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THE CLAY FAMILY ASSOCIATION P. O. Box 35254 Houston, Texas 77035

FOREWORD The Clay Family Association, a cooperative non-profit group, was formed in 1965 and is dedicated to the gathering, preserving and disseminating genealogical material on the many branches of the several Clay families. The Clay Family Quarterly exists solely to distribute the genealogical material to interested researchers. This volume of the Clay Family Quarterly should be regarded as a directory to the sources of Clay family information. As with all printed material, the information herein must be considered as secondary evidence, subject to proof. An index will be found following the fourth issue of this volume. The index lists Clay individual's forenames, allied surnames and place names. Happy hunting.




A publication of the Clay Family Association, G. R. Clay, Editor. Address: P. 0. Box 35254, Houston, Texas 77035 THE CLAY FAMILY QUARTERLY Volume 2 Number 1 . January 1967 THE EDITOR'S NOTES Publication of the quarterly was initiated one year ago with the stated purpose, '\o furnish genealogical Information to all bearers of the CLAY name and/or their descendants and to foster pride of family through knowledge of our common heritage." To a very limited degree we have accomplished this purpose, however, It is our sincere New Year's wish that, with your help, we will be able to reach many additional Clay descendants who are inter­ ested in their family origins. The success of the quarterly is in the hands of the membership, as indeed it should be. In addition to new members, we need all of the Clay family data you are willing to share. CLAY Name Origin— In the first issue of the quarterly the Scots version of the family name was shown to be evolved as: Lea to Mac 0 Lea to Maclay to Clay. Genealogists differ as to the origin of the family name, as the following quotation from L.W. Rigsby1s "The Georgia Branch of the Virginia Clays and Their Celebrated Cousins" will show: "Several localaties in England were named because of the nature of the soil about them, and some of the people in these localities took the name as their own. So there arose families called Clay, Cley, Le Cley, Del Clay and De la Clay. The name appears in the Hundred Rolls of 1273 under some curious forms worth quoting, as Cley, Clai, Del Clay, de la Cley and le Clay. A still more singular form of it appears on a record of 1327 as att Cleygh. The name dates from Saxon times, the Saxon equivalent being Claeg.'' The spelling of family names changed up until very recent times when they were established by law, or rather a change now requires a process of law. Whether or not the variations of Claes listed on page 13 evolved to Clay is open to question, however, one Clay correspondent states that his forebears arrived in America with the surname of Klee. WILL DURANT said it, "Civilization is a stream with banks. The stream is sometimes filled with blood from people killing, steal­ ing, shouting and doing things historians usually record, while on the banks, unnoticed, people build homes make love, raise children, sing songs, write poetry and even whittle statues. The story of civilization is the story of what happened on the banks. Historians are pessimists because they ignore the banks for the river." Genealogists would be the first to agree with this state­ ment, for their research deals with the teeming activity on the banks of the stream. FRONTIERSMEN CLAYS Even a brief research into county and local histories will reveal the adventureous spirit of the Clays. Individuals of the clan are recorded as being in the forefront of the westward expansion in this country, and many of them lost their lives in the struggle to push the frontier ever westward. In forthcoming issues of the quarterly we intend to retell as many of these stories as we are able to collect. If your branch of the family has a frontier history we will be glad of the opportunity to recount it. ORIGINAL IMMIGRANT CLAYS While much of the material published in the quarterly to date has dealt with the descendants of the Virginia Clays this is due to the fact that most of the data received has been on this branch of the family rather than any Intent to limit coverage. As previously stated we hope to be able to develop family connections for all of the original immigrants. In addition to John Claye 2-1, who arrived at Jamestown, Virginia prior to l6ll we have information on the following early arrivals from various sources. They will be considered as original immigrants unless further research reveals an error. William Clays, Charles River County, Virginia, I638; Francis Clay, Northumberland County, Virginia, 1649; Jon Clay, James City County, Virginia, 1646; Thomas Clay, Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, 1646; John Clay, Westmoreland County, Virginia. 1654; Stephen, Jonas and Thomas Clay, Salem, Mass­ achusetts, 1630-1640; Thomas Clay, Scinate, Massachusetts, 1643; Humphrey Clay, New London,Connecticut, 1666; , North Carolina, 1693; Robert Clay 2-30, Pennsylvania, early eighteenth century* Joseph Clay 2-20, Savannah, Georgia, mid eighteenth century. Any data or additions to this list will be appreciated. VIGNETTES While the family lineages, which have made up the bulk of the previous quarterlies, are important to the con­ sideration of family history they do not reveal traits and characteristics. Vignettes, the first of which appears in this issue, is an attempt to discover the Clay character. They will not be records of wealth and importance, but will attempt to reveal the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our forebears characters. It has been said that he who brags of the accomplishments of his ancestors is admiting that they are better off dead than alive. We have no intention of compounding this error. TENNESSEE RESEARCH The editor spent three days, November 10-12, in the Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee doing research on all branches of his family history and,as expected,he obtained a considerable amount of data. Information on the Clay family will be published in forthcoming issues. A trip to this institution is well worthwhile for anyone having Tennessee connections.

