San Luis = SL,

Tucuman = TU Presence of the taxon in each province is followed by the political department Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

between parentheses. The political departments considered in each political province are

listed below, taking in account only localities lower than 500 m elevation.

CATAMARCA Ancasti, SE Capayan, El Alto, La Paz, Santa Rosa. CHACO all the departments. c6RD0BA Capital, Colon, Cruz del Eje, Minas, Pocho. Rio Primero, Rio Seco, San Alberto, Santa Maria, Scbremonte. Totoral, Tulumba, CORRIENTES Bella Vista Capital Empedrado, N Esquina, Goya, Lavalle, Mburucuya, Saladas, San Cosme, W San Luis del Palmar San Roque FORMOSA all the departments JUJUY Santa Barbara, E San Pedro LA RIOJA E Capital, E General Belgrano, E General Ocampo, E General San Martin, E Gobernador Gordillo. SALTA Anta, E Metan, E General San Martin, E Oran, Rivadavia, E Rosario de la Frontera. SAN LUIS: E Ayacucho, Junin, NW General Pedernera SANTA FE N Castellanos, General Obligado, N Las Colonies, 9 de Julio, San Cnstobal, N and W San Javier, N and Central San Justo, Vera. SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO: all the departments. TUCUMAn E BurruyacO, E Calingasta, E Cruz Alta, E Graneros, E Leales, E Rio Chico

Habitat Ecology for each species is followed by phytogeographical district cited between

parentheses, using the following abbreviations: Oriental = ORI, Occidental = OCC, Savannas

= SAV,

Uses Uses are given for each species, whenever that information was available in the

relevant literature.

Specimens Examined, One representative specimen is cited for each species (and for each

province of the Chacoan plain where the species occurs). The specimens are cited using the

collector's name and collection number, followed by the herbarium acronym (Holmgren et al.,



Anthemideae: Delucchi, G, Astereae (excluding Baccharis): Sancho, G,; Baccharis: Giuliano, D. A. Cardueae: Delucchi, G. Eupatoneae: Freire, S. E. Helenieae: Monti, C. & Gutierrez, D. G. Heliantheae: Saenz, A A. & Gutierrez, D G. L. Inuleae (excluding Gamochaeta) Bayon, N D : Gamochaeta Iharlegui, Lactuceae: Urtubey, E. (excluding Barnadesia)- Katinas, L,, Barnadesia: Urtubey, E. (Senecioneae): Gutierrez, D. Senecioneae (excluding Microliabum) Freire, S. E ; Microliabum G Vernonieae; Bayon, N D. Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005


1. Capitula homogamous (all florets bisexual, sometimes all florets pistillate in gyno- dioecious species) with florets isomorphic (corollas tubular or pseudoligulate deeply 5- lobed, llgulate or bilabiate) or dimorphic (disc florets with corollas tubular deeply 5-lobed or bilabiate). Sometimes capitula heterogamous (marginal florets pistillate or neuter) with florets dimorphic (marginal or disc florets with corollas bilabiate) or trimorphic 2 - Capitula heterogamous (marginal florets pistillate or neutral and disc florets bisexual or staminate) with florets dimorphic (disc florets 3-5-lobed, rarely deeply 4-lobed). Sometimes

capitula homogamous (all florets bisexual), florets isomorphic (corollas tubular 5-lobed) or capitula homogamous dioecious (female capitula: florets with corollas filiform, male capitula: florets with corollas tubular 5-lobed 3

2. with latex. Capitula homogamous, florets isomorphic, corollas ligulate 5-lobed, usually yellow 8. Lactuceae - Plants without latex Corollas usually blue, violet, purple, pinkish or white 4

3. Florets isomorphic, corollas usually white, pinkish, lilac, or violet. Style branches long, linear or claviform, shortly papillose, rarely pilose 4. Eupatoheae

- Florets dimorphic or isomorphic, bisexual usually with yellow corollas. Style branches short or long, apically pilose (sometimes style branches undivided in staminate florets) 5 4. Florets isomorphic (tubular, bilabiate, or ligulate), dimorphic (marginal florets with corolla bilabiate or ligulate), or tnmorphic (marginal florets with corolla filiform and bilabiate) Style usually shortly bilobed, style branches rounded, glabrous or papillose or truncate with a crown of hairs 9. Mutisieae

- Florets isomorphic (tubular or pseudoligulate) or dimorphic (marginal florets pistillate with corollas ligulate or pseudoligulate) Style branches with other characteristics 6 5 Pappus commonly of bnstles (occasionally basally widened), sometimes with an outer row of scales, rarely coroniform or absent 7 - Pappus of scales or bristle-like awns 8 6. Style with dorsally papillose-pilose, sometimes connate style branches and with a ring of hairs on a thickening beneath the branches Plants spiny S.Cardueae - Style dorsally pilose along the branches as well as on the shaft below 11. Vernonieae 7. Involucre 1 -senate (sometimes with subinvolucral bracts) or phyllaries in several rows (e.g. Chacoan Microliabum with pappus double) 10. Senecioneae - Involucre 2- or more-seriate Pappus single 9

8. Pappus absent or reduced to a crown of short scales. Phyllaries with differentiated margins 1. Anthemideae - Pappus present. Phyllaries with margins not differentiated 10 9 Anthers obtuse 2. Astereae - Anthers sagittate 7. Inuleae 10 Receptacle epaleate (shortly fimbriate in Thymophylla or setiferous in Gaillardia) Pappus usually of scales 5. Helenieae - Receptacle paleate, rarely epaleate (e.g. Chacoan genus Synedrellopsis with pappus of 2 short and stout awns) 6. Heliantheae

1. Tribe ANTHEMIDEAE, 6 genera, 8 species

1. Receptacle paleate 1. Anthemis

- Receptacle epaleate 2 2. Florets bisexual, tetramerous 3

-. Florets bisexual, pentamerous 4 3 Capitula long-pedunculate 3. Cotula - Capitula sessile 5. Soliva 4. Marginal florets bilabiate 4. Plagiocheilus

-. Marginal florets ligulate or filiform 5 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

5 Capitulescences racemiform or paniculiform 2. Artemisia

-. Capitula solitary or capitulescences corymbiform 6. Tanacetum

1. ANTHEMISL., 1 species

1 Anthemis cotula L Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 14178, - Syn.: Chamaemelum cotula (L ) All. CTES). Maruta cotula (L) DC. Iconography: Cabrera; 160, fig 148. 1971b. 3. COTULA L., 1 species. Vernacular: "Manzanilla silvestre", "m.

cimarrona". 1 . Cotula australis (Sieb.) Hook, f Habit: Annual herb. Syn.: Anacyclus australis Sieb. - Lancisia Flowenng period: December australis (Sieb.) Rydberg - Soliva Status: Adventive. tenella A. Cunn.- Strongylosperma Distribution: CH (1° Mayo, San Fernando), australe (Sieb.) Less. FO (Pilconnayo), TU (Leales). Iconography: Cabrera: 423, fig. 249. 1974. Habitat: Ruderal weed, railroads, roads Vernacular: Unknown. (OCC, ORI), Habit: Annual herb. Uses: Antidiarrhoeal, antihysteric, malaria, Flowering period: September-December. antimicrobic, antirheumatic, Status: Adventive.

antispasmodic, dysentery, cicatnzant, Distnbution: CH ( San Fernando), SE febrifugal, antihelmintic, diuretic, (Choya). earache, emollient, gout, headache, Habitat; Ruderal weed, railroads (OCC, heart, hepatic, intermittent fever, ORI). neuralgia, stomach pain, insecticidal Uses; Unknown. (Freire & Urtubey, 2000b) Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 99, 226,LP), SE (Ruiz Leal 1265, LP). LP), FO (Morel 6688, CTES), TU (Venturi 586, SI).

Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al. 2005). 4 PLAGIOCHEILUS Arn ex DC,

1 species.

2. ARTEMISIA L, 1 species. 1 Plagiocheilus tanacetoides Haenk. ex DC.

1 Artemisia verlotiorum Lamott Iconography: Cabrera; 268, fig. 82. 1963.

Iconography: Cabrera: 278, fig. 85. 1963. Vernacular; Unknown. Vernacular: "Ajenjo silvestre", "yuyo de Habit: Annual herb. San Vicente". Flowering period: September-December. Habitat: Annual herb. Status: Native. Flowering period: December-January. Distribution: CH (1 de Mayo, San Status: Adventive. Fernando), COR (Capital), FO (Laishi),

Distribution: CH (1 de Mayo). SF (Oral. Obligado). Habitat: Ruderal weed, railroads, roads Habitat: Water banks (ORI). (ORI). Uses: Unknown Uses: Abortifacient, anticatarrheal, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 2677, antihypertensive, antirheumatic, CTES, COR (Burkart 6890, SI), FO (A. antiseptic, depurative, diuretic, Flossdorf s/n, BAB 25198), SF (Venturi emmenagogue, sedative, vasotonic 9, SI). (Freire & Urtubey, 2000b).

5 SOLIVA Ruiz & Pav , 3 species.

1 Cypsela wings broadened, bilobed, and acuminate 3. Soliva sessilis

-. Cypsela wings narrow, entire 2 2 Leaf blades pubescent, tripinnatifid, secondary leaflets numerous, short, dentate or parted. Involucre 8-10 mm in diameter. Cypselas cuneate, cypsela wings lacerate, undulate

1 below . Soliva anthemlfolla

-. Leaf blades glabrate, bipinnatifid, secondary leaflets linear, entire, or exceptionally Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

bifurcate Involucre 10-15 mm in diameter Cypselas oblong, cypsela wings slightly undulate, entire 2. So//va macrocephala

1 Soliva anthemifolia (Juss ) R Br ex Iconography: Cabrera: 459, fig 192 (sub Less Soliva pterosperma) 1978. Syn.: Gymnostyles anthemifolia Juss Vernacular: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 427, fig 251 1974. Habitat: Annual herb. Vernacular: Unknown. Flowering period: September-December. Habitat: Annual herb. Status: Native. Flowering period: June-December. Distribution: CH (1" de Mayo), COR Status: Native (Capital), SF (San Justo) Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Gral. Donovan, Habitat- "Algarrobos" forest. (ORI, SAB). 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), FO Uses: Unknown. (Pilcomayo) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 10118, Habitat: Clay grounds, saline place, BAB), COR (Krapovickas 16096, BAA, "algarrobos forest (OR!) BAB) Uses: Medicinal (Huang & Ling, 1996), Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz

1049, LP), FO (Schininl et al. 31308, 6 TANACETUM L., 1 species CTES)

1 Tanacetum parthenium (L ) Sch Sip 2. Soliva macrocephala Cabrera Syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.)

Iconography: Cabrera: 427, fig. 251 1974. Bernh - Leucanthemum parthenium

- Vernacular: Unknown (L ) Gren & Godr Matricaria Habit: Annuarl herb. parthenium L - Pyrethrum parthenium Flowering period: June-September. (L.) Smith

Status: Native Iconography Cabrera: 164 , fig. 152. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo) 1971b (sub Chrysanthemum

Habitat: Moistly, fertil, saline areas. (OR!) parthenium). Uses: Unknown Vernacular "Piretro de jardin" Specimens Examined: CH {Schuiz 219, Habitat: Annual herb LP) Flowering period November-July. Status: Adventive. 3 Soliva sessilis Ruiz & Pav Distribution: CO (Ischilin) Syn.: Gymnostyles alata Spreng- G. Habitat: Ruderal weed, roads, railroads

barclayana (DC ) Steud- G. chilensis (OCC). Spreng- G. pterosperma Juss - Soliva Uses: Analgesic, antiseptic, anti- alata (Spreng.) DC- S barclayana inflammatory, digestive, emetic, DC- S. microloma Phil- S. neglecta insecticidal (Freire & Urtubey, 2000b).

- Cabrera S. pterosperma (Juss ) Specimens Examined: CO (Nicora 2257,

Less- S. sessilis Ruiz & Pav . var BAA)

barclayana (DC ) Baker- S. valdiviana Phil.

2. Tribe ASTEREAE, 13 genera, 63 species

1 Pappus wanting (occasionally present, then coroniform, scarious) 4. Egletes

-, Pappus present 2 2 Disk florets functionally male due to atrophy of ovary 2. Baccharis

- Disk florets perfect 3

3. Capitula disciform. Corollas of marginal florets tubular-filiform or true rays (ligulate) with included or slightly exserted short limb 4

-, Capitula radiate, sub-radiate or discoid (all corollas tubular) 7 4. Corollas of marginal florets tubular, phyllaries one-veined 1. Apopyros

-. Corollas of marginal florets filiform, phyllanes several-veined 5 5 Cypselae rostrate Plants usually scapiform 11. Podocoma

-, Cypselae erostrate Plants usually caulescent 6 6 Plants commonly woolly Cypselas glandular, disk corollas pale-veined 8. Laennecia

-, Plants not woolly, Cypselas eglandular, disk corollas orange-veined 3, Conyza Comp. Nevvsl. 43, 2005

7. Pappus composed by a few flat setae or deciduous scales 6. Grindelia

-. Pappus composed by capillary or flat persistent bristles 8 8 Lower leaves trifjd 9- Microgynella

-. Leaves not trifid 9 9 Pappus 2-seriate, the external series very short 7. Hysterionica - Pappus one- to several-seriate, the series equal or subequal in length 10 10-Cypselas2-3(5)-ribbed 11 - Cypselas more than 8-ribbed 12 11 Style branches apically lanceolate 13. Symphyothchum

-. Style branches apically deltoid 5. Ehgeron 12. Capitula numerous 12. Solidago

-. Capitula solitary or few 10. Noticastrum

1. APOPYROS G. L Nesom, 1 species. Vernacular: Unknown. Habit: Perennial herb. April. 1. Apopyros corymbosus (Hook & Arn ) Flowenng period: G. L. Nesom Status: Native. Syn.: Aster setosus Baker - A. tuberosus Distribution: COR (Empedrado). Baker - Conyza blanchetii Baker - C. Habitat: Sandy steppes, dry prairies (ORI). setosa (Baker) Malme - DIplopappus Uses: Unknown. corymbosus Hook & Arn. Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen Iconography: Unknown. 3901, LP).

2. BACCHARIS L., 30 species, 2 varieties.

1. Capitula monomorphic (a single type of capitulum, containing both carpellate and staminate florets) 2 Capitula dimorphic (two types of capitula, one bearing carpellate florets and the other containing staminate florets, each type borne in separate individuals) 3 2. Leaves narrowly elliptic to linear, with base tapering onto false petiole 4. 6. breviseta - Leaves ovate, truly petiolate 30. 8. vulneraria

3. Capitula sessile or shortly pedicellate (pedicels of only 1-2 mm long, exceptionally to 6 mm; B dracunculifolia) 4 Capitula long pedicellate (pedicels more than 2 mm long) 16 4. Stems with longitudinal green wings 5 Stems without longitudinal wings 9 5. Leaves normal, narrowly elliptic to linear 17. B. phyteumoides Leaves reduced, bracteiform 6 6. Stems with three wings 7 Stems with two wings 8 7. Wings to 3 mm wide, flat. Involucre of carpellate and staminate capitula 3-3.5 mm high 14. 6. microcephala Wings usually more than 3 mm wide, cnsped. Involucre of staminate capitula 5-6 mm high, of carpellate ones 8-10 mm high 6. B.crispa 8. Wings narrow, 5-2 mm wide 3. S. articulata - Wings broad, 3-10 mm wide 11. B. gaudlchaudiana

9. Capitula solitary at the apex of branches 12. B. gllliesii

Capitula in diverse capitulescences 10 10. Plants with thick xylopodium. Involucre of carpellate capitula cylindric 11 Plants without xylopodium. Involucre of carpellate capitula campanulate 14 11. Florets usually less than 10. Pappus of carpellate florets slightly accrescent 9. B. flabellata Florets 10 or more. Pappus of carpellate florets notably accrescent 12 12 Leaves narrowly obovate to linear, 0,2-0,6 cm wide. Carpellate florets up to 17 20. B. rufescens

Leaves elliptic or obovate, 0,5-2 cm wide. Carpellate florets more than 17 13 13. Leaves entire or with inconspicuous teeth near the apex 22. S. sessiliflora Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Leaves with conspicuous teeth from the base 16. 6. pedersenii 14 Leaves opposite (at least the basal) Capitula in glomerules, in turn grouped in a leafy spike 23. S. spicata

Leaves alternate. Capitula solitary at axil of distal leaves, in all grouped to form a leafy spike or raceme 15 15. Leaves linear, 15-3 mm wide. Florets 15-20 10. 6. frenguellil Leaves elliptic or obovate, 3-10 mm wide. Florets more than 20 8. B dracunculifolia 16. Plants subaphyllous, with leaves (at least the distal) reduced, bracteiform 15. 6. notosergila Plants with leaves normal, non-bracteiform 17 17 Leaves deeply pinnatisect, with rachis and segments linear 29. B. uliclna Leaves with margins entire or dentate 18 18. Leaves uninerved 19 Leaves trinerved 23 19 Plants densely white or grey-lanuginous 20 Plants of glabrous or glabrescent aspect 21

20 Capitula solitary at the apex of branches Receptacle of carpellate capitula with paleae. . 26. B.tenella Capitula in broad false panicles. Receptacle of carpellate capitula without paleae 2. 6. artemisioides 21. Herbs Involucres 8-15 mm wide 13. B. juncea Subshrubs. Involucres 3-5 mm wide 22 22 Capitula solitary at the apex of branchlets, in ail grouped to form a corymbiform cyme Phyllanes apically acuminate 7 B. darwinii

Capitula in broad false panicles Phyllanes apically obtuse 5, B coridifolia 23 Leaves opposite or subopposite. Style of staminate florets with branches brief and attached 24 Leaves alternate. Style of staminate florets with branches lanceolate and free 25

24 Leaves broadly obovate, apically truncate or rounded, with 1-3 pairs of teeth in the apical 1/3 or half of the margins (sometimes also entire or sinuate) 27 S tridentata Leaves obovate-elliptic, apically obtuse, with 3-6 pairs of teeth along the whole margins or in the apical 2/3 25. S, subopposita

25 Leaves densely white-lanuginous on both sides, or at least abaxially 1. S. albida Leaves not densely lanuginous 26 26. Plants scandent Receptacle of carpellate capitula with paleae 28. 6. trinervis Plants erect. Receptacle of carpellate capitula without paleae 27

27. Herbs to 1 m tall Cypselas densely papillose 28 Shrubs usually more than 1 m tall Cypselas glabrous or with loose hairs 29

28. Plants 10-30 cm tall, basally profusely branched, without principal stem definite 24, 6- stenophylla

Plants usually more than 30 cm tall, basally non-branched, with principal stem definite. . 18. 8. pingraea

29 Leaves entire or serrulate in the apical 2/3 of the margins. Capitula in corymboid capitulescences 21. 6. saliclfolia

Leaves serrulate along the whole margins. Capitula in paniculate capitulescences 19. B. punctulata

1 Baccharis albida Hook & Arn 2 Baccharis artemisioides Hook & Arn

Iconography: Cabrera: 276, fig. 154,1974. Iconography: Cabrera: 116, fig, 29 B.1963. Vernacular: Unknown. Vernacular: "Mio-mio bianco", "pichana

Habit: Perennial herb. blanca", "romerillo", "r. bianco", "r. Flowering period: January, July. malo". Status: Native. Habit: Subshrub. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). Flowering period: Summer. Habitat: Scrubland (ORI). Status: Native Uses: Unknown Distribution: CO (Capital, Colon), SF (9 de Specimens Examined CH (SchuIz 248, Julio). CTES, LP). Habitat: Dry and sandy lands (OCC, SAB). Uses: Antirheumatic (Zardini, 1984), Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Specimens Examined: CO (A. Hunziker Lavalle, San Cosme), SF (Gral 8150, LP), SF (Krapovickas 760, LP) Obligado, 9 de Julio, San Cristobal,

Obs ; Toxic for cattle (Freire et aL, 2005). San Justo, Vera). Habitat Savannas, steppes (ORI, OCC,

3 Baccharis articulata (Lam ) Pers SAB) Syn.; Conyza articulata Lam- Molina Uses: Digestive, skin eruptions, sudorific

- articulata (Lam ) Less Pingraea (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). articulata (Lam.) F.H. Hellw. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 158, Iconography: Cabrera: 112, fig. 28.1963. LP), F (Rojas 9028, LP), SE Vernacular: "Carqueija", "carqueja", "c. (Ragonese & Castlglioni 7730, BAB),

blanca", "c. crespa", "carquejilla". CO (Lanfranchi 1166, LP, Bartlett Habit: Shrub 19815, LP), COR (Pedersen 6446, Flowering period: Winter-Spring. LP), SF(Job 1012, LP, 1079, LP).

Status: Native. Obs : Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Fernando), CO (Capital, Colon), COR 6 Baccharis crispa Spreng (Bella Vista, Empedrado), SE (Gral. Syn.: Baccharis cylindrica (Less.) DC. - 6. Belgrano, Copo, Gral. Taboada, Ojo de genistelloides var. crispa (Spreng.) Agua, Quebrachos, Rivadavia), SF Baker - 6. genistelloides var. cylindrica (Gral Obhgado, 9 de Julio), T (Leales). (Less.) Baker - Molina crispa (Spreng.) Habitat: Steppe, grasses, saline areas Less. - M. cylindrica Less. - Pingraea (ORI, OCC, SAB). crispa (Spreng.) F.H. Hellw. Uses: Digestive, cholagogue, hepatic Iconography: Cabrera: 81, fig. 66. 1971b. protective, diuretic, antiseptic, Vernacular: "Carqueija", "carqueja", "c. antirheumatic, aphrodisiac (Amat, crespa", "carquejilla". 1983, Zardini, 1984). Habit: Subshrub. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 53, Flowenng period: May. BAB, LP), CO (Cozzo 23, LP), COR Status: Native. (Pedersen 1849, LP), SE (Elisetch & Distribution: CO (Rio Seco). Cano 46, BAB), SF (Bruzzone 1616, Habitat: (OCC). LP), T (Venturi 386, LP). Uses: Cholagogue, hepatic protective,

Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). digestive, stimulant, febrifugal, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, 4 Baccharis breviseta DC antiseptic (Amat, 1983, Zardini, 1984).

Syn : Baccharidastrum argutum (Less.) Specimens Examined: CO (Sayago 253, Cabrera - Conyza arguta Less. LP).

Iconography: Cabrera: 248, fig. 135.1974, Vernacular: Unknow/n. 7 Baccharis darwinii Hook & Arn.

Habit: Subshrub. Syn : Baccharis angulata Griseb.- 6. Flowering period: March. angulata var. andina Hieron - 6. Status: Native. grossedentata Heering - S. ulicina var. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). subintegrifolia Kuntze - Neomolina Habitat: Moist areas (ORI, OCC, SAB). darw/n;/ (Hook. & Arn.) F.H. Hellw Uses: Unknown Iconography: Cabrera: 89, fig. 77. 1971b.

Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 1 1033, Vernacular: Unknown. BAB). Habit: Subshrub. Flowering penod: October-May. 5 Baccharis coridifolia DC Status: Native. Syn.: Eupatorium montevidense Spreng. Distribution: CH (Libertador Gral. San 1° Iconography: Cabrera: 271, fig. 151.1974. Martin, Mayor Fontana, de Mayo, Vernacular: "Ajenjo del campo", "mio", San Lorenzo), F (Bermejo, Patifio), SE "mio-mio", "nio", "liio-iiio", "romerillo". (Brig. Ibarra, Gral. Taboada, Figueroa, Habit: Subshrub Jimenez, Ojo de Agua, Pellegrini), CO Flowering period: Summer and Winter. (Capital), COR (Empedrado, San Status: Native. Cosme), SF (San Cristobal, San Justo, Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Vera). Fernando), F (Bermejo, Pilag^s, Habitat: Ravines, salines, train Pilcomayo), SE (Aguirre, Rivadavia), terrepleines (ORI, OCC, SAB) CO (Colon, Rio Seco), COR (Bella Uses: Unknown. Vista, Capital, Empedrado, Goya, Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 222. Syn Baccharis articulata var CTES, LP), F (Krapovickas 1253, gaudlchaudiana (DC.) Baker 1255, LP), SE (Ragonese & Castiglioni Iconography: Barroso: 259, photo 32 7834, BAB), CO (A Hunziker 8132, 1976 LP), COR (Krapovickas & Cristobal Vernacular: "Carqueja", "c doce". 25412, LP), SF (Ragonese 3080, LP) Habit Shrub Flowering penod: November 8 Baccharis dracunculifolia DC Status Native

Syn : Baccharis bracteata Hook. & Arn.- B Distribution: CH (Sgt. Cabral) dracunculifolia var integemma Kuntze Habitat River banks (ORI)

f. subviscosa Kuntze - 6. Uses: Digestive, hepatic protective,

dracunculifolia f spectabilis Heering - antiseptic (Martinez Crovetto, 1981, S. leptospermoides DC Zardini, 1984) Iconography: Cabrera 262, fig 144 1974 Specimens Examined CH (Fortunate et Vernacular: "Chiica", "c. mata ojo", al 2593, BAB, SI) "suncho". Habit: Shrub or small tree 12 Baccharis gilliesii A Gray Flowering period: Spring-Summer. Syn Baccharis icma Stuck ex Heering -

Status: Native e involucrata {Ph\\) O Hoffm - e Distribution CH (Oral Belgrano, Libertad, nana D Don ex Baker - 6

1° - de Mayo, San Fernando, 25 de paucidentata var (5 Hook & Arn Mayo), COR (Bella Vista, Capital, Icma involucrata Phil

Empedrado), F (Bermejo, Laishi), SF Iconography Cabrera 86, fig. 75. 1971b (Oral Obligado) Vernacular "Mata pulga", "m. trigo". Habitat: Mountains (ORI, OCC) Habit Subshrub Uses: Combustible (Zardini, 1984) Flowering period Spring-Summer Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 16278, Status Native BAB), COR (Schinini 6551, LP), F Distribution CH (9 de Julio), SE (Oral. (Diglacomo 305, CTES). SF (Covas & Belgrano, Moreno) Ragonese 4354, LP) Habitat Unknown (ORI, OCC) Uses Unknown 9 Baccharis flabellata Hook & Arn Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 10575, Iconography: Ariza Espinar: 282, fig 38 C- BAB), SE (Ragonese & Castiglioni D 1973 8617, BAB). Vernacular "Carqueja", "charrua", "chilquilla", "clavillo", "romerillo". 13 Baccharis juncea (Lehm ) Desf Habit Shrub. Syn Arrhenachne juncea Cass - Flow/ering period May Bacchans subulata D Don ex Hook & Status: Native Arn, - Stephananthus junceus Lehm Distribution CO (Colon, Santa Maria), SE Iconography Cabrera 86, fig 73 1971b (Ojo de Agua) Vernacular Unknown Habitat Mountain range places (OCC). Habit: Perennial herb Uses: Antibiotic (Amat, 1983). Flowering period: March, May, July, Specimens Examined: CO (A Hunziker November 9184, LP), SE (Molina et al 1988, Status Native BAB, CTES) Distribution: SE (Aguirre, Banda. Robles, Sarmiento) 10 Baccharis frenguellli Cabrera Habitat. Moist brakish, moist soils, (OCC). Iconography Cabrera 260, fig 142. 1974 Uses: Unknown Vernacular: Unknown, Specimens Examined SE (Delucchi et al Habit Shrub 2121, LP). Flowering period: July. Status: Native 14 Baccharis microcephala (Less ) DC Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo) Syn.: Bacchans microptera Baker - Molina Habitat Sandy areas (ORI). microcephala Less.

Uses: Unknown. Iconography Cabrera 255, fig 139 1974 Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 187, Vernacular: "Carqueija", "carqueja". LP) Habit: Shrub Flowering period: January, May. 11 Baccharis gaudlchaudiana DC. Status: Native. 14 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Distribution: CH (San Fernando), COR Iconography: Cabrera: 265, fig. 146 B; (Bella Vista, Saladas), F (S/Dpto). 266, fig 147 A-H. 1974. Habitat (ORI) Vernacular: Unknown Uses Digestive, hepatic protective, Habit: Subshrub antiseptic (Martinez Crovetto, 1981, Flowering penod: April, May. Zardini, 1984) Status: Native Specimens Examined: CH (s/leg., ex-LPS Distribution: COR (Mburucuya, San 17042, LP), COR (Schinini & Cristobal Cosme) 9795, LP), F (Kermes s/n, BAB 2428), Habitat: Sandy soils. (ORI). Uses Unknown. 15 Baccharis notosergila Gnseb Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen Syn.: Baccharis curtifolia S Moore - 6- 3872, LP). genistifolia var. p Hook. & Arn,

Iconography: Cabrera: 282, fig. 158 1974 17 Baccharis phyteumoides (Less ) DC. Vernacular: "Carqueija", "carqueja", Syn.: Molina phyteumoides Less. "escoba guayeuru". Iconography: Cabrera: 253, fig. 137 A-H. Habit: Shrub 1974. Flowering period: Summer. Vernacular: Unknown Status: Native Habit: Subshrub. D:stnbution: CH (Bermejo, 1° de Mayo, Flowering period: November-December. Sgt. Cabral, Tapenaga, 25 de Mayo), F Status: Native. (Formosa, Pilcomayo, Pirane,), SE Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San (Aguirre/Rivadavia), CO (Rio Seco), Fernando), F (Formosa), COR (Goya), COR (Empedrado, San Luis del SF (Oral. Obligado). Palmar), SF (Oral. Obligado, Vera). Habitat: 'Pajonales" (ORI). Habitat: Unknown (ORI, OCC, SAB). Uses: Unknown. Uses: Antirheumatic, tinctorial and Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 1041, manufacture of brooms (Zardini, 1984), BAB, LP), F (Icikson & Melillo 144, antibiotic (Amat, 1983). BAB), COR (Cabrera 10514, LP), SF (Cabrera 10496, LP).

16. Baccharis pedersenii Cabrera

18 Baccharis pingraea DC

1 Leaves ovate or elliptic, more than 3 mm wide a. var pingraea Leaves linear, to 3 mm wide b. var. angustissima

a Baccharis pingraea DC var pingraea Fernando), FO (Laishi, Patino, Syn.: Baccharis angustifolia Desf. (non Pilcomayo), SE (Gral. Belgrano, Michx). - e. medullosa DC - S. Capital, Figueroa, Moreno, Ojo de medullosa var latifolia Hieron. ex Agua, Silipica), CO (Santa Maria), Heering - 6 prenanthoides Baker - 6 COR (Capital, Empedrado, Goya, San pingraea var. latifolia DC- 6. serrulata Cosme, San Luis del Palmar), LR Baker (non Pers.) - S. serrulata var. (Chamical, Gral. Belgrano), SF (Gral.

- Obligado, San Cristobal, San Javier, pingraea (DC ) Baker 6 subpingraea

Heering - B subpingraea f. crassifolia San Justo)

- Habitat: diverse (ORI, OCC, SAB) Heenng (p p ) Conyza montevidensis Spreng. - Pingraea Uses: Antibiotic (Amat, 1983: 28). angustifolia Cass. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 2717, Iconography Cabrera: 280, fig. 157 A-H. LP), F (Piccinini & Petetin 3437, BAB), 1974. Ragonese & Castiglioni 7981, BAB), Vernacular: Xhilca", "suncho". SE (Elisetch 306, BAB), CO (A. Habit: Perennial herb. Hunziker716, LP), COR (Krapovickas Flowering period: October-May. & Schinini 21803, LP), Quarin et al. Status: Native. 1987, LP), LR (Biurrun 6587, LP), SF Distribution: CH (Gral. Donovan, Mayor (Ragonese 3131, LP). Fontana, 9 de Julio, 1° de Mayo, San Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

var : b Baccharis pingraea DC Obs Toxic for cattle (Freire et al , 2005) angustissima DC

: subpingraea f. crassifolia Syn Baccharis 21 Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav ) Heering (p p.). Pers.

- Iconography: Cabrera: 280, fig. 157 I Syn : Baccharis alamanii DC. 6. 1974. caerulescens DC. - 6 farinosa Spreng. Vernacular: Unknown. - 8. glutinosa Pers. - S. iresinoides Habit: Perennial herb. Kunth - 8. lanceolata Kunth - 8. Flowering penod: Summer. lanceolata Kunth emend. Heering - 6. Status: Native Ilnifolia DC. (non Meyen) - 6. longipes Distribution: CO (Rio Seco, Sobremonte), Kuntze ex DC. - 8. marginalis DC. - 8. LR (Chamical, Gral Belgrano) marginalis var. longipes Heering - 8

- Habitat: diverse (OCC) pan/iflora (Ruiz & Pav ) Pers. 8 Uses: Unknown purpurascens Heering - 8. viscosa

Specimens Examined: CO (Luti 4180, LP), (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze - 6. viscosa '•jar LR (Biurrun 6424, LP). nigricans Kuntze - Molina parviflora Ruiz & Pav. - M. salicifolia Ruiz & Pav. 19 Baccharis punctulata DC - M. striata Ruiz & Pav - M. viscosa Syn.: Baccharis amygdalina Griseb. - B. Ruiz & Pav - Pingraea salicifolia (Ruiz

- meiastomifolia Hook. & Am 6 & Pav ) F H. Hellw. - P. viscosa (Ruiz

oxyodonta var punctulata (DC ) Baker & Pav ) F.H. Hellw.

- Pingraea punctulata (DC ) F.H Hellw Iconography: Cabrera: 278, fig 155 1974.

Iconography: Cabrera: 269, fig. 149 1. Vernacular: "Chiica", "c. amarga", "c.

1974. dulce", "chirca", "jarilla", "j. del rio", Vernacular: "Chiica". "junco", "suncho", "vara dulce", "yuno". Habit: Shrub. Habit: Shrub Flowering period: Summer-Autumn. Flowering period. January-May. Status: Native Status: Native Distribution: CH (Maipu, 1° de Mayo), F Distribution: CH (Gral Guemes, Mayor (Pilcomayo, Pirane, Bermejo), COR Fontana, 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), (San Cosme) F (Bermejo, Patino, Pilaga), SE Habitat: Mainly in moist areas (ORI). (Aguirre, Banda, Capital, Copo, Gral. Uses: Unknown. Taboada, Pellegnni, Rivadavia, Specimens Examined:CH (Schuiz 156, Robles, Silipica), C (La Paz), CO LP), F (Morel 3364), CTES, Schinini (Capital, Santa Maria), COR (Bella 4586, LP). Vista, Empedrado, San Cosme), S (Gral. San Martin, Oran), SF (Gral. 20. Baccharis rufescens Spreng Obligado, 9 de Julio). Syn.: Bacchahs baldwinil Hook. & Arn - S. Habitat: Unknown (ORI, OCC, SAB). denticulata D Don ex DC. - 6 Uses: Antiphlogistic, antitumoural (Amat, paucidentata DC. - 6. rufescens var 1983), antirheumatic, antisyphiiitic subrufescens (Heering) Ariza - S. (Zardini, 1984).

santiagensis Heering - S. subrufescens Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 9, 153 Heering a-b, LP), C (Brizuela 216, LP), CO Iconography: Cabrera: 264, fig. 145 1974 (Lanfranchi 994, LP), Maldonado 335, Vernacular: Unknown LP), COR (Pedersen 2693, LP), S Habit: Shrub. (Novara 3340, LP), SF (Job 925, LP). Flowering penod: February-April. Status: Native 22 Baccharis sessiliflora Vahl

Distnbution: CH (12 de Octubre, Maipu, 1° Syn.: Baccharis cordobensis Heering - 6. de Mayo), CO (Colon, Dpto. Santa rotundifolia Spreng. - 8. rotundifolia Maria), COR (Capital, Empedrado, var. stuckertii Heering - 8. sessiliflora Saladas, San Cosme), SF (Gral var. stuckertii (Heemg) Cabrera

Obligado). Iconography: Ahza Espinar: 282, fig. 38 E- Habitat: Unknown (ORI, OCC) G. 1973. Uses: Unknown. Vernacular: Unknown. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 152, Habit: Subshrub. LP), CO (Lanfranchi 1147, LP), COR Flowering period: Autumn. (Pedersen 9049, LP), SF (Maldonado Status: Native. 1733, LP). Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San 16 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Fernando), COR (Capital). 26 Baccharis tenella Hook & Am Habitat: (ORl) Syn.: i-ieterothalamus tenellus (Hook & Uses: Unknown Arn.) Kuntze - Pseudobaccharis tenella Specimens Examined: CH (Sctiuiz 64, (Hook & Am.) Cabrera - Psila tenella CTES, LP), COR (Krapovickas & (Hook & Arn.) Cabrera Schinini 21809, LP). Iconography: Cabrera: 76, fig, 63.1971b. Vernacular: Unknown. 23 Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill, Habit: Perennial herb. Syn Baccharis attenuata D Don ex Flowenng penod: November-January. Hook. & Arn. - B platensis Spreng. - Status: Native. Eupatorium spicatum Lam. Distnbution: CO (Rio Primero, Rio Seco), Iconography: Cabrera: 121, fig. 30 A.1963. LR (Oral. Belgrano). Vernacular: "Carqueja". Habitat: Ravines, river banks (ORl). Habit: Shrub, subshrub. Uses: Unknown.

Flowering period:January-Apnl. Specimens Examined: CO (s/leg , ex-LPS Status: Native. 17162, LP), LR (Biurrun & Paglian Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San 6310, LP). Fernando), COR (Capital, Empedrado, Lavalle, Saladas), SF (9 de Julio). 27. Baccharis tridentata Vahl Habitat: Steppe and «pajonales» (ORl, Syn.: Baccharis affinis DC. - 6. SAB). subopposita var affinis (DC.) Baker - Uses: Unknown B. tweediei Hook. & Arn. (p. p.) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 151, Iconography: Cabrera: 219, fig. 94 A-E. BAB, LP), COR (Schinini 6598, LP), 1978 (sub S tridentata var. SF(ex-LPS 17132, LP). subopposita). Vernacular: Unknown 24 Baccharis stenophylla Ariza Habit: Shrub.

f. Flowering penod: Summer-Autumn. Syn : Baccharis subpingraea nana

Heering - Baccharis subpingraea f. Status: Native. pseudoulicina Heering Distribution: CH (Fray J. Santa Maria de 1° Iconography: Ariza Espinar: 242, fig. 29 E- Oro, Mayor Fontana, de Mayo, G 1973. Quitilipi, San Fernando), F (Laishi). Vernacular: Unknown Habitat: Unknown (ORl). Habit: Perennial herb Uses: Unknown Flowering penod: March, Apnl Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 13682, Status: Native. CTES), F (Digiacomo 46, CTES). Distribution: CO (Colon, Rio Seco), LR (Chamical) 28 Baccharis trinervis Pers Habitat: Unknown (OCC). Syn.: Baccharis laxa Gardner - Conyza Uses: Unknown. trinervis Lam - Pseudobaccharis Specimens Examined: CO (Bartlett 19897, trinervis (Pers.) Badillo - P. trinervis LP), LR (Biurrun 2355, LP). (Pers.) I.L Teodoro, comb, superfl. - Psila trinervis (Pers.) Cabrera 25 Baccharis subopposita DC Iconography: Cabrera: 230, fig. 98 1.1978. - 6. Vernacular: Unknown. Syn : Baccharis tweediei Hook. & Arn tridentata var. subopposita (DC.) Habit: Shrub. Cabrera Flowering penod: All year. Iconography: Cabrera: 275, fig. 153. 1974. Status: Native. Vernacular: Unknown. Distribution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, Pres. Habit: Shrub Roque Saenz Pelia, Gral Guemes, Flowering penod: April Mayor Fontana, 9 de Julio, 1° de Status: Native Mayo, San Fernando), F (Patino, Pilcomayo, Pirane), SE (Brig. Ibarra, Distribution: CH ( Bermejo, Chacabuco, 9 de Julio, r deMayo), COR Silipica), COR (Capital, Empedrado, (Empedrado). San Luis del Palmar). Habitat: Unknown (ORl, OCC) Habitat: Unknown (ORl, OCC). Uses: Unknown Uses: Unknown Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 6458, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 61, CTES), COR (Pedersen 4795, LP). 61a, 61b, LP), F (Schuiz 16876, BAB), Comp, Newsl. 43, 2005

SE (Schuiz 16356, BAB), COR Uses: Unknown. (Pedersen 2745, LP) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 116, BAB, LP), SE (Bartlett 19787, LP), CO 29 Baccharis ulicina Hook & Am (Burkart 7502, LP), LR (Ruiz Leal Syn Baccharis pinnatifida Klatt - 6 16609, LP), SF (Job 1165, LP). strobeliana Ces - 6 ulicina var

- multlfida (Griseb ) Kuntze Neomolina 30 Baccharis vulneraria Baker

- ulicina (Hook & Arn ) F H Hellw Syn : Bacchandastrum triplinervium

- Vittadinia multlfida Griseb (Less ) Cabrera Bacchans

- Iconography Cabrera: 267, fig 148 1974 pseudoserrulata I L Teodoro S serrulata Vernacular: "Pichana de oveja", "yerba de DC (non Pers.) -Conyza tnplinenfia Less. la oveja" Iconography: Cabrera: 247, fig 134 1974. Habit Subshrub Vernacular: "Verba santa" Flowering period: November-May. Habit: Subshrub Status Native Flowering period February-April. Distribution: CH (12 de Octubre, 1° de Status Native Mayo. San Fernando), SE (Agulrre, Distribution CH (1° de Mayo) Alberdi, Avellaneda, Capital, Choya, Habitat Moist areas (ORI). Figueroa, Oral Taboada, Moreno, Ojo Uses: Antiseptic (Zardini, 1984). deAgua, Salavina, Silipica), CO Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 155. (Colon), LR (Chamical, Gral Ocannpo), BAB. LP) SF (9 de Julio, Vera) Habitat Unkown (ORI, OCC, SAB)

3. CONYZA Less , nom conserv , 7 species

1. Capitula very numerous in usually paniculiform capitulescences 2 - Capitula relatively few (to ca 30) in usually corymbiform capitulescences 3 2. Plants covered by small glandular trichomes 2. C. glandulitecta - Plants not glandular 7. C. sumatrensis 3. Plants scapose 4

-. Plants not scapose 5 4 Roots turnip-shaped Capitula in loose capitulescences 4. C. monorchis

-. Roots elongated, not broadened. Capitula in dense capitulescences 6. C. pnmulifolia

5 Leaves strigose, appearing grayish 1. C. bonariensis

-. Leaves glabrous or slightly hirsute, not grayish 6 5 Plants small (to 35 cm long) Leaves narrowly linear, glabrous 5. C pampeana

- Plants taller (to 60 cm long ) Leaves obovate, slightly hirsute 3. C lorentzll

1 Conyza bonariensis (L ) Cronquist

1- Leaves all narrowly linear, margins entire a var. angustifolia - Lower leaves narrowly obovate, margins serrate or lobed, the upper leaves with entire

margins b. var bonanensis

a) var bonariensis Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 9 de Julio, 1° Syn: Conyza hispida Kunth - C. linearis de Mayo, San Fernando), COR DC - C ptebeja Phil - Erigeron (Empedrado, Capital, San Roque), FO bonariensis L - Marsea bonariensis (Formosa, Patiho, Pilcomayo), SA (L)V M. Badillo (Oran), SE (La Capital, Robles) Iconography: Cabrera 189. fig 82 F-H. Habitat Dry woodlands, clearings, road 1978 sides, disturbed areas (OCC, ORI). Vernacular: "Carnicera", "hierba Uses: Medicinal, hepatic infection, carnicera", "mata negra", "sanguinana" digestive ulcer, diuretic, cholagogue Habit: Annual herb. (Freire & Urtubey. 2000c). Flowering penod: September, November- Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 12151, March BAB), COR (Pedersen 5490, LP), FO Status Native. (Delucchi et al 1960, LP), SA 18 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

(Maldonado 766, LP), SE (Arganaraz Habit: Perennial herb 213, LP) Flowering period: October, November. Status: Native. Obs, Toxic for cattle (Freire et al , 2005). Distribution: CH (1" de Mayo), COR b) var angustifolia (Cabrera) Cabrera (Empedrado). Syn.: Erigeron bonahensis var Habitat: Lower areas of fields, near train- angustifolius Cabrera tracks (ORI).

Iconography: Cabrera: 224, fig. G-K 1974 Uses: Unknown. Vernacular: Unknown Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 239, Habit: Annual herb. LP), COR (Pedersen 1856, LP) Flowering penod: November-February. Status: Native. 5 Conyza pampeana (Parodi) Cabrera Distribution: CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Syn: Erigeron pampeanus Parodi Mayo), COR (Goya), FO (Formosa), Iconography: Cabrera: 86, fig. 21 B. 1963. SE (Moreno), SF (Gral. Obligado, San Vernacular: Unknown. Cristobal). Habit: Annual herbs. Habitat: Sandy steppes, cleanngs, road Flowering period: September, November. sides, disturbed areas (OCC. OR!, Status: Native. SAB) Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR Uses: Unknown (Empedrado), SF (Gral. Obligado, Specimens examined: CH (Boffa 1045, Vera). LP), COR (Krapovickas & Irigoyen Habitat: Humid areas (ORI, SAB). 17840, LP) FO (Delucchi et al. 1951, Uses: Unknown. LP), SE (Molina 2779, BAB), SF Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 111, (Covas & Ragonese 3866, LP). LP), COR (Pedersen 1832, LP), SF (Ragonese 93, LP). 2 Conyza glandulitecta Cabrera Iconography: Cabrera: 350, fig. 2. 1972. 6. Conyza primulifolia (Lam.) Cuatrec. & Vernacular: Unknown. Lourteig Habit: Annual herb Syn: Conyza chilensis Spreng - C. Flowering period: February. myosotifolia Kunth - C. scabiosifolia J Status: Native. Remy - C. yungasensis Rusby -

Distribution: COR (Empedrado) Erigeron chilensis (Spreng ) D. Don ex - Habitat: Forest, disturbed or shady areas, G. Don - Inula primulifolia Lam. clay soils (ORI) Marsea chilensis (Spreng.) Kuntze - M. Uses: Unknown chilensis (Spreng.) V. M. Badillo Specimens examined: COR (Quarin et al. Iconography: Cabrera: 43, fig. 29. 1971b 2280, LP). (sub C. chilensis). Vernacular: Unknown. 3 Conyza lorentzii Griseb Habit: Bi-annual or perennial herb. Syn: Erigeron lorentzii (Griseb.) Cabrera Flowering penod: December-February, Iconography: Roig: 173, fig. 91 1971b. May, August, October. Vernacular: Unknown. Status: Native. Habit: Annual herb. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, 9 de Julio, Flowenng period: November-February. San Fernando, San Martin), COR Status: Native. (Bella Vista, Capital, Empedrado, San Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Mayor Luis del Palmar), FO (Pilcomayo, Fontana, San Fernando), COR Pirane), SA (Oran), SE (Guasayan, La (Empedrado), LR (Gral. Belgrano). Banda), SF (Gral. Obligado), TU Habitat: Forest, clay soils (OCC, ORI). (Leales). Uses: Unknown Habitat: Fertile or sandy soils, cultivated Specimens examined: CH (Cabrera fields (OCC, ORI) 18566, LP), COR (Pedersen 10860, Uses: Unknown. LP), LR (Ruiz Leal 17583 & Roig, LP). Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 10642, BAB), COR (Krapovickas & Cristobal (Morel 3937, LP), 4 Conyza monorchis (Gnseb ) Cabrera 11608, LP), FO SA Syn: Erigeron monorchis Griseb. (Krapovickas 1619, LP), SE (Molina

Iconography: Baker: fig. 12. 1882 (sub 1538, BAB), SF (Quarin 798, LP), TU Erigeron monorchis). (Ventun 573, LP). Vernacular Unknown Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

7. Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker

1. Involucres hirsute-pilose a. var. sumatrensis

-. Involucres glabrous or subglabrous b. var. leiotheca

a) var. sumatrensis - £ floribundus (Kunth) Sch. Bip .- Syn: C. albida Willd. ex Spreng - Conyza Marsea bonariensis var leiotheca (S. altissima Naudin ex Debeaux - C. F. Blake) V M. Badillo

bonariensis var. leiotheca f. Iconography: Cabrera: 189, fig 82 A-E. subleiottieca Cuatrec - C. bonariensis 1978 (sub Conyza floribunda). var microceptiala (Cabrera) Cabrera - Vernacular: "Carnicera". C erigeroides DC - C. flonbunda var Habit: Annal herb subleiotheca (Cuatrec) J B. Marshall - Flowenng period: March, July. Erigeron albidus (Willd. ex Spreng.) A. Status: Native. Gray - E. albidus (Willd ex Spreng Disthbution: COR (Capital), (Oran). ) SA Herter, comb, superfl - £ bonariensis Habitat: Widespread (OCC, ORI). var. microcephalus Cabrera - £ Uses: Unknown sumatrensis Retz. Specimens examined: COR (Krapovickas Iconography: Cabrera: 224, fig. 117 A-F. &Schinini 21811, LP), SA (Abbiatti & 1974 (sub Conyza bonariensis var. Claps 516, LP).

microcephala ) Vernacular: Unknown.

Habit: Annual herb. 4 EGLETESCass. 1 species. Fiovi/ering period: February.