REMEMBER, help keep the quarterly worthwhile. Send in your data and family history information. Copies will be made and the originals returned unless you indicate otherwise. Also, help build up the membership of interested Clays and Clay descendants. Send all data and correspondence to: G. R. Clay, P. 0. Box 35254, Houston, Texas 77035. CLAY FAMILY BIBLIOGRAPHY "index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications" VA Archives Clay, Benjamin, Mass., S36978 Daniel, N. H., S42128 David, N. C, Eva, W6690; BÍ Wt 5001-160-55 Elijah, Va., S32178 John, Mass, N. H., S10446 John, Va., Melison, R2029 Matthew, Va., BÍ Wt 456-200 Lieut., Issued May 20, 1797 Samuel, Mass., S38615 Thomas, , S9319 William, Va., Rebecca, W 156 S- survivor, W-widow, R-rejected, BÍ Wt 5001-160-55 Bounty land warrant 5001 for 160 acres prior to 1855 "Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army Ap. 1775-Dec. 1783" Francis B. Keitman, Wash. D. C. 1914 Clay, Abijah (Va.) 1st lieutenant 6th Virginia, 26 Feb., 1776- John (Va.) Cadet 6th Virginia, 30 Mar., 1777- Joseph (Ga.) Lieut. Col. Dpty Paymaster General Southern Department, 6th August, 1777; elected to congress, 26th Feb., 1778, retired from army. (Died 16th January, 1805. Matthew (Va.) Ensign 9th Virginia, 1st October, 1776, 2nd Lt. 16th March, 1777, 1st Lt., 23 Ap., 1778, Regimental Quartermaster, 1 Dec. 1778, transferred to 5th Virginia, 12 Feb., 1781, retired 1st Jan., 1783 (Died 1815) Thomas (Va.) Cant, a Virginia State Regiment 1778-1781 Clayes, Elijah (N. H. ) 1st Lt. 3rd New Hampshire, 23 Ap.-Dec. 1775, 1st Lt. 2d Continental Inf., January, 1776, Capt. 2d New Hampshire, 8 Nov., 1776, died 30 Nov. 1779 of wounds received at Chamung, 29 Aug., 1779. Peter (Mass.) Sgt. of Nixon's Mass. Rgt., May- Dec., 1775, Ensign 4tn Continental Inf., 1 Jan., 1776, 2nd Lt. 6th Mass., 1 Jan. 1777, Capt. Lt., 11 Nov., 1779, Capt. 11 Ap., 1780- June 1783 (Died 8 Sept. 1834) "Chronicles of the Scotch Irish Settlement in Virginia- Extracted From the Original Court Records of Augusta County 1745-1800" Vol. II Pg. 5. Sept. 1794 Elizabeth Clay, administrix Richard Clay vs Philip, son and heir of Robert North. Writ. Debt. 26 July, 1793- Pg. 188 Charles Clay, Clerk- Bedford County, 1815 deposes he was inducted into Parish of St. Annes in Albermarle in 1769. "Index to Interments Nashville City Cemetery 1846-1962" Clay, Arthy 65 yrs old d. Apr. 24, 1862 Sarah 40 yrs old d. Dec. 22, 1862 Mrs Uritha A. 50 yrs old d. June 21, 1873 CLAY FAMILY BIBLIOGRAPHY "New Hampshire State Papers, Volume XIV" Pg. 10 Muster roll Capt. Samuel Templers Co. at Annapolis Royal October 1710-October 1711 Richard Clay, pvt. Pg. 249 Capt. Mc Laughlin's Co. Aug. 7, 1775 John Clay Pg. 264 Pay Roll Capt. Carlisle's Co. Feb. 1776 James Clay, Jun. Serj. "New Hampshire State Papers, Volume XV Pg. 169 John Clay ovt. Capt. Stephen Dearborn's Co. from Chester

joined July 21, 1777. , „ , _ _„Q Pg. 475 Samuel Clay pvt. Capt. Ezek Worthen's Co. Ap . n20n , 177« pe. 526 Walter Clay Capt. Dearborn's Co. Enl. Aug. 5, 177 o Pg. 659 Timothy Clay pvt. enl. July 7, 1779 from Candea, John Webster's Co. _ _. Pg. 743 John Clay from Candia Sept. 27, 1778 Capt. Thos. Cogwell Co. "New Hampshire State Papers,Volume XVI" Pg. 66 Samuel Clay, age 20 from Candia July 8, 1780 PfS. 155 Walter Clay pvt. Capt. Benj. rfhittier Militia 1780 Pg. 156 Timothy Clay pvt. Capt. Benj. Whittier Militia 1780 Pg. 285 Daniel Clay Bounty for three year service 1780 pc. 501 Daniel Clay Enl. 1782 April 12 at Chester Pg. 531 List of Brittish Prisoners, etc. John Clay seaman red. Sept. 15, 1781 sent to Penobscot. Pg. 904 Samuel Clay Capt. Hansom's Troopers 1745 "New Hampshire State Papers, Volume XVII" Pg. 296 George Clay Capt Thos. Pry Co. Sept. 8, 1778 Pg. 641 Richard Clay soldier Royal Army July and August 1694, Capt. Woodman. Pg. 717 William Clay Member Oyster River Parish May 2, lflo "New Hampshire State Papers, Volume XXXVI" Pg. 262 Will of Patric Melvin, 1758, Chester, mentions land purchased from Jonas Clay. "Official Roster, Soldiers of the American Revolution Who Lived on the State of Ohio" DAR Clay. Daniel lvd. Washington Co., b. 1765 Pvt. N. H., enl. 1781 Rockingham Co., N. H., Disc. 1783, Ch. Sarah, Eunice, Daniel, Timothy, Jonathon. Clay, David lvd. Mahoning Co., Pvt. Pa., Ch. Issac, David, George, John, Mary, Alice m. Rogers, d. before 1813. Ref. Aill Bk. I p. 387 May 1.813. CLAY FAMILY BIBLIOGRAPHY "Clays of Bourbon County Kentucky - Their Ancestry and Descendants" By Nannine Clay Wallis Published in the Kentuckian-Citizen, Paris, Kentucky February 6 and 20, 1945 Mrs. Wallis has traced the lines of several of the Clay families who migrated from Virginia as soon as the Kentucky area was opened for settlement. Some of the material is a duplication of that given in "The Clay Family" by Mary Rogers Clay, to whom she refers frequently. Inasmuch as the lineage from the latter volume was given In volume 1 number 2 of the quarterly the extensions only of the several lines is given below, however, references to page numbers in volume 1 will enable the reader to trace the lines back to John 2-1, the original immigrant ance stor. Samuel 7-52 1761- m Ann(Nancy) Winn (see vol. 1 pg. 18) Henry C. 8-33 1791- m Mary Grimes Letitia 8-34 1792- m Edward D. Moran Samuel 8-35 1794- (died unmarried)