Status: Native 1. Egletes viscosa (L ) Less Distribution: CH (IVlayor Fontana), SA Syn: Cotula viscosa L. (Oran) Iconography: Mc Vaugh: 318, fig 50. Habitat: Humid areas, disturbed areas 1984. (OCC, ORI) Vernacular: Unknown. Uses: Unknown Habit: Herb. Specimens examined: CH (Boffa 1044, Flowering penod: August, November- LP), SA (Krapovickas 1621, LP). December. Status: Native. b) var leiotheca (S F Blake) Pruski & Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Gral Gtiemes, Sancho 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), FO Syn: Conyza bonanensis var leiotheca (S (Laishi), SA(Oran). F, Blake) Cuatrec - C floribunda Kunth Habitat: Stream or lagoon banks (OCC, - C. sumatrensis yar flonbunda (Kunth) ORI).

J. B. Marshall - Erigeron bonanensis Uses: Unknown var. floribundum (Kunth) Cuatrec - £ Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 12377,

- bonariensis f. glabrata Speg. £ BAB), FO (Piccinini & Garcia 1 156, bonariensis var leiothecus S F. Blake BAB), SA (Rodriguez 1095, LP)

5 ERIGERON L, 2 species

1 . Plants to 60 cm tall Leaves linear. Capitula few, arranged in loose

capitulescences 1 . £ meyen

-. Plants to 100 cm tall. Leaves obovate. Capitula numerous, arranged in glomerate capitulescences 2. £ tweediei

1. Erigeron meyeri Cabrera Distribution: CH (San Fernando). Iconography: Solbrig:191, fig 15-18 1962 Habitat: Prairies, clayish soils (ORI). Vernacular: Unknown. Uses: Unknown. Habit: Perennial herb. Specimens examined: CH (Meyer 2234, Flowering penod: May. LP). Status: Native. 20 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

2. Erigeron tweediei Hook & Arn Habit: Perennial herb Syn: Erigeron seneciiformis S F Blake - Flowering period: December

Haplopappus tweediei (Hook & Arn ) Status: Native Malme - Leucopsis tweediei (Hook & Distribution. CH (1° de Mayo) areas (ORI) Arn ) Baker Habitat: Reservoirs, wet Iconography Baker: fig 4. 1882 (sub Uses: Unknown Leucopsis tweediei). Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 1039, Vernacular: Unknown, LP)

6. GRINDELIA Willd., 7 species (1 endemic).

1. Plants glabrous, subglabrous or laxly pubescent 2

-. Plants densely pubescent, trichomes simple or glandular 4

2. Leaves linear (to 7 mm wide) 3

-. Leaves obovate-elliptic (to 15 mm long) 5. G. pulchella

3. Phyllaries with entire margins Corolla limbs of marginal floret to 15 mm long 7. G. scorzonerifolia

-. Phyllaries with ciliate margins Corolla limbs of marginal florets to 7-8 mm long 6. G. ragonesei

4. Trichomes predominantly glandular 5

-. Tnchomes predominantly simples 6

5. Plants erect - 2. G. cabrerae

-. Plants prostrate 3. G. ctiacoensis

6. Involucre 10-11 mm high 4. G. puberula - Involucre 7-9 mm high 1. G. brachyStephana

1 Grindelia brachystephana Griseb Distribution: FO (Patino), SE (Aguirre, - Syn: Grindelia tierg//(Hieron ) Cabrera Atamisqui, Ojo de Agua, Quebracho, G. bractiystephana var. bergii Hieron. - Rivadavia), SF (9 de Julio). G. tehuelches (Speg.) Cabrera - Habitat: Forest, salty soils, hill sides (OCC, Haplopappus patagonicus Speg - H. ORI, SAB) tehuelches Speg Uses: Unknown.

Iconography: Cabrera: 214, fig. 112. 1974. Specimens examined: FO (Insfran 963, Vernacular: Unknown SI), SE (Balegno 449, LIL), SF (Schuiz Habit: Subshrubs prostrate. 1231, LIL). Flowering period: January-December. Status: Native 3 Grindelia chacoensis A Bartoli & Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR (Bella Tortosa Vista, Capital, Goya, Lavalle, Saladas, Syn: Gnndelia puberula var. microcephala San Roque), SE (Gral. Belgrano, Cabrera Jimenez, Moreno), SF (Oral Obligado). Iconography: Bartoli & Tortosa: 341, fig. 7. Habitat: Sandy, humid, or salty soils (ORI). 1999. Uses: Unknown. Vernacular: Unknown. Specimens examined: CH (Schuiz 202, Habit: Subshrubs. CTES), COR (Schinini 12686, LP), SE Flowering period: March, November- (Ventun 10394, LP), SF (Pire 1899, January CORD) Status: Endemic. Distribution: CH (Bermejo), COR (Bella 2 Grindelia cabrerae Ariza var cabrerae Vista, Lavalle, Saladas, San Roque), Syn: Grindelia pulchella yar serratifolia SF (Oral Obligado, 9 de Julio) Kuntze - G pulchella var. sublinearis Habitat: Humid areas, stream banks (ORI, Kuntze SAB) Iconography: Bartoli & Tortosa: 339, fig. 6 Uses: Unknown. A. 1999. Specimens examined: CH (Joergensen Vernacular: Unknown. 2927, LP), COR (Krapovickas 24549, Habit: Subshrubs. LP), SF (Burkart 5730, SI). Flowering penod Unknown. Status: Native. 4 Grindelia puberula Hook & Arn. Comp Newsl. 43. 2005

Syn: Grindelia puberula f angustifolia Distribution; FO (Pirane), SA (Oran), SE Malme (Pellegrini). Iconography Cabrera; 33; 230, fig 9 Habitat; Stream banks (OCC, ORI). 1931. Uses; Medicinal, cough (Sertoli & Tortosa, Vernacular: Unknown. 1999). Habit; Shrub Specimens examined; FO (Morel 175, Flowering period; February, November- LIL), SA (Villa & Legname 3663 L, LIL), December. SE (Ventun 5640, SI). Status; Native.

5 Grindelia pulcheila Dunal

1. Capitula radiate. Corollas of marginal florets ligulate a. var. pulcheila - Capitula discoid Corollas of marginal florets tubular b. var. discoidea

a) var. pulcheila Iconography: Cabrera; 229, fig. 8. 1931 Syn.: Grindelia diffusa Gillies ex Hook. & (sub Grindelia scorzonerifolia var. Arn. spathulata).

Iconography; Cabrera; 216, fig. 113. 1974 Vernacular; Unknown (sub Grindelia discoidea)^ Habit; Subshrub. Vernacular; "botoncito", "chiica amarllla" Flowering period; October-April. "pichanilla amarilla". Status; Native. Habit; Subshrub Distnbution; CH (San Fernando), COR Flowenng period; December-May. (Capital, San Roque), SF (Oral. Status; Native. Obligado, Vera). Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo, 12 de Habitat; Humid areas, salty soils, stream Octubre), SE (Choya), SF (Vera). banks (ORI, SAB) Habitat; Road sides (OCC, ORI, SAB). Uses; Unknown. Uses; Medicinal, dye plants (Zardini, Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 888, 1984). LP), COR (Malvarez 1555, LIL), (SF Specimens Examined.' CH (Biraben 43, (Lewis 705, SI). LP), SE (Xifreda & Maldonado 734, LP), SF (Castellanos s.n. BA 19652). 7 Grindelia scorzonerifolia Hook & Arn.

Syn ; Grindelia pectinata Baker- G

b) var. discoidea (Hook & Arn ) A. Bartoli scorzonerifolia var. pectinata (Baker) & Tortosa Hassl. - G scorzonerifolia var. Syn.; Grindelia anomala DC- G. discoidea subintegra Hassl Hook. & Arn Iconography Cabrera; 228, fig 7 1931.

Iconography; Cabrera; 214, fig. 1. 1931. Vernacular; "margarita de los gredales". Vernacular; "Boton de oro", "vacomo". Habit; Subshrub. Habit; Subshrub Flowering period; February-April, Flowering period; January. November-December. Status; Native, Status; Native. Distribution; SE (Robles). Distnbution; CH (Bermejo, 1° de Mayo, 12 Habitat; Road sides (OCC). de Octubre, San Fernando), COR Uses; Antispasmodic, antiasthmatic, etc. (Capital, Goya, Saladas, San Cosme), (Zardini, 1984, Amat, 1983). SF (San Cnstobal). Specimens Examined; SE (Argaiiaraz Habitat; Hard or salty, sunny soils (ORI, 215, LIL) SAB) Uses; Unknown 6 Grindelia ragonesel Cabrera Specimens Examined: CH (SchuIz 105, Syn.: Grindelia scorzonerifolia var. LP), COR (Burkart6832, SI), SF (Lewis spathulata Cabrera 1623, SI).

7. HYSTERIONICA Willd., 2 species.

1. Annual herbs, stems erect. Leaves only with long tnchomes 1. H. bakeri

-. Perennial herbs, stems ascending. Leaves with dense short trichomes and sparse long trichomes 2. Hjasionoides 22 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

1 Hysterionica bakeri Hicken Syn.; Conyza coulteri \/ar. tenuisecta A.

- - - Syn.; Hysterionica caurina I. M Johnst. Gray C. pulchella Kunth C. H. grisebachii Hieron., nom in sched^ - serpentaria Griseb - C. sophiifolia

- H. subvillosa (DC ) Griseb Kunth Eschenbachia tenuisecta (A.

Iconography; Cabrera; 194, fig. 84 A-F. Gray) Woot. & Standi - Marsea 1978 sophiifolia (Kunth) Kuntze - M. Vernacular; "Solyuyo" sophiifolia (Kunth) V. M. Badillo

Habit; Annual herb Iconography; Cabrera; 176, fig. 76 A-G. Flowering period; November. 1978. Status; Native. Vernacular; "Verba de la araha", "y. de la Distnbution; CH (General Guemes, 1° de vibora", "y. del zorro". Mayo), SE (Choya, Ojo de Agua, La Habit; Annual herb. Bands, Rio Hondo). Flowering pehod; October, December-

Habitat; Hill sides, salty soils. February Uses; Unknown. Status; Native Specimens Examined; CH (Molina 2262 & Distnbution; CH (Mayor Fontana), CORD Sanchez, BAB), SE (Molina 1660, (Totoral), SE (Choya, Ojo de Agua), TU BAB). (Cruz Alta). Habitat; Disturbed areas, cleahngs (OCC, 2 Hysterionica jasionoides Willd ORI). Syn.; Chrysopsis "^ andicola Phil. - Uses; Diuretic, snake bites (Zardini, 1984). Diplopappus hispidus Gillies ex Hook. Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 2686, & Am. - Erigeron mendocinus Greene - LP), CORD (Burkart 20101, LP), SE Heterochaeta hispida DC. - (Maldonado 924, LP), TU (Venturi 575,

Hysterionica intermedia Hieron , nom. LP).

in sched.

Iconography; Cabrera, op. cit.; 194, fig, 84

G-J. 1978 9. MICROGYNELLA Grau, 1 species. Vernacular; Unknown. Habit; Perennial herb 1. Microgynella trifurcata (Less.) Grau Flowering period; November. Syn.; Erigeron ' tridactylus DC. - E. Status; Native trifurcatus (Less.) Hook. & Arn. - Distribution; SE (Gral Belgrano, Microgyne trifurcata Less. - Vittadinia

Guasayan, Ojo de Agua). Also cited for trifurcata (Less ) Griseb. Chaco and Formosa. Iconography; Cabrera; 94, fig. 23. 1963 Habitat; Widespread. (sub Vittadinia trifurcata). Uses; Medicinal (Zardini, 1984) Vernacular; Unknown. Specimens Examined; SE (Delucchi et al Habit; Perennial herbs or subshrubs. 2075, LP), Flowering period; October. Status; Native. Distribution; SE (Ojo de Agua),

8 LAENNECIACass., 1 species. Habitat; Road sides, stream banks, hills (OCC).

1. Laennecia sophiifolia (Kunth) G. L. Uses; Medicinal. Nesom Specimens Examined; SE (Piccinini & Hilfer3791, BAB).

10 NOTICASTRUM DC , 4 species

1. Corollas of marginal florets yellow 1. N. acuminatum

-. Corollas of marginal florets white or violet 2 2. Plants erect Capitula sub-radiate (corolla limb not exceeding the pappus) 3 - Plants prostrate Capitula radiate 4. N. macrocephalum

3. Upper leaves reduced 2. N. argentinense

-. Upper leaves gradually smaller 3, N gnaphalioides Comp. Newsl, 43, 2005 23

1 Notjcastrum acuminatum (DC ) Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen Cuatrec^ 9053, LP). Syn.: Aplopappus ? acumlnatus DC - - Aster calendulaceus (Griseb ) Kuntze 3 Noticastrum gnaphalloides (Baker) Haplopappus calendulaceus Griseb - Cuatrec

- - Leucopsis acuminata (DC ) Malme L^ Syn.: Aster gnaptialioides (Baker) Hassl. calendulacea (Griseb.) Baker - Leucopsis gnaphalioides Baker

Noticastrum calendulaceum (Griseb ) Iconography: Baker: fig. 3. 1882 (sub Malme Leucopsis gnaplialioides).

Iconography: Zardini; 349-351, fig. 14-16. Vernacular: Unknown. 1985. Habit: Perennial herb. Vernacular; "Primavera doble" Flowering period: March. Habit: Perennial herb Status: Native. Flowering penod: December-May, August, Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR (Bella September, Vista, Empedrado, Goya), FO Status: Native (Formosa). Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, 12 de Habitat: Fertile soils (ORI). Octubre, Mayor Fontana, Quitilipi, San Uses: Unknown. Fernando), COR (Bella Vista, Capital, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 182, Empedrado, Goya, Lavalle), FO LP), COR (Pedersen 7728, LP), FO (Patiiio) (Joergensen 2924, SI) Habitat: Fertile, dry, or sandy soils (ORI) Uses: Unknown 4 Noticastrum macrocephalum (Baker) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 106, Cuatrec.

LP), COR (Cristobal et al 1131, LP), Syn : Aster macrocephalus (Baker) Hassl. FO (Molina 436, BAB) - A. macrocephalus var. pseudognaptialioides Hassl - 2 Noticastrum argentinense (Cabrera) Leucopsis macrocephala Baker Cuatrec Iconography: Zardini: 392, fig 33 1985 Syn.: Aster argentinensis Cabrera Vernacular "Clavel del campo". Iconography: Cabrera: 74, fig 20. 1941a Habit: Perennial herb. (sub Aster argentinensis). Flowering penod: April, October. Vernacular Unknown. Status: Native Habit: Perennial herb. Distribution: COR (Bella Vista, Lavalle, Flowering penod: March. Saladas). Status: Native Habitat Dry areas, sandy soils (ORI). Distribution COR (Saladas). Uses: Unknown. Habitat: Prairies, road sides (ORI). Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen Uses: Unknown. 11697, LP).

11 PODOCOIMA Cass , 4 species

1. Cypselas with short beak (0 1-2 mm long) 2 - Cypselas rostrate, with long beak (2-3 5 mm long) 3 2. Capitula solitary or few (2-3). Pappus bristles numerous 1. P. bellidifolia - Capitula more than 10 Pappus bnstles a few 2. P. notobellidastrum

3. Leaf margins dentate, upper leaves usually similar in size as the lower ones 3 P. hirsuta - Leaf margins denticulate, upper leaves a few and very reduced 4. P. hieracifolia

1 Podocoma bellidifolia Baker Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 168, fig. 74. 1978, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 207, Vernacular: Unknown. LP). Habit: Perennial herb.

Flowering period: January, May. 2 Podocoma hieracifolia (Poir ) Cass Status: Native Syn.: Erigeron hieracifolium Poir - £. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). primulifolius Juss in sched ex Cass. - Habitat: Fertile soils (ORI). Podocoma erigerifolia Steud (pro syn. 24 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

- sphalm- p. primulifolia Cass ) P. Specimens Examined CH (Meyer 2518, primulifolia Cass - Podopappus LP). pubescens Hook & Arn

Iconography: Baker: fig 6, fig. 1 1882. 4 Podocoma notobellidastrum (Griseb ) Vernacular: Unknown. G. L. Nesom Habit: Perennial herb. Syn.: Baccharidastrum notobellidastrum Flowering penod: May, June (Griseb.) Herter - Conyza Status: Native notobellidastrum Griseb. - C. Distribution: CH (San Fernando, 1° de notobellidastrum var oblongifolia Mayo), COR (Empedrado). Griseb - Erigeron notobellidastrum Habitat: Fertile and sandy soils (OR!) (Griseb.) S F Blake - £ pauciflorus Uses: Unknown. Less., pro syn, ex Baker - Marsea

Specimens Examined: CH (Meyer 2307, notobellidiastrum (Griseb ) Kuntze LP), COR (Pedersen 6487, LP). Iconography: Cabrera: 182, fig. 80, G-L. 1978 (sub Conyza notobellidiastrum)

3 Podocoma hirsuta (Hook & Arn ) Vernacular: Unknown. Baker Habit: Perennial herb.

Syn : Podopappus hirsutus Hook & Arn Flowering period: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera 97, fig. 24 1963. Status: Native. Vernacular: Unknown Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo), Habit: Perennial herb FO (Pilcomayo), COR (Capital, Flowering period; Unknown. Empedrado, San Luis del Palmar). Status: Native. Habitat: Forest (ORI). Distribution: CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Uses: Unknown. Mayo). Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 75, Habitat: Humid areas, near train tracks LP), FO (Morel 3924, LP), COR (ORI) (Schminietal 9430, LP). Uses: Unknown

1 12 SOLIDAGO L , species

1 Solidago chilensis Meyen

1. Plants glabrous... a. var. chilensis

-, Plants pubescent. b. var. megapotamica

a) var chilensis Specimens Examined; CH (Meyer 77, LP), Syn.: Solidago linearifolia DC - S. SE (Molina 2623 & Hilfer, BAB). linearifotia var brachypoda Speg, - S. microgtossa var. linearifolia (DC.) b) var megapotamica (DC.) Cabrera Baker Syn.: Solidago microglossa DC. var Iconography: Cabrera: 75, fig. 18 1963. megapotamica DC Vernacular: "Felel", "punta de lanza", Iconography; -. "romehllo amanllo", "saucillo", "vara Vernacular; "Vigaurea", "yerba de Santa

amarilla", "v. de oro". Maria", "yuyo de San Juan". Habit; Perennial herb. Habit; Perennial herb. Flowering period: February-March, May, Flowering period; January-March November. Status: Native Status: Native Distribution; CH (Cmte. Fernandez, San Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana, San Fernando), COR (Bella Vista, Capital, Fernando, 1° de Mayo), SE (Capital, Empedrado, Saladas), FO (Pilaga, Copo, Figueroa, Vilmer). Pilcomayo), SE (Gral. Belgrano), SF Habitat; Widespread weed (OCC, ORI). (Gral Obligado). Uses: Analgesic, diuretic, vermifuge, Habitat; Sandy soils, stream banks, road provitamlnic, anthelmintics, sides (OCC, ORI) anticephalalgic, dye compounds Uses: Medicinal, vulnerary, gonorrhea extraction, etc (Freire & Urtubey, (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c) 2000c) Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 25

Specimens Examined: CH (Perez 181, (Morel 3935, LP), SE (Elisetch 282, BAB), COR (Schwarz 9297, LP), FO BAB), SF (Job 983, LP). Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005)

13 SYMPHYOTRICHUM Nees, 2 species

1. Leaves to 5 mm wide, involucre 8-13 mm high 2. S. graminifolius -. Leaves to 20 mm wide, involucre 5-8 mm high 1. S. squamatus

1. Symphyotrichum graminifolium squamatus (Spreng.) Hieron. - A.

- (Spreng ) G L Nesom subtropicus Morong Baccharis Syn.: Aster cabrerae Ariza - Aster asteroides Colla - Conyza berteroana

- - divancatus var. graminifolius (Spreng ) Phil C squamata Spreng

- Baker A. squamatus var. Conyzanthus squamatus (Spreng )

- - - graminiflolius (Spreng ) Hieron, Tamamsch Erigeron depilis Phil, £. Conyza graminifolia Spreng. - semiamplexicaule Meyen - Tripolium

- Conyzanthus graminifolius (Spreng ) conspicuum J Remy T. moelteri Phil Tamamsch - T otiganthum Phil - T. subulatum var. Iconography; Cabrera 238, fig 127. 1974. brasilianum DC

(sub Aster squamatus var. Iconography: Cabrera 237, fig. 126 1974. graminifolius). Vernacular: "Mata negra", "rama negra" Vernacular: Unknown. Habit: Perennial herb. Habit: Perennial herb Flowering penod: February-May. Flowenng penod: March, July, September Status: Native Status: Native Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo, San (Capital, Goya, Saladas. San Luis del Fernando), COR (Empedrado) Palmar), FO (Pirane), SE (Capital, Habitat: Wet areas, marshlands (ORI). Copo, Rio Hondo), SF (Gral. Uses: Unknown Obligado) Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 71, Habitat Humid areas, cultivated fields LP), COR (Pedersen 6445, LP) (OCC, ORI) Uses: Medicinal. (Zardini, 1984, Kalesnik y 2. Symphyotrichum squamatum Malvarez, 1996)

(Spreng ) G L. Nesom Specimens Examined CH (Shultz 228, Syn.: Aster asteroides (Colla) Rusby - A. LP), COR (Schinini & Ahumada 12677, divancatus Baker non Torrey & A. Gray LP), FO (Bordon 218, BAB), SE - A exilis var australis A Gray - A. (Molina 3030 & Hilfer, BAB), SF (Job - linifolius Griseb , non Torrey & Gray 929, LP). A. moellen (Phil) Reiche - A.

3. Tnbe CARDUEAE, 5 genera, 8 species

1 Cypselas with lateral or subbasal articulation 2

-. Cypselas with basal articulation 3 2 Phyllanes foliaceous or with leaves longer than involucre 2. Carthamus

-. Phyllanes not foliaceous 3. Centaurea

3. Phyllanes marginally spiny. Anther filaments fused 5. Silybum

-. Phyllaries marginally entire Anther filaments free 4 4. Pappus of simple bnstles 1- Carduus

-. Pappus of plumose bristles 4. Cirsium

1 1 CARDUUS L , species. & Beg - C. nutans L ssp macrolepis

1 Carduus thoermerl Weinm auct non (Peterm.) Kazmi Syn: Carduus leiophyllus Petrovic - C. Iconography: Cabrera: 280, fig. 286. macrocephalus Desf. - C, macrolepis 1971b (sub Carduus nutans ssp. Peterm. - C nutans auct non L var. macrolepis).

macrocepahlus auct. non (Desf ) Fiori 26 Comp. News!. 43, 2005

Vernacular "Cardo", "c del caballo", "c Syn: Kentrophyllum lanatum (L.) DC. & pendlente". Duby Habit: Annual herb Iconography: Cabrera: 287, fig. 293. Flowering period: September-December 1971b. Status: Adventive. Vernacular: "Cardo cruz", "c. chileno", "c. Distribution: CO (Santa Maria), SE lanudo", "c. del diablo", "manca (Choya). potrillo". Habitat: Ruderal weed, raildroads, roads Habitat: Annual herb (OCC) Flowering period: September-December. Uses: Unknown Status: Adventive. Specimens Examined: CO (Brusch s/n°, Distribution: SE (Rivadavia). BA), SE (Perez Moreau et al 4643, Habitat: Ruderal weed, roads, railroads, BAB) cultivated, disturbed places (OCC). Uses: Medicinal (Zardini, 1984), resolvent

2 CARTHAMUS L , 1 species (Marzocca, 1997). Specimes Examined: SE (A.T. Hunziker

1 Carthamus lanatus L 10466, CORD)

3 CENTAUREA L , 4 species

1. Phyllaries with a linear-laciniate apical appendage 4. C. tweedlei

-. Phyllaries with an apical, long, stiff spine

2 . Corollas white, pink, or violet 1. C. calcitrapa

-. Corollas yellow 2 3. Phyllary spines 4-7 mm long 2. C. melitensis -. Phyllary spines 10-25 mm long 3. C. solstitialis

1 Centaurea calcitrapa L Uses: Diaforetic, febrifugal, tonic, sudorific,

Iconography: Cabrera: 466, fig. 275. 1974. diuretic (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a). Colorado", Examined: (Schuiz 2724 Vernacular: "Abrepuho", "a. Specimens CH , "calcitrapa", "cardo abrepuiio","c. LP), SE (Perez Moreau et al. 4237, estrellado", "trepa caballo" BAB). Habitat: Annual herb Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Flowering period: September-December. Status: Adventive. 3 Centaurea solstitialis L Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana). Iconography: Cabrera: 290, fig. 296. Habitat: Ruderal weed, raildroads (ORI). 1971b, Uses: Diuretic, intermittent fever, Vernacular: "Abrepufio amarillo". medicinal, febrifugal, gallstones, fistula, Habitat: Annual or biennual herb. calculus, antiseptic, depurative, Flowenng period: September-December antihypertensive, hepatic, diuretic Status: Adventive. (Freire& Urtubey, 1999a). Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), CO (San Specimes Examined: CH (Schuiz 10868, Alberto). BAB). Habitat: Ruderal weed (OCC, ORI). fistula, Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al , 2005). Uses: Gallstones, calculus, antimicrobic (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a). 2 Centaurea melitensis L Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 9057,

Iconography: Cabrera: 287, fig. 295. 1974. BAB), CO (BA 73636) Vernacular: "Abrepulio amarillo". Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Habitat, Annual or biennual herb. Flowering period: September-December. 4 Centaurea tweediei Hook & Arn. Status: Adventive. Iconography: Cabrera: 470, fig. 278. 1974. Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Gral Vedia, Vernacular: Unknown. Mayor Fontana), SE (Ojo de Agua, Habitt: Annual herb. Robles). Flowering period: September-December. Habitat: Ruderal weed, railroads, stubbe Status. Native. field, ravines, rocky places, road banks (OCC, ORI). Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 27

Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Gral. Donovan, Specimes Examined: FO (Cabral & Molina 1° de Mayo, San Fernando, Sgto. 1075, BAB), SF (Quarin 630, BAA).

Cabral), COR (Bella Vista), SF (Gral Obs : Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Obligado, Reconquista).

Habitat: Sandy places near of nvers, 5. SILYBUM Adans., 1 species. streams (ORI)

Uses: Diafiretic, diuretic, cholagogue, 1 Silybum marianum (L ) Gaertn digestive, febrifugal (Freire & Urtubey, Syn: Carduus mahanus L 1999a). Iconography: Cabrera: 283, fig. 290 Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi et al 1971b.

1970, BAB, LP), COR (Caceres 140, Vernacular: "Cardo", "c. asnal", "c. BAB), SF(BA 25355) bianco", "c. mariano". Habitat Annual or biennual herb.

4. CIRSIUM Miller, 1 species. Flowering period: September-December. Status: Adventive

1, Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten Distnbution: CH (San Fernando). Syn: Carduus lanceolatus L. .- Cirsium Habitat: Ruderal weed, cultivated areas, lanceolatum (L.) Scop - C. vulgare disturbed places (ORI). (Savi) Airy-Shaw Uses: Antipleuritic, calculus, tonic,

Iconography: Cabrera: fig, 272 1974 stomatic al 460, (Gonzalez et , 1939), blood Vernacular: "Cardo", "c negro". vomit, spleen diseases, emetic, Habit: Annual herb. medicinal, febrifugal, resolvent, Flov\/ering period: September-January. intermittent fever, hepatic diseases, Status: Adventive. hemostatic, icterus, hydropsy, urinary Distribution: FO (Pirane), SF (Gral. disease (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a). Obligado). Specimens Examined: CH (Schulz,189, Habitat: Ruderal weed, roads, railroads, LP)

cultivated, disturbed places (ORI). Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Uses: Medicinal, antibiotic, antimicrobic (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a)

4. Tribe , 5 genera, 63 species, 7 varieties

1. Pappus wanting 3. Gymnocoronis - Pappus present 2 2 Pappus of scales or bristle-like awns 3 - Pappus of scabrid bristles 4 3. Involucre cylindrical Phyllaries 5 or 6 5. Stevia

- Involucre hemispherical. Phyllaries more than 6 1. Ageratum 4. Capitula with 4 subequal phyllaries and 4 florets 4. MIkania

- Capitula with more than 4 subequal phyllaries, usually more than 4 florets.. ..2. Eupatorium

1 AGERATUM L, 1 species Status: Adventitious. Distribution: CH (Unknown), COR (Bella

1 Ageratum conyzoides L Vista), JU (Ledesma), SA (Anta) Syn: Ageratum hirtum Lam. - A. hirsutum Habitat: Disturbed soils (ORI, OCC). Poir. - Carelia conyzoides (L.) Kuntze Uses: Febrifugal, analgesic, anticatarrhal,

Iconography: Cabrera: 88, fig. 34. 1978- skin infections, gastrointestinal

Cabrera: 15, fig. 3. 1996. disorders, etc. (Freire & Urtubey, Vernacular: "Ageratun", "catinga de bode" 2000a). "nyambi", "quebra pedra", "bluetop", Specimens Examined: CH (not seen), CO "goat weed". (Pire et al 373, LP), JU (Fabris 4422, Habit: Annual herb. LP), SA (Brown et al. 1382, LP). Flowering penod: May, June, October

2. EUPATORIUM L., 40 species (2 endemic), 5 varieties (1 endemic).

1. Receptacle convex, hemispherical or conical Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Receptacle flat or concave 8 militare 2. Receptacle paleate. Leaves hastate 26. E Receptacle epaleate 3

3. Receptacle pilose 4 Receptacle glabrous 5 4 Phyllanes acute 23. E macrophyllum Phyllarles attenuate into a long, densely glandular appendage 13. E hecatanthum

5. Phyllaries in 4-5 deciduous series 10. E. clematideum Phyllaries in 2-3 persistent series 6 6 Involucre 12-20 mm high 22. E macrocephalum Involucre 10 mm or less high 7 7 Involucre 3-3.5 mm high Florets 30-40. Leaf blades ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, base cuneate. Cypselas glabrous 7. E candolleanum Involucre 7-10 mm high. Florets 40-50. Leaf blades ovate-deltoid, base rounded. Cypselas sparsely pubescent on ribs 33. E purpurascens

8. Capitula 3-5(6)-flowered 9 Capitula 7-flowered 11

9. Leaf blades ovate-deltoid 3. E amoWi Leaf blades lanceolate 10 10. Leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate 6. E bupleurifollum Leaves petiolate, leaf blades elliptic-lanceolate 31. E polystachyum 11. Phyllaries in 2-3 equal in length series 12

Phyllaries in 3 to many unequal and graduated in length series 14 12. Leaf blades deeply lobed 4. E artemisiifolium Leaf blades entire or serrate 13 13. Herbs. Leaves alternate, leaf blades deltoid, base cordate. Florets 25-30 25. E mikaniifolium Subshrub usually scandent. Leaves opposite, leaf blades ovate, base rounded or cordate. Florets 10-15 35. E solidaginoides 14. Involucre cylindrical. Phyllaries densely imbricated, totally deciduous 15 Involucre campanulate or turbinate (rarely cylindncal). Phyllaries from weakly to strongly subimbricate, usually persistent 27 15. Peduncles glabrous or glabrescent. Plants glabrous 16 Peduncles pubescent. Plants pubescent 17 16. Capitula 17-20-flowered Leaf blades broadly ovate 19. E laevlgatum - Capitula 8-12-flowered. Leaf blades elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic 24. E megaphyllum 17. Phyllaries with rounded or acute apex 18 Phyllaries with expanded, herbaceous or coloured apex 24 18. Plants hirsute 40. E verbenaceum Plants pubescent (without hirsute trichomes) or glabrous 19 19. Leaf blades ovate-deltoid. Scandent shrub 27. E odoratum - Leaf blades ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate Erect subshrubs o shrubs 20 20. Leaf blades ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate 21 Leaf blades lanceolate 22 21. Leaf blades ovate-lanceolate, 1-3 cm wide, sparsely pubescent on upper surface and densely pubescent on lower surface 30. E pedunculosum Leaf blades ovate-elliptic, 3-5 cm wide, sparsely pubescent or glabrescent on both surfaces 15. E hookehanum 22. Leaves pubescent. Phyllary apex subtruncate and slightly differentiated. 2. E arnoWanum Leaves glabrous or pubescent on nerves. Phyllary apex rounded or acute, not differentiated 23 23. Capitulescences corymbose. Phyllaries apically rounded 9. E christeanum - Capitulescences paniculate. Phyllaries apically attenuate, inner phyllaries acute 28. E.orbygnianum

24. Leaf blades lanceolate-rhombic to linear 17. E ivifolium Leaf blades ovate 25 25. Leaves minutely petiolate or sessile, usually alternate 37. E subhastatum Leaves petiolate, opposite 26 26. Involucre broadly cylindncal. Capitulescences with laxly corymbose branches (peduncles 1.5-3 cm). Capitula 20-60-flowered 36. E squarroso-ramosum Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 29

Involucre cylindrical Capitulescences with densely corymbose branches (peduncles to 2 cm) Capitula 10-flowered 14. E. hirsutum 27 Leaf blades somewhat deeply lobed or bipinnatisect 28 Leaf blades entire or serrate 30 28 Leaf blades deeply lobed 11. E. commersonli Leaf blades bipinnatisect 29 29. Small branched shrubs. Leaf segments filiform, 0.5-1 mm wide 8, £. ceratophyllum Subshrubs, stems simple or few branched. Leaf segments linear, 2-5 mm wide 38. £ tanacetifolium 30. Leaf blades ovate, petiolate, petiole wingless 31 Leaf blades lanceolate or ovate-rhombic, petiole winged, minutely petiolate or sessile. .37 31. Spreading shrubs Involucre 7-8 mm high 29. E. patens Erect subshrubs or shrubs 32 32. Capitula 20-30-flowered 33 Capitula 7-15-flowered 35 33. Capitulescences densely cymose-branched 1. £. argentinum Capitulescences laxly cymose-branched 34 34 Involucre 6 mm high, 3-seriate 12. E. dissolvens Involucre 4-5 mm high, 4-5-seriate 34. £. schickendantzii 35 Leaves densely tomentose on lower surface 5. E. balansae Leaves sparsely pubescent or glabrescent 36 36 Leaf blades ovate-deltoid, long-petiolate (blades 5 times longer than the petiole). Cymes slender Phyllaries 2-ribbed 32. E. pseudopraslifolium Leaf blades ovate or ovate-lanceolate, short-petiolate (blades 8 times longer than the

petiole). Cymes dense. Phyllaries 3-ribbed 21. E. lilloi 37. Leaf blades lanceolate 38 Leaf blades ovate-rhombic 39 38 Leaves glabrous 18. E. laetevirens Leaves densely pubescent 39. £. tweedianum 39. Shrubs. Leaf blades rounded or attenuate at the base 16. £. inulifolium Perennial herbs Leaf blades deltoid at the base 20. £. lanigerum

1 Eupatorium argentinum Ariza Piran6), SE (Capital, Gral Taboada), Syn: Eupatorium prasiifolium Gnseb - TU (Leales) Fleischimannia prasiifolia (Griseb.) R. Status: Native. King & H Rob Habitat: Pasture ground (ORI, OCC). Iconography: Cabrera: 117, fig 48 G-l Uses: Medicinal (Zardini, 1984), 1978 (sub Eupatorium prasiifolium) Specimens Examined: CH (Rodrigo 2399, Vernacular: Unknown. LP), CO (Sayago 3186, LP), COR Habit: Subshrub. (Schinini 8607, LP), FO (Morel 7716, Flowering period: January, May CTES), SE (Bianchi 13, LIL), TU Status: Native. (Ventun 726, LP). Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO (Pirane), SE (Gral Taboada) 3 Eupatorium arnottii Baker

Uses: Unknown Syn : Austrobrlckellia arnottii {Baker) R. Habitat: Woods (ORI, OCC). King & H, Rob, - Eupatorium Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 242, tenuiflorum (Griseb) Hieron -Mikania LP), FO (Morel 603, LIL), SE (Renolfi scandens var, p Hook, & Am, - M. 345, BAB). tenulflora Griseb,

Iconography: Cabrera: 146, fig, 49, 1978, 2 Eupatorium arnottianum Griseb Vernacular: Unknown. Syn: Chromolaena arnottiana (Griseb.) Flowering period: December-May. R. King & H. Rob. Status: Native. Iconography: Cabrera: 146, fig 63, 1978 Distribution: CH (Maipu), JU (Santa Vernacular: "Uoue". Barbara), SE (Copo) Habit: Subshrub. Habitat: Wet places (OCC). Flowering period: January, February, May. Uses: Unknown. Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana), CO (Rio Seco), COR (Capital), FO (Pilagas, Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 30

Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 15621, Specimens Examined: CH (Jdrgensen BAB), JU (Cabrera et al 14567, LP), 1417, SI) SE(Roic621, BAB) 7. Eupatorium candolleanum Hook & 4 Eupatorium artemisiifolium Griseb Arn. Syn.: Gyptis artemisiifolia (Griseb.) R King Syn.: Barrosoa candolleana (Hook. & Arn.) &H Rob R King & H. Rob. - Eupatonum - Iconography: Cabrera: 210, fig. 110. 1974. candolleanum var. lancifolium Baker Vernacular: Unknown. £. candolleanum var. paranensis Baker Flowering penod: January-July. - £ palustre var. guaraniticum Chodat - Status: Native. £ palustre var. verbenaceum Chodat Distribution: CO (Rio Seco). Iconography: Cabrera: 179-180, fig. 87-88 Habitat: OCC. a-b. 1974- King & Robinson: 93, tab. Uses: Unknown 17. 1987 (sub Barrosoa candolleana).- Specimen Examined: CO (Zuti 4178, LP). CabreraS. Klein: 629, fig. 151. 1991(1989).- Cabrera: 56 fig. 17. 1996. 5 Eupatorium balansae Hieron Vernacular: "Tabaco del monte". Syn.: Bejaranoa balansae (Hieron.) R. Habit: Perennial herb. King & H. Rob. - Eupatorium balansae Flowering period: November-f\/larch, May. var. menthoides Chodat - £. balansae Status: Native. var. reticulatum (Chodat) Chodat - £ Distnbution: CH (Gral. Donovan, Mayor

- 1° Fernando), balansae f. foliosum Chodat E. Fontana, de Mayo, San bracteatum var. reticulatum Chodat COR (Bella Vista, Empedrado, San Iconography: King & Robinson: 99, tab. Luis del Palmar, San Roque), FO 21. 1987, Cabrera: 42, fig. 11. 1996. (Pilagas, Pilcomayo), SF (Gral. Vernacular: Unknown. Obligado). Habit: Shrub. Habitat: Moist fields and "esteros" (ORI). Flowering period: November, February. Uses: Medicinal (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). Status: Native. Specimens Examined: CH (Alboff 1004, Distribution: FO (Matacos, Patino). LP), COR (Krapovickas & Irigoyen

Habitat: Sandy soils (OCC). 17843, LP), ), FO (Morel 7333, CTES), Uses: Unknown. SF (Quarin 703, LP). Specimens Examined: FO (Maranta 365, SI). 8. Eupatorium ceratophyllum Hook. & Arn. 6 Eupatorium bupleurifollum DC Iconography: Cabrera: 211, fig. 111 a-f. Syn.: Campovassouria bupleunfolia (DC.) 1974- Ariza Espinar: 48 fig. 6. 1994, R. King & H. Rob. - C. cruciata (Veil.) Vernacular: "Verba amarga". R. King & H. Rob - Ctirysochoma Habit: Shrublet. cruciata Veil - Eupatorium Flowering period: February. asclepiadeum DC. - £ bupleurifollum Status: Native 1° var. asclepiadeum (DC.) Baker - £ Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana, de bupleurifollum var ensifolium (Griseb.) Mayo), CO (Rio Seco), COR (Saladas), Hieron. - £. bupleurifollum var. SE (Aguirre), SF (9 de Julio, Vera). iinifolium (DC.) Baker - £ cruciatum Habitat: "Gredales" (ORI, OCC, SAV). (Veil.) Ariza - £ ensifolium Griseb. - £ Uses: Stomacal, febrifugal, icterus, graminifolium Chodat - £ Iinifolium DC. intermittent fever (Freire & Urtubey, Iconography: Baker: tab. 87. 1876.- 1999b). Boffa Cabrera: 200, fig 103. 1974.- King & Specimens Examined: CH ( 1030,

Robinson: 80, tab. 11. 1987 -Cabrera LP), CO (Sayago 2341 , LP), COR et al. 24550, LP), SE & Klein: 521, fig. 130. 1991(1989).- (Krapovickas BAB), Cabrera: 117, fig. 48 A-F. 1978.- (Ragonese & Castiglioni 8616, Cabrera: 49 fig. 14. 1996. SF(Job 1104, LP). Vernacular: Unknown. Flowenng period: December-June. 9 Eupatorium christieanum Baker (Baker) R. Status: Shrub Syn : Chromolaena christieana Distribution: CH (Unknown). King & H. Rob. - Eupatorium Habitat: Open fields laevigatulum B. L. Rob. - Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 182, fig. 90. 1974 Cabrera: 60, fig. 19 A-E. 1996. Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Vernacular: "Hoja de la virgen", Distribution: SE (Ojo de Agua) "llaramanik", "uoue Hale". Habitat: Mountain places (OCC). Habit; Shrublet Uses: Unknown. Flowering period: December, January, Specimen Examined: SE (Balegno 159, April, May. LIL). Status: Native. Distribution: CH (Gral. Donovan, Libertad, 12 Eupatorium dissolvens Baker 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), COR Syn : Fleischmannia dissolvens (Baker) R (Empedrado, Saladas), FO (Formosa, King & H Rob

Patifio, Pilagas, Pilcomayo, Pirane), SF Iconography: Cabrera: 202, fig. 105. 1974 (Gral Obligado, Vera). Vernacular: Unknown. Habitat: Open places in woods, stony Habit: Subshrub. soils, 50m(ORI,SAV). Flowering penod: March Uses: Renal diseases (Freire & Urtubey, Status: Native 1999b) Distribution: CH (12 de Octubre), SE Specimens Examined: CH (Biraben 62, (Copo) LP), COR (Pedersen 3886, LP), FO Habitat: Border of woods (OCC). (Krapovickas 961, LP), SF (Tedone Uses: Unknown. 5106, LP) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 8935, LP), SE (Molina & Hilfer 3184 BAB). 10 Eupatorium clematideum Gnseb Syn.: Eupatorium urticifolium var 13 Eupatorium hecatanthum (DC ) clematideum (Gnseb.) Hieron ex Baker Kuntze - E. urticifolium var. nanum Syn.: Eupatorium populifolium Hook. & Hieron. ex Kuntze - Praxelis clematidea Arn. - Hebeclinium hecatanthum DC. - (Griseb.) R. King & H. Rob H. urolepis DC. - Urolepis hecatantha

Iconography: Cabrera: 176, fig, 85 i-l (DC.)R. King&H. Rob

1974.- Cabrera 113, fig. 46 f-h. 1978.- Iconography: Cabrera: 41, fig. 7. 1963-

Cabrera: 60, fig. 19 F-H 1996 Cabrera: 176, fig 85 a 1974- Cabrera: Vernacular: Unknown. 110, fig. 44A-G. 1978- King & Habit: Annual herb. Robinson: 91: tab. 6. 1987 (sub Flowering period: November-February, Urolepis hecatantha).- Cabrera & Klein: May 632, fig 152 (1989) 1991- Cabrera: Status: Native 79, fig 26 1996 Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Vernacular Unknown. Fernando, Mayor Fontana), COR (Bella Habit: Annual herb. Vista, Empedrado, San Luis del Flowenng penod: November-January, Palmar), FO (Pilagas), SF (Gral. March-May Obligado), SE (Capital, Choya, Status: Native. Guasayan, Robles). Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 12 de Octubre, Habitat: Open places in woods, along Mayor Fontana, 1° de Mayo, San road, border of cultivated fields (ORI, Fernando), COR (Capital), SA (Oran), OCC). FO (Formosa, Laishi, Herradura, Uses: Unknown. Patifio, Pilcomayo, Pirane), SF (Gral. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 60, Obligado), SE (Capital, Figueroa, LP), COR (Boelcke 1553, LP), SE Robles) TU (Capital) (VJImer, 324, LP), SF (Job 986 LP). Habitat: "Selva en galeria", moist soils (ORI, OCC).

11. Eupatorium commersonii (Cass ) Uses: Medicinal (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). Hieron. Specimens Examined: CH (Fortunate Syn.: Eupatorium bacleanum DC - £. 1737 et al., BAB), CO (Rodrigo 915, commersonii var. dentata Speg. - E LP), FO (Krapovickas 1018, LP), yar. pinnata - commersonii Speg. SE (Flores s.n , LP), SF (Ragonese Gyptis commersonii Cass 3229 LP), TU (Venturi 101, LP).

Iconography: Cabrera 209, fig. 109 a-h. 1974. 14. Eupatorium hirsutum Hook & Arn Vernacular: Unknown. Syn.; Chromolaena hirsuta (Hook. & Arn.) Habit: Perennial herb R. King & H. Rob. - Eupatorium Flowering period: November congestum var. hirsutum (Hook. & Status: Native. Arn.) Cabrera - £. congestum var. News!. 43, 2005 32 Comp.

Julio), truncatum HassI - E. hirsutum var. a (Patino, Pilcomayo), SF (9 de Hook. & Arn - £ hirsutum var. SE (Figueroa), TU (Capital). trisenale HassI - E tozziifolium var Habitat: "Montes" (ORI, OCC, SAV). subpetiolatum Chodat Uses Promoter of menstruation, (Freire Iconography Cabrera: 81, fig 27 1996 abortifacient, contraceptive & Vernacular Unknown Urtubey, 1999b) Habit: Subshrub Specimens Examined: CH (Malvarez Flovj/ering period: March, April. 1065, CTES), CO (Xifreda & Status: Native Maldonado621, LP), COR (Pedersen Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). 6996, LP), FO (Fortunato 6287 et al., Habitat: High fields (ORI) BAB), SE (Molina & Hilfer 2764, BAB), Uses: Unknown. SF (Job 1160, LP), TU (Ventun 163, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 69, LP). LP). 17 Eupatorium ivifolium L

15 Eupatorium hookerianum Griseb Syn : Chromolaena ivifolia (L.) R. King & H. Rob. - Eupatorium affine Hook & Syn.: Chromolaena hookeriana (Gnseb ) R. King & H Rob. - C. jujulense Arn. - £. conyzoides var. affine (Hook. (Hieron.) R King & H Rob - & Arn.) Baker - E. ivifolium var. - Eupatorium ciliatum Hook & Arn. - £. genuinum HassI. £. ivifolium var. - var. conyzoides Griseb. - E. conyzoides hirsutum HassI. £. ivifolium - var. ciliatum (Hook & Arn.) Hieron. - E ivifolium E. ivifolium var. hookerianum var. jujuiense (Hiern.) perturbinatum B. L. Rob. - E. ivifolium - Cabrera & Vittet. - E. jujuiense Hieron var. pilcomayense HassI. E. luquense Iconography: Cabrera: 153, fig. 67. 1978 Chodat Vernacular: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 184-1 85, fig. 91-92. fig. 29. Habit: Shrub. 1974- Cabrera; 86, 1996. Flowering period: February, March. Vernacular: Unknown. Status: Native Habit: Subshrub. October. Distnbution: CO (Colon). Flowering penod: January-May, Habitat: OCC. Status: Native. Uses: Unknown Distnbution: CH (12 de Octubre, Specimens Examined: CO (Hunziker Libertador Gral. San Martin, Mayor 1° 7414, LP). Fontana, de Mayo, 25 de Mayo), COR (Empedrado, Saladas), FO 16 Eupatorium inulifolium Kunth (Formosa, Patiiio, Pilagas, Pilcomayo, entreriense Pirane), SE (Gral. Belgrano, Figueroa, Syn : Austroeupatorium (Hieron) R. King & H. Rob. -A. Gral. Taboada, Guasayan). inulifolium (Kunth) R King & H. Rob - Habitat: "Canadas", pasture fields, border Eupatorium entreriense Hieron - E of woods, wet soils in low depressions, 30 (ORI, OCC). inulifolium f. suaveolens (Kunth) m Hieron. - E. molle Kunth - E. pallidum Uses: Unknown. Hook. & Arn. - E. pallescens DC. - £ Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 8945, LP), pallescens var. bonariense DC. - E. CTES), COR (Pedersen 5494, FO pallescens var hirsuta DC. - E. (Schuiz 16962, BAB), SE (Unamuno paranense Hook. & Arn - £ 71, CTES). suaveolens Kunth & Arn Iconography: Cabrera: 205, fig 107 18. Eupatorium laetevirens Hook laetevirens (Hook. 1974.- Cabrera: 139, fig. .60 f-h. 1978.- Syn.: Austroeupatorium H. - Eupatorium King & Robinson: 68, tab. 5 1987 (sub & Arn.) R. King & Rob. - steviifolium var. laetevirens (Hook. & Austroeupatonum inulaefolium) . - steviifolium var. Cabrera & Klein, 588, fig 142. Arn.) Baker E. 1991(1989).- Cabrera: 84, fig. 28. salicinum Chodat 1996. Iconography: Cabrera: 92, fig 32. 1996. Vernacular: "Doctorcito", "uashitok-ole". Vernacular: Unknown. Flowering period: February, March. Habit: Subshrub. Status: Native Flowenng period: May, June. Distribution: CH (Napalpi, 1° de Mayo), Status: Native. CO (Rio Seco), COR (Empedrado), FO Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Fernando). Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Habitat; Moist and rocky soils (ORI). Specimen Examined CH (Schuiz 259, Uses: Unknown. LP)

19. Eupatorium laevigatum Lam

1. Leaves broadly ovate, margins conspicuously serrate var laevigatum Leaves lanceolate, margins minutely serrate (teeth 1.5-2 mm long) var. arenanum

a) var laevigatum Uses Headache, antiseptic, purgative

Syn ; Chromolaena laevigata (Lam ) R (Marzocca, 1997), cathartic, analgesic King & H Rob - Eupatorium (Amat, 1983). abortifacient, promoter of laevigatum var longepetiolatum HassI menstruation (Martinez Croveto, 1981) - E. laevigatum var psidiifolia (DC.) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 157,

- HassI E psidiifolium DC LP), COR (Benitez et al , 124 LP), FO Iconography: Cabrera 181, fig 89 1974 - (Morel 7769, CTES), SE (Luna 1200,

Cabrera: 149, fig 65 1978 - Cabrera & LIL) Klein: 459, fig 118 1991 (1989)- Cabrera 95, fig 33 1996 b) var arenarium Baker Vernacular: "Caa-hu", "doctorcito", "iviru- Iconography - retima", "sanatodo", "yuyo negro" Vernacular Unknown Habit Shrub Habit: Shrub Flowering period February, March, May, Flowering period: December, March, April. July. Status: Native Status: Native. Distribution COR (Saladas). Distnbution CH (1° de Mayo, San Habitat ORI Fernando), COR (San Cosme), FO Uses Unknown

(Pilagas, Pilcomayo), SE (Gimenez). Specimen Examined: COR (Schinini et al. Habitat: Moist soils, open places, border of 6407, LP) forest (ORI, OCC)

20 Eupatorium lanigerum Hook & Arn

1 Leaves rhombic-ovate with 12-18 teeth on each side var lanigerum - Leaves rhombic-lanceolate with 6-10 teeth on each side 2 2. Leaves minutely serrate (teeth as long as wide) var. crassipes - Leaves subpinnatifid (teeth, at least the lowers longer than wide) var. minus

a) var lanigerum Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 72, Syn.: Eupatonum alternifotium var LP), COR (Pedersen 2637, LP), FO asperum HassI - E, alternifolium var (Jorgensen 2763, SI). hispidulum HassI - E alternifolium var.

- vernoniopsis HassI. E lanigerum var. b) var. crassipes (Hieron ) B L Rob

typicum B L Rob - E oblongifolium Syn Eupatonum crassipes Hieron - E. subvar, hirsutum Chodat - E. hunzigeri Hieron - E lanigerum var. vernoniopsis Sch Bip ex Baker - m/nor Hook & Arn.

Gyptis lanigera (Hook & Arn.) R. King Iconography: Cabrera: 207, fig. 108.

& H Rob 1974 - Cabrera & Klein: 562, fig. 137. Iconography: Cabrera: 209, fig 109. 1991 (1989). 1974 - Cabrera: 128, fig 54 (bis). Vernacular: Unknown 1978 - Cabrera: 98, fig 34 1996. Habit: Perennial herb. Vernacular: Unknown Flowering period: April, November. Habit: Perennial herb Status: Native Flowering period: March. Distnbution: CH (San Fernando) Status: Native Habitat: ORI Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO Uses: Unknown. (Unknown), COR (Empedrado). Specimens Examined: CH (Alboff s n Habitat: High fields (OR!) 8/XI/1896, LP) Uses: Unknown 34 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

c) var minus Hook & Arn. (Krapovickas 993, LP), SE (Elisetch Iconography: - 332, BAB), SF (Job 790, LP), TU Vernacular: Unknown (Ventun 1559, LP). Habit: Perennial herb Flowering period: February 23 Eupatorium macrophyllum L Status: Endemic. Syn.: Hebeclinium macrophyllum (L.) DC. Distnbution: CH (Quitilipi). Iconography: Baker: tab. 92 1876 - Habitat: Fertile praines (ORI) Fawcett & Rendle: fig. 54. 1936- King & Uses: Unknown Robinson: 400, fig 160. 1987- Cabrera Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 2651, & Klein: 637, fig. 153. 1991(1989).-

LP) Cabrera: 112, fig. 39. 1996. Vernacular: Unknown. 21 Eupatorium lilloi B L Rob. Habit: Shrub

Syn.: Idiothamnus lilloi {B- L Rob.) R. King Flowering period: December-February &H Rob Status: Native. Iconography Cabrera: 141, fig. 61. 1978,- Distnbution: CH (Unknown), FO Cabrera 102, fig 36. 1996. (Formosa). Vernacular: Unknown Habitat: (ORI). Habit: Shrub. Uses: Unknown. Fiowenng period: January. Specimens Examined: CH (not seen), FO Status: Native. (Jorgensen 3228, SI). Distnbution: SE (Guasayan). Habitat: (OCC). 24 Eupatorium megaphyllum Baker Uses: Unknown Syn.: Critonia megaphylla (Baker) R. King Specimens Examined: SE (Burkart 20345, & H Rob. LP). Iconography: Cabrera: 147, fig. 64. 1978- Cabrera: 120, fig 44. 1996. 22 Eupatorium macrocephalum Less Vernacular: Unknown.

Syn : Campuloclinium macrocephalum Habit: Subshrub or herb

- (Less ) DC. Chromolaena pratensis Flowering period: July, August, March. Gardner - Conoclinium macrocephalum Status: Native. var. stngosum DC - Eupatorium Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO (Laishi, denudatum Chodat - £ donianum Pilcomayo, Pirane), JU (Santa Hook. & Arn - £. macrocephalum var. Barbara). angustifolium Baker - E. Habitat: Woods, forest (ORI). macrocephalum var. stigmatosum Uses: Unknown. (Chodat) Hassl. - £. stigmatosum Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 196, Chodat - £. stigmatosum var. LP), FO (Krapovickas 13102, LP), JU subcalvatum Chodat - £. stigmatosum (Cabrera 15740, LP). var violaceum Chodat

Iconography: Cabrera: 177, fig. 86. 1974.- 25 Eupatorium mikaniifolium B L Rob

Cabrera: 109, fig. 45. 1978 - Cabrera: Syn.: Bishovia mikaniifolia (B. L. Rob.) R.

109, fig. 38 1996. King & H. Rob.

Vernacular: "Ilia ka'ik", "inambu ca'a Iconography: -

guasu", "lancu-kachu", "teyii ca'a", "t. Vernacular: Unknown. caa" Habit: Probably perennial herb. Habit: Perennial herb Flowering penod: Unknown. Fiowenng period: December-February. Uses: Unknown. Status: Native. Status: Endemic. Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Distribution: CH (9 de Julio). Mayo, 25 de Mayo), COR (Empedrado, Habitat: (ORI, OCC). Goya, Lavalle), FO (Formosa, Patifio, Uses: Unknown. Pilagas, Pilcomayo, Pirane), SF (Gral. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 237, Obligado), SE (Gral. Taboada), TU GH holotype). (Graneros). Habitat: Moist fields (OCC, OR!) 26 Eupatorium militare B.L Rob. Uses: Stomacal, digestive, cough, Syn.: Gyptidium militare (B.L. Rob.) R. abortifacient (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b) King & H Rob. Specimens Examined: CH (Boffa 1026, LP), COR (Pedersen 3044, LP), FO Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 35

Iconography; King & Robinson: 90, tab. Distribution; COR (San Cosme), FO 15 1987. (Pilcomayo). Vernacular: Unknown Habitat; Woods, forests (ORI). Habit: Perennial herb. Uses; Ictiotoxic, antidiarrhoeal, febrifugal, Flowering period: February, April tonic (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). Status; Endemic. Specimens Examined; COR (Pedersen Disthbution; CH (1° de Mayo), FO 5511, LP), FO (Morel 6068, LIL). (Formosa, Laishi). Habitat: Pastures in low places, "baiiados" 28 Eupatorium orbignyanum Klatt (ORI). Syn.: Chromolaena densifiora (Morong) R. Uses; Unknown King & H. Rob. - C. orbignyana (Klatt) - Specimens Examined ; CH (Schuiz 66, R. King & H. Rob. Eupatorium LP), FO (Jorgensen 3229, LP Isotype) densiflorum Morong - £ oxylepis var. densiflorum (Morong) Hassl 27 Eupatorium odoratum L Iconography; Cabrera; 135, fig 49. 1996. King Vernacular; Syn : Chromolaena odorata (L ) R & Unknown H. Rob -Eupatorium conyzoides Vahl - Habit; Shrublet. E. conyzoides Mill - E. conyzoides var Flowering period; January, March, April. paucidentatum Baker - £ conyzoides Status; Native var scaberulum Hassl. Distnbution; CH (San Fernando), COR

Iconography: Cabrera: 150, fig. 66. 1978.- (Capital, San Cosme), FO (Pilcomayo). Cabrera; 131, fig 48. 1996. Habitat; Sandy and sunny places (ORI). Vernacular; "Pilarcito". Uses; Unknown. Habit: Scandent shrub. Specimens Examined; CH (Spegazzini in Flowering period; August, September. 1886, LP), CO (Pedersen 4523, LP), Status; Native FO (Morel 2316, LIL).

29. Eupatorium patens D Don ex Hook & Arn.

1. Leaves concolorous, shortly pubescent var. patens Leaves discolorous, densely tomentose on lower surface var. tomentosum

a) var patens Status; Native. Syn.; Austrobricl

Iconography; Cabrera; 14, fig. 2. 1971b - Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 891,

- LP), Cabrera: 201 , fig. 1 04. 1 974 King & LP), COR (Pedersen 2755, FO Robinson; 254, tab. 97. 1987 (sub (Krapovickas 1261, LP, SI), SA Austrobrickellia patens).- Cabrera; 141, (Cabrera 20840, LP), SE (Maldonado

fig. 52. 1996. 321, LP), SL (Anderson 1554, LP). Vernacular; Unknown. Habit; Scandent shrub. 30 Eupatorium pedunculosum Hook & Flowering period; May Arn. Status; Native. Syn.; Cliromolaena foliata (Sch. Bip.) R. Distribution; LR (Capital), SE (Capital). King & H. Rob - Chromolaena Habitat; Bush (OCC) paraguariensis (Hieron.) R. King & H. Uses; Unknown Rob - C. pedunculosa (Hook. & Arn.) Specimens Examined; LR (Apuey 72, LP), R. King & H. Rob. - Eupatorium SE (Gramajo s n., LIL) conyzoides var. foliatum Sch. Bip. ex Baker - £. foliatum (Sch. Bip.) Hieron. b) var. tomentosum Hieron. £ foliatum var. incanum Hieron. - £ Iconography; Cabrera; 120, fig. 50 1978 oxylepis var. paraguariense (Hieron.) Vernacular; Unknown. Hassl. - £ paraguariense Hieron. Habit; Scandent shrub. Iconography; Cabrera; 194, fig. 99. 1974.- Flowering period; May-August, January. Cabrera & Klein; 462, fig. 119. 36 Comp. News). 43. 2005

1991(1989).- Cabrera: 145, fig. 54. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San 1996 Fernando), COR (Empedrado), FO Vernacular; Unknown (Unknown), SF (Gral Obligado) Habit; Subshrub Habitat: Border of moist woods (ORI). Flowering period; Unknown Uses; Unknown. Status Native Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 33, Distribution; CH (Cmte. Fernandez, Mayor LP), COR (Pedersen 5070, LP), FO Fontana, r deMayo), COR (Jorgensen 3353, LP), SF (Empedrado, Capital), FO (Pilagas). (Quarin1190, LP). Habitat; Border of woods on arid places (ORI). 33 Eupatorium purpurascens Schultz- Uses; Unknown Bip ex Baker Specimens Examined. CH (Schuiz 928, Syn.: Campuloclinium purpurascens LP), COR (Schinini 1169, LP), FO (Baker) R. King & H. Rob. - (Morel 7735, LP). Eupatorium glaziouii Baker - £. glaziouii var. molle HassI.

31 Eupatorium polystachyum DC. Iconography; Cabrera: 112, fig. 44 H-L. Syn.: Baccharis crenulata Spreng - 1978- Cabrera: 155, fig. 158. 1996.

Eupatorium crenulatum (Spreng ) Vernacular: Unknown. Hieron. - E. crenulatum var. Flowering period: April, May. tucumanense Hieron, - E. dendroides Status: Native. Spreng. - £. laevigatum Griseb. - E Distribution: COR (Mburucuya). pentanthum Sch. Bip - E. piauhlense Habitat: "Embalsados", "esteros" (ORI). Gardn. - E. tremulum var. B Hook. & Uses: Unknown. Am. - Raulinoreitzia crenulata Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen (Spreng.) R King & H. Rob. 1704, LP). Iconography: Baker, tab. 84. 1876 (sub Eupatorium dendroides) - King & 34. Eupatorium schickendantzii Hieron. Robinson: 76, tab. 9 1987(sub Syn.: Fleisctimannia sctiickendantzii Raulinoreitzia crenulata).- Cabrera: (Hieron.) R King & H. Rob.

151, fig. 56. 1996. Iconography: Cabrera: 142, fig. 62. 1978. Vernacular: Unknown Vernacular: Unknown. Flowering period: October, February, Habitat: Shrub. March. Flowering period: April-August. Status: Native. Status: Native. Distnbution; CH (1° de Mayo), COR Distnbution: FO (Patino). (Empedrado), FO (Pilagas, Pilcomayo). Habitat: OCC. Habitat; Fertile fields, moist and low places Uses: Unknown. (ORI) Specimens Examined: FO (Astrada 91, Uses: Unknown. BAB). Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 184, LP), COR (Quarin et al 2287, LP), FO 35 Eupatorium solidaginoides Kunth

(Morel 7340, CTES). Syn : Eupatorium filicaule Sch. Bip. ex Gray - E. stipuliferum Rusby - 32. Eupatorium pseudoprasiifolium Koanophyllon solidaginoides (Kunth) R. HassI King & H. Rob- K. stipuliferum (Rusby) Syn.; Ctiacoa pseudoprasiifolia (HassI.) R. R. King & H. Rob. - Ophryosporus King & H. Rob. - Eupatorium fiebrigii solidaginoides {Kur\\h) Hieron HassI. - E. fiebrigii var. acuminata Iconography: Cabrera: 122, fig. 51. 1978.- HassI. Cabrera: 178, fig. 68. 1996. Iconography: King & Robinson: 333, tab. Vernacular: Unknown. 130. 1987 (sub Ctiacoa Habitat: Subshrub. pseudoprasiifolia).- Cabrera & Klein: Flowering period: April. 600, fig 145 1991 (1989).- Cabrera: Status: Native.

153, fig. 57. 1996. Distnbution: CO (Capital), SA (Oran), SE Vernacular; Unknown (Guasayan) Flowering penod: July, September, Habitat: Forest (ORI, OCC). January Uses: Unknown. Status: Native. Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 37

Specimens Examined: COR (Schuiz 2685, 25 de Mayo), COR (Rio Seco), COR

LP), SA (Cabrera et al 26501 , LP), SE (Capital, Empedrado), FO (Patino, (Rottmanetal 112, SI), Pilagas), SF (Gral. Obligado), SE (Brig Ibarra, Moreno). 36 Eupatorium squarroso-ramosum Habitat: Arid and rocky soils (ORI, OCC) Hieron. Uses: Diuretic, antirheumatic, aphrodisiac, Syn.: Chromolaena squarroso-ramosa antiphlogistic, emmenagogue, - (Hieron ) R King & H. Rob ophthalmic, vulnerary, insect bites, Eupatorium affine Hool<. & Arn. - E. acne (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). ivifolium var. foliosum Cliodat - £. Specimens Examined CH (Fortunato Hieron, - oyadense £ oyadense var 1643 et al , BAB), CO (Xifreda & paraguayense Hieron - E. Maldonado 620, LP), COR (Schinini

squarrulosum Griseb 4558, LP), FO (Fortunato 2340 et al., Iconography: Cabrera: 190, fig 96 1974,- BAB), SE (Castiglioni & Ragonese Cabrera: 131, fig. 56 1978 - Cabrera: 7213, BAB), SF (Maldonado B 1720, 181, fig 70, 1996 LP). Vernacular: Unknown Habitat: Perennial herb. 38 Eupatorium tanacetifolium Gillies ex Flowering period: November-January, Hook & Arn.

- April, May, July Syn : Eupatorium erodiifolium DC. £. Status: Native erodiifolium var. obtusiiobum Hieron. - Distribution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, Gral, E pinnatifidum DC - Gyptis pinnatifida Guemes, Mayor Fontana, 1° de Mayo, Cass. San Fernando), CO (Rio Seco), COR Iconography: Cabrera 45, fig 8 1963 - (Mburucuya), FO (Patino), JU (San Cabrera: 212, fig. 111 g-l. 1974- King Pedro, 500-600 m), SF (Gral, & Robinson: 88, tab. 14 1987 (sub

Obligado), SE (Choya), TU (Capital). Gyptis pinnatifida) - Cabrera: 193, fig. Habitat: Clay soils, border of woods (OR), 75 1996 OCC) Vernacular Unknown. Uses: Unknown. Habit: Subshrub. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 913, Flowering period: September-February. LP), CO (Sayago 2340, LP), COR Status: Native (Pedersen 4540, LP), FO (Krapovickas Distnbution: SE (Rivadavia). 1320, LP), SE (Frenguelli 107, LP), SF Habitat: Rocky soils (OCC) (Quarin 808, LP), TU (Ventun 4980, Uses: Unknown

LP) Specimens Examined: SE (Hunziker s.n., CORD). 37 Eupatorium subhastatum Hook & Arn 39 Eupatorium tweedianum Hook & Syn.: Eupatorium bartsiifolium DC. - £ Arn.

- hexanthum DC. E hirsutum var. li Syn : Austroeupatorium tweedianum Hook. & Arn. - E. hirsutum var (Hook. & Arn.) R. King & H. Rob - triseriale - - (Griseb ) Hieron. E Eupatorium erigerioides DC. E subhastatum var hexanthum (DC.) steviifolium var erigerioides (DC.) Malme - E subhastatum var. hirsutum Baker - E steviifolium var. viscosum (Hook. & Arn.) Griseb. -E Chodat - Hatsbachiella tweediana.

subhastatum var. triseriale (Griseb.) (Hook & Arn ) R. King & H. Rob.

Hieron. - E trichophorus DC. Iconography: Cabrera: 204, fig. 106 a-f. Iconography: Cabrera: 191, fig 97 a-f. 1974- King & Robinson: 72, tab. 7 1974 - Cabrera: 478, fig. 123 a-f. 1987 (sub Hatsbachiella tweediana). 1991(1989) - Cabrera: 189, fig. 73. Vernacular: Unknown. 1996. Habit: Subshrub. Vernacular: "Pilarcito", "piok-laadarashet", Flowering penod: January, April, May. "shet", "sillo", "sillo kachii", "yerba del Status: Native. charrua". Distribution: CO (San Luis del Palmar). Habit: Subshrub. Habitat: Sandy soils, wet fields (ORI). Flowering period: November-March. Uses: Unknown. Status: Native. Specimens Examined: CO (Mroginski et Distribution: CH (Gral. Belgrano, Mayor al. 527, LP). Fontana, 1° de Mayo, San Fernando, Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

40 Eupatorium verbenaceum DC Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO (Laishi), Syn.: Eupatorium rhodolepis Chodat - COR (Empedrado). SE (Choya)

Chromolaena verbenacea (DC ) R. Habitat: High and fertile fields, border of King & H. Rob forests (ORI, OCC). Iconography; Cabrera & Klein: 462, fig. Uses: Unknown. 119 D-E. 1991(1989) -Cabrera: 202, Specinnens Examined: CH (SchuIz 211,

fig. 79 1996. LP), FO (Jbrgensen 2908, LIL, LP). Vernacular: Unknown COR (Pedersen 4548, LP), SE (Perez Habit: Subshrub. Moreau & Petetin 4380, BAB). Flowering penod: March-May. Status: Native

1 3. GYMNOCORONIS DC , species, 2 varieties.

Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (Hook & Arn.) DC , Prodr 7: 266 1838

1. Leaf blades lanceolate, attenuate at the base var. spilanthoides

-. Leaf blades ovate, subcordate or cordate at the base var. subcordata

a) var spilanthoides Syn.: Alomia spilanthoides Hook & Arn. - b) var subcordata (DC.) Baker Gymnocoronis attenuata DC - G. Syn.: G. subcordata DC. spilanthoides var. attenuata (DC.) Iconography: Cabrera: 209, fig. 82. 1996. Baker Vernacular: Unknown.

Iconography: Cabrera: 32, fig. 5 1963- Habit: Perennial herb.

Cabrera: 207, fig. 81. 1996. Flowering period: November, January- Vernacular: Unknown. March. Habit: Perennial herb. Status: Native. Flowering period: November, December. Distribution: CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO Mayo, San Fernando). (Formosa) Habitat: "Barbados", moist places (ORI) Status: Native. Uses: Unknown. Habitat: Stream banks, wet places (ORI). Specimens Examined: CH (Rodrigo 2694, Uses: Unknown LP). Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi 1994, LP), FO (Fortunato 6084 et al., BAB).

4. MIKANIAWilld , 15 species.

1 Plants erect 2 Plants scandent 3 2 Leaf blades lanceolate, pinnate-lobed or pinnatisect 10. M. pinnatiloba Leaf blades ovate, sinuate-toothed 12. M. thapsoides

3. Petiole with foliaceous sfipules 4 Petiole without stipules or stipules reduced 5 4 Stipules deeply 3-5-lobed (at least of the lower leaves) 5. M. guaranitica Stipules entire, dentate or laciniate 6

5. Stems hexagonal, conspicuously costate 7 Stems terete, multistnated 8 6. Leaf blades acuminate Corolla lobes 1-1.5 mm long 11. M. saltensis Leaf blades acute Corolla lobes 2-2.5 mm long 14. M. urticifolia 7. Capitulescences paniculate Involucre 2-3 mm high. Corolla lobes 0.2-0.3 mm long 7. M. minima Capitulescences corymbose Involucre 4-7 5 mm high. Corolla lobes 0.5-2.5 mm long. ...9 8 Corolla lobes 4-1.8 mm long 10 Corolla lobes 0.5-1 mm long 11 9 Leaf blades ovate or cordate, apex acuminate. Corollas 4.5-6 mm long (one lobe deeper). Pappus yellowish or pinkish 1. M. cordifoiia 1

Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 39

Leaf blades ovate, base sagittate, apex acute Corollas 2.5-3.5 mm long (all lobes similar in length). Pappus white 2 M. cynanchifolia 10 Phyllaries apically rounded. Leaf blades subcordate or truncate at the base 4. M. euryanthela

Phyllaries apically acute. Leaf blades hastate at the base 15. /W. vanifolia 1 Involucre less than 3 mm long. Subinvolucral bract (bracteole) as long as the involucre or slightly longer 9. M. periplocifolia Involucre 3-10 mm long. Subinvolucral bract (bracteole) shorter than the involucre 12 12. Involucre 3-4 mm high 13 Involucre 4 5-6 mm high 14 13. Leaf blades acute or acuminate, as long as vi^ide 8. M. parodii Leaf blades long-attenuate above, 3 or 4 times as long as wide 3 M dusenli 14. Phyllaries long-attenuate at the apex, outer phyllanes pubescent. Stems densely pilose 13./W. trachypleura Phyllaries acute, outer phyllaries subglabrous. Stems glabrous or slightly pubescent 6. M. micrantha

1. Mikania cordifolia (L f ) Willd Status: Native Syn,: Cacalia cordifolia L. f - Mikania Distnbution CH (I'deMayo), COR cordifolia var. tomentosa Hieron - (Mburucuya), FO (Unknown), Willoughbya cordifolia (L. f.) Kuntze Habitat: "Esteros" (ORI), Iconography: Cabrera: 45, fig. 8 A. 1941a - Uses: Unknown, Cabrera: 56, fig. 11 1963- Cabrera: Specimens Examined: CH (SchuIz 1036, 169, fig. 83 1974- Cabrera: 100, fig. LP), COR (Pedersen 5053, LP), FO 40. 1978- Cabrera & Klein: 740, fig. (not seen) 169, 1991(1989).- Holmes & McDaniel 220, fig 86 1996 3 Mikania dusenii 8 L Rob

Vernacular "Cora^ao de Jesus", "erva de Iconography Cabrera 171, fig. 84 i-ll.

cobra", "e. de sapo", "guaco", 1974 - Holmes & McDaniel: 230, fig, "matacampo", "nakolo letaa", 90, 1996 "palotr'oik", "pompero kocho", "ysipa Vernacular: "Guaco chico". kipi", "ysipo kati" Habit: Perennial vine Habit: Perennial vine Flowering period: November-May. Flowering period: February-May. Status: Native Status: Native Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), Distribution: CH (O'Higgins, 1° de Mayo, Habitat: "Esteros, banados" (ORI), San Fernando), COR (Capital, Uses: Unknown, Empedrado), FO (Pilcomayo), JU Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 185, (Ledesma), SE (Unknown), TU LP). (Capital). Habitat: Fields, woods (ORI, OCC). 4 Mikania euryanthela (Malme) W. C Uses: Medicinal, anti-inflammatory, Holmes antirheumatic, snakebites (Freire & Syn.: Mikania laxa ssp euryanthela Urtubey, 1999b). Malme

Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 2688, Iconography: Holmes & McDaniel: 233, fig. LP), COR (Schinini et al, 6875, LP), FO 91. 1996, (Morel 5536, LP), SE (Schwabe 321, Vernacular: "Toque jo'a". LP), TU (Venturi 117, LP). Habit: Perennial vine. Flowering period: August, September, 2 Mikania cynanchifolia (Baker) Malme Distribution: CH (Unknown), FO

Syn : Mikania cynanchifolia Hook, & Am, (Pilcomayo). ex B, L, Rob - M. scandens var, Status: Native. cynanchifolia Baker Habitat: ORI.

Iconography: Holmes & McDaniel: 224, fig Uses: Unknown, 87, 1996, Specimens Examined: CH (not seen), FO Vernacular: "Guako", "ysypo pe". (Cusato 747 et al, s,n,, BAB), Habit: Perennial vine. Flowering period: December, 5 Mikania guaranitica HassI ,

40 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Iconography: Holmes & McDaniel: 238, fig. Distribution; CH (Unknown), COR (San 93 1996 Cosme). Vernacular; "Guaco", Habitat; (ORI) Habit: Perennial vine. Uses; Unknown Flowering period: July. Specimens Examined; CH (Cabrera 4941 Status: Native LP holotype), COR (Krapovickas et al Distribution: CH (rde Mayo), FO 23647, LP). (Unknov\/n), SE (Copo) Habitat: Woods near stream banks (ORI, 9 Mikania periplocifolia Hook & Arn. - OCC) Syn ; Mikania auricularis Griseb. M. Uses: Unknown. scandens var. periplocifolia (Hook. & Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 199, Am.) Baker LP), FO (not seen), SE (Meyer 2504, Iconography; Cabrera; 45, fig. 8C. 1941a.- LP). Cabrera; 56, fig. 11C. 1963 - Cabrera: 16, fig. 5. 1971b.- Cabrera; 171, fig. 84 6 MikanJa micrantha Kunth a-d. 1974.- Cabrera; 103, fig. 42 F-l. Syn.: Mikania scandens auct non Willd. - 1978- Holmes & McDaniel; 251, fig. M. subcrenata Hook &Arn 99. 1996.

Iconography: Cabrera: 45, fig. 8B 1941a-- Vernacular: "Enredadera del campo",

Cabrera: 56, fig. 11B 1963 - Cabrera; "guaco", "g. del rio", "huaco", "loconte", 171,fig.84e-h. 1974.- Cabrera; 103, "matacampo", "nakolo", "nakoyo", "tapa

fig. 42 A-E. 1978.- Holmes & McDaniel; cerco", "ysipo caty", "y. ysy".

247, fig. 97. 1996. Habitat: Perennial herb. Vernacular; "Bejuco", "charrua", isipo", Flowering pehod: February-March, July- "guaco", "pompero kocho", "siila Hale". November. Habit; Perennial vine. Status; Native. Flowering period; April, June. Distribution; CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Status; Native Mayo), COR (Capital), FO (Unknown), Distnbution: CH(r de Mayo, Maipu), COR JU (Santa Barbara), LR (Capital), SE (San Cosme), SA (Metan). (Unknown), SF (Gral. Obligado), TU Habitat; Stream banks (ORI, OCC). (Capital). Uses: Vulnerary, cough, snikebites, Habitat: Border of woods, stream bank diuretic, sedative, vulnerary (Freire & (ORI, OCC). Urtubey, 1999b). Uses: Febrifugal, medicinal, snake and Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 247, insect bites, antimicrobic, cough, BAB), COR (Schinini4784, LP), SA diuretic, sedative, etc. (Freire & (Rossi 1069, LP). Urtubey, 1999b). Specimens Examined; CH (Rodrigo 2374, 7 Mikania minima (Baker) B. L Rob. LP), COR (Schinini 4796, LP), FO Syn.; Mikania scandens var. minima Baker (Spegazzini in 1881. LPS 13570, LP), - Iconography; JU (Cabrera 4101 , LP), LR (Apuez 43, Vernacular; Unknown. LP), SE (not seen), SF (Maldonado B. Habit; Vine 1692, LP), TU (Venturi 333, LP). Flowering period March-June. Status: Native. 10 Mikania pinnatiloba DC Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo). Iconography; Cabrera; 165, fig. 80 a-e. Habitat; "Esteros" (ORI). 1974 - Cabrera & Klein: 652, fig. 155. Uses: Unknown. 1991(1989).- Holmes & McDaniel: 257, Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 8660, fig. 101. 1996. BAB). Vernacular; Unknown. Habit: Perennial herb. 8 Mikania parodii Cabrera Flowering period; December. Iconography: Cabrera: 47, fig. 9. 1941a - Status: Native

Cabrera; 54, fig. 10. 1963- Cabrera & Distnbution; CH (1° de Mayo), FO

Klein; 725, fig. 166. 1991(1989). (Pilcomayo). Vernacular; Unknown. Habitat; Wet fields, "bafiados" (ORI). Habit: Perennial herb Uses; Unknown. Flowering period: Unknown. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 55, Status; Native. LP), FO (Morel 6701, LP). ,

Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

11 Mikania saltensis Hieron Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). Syn.: Willoughbya saltensis (Hieron.) Habitat: "Esteros", pastures (ORl). Kuntze Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 98, fig. 39 A-F. Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 205, 1978 LP). Vernacular: Unknown. Habit: Perennial vine. 14 Mikania urticifoiia Hook & Arn Flowering period: April. Syn.: Mikania joergensenii B. L Rob - M. Status: Native, phyllopoda Griseb. - Willoughbya

Distribution: SE (Aguirre). phyllopoda (Griseb ) Kuntze

Habitat: Woods (OCCI). Iconography: Cabrera: 168, fig. 82. 1974- Uses: Unknown Cabrera: 101, fig. 41 F-H 1978-Ariza Specimen Examined: SE (Elisetch-lturtia? Espinar: 25, fig. 4 1994.- Holmes & 414, BAB). McDaniel: 270, fig. 107. 1996. Vernacular: Unknown. 12. Mikania thapsoides DC Habit: Perennial vine.

Syn : Eupatonum thapsoides DC. ex Flowering pehod: May. Niederlein - Kanimia thapsoides (DC.) Status: Native Hieron Distnbution: CH (San Fernando), CO

Iconograptiy: Cabrera: 165-166, fig. 80 f-j (Col6n), SE (Banda, Choya). 81. 1974 - Holmes & McDaniel: 265, Habitat: Slightly high mountain places fig. 105. 1996. (ORl, OCC) Vernacular: Unknown. Uses: Unknown.

Habit: Perennial herb. Specimens Examined: CH (Spegazzini in Flowenng penod: December-March. 1886. LP), CO (Maldonado B 1410, Status: Native LP), SE (Schwabe 346, LP) Distribution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, Mayor Fontana, 1° de Mayo), FO (Pilcomayo). 15 Mikania variifolia Hieron Habitat: Pastures, border of woods (ORl). Syn.: Mikania sapucayensis Hassl.

Uses: Unknown Iconography: Holmes & McDaniel: 272, fig. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 56, 108 1996. LP), FO (Morel 6975, LP). Vernacular: "Guaco" Habit: Perennial vine. 13. Mikania trachypleura B. L Rob. Flowering period: May-August Syn.: Mikania ypacarayensis Holmes & Status: Native McDaniel Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Iconography: Holmes & McDaniel: 268, fig Mayo, San Fernando), COR (Saladas). 106. 1996. Habitat: Woods and bushes near the Vernacular: "Guaco". stream banks (ORl). Habit: Vine. Uses: Unknown. Flowering period: January, May. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 200, Status: Native. LP), COR (Pedersen 5066, LP).

5. STEVIA Cav , 6 species.

1. Pappus dimorphic: idiocarps with a crown of scales, adelphocarps with a crown of scales and 1-3 bristle-like awns 2. S. brevianstata

Pappus isomorphic of 1 5-20 bristle-like awns or dimophic (when dimorphic, adelphocarps with more than 7 bristles-like awns) 2 2 Pappus isomorphic Capilulescences diffuse with laxly disposed long-pedicellate capitula Leaves oblanceolate 3 Pappus iso- or dimorphic. Capitulescences of capitula disposed in dense corymbose clusters. Leaf blades ovate-rhombic or linear 4 3. Leaves glandular-punctate, subglabrous 4. S. lundiana Leaves not glandular-punctate, puberulous 3. S. entrehensis

4 Leaves short-petiolate. Leaf blades ovate-rhombic. Pappus isomorphic 1. S.aristata Leaves sessile Leaf blades linear 5 5 Leaves 30-60 x 1-7 mm. Pappus dimorphic (adelphocarps with 7-13 bristle-like awns) 5. S. mercedensis 42 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Leaves 20-25 x 1-3 mm. Pappus iso- or dimorphic (adelphocarps with 12-20 bristle-like awns) 6. S saturelifolia

1. Stevia aristata D Don ex Hook & Arn. Syn.; Sfewa aristata var typica B L Rob - 4 Stevia lundiana DC S. polycephala aucL non Baker Iconography: Baker tab. 58. 1876.-

Iconography: Cabrera: 27, fig 5. 1941a.- Cabrera & Klein: 437, fig. 115. Cabrera: 35, fig 6B 1963 - Cabrera; 1991(1989). 160, fig 77 a-b 1974- Cabrera: 283, Vernacular: Unknown.

fig .113. 1996. Habit: Perennial herb. Vernacular: Unknown. Flowering pehod: March. Habit: Perennial herb. Status: Native. Flowering period: February-April. Distribution: CH (San Fernando). Distribution: COR (Empedrado), SF (Gral. Habitat: Fertile and low fields (ORI). Obligado). Uses: Unknown. Status: Native Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 14878, Habitat: Moist places (ORI) BAB) Uses: Unknown. Specimens Examined: COR (Schwartz 5 Stevia mercedensis Hieron. var. 10208, LP), SF (Job 1182, LP). nnercedensis Syn.: Sfewa mercedens/s var. typica B. L 2. Stevia breviaristata Hook & Arn. Rob Syn.: Stewa lorentzii Griseb. - S pubigera Iconography: - Hieron. - S pubigera var. subglabrata Vernacular: Unknown. Hieron - S schu/fz/V Hieron Habit: Perennial herb. Iconography: Cabrera: 79, fig 30 A- Flowering period: Unknown. D 1978 -Cabrera: 288, fig 115. 1996 Status: Native Vernacular: Unknown. Distribution: SE (Guasayan, Ojo de Agua), Habit: Perennial herb. TU (CruzAlta). Flowering penod: March, April. Habitat: Rocky soils, 400-590 m (OCC). Status: Native. Uses: Unknown. Distribution: SE (Rio Hondo), TU (Capital) Specimens Examined: SE (Maldonado Habitat: Mountain places, 450 m (OCC) 1576, LP), TU (Venturi 1927, LP). Uses: Unknown. Specimens Examined: SE (CozzanI et al. 6 Stevia satureiifolia (Lam.) Sch Bip. 1647, BAB), TU (Venturi 6126, LP). var satureiifolia - Syn : Eupatorium satureiifolium Lam. - 3. Stevia entreriensis Hieron Mikania satureiifolia (Lam.) Willd. Syn.: Dissothhx hasslenana Chodat - S. Nothites satureiifolia (Lam.) DC. - entreriensis var. m/nor Hieron - S. Sfewa multiaristata Griseb. - S. hirsuta Griseb - S oxylaena Griseb. - satureiifolia var. angustifolia Baker - S. S. oxylaena var w//osa Hieron satureiifolia var. genuina Hieron. Iconography: Cabrera: 162, fig. 78 a-g Iconography: Cabrera: 28, fig. 6. 1941a.-

1974 - Cabrera: 296, fig. 119. 1996. Cabrera: 35, fig 6a 1963- Cabrera: Vernacular: Unknown. 162, fig. 78 h-k 1974 - Ariza Espinar: Habit: Perennial herb. 34, fig. 5. 1994. Flowering period: April. Vernacular: Unknown. Status: Native. Habit: Subshrub. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Flowering period: Unknown. Fernando), FO (Pilcomayo) Status: Native Habitat: Usually on sandy soils (ORI). Distribution: SE (Ojo de Agua) Uses: Unknown Habitat: Rocky soils, 540 m (OCC). Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 74, Uses: Unknown. LP), FO (Fortunate 2774 et al., BAB, Specimen Examined: SE (Maldonado 972, SI). LP)^

5. Tribe HELENIEAE, 9 genera, 15 species, 3 varieties

1 Conspicuous oil glands in leaves and involucre Comp, Newsl. 43. 2005 43

-. Oil glands absent in leaves and involucre, sometimes with punctate glands 5 2 Capitula discoid, corollas all tubular 6. Porophyllum -. Capitula radiate, marginal corollas ligulate and central corollas tubular 3 3. Style of the central florets shortly bilobate 5. Pectis -. Style of the central florets bifid, vi^ith long branches 4 4 Pappus scales of unequal length, some of them anstate 8. Tagetes - Pappus scales of equal or almost equal length 9. Thymophylla 5 Receptacle covered by rigid bristles 2. Gaillardia -. Receptacle naked 6

6. Cypselas without pappus (sometimes with scaly pappus in species not occurring in

Argentina) 1. Flaveria -. Cypselas with pappus 7 7. Phyllaries with membranous margin 7. Schkuhria -. Phyllaries without membranous margin 8 8. Receptacle hemispherical Outer phyllaries longer than the inner ones 3. Helenium -. Receptacle flat or slightly convex Outer phyllaries shorter than the inner ones 4. Hymenoxys

1. FLAVERIA Juss., 2 species.

1. Erect herbs, stems yellow-greenish or reddish to the apex Leaves broadly ovate or elliptic,

ca. 0.5-3 cm wide, Capitula in dense, capituliform glomerules 1. F. bidentis

- Globose herbs, stems reddish to the apex Leaves linear or narrowly ovate to elliptic, 1- 0,8 cm wide Capitula in lax, not capituliform glomerules 2, F haumanit

1. Flaveria bidentis (L ) Kuntze Uses: Antiseptic, against suppuration and eruptive diseases, expectorant, against Syn.: Ethulia bidentis L - Eupatorium fevers, to wash wounds, against - chilense Molina Flaveria bidentis (L ) leucorrhoea, against ulcers, tonic, B. L, Rob, - F, bonahensis DC, - F, insecticide, stimulant, vermifuge, capitate Juss, - F ctiilensis Juss, - F, against the poison of insects and contrayerba (Cav,) Pers, - IVIillena snakes, digestive, emmenagogue chiloensis Juss - M. contrayerba Cav - (Freire & Urtubey, 2000b), tinctorial Vermifuge corymbose Ruiz & Pav, (Marzocca, 1993), ornamental Iconography: Cabrera: 237, fig. 70 A-G. (Marzocca, 1976). 1963- Cabrera: 152, fig 141 a-d. Specimens Examined: CH (Rojas 11897, 1971b.- Cabrera: 400, fig 234 a-g. LP), COR (Cabrera 2977, LP), FO 1974- Cabrera: 421, fig 176 A-F (Piccinini & Leguizamon 2589, BAB), 1978. LR (Krapovickas 6052, LP), SA Vernacular: "Balda", "chasca", (Jansen & Sarandon 768, LP), SE "chascayuyo", "contra herva", (Soriano 549, LP, SI), SF (Job 1102, "contrahierba", "contrayerba", "dauda", LP). "dauda", "fique", "flor amarilla", "mata gusanos", "nacunan", "nacutian", "pique", "quejatulpino", "quellotarpo", 2. Flaveria haumanii Dimitri & Orfila "solo", "sunchillo", "tuntusa", "valda". Syn.: Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze var. Habit: Annual herb, angustifolia Kuntze Flowenng period: Throughout the year. Iconography: Dimitri & Orfila: Apendice: Status: Native. 466, fig A, a-g. 1985. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, 25 de Mayo, Vernacular: Unknown. Bermejo, Libertador Gral San Martin, Habit: Annual herb. Mayor Fontana, Quitilipi, San Flowering period: December-June. Fernando,), COR (Capital), FO Status: Native. (Pilagas, Pilcomayo), LR (San Martin), Distnbution: SE (Brig. Ibarra. Capital, SA (Metan), SF (9 de Julio), SE Moreno, Ojo de Agua). (Banda, Capital, Gral. Taboada, Ojo de Habitat: Humid soils, areas cleared of Agua, Robles), trees, riverbanks, margins of roads Habitat: Humid soils, areas cleared of (OCC). trees, riverbanks, margins of roads Uses: The same as Flaveria bidentis. (OCC, ORI). 44 Comp. News!. 43. 2005

Specimens Examined; SE (Molina & Hilfer 3339, BAB).

2. GAILLARDIA Foug., 1 species, 2 varieties.

1 Gaillardia megapotamica (Sprang ) Baker

1. Capitula radiate.. a. var. radiata

- Capitula discoid. .b. var. scabiosoides

a) Gaillardia megapotamica var radiata b) Gaillardia megapotamica var.

(Griseb.) Baker scabiosoides (DC ) Baker Syn.: Gaillardia scabiosoides (Arn. ex DC.) Syn.: Cercostylos scabiosoides Am. ex Benth & Hook f var. radiata Griseb DC. - Gaillardia scabiosoides (Am ex Iconography: Cabrera: 403, fig 236 h-k DC.) Benth. & Hook. f. 1974. Iconography: Cabrera: 248, fig. 74 A-G. Vernacular: "Topasaire". 1963- Cabrera: 403, fig. 236 a-g. Habit: Perennial herb 1974. Flowering period: September-February. Vernacular: "Boton de oro", "manzanilla", Status: Native. "topasaire". Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, 9 de Julio, Habit: Perennial herb. Aim Brown, Gral Belgrano, Gral. Flowering period: September-March. Guemes, Jndependencia, Mayor Status: Native. Fontana, San Fernado), SE (Brig. Distribution: SF (9 de Julio). Ibarra, Pellegrini, Moreno, Ojo de Habitat: Fields (ORI). Agua). Uses: Analgesic (Amat, 1983), sneeze Habitat: Fields, margins of railroads (OCC, inducer and against headache ORI). (Toursarkissian, 1980; Zardini, 1984). Uses: Anticephalalgic, cough, febrifugal Specimens Examined: SF (Krapovickas (Freire & Urtubey, 2000a) 797, LP). Specimens Examined: CH (Boffa 1013, LP), SE (Castiglioni & Ragonese 7240, BAB).

3. HELENIUML, 2 species.

1- Leaves generally entire. Disc corollas cream. Pappus of 5-7 aristate scales. 1. H. donianum

-. Leaves generally 1-3-lobulate. Disc corollas orange-yellowish. Pappus of ca. 9 aristate scales 2. H. radiatum

1 Helenium donianum (Hook & Arn ) Specimens Examined: CO (Sayago 2225, Seckt LP), SE (Piccinini & Petetin 3247, CTES). Syn.: Actinea doniana (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze - Cephalophora doniana Hook. 2 Helenium radiatum (Less.) Seckt & Arn - Gaillardia doniana (Hook.S Syn.: Actinea alternifolia Spreng. - A. Am.) Griseb. - Helenium donianum heterophylla Juss. - A. heterophylla (Hook. & Am.) Cabrera Juss. f. bicolor Kuntze - A. heterophylla Iconography: Novara & Petenatti: 14, fig 4. Juss. var dentata Kuntze - A. radiata 2000. (Less.) Kuntze - Actinella heterophylla Vernacular: "Topasaire". (Juss.) Pers. - Cephalophora Habit: Subshrub. heterophylla (Juss.) Less. - C. radiata Flowering period: October-March. Less. - Helenium alternifolium Status: Native - (Spreng ) Cabrera H. heterophyllum Distribution: CO (Rio Seco), SE (Choya, (Juss) Malme - H. mattfeldianum Gral. Taboada, Guasayan, Jimenez, Herter - H. radiatum (Less.) Bierner Moreno). Iconography: Cabrera: 245, fig. 73 A-F. Habitat: Arid and rocky soils (OCC). 1963- Cabrera: 408, fig. 239 a-h. Uses: Unknown. 1974. Vernacular; Unknown. Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 45

Habit: Subshrub Ragonese & Milano: 333, fig 53 A-C. Flowering period; November-February. 1984. Status: Native Vernacular; "Boton bot6n", "b. de oro", Distribution: SE (Moreno, Ojo de Agua, "kaskasli", "manzanilla cimarrona", "m. Quebrachos). del campo", "m. silvestre", "topasaire", Habitat: Rocl

4 HYMENOXYS Cass 1 species Fontana, San Fernando), FO (Pllcomayo, Pirane), SE (Aguirre,

1. Hymenoxys anthemoides (Juss ) Banda, Brig. Ibarra, Ojo de Agua, Cass. Quebrachos, Robles).

Syn,: Actinea anthemoides (Juss ) Kuntze Habitat: Humid, alcaline, sandy, salty soils,

- - A. haenkeana (DC ) Kuntze A. fields, margin of roads (OCC, ORI). - anthemoides (Juss ) A Gray Uses: Against colds, headaches, sneeze

- Actinella anthemoides (Juss ) Malme inducer (Freire & Urtubey, 2000a). - A. anthemoides (Cass ) Herter Specimens Examined: (Rojas Hymenopappus anthemoides Juss.- CH 12024, LP), (Cabral al. 11 1 Hymenoxys haenkeana DC- H. parodii FO et 3, BAB), SE (Delucchi et al. 2104, LP). I. M. Johnst Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., Iconography: Cabrera: 242, fig 72 A-F 2005). 1963.- Cabrera: 405, fig 237 a-i.

1974- Parker: fig. 2D, 4A. 1962.

5. PECTISL, 2 species.

1. Erect herbs. Capitula long-pedunculate, phyllaries generally 8 1. P. odorata

-. Creeping herbs Capitula sessile or subsessile, phyllaries 5 (7) 2. P. sessilifiora

1 Pectis odorata Griseb (Arenas 3070, SI), SE (Di Lullo 28, LP, SI). Iconography: Cabrera: 430, fig. 179 A-G. 1978. Vernacular: "Cerdilla", "chinchilla", 2 Pectis sessilifiora (Less.) Sch. Bip.

"cominito del campo", "comino", "c. del Syn.: Cryptopetalum ciiiare Cass. - campo", "limonillo", "manzanilla del Lorentea cryptopetala DC. - L. campo", "yerba del venado". sessilifiora Less. Habit: Annual herb. Iconography: Cabrera: 430, fig. 179 H-K. Flowering period: September-February. 1978. Status: Native. Vernacular: Unknown. Distribution: CH (Aim Brown), COR (Bella Habit: Annual herb. Vista, Empedrado, Lavalle), FO Flowering period: March. (Bermejo, Matacos, Patiiio), SE (Carlos Status: Native. Pellegrini, Ojo de Agua, Quebrachos). Distnbution: SA (Unknown), SE (E. M. Habitat: Sandy and grassy soils, slopes of Petenatti & L. Ariza Espinar, 1997:17, hills (OCC, ORI). Zuloaga & Morrone, 1999: 264). Uses: Antlflatulent, digestive, against Habitat: Mountains (OCC). tuberculosis (Zardini, 1984). Uses: Unknown. Specimens Examined: CH (Molina 2960, Specimen Examined: SA (Lorentz & BAB), COR (Schinini 5287, LP), FO Hieronymus s.n., LP).

6 POROPHYLLUM Adans , 3 species

1. Monoclinous herbs (plants with capitula of bisexual florets). Involucre 15-25 mm high 2 46 Comp. Nevvsl. 43, 2005

Gynodioecious subshrubs (plants with capitula of bisexual florets and plants with capitula of female florets) Involucre ca 12 mm high 2. P. obscurum Leaves elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, petiolate Florets yellow or whitish 3. P. ruderale Leaves lanceolate, base attenuate. Florets violet 1. P. lanceolatum

1 Porophyllum lanceolatum DC de Agua, Quebrachos), SF (San Javier, Syn.; Porophyllum curticeps Malme - Vera), FO (Unknown). P.excertum Baker - P. lanceolatum DC. Habitat: Salty and dry soils (OCC, OR!) var. angustius Chodat - P. lanceolatum Uses: Against colics, venereal diseases, DC. var corymbosum Chodat - P diaphoretic, depurative (Freire &

lanceolatum DC. f. depauperata Urtubey, 1999b).