George 8-36 1796- n ^ Littleberry Bedford 8-37 1799- m 1 Arabella Maccoun; 2 Alvira Dudley; 3 Amanda Moore John 8-39 1800- m 1 Eliza Ward; 2 Reese Richard P. 8-38 1802- m Olivia Parsons Rachel 8-40 1804- m Robert Mc Coun Thomas 8-39 1807-1831 William Green 8-41 1810-1855 m Patsy Bedford Thomas 9-106 Maria E. 9-109 m William R. Colcord William Green 9-107 -1862 Sidney B. 9-110 Mattle V. 9-108 m Francis H. Donaldson Henry 7-59 1779- m Margaret (Peggy) Helm ( void pg. 18) Henry 8-43 1796- m 1 Olivia Bedinger (1st cousin) 2 Elizabeth Scott Samuel Scott 9-111 1849- m Katherine Bedford Lucy 10-188 Elizabeth 10-191 Henry 10-189 m Helen Keller Frank 10-192 m Sally Moran Margaret Helm 10-190 m Henry Clay Howard William 10-193 Margaret Helm 9-114 m Edward P. Kelly Joseph Helm 9-112 (unmarried) George 9-115 " Letitia 9-113 John 8-44 1800-1876 m Nancy Blanton Harrison Blanton 9-116 1825- m Bettie Gass Sallie 9-117 1827- m Henry Gaitskill Margaret Elizabeth 9-118 1828-1871 Henrietta Povall 9-119 1830-1845 Richard Henry 9-120 1832-1835

5 John Carter 9-121 1824- m Laura Hume Matthew Hume 1G-194 m Mary W. Thomas Harry B. 10-196 m Maggie Turney J. Frank 10-195 m Lucille Turney Sythe Blanton 9-122 (died young) Thomas Helm 9-123 I838- m 1 Hettie M. Talbot; 2 Mrs. Mollie Collins Mary C. 9?-124 1840-1876 Martha N. 9-125 1842- m Emile F. Nelson Susanna F. 9-125a 1841- Sally 8-45 1801- m William Buckner Joseph Helm 8-46 1803-1847 m Amanda FItz Allen Scott Robert Henry 9-127 1832-1863 (war casualty) Mary E. 9-128 1834-1862 m Jacob S. Mc Gee Anne Rebecca 9-129 1836-1854 Samuel Scott 9-130 1830-1869 m Lizzie D. Kimbrough John Matt 10-201 Alice M. 10-204 m Washington Webb Susan M. 10-202 Ann Rebecca 10-205 Henry Scott 10-203 Joseph Larue 9-132 (died young) Issac C. 9-133 1841 m Elizabeth A. Morgan Mary Whittington 10-197 m Gerritt Henry Albers Sadie Mc Donald 10-199 m William Waterfill Joseph Scott 10-198 Susan Ryan 10-200 Sarah Margaret 9-134 Lettie L. 9-133 William H. 9-I3I Letitia 8-47 1806-1834 Henrietta Povall 8-48 1808-1866 m 1 Frank P. Bedford; 2 Robert Scott; 3 E. S. Dudley Rebecca 8-48a 1810-1820 Rachel Elizabeth 8-49 1812- m Douglas Payne Lewis Samuel 8-50 1815-1888 m Nancy Tucker Wornall Thomas Henry 9-138 1840-1926 m Fannie Conn Williams Roger Franklin 10-206 Alfred 10-209 George William 10-207 Thomas Henry 10-210 Nannine 10-208 m Frederick Wallis Susan Elizabeth 9-140 1846-1880 m Cassius Marcellus Clay 8-134 (see vol. 1 pg. 20) James E. 9-138 I850- m Sara Elizabeth Alexander Bell Brent 10-211 Samuel 10-213 Nancy Tucker 10-212 James E. 10-214 Charlton Alexander 10-2l4a Mary Ann 8-51 1817 Frances Povall 8-52 1819- m Susan Ryan Wornall Wornall 9-140 1843-1850 William H. 9-143 m Emily Spears John Spears 10-214 Frank Povall 10-217 William H. 10-215 Matthew M. 10-218 Noah 10-216 Roby Wornall 10-220 Henrietta 9-141 1849-1850 Frank Povall 9-144 Nannie 9-142 m Walter Buckner Olive Perry 9-145 m Willie Kern Eleanor Branham 10-221 Matt Martin 8-53 1821- Above transcribed and furnished by Mrs. Ruth Clay Jones of Bristol, Virginia. Mrs. Frederick Wallis, the author, is a member of the Clay Family Association.