Chodat - P. lanceolatum DC. f. foetens Specimens Examined: CH (Schulz 19022,

Chodat - P. lanceolatum DC. f BAB), COR (Pedersen 6403, LP), SE genuinum Hassl. - P. lanceolatum DC. (Perez Moreau et al. 4742, BAB), SF

f. glaucum Hassl. - P. lanceolatum DC. (Ragonese 2755, LP), FO (JGrgensen var. induratum Chodat - P. lanceolatum 3361, SI). DC. var. lineare Hassl - P. martii

Baker - P. prenanthoides DC. 3 Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq ) Cass. Iconography; Cabrera: 412, fig. 242 b-f Syn.: Cacalia glandulosa Salisb. - C. 1974.- Cabrera: 437, fig. 182 A-E. porophyllum L - C. ruderalis (Jacq.) 1978. Sw. - Kleinia porophyllum (L.) Willd. - Vernacular: "Clavelina", "quilquina", "yerba K. ruderalis Jacq. - Porophyllum del venado". ellipticum Cass. - P. ellipticum Cass. Habit: Annual herb. var. genuinum Urb. - P. ellipticum Flowering period: December-March. Cass. var. intermedium DC. - P. Status: Native. ellipticum Cass. var. ruderale Urb. - P. Distribution: CH {1° de Mayo, San latifolium Benth. - P. macrolepldeum Fernando), COR (Bella Vista, Lavalle, Malme - P. porophyllum Kuntze - P. San Roque), FO (Pilcomayo, Pirane) ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. var. angusti- Habitat: Margins of roads, wet places, folium Hassl. - P. ruderale (Jacq.) sandy and clay soils, grasslands (OR!). Cass var. ellipticum B. L. Rob. - P. Uses: To expel the placenta, ocular ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. var. glandulo- antiseptic, against syphilis, lung sum Chodat - P. ruderale (Jacq.) Cass, diseases, furuncles (Freire & Urtubey, var. macrolepldeum Chodat - P. 1999b). ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. f. suffruticosa Specimens Examined: CH (Schulz 1031, Chodat - Tagetes integrifolia Muschl. LP), COR (Boelcke 1554, LP), FO Iconography: Cabrera, 1974: 412, fig. 242

(Fortunato et al. 2863, BAB). a, Cabrera, 1978: 433, fig. 180 A-E. Vernacular: "Amores secos", "kire nis(l)6 "pinita", "quilquina", 2 Porophyllum obscurum (Spreng ) DC plus, "mboi moroti", Syn,: Kleinia linifolia Hook. & Arn. - K. "sallagatrak latee, "sallagatrak liaie". obscura Spreng - Porophyllum Habit: Annual herb. eremophilum Cabrera - P. haenkei DC. Flowering period: January-May, - P. lineare DC. - P. oblanceolatum November, December. Rusby Status: Native. Iconography: Cabrera: 255, fig. 77 A-E. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo, 1963- Cabrera: 410, fig. 241 a-f. Cmte Fernandez, Oral. Guemes), 1974- Cabrera: 437, fig. 182 F-H. COR (Capital, Empedrado, San 1978 Cosme), FO (Bermejo, Matacos, Vernacular: "Curupaimi", "kilkina", Pirane), JU (San Pedro, Santa "quirquina", "ruda blanca", "yerba del Barbara), SF (Vera), SE (Copo, ciervo", "y. de la gama", "y del Figueroa, Guasayan, Ojo de Agua, venado". Robles, Silipica). Habit: Subshrub. Habitat: Areas cleared of trees, margin of Flowering period: September-January. forests (OCC, ORI). Status: Native. Uses: Antipyretic, ocular antiseptic, Distribution: CH (Dpto. 1° de Mayo, depurative, diaphoretic, haemostatic, Bermejo), COR (San Cosme), SE against bruises (Freire & Urtubey, (Choya, Oral. Taboada, Guasayan, Ojo 1999b, condiment (Zardini, 1984). Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 47

Specimens Examined; CH (Jorgensen 1 Tagetes minuta L. 2736, Si), COR (Pedersen 6482, LP), Syn.: Tagetes bonariensis Pers. - T. FO (Bayon & IVioreno 782, LPAG), JU glandulifera Schrank - 7. glandulosa (Cabrera 4068, LP), SF (Tedone 5071, Link - 7. porophyllum Veil.

LP), SE (IVlolina at al. 1270, BAB). Iconography: Cabrera: 251, fig. 75 A-E. 1963 - Cabrera: 414, fig 243 a-i'

1974.- Cabrera: 445, fig. 186 A-G.

1 7. SCHKUHRIA Roth nom. cons , 1978. species. Vernacular: "Amores secos", "chemagaraik" (Toba), "chil chil",

1 Schkuhria pinnata (Lam ) Kuntze ex "chinchilla", "cravo do difunto", Then. "floramar", "huacatai", "kinchiwe Syn.: Amblyopappus mendocina Phil, - (Araucano-Pampa), "suico". Pectis pinnata Lam. - Rothia pinnata Habit: Annual herb. (Lam.) Kuntze - R pinnata (Lam.) Flowering period: September-March Kuntze var. pallida Kuntze - R. pinnata Status: Introduced (Lam.) Kuntze var. purpurascens Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Gral. Kuntze - Schkuhria abrotanoides Roth - Guemes, Independencia, Mayor S abrotanoides Roth var isopappa Fontana), CO (Tulumba), COR (Bella

- (Benth ) Hieron S. abrotanoides Roth Vista, Capital), FO (Patino), JU (Santa var. pomasquiensis Hieron - S advena Barbara), SA (Anta, Rosario de la Thellung - S. bonariensis Hool<. & Arn. Frontera), SE (Aguirre, Banda, Capital, - S. coquimbana Phil - S. isopappa Choya, Guasayan, Rio Hondo, Benth. - S. octoaristata DC. - S. Robles). pinnata (Lam.) Kuntze ex Thell. var Habitat: Prairies, areas cleared of trees, abrotanoides (Roth) Cabrera - S. fields, margin of roads (OCC, ORI).

pinnata (Lam ) Kuntze ex Thell var. Uses: Hepatic protector, insecticide, octoaristata (DC.) Cabrera - S. pinnata aphrodisiac, antiseptic, depurative, (Lam.) Kuntze ex Thell var. typica stimulant, carminative, against Cabrera blennorrhea, vermifuge, antirheumatic,

Iconography: Cabrera: 239, fig. 71 A-G catartic, diaphoretic, sudorific,

1963.- Cabrera: 402, fig. 235 a-i. sedative, laxative, digestive, diuretic

1974.- Cabrera: 422, fig. 177 L-P. (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c), as a

1978- Cabrera: 152, fig. 142 a-e. condiment, forage (although the milk of 1971b. the cows has bad taste because of the Vernacular: "Canchalagua", resins of the ), tinctorial (Zardini, "canchalahua", "jayac pichana", 1984) "matalahuga", "matapulgas", "piqui Specimens Examined: CH (Jorgensen pichana". 2928, SI), CO (Luti 4163, LP), COR (Pire Habit: Annual herb. etal. 345, LP), FO (Filipov 117, SI), JU Flovi^ering period: March, October- (Zardini 1367, LP), SA (Cabrera 2966, January. LP), SE (Bayon 429, LPAG) Status: Native. Distribution: CH (9 de Julio, Bermejo,

Mayor Fontana), FO (Pilcomayo), SE 9 THYMOPHYLLA Lag , 1 species (Aguirre, Gral Belgrano, Guasayan,

Ojo de Agua). 1 Thymophylla pentachaeta (DC ) Small Habitat: Fields, margins of roads, on salty var. belenjdium (DC.) Strother soils (OCC, OR!) Syn.: Dyssodia belenidium (DC.) O. Uses: To loose weight, antirheumatic, Hoffm. - D. belenidium (DC.) Macloskie depurative, emenagoga, stimulant, - D. cupulata A. Nelson - D. gracilis antipyretic, insecticide, tonic (Freire & (Rydb.) Cory - D. pentachaeta (DC.) B. Urtubey, 2000c) L. Rob. var. belenidium (DC.) Strother - Specimens Examined: CH (Boffa 1024, D. thurberi (A. Gray) B. L. Rob. - LP, SI), FO (Morel 6338, LIL), SE Hymenatherum belenidium DC. - H (Piccinini & Petetin 3255, CTES). candolleanum Hook. & Arn. - H. thurberi A. Gray - Tagetes belenidium (DC.) Kuntze - Thymophylla belenidium

1 - - 8 TAGETES L , species (DC ) Cabrera 7 gracilis Rydb. 7 thurberi (A. Gray) Wooton & Standi. 4g Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Iconography Cabrera: 253, fig^ 76 A-H Habitat; Rocky soils, margin of roads 1963 (OCC) Vernacular "Perlilla", 'pichicho", "rayito de Uses; Medicinal (Zardini, 1984). ^°' . Specimens Examined; CO (Sayago 2074, Habit; Subshrub LP), SE (Perez Moreau & Petetin 3891, Flowering period; September, October. g^'g. Status; Native. Obs; Toxic for cattle (Freire et al, 2005). , ^^ ,r, . Distnbution; CO (Rio Seco), SE (Ojo de Agua).

6 Tribe HELIANTHEAE, 34 genera, 63 species

1. Capitula one-flowered, rarely two-flowered, florets bisexual. Capitulescences glomerulose 19- Lagascea

-. Capitula several-flowered (except /\mbros/a with one-flowered female capitula) 2

2. Receptacle epaleaceous. Involucre of two accrescent phyllaries 26. Synedrellopsis

-. Receptacle paleaceous (except female capitula of Ambrosia and Xanthlum). Involucre of several phyllanes 3 3 Plants diclinous-monoecious. Capitula isomorphic, corolla wanting in pistillate florets. Pollination anemophilous 4

-. Plants monoecious Capitula isomorphic or dimorphic, florets bisexual, pistillate (with corolla), staminate (ovary sterile), or neutral, or these variously combined. Pollination entomophilous 5 4. Female capitula one-flowered, pseudo-fruits not spiny, with 4-5 distal projections. Male capitula nutant, arranged in terminal capitulescences, phyllaries fused, stamens with free filaments and connate anthers 3. Ambrosia

-. Female capitula two-flowered, pseudo-fruits spiny, the spines hook-shaped. Male capitula erect, axillary, solitary, phyllaries free, not fused, stamens with fused filaments and free anthers 32. Xanthium

5. Marginal corollas persistent at maturity on the cypselas 6

-. Marginal corollas caducous at maturity 7 6. Leaves petiolate. Capitula sessile, phyllaries equal or subequal in length, corollas yellow or white, cypselas apically three-awned 23. Sanvitalia

-. Leaves sessile. Capitula pedunculate, the peduncles apically broadened, external phyllaries shorter than the internal ones, cypselas apically one-awned, the awn sometimes wanting 34. Zinnia

7. Central florets functionally male (ovary sterile) 8

-. Central florets bisexual 9 8. Leaves opposite, blades entire 1. Acanthospermum

-. Leaves alternate, blades pinnatisect 21. Parthenium

9. Pappus of well developed, membranaceous, linear-lanceolate scales 10 - Pappus of awns scales, or bristles, they combined or not, the pappus sometimes wanting 11 10 Perennial herbs Involucre of three or more series of imbricate phyllaries, marginal florets more than 5, marginal cypselas falling off individually at maturity 7. Calea

-. Annual herbs Involucre of two series of subequal phyllaries, marginal florets 5, marginal

cypselas falling off at maturity together with one palea, each of it enclosing 2 flowers 14. Galinsoga (pan/iflora) ll.Cypselasof central florets thick or laterally compressed 12

-. Cypselas of central florets more or less compressed, pappus when present of retrorse- ciliate or antrorse-ciliate awns 13 12 Internal phyllanes enclosing the marginal cypselas 14

-. Internal phyllaries not enclosing the cypselas Pappus present 15 13. Marginal florets neutral 16 - Marginal florets pistillate 17 14 Pappus wanting 18 - Pappus of one or two awns 19 15. Cypselas of central florets marginally winged 20

- Cypselas of central florets not marginally winged 21 16 Cypselas rostrate Anther filaments hairy 10. Cosmos Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 49

-. Cypselas erostrate Anther filaments glabrous 6. BIdens 17. Annual herbs. Cypselas dimorphous 22

-. Perennial herbs or shrubs. Cypselas isomorphous or dimorphous 23 18. Plants aquatic, floating, or marshy 12. Enhydra - Terrestrial plants 18. Jaegeria 19. Pappus strongly reduced to one short awn 22. Ratlbida

-. Pappus of two awns 24. Simsia 20 External phyllanes longer and wider than the internal ones 24 - External phyllanes smaller than the internal ones 33. Zexmenia

21 . Paleae linear-filiform. Corollas white 11. Eclipta

-. Paleae wide-lanceolate. Corollas yellow 25 22. Central cypselas winged, the wings thick, chartaceous and ciliate, pappus wanting 9. Chrysanthellum

-. Central cypselas wingless, pappus of two awns 16. Heterosperma 23. Pappus of crown of short scales 26

-. Pappus of two awns 27 24. Herbs Pappus absent in marginal florets, central florets with pappus of two free awns 29. Verbesina

-. Subshrubs. Pappus of 3 awns in marginal florets, Pappus of 2 awns in central cypselas, sometimes with alternate small scales 4. Angelphytum 25 Pappus caducous of numerous short bnstles Paleae concave, acute, stiff, longer than the central florets 20. Melanthera

-. Pappus persistent, without the characteristics of 25 28 26. Involucre campanulate, phyllaries herbaceous. Cypselas tuberculate 25 Sphagneticola - Involucre hemisphencal, phyllaries scarious Cypselas not tuberculate 31. l^ede/;a 27 Disc corollas 4-parted Internal phyllanes only fused in the lower half 17. Isostigma - Disc corollas 5-parted Internal phyllaries fused in the lower half or more.. 27. Thelesperma 28. Marginal florets pistillate 29

-. Marginal florets neutral 30 29. Receptacle conical at maturity. Cypselas of central florets laterally very compressed, with acute angles 2. Acmella

-. Receptacle plain or slightly convex. Central cypselas laterally weakly compressed 8. Calyptocarpus 30. Leaves opposite 32 - Leaves alternate or the basal opposite 33 32. Pappus of fused scales with or without few awns. Plant not resinous 28. Tithonia

-. Pappus of two awns. Shrub resinous 13. Flourensia 33. Pappus caducous 15. Helianthus

-. Pappus persistent 34 34 Pappus of fused scales and short awns 5. Aspilia

-. Pappus of free scales of awns 30. Viguiera

1. ACANTHOSPERMUM Schrank, 2 species.

1. Stems decumbent or ascendent. Pseudo-fruits oblong-fusiform, slightly compressed, ribbed, not spiny and with a circular depression at the apex 1. A. australe - Stems erect. Pseudo-fruits cuneate, not ribbed, with 2 divergent spines at the apex 2. A. hispidum

1. Acanthospermum australe (Loefl.) Iconography: Cabrera: 101, fig. 50 1963- Kuntze Cabrera: 341, fig. 196 (e-o) 1974. Syn.: Acanthospermum brasilianum Vernacular: "Abrojilllo", "carrapicho", Schrank - A. hirsutum DC - A. "guadrilla", "guajerilla", "guajrilla", xanthioides (Kunth) DC. - "guarilla", "guasrilla", "guayrilla", "natiu", Centrospermum xanthioides Kunth - "natchu", "natehu", "tapecue", "tapekue", Melampodium australe Loefl. - Oroya "tape tuya", "tayecui", "tepecuri", "yerba adhaerens Veil de la oveja." Habit: Annual herb. so Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Flowering period: January-April, June, Vernacular: "Carretilla de oveja", August "cuajenlla", "guajerilla", "rodajillo", Status: Native "torito", "yerba de la oveja". Distribution COR (Capital, Empedrado, Habit: Annual herb. San Cosme), SF (Gral Obligado-San Flowering period: January, f\/larch, April, Javier) June Habitat: Sandy soils (ORI) Status Native. Uses: Diaphoretic, emollient, febrifugal, Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), CO (Rio contraceptive, antidiarrhoeal, sedative, Seco, San Alberto), FO (Matacos, cicatrizant, hepatic, nnycosis, Patifio, Pilcomayo), SA (Anta), SB

abortifacient, diuretic, sudonfic (Freire ; (Copo, Guasayan, Moreno, Pellegrini), Urtubey, 2000b). TL) (Burruyacu). Specimens Examined: COR (Hunziker Habitat: Sandy soils, cultivated fields, 5544, LP), SF(Job 1017, LP). disturbed areas, weed (ORI, OCC). Uses: Antibacterial, antifungal, perfumery 2 Acanthospermum hispidum DC (Viswanathan & Singh, 1996), Syn.: Acanthospermum humile var antidiarrhoeal, diuretic, diaphoretic, hispidum Kuntze sudorific, contraceptive (Freire & Iconography: Cabrera: 341, fig. 196 a-k. Urtubey, 2000b). 1974.- Nash: 503, fig 48. 1976.- Specimens Examined: CO (Burkart 4237, Cabrera: 335, fig 140. 1978.- Ariza LP), CH (Schuiz 2143, BAB), FO

Espinar: 12, fig. 1 2000. (Molina et al. 102, BAB), SA (Rossi 1038, LP), SE (Molina 1333, BAB), TU (Varela s.n., LP 892883).

2. ACMELLA Rich., 6 species

1. Leaves linear-lanceolate or narrowly ovate, to 15 mm wide 2

-. Leaves narrowly ovate, ovate, spatulate, oblanceolate, elliptic, or obovate, more than 15 mm wide 4 2. Pappus absent 6. A. pusilla

-. Pappus present 3 3. Cypselas with corky margins 5. A. glabemma

-. Cypselas without corky margins 4. A. decumbens var. affinis 4 Marginal florets inserted or slightly exceeding the involucre. Cypselas with corky margins

3. >A. ciliata

-. Marginal florets exserted. Cypselas without corky margins 5

5. Pappus absent 1. A. alpestris

-. Pappus present 2. A. bellidioides

arnicoides (DC.) 1 Acmella alpestris (Griseb ) R K Syn.: Ceratocephalus Jansen Kuntze - Rudbeckia bellidioides Sm. in - Spilanthes arnicoides - S. Syn : Spilanthes alpestris Griseb Rees DC

Iconography: Cabrera: 394, fig. 165 f-j. arnicoides DC. var. intermedia Chodat 1978. - S. arnicoides DC. var setosa Chodat Vernacular: Unknown. - S. doronicoides DC. - S. bellidioides Habit: Perennial herb. (Sm. in Rees) Cabrera - S. Flowering period: Summer-Autumn blepharicarpa DC. - S. longifolia DC. - Status: Native S. grandis DC. - S. grisea (Chodat) A. Distribution: FO (Bermejo, Formosa, H. Moore var. intermedia (Chodat) A. Matacos, Ramon Lista). H. Moore - S. grisea (Chodat) A. H. Habitat: Cleanngs, fertile soils (ORI, Moore var micra A. H. Moore - S. OCC) grisea (Chodat) A. H. Moore var. Uses: Unknown. setosa (Chodat) A. H. Moore - S. Specimens Examined: FO (Molina et al. sphaerocephala DC. 409, BAB). Iconography: Cabrera: 381, fig. 221; 302, fig. 222, 383, fig. 223 1974 (sub 2 Acmella bellidioides (Sm. in Rees) R. Spilanthes grisea) K Jansen Vernacular: Unknown. Comp. Newsl 43. 2005

Habit: Perennial herb. Distribution: CO (Colon, San Javier, Flowering period October-April Tulumba), SE (Ojo de Agua) Status Native Habitat: Rocky, sandy, dry slopes (OCC) Distnbution CH (Bermejo, 12 de Octubre, Uses: Unknown, 1° de Mayo), SE (Brig Ibarra-Gral Specimens Examined; CO (Fabris 1608, Taboada-Moreno, Guasayan) LP), SE (Maldonado 1588, LP) Habitat; Rocky and sandy soils (ORI,

OCC) 5 Acmella glaberrima (Hassl ) R K. Uses Unknown Jansen Specimens Examined CH (Joergensen Syn.; Spilanthes glabernma Hassl 2027, SI). SE (Piccinini & Petetin 3269, Iconography: - BAB) Vernacular Unknown Habit Perennial herb 3 Acmella ciliata (Kunth) Cass Flowering period: October-April. - Syn : Acmella fimbnata (Kunth) Cass, Status Native Ceratocephalus ciliatus (Kunth) Kuntze Distnbution; CH (1° de Mayo, San - C fimbriatus (Kunth) Kuntze - C Fernando), FO (Pilagas, Pirane), SE

- poeppigii {DC ) Kuntze Spilanthes (Gral Belgrano, Gral Taboada) ciliata Kunth - S fimbnata Kunth - S, Habitat Sandy soils, sandy river banks, melampodioides Gardner - S poeppigii weed in rice fields (OCC, ORI) DC - S popayanensis Hieron Uses Unknown Iconography; Pruski 201, fig 160 1997. Specimens Examined CH (Jansen et al Vernacular Unknown 745, LP), FO (Pierotti 16, LP), SE Habit Herb (Elisetch & Cano 86, BAB) Flowering period; October-April

Status Native 6 Acmella pusilla (Hook & Arn ) R K Distribution CH (Unknown), JU Jansen

(Ledesma). Syn ; Spilanthes amencana (L f ) Hieron

Habitat Stream banks f longiinternodiata A H Moore -S Uses; Unknown pusilla Hook & Am - S stolonifera

Specimens Examined CH (Calcagnini DC var pusilla (Hook & Arn ) Baker s.n,, LP 53182), JU (Cabrera 15831, Iconography: - LP). Vernacular: Unknown Habit; Perennial herb

4 Acmella decumbens (Sm ) R K. Flowering period October-January, April

Jansen var. affjnis (Hook & Arn ) R. Status Native K Jansen Distnbution CH (1° de Mayo), FO Syn Spilanthes affinis Hook & Arn - S. (Pilcomayo), SE (Ojo de Agua) micralloeophylla A H Moore Habitat Sandy river and lagoon sides, Iconography; Ariza Espinar; 16, fig, 2. disturbed areas (OCC, ORI) 2000 Uses; Unknown Vernacular; Unknown Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 11826, Habit; Perennial herb BAB), FO (Piccinini & Garcia 1042, Flowering penod; Spring-Summer. BAB), SE (Piccinini & Hilfer 3937, Status Native. BAB)

3 AMBROSIA L , 2 species

1. Annual herbs Segments of leaf blades ovate, 2-5 mm wide Male capitula arranged in

terminal, racemiform capitulescences, to 13 cm long ^ A. elatior -. Perennial herbs, rhizomatous Segments of leaf blades linear, 5-2 mm wide Male capitula arranged in longer (to 30 cm long) terminal, racemiform capitulescences 2 A. tenuifolia

1 Ambrosia elatlor L Iconography: Cabrera: 336, fig. 193.

- Syn ; Ambrosia artemisiifolia L var elatior 1974 Cabrera: 325, fig. 136 A-B

(L.) Descourt - A. chilensis Hook & 1978- Ariza Espinar: 19, fig. 3. 2000 Arn. 52 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Vernacular; "Ajenjo del campo", "altamisa", fig. 192 a-f. 1974.- Cabrera: 325, fig. "altramlsa", "artamisa", "artemisa", 136. 1978.- Ariza Espinar; 21, fig. 4. "hierba de la oveja" 2000. Habit: Annual herb. Vernacular: "Ajenjo del campo", "altamisa", Flowering penod: December-March, May "altramlsa", "artamisa", "artemisa", Status: Native "saltamisa", "yerba de la oveja". Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Cmte. Habit: Perennial herb. Fernandez, Gral GUennes, Presidencia Flowering period: February-April, de La Plaza, Mayor Fontana), COR December. (Capital), FO (Laishi, Matacos, Patilio, Status: Native. PilagSs, Pilcomayo, Pirane), SE Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), CO (Colon, (Capital), SF (Oral Obligado). Santa Maria, Totoral), COR (Goya), Habitat: Humid areas, stream banks, FO (Formosa), SE (Aguirre, Ojo de disturbed areas, weed in cultivated Agua), SF (9 de Julio, Gral. Obligado, fields (OCC, ORI) San Cristobal) Uses: Vermifuge, purgative, antimicrobic, Habitat: Usually fertile soils, also salty or intermittent fever, insecticide, dry soils, dunes, weed (OCC, ORI). anticatarrhal, febrifugal, antihelmintics, Uses: Abortifacient, contraceptive, sunstroke, antineuralgic, analgesic, carminative, vermifuge, febrifugal, anticephalalgic, pectoral, allergy, antirheumatic, anticatarrhal, digestive, emmenagogue, antihelmintic, carminative, intermittent contraceptive, antirheumatic (Freire & fever, pectoral, stimulant, sunstroke, Urtubey, 2000a) neuralgia, anticephalalgic (Freire & Specimens Examined: CH (Rodrigo 2673, Urtubey, 2000a). LP), COR (Hunziker 5338, LP), FO Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 181, (Rojas 8928, LP), SE (Ulibarri 1603, LP), CO (Hunziker 732, LP), COR SI), SF (Covas & Ragonese 4445, LP). (Schinini & Ahumada 12675, LP), FO (Piccinini & Petetin s. n., BAB), SE (EP

2. Ambrosia tenuifolia Spreng 73, LP), SF (Job 1166, LP). Iconography: Baker: 150, fig. 49. 1884.- Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005).

Cabrera: 187, fig. 52 1963 - Cabrera:

135, fig. 127. 1971b.- Cabrera: 333,

4 ANGELPHYTUIVl G. M. Barroso, 2 species.

1. Leaves alternate (sometimes opposite near the base), subsessile I.A. arnottii - Leaves opposite, petiolate 2. A. aspilioides

1. Angelphytum arnottii (Baker) H. Rob. Iconography: Cabrera: 388, fig. 162 (sub Syn.: Verbesina arnottii Baker - Zexmenia nom Zexmenia aspilioides). 1978.- arnottii {Baker) Hassl. Ariza Espinar: 23, fig. 5. 2000. Iconography: - Vernacular: Unknown. Vernacular: Unknown. Flowering period: Spring-Autumn. Habit: Subshrub. Habit: Subshrub. Flowering penod: Spring-Summer. Status: Native Status: Native. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, 12 de Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Sgt, Cabral). Octubre, Chacabuco-Mayor Fontana), Habitat: Rocky and sandy soils (ORI). CO (Colon, Rio Seco), FO (Bermejo, Uses: Unknown. Patino), JU (San Pedro, Santa Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 100, Barbara), SE (Alberdi, Copo, BAB). Guasayan, Sarmiento). Habitat: Rocky soils on woodland borders 2. Angelphytum aspilioides (Gnseb.) H (OCC, ORI). Rob. Uses: Unknown. Syn,: Verbesina aspilioides Griseb- Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 2701, Zexmenia aspilioides (Griseb.) Hassl. LP), CO (Hunziker 6997, LP), FO (Cabral & Molina 854, LP), JU .

Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 53

(Cabrera etal 17249, LP), SE (Delucchi et al. 2055, LP).

5. ASPILIA Thouars, 3 species.

1 Stems erect, branched, to 2 m talk Leaf blades ovate, petioles more than 5 mm long 3. A. silphioides - Stems erect, ascendent or decumbent. Leaves linear-lanceolate, lanceolate, or elliptic, sessile 2 2. Stems erect Leaves linear-lanceolate, strigose, trichomes to 0.5 mm long 2 A. pascalioides - Stems decumbent or ascendent. Leaves lanceolate or elliptic, hispid on both surfaces, trichomes stiff and basally broadened, more than 1 mm long 1. A. montevidensis

arrillata - - 1. Aspilia montevidensis (Spreng ) DC L. bupthalmlflora DC. L. Kuntze calendulacea DC. - Verbesina

- - Syn : Aspilia arrillata (DC ) Gnseb A. montevidensis Spreng. Wedelia bupthalmlflora (DC.) Gnseb - A. montevidensis (Spreng.) B. L. Turner calendulacea (DC.) Griseb. - Leighia

1. Leaf blades lanceolate, 40-85 x 3-12 mm var. montevidensis Leaf blades elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 30-60 x 10-20 mm var. setosa

a) var montevidensis Vernacular: Unknown. Iconography: - Habit: Perennial herb. Vernacular; Unknown. Flowering period: October-April. Habit: Subshrub. Status: Native Flowering period: September-Apnl. Distnbution: FO (Pilcomayo). Status: Native, Habitat: "Esteros", river forest margins Distnbution: CH (Gral. Donovan, (ORI). Libertador Gral. San Martin), FO Uses: Unknown. (Formosa, Pilcomayo) Specimen Examined: FO (Fortunate et al Habitat: Semi-sandy soils of fields or road 2782, SI) sides (ORI)

Uses: Unknown 3. Aspilia silphioides (Hook & Am ) Specimens Examined: CH (Schinini Benth. & Hook, f 22657, BAB), FO (Petetin & Molina Syn.: Aspilia helianthoides Benth. & 1474, BAB). Hook.f. - Gymnopsis helianthoides DC. - Wedelia silphioides (Hook. & Arn.) B. b) var. setosa (Griseb ) Cabrera L. Turner (non Leighia silphioides Syn.: Aspilia setosa Griseb. Hook. & Arn.)

Iconography: Cabrera: 363, fig. 211. 1974 Iconography: Cabrera: 360, fig. 209, 1974. Vernacular: Unknown. Vernacular: Unknown. Habit: Subshrub. Habit: Perennial herb. Flowering period: September-April Flowering period: October-March. Status: Native. Status: Native. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo, Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo), Mayor Fontana), FO (Laishi). FO (Bermejo, Formosa, Pilcomayo). Habitat: Idem the typical variety. Habitat: "Pajonales", forest margins (OCC, Uses: Unknown ORI). Specimens Examined: CH (Jorgensen Uses: Unknown. 2028, SI), FO (Jorgensen 2930, SI). Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 183, BAB), FO (Jorgensen 2733, SI). 2 Aspilia pascalioides Griseb

Syn : Wedelia pascalioides (Gnseb.) B. L. Turner

Iconography: Cabrera: 362, fig. 210. 1974. 54 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

6 BIDENS L , 5 species.

1. Marginal corollas long ligulate, ligules more than 10 mm long 2

-. Marginal corollas short ligulate, ligules less than 10 mm long 3 2. Leaves sessile, margins entire 2. S. laevis - Leaves petiolate, blades 2- or 3-pinnate 1 S. andicola var. decomposita 3 Marginal corollas white. Phyllaries apically broadened Cypselas 2 (3)-awned 3. 6. pilosa var. minor

-. Marginal corollas yellow. Phyllaries not or slightly apically broadened. Cypselas 4 (3)- awned 4 4. Leaf blades 2- or 3-pinnate 4. 6. subalternans

-. Leaf blades 3-5-foliolate 5. B. tenera

1 Bidens andicola Kunth var Syn.: Bidens hisplda Kunth - S. leucantha decomposita Kuntze Willd. var. sundaica (Blume) Hassk -

- Syn : Bidens grandiflora var. brevifolla 6. pilosa L. var. brevlfoliata Hieron. B. Kuntze - S. macrantha Griseb. pilosa L. var. dubia (Cass.) O. E.

Iconography: Cabrera: 412, fig. 172 A, B Schuiz - 6. sundaica Blume - 6. 1978. sundaica Blume var, m/nor Blume

Vernacular: Unknown Iconography: Cabrera: 416, fig. 174. 1978. Habit: Perennial herb Vernacular: "Amor de viejo", "amor seco", Flowering penod: Spnng-Summer. "espina de erizo", "espina negra", Status: Native "picon", "saetilla", "seltilla". Distribution: CO (Santa Maria). Habit: Annual herb. Habitat: Mountain places, road sides Flowering period: February, May, (OCC). November. Uses: Unknown. Status: Native Specimen Examined: CO (Cabrera et al. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Sgt. Cabral), 16559, LP). CO (Colon), FO (Pilcomayo), SE (Capital, Guasayan). 2. Bidens laevis (L.) Britton, Stern & Habitat: Disturbed areas (OCC, ORI). Poggenb. Uses: Abortifacient, antiasthmatic, Syn.: Bidens chrysanttiemoides Michk. - antibiotic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, S. helianthoides Kunth - f-ielianttius digestive, headache, toothache, laevis L inflammations, refreshment, tonic, Iconography: Cabrera: 146, fig. 137. hepatic, icterus, antimicrobic,

1971b.- Cabrera: 390, fig, 227. 1974.- antiseptic, cholagogue, anemia, Cabrera 663, fig 209 1978- Ariza diabetes, diuretic, febrifugal, pectoral,

Espinar: 28, fig. 6, 2000 vomits, cough, stomach pain (Freire & Vernacular: "Amor seco". Urtubey, 2000c). Habit: Perennial herb. Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi etal. Flowering period: November, March-May. 1988, LP), CO (Cabrera 1001, LP), FO Status: Native. (Piccinini & Leguizamon 2652, BAB), Distnbution: CM (1° de Mayo, San SE (Frenguelli 110, LP). Fernando), COR (Concepcion, Saladas, San Cosme), FO 4. Bidens subalternans DC var. (Pilcomayo). subalternans Habitat: Swamps, nver and stream banks, Syn.: Bidens platensis Manganaro - 6. "esteros" (ORI). quadrangularls DC. Uses: Unknown Iconography: Cabrera: 393, fig. 229. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 190, 1974- Cabrera: 414, fig. 173 A-H. LP), COR (Krapovickas & Cristobal 1978. 16518, LP), FO (Fortunato et al. 3958, Vernacular: "Amor de viejo", "amor seco", BAB). "espina de erizo", "pasto de los gringos", "saetilla". 3 Bidens pilosa L var minor (Blume) Habit: Annual herb. Sherff Flowering period: February, April, May, July, October-December. Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Status; Native (Azgamis.n., LP 4923). Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo, Cmte. Fernandez, Mayor Fontana, San 5 Bidens tenera E. Schuiz Fernando, Sgt. Cabral), CO (Santa Iconography: Cabrera: 418, fig. 175 A-H. Maria), COR (Capital, Saladas), For 1978, (Matacos), JU (Santa Barbara), SF Vernacular: Unknown. (Gral, Obligado), SE (Aguirre-Gral. Habit: Annual herb. Belgrano, Alberdi, Banda, Robles). Flowering period: May, Habitat: Disturbed areas, weed (OCC, Status: Native, ORI) Distribution: JU (Santa Barbara). Uses: Antiasthmatic, antibiotic, Habitat: Mountain places. abortifacient, digestive, refreshment, Uses: Unknown ophthalmic, stomachal, toothache Specimen Examined: JU (Cabrera etal. (FreireSc Urtubey, 2000c), 14575, LP).

Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi et al. 1982, LP), CO (Job 2904, LP), COR (Cabrera 2980, LP), FO (Arenas 2380, SI), JU (Cabrera & Kiesling 25210, LP), SE (Maldonado 307, LP), SF

7 GALEA L , 5 species

1. Clambering subshrubs to 3,5 m tall 2

-. Perennial herbs less than 1 m tall 3 2. Leaves glabrous 4. C. pinnatifida

-. Leaves scabrous above and pubescent beneath 1. C. clematidea

3. Capitula solitary 5. C, uniflora - Capitulescences umbelliform 4 4 Capitula discoid 2. C. hassleriana

-. Capitula radiate 3. C. cymosa

1, Galea clematidea Baker Specimens Examined: CH (Joergensen 2030, Iconography: - SI), COR (Pedersen 1847, LP), FO (Rojas Vernacular: Unknown 9034, LP), SF (Burkart 5727, LP), Habit: Subshrub Flowering penod: October, 3 Galea hassleriana Chodat Status: Native, Iconography: - Distribution: COR (Capital) Vernacular: Unknown, Habitat: Humid areas, woodland, forest Habit: Perennial herb, margins (ORI) Flowering period: Spring-Summer, Uses: Unknown, Status: Native. Specimen Examined: COR (Schuiz 2722, LP) Distribution: COR (Mburucuya, San Cosme). Habitat: Sandy soils (ORI) 2 Galea cymosa Less Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 394, fig 230 1974. Specimen Examined: COR (Pedersen 468, Vernacular: Unknown LP). Habit: Perennial herb. Flowenng period: October-December. 4. Galea pinnatifida (R Br.) Less. Status: Native. Syn.: Actinea commutata Spreng. - Caleacte Distribution: CH (T de Mayo, Bermejo, Cmte. pinnatifida R. Br. - Micinna brasiliensis Fernandez), COR (Bella Vista, Spreng. Empedrado), FO (Laishi, Pilagas), SF Iconography: -, (Gral, Obligado, San Javier, Vera), Vernacular: Unknown, Habitat: Rocky fields, sandy hills (ORI), Habit: Subshrub Uses: Unknown Flowering penod: August Status: Native, Distribution: COR (Gral. Paz). Habitat: Humid soils, woodland, forest margins .

S6 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

(ORl). Specimen Examined; COR (Schinini & Quarin Uses.: Unknown 6986, LP).

5: 5 Calea uniflora Less , Linnaea 159 1830.

ligulate corollas. . . .var. discoidea 1 . Capitula discoid, without

-. Capitula radiate var. uniflora

a) var. discoidea Baker 9 CHRYSANTHELLUIVI Rich , 1 Syn.: Calea pedunculosa DC species Iconography: Cabrera: 396, fig 231 c. 1974, 1. Chrysanthellum indicum DC var. Vernacular: Unknown. afroamericanum B L Turner Habit: Perennial herb. Syn.: Adenospermum tuberculatum Flowering period: Spring. Hook. & Arn. - Chrysanthellum Status: Native argentinum Ariza & Cerana - C. Distribution: COR (Goya). tuberculatum (Hook. & Arn.) Cabrera Habitat: Unknown (ORl). - Plagiocheilus erectus Rusby Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 397, fig. 167 (sub Specimen Examined: COR (Cabrera C. tuberculatum). 1978.- Ariza 10534, LP). Espina: 37, fig. 10 (sub Chrysanthellum tuberculatum). 2000. b) var uniflora Vernacular: "Verba de San Roque." Iconography: Cabrera 396, fig 231 a,b. Habit: Annual herb. 1974. Flowering period: January-April. Vernacular: Unknown. Status: Native. Habit: Perennial herb. Distribution: CH (9 de Julio), CO (Colon, Flowering period: Spring-Summer. Rio Seco, Santa Maria), SE Status: Native. (Capital). Distribution: COR (Capital, Lavalle, San Habitat: Unknown (OCC). Cosme). Uses: Unknown. Habitat: Sandy soils, dry river cliffs Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 266, (ORl). LP), CO (Maldonado 1030, LP). Uses: Unknown. Specimen Examined: COR (Tressens et 10. COSMOS Cav., 1 species

al. 129, LP)

1 Cosmos sulphurous Cav

8 CALYPTOCARPUS Less., 1 species Iconography: Ariza Espinar: 41, fig. 12. 2000

1 Calyptocarpus biaristatus (DC ) H Vernacular: "Cosmos." Rob Habit: Annual herb. Syn.: Blainvillea blaristata DC - Flowering period: December-April. Oligogyne megapotamica DC. - O. Status: Adventive. synedrelloides Hook & Am. Distribution: COR (Capital), SE (Choya). Iconography: Cabrera: 205, fig 58 (sub Habitat: Unknown (OCC, ORl). Blainvillea blaristata) 1963.- Uses: Ornamental (Parodi, 1988),

Cabrera: 359, fig 208 (sub Blainvillea colouring, comforting the heart, blaristata). 1974 maladies of the womb, ulcers, Vernacular: Unknown diuretic, antidote for scorpion stings, Habit: Annual herb sores (Heinrich, 1996). Flowering penod: Spring-Summer, Specimens Examined: COR (Antonini 1, Status: Native. LP), SE (Hunziker et al. 24365, LP). Distnbution: CH (San Fernando) Habitat: Forest margins, humid areas (ORl). 11 ECLIPTAL., 1 species. Uses: Unknown

Specimens Examined: CH (Saenz & 1 Eclipta prostrata (L ) L Morrone 584, LP), Syn Eclipta alba (L) Hassk, - £. erecfa L - Galinsoga oblongifolia DC, - Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Polygyne inconspicua Phil. - Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 147, Verbesina alba L. - V conyzoides LP), FO (Cabrera 18569, LP), SF Trew - V. prostrate L. - Wiborgia (Cabrera 10465, LP). oblongifolla Hook Iconography; Cabrera; 201, fig 56 (sub

- 1 Ecllpta alba). 1963 Cabrera; 347, 13 FLOURENSIA DC , species

fig. 200 1974.- Cabrera; 350, fig.

147. 1978.- Pruski; 264, fig 221 1 . Flourensia campestris Griseb

1997- Ariza Espinar43, fig. 13 Syn.; Helianthus campestris (Griseb ) 2000 Kuntze " Vernacular; "Eclipta Iconography; Ariza Espinar; 47, fig. 14. Habit; Annual herb 2000. Flowering penod; All year. Vernacular; "Chilca." Status; Native Habit; Shrub. Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo, 25 de Flowering pehod; November-February. Mayo, Cmte. Fernandez, Gral Status; Native. Guemes, Libertador Gral. San Distribution; CO (Capital, Colon, Cruz Martin, Mayor Fontana, San del Eje, Santa Maria), LR (Gral Fernando, Sgt. Cabral), COR Belgrano), SE (Guasayan, Ojo de (Capital, Goya, San Cosme, San Agua). Luis del Palmar), FO (Matacos, Habitat; Slopes (OCC) Patino, Pilagas, Pilcomayo, Pirane) Uses; Unknown. SE (Loreto, Pellegnni, Robles), SF (9 Specimens Examined; CO (Spegazzini de Julio, Gral Obligado, Vera) sn.exLPS 10210, LP), LR (Ruiz Habitat; Invasive in rice fields, marshy Leal & Roig 17571, LP), SE (Rial soils, stream banks (OCC, ORI) Albert 618, LP). Uses; Medicinal (Zardini, 1984; Huang & Ling, 1996), astringent, cicatrizant, hemostatic, antiasthmatic, 14. GALINSOGA Ruiz & Pav., 1 antihelminthic, depurative, species. insecticide, vulnerary, snake bites (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c), 1 Galinsoga parviflora Cav antibacterial, for soaps, paints, Syn.; Adveritina parviflora Raf. - varnish and lubrication (Viswanathan Galinsoga quinqueradiata Ruiz & & Singh, 1996), foodstuffs (Garg & Pav - Wiborgia acmella Roth - W.

Sastry, 1996, Huang & Ling, 1996). parviflora (Cav ) Kunth Specimens Examined; CH (Delucchi Iconography; Cabrera; 233, fig 68 1976, LP), COR (Krapovickas & 1963.- Cabrera; 147, fig. 139. 1971b Cristobal 16102, LP), FO Cabrera; 398, fig. 233. 1974- (Guaglianone et al. 424, SI), SE Cabrera; 340, fig. 142 (K-M) 1978.- (Maldonado 440, LP), SF Ariza Espinar; 54, fig 16. 2000. (Krapovickas 716, LP). Vernacular; "Albahaca silvestre", "galinsoga", "pacoyuya fino", "paicojullo", "picao bravo", "saetilla".

12. ENHYDRA Lour., 1 species. Habit; Annual herb. Flowering period; October-June.

1 Enhydra anagallis Gardner Status: Adventive.

Iconography; Cabrera; 198, fig. 55. Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo), FO 1963- Cabrera; 346, fig 199. 1974. (Patirto, Pilcomayo), SE (Choya). Vernacular; Unknov»/n. Habitat; Weed, disturbed areas (OCC, Habit; Perennial herb. ORI). Flowering period; November-May. Uses; Medicinal, antiscorbutic, vulnerary Status; Native (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c), used as Distnbution; CH (1° de Mayo, Sgt. vegetable (Garg & Sastry, 1996) Cabral), FO (Formosa. Laishi, Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 9243, Pirane), SF (Gral Obligado). BAB), FO (Joergensen 3138, SI), SE Habitat; Swamps, "pajonales" (ORI). (Perez Moreau & Petetin 4462, Uses; Unknown. BAB)

15. HELIANTHUS L , 2 species 58 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

than Phyllaries acuminate..!. H. Capitula 8-15 cm diam , solitary, rarely more one annuus Capitula to 5 cm diam. Capitulescences loose-corymbiform of 2-4 capitula. Phyllaries gradually attenuate 2. H. petiolaris

1 Helianthus annuus L var. ovatifolium (Cav.) Kuntze - H. - riiombifolium (Sch. Bip.) Griseb. Syn . Helianthus aridus Rydb. H. erythrocarpus Barth - H indicus L - H Iconography; Cabrera; 400, fig 168 lenticularis Douglas - H macrocarpus 1978 -Ariza Espinar; 60, fig. 18 2000. DC - H. multiflorus Hook - H ovatus Vernacular; Unknown Lehm. - H. platycephalus Cass. - H. Habit. Annual herb. tubaeformis Nutt Flowering penod; January-March.

Iconography: Cabrera; 216, fig. 62. 1963.- Status; Native.

Cabrera: 366, fig. 212 (a-j). 1974, Distribution SE (Guasayan).

Vernacular. ' Girasol", "g. chico", "g. Habitat; Weed, roads, disturbed places guacho", "mirasol". (OCC). Habit: Annual herb Uses; Unknown. Flowering period; July-February. Specimen Examined; SE (Molina et al. Status; Naturalized. 1339, BAB) Distribution; CH {Mayor Fontana, San Fernando), COR (Empedrado).

1 Habitat; Road sides (ORI) 17 ISOSTIGMA Less . species. Uses; Ornamental (Parodi, 1988, Heinrich, 1996), oleiferous (Parodi, 1988), 1 Isostigma peucedanifolium (Spreng.) antipyretic, anticatarrhal, antiasthmatic, Less. antimicrobic, antineuralgia, digestive, Syn.: Tragopogon peucedanifolium febrifugal, hemolytic, sudorific, Spreng. vulnerary, stomatic, migraine, cold, Iconography; - sexual stimulant, wart (Freire & Vernacular; Unknown Urtubey, 2000c), edible oil (Garg & Habit; Perennial herb. Sastry, 1996). Flowering period; November-May. Specimens Examined; COR (Krapovickas Status; Native. & Cntobal 25670, LP). CH (Boffa 1042, Distribution; COR (Bella Vista, Capital, LP). Empedrado, Lavalle, Saladas, San Cosme, San Roque). 2 Helianthus petiolaris Nutt Habitat; Fields, sandy cliffs (ORI). Iconography; Ariza Espinar; 58, fig 17. Uses; Unknown. 2000. Specimens Examined; COR (Ybarrola Vernacular; "Girasol silvestre", 123, NY).

"mirasolcito" Obs ; /. hoffmannii is dubious for the area. Habit; Annual herb. Flowering penod; October-January. 18. JAEGERIA Kunth, 1 species. Status; Adventive

Distribution; CO (Santa Maria), COR 1. Jaegeria hirta (Lag ) Less. (Bella Vista). Syn.; Acmella hirta Lag. - Jaegeria - Habitat; Road sides, disturbed fertile areas bellidioides Spreng - J. discoidea Klatt (OCC, ORI). J hirta (Lag.) Less var glabra Baker - Uses; Ornamental (Parodi, 1988). J. mniodes Kunth - J. pan/iflora DC. - J. Specimens Examined; CO (not seen), repens DC - Spilanthes ecliptoides COR (Caceres 147. CTES) Gardner - S. karvinskiana DC. - S. mariannae DC - S sessilifolia Hemsl. Cabrera; 196, fig. 54. 1963- 16. HETEROSPERMA Cav , 1 species. Iconography; Cabrera; 344, fig. 198. 1974- Cabrera:

1 Heterosperma ovatifollum Cav 349, fig. 146. 1978. - Syn ; Bidens rhombifolia Sch Bip. Vernacular; Unknown. Heterospermum maritimum Kunth - H Habit; Annual herb.

ovatum Willd. - Heterosperma Flowering period; October-April. pinnatum Kunth var. maritimum Status: Native. (Kunth) Kuntze - H. pinnatum Kunth Distnbution; CH (San Fernando), COR (Capital). Comp. Newsl, 43, 2005 59

Habitat: Unknown (ORl). Echetrosis pentasperma Phil. - Uses: Unknown Parthenium lobatum Buckley - P. Specimens Examined: CH (Saenz & pinnatifidum Stokes Morrone 593, LP), COR (Alboff s,n., LP Iconography: Cabrera: 136, fig. 128. 4695) 1971b.- Cabrera: 343, fig. 197. 1974.-

Ariza Espinar: 67, fig. 21. 2000, Vernacular: "Ajenjo", "altamisa", "a del

1 19. LAGASCEA Cav , nom cons., campo", "artemisilla", "botonera", species "cicutella", "escoba amarga", "e. negra", "falsa altamisa", "hierba de la

1 Lagascea mollis Cav oveja", "yerba de la oveja". Syn.: Lagascea campestris Gardner - L Habit: Annual herb. kunthlana Gardner - L parvifolia Klatt - Flowering period: September-May. Noccaea mollis (Cav) Jacq. Status: Native. Iconography: Cabrera: 312, fig. 129. Distnbution: CH (9 de Julio, 12 de

1978.- Anza Espinar: 66, fig. 20 2000 Octubre, Gral. GQemes, Maipu, Sgt. Vernacular: Unknown Cabral), CO (Capital, Colon, Cruz del Habit: Annual herb Eje, Rio Seco, Santa Maria, Flowering period: March-May Sobremonte, Tulumba), FO (Formosa, Status: Native Matacos, Piran^), LR (Capital, Gral. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO Belgrano), SF (9 de Julio, San (Formosa, Laishi, Matacos), JU (Santa Crist6bal), SE (Brig Ibarra, Capital, Barbara), SE (Ojo de Agua, Pellegrini). Banda, Gral. Belgrano, Figueroa, Habitat: Forest margins, humid and shady Guasayan, Loreto, Ojo de Agua). places, swamps, disturbed areas Habitat: Cultivated fields, train-tracks, road (OCC, ORl). sides, urban areas, weed (OCC, ORl). Uses: Unknown. Uses: Antitusive, antipyretic, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 16236, antirheumatic, analgesic, anti- BAB). FO (Jorgensen 2732, SI), JU inflammatory, malaria, facial, neuralgia,

(Cabrera et al, 23638, LP), SE (Ventun vermifuge, epilepsy, muscular aches, 5965, LIL). snake bites, headache, stomach pains, skin infection, emenagogue, tonic, etc. (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). 20 MELANTHERA Rohr Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi et al.

2002, LP), CO (Hunziker 4821 , LP).

1. Melanthera latifolla (Gardner) Cabrera FO (Delucchi et al. 1961, LP), LR (Ruiz Syn.: Echinocephalum latifolium Gardner Leal & Roig 17625, LP), SE (Delucchi Iconography: Cabrera: 357, fig 207 1974 etal. 2033, LP), SF (Krapovickas 798, Vernacular: Unknown LP). Habit: Annual herb Flowering period: September-February. Status: Native. 22 RATIBIDA Raf., 1 species. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San

Fernando), COR (Capital, 1 Ratlbida columnlfera (Nutt ) Woot Empedrado), FO (Formosa, Standi f columnlfera Pilcomayo, Pirane), SF (Gral Iconography: -. Obligado) Vernacular: Unknown. Habitat: Humid areas on forest margins, Habit: Herb. stream banks (ORl). Flowering period: Unknown. Uses: Unknown Status: Adventive Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 109, Distribution: SF (Gral. Obligado). BAB), COR (Rodrigo 906, LP), FO Habitat: Disturbed places. (Delucchi 1954, LP), SF (Gebhard 29, Uses: Unknown. LP). Specimen Examined: SF (Quarin 600, LP).

21 PARTHENIUM L , 1 species

23 SANVITALIA Lam., 1 species.

1 Parthenium hysterophorus L

Syn.: Argyrochaeta bipinnatifida Cav. 1 Sanvitalia versicolor Griseb. 60 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Iconography: Cabrera: 330, fig. 138 Habit: Perennial herb. 1978 - Ariza Espinar 75, fig 24 2000 Flowering period: September-February. Vernacular: Unknown Status: Native Habit: Annual herb Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo, Flowering period: January-March. San Fernando), FO (Formosa, Laishi, Status: Native Pilagas, Pilcomayo, Pirane). Distribution: CO (Unknown), SA (Metan), Habitat: Shady areas on forest margins SE (Guasayan, Pellegrini). (ORI). Habitat: Secondary weed in cultivated Uses: Unknown. fields (OCC) Specimens Examined: CH (Rojas 12357, Uses: Unknown. LP), FO (Boelcke 13517, BAB). Specimens Examined: CO (not seen), SA (Jansen & Sarandon 767, LP), SE (Bartlett20415, LP). 26 SYNEDRELLOPSIS Hieron. & Kuntze,

1 species

24. SIUSIA Pers., 1 species. 1 Synedrellopsis grisebachii Hieron. & Kuntze

1 Simsia dombeyana DC. Iconography: Cabrera: 315, fig. 131.

Syn.: Encella hirsute Kuntze - E. hirsuta 1978- Ariza Espinar: 82, fig. 27. 2000. Kuntze var. radiate Kuntze - Simsia Vernacular: "Verba del polio". hirsuta (Kuntze) S. F. Blake Flowering period: January-May.

Iconography: Cabrera: 384, fig. 224. Status: Native.

1974.- Cabrera: 390, fig. 163. 1978- Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San

Ariza Espinar: 79, fig. 26. 2000. Fernando), COR (Empedrado), FO Vernacular: Unknown. (Matacos, Patino, Pirane), SE (Capital, Habit: Annual herb. Pellegrini). Flowering period: December-January. Habitat: Woodlands, secondary weed Status: Native. (OCC, ORI) Distribution: CH (12 de Octubre, Cmte. Uses: Medicinal (Zardini, 1984). Fernandez), CO (Capital, Colon, Specimens Examined: CH (SchuIz 17296, Pocho, Rio Seco, Santa Maria), LR BAB), COR (Pedersen 3885, LP), FO (Oral. Belgrano), SE (Choya). (Molina et al. 198, BAB), SE (EP 39, Habitat: Road sides, disturbed areas LP), (OCC, ORI). Uses: Unknown.

1 Specimens Examined: CH (SchuIz 241, 27 THELESPERWIA Less , species.

LP), CO (Spegazzini s.n , ex LPS

13775, LP), LR (Roig & Ruiz Leal 1 Thelesperma megapotamicum 17253, LP), SE (de la Sota 810, LIL). (Spreng.) Kuntze Syn.: Bidens gracilis Torr. - B. leyboldii Phil. - S. megapotamica Spreng. (non

1 E. - 6. 25 SPHAGNETICOLA O Hoffm , O. SchuIz) paradoxa Don ex species Hook. & Am. - Cosmidium gracile {Torr.) Torr. & A. Gray - Isostigma

- 1 Sphagneticola brachycarpa (Baker) megapotamicum (Spreng.) Sherff Pruski Thelesperma gracile (Torr.) A Gray - T. Syn.: Aspitia callosa Chodat - A. megapotamica (Spreng.) Herter - 7. - silphioides Chodat f. parvifolia Chodat scabiosoides Less. Stemmodontia brachycarpa (Baker) Iconography: Cabrera: 226, fig. 65. 1963.- Morong - Thelechitonia brachycarpa Cabrera: 143, fig. 136. 1971b.- (Baker) H. Rob. & Cuatrec - 7. Cabrera: 388, fig. 226. 1974- Ariza

muricata Cuatrec. - Wedelia Espinar: 84, fig. 28. 2000.

brachycarpa Baker - W. callosa Vernacular: "Te indio", "t. pampa". (Chodat) B. L. Turner - W. pilosa Baker Habit: Subshrub. - W. pilosa Baker var brachycarpa Flowering period: Summer. (Baker) Hassl. Status: Native,

Iconography: Cabrera: 351, fig. 202 (sub Distribution: CO (Capital, Colon, Pocho, nom Wedelia brachycarpa). 1974. Rio Primero, Santa Maria), SE (Gral. Vernacular: Unknown, Belgrano, Rivadavia). Comp. Nevvsl. 43, 2005

Habitat; Stony and sandy soils (OCC), s.n., ex LPS 13142, LP), SE (Schuiz Uses: Medicinal (Zardini, 1984) 1294, LIL). Specimens Examined: CO (Spegazzini

28, TITHONIA Desf., 2 species

1, Involucre 3-4-seriate, phyllaries to 10 mm wide, pubescent. Marginal corollas red-orange Leaf blades 3-lobed, sometimes entire. Paleae acuminate or short-aristate. Peduncle

apically pubescent, glabrous at maturity 1, T. rotundifolia

-. Involucre 2-seriate, phyllaries to 4 mm wide, densely tiirsute Marginal corollas yellow- orange. Leaf blades entire. Paleae aristate Peduncles apically long-hirsute

2. T. tubaeformis

1 Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill ) S F Blake Specimens Examined: CH (Krapovickas et Syn.: Tagetes rotundifolia Mill. - Tithonia al. 47502, CTES), SE (EP 54, LP).

uniflora J. F. Gmel

Iconography: Zardini: 423, fig 1 A-D. 2 Tithonia tubaeformis (Jacq ) Cass 1974. Syn.: Helianttius tubaeformis Jacq,

Vernacular: "Mirasol mejicano". Iconography: Zardini: 423, fig. 1 E-J, Habit: Annual herb. 1974 -Cabrera: 367, fig 154 1978 Flowering period: March-ApnI. Vernacular: "Girasol silvestre", "pasto Status: Adventive. cubano". Distribution: CH (Aim. Brown, Cmte Habit: Annual herb. Fernandez), SE (Capital, Choya- Flowering period: Apnl-October, Guasayan). Status: Adventive. Habitat: Unknown (OCC, ORI). Distribution: CH (Cmte Fernandez), JU Uses: Ornamental (Cabrera, 1978, Parodi, (Santa Barbara, San Pedro), SE 1988), anti-inflammatory, (Capital). dermatological problems, desinfecting, Habitat: Humid soils, disturbed soils, road skin eruptions, feber, yellow feber, sides (OCC). vomiting with blood (Heinrich, 1996), Uses: Ornamental (Cabrera, 1978) soup, cosmetics, esters of flavours and Specimens Examined: CH (Bonacic Kresic perfumes, metallic palmilates, water & Perez s.n., LP), JU (Cabrera et al. proofing (Viswanathan & Singh, 1996), 25469, LP), SE(EP254, LP). for a low-cholesterol diet for heart- patients (Garg & Sastry, 1996).

29 VERBESINA L , 4 species.

1. Capitula radiate 2

-. Capitula discoid 4. V. suncho 2 Capitula numerous, shortly pedunculate, capitulescences dense-corymbiform. Marginal corollas white 2, V. macrophylla varneiidae

-. Capitula few, long pedunculate. Marginal corollas yellow 3

3, Leaves petiolate, blades wide-ovate. Annual herbs 1. V. encelioides

-. Leaves sessile, lanceolate. Subshrubs 3. V. subcordata

1 Verbeslna encelioides (Cav ) Benth & 377, fig. 157. 1978- Ariza Espinar. 89, Hook ex A. Gray fig. 30. 2000. Syn.: Verbesina australis Baker - V. Vernacular: "Chinita", "flor de Santa scabra Phil. - Ximenesia encelioides Maria", "girasolcito", "g. del campo", Cav, - X. microptera DC. "girasolillo", "girasolito", "mirasol",

Iconography: Cabrera: 223, fig. 64. 1963- "mirasolcito","m. del campo", Cabrera: 143, fig 133 1971b,- "mirasolillo", "quellusisa", "quelluzisa",

Cabrera: 372, fig. 215, 1974,- Cabrera: "queyuclsa", "Santa Maria", 62 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

"sisaquello", "suncho", "yuyo de Santa Uses; Unknown. Maria" Specimens Examined; JU (Fabris & Crisci Habit: Annual herb. 7290, LP), SA (Meyer 18377, LP). Flowering period; October-March Status; Native 3 Verbesina subcordata DC. Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo, Gral Syn.; Verbesina auriculata Hook. & Arn. - Guemes, Mayor Fontana, San V. heterosperma Griseb Fernando), CO (Capital, Colon, Rio Iconography; Cabrera; 373, fig. 216. 1974. Primero, Rio Seco), COR (Capital, Vernacular; "Girasoliyo". Bella Vista, Rio Seco), FO (Bermejo, Habit; Subshrub. Matacos, Patiiio, Pirane, Ramon Lista), Flowering period; October-March. JU (Ledesma, Santa Barbara), LR Status; Native. (Capital, Gral. San Martin), SA Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo, San (Metan), SE (Brig Ibarra, Capital, Fernando), COR (Capital, Bella Vista, Choya, Copo, Guasayan, La Banda, San Roque), FO (Bermejo, Formosa, Moreno, Ojo de Agua, Rivadavia, Pilcomayo). Robles, Silipica), SF (San Cristobal). Habitat; Shady areas, forest margins Habitat; Disturbed soils, weed-like (OCC, (OCC, ORI). ORI) Uses; Medicinal (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). Uses; Antihemorrhagic, vulnerary, Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 107, cicatrizant, partum analgesic, for LP), COR (Krapovickas & Crist6bal desinfecting ulcers, wart (Freire & 34253, LP), FO (Morel 7732, LP). Urtubey, 2000c), ornamental (Parodi, 1988). 4 Verbesina suncho (Griseb.) S F Specimens Examined; CH (Delucchi 2012, Blake LP), CO (Bruch s.n., LP 4871), COR Syn.; Chaenocephalus heterophyllus (Myndel Pedersen 2807, LP), FO Griseb. - C. macrophyllus Griseb. - C. (Cabrera et al. 26557, LP), JU (Fabns suncho Griseb. - Verbesina allophylla 4570, LP), SA (Krapovickas et al. S F Blake - V. octantha S. F. Blake

18573, LP), SE (Delucchi 2039, LP), Iconography; Cabrera ; 380, fig. 159. SF (Ragonese 327, LP) 1978. Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005) Vernacular; Unknown. Habit; Subshrub.

2 Verbesina macrophylla (Lam ) S F. Flowering period; February-August. Blake var. nelidae (Cabrera) Olsen Status; Native. Syn.; Verbesina nelidae Cabrera Distribution; JU (Ledesma, San Pedro),

Iconography; Cabrera; 378, fig. 158 (sub SA (Anta). Verbesina nelidae). 1978. Habitat; Clearings of transitional with Vernacular; Unknown. montane grasslands, humid woods Habit; Subshrub. (OCC). Flowering period; Summer. Uses; Unknown. Status; Native. Specimens Examined; JU (Cabrera Distribution; JU (Ledesma, San Pedro, 15829, LP), SA (Ragonese 297, LP). Santa Barbara), SA (Anta). Habitat; Slopes with humid woods (OCC)

30. VIGUIERA Kunth, 3 species.

1. Leaf blades linear or linear-lanceolate 3. V. tucumanensis var oligodonta

-. Leaf blades lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate 2 2. Leaf blades ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, concolorous, strigose-pubescent on both surfaces 1. V. guaranltica

-. Leaf blades lanceolate, discolorous, ray-hairy beneath 2. V. tuberosa

1 Viguiera guaranitica Chodat Flowering pehod; August-May.

Iconography; -. Status; Native. Vernacular; "lap koskama tahka" Distribution; CH (9 de Julio, Mayor Habit; Perennial herb. Fontana, Presidencia de La Plaza, Sgt. Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 63

Cabral), FO (Formosa-Gral. Guemes- Specimens Examined: CH (SchuIz 188, Libertador Oral San Martin, Patino), LP), COR (Schinini & Critobal 9800, SE (Copo). LP), FO (Fortunate et al. 2707, SI), SF Habitat: Disturbed soils, road sides (OCC, (Ragonese 3058, LP), SE (Ragonese

ORI). & Castiglioni 7234 , SI). Uses: Unknown. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 926, 3 Viguiera tucumanensis (Hook & Arn.) LP), FO (Cabral 681, SI), SE Griseb var. oligodonta (S. F. Blake) (Fortunate et al, 1598, SI), Cabrera Syn.: Viguiera oligodonta S. F. Blake

2. Viguiera tuberosa Gnseb Iconography: Cabrera: 372, fig. 156 l-K.

Iconography: Cabrera: 369, fig. 213. 1974. 1978.- Ariza Espinar: 95, fig. 33. 2000. Vernacular: Unknown Vernacular: "Sunchillo". Habit: Perennial herb. Habit: Subshrub. Flowering period: Spring-Summer. Flowering period: August-May. Status: Native Status: Native. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Distribution: CO (Capital, Col6n, Santa Lorenzo), COR (Bella Vista, Maria, Sobremonte, Totoral, Tulumba). Empedrado, Lavalle), FO (unknown), Habitat Road sides (OCC). SF (San Cristobal, San Javier), SE Uses: Unknown. (Brig. Ibarra, Moreno). Specimen Examined: CO (Hunziker9193, Habitat: Gravel, river cliffs (OCC, ORI). LP). Uses: Unknown.

31. WEDELIA Jacq,, 3 species

1. Annual herbs, stems erect or decumbent. Involucre campanulate 2. W. kerrii - Perennial herbs, rhizomatous, stems erect. Involucre hemispherical 2 2. Leaves subsessile, leaf blades lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 40-150 x 4-20 mm, margins dentate, with 1-5 pairs of teeth 1. W. glauca - Leaves petiolate (petioles 10-20 mm long), leaf blades elliptic-lanceolate, 70-130 mm x 25-60 mm, margins dentate with more than 5 pairs of teeth 3. W. subvaginata

1. Wedelia glauca (Ortega) Hoffm. ex Fernandez, Gral. Guemes, Mayor Hicken Fontana, San Lorenzo), CO (Santa Syn.: Aspilia ecliptaefolia Baker - Maria, Sobremonte, Tulumba), FO Helianthus copiapanus Phil - Leighia (Laishi), SE (Aguirre, Capital, Rio ecliptaefolia DC. - Lorentzia Hondo), SF (Gral. Obligado), TU pascaloides Griseb - Pascalia glauca (Burruyacu). Ortega - Wedelia chr/sostephana Habitat: Agressive weed, widespread

- - Griseb. W. copiapana (Phil ) Reiche (OCC, ORI). IV. ecliptaefolia (DC) B. L. Turner Uses: Medicinal (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). Iconography: Cabrera: 208, fig 59 1963- Specimens Examined: CH (Rodrigo 2635, Cabrera: 136, fig. 129 1971b- LP), CO (Hunziker 731, LP), FO Cabrera: 352, fig. 203; 354, fig. 205 a- (Piccinini & Petetin 3503, BAB), SE e. 1974- Cabrera: 354, fig. 149 1978 (Delucchi 2119, LP), SF (Ragonese Vernacular: "Asolador", 'chilca amarga", 3119, LP), TU(Varelas.n., LP "chilquilla", "chinita", "clavel amarillo", 892882) "clavelillo", "duraznillo", "espanta Obs.: Toxic (Cabrera, 1971b, 1974). colono", "flor de sapo", "kaiel-kaiel", "lengua de sapo", "margarita", "mata 2. Wedelia kerrii N E Br. sapo", "mirasolcito", "seca tierra", Syn.: Wedelia kerrii N. E. Br. var. "sunchillo", "suncho", "yerba del sapo", decumbens Hassl. W. longepetiolata "yuyo sapo". Hassl. Habit: Perennial herb Iconography: - Flowering period: November-March Vernacular: Unknown. Status: Native. Habit: Annual herb. Distnbution: CH (1° de mayo, Cmte. Flowering period: October-December. 64 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Status; Native Vernacular; Unknovi/n. Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo), COR Habit Perennial herb. (Capital). Flov^^ering period; November-February Habitat Sunny forest, river, shrublands, Status Native disturbed areas (ORI). Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo, Uses; Unknown Libertador Gral San Martin, San Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 214, Fernando), FO (Laishi, Pilcomayo), SF

LP), COR (Krapovickas & Cristobal (Gral Obligado) , 11774, LP) Habitat; Flooding soils, clayey soils (ORI). Uses; Unknov(/n. 3 Wedelia subvaginata N E Br Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi 1962, Syn.: Pascalia subvaginata (N E Br.) LP), FO (Fortunato et al. 2716, SI), SF Strother - Wedelia crassiuscula S F (Ragonese 3259, LP). Blake - W. subvaginata N. E. Br. var major Hassl. Iconography Cabrera; 354, fig 205 (f-m)

1974 - Cabrera; 356, fig 206. 1974

32 XANTHIUM L, 2 species.

1. Unarmed plants. Leaf blades rough on both surfaces, vi/ide-ovate. Pseudo-fruits 15-25 mm long 1. X. cavanillesii

-. Plants spiny. Leaf blades white-tomentose beneath, lanceolate. Pseudo-fruits 6-12 mm long 2. X. spinosum

1. Xanthiunfi cavanillesii Schouv;/ Syn.: Xanthium australe Millsp. & Sherff - 2. Xanthium spinosum L var spinosum X. cavanillesii Schouvi^ var cordobense Syn.: Acanthoxantliium spinosum (L.) Widde ex Parodi - X. strumanum L. Fourr ssp. cavanillesii (Schouw) Love & Iconography: Cabrera: 132, fig. 124. Dansereau 1971b.- Cabrera: 331, fig. 191. 1974.- - Iconography: Cabrera: 192, fig. 53. 1963- Cabrera: 323, fig. 135 (I, J). 1978

Cabrera: 130, fig. 123, 1971b.- Ariza Espinar; 103, fig. 36. 2000.

Cabrera: 329, fig. 189. 1974 - Cabrera: Vernacular: "Abrojillo", "abrojito", "abrojo",

321, fig. 134. 1978.-Ariza Espinar: "a. chico", "amor de negro", "atulet", 102, fig 35.2000 "cachurera", "carapicho bravo", "cepa Vernacular: "Abrojo", "a. grande", "a. caballo", "elperin", "espinho de macho", "atulatulet", "cadillo", "nagarai camerro", "i(a)rat", "i(a)rat traraik", latee", "poko latee" "kachu", "kewell", "kis (l)i-kis (I)!", Habit; Annual herb "kokelen". Flowering period: January-March Habit; Annual herb. Status: Native Flowering penod: November-March. Distribution: CO (Capital, Colon, Cruz del Status: Native. Eje, Rio Primero, Sobremonte), CH (1° Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, 9 de Julio, de Mayo, Cmte Fernandez), FO 12 de Octubre, Mayor Fontana, Sgto. (Laishi, Pilcomayo), SF (9 de Julio, Cabral), CO (Rio Primero), FO Gral- Obligado). (Patino), SE (Capital, Guasay^n, Ojo Habitat; Weed, cultivated fields, road de Agua), SF (9 de Julio, San sides, fertile and somewhat salty soils Cnstobal). (ORI). Habitat: Weed, uncultivated and cultivated Uses: Febrifugal, digestive, diuretic, fields, road sides, gutter, clay and antispasmodic, fordesinfecting, ulcers, humid soils (OCC, ORI). purgative, influenza, renal diseases Uses: Febrifugal, intermittent fever, (Freire& Urtubey, 1999a) bladder and back pains, stomachal, Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 169, renal and hepatic diseases, measles, LP), CO (not seen), FO (Petetin & mumps, malaria, antispasmodic, Molina 1551, BAB), SF (Job 1148, LP) antirheumatic, antiseptic, depurative, al purgative, digestive, refreshment, Obs,; Toxic for cattle (Freire et , 2005) Comp. Neusl. 43, 2005 65

resolvent, dyspepsia, laxative, 1999a), diuretic, edible oil (Garg & cholagogue, lung infections, for Sastry, 1996). desinfecting ulcers, venereal tumors, Specimens Examined; CH (Delucchi 2031, antiputrescent, emolient, ocular LP), CO (not seen), FO (Petetin et al inflammations (Freire & Urtubey, 1811, BAB), SE (Delucchi 2063, LP), SF(Job 1097, LP).

33 ZEXMENIA La Llave & Lex , 2 species

1. Leaf blades ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 25-70 x 10-35 mm. Involucre 5-6 x 6-7 mm 1. Z. brachylepis -. Leaf blades linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, 45-65 x 3-8 mm. Involucre 9-12 mm x 17-20 mm 2. Z. bupthalmiflora

1 Zexmenia brachylepis (Griseb )

Cabrera 1 Zinnia peruviana (L ) L - Syn.: Wedelia brachylepis Griseb. Syn ; Chrysogonum peruvianum L.

Iconography; Cabrera; 385, fig. 161 1978 Crassina peruviana (L.) Kuntze - C. Vernacular; Unknown peruviana (L.) Kuntze var. flava Habit; Subshrub. (Kuntze) Seckt - Zinnia intermedia Flowering penod; December-June. Engelm. - Z. leptopoda DC. - Z

Status; Native. mendocina Phil - Z. multiflora L. - Z. Distribution; CH (Gral. Guemes, Maipu, pauciflora L. - Z revoluta Cav. - Z. Mayor Fontana, Presidencia de La tenuiflora Jacq. - Z verticillata Plaza, Tapenaga), FO (Bermejo, Andrews Matacos, Patino), SE (Alberdi, Copo, Iconography; Cabrera; 328, fig. 137. 1978. Pellegrini) Ariza Espinar; 106, fig 37 2000. Habitat; Prairies or rocky slopes (OCC, Vernacular; "Chlnita del campo", "clave! de ORI) chuchu", "clavelina", "c. del monte",

Uses; Unknown "conejito de la sierra ", "muchacho", Specimens Examined; CH (Cabral 720, "zinnia". SI), FO (Molina et al 413, BAB), SE Habit; Annual herb. (Molina &Hilfer 31 10, SI) Flowering period; November-March. Status; Native. 2 Zexmenia bupthalmiflora (Lorentz) Distnbution; CH (1° de Mayo), CO Ariza (Capital, Colon, Cruz del Eje, Minas, Syn.; Wedelia bupthalmiflora Lorentz Rio Primero, Rio Seco, Santa Maria,

Iconography; Ariza Espinar; 99, fig 34 Sobremonte, Totoral), FO (Patino), SE (sub Wedelia bupthalmiflora). 2000. (28 de Marzo, Capital, Gral. Taboada, Vernacular; Unknown. Guasayan, Banda, Ojo de Agua, Habit; Subshrub. Robles), LR (Capital, Gral Belgrano, Flowering period; November. Gral. San Martin). Status; Native. Habitat; Clearings, disturbed areas, near Distribution; CO (Capital), SE (Ojo de train-tracks, road sides, cultivated Agua). fields (OCC, ORI). Habitat; Rocky soils (OCC). Uses; Ornamental (Parodi, 1988), Uses; Ornamental (Parodi, 1988). intermittent fever (Heinnch, 1996). Specimens Examined; CO (Spegazzmi s Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 919,

al. (not seen), n , LP), SE (Perez Moreau et 4143, BAB), CO FO (Fortunate et BAB). al. 3227, SI), LR (not seen), SE (Maldonado 984, LP).

34. ZINNIA L., nom cons., 1 species.

7. Tribe INULEAE. 11 genera, 31 species, 1 variety.

1. Receptacle paleate .7. Micropsis 66 Comp. News!. 43, 2005

- Receptacle epaleate 2 2. Styles of central florets obtuse to rounded pilose far down the shaft below the point of bifurcation or acute with hairs not reaching the bifurcation 3 - Styles branches truncate or rounded, apically pilose or with hairs dorsally 6 3 Capitula sessile, arranged in glomerules or spikes 9. Pterocaulon

- Capitula pedunculated, solitary or few to many together in terminal corymbs 4 4 Central florets functionally staminate. Pappus of slender capillary bristles 5

- Central florets bisexual Pappus of stiff bnstles 10. Stenachaenium

5. Trees or shrubs Central florets 1-18 11. Tessaria

- Shrubs or herbs Central florets 25-50, rarely 3-5, then herbs 8. Pluchea 6. Pappus of plumose capillary bristles 7 - Pappus of scabrous capillary bnstles 8 7 Cypselas apically with 8-12 long twin hairs, resembling fine pappus bristles 2. Berroa

- Cypselas apically without long twin hairs 4. Facelis 8. Cypselas conspicuously rostrate 3. Chevreulia

- Cypselas not rostrate 9 9. Pappus of bristles free at base 10 Pappus of basally connate bristles 5. Gamochaeta 10. Capitula narrowly cylindrical, few-flowered (3-8 marginal florets and 1-4 central florets)

1. Achyrocline - Capitula campanulate, many flowered (more than 20) 6. Gnaphalium

1 ACHYROCLINE DC , 3 species

1. Stems winged 1. A. alata - Stems wingless 2 2. Leaves linear, 3.5-5 (-6) x 15-0.4 (-0 5) cm 3. A. satureioides - Leaves linear-lanceolate, 5-10 x 4- 0.8 cm 2. A. flaccida

1. Achyrocline alata (Kunth) DC Distribution: CH (San Fernando), FO: Syn.: Achyrocline argentina O. Hoffm. - A. Formosa (Formosa). alata var. vauthiehana (DC.) Baker - A. Habitat: Margins of woods, fertile soils flavescens Griseb. - A. vauthieriana DC (ORI). - Gnaphalium alatum Kunth Uses: Antispasmodic, antihelmintic, Iconography: Giangualani: 557, fig. 2. febrifuge, tonic (Freire & Urtubey,

1 976 - Cabrera; 269, fig 1 1 5 A-D. 2000c).

1978.-Freire; 12, fig. 1 A-0. 1998. Specimens Examined: CH (Meyer 188, Vernacular: "Marcela brasilera", "yatehi SI), FOR (Jorgensen 3238, SI). caa".

Habit: Subshrub 3 Achyrocline satureioides (Lam ) DC Flowering period: December-March. Syn,: Achyrocline vargasiana DC. - Status: Native. Gnaphalium satureioides Lam. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), Iconography: Giangualani: 564, fig. 6 Habitat: Low, wet and marshy soils (ORI). 1976- Freire: 17, fig. 3 A-M 1998. Uses: Unknown. Vernacular: "Alquitran", "marcela", "m. del Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 19052, campo", "m. hembra", "marcelita", BAB). "pag(a)ra lauro", "vira-vira guazu", "yatai ca'a", "yatei ca'a".

2. Achyrocline flaccida (Weinm ) DC. Habit: Subshrub Syn.: Achyrocline citrina Griseb. - Flowering period: January-April. Gnaphalium flaccidum Weinm, Status: Native Iconography: Cabrera: 273, fig 117 A-D Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo, Sgt. Cabral),

1978- Freire: 15, fig. 2 A-0. 1998. COR (Empedrado). Vernacular: "False yatei-caa", "marcela", Habitat: Dry, high and sunny soils. Also "m. macho", "vira-vira". over rocks and road borders (ORI), Habit: Subshrub Uses: Indigestion, stomachache, medicinal, Flowenng period: February-April. edible, digestive, antiespasmodic, bitter Status: Native tonic (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 67

Specimens Examined: CH (Mulgura & Deginani 953, BAB), COR (Pedersen 4830, LP).

2. BERROA Beauverd, 1 species. Flowering period: January-March.

1. Berroa gnaphalioides (Less ) Beauverd Status: Native. Syn.; Gnaphalium gnaphalioides (Less.) Distribution: COR (Capital), SE (Ojo de Kuntze - Lucllia argentea Hook & Arn - Agua).

L. gnaphalioides Less. Habitat: Fertile uncultivated soils (OCC,

Iconography: Beauverd: 210, fig. 3. 1913.- ORl)

Cabrera: 158, fig. 41. 1963.- Cabrera: Uses: Unknown. 309, fig. 178 a-g 1974 Specimens Examined: COR (Alboff s.n., Vernacular: Unknown. LP), SE (Argafiaraz 523, LP). Habit: Perennial herb.

3 CHEVREULIA Cass , 2 species

1 Leaves opposite and spread, lanceolate, apically acuminate 1 Ch. acuminata - Leaves rosulate, spatulate, apically mucronate 2. Ch. sarmentosa

1 . Chevreulia acuminata Less Habitat: Pristine prairies, steppes (ORl). Syn.: Chevreulia filiformis Hook & Arn. - C. Uses: Unknown. tong/pes Wedd Specimen Examined: COR (Pedersen Iconography: Cabrera: 267, fig 114 H-J 3968, LP). 1978- Freire: 23, fig 5 A-N. 1998. Vernacular: Unknown

Habit: Perennial herb. 4. FACELIS (Lam.) Sch. Bip., 1 species. Flowering period: November, December.

Status: Native. 1. Facelis retusa (Lam.) Sch. Bip. ssp. Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo). retusa Habitat: Dry lands (ORl). Syn.: Facelis apiculata Cass. - Gnaphalium Uses: Unknown retusum Lam. - Helichrysum retusum Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 141, Spreng. - Leptalea apiculata D. Don ex LP). Hook & Arn.

Iconography: Cabrera: 152, fig. 38 A-G.

- 2 Chevreulia sarmentosa (Pers ) S F 1963 Cabrera: 309, fig 178 h-n. Blake 1974- S. E. Freire: 27, fig. 7 A-Q. Syn.: Chevreulia stolonifera Cass - C. 1998. thouarsii y Remy - Gnaphalium Vernacular: Unknown calycinum Poir. - Lena cespitosa Habit: Annual herb.

Spreng - Tussilago sarmentosa Pers. Flowering penod: November-March. Xeranthemum cespitosum Du Petit- Status: Native. Thouars Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR (San Iconography: Cabrera: 105, fig. 93 Cosme), SF (GrI. Obligado).

1971b.- Cabrera: 267, fig. 114 A-G, Habitat: Humid and sandy, or rocky soils 1978. (ORl). Vernacular: "Jate'i ka'a hata". Uses: To prepare tea (Martinez Crovetto, Habit: Perennial herb. 1968). Flowering penod: October-December. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 10043, Status: Native. BAB), COR (Harrola 772, SI), SF Distnbution: COR (Empedrado). (Burkart 5734, SI).

5.GAIVI0CHAETA Wedd , 6 species.

1. Internal phyllaries apically acute or acuminate 2

-. Internal phylianes obtuse 3 68 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

2 Leaves sessile spatulate, discolorous, green and glabrate with glandular trichomes above and densely lanate beneath 5.G. platensis - Leaves linear, concolorous, densely lanate on both surfaces, not glandular above 3.G. filaginea

3. Leaves strongly discolorous, glabrous or glabrate above and densely white-tomentose beneath 2.G. coarctata

-. Leaves concolorous, lanate on both surfaces 4 4 Upper leaves linear I.G. calviceps - Lower leaves obovate or linear-obovate 5 5. Leaves obovate, apically rounded, basally attenuate into a pseudopetiole 4. G. pensylvanica - Leaves linear-obovate, apically acute, basally attenuate 6.G. subfalcata

1 Gamochaeta calviceps (Fernald) Urtubey, 2000c). Cabrera Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 2742,

Syn : Gnaphalium calviceps Fernald CTES), COR (Boelcke 1588, LP), SF Iconography; Cabrera: 325, fig 187j-q. (Meyer 3247, LP), SE (Ragonese &

1974. Castiglioni 7807, BAB ). Vernacular; "Vira-vira". Habit; Perennial herb. 3 Gamochaeta filaginea (DC.) Cabrera Flowering period; July -October. Syn.; Gnaphalium filagineum DC. Status; Native Iconography; Cabrera; 322, fig. 185 1974. Distribution; CH (12 de Octubre, 1° de Vernacular; "Vira-vira", "perkan-perkan". Mayo, Cmte. Fernandez), COR (Bella Habit; Perennial herb. Vista, Capital, Empedrado,) FO (Laish, Flowering period September-October Patino, Pilcomayo), SE (Choya). Status; Native. Habitat; Disturbed areas as a weed(ORI). Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo), COR (San Uses; Smallpox, measles and chicken Cosme), FO (Laishi), SE (Guasayan, pox, for washing wound and injuries Ojo de Agua). (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). Habitat; Grassy steppes, dunes, grassy Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 251, river banks (ORI). CTES), COR (Schinini & Miranda 9593, Uses; Smallpox, measles, chicken pox, for LP), FO (Digiacomo 319 ,CTES). SE washing wound and injuries (Freire &

(Perez Moreau et al, 4677, BAB). Urtubey, 2000c). Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 10007, (Willd CTES), FO (Boelcke 13299 BAA), 2. Gamochaeta coarctata ) pp Kerguelen COR (Krapovickas & Crist6bal 23747, Syn.; Gamochaeta spicata (Lam.) Cabrera LP), SE (Sanchez 902, BAB) - Gnaphalium coarctatum Willd, - G

purpureum L. var. spicatum (Lam.) 4 Gamochaeta pensylvanica (Willd ) Baker - G spicatum Lam. Cabrera - Iconography; Cabrera; 306, fig. 127 F-H Syn ; Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 1978. G. peregrinum Fernald - G. purpureum Vernacular; "Perkan-perkan", "vira-vira". L. var. spathulatum (Lam.) Baker - G. Habit; Perennial herb. spathulatum Lam, Flowering period; June-July, September- Iconography; Cabrera;176, fig. 48. 1963.- November. Cabrera; 326, fig. 188 a-i. 1974- Status; Native. Cabrera; 307, fig. 128 N-Q. 1978. Distribution; CH (Bermejo,r de Mayo, Vernacular; "Paletaria", "vira-vira". Resistencia, San Fernando), COR Habit; Perennial herb. (Bella Vista, Capital, Goya, San Roque), Flowering period; June-December. SF (Oral. Obligado, La Colonias), SE Status; Native, 1° (Gral. Belgrano, Choya, Ojo de Agua). Distribution; CH (Cmte. Fernandez, de

Habitat; Widespread, in high elevation Mayo, San Fernando), COR (Capital, grasslands, steppes, river coasts, Bella Vista, Empedrado), FO (Capital, gardens (ORI). Pilcomayo, Pilagas, Pirane), SF (San Uses; Smallpox, measles and chicken Cnstobal), SE (La Banda, Quebrachos). pox, for washing wound and injuries, Habitat; Prairies, forests, disturbed areas, antiphlogistic, vulnerary (Freire & on sandy soils (ORI). . ,

Comp. Newsl 43. 2005 69

Uses; Smallpox, chicken measles and 6 GNAPHALIUM L , 1 species pox, for washing wound and injuries

(Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). 1 Gnaphalium gaudichaudlanum DC.

Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 11171, Syn : Gnaphalium mendocinum Phil.

CTES), COR (Schinint 5212, LP), FO Iconography: Cabrera: 316, fig. 182.

(Vazquez 77, CTES), SF( Ragonese 1974- Cabrera: 277, fig. 118 H-L.

324, LP), SE (Perez Moreau at al. 481 1 1978- Freire: 46, fig. 15 A-Q. 1998. BAB). Vernacular: "Caa-guazu", "marcela", "marcelita", "vira-vira'i". 5 Gamochaeta platensis (Cabrera) Habit: Annual herb. Cabrera Flowering period: November-March. Syn., Gnaphalium platense Cabrera Status: Native Iconography: Cabrera. 168, fig. 45 1941a.- Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 1° de Mayo, Cabrera:169, fig. 4. 1963. Mayor Fonfana, Sgt. Cabral), CO Vernacular: Unknown (Colon), COR (Capital), FO (Pilagas), Habit: Perennial herb TU (Cruz Alta, Leales). Flowering period: August-September Habitat: Fertile, sandy and cultivated soils, Status: Endemic. dells and palm trees woods (OCC, Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO (Laishi) ORI). Habitat: Fertile and humid soils (ORI). Uses: Medicinal, digestive, hepatic (Freire Uses: Unknown & Urtubey, 2000c). Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 81pp, Specimens Examined: CH (Jorgensen LP), FO (Schuiz 81 pp, LP). 2048, SI), CO (Bruch s.n., LP), COR (Burkart 6869, SI), FO (Rojas 8883, 6 Gamochaeta subfalcata (Cabrera) BAB, LP), TU (Venturi 1596, SI). Cabrera S^n.Gnaphalium subfalcatum Cabrera

Iconography: Cabrera: 306, fig 1271-L. 7 MICROPSIS DC, 1 species. 1978

Vernacular: "Vira-vira" 1 Micropsis dasycarpa (Griseb.) Habit: Perennial herb Beauverd Flowering period: September-October Syn.: Filago dasycarpa Griseb.

Status: Native. Iconography: Cabrera: 288, fig. 162 j-s. Distribution: CH (Donovan, 1° de Mayo), 1974- Freire: 54, fig. 18 A-M. 1998. COR (Empedrado), FO (Bermejo, Vernacular: "Chi'f", "ka'a chi'i".

Pilcomayo), SF (9 de Julio), SE (Gral. Habit: Annual herb . Belgrano, La Banda, Choya, Gral. Flowering period: September-November, Taboada). January-March. Habitat: Steppes, salty, sandy, or wet Status: Native. soils, disturbed areas, near tram-tracks Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR (ORI). (Capital), FO (Unknown), SF (Gral. Uses:Unknown. Obligado). Specimens Examined: CH (Schinini Habitat: Fertile and wet soils (ORI). 22658, CTES), COR (Pedersen 6608, Uses: Unknown

LP), FO (Correa et al 7681 , BAB), SF Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 10009,

(Ragonese 2402 , LP), SE (Elisetch & BAB), COR (Burkart 6850, SI), FOR Cano 14, BAB) (Kermes 329, BAB), SF (Burkart 5738, SI).

8. PLUCHEA Cass. 2 species.

1. Involucre campanulate. Disc florets 3-5 (-8) 1. P. microcephala Involucre hemispheric Disc florets (25-) 30-50 2. P. sagittalis

1. Pluchea microcephala R K Godfrey Vernacular: Unknown.

Iconography: Ariza Spinar: 299, fig. 1. Habit: Perennial herb.

1969- Cabrera: 257., fig. 1 10 A-F. 1978. Flowering period: January- March. 70 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Status: Native. Habit: Perennial herb. Distribution: CA (La Paz), CH (Mayor Flowering period: December- May Fontana), CO (Cruz del Eje), FO Status: Native. (Patino). SF (9 de Julio), SE (Banda). Distribution: CH (Gral. Guemes, Mayor Habitat: Wet soils (OCC, OR!) Fontana, 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), Uses: Unknown CO (Rio Primero, Colon), COR Specimens Examined: CA (Burl

2 Pluchea sagittalis (Lam ) Cabrera Uses: Medicinal, bitter tonic, digestive, Syn.: Conyza sagittalis Lam. - Epaltes carminative, antihysteric, febrifuge, brasiiiensis DC, - Gnaphalium diuretic, antiblenorrhea, pectoral, suaveolens Veil. - Pluchea quitoc DC - pimples (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a), P. suaveolens (Veil.) Kuntze headaches, carminative (Bandoni et al.,

Iconography: Cabrera: 308, fig. 177. 1976).

1974.- Cabrera: 257, fig. 110 1978.- Specimens Examined: CH (Piccinini &

Freire: 56, fig 19 A-0. 1998. Hllfer4180, BAB), CO (Hunziker 1154, Vernacular: "Kito", "lucera", "nasherek Itaa", LP), COR (Quarin et al. 2202, SI), FO "quitoco", "uashito lok/o/lak", "uoue", (Rojas 9040, LP), SF (Venturi 79, SI), "yerba del lucero" SE (Bayon 411, LPAG)

9 PTEROCAULON Elliot, 9 species.

1. Capitula in dense glomerules 2

- Capitula in long, more or less spikes 3

2. Leaf blades linear or linear-oblong 0.3-1 cm wide 2. P. angustifolium - Leaves ovate-elliptic 1.8-4 cm wide 8. P. rugosum 3 Plants only with glandular trichomes 6. P. polystachyum - Plants woolly or tomentose with other types of trichomes 4 4. Capitula in panicles of terminal spikes 3. P. balansae

- Capitula in solitary terminal spikes, sometimes branched at base 5 5 Capitula in lax spikes 6

- Capitula in dense spikes 7 6. Spikes not or slightly branched Lower leaves 4-1. 2(-1. 8) cm wide 9. P. virgatum Spikes branched at base. Lower leaves 15-3 cm wide 4. P. cordobense

7, Spikes ovoid, violet-tinged 7. P. purpurascens - Spikes cylindrical or ellipsoid, not violet-tinged 8 8 Leaf margins entire and revolute. Lower leaf blades oblanceolate, 1-2 cm wide. Staminate flowers 2-5 5. P. lorentzii - Leaf margins minutely serrate, not revolute. Lower leaf blades obovate-elliptic, 1.8-4 cm wide. Upper leaves ovate-oblong. Staminate flowers 1-3 IP. alopecuroides

Iconography: Cabrera Ragonese: 207, fig. 1. Pterocaulon alopecuroides (Lam ) & DC. 6 1978- Cabrera: 251, fig. 107 G-H. Syn.: Baccharis erioptera Benth. - 1978- Freire: 61, fig. 20 A-P. 1998. Chlaenobolus alopecuroides (Lam.) Vernacular: "Carai caso", "c. tuya caso", Cass. - Conyza alopecuroides Lam. - "noom (a)ra etaa", "sup toptobelite", Pterocaulon alopecuroides var. "toro ka'a", "tuyS caso". glabrescens Chodat - P. alopecuroides Habit: Perennial herb. var. polystachyum DC. - P. interruptum Flowering period: December- March. DC. - P. interruptum var monostachyum Status: Native. DC. - P. interruptum var polystachyum Distribution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, Mayor

DC. - P. latifolium Kuntze - P. virgatum f Fontana, 1° de Mayo), COR (Lavalle), alopecuroides (Lam.) Arechav. - P. FO (Pilcomayo), SF (Gral. Obligado, 9

virgatum f. subcorymbosa Arechav. de Julio), SE (Copo, Silipica). Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Habitat: High and fertile lands (OCC, ORI, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 10352, SAB) BAB), COR (Pedersen 10076, LP), FO Uses: Pimples, wounds, hepatic, (Krapovickas 1250, LP), SF (Ragonese cicatrizant, headache, astringent, 3128, LP) diuretic, antirheumatic, antiarthntic (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a), febnfugal 5 Pterocaulon lorentzli Malme

- (Cabrera & Ragonese, 1978). Syn : Pterocaulon malmeanum Chodat P.

Specimens Examined: CH (Rothkugel 63, virgatum (L.) DC. f. angustlfolia Arechav.

- SI), COR (de Donnet2024, SI), FOR Pterocaulon virgatum (L ) DC. f. spicata (Morel 4605, LP), SF (Job 1019, LP), Arechav.

SE (Molina &Hilfer 3119, BAB). Iconography: Cabrera: 296, fig. 168. 1974-

Cabrera & Ragonese: 232, fig. 14. 2 Pterocaulon angustifolium DC 1978 - Freire: 72, fig 25 A-Q 1998 Iconography: Cabrera: 292, fig 164 Vernacular: "Tuya canilla". 1974 - Cabrera & Ragonese: 212, fig Habit: Perennial herb.

7. 1978 - Freire: 63, fig 21 A-Q 1998 Flowering period: December- April.

Vernacular: "Carai caso", "c. tuya caso", Status: Native. "marcela blanca", "tuya caso" Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR (Bella Habit: Perennial herb. Vista, Capital, Empedrado, Goya, San Flowering penod: December-March Cosme), SF (Gral. Obligado), SE Status: Native (Jimenez), TU (Leales). Distribution: COR (San Roque). Habitat: Margins of rivers (OCC, ORI). Habitat: Sandy soils (ORI) Uses: Cicatrization, pimples, stings, Uses: Pimples, stings, wounds, hepatic wounds, hepatic (Freire & Urtubey, (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a) 1999a). Specimen Examined: COR (Pedersen Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 162, 5834, LP). LP), COR (Eskuche 2342-34, SI), SF (Job 970, LP), SE (Venturi 39850, 3 Pterocaulon balansae Chodat BAB), TU (Ventun 739, SI).

Syn : Pterocaulon interruptum auct non DC. - P. paniculatum Arechav. - P. 6 Pterocaulon polystachyum DC polystachyum DC var. tomentosa Iconography: Cabrera: 294, fig 166.

Arechav. - P. virgatum (L ) DC. f. 1974- Cabrera & Ragonese: 235, fig.

subpaniculata Arechav. 15. 1978- Freire: 75, fig. 26 A-Q. 1998. Iconography: Cabrera & Ragonese: 217, Vernacular: "Sombra de toro", "toro caa",

fig. 9. 1978.- Freire: 66, fig. 22 A-P. "yerba del toro". 1998. Habit: Perennial herb Vernacular: "Kito". Flowenng penod: October-March. Habit: Perennial herb. Status: Native. Flowering period: February, March. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), COR Status: Native. (Capital, Empedrado, Saladas), SF Distribution: COR (San Roque). (Vera). Habitat: Wet and sandy soils (ORI). Habitat: Fertile soils (ORI, SAB) Uses: Unknown. Uses: Sunstroke (Freire, Urtubey, 1999a), Specimen Examined: COR (Pedersen aromatic (Zardini, 1984, Martinez 5846, LP). Crovetto, 1981), to clean wounds (Desmarchelier & Ciccia, 1998). 4 Pterocaulon cordobense Kuntze Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 5, Iconography: Cabrera: 299, fig 171 a-j. BAB), COR (Pedersen 5492, LP), SF

1974- Freire: 68, fig. 23 A-R. 1998. (Tedone 5075, LP). Vernacular: Unknown. Habit: Perennial herbs. 7 Pterocaulon purpurascens Malme Flowering period: December, March. Iconography: Cabrera: 295, fig. 167. 1974- Status: Native Cabrera: 251, fig. 107 A-F. 1978- Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Cabrera & Ragonese: 229, fig. 13. Fernando), COR (Empedrado), FO 1978.- Freire: 77, fig. 27 A-S. 1998. (Patifio), SF (Gral. Obligado). Vernacular: "Moo maaning awa", "tuya Habitat: Fertile and clayish soils (ORI, caso". SAB). Habit: Perennial herb. Uses: Antibiotic (Towers etal., 1977). Flowering period: October-April. 72 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Status: Native Specimen Examined COR (Pedersen Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Mayor Fontana, 5502, LP), 1° de Mayo, San Fernando, Sgt.

Cabral), CO (Rio Seco), COR (Bella 9 Pterocaulon virgatum (L ) DC. Vista), FO (Formosa, Patino, Pirane), Syn.: Chlaenobolus virgatus (L.) Cass. - - SF (Gral. Obligado, 9 de Julio, San Conyza virgata (L.) L . Gnaphalium Cristobal, Vera), TU (Leales)^ virgatum L - Pterocaulon pilcomayense Habitat: Ciayish soils and marshes (OCC, Malme - P. pompilianum Standi. & ORI, SAB). Williams - P subspicatum Chodat - P. Uses: Toothaches (Arenas, 1983), subvirgatum Malme - P. virgatum (L.) insecticide, insect stings and bites, DC f subvirgata (Malme) Arechav. digestive, emmenagogue (Nadinic et al., Iconography: Cabrera (sub nom. 1985), digestive, antiophidic Pterocaulon subvirgatum): 300, fig. 172. (Desmarchelier & Ciccia, 1998). 1974- Cabrera & Ragonese: 223, fig. Specimens Examined' CH (Delucchi 1887, 11. 1978 -Cabrera: 249, fig. 106. 1978- LP), CO (Sayago 1731, LP), COR Freire: 82, fig. 29 A-R. 1998. (Tressens et al. 705, LP), FO (Arenas Vernacular: "Carai caso", "c. tuya", "caso", 2401, SI), SF (Venturi 97, LP), TU "tuya caso", "yaguareti-caci" (Ventuh 663, SI). Habit: Perennial herb. Flowering pehod: December-March. 8 Pterocaulon rugosum (Vahl) Malme Status: Native. Syn.: Chlaenobolus rugosus (Vahl) Cass. - Distnbution: CH (Mayor Fontana, 1° de Conyza rugosa Vahl - Pterocaulon Mayo, San Fernando), COR (Capital, alopecuroides (Lam.) DC. var. mollis Goya, Empedrado), FO (Patino, Chodat - P. spicatum DC. var. Pilcomayo, Pirane), SA (Anta), SE brachystachyum DC. (Copo, Pellegrini).

Iconography: Cabrera: 293, fig. 165. 1974.- Habitat: Wet and ciayish soils (OCC, ORI, Cabrera & Ragonese: 214, fig. 8 A-G. SAB). 1978.- Freire: 80, fig.28 A-O. 1998. Uses: Diuretic, wounds, stings infections, Vernacular: "Carai-caso", "carai tuya pimples, emmenagogue, hepatic (Freire caso", "tuya caso". & Urtubey, 1999a). Habit: Perennial herbs. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 3, Flowering period: December-May. BAB), COR (Schinini & Martinez Status: Native. 12896, SI), FO (Krapovickas 1318, LP, Distribution: COR (Empedrado, Saladas). SI), SA(Saravia Toledo 1165, SI), SE Habitat: Sandy soils (ORI). (Fortunate 6369, BAB). Uses: Hepatic, pimples, purulent w/ounds and stings, insect bites (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a).

species 10 STENACHAENIUM Benth , 2

1. Plants loose-hirsute. Capitula solitary 1. S. campestre - Plants dense-hirsute. Capitula arranged in terminal corymbs 2. S. riedelii

1 Stenachaenium campestre Baker Iconography: Cabrera: 305, fig. 175 a-g. 2 Stenachaenium riedelii Baker

1974.- Freire: 86, fig. 30 A-M. 1998. Iconography: Cabrera: 306, fig. 176. 1974- Vernacular: Unknown. Freire: 87, fig. 31 A-L. 1998. Habit: Perennial herb Vernacular: "Lengua de buey". Flowering period: October-December. Habit: Perennial herb. Status: Native. Flowering period: November, December. Distribution: COR (Empedrado). Status: Native. Habitat: "Campos", savannas, in high, Distnbution: CH (Unknown), SF (Gral. rocky and latentic soils (ORI) Obligado). Uses: Unknown Habitat: In high, dry and rocky soils (ORI). Specimen Examined: COR (Pedersen Uses: Stomachal, to dry the appendix 3014, LP). (Freire & Urtubey, 1999a). Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Specimen Examined: CH (Jorgensen 2747, SI), SF(Venturi319, SI).

11 TESSARIA Ruiz & Pav 3 species, 1 variety.

1. Plants only with glandular trichomes, resinous 1. T. dodoneifolia - Plants with non-glandular trichomes, not resinous 2

2. Plants velvet pubescent 2. T. fastigiata

- Plants canescent pubescent 3. T. integrlfolia

1 Tessaria dodoneifolia (Hook & Arn ) Habitat: Near marshes and streams, in Cabrera clayish and salty soils (OCC, ORI). Syn.: Conyza straminea Chodat - Uses: Abortifacient (Freire & Urtubey, dodoneifolium Arn Eupatorium Hook & , 2000c) horn, illeg - Pluchea dodoneifolia (Hook. Specimens Examined: CH (Molina &

- & Am ) H Rob. & Cuatrec Tessaria Sanchez 2365, BAB), COR (Schinini & straminea (Chodat) Hassl. - T. viscosa Martinez Crovetto 12873, SI), FO Lillo (Jorgensen 2013, LP), SE (Bayon 398,

Iconography: Cabrera: 302, fig. 173. 1974.- LPAG).

Cabrera: 253, fig. 108 G-J. 1978- Freire:

92, fig. 33A-C, E-X 1998 2 Tessaria fastigiata (Griseb.) Cabrera

Vernacular: "Chiica", "c. dulce", "c. negra", Syn.: Pluchea fastigiata Griseb.

"pi is (I) e","pi is (I) et". Iconography: Cabrera: 255, fig. 109 A-F, Habit: Shrub. 1978 Flowering period: November-March. Vernacular: "Libi-libi" Status: Native. Habit: Subshrub. Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Gral. Guemes, Flowering period: October-December. Sgt. Cabral, Mayor Fontana, 1°de Status: Native. Mayo, San Fernando), COR (Bella Distribution: SA (Anta, Rivadavia). Vista), FO (Formosa, Patino, Habitat: In wet soils (OCC). Pilcomayo), SE (Banda, Capital, Uses: Unknown Figueroa, Loreto, Matara, Rio Hondo, Specimen Examined: SA (Saravia Toledo Robles). 1411, SI).

3 Tessaria integrifolia Ruiz & Pav

1. Central florets 3-6 ...var. ambigua

- Central floret 1 .var. integrifolia

a) var ambigua (DC ) S E Freire Habitat: Similar to var. integrifolia (OCC, Syn.: Tessaria absinthiodes (Hook. & Arn.) ORI). DC. var. ambigua (DC.) R. E. Fr. - T. Uses: Similar to var. integrifolia. ambigua DC. - 7". integrifolia Ruiz & Pav. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 3209, var. obtusifolia Hassl. - T integrifolia BAB, LP), FO (Bordon 149, BAB), SA Ruiz & Pav. ssp. polyandra Cabrera (Saravia Toledo 1854, SI), SE (Bayon Iconography: Ariza Espinar (sub nom. 412, LPAG).

Tessaria ambigua): 57, fig. 1. 1979, Vernacular: "Chiica rosada","palo negro", b) var integrifolia "suncho". Syn.: Gynheteria incana Spreng. - Tessaria Habit: Shrub. dentata Ruiz & Pav - T. legitima DC. Flowering period: February-May, July- Iconography: Cabrera: 303, fig. 174. December. 1974.- Cabrera: 253, fig. 108 A-F. Status: Native. 1978.- Freire: 98, fig. 35. 1998. Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Libertador Gral Vernacular: "Aliso", "a. de rio", "bobo", San Martin), FO (Patino, Pilagas), SA "mbui be", "pajaro bobo", "pekuj", (Anta, Rivadavia), SE (Capital, Gral. "salak", "suncho". Taboada, Pellegrini, Robles). Habit: Tree or small tree. Flowering period; December-March 74 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

Status: Native Uses: Medicinal, pectoral, etc. (Freire & Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 1° de Mayo, Urtubey, 2000c), to construct huts, San Fernando), FO (Matacos), SA cabins and fences, to make paper (Anta), SE (Gral Taboada), (Zardini, 1984). Habitat: On margins of streams, rivers, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 3392, along roads (OCC, ORI) LP), FO (Maranta 67, SI), SA (Saravia Toledo 1841, SI), SE (Soriano 551, LP).

8 Tnbe LACTUCEAE, 5 genera, 10 species.

1. Pappus of plumose bristles. Receptacle scaly 1. Hypochaeris - Pappus of simple bristles. Receptacle without scales 2 2 Cypselas tuberculate 5. Taraxacum - Cypselas not tuberculate 3 3. Cypselas fusiform „ 3. Picrosia - Cypselas compressed 4 4. Cypselas longly rostrate 2. Lactuca - Cypselas erostrate 4. Sonchus

species. 1. HYPOCHAERIS L , 4

1. Involucre narrowly cylindnc 2 - Involucre campanulate 3

2. Corollas yellow, longer than involucre 4. H. microcephala - Corollas white, as long as the involucre 2. H. albiflora

3. Corollas white, longer than involucre 1- H. alba - Corollas yellow, as long as the involucre 3. H. chillensis

1. Hypochaeris alba Cabrera Saladas, San Luis del Palmar), FO Iconography: Cabrera: 196, fig. 11 1937, (Pilcomayo), S (Oran), SF (Gral. Vernacular: Unknown Obligado), SE (Ojo de Agua, Robles). Habitat: Perennial herb. Habitat: Sparse underbrush, fields, Flowering period; October-January. orchards, near of rivers, moist "abra", Status: Native. "nandubay" {Prosopis algarobilla), Distribution: COR (Bella Vista, Capital, "espinallar" {Acacia caven var. Mburucuya, San Cosme). dehiscens) woods (OCC, ORI). Habitat; Sandy lands, field, Butia yatay Uses: Unknown. forest (ORI). Specimens Examined: CH (Urtubey & Uses: Unknown. Tremetsberger 155, LP), COR (Urtubey Specimens Examined: COR (Urtubey & & Tremetsberger 158, LP), F (Piccinini Tremetsberger 156, LP) & Leguizamon 2630, BAB), S (Maldonado 872, LP), SF (Maldonado

2. Hypochaeris albiflora (Kuntze) C. F. 1677, LP), SE (Maldonado 516, LP).

Azevedo-Gongalves & N, I. Matzenbacher 3 Hypochaeris chillensis (Kunth) Syn.: Hypochaeris brasillensis var. Hieron.

albiflora Kuntze - Hypochaeris Syn : Achyrophorus brasiliensis (Less.) microcephala var. albiflora (Kuntze) Sch.Bip -A. chilensis Sch.Bip. - Cabrera Apargia chillensis Kunth - A. sagittatus Iconography: Cabrera: 682, fig. 289 C-D Phil. - Hypochaeris brasiliensis (Less.) 1978. Cabrera: 519, Fig. 310 J-J', Benth. & Hook. f. ex Griseb. var. 1974. brasiliensis - H. brasiliensis (Less.) Vernacular: "Achicoria del campo". Benth & Hook. f. ex Gnseb. var. Habit: Perennial herb chacoensis Hassl. - H. brasiliensis Flowering period: September-December, (Less.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Griseb. Status; Native var sulfurea Kuntze - H. brasiliensis Distribution: CH (Capital, Gral. Guemes), (Less.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Griseb. COR (Bella Vista, Capital, Goya, var tweediei (Hook & Arn.) Baker - H. Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 75

tweediei {Hook & Arn.) Cabrera - Flowering period: October to November. Leontodon chilense DC. - Porcellites Status: Native. brasilienses Less. (pp.). - Sehola Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo), FO brasiliensis Less - S. brasiliensis var. (Pilcomayo). hirsutula Hook & Arn. - S. tweediei Habitat: Productive lands (ORI) Hook. & Arn. Uses: Excessive and painful menstrua- Iconography; Cabrera: 682, fig. 289, A-B. tions relief, refreshment, purgative, 1978 contraceptive, whet one's appetite Vernacular: "Achicoria", "a amarilla", "a (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). del campo", "cerraja" Specimens Examinate: CH (Schuiz 1035, Habit: Perennial herb LP), F (Morel 6447, LP). Flowering penod: All year, principally from October to December.

Status: Native 2 LACTUCAL, 1 species. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo), COR (Capital), SE (Beltran, Guasayan, 1 Lactuca serriola L Robles) Syn.: Lactuca scariola L. Habitat: Productive fields (OCC, ORI) Iconography: Cabrera: 690, fig 293 1978.

Uses: Edible roots (Cabrera 1978) Vernacular: "Lechuga salvaje", "I purgative, excessive and painful silvestre", "lechuguilla".

menstruations relief, refreshment Habit: Perennial herb (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). Flowering period: November to March. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 148, Status: Adventive. BAB, LP), COR (Krapovickas 19828, Distribution: CH (9 de Julio, San Fernando), LP), SE(Delucchi2071, LP). CO (Colon). Habitat: Fields, disturbed places, road

4. Hypochaeris microcephala (Sch Bip ) banks (ORI), Cabrera Uses: Antimicrobic, sedative (Freire &

Syn : Achyrophorus microcephalus Sch. Urtubey, 1999b), edibles (Garg & Bip. - Hypochaeris brasiliensis (Less.) Sastry 1996, Viswanathan & Singh,

Benth. & Hook, f ex Griseb var. 1996), oil for manufacturing soaps, - microcepiiala (Sch Bip ) Baker varnishes, paints, refined oils are Sehola brasiliensis Less var parviflora edible, medicinal (Viswanathan & Singh Hook & Am 1996), Iconography: Cabrera: 519, Fig 310 A-L Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 262, 1974. LP), CORD(Giardelli301,LP)

Vernacular: "Achicona", "a. del campo". Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Habit: Perennial herb.

3 PICROSIA D Don, 2 species.

1. Plants pink-reddish. Corollas lilac to pink Cypselas apically attenuate 1. P. cabreriana

-. Plants green. Corollas white. Cypselas rostrate 2. P. longifolia

1. Picrosia cabreriana Schuiz Syn.: Picrosia australis Decaisne - P. Iconography: Schuiz: 495, fig.1 1944. longifolia var angustissima Kuntze - Vernacular: Unknown Prenanthes subdentata Hook. - Habit: Perennial herb Psilopogon albiflorus Phil. - Flowering period: December. Tragopogon fritillarioides Less. Status: Endemic. Iconography: Cabrera:425, fig. 141. 1963, Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo). 694, fig. 295.1978. Habitat: Inundated places, dams, small Vernacular: "Achicoria silvestre". lakes (ORI). Habit: Perennial herb. Uses: Unknown. Flowering period: All year Specimens Examined: CH (Cabrera & Status: Native. Schuiz 1040, LP). Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 1° de Mayo, San Fernando, Tapenaga), CO 2 Picrosia longifolia D Don (Colon), COR (Cosme, Empedrado), FO (Patino, Pilcomayo, Pirane), S 76 Comp. News). 43. 2005

(Oran), SE (Capital, La Banda, Uses: Sudorific, refreshment (Freire & Robles), SF (Gral. Obligado), T (Cruz Urtubey, 1999b). Alta) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 85, Habitat Marshland, moist places, sandy BAB, LP), CO (Giardelh 873, LP), COR lands, river and road banks, (Quarin 1322, LP), F (Morel 3917, LP), canebrates and mounts (OCC, ORI). S (Abiatti & Claps 297, LP), SF (Ragonese 3192, LP), SE (Arganaras 225, LP), T (Ventun 2574, LP).

4 SONCHUSL., 2 species

1 Leaf margin dentate with spinulose teeth, auncles acute. Cypselas with more than 3 ribs,

tranversal denticulate on and between the ribs, without margin winged 1. S. oleraceus - Margin leaf sinuate-dentate, auncles rounded. Cypselas 3-ribbed, smooth between the ribs, margins winged 2. S. asper

1. Sonchus asper (L.) Hill diuretic, renal diseases, cough (Freire

al. Syn : Sonchus oleraceus L. var asper L. & Urtubey, 1999a), forage (Valles et Iconography: Cabrera: 420, fig. 139 1963, 1996, Huang & Lung 1996).

692, fig 294 G-J. 1978. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 79, Vernacular: "Cerraja". LP), F (Piccinini & Leguizamon 2538, Habit: Perennial herb BAB), SE (Arganaras 27, LP). Flowering period: September to Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). December. Status: Adventive Distribution: CH (San Fernando, 1° de 5. TARAXACUM G. H. Weber, 1 species. Mayo), COR (Capital, Goya). Habitat: Border of underbrush, field, 1 Taraxacum officinale G H. Weber ex stubble (ORI) F. H. Wigger Uses: Provitaminic, medicinal (Freire & Syn.: Leontodon taraxacum L. - L. vulgare Urtubey, 1999a), edible (Garg & Lam. - Taraxacum dens-leonis Desf. - Sastry, 1996, Huang & Lung, 1996), T. subspathulatum A. J. Richards - T. forage (Huang & Lung, 1996). vulgare (Lam.) Schrank Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 80, Iconography: Cabrera: 417, fig. 138. 1963, LP), COR (Krapovickas & Cristobal 688, fig 292 1978. 25667, LP). Vernacular: "Amargon", "achicoria", "diente de leon", "oita", "oi'ta", "oitai", "radicha", 2 Sonchus oleraceus L "radicheta", "taraxaco" Iconography: Cabrera: 629, fig 294 A-F. Habit: Perennial herb. 1978. Flowering period: July to March. Vernacular: "Cerraja", "c. brava", "c. de las Status: Adventive. huertas", "c. espinosa", kire pushpushii, Distribution: CH (Bermejo), SE (Aguirre). lechon", "nilgue", "nilhue", "nompe Habitat: Grasses, humid and dark areas sanep", "sabaraik", "serraja", "toro (ORI). ca'^". Uses: Edible (Cabrera 1939b); Habit: Perennial herb Emenagogue, provitaminic, icterus, Flowering period: January to November. instep diseases, antimicrobic, Status: Adventive stimulating, febrifugal, biliary secretion, Distnbution: CH (9 de Julio, r de Mayo, cough, eye inflammations, laxative, Sgt. Cabral, San Fernando), FO hepatic diseases, diuretic, depurative, (Bermejo, Pilcomayo), SE (Banda, analgesic, laxative, depurative (Freire Capital, Gral. Belgrano, Guasayan, Ojo & Urtubey, 1999b). de Agua). Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 911, Habitat: Ruderal, disturbed, sandy and LP), SE (Delucchi et al. 2117, LP), cultivated places, gardens, gutter, Obs.: Rhizomes are "chicory" and coffee meadowland, levelling (ORI) substitutes, leaves and flowers are used to

Uses: Edible, medicinal, biliary secretion, make dandelion ' wine, beer, diet drinks hepatic diseases, convulsed, laxative, (Garg & Sastry, 1996); toxic for cattle Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 77

(Freireetal., 2005)^

9. Tribe MUTISIEAE, 12 genera, 22 species (1 endemic), 3 varieties.

I. Axillary spines 1. Barnadesia - Without axillary spines 2 2 Herbs acaulescent, with rosulate leaves and 1-headed scapes 3 - Trees, shrubs, subshrubs, or caulescent herbs 4 3 Cypselas rostrate Marginal florets female, without staminodes 2. Chaptalia - Cypselas truncate. Marginal florets female, with staminodes 11. Thchocline 4 Capitula with all tubular corollas 5

- Capitula with other types of corollas, all bilabiate, all ligulate, bilabiate and tubular, or bilabiate and ligulate 6 5 Leaves persistent Corollas very deeply 5-lobed, lobes reaching 1/3 of the corolla 5. Gochnatia - Leaves caducous Corollas 5-lobed, lobes reaching less than 1/3 of the corolla 3. Cyclolepis 6 Receptacle paleate 9. Jungia - Receptacle epaleate 7

7. Pappus bristles plumose 10. Mutisia - Pappus bnstles simple, denticulate, or barbellate 8

8. Capitula with all florets bilabiate 9

- Capitula with all florets ligulate, bilabiate and ligulate, or bilabiate and tubular 10 9. Herbs Receptacle glabrous. Corollas white 6. Holocheilus - Shrubs or subshrubs, rarely herbs. Receptacle pubescent. Corollas yellow, orange, or white 12. Trixis 10 Capitula few-flowered, florets 4-6 11 - Capitula more than 40-flowered 4. Dinoseris

II. Subshrubs. Capitula with 4-5 marginal, bilabiate florets, and 1 tubular central floret. 5.

- Trees or shrubs Capitula with all florets ligulate, or some florets pseudobilabiate (external

lip 4-toothed and one internallip) or bilabiate 8 Hyaloseris

1 BARNADESIA Mutis in L f , 1 species. Distribution; T (Burruyacu). Habitat: Forest (OCC).

1. Barnadesia odorata Gnseb Uses: Unknown

Iconography: Urtubey: 99, fig. 24. 1999 Specimen Examined: T (Peirano 58500, Vernacular: "Alfiler", "alfilenllo", "clavel", "c. GH). de la puna", "clavelillo", "zunchu kisca". Obs.- It is used as firewood (Urtubey 1999,

Habit: Shrub or little tree. op.cit.). Flowering period: February-November. Status: Native

CHAPTALIA Vent., nom. cons., 4 species.

Leaves lyrate-pmnafifid, the distal lobe bigger than the lateral ones 2. C. nutans Leaves entire to runcinate 2 Scapes ebracteate 3 Scapes bracteate 3. C. runcinata Leaf margins retrorse-dentate, crenate, or sinuate. Roots reddish 4, C. sinuate Leaf margins entire or slightly denticulate Roots grey-brownish 1. C. integerrlma

- 1 Chaptalia integerrlma (Veil ) Burkart integrifolia (Cass.) Less. Tussilago Syn.: Chaptalia Integrifolia (Cass.) Baker, integerrlma Veil. comb, illeg - C microdonta Greene - Iconography: Burkart: 578, fig 16. 1944. Lerla Integrifolia Cass - L. lutescens Cabrera: 489, fig 290L-Q. 1974 - Sch. Bip. - L. nutans (L.) DC. var. Cabrera: 622, fig 265A-H 1978. 78 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Vernacular "Lengua de vaca", "pelosilla". 16311, LP), SE (Frenguelli 127, LP, Habit: Perennial herb. SI), SF(Job 1257, LP) Flowering period: October-May. Status: Native. 3 Chaptalia runcinata Kunth - Distribution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, 12 de Syn.: Gerbera b/co/or (Less ) Sch Bip. Octubre, 9 de Julio, 1° de Mayo, San Loxodon tongipes Cass - Oxydon Fernando, Sgt Cabral), CO (Capital, bicolor Less. - Thyrsanthema runcinata Tulumba), COR (Bella Vista), SE (Brig (Kunth) Kuntze - Tussilago bicolor Ibarra, Ojo de Agua), SF (Gral Less Obligado) Iconography: Burkart. 554, fig. 11. 1944.- Habitat: Savannas (SAV), steppes, Cabrera: 486, fig. 2881-0. 1974. subtropical forests, rocky hills (OCC, Vernacular: "Lengua de vaca". OR!) Habit: Perennial herb. Uses: Medicinal (Zardini, 1984). Flowering period: March-October. Specimens Exannined: CH (Meyer 2304, Status: Native. LP), CO (Lutti 4806, LP), COR Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San (Schinini & Cristobal 9805, LP), SE Fernando, 25 de Mayo, COR (Capital, (Molina & Hilfer 3308, BAB), SF (Covas Empedrado), FO (Formosa), SF (Gral. & Ragonese 4349, LP). Obligado). Habitat: Humid, sandy, or grassy soils

2 Chaptalia nutans (L ) Pol (ORI). Syn.: Chaptalia ebracteata (Kuntze) Uses: Unknown. Schumann - C. majuscula Greene - C. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 38, nutans (L.) Hemsley, comb, superfl. - LP), COR (Pedersen 3923, MO, US), C. subcordata Greene - Gerbera FO (Jorgensen 3360, SI), SF (Meyer nutans (L.) Sch Bip, - Lena lyrata 2948, LP). Cass. -L nutans (L) DC. - Thyrsanthema nutans (L.) Kuntze - 4. Chaptalia sinuata (Less.) Baker Tussilago lyrata Pers. - T. nutans L. - Syn.: Leria nutans (L.) DC. var. sinuata - T. vaccina Veil. Less - L. sinuata (Less.) DC.

Iconography: Burkart: 566, fig. 12 1944 - Thyrsanthema sinuata (Less.) Kuntze

Cabrera: 484, fig. 287.1974.- Cabrera: Iconography: Burkart: 582, fig. 17. 1944.- 622, fig 265J-0. 1978. Cabrera: 489, fig. 290A-K. 1974. Vernacular: "Burro-caa", "cerraja", Vernacular: "Lengua de vaca", "peludilla", "peludilla", "pelusa". "yerba de San Juan". Habit: Perennial herb. Habit: Perennial herb. Flowering period: Throughout the year. Flowering period: October-May. Status: Native. Status: Native. Distribution: CA (El Alto), CH (Aim Brown, Distnbution: CH (Bermejo, Mayor Fontana, Bermejo, Mayor Fontana, Gral. Libertador San Martin, 9 de Julio, 1° de Gijemes, Presidencia de la Plaza, 1° Mayo, San Fernando, Tapenaga), CO de Mayo, San Martin, Sgt. Cabral), CO (Rio Seco), COR (Bella Vista, Capital), (Capital, Colon, Rio Seco, Santa FO (Pilcomayo). Maria), COR (Capital, Empedrado, San Habitat: In savannas, prairies, dunes, Cosme), FO (Formosa, Laishi, Patiiio, open places (OCC, ORI). Pilcomayo, Pirane), JU (Santa Uses: Medicinal, vulnerary (Freire & Barbara), SE (Choya, Guasayan, Ojo Urtubey, 2000c). de Agua), SF (Gral Obligado, San Specimens Examined: CH (Krapovickas Cristobal). 13047, LP, SI), CO (Neher 26, SI), Habitat: Humid places, rocky or modified COR (Pire et al. 392, LP), FO (PIccinini soils, grassy prairies (OCC, ORI, SAV). & Leguizamon 2525, BAB). Uses: Antiseptic, antipyretic, anticatarrhal, diuretic, antiblenorragic, balsamic, ocular antiseptic (Freire & Urtubey, 3. CYCLOLEPIS D Don, 1 species. 2000c). Specimens Examined: CA (Venturi 7066, 1 Cyclolepis genistoides D. Don SI), CH (Delucchi 1917, LP), COR Syn.: Gochnatia genistoides (D. Don) (Schinini etal, 6841, LP), FO Hook. & Arn (Marchionni s.n., LP), JU (Cabrera Iconography: Cabrera: 476, fig. 282. 1974.- Cabrera: 591, fig. 253. 1978. Comp- Newsl, 43. 2005 79

Vernacular: "Matorro", "m negro", "monte Habitat: Stony grounds (OCC) azul", "palo azul", "usillo", "vidriera". Uses: Unknown Habit: Shrub Specimen Examined SE (Asp 159, SI). Flowering period; August-January Status: Native

Distribution CH (Unknown), CO (Capital, 5 GOCHNATIA Kunth, 1 species. Rio Seco, Tulumba), FO (Patifio), BE

(Gral Belgrano, Ojo de Agua), SF (San 1 Gochnatia argentina (Cabrera) Cristobal). Cabrera

Habitat: Salty soils (OCC. SAV) Syn : Moquinia argentina Cabrera Uses: The wood is used as hepatic Iconography: Cabrera: 94, fig 20. 1971c - protector (Zardini, 1984). Cabrera: 475, fig 281 1974- Sancho: Specimens Examined: CH (Jorgensen 80, fig 8 2000 Vernacular: "ChiIca", s.n , BAB 9845), CO (Sayago 1734, "salvia blanca". LP), FO (Schuiz 17097, BAB), SE Habit: Shrub (Elisetch & Cano48, BAB), SF Flowering period: November-February. (Ragonese 2385, LP). Status: Native Distnbution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, 12 de Octubre, Mayor Fontana, Gral

4 DINOSERIS Gnseb , 1 species. Belgrano, Maipu, 9 de Julio, 25 de Mayo), FO (Pirane), SE (Loreto,

1 Dinoseris salicifolia Griseb Moreno), SF (9 de Julio, Gral.

Syn : Dinoseris salicifolia Griseb var Obligado), TU (CruzAlta, Leales). normalis Kuntze - Hyaloseris salicifolia Habitat Margins of sclerophyllous forests,

(Griseb ) Hieron. rocky slopes, river banks (OCC, OR!, Iconography: Cabrera: 610, fig 260 1978 SAV) Vernacular: Unknown. Uses: Medicinal (Zardini, 1984)

Habit Shrub or little tree. Specimens Examined CH (Schuiz 2645, Flowering period: February-September. LP), FO (Petetin & Molina 1036 1/2, Status Native BAB), SE (Rial 620, LP), SF (Feldman Distribution: SE (Unknown) 170, LP).

6 HOLOCHEILUS Cass , 2 species

1. Upper leaves conspicuous, linear-lanceolate, ovate, or oblong, capitula 30-40-flowered, arranged in lax pseudocorymbs 1. H. hieracioides - Upper leaves very reduced, linear, capitula 15-20-flowered, arranged in a panicle of lax pseudocorymbs 2. H. scfiulzii

1 Holocheilus hieracioides (D Don) Vernacular: "Tabaco del indio". Cabrera Habit: Perennial herb. Syn. Cleanthes tiieracioides D Don - C. Flowering period: October-March hieracioides D Don var. thrincioides Status: Native

- (Griseb ) Griseb Leucena conyzoides Distribution: CH (Cmte Fernandez, D Don - L tfirlncioides Griseb. - Trixis Presidencia de la Plaza, 1° de Mayo, hieracioides (D. Don) DC - T San Fernando, Tapenaga, 25 de ochroleuca Baker - T. ochroleuca Mayo), CO (Capital), COR (Saladas), Baker var. hieracioides (D Don) FO (Pilaga, Pilcomayo, Pirane), JU

Kuntze - T. ochroleuca Baker f. pusilla (Santa Barbara), SA (Oran), SE

Hassler - T ochroleuca Baker f robusta (Capital, Gral. Belgrano, Guasayan,

Hassler - 7. ochroleuca Baker f Matara, Robles), SF (Gral. Obligado, subintegra Hassler - 7 ochroleuca San Javier), TU (Leales)

Baker var thrincioides (Griseb ) Kuntze Habitat: Humid soils (OCC, ORI). - 7 sonchoides Chodat - 7 thrincioides Uses Unknown

(Griseb ) Hassler Specimens Examined: CH (Delucchi et al. Iconography: Cabrera; 49, fig 8 1936 1875, LP), CO (Spegazzini s n., LP), (sub 7nx/s hieracioides) - Cabrera 8, COR (Schmini & Cristobal 9982, LP),

fig. 2A-E. 1968- Cabrera: 649, fig 277. FO (Rojas 8898, LP), JU (Spegazzini

1978. s.n , LP), SA (Spegazzini s n , LP), SE 80 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

(Job 2778, LP), SF (Meyer 2952, LP), Status: Endemic to the Sierra of TU (Venluri 349, LP). Guasayan Distribution: SE (Guasayan). 2 Holocheilus schulzii (Cabrera) Habitat: Low mountain ranges (OCC). Cabrera Uses: Unknown Specimen Examined: SE (Delucchi 2053, Syn ; Tnxis schulzii Cabrera Iconography Cabrera: 45, fig 7. 1936.- LP). (sub Trixls schulzii)- Cabrera: 13, fig. 4 1968 Vernacular: Unknown. 9. JUNGIA Gnseb., 1 species. Habit: Perennial herb. Flowering period: October-April. 1. Jungia polita Griseb Status Native, Syn.: Jungia divaricata Rusby - J. Distribution CH (Libertador Gral San grossulariifolia Rusby - J. polita Griseb. Martin, 1° de Mayo). var. divaricata (Rusby) Kuntze - J. Habitat: Margins of shrublands and polita Griseb. var. glabra Kuntze - J.

forests, in fields and flooded grounds polita Griseb. var. tomentosa Kuntze (ORI) Iconography: Cabrera: 635, fig. 270. Uses: Unknown. 1978.-Harling:69, fig.25. 1995. Specinnen Examined: CH (Schuiz 132, Vernacular: Unknown. holotype LP). Habit: Shrub. Flowering period: August-December. Status: Native.

7. HYALIS Hook, & Arn., 1 species. Uses: Unknown. Distribution: CO (Minas), JU (San Pedro), Belgrano), 1 Hyalis lancifolia Baker LR (Capital, Gral, SA - P/az;a (Metan, Oran), Syn : Hyalis lorentzii Hieron. acaciifolia Koster Habitat: Stony grounds, rocky slopes, Iconography: Cabrera: 583, fig. 249G-L. scrublands, rocky river banks (OCC). 1978 Uses: Unknown. Vernacular "Clavel de las trincheras". Specimens Examined: CO (Sayago 3145, Habit: Subshrub- LP), JU (Venturi 9674, LP), LR (Alariz Flowering period: October-March. 27, LP), SA (Cabrera 4219, LP). Status: Native. Distribution: CH (Gral. Gtiemes, 1° de 10. MUTISIA L, f, 1 species, 1 variety. Mayo, San Fernando, Tapenaga), FO (Bermejo, Patino, Matacos), JU (Santa I Mutisia coccinea St Hil var dealbata Barbara), SE (Pellegrini). (Less.) Cabrera - M. Habitat: Clay soils, grassy fields, forests of Syn : Mutisia dealbata (Less.) DC. quebracho Colorado {Schinopsis hayenbeckii Arechav. - M. speciosa Ait. balansae), palm savannas of var, dealbata Less, - M. speciosa Ait. Copernicia australis (OCC, OR!) var, elliptica Chodat Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 491, fig. 291. 1974. Specimens Examined: CH (Schinini Vernacular: Unknown. 16028, LP), FO (Marunak etal. 453, Habit: Perennial herb, creeper. LP), JU (Cabrera & Fabris 16233, LP), Flowering penod: October-March, SE (BAB 91565) Status: Native. Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Fernando, Sgt. Cabral, Tapenaga),

1 COR (Capital), SF (Vera). 8. HYALOSERIS Gnseb , species Habitat: Forests, margins of scrublands

1 Hyaloseris andrade-limae Cristobal & (ORI) Cabrera Uses: Unknown Iconography: Cristobal & Cabrera: 256, fig. Specimens Examined: CH (Rodrigo 2624, LP), 1, 1982 LP), COR (Pedersen 1840, SF Vernacular. Unknown. (Tedone 5077, LP). Habit: Shrub. Flowering period: Found with flowers in II TRICHOCLINE Cass., 2 species. May, November Comp- Newsl. 43. 2005

1. Inner phyllaries gradually longer than the outer ones 1. T. reptans - Phyllaries all of the same length 2. T sinuata

1 Trichocline reptans (Wedd ) Rob Uses: Stomach pain, the rhizomes are Syn.: Bichenia reptans Wedd - Gerbera used to flavour the tobacco, the ashes

incana (Lam ) Kuntze var intermedia are used to clean the teeth (Zardini,

- Kuntze G incana (Lam ) Kuntze var 1975).

- reptans (Wedd ) Kuntze G. incana Specimens Examined: CA (Brizuela 274, var reptans (Lam ) Kuntze (Wedd ) LP), CH (Biraben 51, LP), CO (Sayago Kuntze f aurantiaca Kuntze - G incana 1856, LP), SE (Cuezzo 2458, LP), SF

(Lam ) Kuntze var reptans (Wedd.) (Ragonese 3070, LP)

Kuntze f pallida Kuntze Iconography. Cabrera: 616, fig 263A-F. 2 Trichocline sinuata (D Don) Cabrera

1978.- Zardini: 709, fig 31-34. 1975. Syn : Bichenia sinuata D Don Vernacular: "Arnica", "contrayerba", "coro", Iconography: Cabrera: 478, fig 283A "topsaire plateado ". "yerba china", "y. 1974- Zardini: 672, fig 17 1975 corro", "y del ciervo", "y del corro". Vernacular: "Arnica del campo". Habit Perennial herb Habit: Perennial herb Flowering period November-March Flovi^ering period: November-April. Status Native Status Native Distribution CA (La Paz), CH (12 de Distnbution: CO (San Alberto), SF (Vera, Octubre). CO (Rio Seco), SE (Capital, San Cristobal) Choya, Oral Belgrano, Guasayan, Habitat: Rocky, sandy, loose soils (OCC, Moreno, Ojo de Agua, Quebrachos, SAV) Robles, Oral, Taboada), SF (9 de Julio, Uses Unknov\/n San Cristobal) Specimens Examined: CO (Biraben 49, Habitat Grassy, loose, sandy, or rocky LP), SF (Ragonese 2999, LP). soils (OCC, SAV)

12 TRIXIS P. Browne, 6 species, 2 varieties.

1 Involucre 1-seriate .1.7 cacalioides - Involucre 2-3-seriate 2

2 Corollas and pappus orange-reddish 4. 7. nobilis - Corollas and pappus pale yellow or white.. 3 3. Inner phyllaries less than 10 4 - Inner phyllanes more than 10 5 4 Inner phyllaries 8-9 ...2. T. divaricata

- Inner phyllaries 5 5. T. pallida

5 Leaves auriculate at the base .3. T. grisebachii

- Leaves not auriculate at the base ..6. T. praestans

1 Trixis cacalioides (Kunth) D Don Distnbution: CA (La Paz), CH (Aim Syn.: Perdicium cacalioides Kunth - Tax is Brown), CO (Capital, Sobremonte, Rio frutescens P. Browne var denticulata Seco), SA (Rosario de la Frontera), SE Less - T hexantha S Moore - T (Alberdi, Copo, Choya, Figueroa, neaeana DC. - 7 papillosa D Don -7 Guasayan, Matara, Ojo de Agua, paradoxa Cass - 7 subparadoxa Pellegrini, Quebrachos, Robles), TU Herrera (CruzAlta). Iconography: Cabrera: 643, fig 274 Habitat: Dry soils, on rocky slopes, stony 1978-Katinas: 56, fig 16 1996 grounds, deserts and salty soils (OCC) Vernacular: "Coca inca", "hierba linda", Uses Unknown "inga", "yerba linda". Specimens Examined: CA (Brizuela 1168, Habit: Shrub LP), CH (Cabrera 2974, LP), (CO Flowering period: Throughout the year. (Sayago 254, LP), SA (Cabrera 3126, Status Native Newsl. 2005 82 Comp. 43.

LP), SE (Bayon 459, LPAG), TU (Schreiter 3493, LP)

2. Trixis divaricata (Kunth) Spreng

1. Stem branches divaricate, bearing lianging pseudopanicles. .a. ssp. divaricata - Stem branches erect, bearing erect pseudopanicles ...b. ssp. discolor

a. Trixis divaricata (Kunth) Spreng ssp. Habitat: In open places, on sandy, clay, divaricata wet, and alluvial soils (OCC, ORI). Syn.: Castra regia Veil. - Perdicium Uses: Anti-inflammatory, mainly during the divaricatum Kunth - P. flexuosum menstrual cycle (Katinas, 1996). Kunth - Prionanthes antimenorrhoea Specimens Examined: CH (Rojas 11710, Schranl<; - Trixis antimenorrhoea LP), CO (Vignati 460, LP), COR (Schranl<) Mart ex Bal

T. antimenorrhoea {Schranl<) Kuntze 15795, LP), SA (Toledo 1418, SI), TU ssp. antimenorrhoea - T. (Venturi 377, LP). antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var.

- Spreng. ssp. auriculata (Hook ) Cabrera T. b. T. divaricata (Kunth) antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var discolor (D. Don) Katinas cladoptera (Baker) Cabrera - T. Syn.: Trixis antimenorrhoea (Schrank) antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var. Kuntze var. discolor {D. Don) Cabrera - divaricata (Kunth) Kuntze - T. 7. antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var. ssp. discolor {D. Don) Katinas - 7. flexuosa (Kunth) Kuntze - T. antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var. antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var. flexuosa (Kunth) Kuntze f. discolor {D. petiolata Kuntze - T. antimenorrhoea Don) Kuntze - 7. antimenorrhoea (Schrank) Kuntze var. typica Cabrera, (Schrank) Kuntze var. heterophylla nom. illeg - T. auriculata Hook. - T. Kuntze - 7 antimenorrhoea (Schrank) calcarea Gardner - T diffusa Rusby - Kuntze var. petiolata Kuntze f. - - T. divaricata (Kunth) Spreng. var. sublanata Kuntze 7 discolor D Don

- divaricata (Kunth) Spreng. var. auriculata (Hook ) DC. T. divaricata 7 (Kunth) Spreng var. cladoptera Baker - discolor {D. Don) Griseb. - 7 divaricata

T. divaricata (Kunth) Spreng. var. (Kunth) Spreng. var. exauriculata DC. f. exauriculata DC - T. divaricata (Kunth) petiolata Chodat - 7 divaricata (Kunth)

Spreng. var. exauriculata DC. f Spreng. var. glandulifera Hassl. subpetiolata Chodat -T. divaricata Iconography: Katinas: 54, fig. 15. 1996. (Kunth) Spreng. var odoratissima Vernacular: "Contrahierba", "contrayerba", (Gardner) Baker - 7. divaricata (Kunth) "c de la sierra", "sen silvestre", Spreng. var sprengeliana (Gardner) "siempreverde". Baker - 7 flexuosa (Kunth) Spreng - T. Habit: Shrub. odoratissima Gardner - T. salicifolia D Flowering penod: Throughout the year.

Don - T. sprengeliana Gardner Status: Native. Iconography: Katinas: 48, fig. 14. 1996 Distribution: CH (Cmte. Fernandez, Vernacular: "Anku chuta", "chucha", Independencia, Mayor Fontana, "cunambi", "herva andorinha", "palo de Quitilipi, San Lorenzo), CO (Capital, Santa Maria", "selidonia". Colon, Cruz del Eje, Tulumba), FO Habit: Shrub (Matacos, Patiho), SE (Alberdi, Copo, Flowering period: Throughout the year. Ojo de Agua), SF (San Cristobal). Status: Native. Habitat: Rocky or sandy soils, on slopes, Distribution: CH (Bermejo, Gral. Guemes, river banks (OCC, ORI, SAV). Libertad, 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), Uses: Diuretic, antirheumatic (Katinas, CO (Tulumba), COR (Capital, 1996), against paralysis, diaphoretic Empedrado, San Cosme), FO (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b). (Matacos, Patiiio, Pilcomayo, Pirane), Specimens Examined: CH (Rodrigo 2469, JU (Santa Barbara), SA (Anta, Gral. LP), CO (Novara & Bruno 10497, San Martin), TU (Leales). MCNS), FO (Biraben s.n., LP), SE Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 83

(Molina &Hllfer 2891, LP), SF Specimen Examined: SF (Tedone s.n., (Krapovickas 733, LP) LP)

3 Trixis grisebachii Kuntze 5 Trixis pallida Less

Syn,; Trixis frutescens P Browne var. Syn.; Tnxis /orenfz// Arechav. - T. pallida

cacalioides Griseb non D Don Less var. australis Griseb. - T. pallida Iconography: Cabrera; 645, fig 275 Less var. subsericea Chodat

1978- Katinas: 65, fig. 20. 1996. Iconography; Cabrera; 498, fig. 297.

Vernacular; "Tian tian", "tien tien". 1974 - Katinas; 82, fig. 27. 1996. Habit; Shrub. Vernacular; "Contrayerba", "urusu kati". Flowering period; December-August Habit; Subshrub. Status; Native Flowenng period; November-April. Distribution; SA (Anta), SE (Rio Hondo). Status; Native TU (Burruyacu) Distribution; CH (Sgt Cabral), COR (Bella Habitat; In fences and margin of roads, Vista, Capital, Saladas, San Cosme, and railroads (OCC). San Roque), FO (Patiiio) Uses; Laxative (Katinas, 1996) Habitat; Sandy soils, in open places, palm Specimens Examined; SA (Toledo & savannas (OCC, ORI) Varela 1418, MCNS, SI), SE (Katinas Uses; Vermifuge (Katinas, 1996), tonic,

et al. 97, LP), TU (Peirano s.n , GH) emmenagogue, vermifuge, etc. (Freire & Urtubey, 1999b)

4. Trixis nobilis (Veil ) Katinas Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 1050, - Syn ; Castra nobilis Veil. Trixis LP), COR (Quarin 3515, LP), FO glaberrima Less - T. glabrata Baker, (Fortunate et al. 3410, BAB). nom. illeg. - T. megapotamica Hook &

- - Arn. T. rosea Baker, nom illeg. T. 6 Trixis praestans (Veil ) Cabrera

- - striata Mart , nom. illeg. T suaveolens Syn.; Castra praestans Vel Trixis Baker, nom illeg - T verbasciformis missionum Cabrera - Trixis molllssima

Less. - T. verbasciformis Less, var D Don

- glaberrima (Less ) Malme T. Iconography; Cabrera; 494, fig. 293.

verbasciformis Less. var. intermedia 1974.- Katinas; 85, fig. 29. 1996. (Less.) Malme Vernacular; "Humo bravo", "tabaquillo de

Iconography; Cabrera; 497, fig. 296 1974- monte". Katinas; 75, fig 24. 1996. Habit; Shrub. Vernacular; "Arnica", "a del campo", "a Flowering period; May-September gigantesca", "assa-peixe verbasco", Status; Native. "urusu-cati", "yaguarete-caa". Distnbution; CH (Bermejo, La Libertad, Habit; Subshrub San Fernando), COR (Bella Vista, Flowering penod; November-March Capital, Empedrado, San Roque), SF Status; Native. (Gral Obligado) Distribution; SF (Vera) Habitat; Modified soils in margins of roads,

Habitat; Dry soils in open places, stony rocky slopes, river banks, in forests grounds, fields and prairies, margins of and scrublands (ORI). forests and scrublands, modified soils Uses; Unknown. (ORI) Specimens Examined CH (Meyer 1600, Uses; Tonic, emmenagogue (Freire & LP), COR (Schinini et al. 9424, LP), SF Urtubey, 1999b), against stomach pain, (Meyer 2638, GH). antidiarrhoeal (Katinas, 1996).

10. Tribe SENECIONEAE, 4 genera, 17 species

Style pilose on the upper part of branches Pappus single 2 Style pilose below branches. Pappus double 2. Microliabum Style branches truncate 3 Style branches conical 3. Pseudogynoxys Capitula radiate (corolla of marginal florets ligulate), subdiscoid (corolla of marginal florets filiform, very short) or discoid (marginal florets absent) 4. Senecio Capitula subdiscoid (corolla of marginal floret filiform, very long) 1. Erechtites

1 ERECHTITES Raf , 2 species. 84 Comp Newsl. 43, 2005

1 Leaf blades serrate, sinuate-dentate or lobate Pappus white 1. E hieracifolia var cacalioides Leaf blades pinnatisected. Pappus pinkish 2. E. valerianifolia

- - L. 1 Erechtltes hieracifolia (L ) Raf var. Griseb L candidum Gnseb Griseb var glanduliferum cacalioides (Fisch ex Spreng ) candidum Griseb Cabrera - L candidum Griseb var subcirrhosum (S F. Blake) Cabrera - L. Syn : Senecio cacalioides Fisch. ex Spreng subcirrhosum S F Blake - Microliabum Iconography Cabrera & Klein 129, fig 35 glanduliferum (Cabrera) H. Rob - 1975 - Cabrera 488, fig 205 1978- Iconography Cabrera: 432, fig 253 a-h 1974 Vernacular: Unknown Vernacular: Unknown Habit: Perennial herb or subshrub. Habit Annual herb Flowering period: January-April Flowering period November-December. Status: Native March Distribution: CO (Capital. Colon, Santa Status Native Maria) Distribution CH (1° de Mayo, San Habitat: Damp grassy places, near Fernando), COR (San Cosme), FO reservoirs, dried and sunny places, (Pilagas), TU (Famailla) hills, rocky soils (OCC). Habitat: Moist soils, Echinodorus and Uses Ornamental (Parodi, 1988). Elionorus fields (ORI), border of reed Specimen Examined: CO (Cabrera et al. fields, 500 m (OCC) 23808, LP). Uses Remedy for tiredness (reported in Erechtltes hieracifolia. Heinrich, 1996).

Specimens Examined. CH (Schuiz 78, 3 PSEUDOGYNOXYS (Greenm ) LP), COR (Schmini 4587, LP), FO Cabrera, 1 species (Rojas 8945, LP), TU (Venturi 312, LP).

1 Pseudogynoxys benthamii Cabrera

2 Erechtites valerianifolia (Wolf) DC Syn : Pseudogynoxys cabrerae H. Rob & Cuatrec. - Senecio benthamii Baker, Syn : Senecio valerianifolius V^o\f

Iconography Barkley: 1252, fig. 95. 1975- (non Griseb ) Cabrera & Klein 132, fig. 36 1975- Iconography: Robinson & Cuatrecasas: Cabrera 432. fig 253 1974. 192 1977 (sub nom Pseudogynoxys Vernacular: Unknown, cabrerae H Rob & Cuatrec )- Habit: Annual herb Cabrera: 487, fig 204 1978. Flowering period November-January. Vernacular: Unknown. Status Native. Habit: Scandent shrub Distribution.' CH (1° de Mayo, Sgto Flowering period: October, January. May Cabral). Status: Native Habitat: Weed Shady and moist places in Distnbution: CH (T de Mayo, San woods (ORI) Fernando), COR (Capital), FO Uses Forage (Formosa. Pilcomayo). JU (Ledesma), Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 96, SA (Oran), SF (Gral. Obligado) LP). Habitat: Moist borders in forest (ORI, OCC) Uses: Ornamental.

2 MICROLIABUM Cabrera, 1 species Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 84, LP), FORMOSA (leg"?, LP 064574), JU et al 1 Microliabum candidum (Griseb ) H (Fabris 4584, LP), SA (Cabrera Rob 26520, LP), SF (Alonso & Panigatti

Syn.: Austroliabum candidum (Griseb ) H 495 LP) Rob & Brettell - auriculatum

varieties. 4. SENECIO L , 13 species, 8

1. Florets isomorphic, bisexual, with all tubular corollas (capitula discoid) 13. S. vira-vira .

Comp. Newsl.43.2005 85

Florets dimorphic, pistillate florets with ligulate corollas (capitula radiate) 2 Leaves with distinct and abruptly delimited petiole or decurrent into stem 3 Leaves without distinct and abruptly delimited petiole, sessile or sometimes on narrowly winged petioles 5 Leaves decurrent into stem Corollas ligulate yellow 2. S. deferens Leaves long petioled. Corollas ligulate white 4 Lower leaf blades ovate-deltoid, base cordate or sagittate. Phyllaries glabrous or

marginally pubescent 1. S. bonariensis Lower leaf blades ovate, base rounded, then narrowed into the petiole. Phyllaries pubescent 9. S. paraguariensis Leaves pinnatisect 6 Leaves entire, dentate or lobulate (rarely some leaves pinnatisect) 10 Leaf segments linear 8. S. pampeanus Leaf segments linear-lanceolate 7 Phyllanes7-14 12. S. sectilis Phyllaries 16-20 8 Herbs Capitula densely corymbose. Leaves 8-14 x 1-2 mm 2. S. brasiliensis Shrubs. Capitula laxly corymbose Leaves 30-60 x 0.5-1.5 mm 9 Involucre 5-7 mm high 5. S. gilliesianus Involucre 8-9 mm high 10. S. pinnatus 10. Plants glandular-pubescent 11. S. saltensis Plants glabrous or tomentose 11 Capitula several, corymbose Leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, margins serrate or sub-entire 12 Capitula long pedunculate, solitary. Leaves oblanceolate, apically 3-fid or 2-4-dentate, base long attenuate 3. S. ceratophylloides 12. Subshrub 0.15-1 m high. Leaf margins uniformly serrate to sub-entire 7. S. hieronymi Perennial herbs 50-2 m high. Leaf margins serrate 6. S. ghsebachii

1. Senecio bonariensis Hook & Arn Flowering period: August, September. Syn.; Senecio ochroleucus var. beta Hook Status: Native, & Arn - S. rhodaster Baker - S. Distnbution: CH (1° de Mayo, Bermejo), sagittifolius Baker - S. sagittarioides COR (Mburucuya). Speg. Habitat: "embalsados" (ORI).

Iconography: Cabrera: 307, fig. 96. 1963. Uses: Cicatrizant, medicinal, etc. (Freire & Vernacular. "Lampaso", "lampasillo", Urtubey, 2000c). "lengua de ciervo", "margarita de Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 88, baiiado", "natan nana (k) te", LP), COR (Cabrera 11764, LP). "sanguinaria". Obs.: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). Habit: Perennial herb.

2 Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng ) Less

1 Leaf segments entire, glabrous above and white-tomentose beneath var. brasiliensis Leaf segments serrate 2 2. Leaf segments laxly tomentose on both surfaces var. incanus Leaf segments sub-glabrous var. tripartitus

a) var brasiliensis Uses: Hepatotoxic, stomachal, sudorific, Syn.: Cineraria brasiliensis Spreng. (Freire & Urtubey, 2000c). Iconography: Baker: tab 88. 1884. Specimen Examined: CH (Cabrera 18565, Vernacular: "Pnmavera", "yerba lanceta" LP).

"y de la primavera". Habit: Perennial herb. b) var. incanus Baker Flowering pehod: September. Iconography: -

Status: Native. Vernacular : Unknown. Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). Habit: Perennial herb. Habitat: Moist fields (ORI). Flowering penod: September-November. Status: Native. 86 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Distribution CH (1° de Mayo). Habit: Perennial herb Habitat Disturbed places on rocky soils Flowering period: October, December. (OR!) Status: Native. Uses; Unknown Distribution: CO (Colon, Santa Maria, Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 119, Tulumba). LP). Habitat: Forest, disturbed soils, 450-3000 m (OCC). c) var. tripartitus (DC.) Baker Uses: Unknown. - (Hunziker Syn : Senecio amabilis Veil S. Specimen Examined: CO 6901, cannabinaefolius Hook, & Arn. - S. LP) megapotamicus H. Buek - S. tripartitus DC (non A. Rich.) 4 Senecio deferens Griseb

Iconography: Cabrera, fig. 22. 1957.- Syn : Senec/o sfenopferus Griseb.

Cabrera: 446, fig. 263. 1974. Iconography: Cabrera: 544, fig. 232 1978. Vernacular: Unknown. Vernacular: "Calzon roto", "peludillo". Habit: Perennial herb Habit: Annual herb. Flowering period: Unknown. Flowering period: October, November Status: Native, Status: Native. Distribution: COR (Esquina), SF Distribution. FO (Unknown), SA (Anta), SE (Castellanos). (Robles), TU (Chicligasta). Habitat: Swamps and stream banks (ORI, Habitat: Disturbed soils (OCC). OCC. SAV). Uses: Unknown. Uses: Provitaminic (Amat,1983) Specimens Examined: FO (Cordini 59, Specimens Examined: COR (Krapovickas LP), SA (Pedersen 10735, LP), SE

et al. 26892, LP), SF (Panigatti & (Maldonado 482, LP), TU (Scolnik 1, Fosati 356. LP), LP). Obs,: Toxic for cattle (Freire et al., 2005). 5 Senecio gilliesianus Hieron 3 Senecio ceratophylloides Griseb. Syn.: Senecio feuillei Phil. - S. gilliesianus glaberrima Hieron. - S. gilliesii Syn : Senecio ceratophyllus D. Don ex var. Hook & Arn (non Nees) - S. Phil. - S. pinnatus var. pectinatus ceratophyilus Mar. macrodon (Baker) Baker Malme - S ceratophyllus var. major Iconography: - D.Don ex Hook & Arn - S. chilensis Vernacular: "Yerba del venado" war ceratophyllus {Hook. &Arn.) Baker Habit: Shrub. - S. chilensis var macrodon Baker -S. Flowering period: July-October. cuspidatus var. ceratophylloides Status: Native. (Griseb.) Kuntze - S. cuspidatus var. Distribution: SE (Loreto, Rio Hondo, Ojo - ceratophyllus (Hook. & Am ) Kuntze de Agua). S. cuspidatus var. macrodon (Baker) Habitat: Woods, along road (OCC) Kuntze Uses: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 312, fig. 99 C. Specimens Examined: SE (Cabrera & 1963, Fabns 15936, LP). Vernacular: Unknown.

Senecio grisebachii Baker

Leaves deeply lobulate var. anomalus Leaves entire, dentate or serrate 2 Leaves without stipules 3 Leaves with stipules 4 Leaves lanceolate var. grisebachii Leaves rhombic-lanceolate var. balansae Leaves with entire, linear stipules var. leptotus Leaves with divided stipules, stipule segments linear var. schyzotus

a) var grisebachii Vernacular: "Primavera" Iconography: Cabrera: 448, fig, 264 a-e. Habit: Perennial herb. 1974. Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 87

Flowering period; August, October- Habitat; Fertile soils, road banks, November, January-March. "quebrachales" (ORI). Status; Native Uses; Unknown. Distribution; CH (Aim Brown, Cmte. Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 118, Fernandez, San Fernando, Mayor LP), COR (Boelcke 1484, LP), FO Fontana), (Formosa, Pilcomayo), FO (Jorgensen s n , SI), SF (Meyer 3245, COR (Bella Vista, Capital, Goya, LP) Saladas, San Cosme), SF (Gral. Obligado, Vera), SE (Figueroa), e) var schyzotus Cabrera Habitat; Open places in forest, disturbed Iconography; Cabrera; 316, fig 100 D.

- soils, sand banks (OCC, ORI, SAV) 1963 Cabrera; 448, fig 264 i 1974. Uses; Unknown. Vernacular; Unknown. Specimens Examined; CH (Rodrigo 2463, Habit; Perennial herb LP), FO (Marchionni 32, LP), COR Flowering period; October, November. (Schinini 5265, LP), SF (Venturi Status Native

1 1676, LP), SE (Molina & Hilfer 2674, Distribution CH (1° de Mayo, Mayor BAB). Fontana), COR (Mburucuya), SF (Gral.

Obs ; Toxic for cattle (Zardini, 1984) Obligado). Habitat; Moist woods, sandy banks, fields b) var anomalus Cabrera in disturbed places (ORI).

Iconography; Cabrera; 316, fig. 100 E. Uses; Unknown.

1963 - Cabrera 448, fig 264 f 1974 Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 232, Vernacular; Unknown. LP), COR (Cabrera 11608, LP), SF Habit; Perennial herb. (Maldonado B 1636, LP) Flowering penod; Unknown. Status; Native 7 Senecio hieronymi Griseb

- Distribution; COR (Esquina, Mburucuya), Syn ; Senecio charaguensis Cuatrec S SF (Gral. Obligado) tafiensis Cabrera Habitat; no further data (ORI) Iconography; Cabrera; 553, fig. 237 E-H. Uses; Unknown. 1978. Specimens Examined; COR (Rodrigo Vernacular; Unknown. 3319, LP), SF (Hunziker 7503, LP). Habit; Subshrub. Vernacular; 'Amaicha grande". c) var. balansae Cabrera Flowering period; August, October. Syn.; Senecio balansae Baker Status; Native Iconography; - Distnbution CH ("Gran Chaco"), SA Vernacular; Unknown. (Oran). Habit; Perennial herb. Habitat; Moist places in subtropical forest Flowering period; September-November. and sub-dry slopes with shrubby Status; Native. vegetation, 450 m (OCC). Distribution; CH (Gral. Belgrano, 1° de Uses; Unknown. Mayo, 25 de Mayo), FO (Pilagas). Specimens Examined; CH (Spegazzini Habitat; Fields, disturbed places (ORI). 2392, LP), SA (Rodriguez 9768, LP). Uses; Unknown. Specimens Examined; CH (Ringuelet 103, 8 S. pampeanus Cabrera LP), FO(Rojas8891, LP, SI). Iconography; Cabrera; 299, fig 92 1963. - Cabrera; 259, fig 262. 1971b. d) var leptotus Cabrera Vernacular; Unknown.

Iconography; Cabrera; 316, fig. 100 A,B. Habit; Perennial herb.

1963 - Cabrera; 448, fig. 264 g-h. Flowering period; October, November. 1974 Status; Native. Vernacular; "Primavera". Distribution; CO (Colon, Rio Seco), COR Habit; Perennial herb. (Mburucuya), SL (Gral. Pedernera), SF Flowering period; November. (Gral Obligado, Vera). Status; Native. Habitat; Sandy or salty soils (ORI, OCC, Distribution; CH (1° de Mayo, San SAV). Fernando, Sgt. Cabral), COR (Esquina, Uses; Unknown. Goya), FO (Unknown), SF (Gral. Specimens Examined; CO (Hunziker Obligado). 1153, LP), COR (Pedersen 7094, LP), 88 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

SL (Anderson 1379, LP), SF (Venturi Distnbution: CH (Bermejo), CO (Rio 123, LP) Primero, Rio Seco), COR (Lavalle), SA (Anta), SE (Banda, Copo, Guayacan, 9 Senecio paraguariensis Mattf. Ojo de Agua, Quebrachos, Robles), SF Iconography: - (San Cristobal, San Javier, San Justo). Vernacular: Unknown. Habitat: Disturbed soils (ORI, OCC, SAV). Habit: Perennial herb. Uses: Unknown. Flowenng period: Unknown Specimens Examined: CH (Jorgensen Status: Native. 2025, SI), CO (Sayago 1794, LP), COR Distnbution: CH (Unknown). (Schininietal. 19049, LP), SA Habitat: Swampy places. (Cabrera 2972, LP), SE (Cabrera 2988, Uses: Unknown. LP), SF (Ragonese 3002, LP) Specimen Examined: CH (Meyer 110, SI) 12 Senecio sectilis Griseb 10. Senecio pinnatus Poir var pinnatus Iconography: Cabrera, tab. 8. 1939a. Syn.: Cineraria megapotamica Spreng. Vernacular: Unknown. Iconography: Cabrera: 259, fig 264 Habit: Shrub 1971b.- Cabrera: 445, fig. 262. 1974. Flowering period: January. Vernacular: Unknown. Status: Native. Habit: Shrub. Distribution: SE (Robles). Flowering penod: June-July, September- Habitat: Disturbed soils (OCC) November, January. Uses: Unknown. Status: Native. Specimen Examined: SE (Krapovicl

1 1 Senecio saltensis Hook. & Am. Habitat: Dry places on rocky soils (OCC, Iconography: Cabrera: 443, fig. 260. 1974. SAV). Vernacular: Unknown. Uses: Diaforetic, emmenagogue, Habit: Subshrub. febrifugal, depurative, cough Flowering period March-Apnl, (Hieronymus, 1882). September-November. Specimens Examined: CO (Sayago 184, Status: Native. LP), FO (not seen), SE (Cabrera et al. 28065, SI), SF (Ragonese 2405, LP).

11. Tribe VERNONIEAE, 5 genera, 26 species, 1 subspecies, 2 varieties

1 Corolla deeply 5-lobed, tubular, actinomorphic. Capitula never aggregated in glomerules protected by bracts 2 Corolla pseudoligulate (deeply 5-lobed with a deeper split between two inner lobes), zygomorphic. Capitula aggregated in secondary heads sorrounded by foliaceus bracts 3

2. Cypselas with an apical blunt rim. Pappus of short, scabrid, deciduous bristles. Plants thistle-like 4. Pacourina Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 89

Cypselas not differentiated in a rim Pappus of short and linear scales, scabrid bristles or both. Plants not thistle-like 4 Pappus of 20-30 bristles not widened at base 3. Orthopappus Pappus of 5 bnstles widened at base 2. Elephantopus Pappus easily deciduous. Outer phyllanes foliaceous 1. Centratherum Pappus persistent. Outer phyllanes not foliaceous 5. Vernonia

1 1 CENTRATHERUM Cass , 2 species, subspecies

1 Phyllanes acuminate, mucro longer than 1 mm, cypselas 3 mm long or longer 1. C. confertum Phyllaries apically rounded, without mucro or with a very short one, cypselas shorter than 3 mm 2. C. punctatum ssp. punctatum

1. Centratherum confertum K Kirkman foliosum (Chodat) Hassl. - C. Syn.: Centratherum camporum (Hassl.) punctatum Cass. ssp. camporum - Malme var. albicans (Hassl.) Malme Hassl var viscosissimum Hassl. f. C. punctatum Cass. ssp. camporum brachyphyllum Hassl. - C. punctatum Hassl. var. albicans Hassl Cass. var. foliosa Chodat - C.

Iconography: Cabrera: 280, fig. 6 C, 282, punctatum Cass. var. parviflorum

- fig. 8 B, tab. I. 1944 - Cabrera: 127, fig. Baker in Mart. C. violaceum (Schrank) 57. 1974. Gleason - Crantzia ovata Veil. - Spixia Vernacular: Unknown. violacea Schrank Habit: Subshrub Iconography: Cabrera: 295, fig 18 A-F Flowering period: November-February. 1944.-Aristeguieta 1964: 20, fig. 3. Status: Native 1964.- Cabrera & Klein: 237, fig. 67 A- Distribution: COR (Bella Vista), SF (Gral. D 1980. Obligado). Vernacular: Unknown.

Habitat: "Campos", little hills, over lateritic Habit: Subshrub or sandy soils (ORI). Flowering penod: December-March. Uses: Unknown. Status: Native. Specimens Examined: COR (Boelcke Uses: Unknown. 1593, LP), SF (Job 980, LP). Distribution: COR (San Cosme). Habitat: "Campos", margins of jungles 2 Centratherum punctatum Cass ssp (ORI). punctatum Specimen Examined: COR (Krapovickas & Syn.: Ampherephis aristata Kunth in Cristobal 11595, LP). H.B.K. - A. intermedia Link - A. mutica

- - 1 Kunth in H B K. A. pilosa Cass. A 2 ELEPHANTOPUS L , species pulchella Cass - Amphibecis violacea Schrank - Baccarodes brachylepis 1. Elephantopus mollis Kunth in H.B.K (Sch Bip. ex Baker) Kuntze - Syn.: Elephantopus cernuus Veil- £. Baccarodes holtonii (Baker) Kuntze - B hypomalacus S. F. Blake - E. martii muticum (Kunth) Kuntze - 6. punctatum auct. non Graham - £. pilosus

(Cass.) Kuntze - 6. violaceum Philipson - £. scafter auct. non L- £ (Schrank) Kuntze - Centratherum scaberyar. tomentosus auct. non (L) aristatum auct. non Cass - C Sch. Bip. ex Baker - £ tomentosus brachylepis Sch. Bip. ex Baker in Mart. auct. non L. - C. brevispinum Cass. - C. camporum Iconography: Cabrera: 278, fig. 5 C, 280, (Hassl.) Malme var. longipes (Hassl.) fig. 6 B, 283, fig 9 B, 367, fig. 30 A-G. Malme - C. holtonii Baker in Mart. - C. 1944.-Aristeguieta: 82, fig. 12. 1964- intermedium (Link) Less - C. Cabrera: 154 fig. 74 a-e. 1974- longispinum Cass - C. muticum Cabrera & Klein: 399, fig. 110 a-g. (Kunth) Less. - C. pulchellum (Cass.) I980.-Novara: 21, fig. 5. 1993.-Arjza

Steud. - C. punctatum Cass. ssp. Espinar: 8, fig. 1. 1994. camporum Hassl var longipes Hassl. - Vernacular: "Lengua de vaca", "siila Hale", C. punctatum Cass. ssp. camporum "tratane latee" (toba).

Hassl var viscosissimum Hassl. f. 90 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Habit: Perennial herb. COR (Capital, Empedrado, Lavalle), Flowering penod: December-March FO (Formosa, Patino, Pilagas, Piran6), Status; Native SF (Gral. Obligado, Vera) Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San Habitat: High and sandy soils in borders of Fernando), COR (Capital, Saladas, jungles. Weed in rice crops (ORl, San Luis del Palmar), SF (Oral. SAB) Obligado) Uses: Astringent, expectorant (Freire & Habitat: In high sandy soils, near rivers Urtubey, 1999b). (ORl), Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 13692, Uses: Medicinal, astringent, ulcers (Freire BAB), COR (Hunziker 5454, SI), FO & Urtubey, 2000a). (Krapovickas 905, LP), SF (Job 792, Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 172, LP). BAB, LP), COR (Krapovickas & Cristobal 11787, LP), SF (Covas & 4 PACOURINA Aubl., 1 species. Ragonese 7379, LP). 1 Pacourina edulis Aubl. Iconography: Cabrera: 280, fig. 6 A, 282,

3 ORTHOPAPPUS Gleason, 1 species. fig. 8 A, 292, fig. 17 A-F. 1944.- Aristeguieta; 18, fig. 2. 1964.

1 Orthopappus angustifolius (Sw.) Vernacular: "Pacurina". Gleason Habit: Perennial herb. Syn.: Elephantopus angustifolius Sw. Flowering period: December-March. iconography: Cabrera: 283, fig. 9 A, :365, Status; Native. 1° fig. 29 A-G. 1944.- Cabrera: 152, fig. Distribution: CH (Bermejo, de Mayo), 73 a-f. 1974- Cabrera: 53, fig. 18 A-D. FO (Formosa, Laishi, Pilcomayo). 1978.- Cabrera & Klein: 396, fig. 109 A- Habitat: In coastal forests (gallery or G. 1980.- Novara: 19, fig. 4. 1993. marginal forests), over sandy and wet Vernacular: "Lengua de vaca". soils (ORl). Habit: Perennial herb. Uses: Immature capitula edible (Cristobal Flowering penod: December, March & Dematteis, 2003). Status: Native. Specimens Examined: CH (Schinini Distribution: CH (Fray Luis Santa Maria de 27546, BAB), FO (Krapovickas 1016, Oro, Gral. Gtiemes, Mayor Fontana, 1° LP, Si). de Mayo, San Fernando, Sgt. Cabral),

endemic) and 2 varieties. 5. VERNONIA Schreb , 21 species (1

1. Capitula cylindrical, 4-10 florets, usually 6 2 - Capitula hemispherical, campanulate or turbinate, with more than 10 florets 3 2. Phyllanes lanceolate, apiculate, reflexed 10. V.megapotamica Phyllaries oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, tightly arranged 8. V. hexantiia

3. Capitulum solitary. Stems leafy 2. V. brevifolia - Capitula solitary over scapeform stems or in different types of inflorescences 4 4. Capitula solitary or few (2-6) over scapeform stems 20. U. sellowii Capitula generally numerous, not over scapeform stems 5

5. Capitula terminally and axillary arranged in a raceme of glomerules 3. V. chamaedrys

Capitula in cincinnus or corymbs 6

6. Bracts of the capitulescence equal or almost equal to leaves 7 Bracts of the capitulescence reduced or absent 10 7 Leaf blades lanceolate or linear, length/width more than 5 16. V. rubricaulis Leaves ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, length/width less than 4 8 8. Phyllanes oblong, obtuse 17. V. saltensis Phyllaries lanceolate, acute 9

9. Involucre 4-4,5 mm high. Subshrubs 14. V. parodii - Involucre 6-8 mm high Herbs 15. V. remotiflora \/ar. remotiflora 10. Capitula numerous in long cincinnus, sessile or almost sessile 11 Capitula in short cincinnus, at least few pedunculate or aggregated in panicles of corymbs 14 11 Phyllanes obtuse, with wide membranaceous margins 6. V. echioides Comp. Newsl 43. 2005

Phyllaries acute, without membranaceous margins 12 12 High clambering shrubs^ Cypselas laxly pubescent 19. U. scorpioides Perennial herbs with xylopodium Cypselas sericeous-pubescent 13 13. Capitula 10-23 flowered 5. V. cognata

Capitula ca 50 flowered 7. V. flexuosa var. flexuosa

14 Capitula in short cincinnus with branches divided to one side, aggregated in wide corymbs or panicles 15 Capitula in panicles of corymbiform cymes, with branches alternatively divided to both sides 17 15. Leaves blades obovate, more than 3 cm wide, auriculate at base 1. V. brasiliana Leaf blades lanceolate, less than 3 cm wide, attenuate at base 16 16 Shrubs Leaves grey-yellowish tomentose beneath. Involucre 5-6 mm high Phyllanes lanceolate, glabrous o slightly pubescent 21. V. tweediana Rhizomatous herbs Leaves silvery tomentose beneath. Involucre 4-5 mm high. Phyllaries ovate-lanceolate, lanuginous 9. V. incana

17. Shrubs or tall subshrubs Stems branched, 1-2.5 m tall. Involucre turbinate. Florets 8-14. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces 12. V. nitldula

Perennial herbs or low subshrubs, with xylopodium. Stems simple or little branched. Involucre hemispherical or campanuate. Florets generally more 18 18 Leaf blades linear, narrow, 1-15 mm wide 13. V. nudiflora Leaf blades lanceolate or oblong, 5 mm wide or more 19 19. Leaf blades glabrous beneath Phyllaries obtuse 18. V. schulziana Leaf blades tomentose abaxially. Phyllanes acute 20 20. Capitula more than 30-flowered. Involucre hemispherical. Capitulescence lax, with few capitula 11.1/. molllssima Capitula ca. 15-flowered. Involucre campanulate Capitulescence dense, with many capitula 4. V. chaquensis

- 1 Vernonia brasiliana (L ) Druce 370, fig 102 A-D. 1980 Matzenbacher - Syn : Bacchans brasiliana L & Mafioleti; 109, fig. 28 A-E. 1994. Venonanttiura brasiliana (L.) H Rob - Vernacular; Unknown. Vernonia assans Mart ex DC. - V. Habit; Subshrub. odoratissima Kunth in H B.K. - U. Flowering pehod: October-February.

salvifolia Wight - V. scabra Pers. Status: Native Iconography; Baker: tab. 21 1873- Distnbution; COR (Capital, San Cosme).

Ansteguieta; 48, fig. 6. 1964. Habitat: "Campos", dunes (ORI). Vernacular; Unknown Uses; Unknown. Habit; Shrub or small tree. Specimens Examined; COR (Hunziker et Flowering penod; July-December. al 11070, LP, SI). Status; Native. Distribution; FO (Pilcomayo). 3 Vernonia chamaedrys Less - Habitat; "Campos", jungles, disturbed and Syn.; Cacalia chamaedrys (Less ) Kuntze

low grounds (ORI) Vernonantiiura chamaedrys (Less ) H, Uses; Unknown Rob. - Vernonia ilex Chodat Specimen Examined; FO (Morel 3273, Iconography; Cabrera; 310, fig. 21 A, tab. LP). 6 1944 - Cabrera; 136, fig. 62 a-f. 1974.- Cabrera & Klein; 361, fig. 99 F- 2. Vernonia brevifolia Less H. 1980- Matzenbacher & Mafioleti; Syn.; Cacalia brevifolia (Less.) Kuntze - 108, fig. 27 A-D. 1994. Lessingianthus brevifolius (Less.) H. Vernacular; "Escoba dura", "e. grande", Rob. - Vernonia brevifolia Less. var. "katec lashi", "keyok r(o) bina""pichana", ericifolia Baker in Mart - V. brevifolia "pugno", "tihpiheha moroti", "tipisha

Less var. squarrosifoliata HIeron - V. guasu", "t, rapo",. ericifolia Hook. & Arn. - V. linosyrifolia Habit; Subshrub. Chodat Flowenng period: December-February. Iconography; Baker; tab. 14. 1873- Status; Native Cabrera; tab. 3. 1944- Cabrera; 132, Distribution; CH (Aim. Brown, Cmte.

fig. 59 a-h. 1974.- Cabrera & Klein: Fernandez, 1° de Mayo, San Fernando, Comp. Nevvsl. 43, 2005 92

Syn.: Eupatorium arechavaletae Baker - Sgt. Cabral), COR (Capital, Vernonia lingua Chodat - V oreophila Empedrado, Esquina, Saladas, San Speg - V spegazz/HH Hicken Cosme), FO (Patino, Pilcomayo, Iconography Cabrera: 333, fig 23 C, tab Pirane), SF (Gral Obligado, Vera). 21 1944 - Cabrera: 140, fig 65 B-F. Habitat: Forests, savannas over fertile 1974 - Cabrera & Klein: 336, fig 93 C- soils (OCC, ORI) E 1980 - Matzenbacher & Mafioleti Uses: To make brooms, medicinal, to 101, fig 20 1994. shorten menstrual cycle (Freire & Vernacular: Unknown. Urtubey, 1999b) Perennial herb or subshrub. Specimens Examined: CH (Simonetti 28, Habit: Flowering period: November-March. BAB), COR (Hunziker 5326 ,LP), FO Status: Native (Petetin & Molina 1396, BAB), SF, Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 1° de Mayo), Ventun 114, SI) FO (Formosa, Pilcomayo) Habitat: In low lands and marshes (ORI) 4 Vernonia chaquensis Cabrera Uses: Unknown. Syn.: chaquensis (Cabrera) Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 263, H. Rob LP), FO (Rojas 8996, LP, SI) Iconography Cabrera: 359, fig. 27 A-H. 1944 7. Vernonia flexuosa Sims var flexuosa Vernacular Unknown. Syn.: Cacalia flexuosa Kuntze - Habit: Subshrub Chrysolaena flexuosa (Sims) H Rob - Flowering period: January- March Vernonia montevidensis Nees ex Otto Status: Native & Dietr. Distribution: CH (Mayor Fontana, V de Iconography: Cabrera: 143, fig. 67 a-f Mayo, San Fernando), COR (Capital, 1974. Bella Vista, Empedrado, Saladas), FO Vernacular: "Quiebra arado", "yerba del (Patino, Pilcomayo). sudor". Habitat: In low, wet lands, marshes (OR!) Habit: Subshrub. Uses: Unknown November-March. Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 6454, Flowering period: Status: Native SI), COR. (Pedersen 3699, LP), FO Distnbution: CH (12 de Octubre, Gral (Krapovickas911, LP, SI) Belgrano, Mayor Fontana, 9 de Julio, r de Mayo, San Fernando, 25 de 5. Vernonia cognata Less (Empedrado, San Luis del Kuntze - Mayo), COR Syn : Cacalia cognata (Less ) Palmar), FO (Pilagas), SF (Gral Vernonia cognata var. sceptrum Obligado, 9 de Julio, Vera) (Chodat) Cabrera - V. propinqua Hieron Habitat: Fertile soils (OCC, ORI, SAB). - V. sceptrum Chodat - V. senecionea Uses: Sudorific (Gonzalez etal., 1939). Mart, ex DC. Specimens Examined; CH (Schuiz 897, Iconography Cabrera (sub nom. Vernonia SI), COR (Quarin et al. 2314, LP), FO cognata var, sceptrum): 333, fig. 23 D, (Rojas 8920, SI), SF (Job 783, LP). tab. 22 1944 - Cabrera: 142, fig 66 a-

f. 1974 - Cabrera & Klein: 340, fig. 94 8 Vernonia hexantha Sch Bip ex Baker A-B 1980 - Matzenbacher & Mafioleti: in Mart. 102, fig 21 1994 (Sch. Bip Kuntze Syn : Cacalia hexantha ) Vernacular: "Halog", "sorace". - Stenocephalum hexanthum Sch Bip. Flowering period: January-March. - Vernonia megapotamica Spreng var. Status: Native. hexantha (Sch. Bip.) Cabrera Distnbution: CH (General Donovan, Mayor Iconography: Baker: tab. 9. 1873 Fontana. 1° de Mayo, San Fernando), Vernacular: Unknown COR (Capital, Empedrado, Goya, San Habit: Subshrub. Roque), FO (Patifio, Pilcomayo), SF Flowering period: January-March (Gral Obligado). Status: Native Habitat Over high and fertile soils (ORI) Distribution: COR (Capital, Empedrado), Uses Unknown San Javier). Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 13335, SF (Gral Obligado, Habitat: "Campos" (OR!) SI), COR (Pedersen 6433, LP), FO Uses: Unknown. (Rojas 8994, (LP, SI). Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen LP), SF (Ragonese 2696, LP). 6 Vernonia echioides Less 10244, Comp. Newsl 43. 2005 93

ex Hook. & Arn. var. microcephala 9 Vernonia incana Less Hieron - Syn : Cacalla incana (Less ) Kuntze Iconography: Cabrera; 352, fig. 2 B, fig. 26

Vernonia inmunis Griseb. C, tab. 34. 1944- Cabrera: 27, fig. 3 A.

Iconography: Cabrera; 345, fig. 25 A, tab, 1963 - Cabrera: 151, fig, 72 a-e. 1974- 28 1944 - Cabrera: 148, fig. 70 a-g. Matzenbacher & Mafioleti: 117, fig 36 1974.- Cabrera: 41, fig. 11 A-D. 1978,- A-C 1994 Novara: 13, tab. 2 D-E 1993- Vernacular: Unknown,

Matzenbacher & Mafioleti: 99, fig. 18 A- Habit, Subshrub. D 1994 Status: Native. Vernacular: Unknown Flowering period: October-March. Habit: Perennial herb Distnbution: CO (Capital, Colon, Flowering period: December-March. Tulumba), SF (San Javier). Status: Native. Habitat: "Campos" (OCC, ORI), Distribution: CH (Cmte Fernandez, 1°de Uses: Sudorific, diaphoretic (Freire & Mayo, 25 de Mayo), COR (Capital, Urtubey, 1999b), Empedrado, Esquina, Goya, San Specimens Examined: CO (Luti 4809, LP),

Cosme), FO (Formosa , Patino, SF (Burkart 5735, LP, SI). Pilag^s, Pilcomayo), SF (Castellanos, Oral. Obligado, San Cristobal, San 12 Vernonia nitidula Less Justo, Vera), SE (Banda, Pellegrini), Syn,: Baccharis montevidensis Spreng, - TU (Leales) Cacalia montevidensis (Spreng)

- Habitat: Low and wet lands. Near ponds, Kuntze Piptocarpha nitidula (Less ) lagoons, marshes of tall grasses Weed Griseb - Vernonanthura montevidensis

in ORI, (Spreng ) H. Rob - Vernonia crops of rice (OCC, SAB) , pp. Uses: Melliferous (Cristobal & Dematteis, arechavatetae Andre - U. gochnatioides 2003). Hook. & Arn. - V. nitidula Less. var. Specimens Examined: CH (Molina & acutifolia Griseb. Sanchez 2384, BAB), COR (Pedersen Iconography: Cabrera: 345, fig. 25 B, tab. 9613, LP), FO (Rojas 8915, LP, SI), SF 29 1944- Cabrera: 150, fig. 71 a-g. (Ragonese 2674, LP), SE (Venturi 1974- Cabrera & Klein: 387, fig. 106 A- 5778 SI), TU (Venturi 689, SI). C. 1980, Vernacular: "Chiica", 10 Vernonia megapotamica Spreng Habit: Shrub, Syn.: Stenocephalum megapotamicum Flowering period: August-March. (Spreng.) Sch. Bip. - Vernonia Status: Native, megapotamica var. argentine Hieron. Distribution: CH (Bermejo, 9 de Julio, 1° Iconography: Cabrera: 305, fig 20 A, tab de Mayo, San Fernando), COR (San

2 1944- Cabrera: 130, fig. 58 a-g, Luis del Palmar, Empedrado), FO 1974- Cabrera & Klein: 274, fig 77 A- (Pilcomayo), SF (Gral, Obligado). D 1980,- Matzenbacher & Mafioleti: Habitat: Fertile soils within and margins of

82, fig. 1 A-E. 1994. forests (ORI). Vernacular: Unknown. Uses: Melliferous (Cristobal & Dematteis, Habit: Subshrub 2003). Flowering period: December-March Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 10666, Status: Native BAB, SI), COR (Pedersen 5092, LP), Distribution: COR (Bella Vista, Capital, FO (Schinini et al 31336, BAB), SF Empedrado, San Cosme, San Roque), (Pensiero 1597, SI), SF (Gral. Obligado, San Javier) Habitat: "Campos" (ORI). 13. Vernonia nudiflora Less. Uses: Unknown. Syn.: Cacalia nudiflora (Less.) Kuntze - Specimens Examined: COR (Quarin 3518 (Less.) H. SI), SF (Job 1005, LP). Rob. - D. Don ex Hook - V salicifolia Griseb. 11 Venonia mollissima D Don ex Hook. Iconography: Cabrera: 345, fig. 25 E, tab. & Arn, 32. 1944.- Cabrera & Klein: 383, fig. Syn.: Cacalia mollissima (D. Don ex Hook, 105 A-D. 1980- Ariza Espinar: 12, fig, & Arn.) Kuntze - Lessingianthus 2 A-E. 1994 - Matzenbacher & Mafioleti

mollissimus (D. Don ex Hook. & Am.) : 114, fig. 33 A-D 1994. H. Rob. - Vernonia mollissima D. Don Vernacular: Unknown. )

94 Comp Newsl. 43. 2005

Habit: Subshrub or shrub Iconography: Cabrera: 282, fig 8 D. Flowering period September-June 1944 -Cabrera 140, fig 65 A 1974- Status; Native Cristobal & Dematteis: 54, fig 2 A-B Distribution CO (Capital, Colon. Rio 2002 Seco), Vernacular: "Quiebra arado". Habitat Rocky and sandy grounds (OCC) Habit: Subshrub Uses Unknown Flowering period December. March. Specimen Examined: CO (Maldonado Status: Native 1020, LP) Distribution: CH (Aim Brown, Bermejo. Libertador Gral San Martin, 1° de 14 Vemonla parodii Cabrera Mayo, San Fernando, Tapenaga), COR Iconography: Cabrera 188, fig A-E (Capital, Empedrado, Goya, ItatI, 1941b -Cabrera: tab 17. 1944. Lavalle, Saladas, San Luis del Palmar), Vernacular. Unknown. FO (Laishi, Matacos, Patifio, Habit Subshrub Pilcomayo), SF (Gral Obligado, 9 de Flowering period December-February. Julio, San Javier, San Justo, Vera), SE Status: Native (Banda, Capital, Gral Taboada, Brig Distribution CM (Chacabuco, Cmte Ibarra, Moreno) Fernandez, Mayor Fontana,San Habitat Savannas, "aibales", forests of Lorenzo). COR (Capital), FO (Formosa, palm-trees In marshes and low soils Patifio, Pirane) (OCC, ORI, SAB) Habitat: Margins of wood over high and Uses: Unknown fertile soils (ORI) Specimens Examined: CH (Ragonese & Uses: Unknown Castiglioni 8422, BAB), COR

Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 932, (Krapovickas & Cnstobal 1 1765, LP), SI), COR (Pire 3, LP), FO (Fortunato FO (Burkart 20219, SI), SF (Job 893, 3335, BAB) LP), SE (Elisetch 328, BAB)

Obs : Toxic for cattle (Freire et al , 2005).

15 Vernonia remotiflora Rich var. 17 Vernonia saltensis Hieron remotiflora Syn.: Lessingianthus saltensis (Hieron.) H.

Syn : Lepidaploa remotiflora (Rich ) H Rob Rob. - Vernonia hirtiflora Sch Bip ex Iconography: Cabrera: 322, fig. 22 B, tab. Baker - V. Iithospermoides Baker - V 16 1944 - Cabrera: 37, fig 9 F-J. sessiliflora Willd ex Less. - V. 1978 - Novara: 11, tab. 1 D-E 1993. setososquamosa Hieron p - V. p Vernacular: Unknown. tricholepis Griseb. Habit: Subshrub. Iconography Cabrera 322, fig 22 F Flowering period: February-March 1944 - Cabrera: 39, fig 10 A-E 1978 Status Native. Vernacular Unknown Distribution: JU (Santa Barbara), SA Habit- Annual herb (Anta, San Martin), SE (Guasayan). Flowering period October-May. Habitat Humid and deciduous forests Status Native between 340-1300 m (OCC). Distribution: COR (Itati), FO (Formosa, Uses: Unknown Pilcomayo) Specimens Examined: JU (Cabrera et al. Habitat "Campos", weed in cotton crops 23637, LP), SA (Aguilar 300, SI), SE (ORI), (Krapovickas etal 37413, BAB, SI) Uses: Unknown Specimens Examined: COR (Pedersen 18 Vernonia schulzlana Cabrera 6931, LP), FO (Piccinici & Petetin Syn Vernonanthura schulziana (Cabrera) BAB) 3607, H Rob Iconography: Cabrera: 362, fig 28 A-G 16. Vernonia rubricaulis Humb & Bonpl 1944 Syn.: Cacalia rubricaulis (Humb & Bonpl Vernacular: Unknown Kuntze - Lessingianthus rubncaulis Habit: Perennial herb or subshrub.

(Humb & Bonpl ) H Rob - Vernonia Flowering period: December-March. chromolepis Gardner - V lineans D Status: Endemic Don ex Hook. & Arn. - V salicifolia Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo). Gillies ex Hook & Arn Habitat High and low fertile soils (ORI) Uses: Unknown Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 95

Specimen Examined: CH (Schuiz 3757, Iconography: Cabrera: 305, fig. 20 D, tab. holotype, LP). 5. 1944- Cabrera: 134, fig. 61 a-f.

1974- Cabrera & Klein: 374, fig. 103 A-

19. Vernonia scorpioides (Lam ) Pars D 1980 - Matzenbacher & Mafioleti:

Syn : Cacalia scorpioides (Lam.) Kuntze 110, fig 29A-D. 1994. - Chrysocoma repanda Veil - Vernacular: Unknown. Conyza scorpioides Lam. - Habit: Perennial herb.

Cyrtocymura scorpioides (Lam ) H Flowering period: December-March. Rob. - Lepidaploa scorpioides Status: Native (Lam.) Cass. - Vernonia Distribution: CH (1° de Mayo, San arborescens var. corrientensis Fernando), FO (without loc), COR Hieron. - V- centriflora Link & Otto - (Capital, Empedrado), SF (Gral. Vernonia flavescens Less - V Obligado)

lanuginosa Gardner - V. Habitat: High, fertile and sandy soils, longeracemosa Mart ex DC - V. usually stony (ORI).

scorpioides var sororia (DC ) Baker Uses: Unknown. - V sororia DC - U subrepanda Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 127, Pers.- V. turnefortioides Kunth LP), FO (Jorgensen 2922, SI), COR Iconography; Cabrera: 333, fig 23 H, tab. (Pedersen 5076, LP), SF (Ventun 117, 25. 1944 - Cabrera: 147, fig. 69 a-g SI). 1974.- Cabrera & Klein: 356, fig 98 A- C 1980. 21 Vernonia tweediana Baker Vernacular: "Hierba de San Simon". Syn.: Chrysocoma arborea Veil - Habit: Clambering shrub. Vernonanthura tweediana (Baker) H. Flowering period: October-March. Rob.

Status: Native. Iconography: Cabrera: 269, fig 1 A, 333, 1° Distribution: CH (Bermejo, de Mayo, fig. 23 I, tab. 27. 1944- Cabrera & San Fernando), COR (Capital, San Klein: 325, fig. 90A-C. 1980- Cosme), FO (Laishi, Matacos, Matzenbacher & Mafioleti: 98, fig 17 A- Pilcomayo, Pirane), SF (Gral. D 1994. Obligado). Vernacular: "Matacampo". Habitat: Within and margins of coastal Habit: Shrub. forests (also known as gallery or Flowering period: December-May. marginal forests) (OCC, ORi). Status: Native Uses: Medicinal (Kalesnik & Malverez, Distribution: FO (Formosa, Pilagas, 1996), hemorrhoids, dysentery Pilcomayo). (Jankowskietal., 2000). Habitat: Low lands and coastal forests Specimens Examined: CH (Schuiz 62, LP, (gallery and marginal forests),

SI), COR (Burkart6924, SI), FO disturbed soils. It is a weed in (Cabral & Molina 1025, BAB), SF plantations of tea and yerba mate (Ventun317, SI). (ORI). Uses: Unknown. 20 Vernonia sellowii Less Specimen Examined: FO (Fortunate 6297, Syn.: Cacalia sellowii (Less.) Kuntze - BAB).

Lessingianthus sellowii {Less ) H. Rob. -Vernonia hasslenana Chodat 96 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC AND VERNACULAR NAMES* OF ASTERACEAE OF CHACOAN PLAIN ' Synonyms in italics conyzoides, 27 abrepuno, 26 hirsutum, 27 amarillo,26 /7/>tum, 27 Colorado, 26 ageratun, 27 abrojillo, 49, 64 ajenjo, 59 abrojito, 64 del campo, 12, 52, 52 abrojo, 64 silvestre, 8 chico, 64 albahaca silvestre, 57 grande, 64 alfiler, 77 macho. 64 alfilerillo, 77 Acanthospermum, 49 aliso, 73 australe, 49 de rio, 73 brasilianum. 49 Alomia spilanthoides, 38 hirsutum, 49 alquitran, 66 hispidum, 50 altamisa, 52, 59 humile var hispidum, 50 del campo, 59 xanthioides, 49 altramisa, 52 Acanthoxanthium spinosum, 64 amaicha grande, 87 achicoria, 75, 76 amargon, 76 amarilla, 75 Amblyopappus mendocina, 47 del campo, 74, 75 Ambrosia, 51 silvestre, 75 artemisiifolia var. elatior, 51 Achyrocline, 66 chilensis, 51 alata, 66 elatior, 51 var, vauthieriana, 66 tenuifolia, 52 argentina, 66 amor de negro, 64 citrina, 66 de viejo, 54 flaccida, 66 amor seco, 54 flavescens, 66 amores secos, 46, 47 satureioides, 66 Ampherephis aristata, 89 vargasiana, 66 intermedia. 89 vauthieriana, 66 mutica, 89 Achyrophorus brasiliensis, 74 pilosa, 89 chilensis, 74 pulchella. 89 microcephalus, 75 Amphibecis violacea, 89 sagittatus. 74 Anacyclus australis, 8 Acmella, 50 Angelphytum, 52 alpestris, 50 arnottii, 52 beliidioides, 50 aspilioides, 52

ciliata, 51 anku chuta, 82 decumbens var affinis, 51 Anthemideae, 7 fimbriata, 51 Anthemis, 8 glaberrima, 51 cotula, 8 hiria, 58 Apargia chillensis, 74 pusilla, 51 sagittatus, 74 Actinea alternifolia. 44 Aplopappus ? acuminatus, 23 anthemoides, 45 Apopyros, 10 commutata. 55 corymbosus, 10 doniana, 44 Argyrochaeta bipinnatifida, 59 haenkeana, 45 arnica, 81, 83 heterophyila. 44 del campo, 81, 83

f. bicolor, 44 gigantesca, 83 var. dentata, 44 Arrhenachne juncea. 13 radiate, 44 artamisa, 52 artemisa, 52 Actinella anthemoides, 45, 45 Artemisia, 8 heterophyila. 44 verlotiorum, 8 Adenospermum tuberculatum, 56 artemisilla, 59 Adventina pan/iflora, 57 asolador, 63 Ageratum, 27 Aspilia, 53 1 2 3 5 3

Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 97

arrillata, 53 var. gaudichaudiana. 13 bupthalmiflora, 53 asteroides, 25 calendulacea, 53 attenuata, 16 callosa, 60 baldwinii, 15 ecllptaefolia, 63 bracfeafa, helianthoides, 53 brasiliana, 91 montevidensis, 53 breviseta, 12 var. montevidensis, 53 caeruiescens. 15 var setosa, 53 cordobensis, 15 pascalioides, 53 coridifoiia, 12 setosa, 53 crenulata, 36 silphioides, 53 crispa, 12 var. parvlfolia, 60 curtifolia, 14 assa-peixe verbasco, 83 cyllndrica, 12 Astereae, 9 darwinii, 12 Aster argentinensis, 23 denticulata, 15 asteroides, 25 dracunculifolia, 13

cabrerae. 25 f. spectabilis, 1

calendulaceus. 23 var. integerrima f. subwscosa, 13 divaricatus, 25 erioptera, 70 var. graminifolius. 25 fannosa, 15 ex///s var australis, 25 flabellata, 13 gnaphalioides, 23 frenguellii, 13 linifolius, 25 gaudichaudiana, 13 macrocephalus, 23 genistelloides war. crispa, 12 var. pseudognaphalioides, 23 var. cylindrica, 12

moelleri, 25 genistifolia var. /?, 14 setosus. 10 gilliesii, 13 squamatus, 25 glutinosa, 15 var graminifolius, 25 grossedentata, 12 var. squamatus, ;cma, 13 subtropicus, 25 involucrata, 13 tuberosus, 10 iresinoldes, 15 atulatulet, 64 juncea, 13 atulet, 64 lanceolata, 15 Austrobrickellia arnottii, 29 /axa, 16 patens, 35 leptospermoides, 13 Austroeupatohum entreriense, 32 linifolia, 15 inulifolium, 32 longipes, 15 laetevirens, 32 marginalis, 15

tweedianum, 37 var. longipes. 1 Austroliabum candidum, 84 medullosa, 14 var. latifolia, 14 Baccarodes brachylepis, 89 melastomifolia, 15 holtonii, 89 microcephala, 13 muticum, 89 microptera, 13 punctatum. 89 montevidensis, 93 violaceum, 89 nana, 13

Bacctiaridastrum argutum, 1 notosergila, 14 notobellidastrum, 24 oxyodonta Mar. punctulata, 15 triplinen/ium, 17 pan/iflora, 15 Baccharis, 10 paucidentata, 15 a///n;s, 16 var. /?. 1 alamanii, 15 pedersenii, 14 albida, 11 phyteumoides, 14 amygdalina, 15 pingraea, 14 angulata, 12 var. angustissima, 14 var. andina. 12 var. latifolia, 14 angustifolia, 14 var. pingraea, 14 artemisioides, 1 pinnatifida, 17 articulata, 12 platensis, 16 Newsl. 98 Comp. 43. 2005

prenanthoides, 14 var minor, 54 pseudoserrulata, 17 platensis, 54 punctulata, 15 quadrangutans. 54 purpurascens, 15 rhombifolia. 58 rotundifolia. 15 subalternans var. subalternans, 54 var. stuckertii, 15 sundaica. 54 rufescens, 15 var m/nor, 54 var. subrufescens. 15 tenera, 55 salicifolia, 15 Bishovia mikaniifolia, 34 santiagensis. 15 Blainvillea biaristata. 56 serrulata, 14, 17 bluetop, 27 var pingraea, 14 bobo, 73 sessiliflora, 15 boton boton, 45 var stuckertii, 15 boton de oro, 21, 44, 45 spicata, 16 botoncito, 21 stenophylla, 16 botonera, 59 strobeliana. 17 burro-caa, 78 subopposita, 16 var. affinis, 16 caa-hu, 33 subpingraea, 14 caa-guazu, 69

f crassifolia, 14, 15 Cacalia brevifolia. 91

f nana, 16 ctiamaedrys. 91 cognata. f. pseudoulicina. 16 92 subrufescens, 15 cordifolia, 39 subulata, 13 flexuosa. 92 tenella, 16 glandulosa, 46 tridentata, 16 tiexantha, 92 var. subopposita, 16 incana. 92 trinervis, 16 mollissima, 93 tweediei, 16 montevidensis. 93 ulicina, 17 nudiflora. 93 var, multifida. 17 poroptiyllum, 46 var subintegrifolia. 12 rubncaulis, 94 wscosa, 15 ruderalis, 46 var nigricans, 15 scorpioides. 94 vulneraria, 17 sellowii, 95 balda, 43 cachurera, 64 Barnadesia, 77 cadillo, 64 odorata, 77 calcitrapa, 26 Barrosoa candolleana. 30 Galea, 55 Bejaranoa balansae. 30 clematidea, 55 bejuco, 40 cymosa, 55 Berroa, 67 hassleriana, 55 Berroa gnaphalioides, 67 pedunculosa. 56 Biclienia reptans, 81 pinnatifida, 55 sinuata. 81 uniflora, 56 Bidens, 54 var discoidea, 56 andicola var decomposita, 54 var uniflora, 56 chrysanthemoides. 54 Caleacte pinnatifida, 55 gracilis. 60 Calyptocarpus, 56 grandiflora var. brevifolia. 54 bianstatus, 56 tielianthoides. 54 calzon roto, 86 iiispida, 54 Campovassouria bupleurifolia, 30 laevis, 54 cruciata, 30 leucantlia var sundaica. 54 Campuloclinium macrocephalum, 34 leyboldii. 60 purpurascens. 36 macrantha, 54 canchalagua, 47 megapotamica, 60 canchalahua, 47 paradox a, 60 caral caso, 70, 71, 72 p(/osa caral tuya, 72 var. brevifoliata, 54 caral tuya caso, 70, 71, 72 var du/j/a, 54 carapicho bravo, 64 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 99

cardo, 25, 27 /: brachyphyilum, 89 abrepufio, 26 ssp. punctatum, 89 asnal, 27 var. foliosa, 89 bianco, 27 var. parviflorum, 89 chileno, 26 violaceum, 89 cruz, 26 Centrospermum xanthioides. 49 del cabailo, 25 cepa cabailo, 64 del diablo, 26 Cephaloptiora doniana, 44 estrellado, 26 heteroptiylla, 44 lanudo, 26 radlata, 44 mariano, 27 Ceratocephaius arnlcoldes, 50 negro, 27 ciliatus, 51 pendiente, 25 fimbriatus, 51 Cardueae, 25 poeppigii, 51 Carduus, 25 Cercostylos scabiosoides, 44 lanceolatus, 27 cerdilla, 45 leiophyllus. 25 cerraja, 75, 76, 78 macrocephalus. 25 brava, 76 macrolepis, 25 de las huertas, 76 marlanus, 27 espinosa, 76 nutans ssp. macrolepis, 25 Chacoa pseudoprasiifolia. 36 var macrocephalus, 25 Chaenocephalus heterophyllus, 62 thoermeri, 25 macroptiyllus, 62 vulgaris. 27 suncho, 62 Carelia conyzoides, 27 Chamaemelum cotula, 8 carnicera, 17, 19 Chaptalia, 77 carqueija, 12, 13, 14 ebracteata. 78 carqueja, 12, 13, 14, 16 integerrima, 77 blanca, 12 integrifolia. 77 crespa, 12 majuscula, 78 doce, 13 microdonta. 77 carquejilla, 12 nutans, 78 carrapicho, 49 runcinata, 78 carretilla de oveja, 50 sinuata, 78 Carthamus, 26 subcordata, 78 lanatus, 26 charriia, 13, 40 caso, 72 chasca, 43 Castra nobilis, 83 chascayuyo, 43 praestans, 83 chemagaraik, 47 regia, 82 Chevreulia, 67 catinga de bode, 27 acuminata, 67 Centaurea, 26 filiformis, 67 calcitrapa, 26 longipes, 67 melitensis, 26 sarmentosa, 67 solstltialis, 26 stolonifera, 67 tweediei, 26 thouarsii, 67 Centratherum, 89 chi'I, 69 anstatum. 89 chil chil, 47 brachylepis, 89 chiica, 13, 14, 15, 57, 73, 79, 93 brevispinum, 89 amarga, 15, 63 camporum,var albicans, 89 amarllla, 21 var, longipes, 89 dulce, 15, 73 confertum, 89 mata ojo, 13 holtonii. 89 negra, 73 intermedium, 89 rosada, 73 longispinum, 89 chilquilla, 13,63 muticum, 89 chinchilla, 45, 47 pulchellum, 89 chinita, 61, 63 punctatum del campo, 65 ssp. camporum var. albicans, 89 chirca, 15 var. longipes, 89 Chlaenobolus alopecuroides, 70

var viscosissimum f foliosum, 89 rugosus, 72 1

Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 100

virgatus, 72 arguta, 12 Chromolaena arnottiana, 29 articulata, 12 christieana. 30 berteroana, 25 densiflora, 35 blanchetii, 10 foliata, 35 bonariensis, 17 hirsuta, 31 var angustifolia, 18 hookeriana, 32 var bonariensis, 17 19 ivifolia. 32 var. leiotheca, jujuiense. 32 f. subleiotheca, 19 laevigata, 33 var microcephala, 19 odorata. 35 chllensis, 18 orbignyana. 35 coulteri var tenuisecta, 22 paraguariensis, 35 erigeroides, 19 pedunculosa, 35 glandulitecta, 18 pratensis, 34 flonbunda, 19 squarroso-ramosa, 37 var. subleiotheca. 19 verbenacea, 38 graminifolia. 25 Chrysanthellum, 56 hispida. 17 argentinum, 56 linearis, 17 indicum var. afroamericanum, 56 lorentzii, 18 tuberculatum, 56 monorchis, 18 Chrysanthemum parthenium, 9 montevidensis, 14 Chrysocoma arborea, 95 myosotifolia, 18 cruciata, 30 notobellidastrum, 24 repanda, 94 var. oblongifolia, 24 Chrysogonum peruvianum, 65 pampeana, 18 Chrysolaena flexuosa, 92 plebeja. 17 Chrysopsis ? andicola. 22 primulifolia, 18 chucha, 82 pulchella, 22 cicutella, 59 rugosa. 72 Cineraria brasiliensis, 85 sagittalis, 70 megapotamica, 88 scabiosifolia, 18 Cirsium, 27 scorpioides, 94 lanceolatum, 27 serpentaria, 22 vulgare, 27 setosa, 10 vulgare, 27 sophiifolia, 22 clavel, 77 squamata, 25 amarillo, 63 straminea, 73 de chuchu, 65 sumatrensis, 19 var. floribunda, 19 de la puna, 77 de las trincheras, 80 var. leiotheca, 19 del campo, 23 var sumatrensis, 19 clavelillo, 63, 77 trinen/is, 16 clavelina, 46, 65 tnplinervia, 17 del monte, 65 virgata, 72 clavillo, 13 yungasensis, 18 Cleanthes hieracioides, 79 Conyzanthus graminifolius, 25 var thrincioides, 79 squamatus, 25 coca inca, 81 coraijao de Jesus, 39 cominito del campo, 45 coro, 81 comino, 45 Cosmidium gracile, 60 del campo, 45 cosmos, 56 conejito de la sierra, 65 Cosmos, 56 Conodinium macrocephalum var. strigosum, 34 sulphureus, 56 Contra herva, 43 Cotula, 8 contrahierba, 43, 82 australis, 8 contrayerba, 43, 81, 82 v//scosa, 19 ovata, 89 de la sierra, 82 Crantzia Conyza, 17 Crassina peruviana. 65 atbida. 19 var. flava, 65 alopecuroides, 70 cravo do difunto, 47 altlssima, 19 9

Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

Critonia megaphylla. 34 var. microcephalus, 19 Cryptopetalum ciliare. 45 chilensis, 18 cuajerilla, 50 depilis, 25 cunambi, 82 floribundus. 19 curupaimi, 46 hieracifolium, 23 Cyclolepis, 78 lorentzii. 18 genistoides, 78 mendocinus, 22 Cyrtocymura scorpioides, 94 meyeri, 19 monorchis, 18 dauda, 43 notobellidastrum. 24 dauda, 43 pampeanus. 18 diente de leon, 76 pauciflorus. 24 Dinoseris, 79 primulifolius, 23 salicifolia, 79 semiamplexicaule. 25 var normalis. 79 seneciiformis. 20

Diplopappus corymbosus, 1 sumatrensis, 19 hispidus, 22 thdactylus, 22 Dissothrix hassleriana. 42 thfurcatus. 22 doctorcito, 32, 33 tweediei, 19 duraznillo, 63 erva de cobra, 39 Dyssodia belenidium, 47 erva de sapo. 39 cupulata, 47 Eschenbachia tenuisecta. 22 gracilis, 47 escoba amarga, 59 pentachaeta var. belenidium. 47 dura, 91 thurberi, 47 grande, 91 guayeuru, 14 Echetrosis pentasperma, 59 negra, 59 Echinocephalum latifolium, 59 espanta colono, 63 eclipta, 57 espina de erizo, 54 Eclipta, 56 negra, 54 alba, 56 espinho de camerro, 64 erecta, 56 Ethulia bidentis. 43 prostrata, 56 Eupatorieae, 27 Egletes, 19 Eupatorium, 27 viscosa, 19 a/fwe, 32, 37 Elephantopus, 89 altemifolium var asperum, 33 angustifoltus. 90 var. hispidulum. 33 cernuus. 89 var. vernoniopsis. 33 hypomalacus. 89 arechavaletae, 92 mart/;, 89 argentinum, 29 mollis, 89 arnottianum, 29 pilosus. 89 arnottii, 29 scaber, 89 artemisiifolium, 30 var tomentosus, 89 asclepiadeum. 30 tomentosus, 89 bacleanum. 31 elperin, 64 balansae, 30

Encelia hirsuta, 60 f. foliosum, 30 var. radiata, 60 var. menthoides, 30 Enhydra, 57 var. reticulatum. 30 anagallis, 57 bartsiifolium, 37 enredadera del campo, 40 bracteatum var. reticulatum, 30 Epaltes brasiliensis. 70 bupleurifolium, 30 Erechtites, 83 var. asclepiadeum. 30 hieracifolia var, cacalioides, 84 var. ensifolium. 30 valerianifolia, 84 var. Ilnifolium, 30 Erigeron, 19 candolleanum, 30 albidus, 19 var. lancifolium. 30 bonariensis, 17 var. paranensis. 30

f. glabrata, 1 ceratophyllum, 30 var. angustifolius. 18 chilense. 43 var. floribundum, 19 christieanum, 30 var. leiothecus. 19 aliatum. 32 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 102

clematideum, 31 lanigerum, 33 commersonii, 31 var. typicum, 33 var. dentata. 31 var. crassipes, 33 var. pinnata. 31 var. lanigerum, 33 congestum var hirsutum, 32 var. minor, 33 var. truncatum, 32 var. minus, 34 conyzoides, 32, 35 lilloi, 34 var. affine, 32 llnifolium, 30 var. ciliatum, 32 luquense, 32 var. foliatum, 35 macrocephalum, 34 var. paucidentatum, 35 var. angustlfolium, 34 var. scaberulum, 35 var. stigmatosum, 34 crassipes, 33 macrophyllum, 34 crenulatum, 36 megaphyllum, 34 var. tucumanense, 36 mikaniifolium, 34 cruciatum, 30 militare, 34 dendroides. 36 mo/te, 32 densiflorum, 35 montevidense, 12 denudatum, 34 oblongifolium subvar. hirsutum, 33 dissolvens, 31 odoratum, 35 dodoneifolium, 73 orbignyanum, 35 donianum, 34 oxylepis var. densiflorum, 35 enslfolium, 30 var. paraguariense, 35 entrehense, 32 oyadense, 37 erigehoides, 37 var. paraguayense, 37 erodiifolium, 37 pallescens, 32 var. obtusilobum, 37 var. bonariense, 32 var hirsuta, fiebrigii, 36 32 var. acuminata, 36 pallidum, 32 var. guaranitlcum, 30 filicaule, 36 palustre foliatum, 35 var. verbenaceum, 30 var. incanum, 35 paraguariense, 35 glaziouii, 36 paranense, 32 var. mo//e, 36 patagonicum, 35 graminifolium, 30 patens, 35 hecatanthum, 31 patens, 35 hexantt^um, 37 var. gracilior, 35 hirsutum, 31 var. patens, 35 var. a/fa, 32 var. tomentosum, 35

var. ibefa, 37 pedunculosum, 35 var. triseriale, 32, 37 pentanthum, 36 hookerianum, 32 piauhiense, 36 var. jujulense, 32 pinnatifidum, 37 hunzigeri, 33 polystachyum, 36 31 inulifolium, 32 populifolium, prasiifolium, 29 f. suaveolens, 32 ivifolium, 32 pseudoprasiifolium, 36 var. foiiosum, 37 psidlifolium, 33 var. genuinum, 32 purpurascens, 36 var. hirsutum, 32 rhodolepis, 38 var. ivifolium, 32 satureiifolium, 42 var. perturbinatum, 32 shickendantzii, 36 var. pilcomayense. 32 solidaginoides, 36 jujulense, 32 spicatum, 16 laetevirens, 32 squarroso-ramosum, 37 laevigatulum, 30 squarrulosum, 37 laevigatum, 36 steviifolium var. erigehoides, 37 laevigatum, 33 var. laetevirens, 32 var. arenarium, 33 var. sallcinum, 32 var. laevigatum, 33 var. viscosum, 37 var. longepetiolatum, 33 stigmatosum, 34 var. psidiifolia, 33 var. subcalvatum, 34 Comp. Newsl.43,2005

var, violaceum, 34 coarctata, 68 stipuliferum, 36 filaginea, 68 suaveolens, 32 pensylvanica, 68 subhastatum, 37 platensis, 69 var. hexanthum, 37 spicata, 68 var. hirsutum, 37 subfalcata, 69 var. triseriale, 37 Gerbera bicolor, 78 tanacetifolium, 37 incana var. intermedia, 81 tenuiflorum, 29 var. reptans, 81

thapsoides, 41 f. aurantiaca, 81

tozzilfolium var subpetiolatum, 32 f. pa///cfa, 81 tremulum war beta, 36 nutans. 78 trlchophorus, 37 girasol, 58 tweedianum, 37 chico, 58 urticifolium var clematideum, 31 guacho, 58 var. nanum. 31 silvestre, 58, 61 vattuonei, 35 giralsolcito, 61 verbenaceum, 38 del campo, 61 vernoniopsis, 33 girasolillo, 61 xerolepis, 35 girasolito, 61 girasoliyo, 62 Facelis, 67 Gnaphalium, 69 apiculata, 67 alatum, 66 retusa ssp retusa, 67 calycinum, 67 falsa altamisa, 59 calviceps, 68 falso yatehi caa, 66 coarctatum. 68 felel, 24 filagineum, 68 F//ago dasycarpa, 69 flaccidum, 66 fique, 43 gaudichaudianum, 69 Flaveria, 43 gnaphalioides, 67 bidentis, 43 mendocinum, 69 var. angustifolia, 43 pensylvanicum, 68 bonahensis, 43 peregrinum, 68 capitata, 43 platense, 69 chilensis, 43 purpureum var. spattiulatum, 68 contrayerba, 43 var. splcatum, 68 haumanii, 43 retusum, 67 Fleischmannia dissolvens. 31 satureioides, 66 prasiifolia, 29 spathiulatum, 68 schickendantzii. 36 splcatum, 68 flor amarilla, 43 suaveolens, 70 flor de reina, 88 subfalcatum, 69 de Santa Maria, 61 virgatum, 72 de sapo, 63 goat weed, 27 floramar, 47 Gochnatia, 79 Flourensia, 57 argentina, 79 campestrls, 57 genistoides, 78 Grindelia, 20 Gaillardia, 44 anomala, 21 doniana. 44 ber-g//, 20 megapotamica, 44 brachystephana, 20 var. radiata, 44 var. berg/V, 20 var. scabiosoides, 44 cabrerae, 20 scabiosoides, 43 var. cabrerae, 20 var. radiata, 44 chacoensis, 20 galmsoga, 57 d/ffusa, 21 Galinsoga, 57 discoldea, 21 oblongifolia, 57 pectin ata, 21 parviflora, 57 puberula, 21

quinqueradiata. 57 f. angustifolia, 21 Gamochaeta, 67 var. microcephala, 20 calviceps, 68 6

News). 2005 104 Comp 43,

pulchella. 21 andus. 58 var discoidea, 21 campestris. 57 var pulchella, 21 copiapanus. 63 var serratifolia. 20 erythrocarpus, 58 var. sublineahs, 20 indicus. 58 ragonesei, 21 laevis. 54 scorzonenfolia, 21 lenticulans. 58 var pectinata. 21 macrocarpus, 58 var spathulata. 21 multtflorus, 58 var subintegra. 21 ovatus, 58 tehuelches. 20 petiolaris, 58 guaco, 39, 40. 41 platycephalus, 58 chico, 39 tubaeformis, 58, 61

del rio, 40 Helichrysum retusum. 67 guadrilla, 49 herva andorinha, 82 guajenlla, 49, 50 Heterochaeta hispida, 22 guajrilla, 49 Heterosperma, 58 guako, 39 ovatifolium, 58 guarilla, 49 pinnatum var. maritimum. 58 guasrilla, 49 var ovatifolium, 58 guayrilla, 49 rhombifolium. 58 Gymnocoronis, 38 Heterospermum maritimum. 58 attenuata. 38 ovatum, 58 spilanthoides, 38 Heterothalamus tenellus. 1 var attenuata. 38 hierba carnicera, 17 var spilanthoides, 38 de la oveja, 52, 59 var. subcordata, 38 de San Simon, 95 subcordata, 38 linda, 81 Gymnopsis tielianttioides. 53 hoja de la virgen, 31 Gymnostyles alata. 9 Holocheilus, 79 anttiemifolia. 9 hieracioides, 79 barciayana, 9 schulzii, 80 ctiilensls. 9 huacatai, 47 pterosperma, 9 huaco, 40 Gynheteria incana, 73 humo bravo, 83 Gyptidium militare. 35 Hyalis, 80 Gyptis artemisiifolia. 30 lancifolia, 80 commersonii, 31 iorentzii, 80 lanigera, 33 Hyaloseris, 80 pinnatlfida, 37 andrade-limae, 80 salicifolia. 79 ha1og, 92 Hymenatherum belenidium. 47 Haplopappus calendulaceus. 23 candolleanum. 47 patagonicus, 20 thurberi. 47 tehuelches, 20 Hymenopappus anttiemoides. 45 tweediei, 20 Hymenoxys, 45 Hatschbachiella tweediana. 37 anthemoides, 45 Hebeclinium hecatanthum. 31 haenkeana. 45 macrophyllum. 34 parodii. 45 urolepis. 31 Hypochaeris, 74 Helenieae, 42 alba, 74 Helenium, 44 albiflora, 74 alternifolium. 44 brasiliensis var albiflora. 74 donianum, 44 var brasiliensis. 74 donianum. 44 var chacoensis. 74 heterophyllum. 44 var microcephala. 75 mattfeldianum. 44 var. sulfurea. 74 radiatum, 44 var. tweediei. 74 radiatum, 44 chillensis, 74 Heliantheae, 48 microcephala. 75 Helianthus, 57 fweed/e/, 74 annuus, 58 Hysterionica, 21 83

Comp. Nevvsl. 43, 2005 105

bakeri, 22 ruderalls, 46 caurina, 22 Koanophyllon solidaginoides, 36 grisebachii, 22 stipuliferum, 36 intermedia, 22 kokeien, 64 jasionoides, 22 subvillosa, 22 Lactuca, 75 scariola, 75 i(a)rat, 64 serriola, 75 traraik, 64 Lactuceae, 74

Icma involucrata, 1 Laennecia, 22

Idlothamnus lilloi, 34 sophiifolia, 22 ilia ka'ik, 34 Lagascea, 59 inambu ca'a guasu, 34 campestris, 59 inga, 81 kunthiana. 59

Inula primulifolia. 1 mollis, 59 Inuleae, 65 pan/ifolia, 59 isipo, 40 lampasillo, 85 Isostigma. 58 lampaso, 85 hoffmannii, 58 Lancisia australis, 8 megapotamicum. 60 lancu-kachu, 34 peucedanifolium, 58 lap koskam^ tahka, 62 iviru-retima, 33 lechon, 76 lechuga salvaje, 75 Jaegeria, 58 silvestre, 75 bellidioides, 58 lechuguilla, 75 discoidea, 58 Leighia arrillata, 53 hirta, 58 bupthalmiflora, 53 var. glabra, 58 calendulacea, 53 mnioides, 58 ecliptaefolia, 63 pan/iflora, 58 silphioides, 53 repens, 58 lengua de buey, 72 jarilla, 15 de ciervo, 85

del rio, 15 de sapo, 63 jatei kaa hata, 67 de vaca, 77, 78, 89, 90 jayac pichana, 47 Leontodon ctiilense, 75 junco, 15 taraxacum. 76 Jungia, 80 vulgare, 76 divaricata, 80 Lepidaploa scorpiodes. 95 grossulariifolia. 80 remotiflora, 94 polita, 80 Leptalea apiculata. 67 var. divaricata, 80 Leria cespitosa, 67 var glabra. 80 integrifolia, 77 var. tomentosa, 80 lutescens, 77 lyrata, 78 ka'a chi'i, 69 nutans, 78 kachu, 64 var. integrifolia, 77 kaiel-kaiel, 63 var. sinuata, 78 Kanimia thapsoides, 41 sinuata, 78 kaskasli, 45 Lessingianthus brevifollus, 91 katek lashi, 91 mollissimus, 93 Kentrophyllum lanatum. 26 rubricaulis, 94 kewell, 64 saltensis, 94 keyok r(o)bina, 91 sellowii, 95 kilkina, 46 Leucanthemum parthenium, 9 kinchlwe, 47 Leuceria conyzoides, 79 kire nis(i)e plus, 46 thrincioides, 79 kire pushpushli, 76 Leucopsis acuminata, 23 kis (l)i-kis(l)i, 64 calendulacea, 23 kito, 70, 71 gnaphalioides, 23 Kleinia llnifolia, 46 macrocephala, 23 obscura, 46 tweediei, 20 porophyllum, 46 Liabum auriculatum, 84 7

Newsl 106 Comp. 43, 2005

candidum. 84 dasycarpa, 69 var glanduliferum. 84 Mikania, 38 var. subcirrhosum. 84 auricularis, 40 subcirrhosum, 84 cordifolia, 39 libi-libi, 73 var tomentosa. 39 limonillo, 45 cynanchifolia, 39 llaramanik, 31 cynanchifolia, 39 loconte. 40 dusenii, 39 Lorentea cryptopetala. 45 euryanthela, 39 sessiliflora. 45 guaranitica, 39 Lorentzia pascaloides. 63 joergensenii. 41 Loxodon longipes. 78 laxa ssp euryanthela. 39 lucera, 70 micranttia, 40 Lucilia argentea. 67 minima, 40 gnaphalioides, 67 parodil, 40 periplocjfolia, 40 manca potrillo, 26 phyllopoda, 41 manzanilla, 44 pinnatiloba, 40 cimarrona, 8, 45 saltensjs, 41 del campo, 45 sapucayensis, 41 silvestre, 8, 45 satureiifolia, 42 zomarrona, scandens, 40 marcela, 66, 69 var beta, 29 blanca, 71 var. cynanchifolia, 39 brasilera, 66 var minima, 40 del campo, 66 var pehplocifolia, 40 hembra, 66 subcrenata, 40 macho, 66 tenuiflora, 29 marcelita, 66, 69 thapsoides, 41 margarita, 63 trachypleura, 41 de bafiado, 85 urlicifolia, 41 de los gredales, 21 variifolia, 41 Marsea bonanensis, 1 ypacarayensis, 41 var leiotheca. 19 /W///er;a chiloensis, 43 chilensis, 18 contrayerba, 43 notobellidiastrum, 24 mio, 12 sophiifolia. 22 mio-mio, 12 Maruta cotula, 8 mio-mio bianco, 11 matacampo, 39, 40, 95 mirasol, 58, 61 matagusanos, 43 mejicano, 61 matalahuga, 47 mirasolcito, 58, 61, 63 mata negra, 17, 25 del campo, 61 pulga, 13 mirasolillo, 62 sapo, 63 Molina articulata, 12 trigo, 13 crispa, 12 matapulgas, 47 cylindnca. 12 matorro, 78 microcephala, 13 negro, 78 parviflora, 15 Matricaria parthenium, 9 phyteumoides, 14 mboi moroti, 46 salicifolia, 15 mbui be, 73 striata, 15 Melampodium australe. 49 viscosa, 15 Melanthera, 59 monte azul, 78

latifolia, 59 moo maaning awa, 71 Micinna brasiliensis. 55 Moquinia argentina, 79 Microgyne trifurcata. 22 muchacho, 65 Microgynella, 22 Mutisia, 80 trifurcata, 22 coccinea var dealbata, 80 Microliabum, 84 dealbata. 80 candidum, 84 hayenbeckii, 80 glanduliferum, 84 speciosa var dealbata, 80

Micropsis, 69 var elliptica, 80 / 2 1

Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 107

Mutisieae, 77 pasto cubano, 61 pasto de los gringos, 54 nacunan, 43 Pectis, 45 nagaral latee, 64 odorata, 45 nakolo letaa, 39 pinnata, 47 nakolo, 40 sessiliflora, 45 nakoyo, 40 pekuj, 73 nasherek Itaa, 70 pelosilla, 77 natan nana (k) te, 85 peludilla, 78 natiu, 49 peludillo, 86

Neomolina darwinii. 1 pelusa, 78 ulicina, 17 Perdicium cacalioides, 81 nilgue, 76 divaricatum, 82 nilhue, 76 flexuosum. 82 nilque, perkan-perkan, 68 nio, 12 perlilla, 48 Noccaea mollis, 59 picao bravo, 57

nompe sanep, 76 pi is (I) e, 73

noom (a) ra etaa, 70 pi is (I) et, 73 Nothites satureiifolia, 42 pichana, 91

Noticastrum, 22 blanca, 1 acuminatum, 23 de oveja, 17 argentinense, 23 pichanilla amarilla, 21 calendulaceum, 23 pichicho, 48 gnaphalioides, 23 picon, 54 macrocephalum, 23 Picrosia, 75 nyambi, 27 australls, 75 cabreriana, 75 nancunan, 43 longifolia, 75 natchu, 49 var. angustissima, 75 fiatehu, 49 pilarcito, 35, 37 fiio-nio, 12 Pingraea angustifolia. 14 articulata, 12 oita, 76 crispa, 12 oi'ta, 76 punctulata, 15 oitai, 76 salicifolia, 15 Oligogyne megapotamica. 56 viscosa, 15 synedrelloides, 56 pinita, 46 Ophryosporus solidaginoides, 36 piok-laadarashet, 37 Orcya adhaerens, 49 Piptocarpha nitidula. 93 Orthopappus, 90 pique, 43 angustifolius, 90 piqui pichana, 47 Oxydon bicolor. 78 piretro de jardin, 9 Plagioclieiius, 8 pacurina, 90 erectus, 56 Pacourina, 90 tanacetoides, 8 edulis, 90 acaciifolia, 80 pacoyuyci fino, 57 Pluchea, 70 pag(a)rS lauro, 66 dodoneifolia, 73 paicojullo, 57 fastigiata, 73 pajaro bobo, 73 microceptiala, 70 paletaria, 68 quitoc, 70 palo azul, 78 sagittalis, 70 palo de Santa Maria, 82 suaveolens, 70 palo negro, 73 Podocoma, 23 palotr'oik, 39 bellidifolia, 23 Parthenium, 59 erigerifolia, 23 hysterophorus, 59 hieracifolia, 23 lobatum. 59 hirsuta, 24 pinnatifidum, 59 notobellidastrum, 24 Pascalia glauca, 63 primulifolia, 24 subvaginata. 64 Podopappus hirsutus, 24 Newsl. 2005 108 Comp. 43,

pubescens. 24 poko latee, 64 lorentzii, 71 Polygyne inconspicua. 57 malmeanum, 71 pompero kocho, 39, 40 paniculatum, 71 Porcellites brasilienses. 74 pllcomayense, 72 Porophyllum, 45 polystachyum, 71 curticeps. 46 var, tomentosa, 71 ellipticum, 46 pompilianum, 72 var. genuinum, 46 purpurascens, 71 var intermedium, 46 rugosum, 72 var ruderaieAQ spicatum var brachystachyum, 72 eremopiiiium. 46 subspicatum, 72 excertum, 46 subvirgatum, 72 haenl

f. angustifolia, 71 f. depauperata. 46

f. 71 f. foetens, 46 spicata,

f. 70 f. genuinum. 46 subcorymbosa,

f. 71 f. glaucum, 46 subpaniculata, var angustius. 46 f. subvirgata, 72 var corymbosum. 46 pugno, 91 var. induratum, 46 punta de lanza, 24 var, lineare, 46 Pyrethrum parthenium, 9 latifolium. 46 lineare, 46 quebra pedra, 27 macrolepideum, 46 quejatulpino, 43 mart//, 46 quellotarpo, 43 oblanceolatum, 46 quellusisa, 62 obscurum, 46 quelluzisa, 62 porophyllum, 46 queyucisa, 62 prenanthoides, 46 quiebra arado, 92, 94 ruderale, 46 quilquina, 46 var. angustifolia, 46 quirquina, 46 var. ellipticum, 46 quitoco, 70 var. glandulosum. 46 var. macrolepideum, 46 radlcha, 76

f, suffruticosa, 46 radicheta, 76 Praxelis clematidea. 31 rama negra, 25 Prenanthes subdentata, 75 Ratibida, 59 primavera, 85, 86, 87 columnifera f. columnifera, 59 doble, 23 Raulinoreitzia crenulata, 36 Prionanthes antimenorrhoea, 82 rayito de sol, 48 Pseudobaccharis tenella, 16 rodajillo, 50 trinervis, 16 romerillo, 11, 12, 13 Pseudogynoxys, 84 amarillo, 24 benthamii, 84 bianco, 11 cabrerae. 84 malo, 11 Ps//a tenella, 16 Rof/?/a pinnata, 47 trinervis, 16 var pallida, 47 Psilopogon albiflorus, 75 var purpurascens, 47 Pterocaulon, 70 ruda blanca, 46 alopecuroides, 70 Rudbeckia bellidioides, 50 var. glabrescens, 70 var. mollis, 72 sabaraik, 76 var polystachyum, 70 saetilla, 54, 57 angustifolium, 71 salak, 73 balansae, 71 sallagatrak latee, 46 cordobense, 71 sallagatrak liaie, 46 Interruptum, 70, 71 saltamlsa, 52 var. monostachyum, 70 salvia blanca, 79 var. polystachyum. 70 sanatodo, 33 latifolium, 70 sanguinaria, 17, 85 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 109

Santa Maria, 62 var. achalensis, 88 Sanvitalia, 60 var. pectinatus, 86 versicolor, 60 var. pinnatus, 88 sauclllo, 24 rhodaster. 85 Schkuhria, 47 sagittarioides, 85 abrotanoides. 47 sagittifolius, 85 var. isoppapa, 47 saltensis, 88 var. pomasquiensis, 47 sectilis, 88 advena. 47 sericeus var. glabriusculus, 88 bonariensis. 47 var pinnatifidus, 88 coquimbana, 47 stenopterus, 86 isopappa, 47 tafiensis, 87 octoaristata, 47 tripartitus, 86 pinnate, 47 valerianifolius. 84 var abrotanoides, 47 vira-vira, 88 var. octoaristata. 47 Senecioneae, 83 var fyp/ca, 47 Seriola brasiliensis. 74 seca tierra, 63 var. hirsutula, 75 selidonia, 82 var. parviflora, 75 seltilia, 54 tweediei, 75 sen silvestre, 82 serraja, 76 Senecio, 84 shet, 37 albicaulis var. glabriusculus, 88 siempreverde, 82 amabilis, 86 siila Hale, 89 argentinus. 88 sllla Hale, 40 balansae, 87 sillo, 37 benthamii. 84 sillo kachu, 37 bonariensis, 85 Silybum, 27 brasiliensis, 85 marianum, 27 var brasiliensis, 85 Simsia, 60 var, incanus, 85 dombeyana, 60 var. tripartitus, 86 hirsuta, 60 cacalioides, 84 sisaquello, 62 cannabinaefolius. 86 Solidago. 24 ceratophylloides, 86 chilensis, 24 ceratophyltus, 86 var. chilensis, 24 var. macrodon. 86 var megapotamica, 24 var. mayor, 86 linearifolia, 24 charaguensis, 87 var. brachypoda, 24 chilensis var ceratophyltus. 86 microglossa var. linearifolia, 24 var. macrodon, 86 var. megapotamica. 24 cuspidatus var ceratoptiylioides, 86 Soliva, 8 var. ceratoptiyllus, 86 a/a(a, 9 var. macrodon, 86 anthemifolia, 9 deferens, 86 barclayana, 9 feu/7/e/, 86 macrocephala, 9 gilliesianus, 86 microloma. 9 var. glaberhma, 86 neglecta, 9

gllliesii, 86 pterosperma. 9 var. anomalus, sessilis, 9 grisebachii, 86 var barclayana, 9 var. anomalus, 87 tenella, 8 var balansae, 87 valdiviana, 9 var. grisebachii, 86 solo, 43 var. leptotus, 87 solyuyo, 22 var schyzotus, 87 sombra de toro, 71 hieronymi, 87 Sonchus, 76 megapotamicus. 86 asper, 76 ochroleucus var ibefa, 85 oleraceus, 76 pampeanus, 87 var. asper, 76 paraguariensis, 87 sorace, 92 pinnatus, 88 Sphagneticola, 60 3 no Comp. Ncwsl. 43. 2005

brachycarpa, 60 sunchillo, 43, 63 Spilanthes affinis, 51 suncho, 13, 14, 15,62,63, 73 alpestris. 50 sup toptobelite, 70 amehcanal longilnternodiata, 51 Symphyotrichum, 25

var. stolonlfera f. clliatifolia, graminifolium, 25 amicoides, 50 squamatum, 25 var. intermedia, 50 Synedrellopsis, 60 var setosa, 50 grisebachli, 60 bellidioides, 50 blepharicarpa, 50 tabaco del indio, 79

c/7/afa, 51 tabaco del monte, 30 doronicoides, 50 tabaquillo del monte, 83 ecliptoides, 58 Tagetes, 47 fimbriata, 51 belenidium, 47 glaberrima, 51 bonariensis, 47 grandis, 50 glandulifera, 47 gr/sea var, intermedia. 50 glandulosa, 47 var. m/cra, 50 integrifolia, 46 var. setosa. 50 minuta, 47 karvinskiana, 58 porophyllum, 47 longifolia, 50 rotundifolia, 61 mariannae, 58 Tanacetum, 9 melampodioides, 51 parthenlum, 9 micralloeoptiylla, 51 tapa cerco, 40 poeppigii, 51 tapecue, 49 popayanensis. 51 tepecuri, 49 pusilla, 51 tapekue, 49 sessilifolia, 58 tape tuya, 49 spliaeroceplriala, 50 taraxaco, 76 stolonifera var. pusilla, 51 Taraxacum, 76 Sp/x/a violacea, 89 dens-leonis, 76 Stemmodontia brachycarpa. 60 officinale, 76 Stenachaenium, 72 subspathulatum, 76 campestre, 72 vulgare, 76

riedelli, 72 tayecui, 49 Stenoceptialum hexanthum, 92 te indio, 60 megapotamicum, 93 te pampa, 60

Steptiananthus junceus. 1 tepecuri, 49 Stevia, 41 Tessaria, 73 aristata, 42 absinttiiodes var. ambigua, 73 var. fyp/ca, 42 ambigua, 73 breviaristata, 42 dentata, 73 entreriensis, 42 dodoneifolia, 73 var m/nor, 42 fastigiata, 73 hirsuta, 42 integrifolia, 73 lorentzii, 42 ssp polyandra, 73 lundiana, 42 var. integrifolia, 73 mercedensis var. mercedensis, 42 var. ambigua, 73 var typica, 42 var. obtusifolia, 73 multiaristata, 42 legitima, 73 oxy/aena, 42 straminea, 73 var. villosa, 42 wscosa, 73 polycephala, 42 teyu ca'a, 34 pubigera, 42 teyu caa, 34 var. subglabrata, 42 Thelechitonia brachycarpa, 60 satureiifolia, 42 muricata, 60 var. angustifolia. 42 Thelesperma, 60 var genuina, 42 gracile, 60 var. satureiifolia, 42 megapotamica, 60 schultzii, 42 megapotamicum, 60 Strongylosperma australe. 8 scabiosoides, 60 suico, 47 Thymophylla, 47 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005

belenidium, 48 var. glandulifera, 82 gracilis. 48 var. odoratissima, 82 pentachaeta var belenidium, 47 var. sprengeliana, 82 thurberi, 48 flexuosa, 82 Thyrsanthema nutans, 78 frutescens var. cacalioides, 83 runcinata, 78 var denticulata, 81 sinuata, 78 glaberrima, 83 tian tian, 83 glabrata, 83 tien tien, 83 grisebactili, 82 tihplheha moroti, 91 hexantha, 81 tipisha guasu, 91 hieracioides, 79 tipisha rapo, 91 lorentzii, 83 TIthonia, 61 megapotamica, 83 rotundlfolla, 61 missionum, 83 tubaeformis, 61 mollissima, 83 uniflora, 61 neaeana. 81 topasaire, 44, 45 nobllis, 83 topsaire plateado, 81 ochroleuca, 79

toque jo'a, 39 f. pusilla, 79 torlto, 50 f. robusta, 79 toro caa, 71 f. subintegra, 79 ca' a, 76 var hieracioides, 79 ka'a, 70 var. thrincioldes, 79 Tragopogon fritiliarioides, 75 odoratissima, 82 peucedanifolium, 58 pa/Z/da var. australis, 83 tratane latee, 89 var subsericea. 83 trepa caballo, 26 pallida, 83 Trichocllne, 80 papulosa, 81 reptans, 81 paradoxa, 81 sinuata, 81 praestans, 83 Tripolium conspicuum, 25 rosea, 83 moelleh, 25 salicifolia, 82 oligantiium, 25 schulzii, 80 subulatum var brasilianum, 25 sonchoides, 79 Trixls, 81 sprengeliana, 82 antimenorrhoea. 82 sfr/cfa, 83 ssp, antimenorrhoea, 82 suaveolens, 83 ssp. discolor, 82 subparadoxa, 81 var. auriculata, 82 thrincioldes, 79 var. cladoptera, 82 verbasciformis, 83 var. discolor, 82 var. glaberrima, 83 var. divaricata, 82 var. intermedia, 83 var. flexuosa, 82 tuntusa, 43

var. flexuosa f, discolor, 82 Tussilago bicolor, 78 var. heterophylla, 82 integerrima, 77 var. petiolata. 82 /yrafa, 78

var. petiolata f sublanata, 82 nutans, 78 var. fyp/ca, 82 sarmentosa, 67 auriculata, 82 vaccina, 78 cacalioides, 81 tuya caniila, 71 calcarea, 82 tuyacaso, 70, 71, 72 d;ffusa, 82 uashlto lok/o/lak, 70 discolor, 82 uashitok-ole, 32 divaricata, 82 uompe sanep, 45 ssp. discolor, 82 uompe sanesanelet, 45 ssp. divaricata, 82 uoue, 29, 70 var. auriculata, 82 uoue Hale, 31 var. cladoptera, 82 Urolepis hecatantha, 31 var. discolor, 82 urusu-cati, 83 var. exauriculata, 82 urusu kati, 83

f petiolata, 82 usillo, 78

f, subpetiolata, 82 112 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

v^como, 21 linosyrifolia, 91 valda, 43 lithospermoides, 94 vara amarilla, 24 longeracemosa, 95 vara de oro, 24 megapotamica, 93 vara dulce, 15 var. argentina, 93 Verbesina, 61 var. hexanttia, 92 alba, 57 mollissima, 93 allophylla. 62 var. microcephala, 93 arnottii, 52 montevidensis, 92 aspilioides, 52 nitidula, 93 auriculata. 62 var. acutifolia, 93 australis, 61 nudiflora, 93 conyzoides, 57 odoratissima, 91 encelioides, 61 oreophila. 92 heterosperma, 62 parodii, 94 macrophylla var. nelidae, 62 propinqua, 92 montevidensis, 53 remotifiora, 94 nelidae, 62 var. remotifiora, 94 octantha. 62 rubricaulis, 94 prostrata, 57 salicifolia, 93, 94 scabra, 61 saltensis, 94 subcordata, 62 salvifolia, 91 suncho, 62 scabra, 91 Vermifuge corymbosa, 43 sceptrum, 92 Vernonanthura brasiliana, 91 schultziana, 94 chamaedrys, 91 scorpioides, 94 chaquensis, 92 var. sororia, 95 montevidensis, 93 sellowii, 95 nudiflora, 93 senecionea, 92 schulziana, 94 sessiliflora, 94 tweediana, 95 setososquamosa, 94 Vernonieae, sororia, 94 Vernonia, 90 spegazzinii, 92 angustifolia, 93 subrepanda, 95 arborescens var. corrientensis, 95 trictiolepis, 94 arechavaletae. 93 tweediana, 95 assans. 91 turnefortioides, 95 brasiliana, 91 Vernonieae, 88 brevifolia, 91 vidriera, 78 var. ehcifolia, 91 vigaurea, 24 var, squarrosifoliata, 91 Viguiera, 62 centriflora, 95 guaranitica, 62 chamaedrys, 91 oligodonta, 63 chaquensis, 92 tuberosa, 63 chromolepis. 94 tucumanensis var. oligodonta, 63 cognata, 92 vira-vira, 66, 68, 69, 88 var. sceptrum, 92 guazu, 66 echioides, 92 vira-vira'i, 69 ehcifolia, 91 Vittadinia multifida, 17 flavescens, 95 trifurcata. 22 flexuosa, 92 var. flexuosa, 92 Wedelia, 63 gochnatioides. 93 brachycarpa, 60 hasslenana, 95 brachylepis, 65 hexantha, 92 bupthalmiflora, 65 hirtiflora, 94 callosa, 60 ilex, 91 chrysostepfiana, 63 incana, 92 copiapana, 63 inmunis, 92 crassiuscula, 64 lanuginosa. 95 ecliptaefolia, 63 linearis, 94 glauca, 63 //ngua, 92 kerrii, 63 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005 113

var. decumbens. 63 de Santa Maria, 62 longepetiolata. 63 negro, 33 montevidensis. 53 sapo, 63 pascalioides. 53 pilosa, 60 Zexmenia, 65 var brachycarpa. 60 arnottii, 52 silphioides. 53 aspilioides, 52 subvaginata, 64 brachylepis, 65 var. major. 64 bupthalmiflora, 65 l^/faorg/a acmella, 57 zinnia, 65 oblongifolia, 57 Zinnia, 65 pan/iflora. 57 intermedia, 65 Willoughbya cordifolia, 39 leptopoda, 65 phyllopoda, 41 mendocina. 65 saltensis. 41 multiflora, 65 Xanthium, 64 pauciflora, 65 australe. 64 peruviana, 65 cavanillesli, 64 revoluta, 65 var. cordobense. 64 tenuiflora. 65 spinosum var. spinosum, 64 verticillata, 65 strumarium ssp cavanillesii, 64 zunchu kisca, 77 Xeranthemum cespitosum. 67 Ximenesia encelioides. 61 microptera, 61

yaguarete-caa, 83 yaguareti-caa, 72 yatai ca'a, 66 yatehi caa, 66 yatei ca'a, 66 yerba amarga, 30 cliina, 81 corro, 81

de la araiia, 22 de la gama, 46 delaoveja, 17, 49, 50, 52, 59

de la primavera, 85 de la vibora, 22 de San Juan, 78 de San Roque, 56 de Santa Maria, 24 del ciervo, 46, 81 del corro, 81 del charua, 37 del lucero, 70 del polio, 60 del sapo, 63 del sudor, 92 del toro, 71 del venado, 45, 46, 86 del zorro, 22 lanceta, 85 linda, 81 santa, 17 ysipa kipl, 39 ysipo caty, 40 kati, 39 pe, 39 ysippo ysy, 40 yuno, 15 yuyo de San Juan, 24 de San Vicente, 8 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005

4^= \.-Y^-r^ Comp. Newsl 43, 2005 115

Fig 2 Corollas of the Argentinian Chacoan plain species Anthemideae: 1 Anthemis

cotula la Tubular 5-lobed with distinct short tube (central floret); lb. Ligulate 3-lobed

(marginal floret); 2 Cotula australis: Tubular 3-lobed (central floret); 3. Plagiocheilus

tanacetoides Bilabiate with short tube (marginal floret); 4. Soliva macrocephala. Tubular 4-

-- lobed (central floret) Astereae 5 Conyza bonahensls : 5a. Tubular distinctly divided into

tube and limb (central floret), 5b, Filiform (marginal floret); 6. Ghndelia pulchella: Ligulate 3-

lobed (marginal floret), 7 Podocoma hieracifolia. Short-ligulate (marginal floret). -Cardueae:

8. Carduus thoermen. Pseudobilabiate, with one lobe separated by deeper splits, 9.

Centaurea solstitialis: Pseudoligulate (marginal floret); 10. Cirsium vutgare: Tubular deeply 5-

lobed --Eupatorieae: 11. Eupatorium inulifolium. Tubular with narrowly to broadly campanulate limb; 12 Mikania micrantha Tubular with distinct basal tube and campanulate

limb - Helenieae: 13 Flaveria bidentis Ligulate 2-lobed (marginal floret); 14 Helenium donianum Ligulate 3-lobed (marginal floret); 15 Porophyllum ruderale: Tubular-filiform, funnel-shaped, 5-lobed; 16. Schkuhria pinnata Ligulate 3-lobed (marginal floret)—

Heliantheae: 17. Aspilia montevidensis \iar setosa Ligulate 2-lobed (marginal floret); 18.

Galinsoga parviflora Ligulate 3-lobed (marginal floret); 19. Isostigma peucedanifolium:

Tubular with short tube and expanding 4-lobed limb (central floret); 20. Thelesperma megapotamicum: Tubular with a narrow tube and expanding 5-lobed limb—

Inuleae: 21 Achyrocline satureioides: 21a. Tubular-filiform (central floret), 21b. Filiform

(marginal floret) - Lactuceae: 22 PIcrosia longifolia. Ligulate 5-lobed— Mutisieae: 23.

Barnadesia odorata 23a. Ligulate deeply 5-lobed (central floret), 23b. Pseudobilabiate with a

4-lobed limb and a single adaxial lobe (marginal floret); 24. Chaptalia integerhma (marginal florets): 24a Pseudobilabiate, 24b. Ligulate 3-lobed; 25. Dinoseris salicifolia: Ligulate 5-lobed;

26. Gochnatia argentina. Tubular, deeply 5-lobed; 27. Holocheilus hieracioides: Bilabiate.-

Senecioneae: 28. Erechtites hieracifolia var. cacalioides: Filiform (marginal floret); 29.

Senecio pinnatus : 29a. Tubular 5-lobed (central floret); 29b. Ligulate 3-lobed (marginal floret).-- Vernonieae: 30. Elephantopus mollis: Pseudoligulate; 31. Vemonia chamaedrys:

Tubular deeply 5-lobed 116 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005 Comp. Newsl 43, 2005 117

Fig 3 Pappus of the Argentinian Chacoan plain species; Astereae: 1 Grindelia pulchella: Denticulate stout scale; 2. Hystenonica villosa: Pappus double, outer row of short scales, inner row of scabrid bristles; 3 Podocoma notobellidiastrum. Scabrid bristle. --

Cardueae: 4 Carduus thoermen Scabrid bristle; 5 Centaurea solstitialis: Pappus double, outer row of short subulate scales, inner row longer; 6. Cirsium vulgare: Plumose bristle. --

Eupatorieae: 7. Eupatorium patens Scabrid bnstle, 8 Stevia breviaristata: Crown of free scales of the idiocarp; 9. Stevia entrenensis Bnstle-like awn -- Helenieae: 10. Gaillardia megapotamica var radiata Thin scale with midrib excurrent as an awn; 11. Hymenoxys anthemoides: Thin scale obscurely nerved, 12 Tagetes minute: Scales unequal in length. --

Heiiantheae; 13 Aspilia montevidensis: Crown of united scales and awn; 14. Bidens pilosa

Barbed stout awn; 15. Galea cymosa: Scale; 16. Galinsoga parviflora: Scale with fimbriate margins; 17. IVIelanthera latifolia: Denticulate bristle; 18 Verbesina subcordata: Denticulate stout scale; 19. Viguiera guaranitica: Crown of united scales and two scale-like awns --

Inuleae: 20 Berroa gnaphalioides: Plumose bristle; 21 Gamochaeta coarctata Pappus of basal connate bristles; 22 Pterocaulon lorentzii: Scabrid bristle -- Lactuceae. 23. i-iypochaeris microcephala Plumose bristle; 24. Taraxacum officinale. Scabrid bristle.-

IVIutisieae: 25. Barnadesia odorata: Bristle-like scale recurved at maturity (central floret); 26.

Gochnatia argentina: Scabrid bristle; 27. Mutisia coccinea var. dealbata. Plumose bristle—

Senecioneae: 28 Senecio pinnatus Scabrid bristle - Vernonieae: 29. Elephantopus mollis

Bristle basally widened; 30 Orthopappus angustifolius Entire bristle; 31. Vemonia rubricaulis:

Pappus double, outer row of scales, inner row of scabrid bristles. 118 Comp. Newsl. 43, 2005


\\- oi;y 5

r\ 13

'• i i f ^ !' 1/ v.- \ ;

10 19 14 15 16


I U 20 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 Comp. Newsl. 43. 2005


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