PUBLIC RECORDS Census- Virgin!a-1830 Male Female Giles County Henry Clay 1 under 5 2 under 5 2 5/10 1 5/10 2 10/15 1 10/15 1 40/50 1 30/40 Bartly Clay 2 under 5 1 20/30 2 5/10 1 30/40 Grayson County John Clay 1 under 5 1 5/10 1 5/10 1 10/15 1 10/15 1 15/20 1 40/50 1 40/50 Franklin County William Clay 1 10/15 1 30/40 1 5-/60 Ezekial Clay 1 15/20 2 15/20 1 50/60 Bedford County Paul I. Clay 1 20/30 1 50/60 Campbell County Marston Clay 2 5/10 1 under 1 10/15 1 5/10 1 30/40 1 15/20 1 30/40 Stephen Clay 1 5/10 1 5/10 1 50/60 1 15/20 1 30/40 0. G. Clay 2 under 5 1 20/30 1 5/10 1 20/30 Princess Ann County Lydia Clay 1 20/30 1 50/60 Census-Virginla-1830 (cont.) Cabell County checked, no Clays Frederick County " " Greenbrier County " Harrison County " James City County " " New Kent County " II Westmoreland County " II Goochland County It Cumberland County " II Isle of Wight County " " Accomack County " Louisa County King George County " Richmond County " Charles City County " " Hanover County " Lancaster County Fauquier County Amherst County " Above transcribed and furnished by Mrs. Richard Seeds, Miramar Park, Florida.

Census- Arkansas- 1830 and 1840 All counties checked No Clays listed in 1830 Only the following listings for 1840 Male Female Desha County 1 30/40 Margaret Clay 1 20/30 Johnson County 1 under 5 1 under 5 John Clay 1 20/30 1 20/30 Henry Clay 1 20/30 1 under 5 1 30/40 Caleb Clay 2 5/10 1 IO/15 1 10/15 2 15/20 1 50/6O Census-Mi ssouri-1830 Montgomery County George Clay 3 5/10 1 under 5 1 20/30 1 10/15 1 30/40 Abram Clay 1 1 60/70 1 15/20 1 20/30 Perry County 60/70 Salamon Clay 2 under 5 1 5/10 1 5/10 1 IO/15 2 IO/15 1 15/20 1 15/20 1 30/40 1 40/50 Census-Missouri-1830 (conto) Male Female Cole County William Clay 1 20/30 3 under 1 30/40 1 20/30 Johnson Clay 1 under 5 2 under 1 30/40 1 5/10 1 30/40 John G-. Clay 1 20/30 1 Jeremiah Clay 1 5/10 1 20/30 1 10/15 1 5/10 1 20/30 1 10/15 1 50/6O 1 15/20 50/60 Census-Mi s sourI-1840 Buchanan County Greenbury Clay 2 under 5 1 20/30 1 5/10 Cole County 1 20/3O John Clay 2 5/10 1 under 5 1 15/20 1 5/10 1 40/50 1 10/15 1 30/40 Gordren (?) Clay 1 under 5 1 under 1 30/40 2 5/10 1 20/30 Jeremiah Clay 1 15/20 2 5/10 1 20/30 1 15/20 1 70/80 1 30/40 1 50/6O Green Clay 1 under 5 3 under 1 15/20 1 5/10 1 30/40 1 20/30 Crawford County Hlriam Clay 2 under 5 1 20/30 1 20/30 Charles Clay 1 5/10 1 5/10 1 15/20 1 15/20 1 50/6O 1 40/50 Monroe County C. Y.(?) Clay 1 under 5 2 under 5 1 5/10 1 5/10 1 40/50 1 20/30 Montgomery County Issac Clay 1 20/30 1 20/30 Newton County L. A. Clay 2 5/10 1 under 5 1 IO/15 1 5/10 1 20/30 1 IO/15 1 30/40 1 40/50 Census-Missouri-1840 (oont.) Male Female Platte County William Clay 2 under 5 1 5/10 2 5/10 3 10/15 1 40/50 1 40/50 Johnson Clay 1 5/10 1 under 5 1 15/20 2 10/15 1 40/50 1 30/40 St. Charles County Wiglow (?) Clay 1 15/20 1 50/6O 1 50/60 St. Francois County James W. Clay 2 under 5 2 under 5 1 10/15 1 5/10 1 30/ 40 1 20/30 William Clay 1 under 5 1 under 5 1 30/40 1 20/30 Wade H. Clay 1 under 5 1 10/15 1 20/30 2 15/20 1 30/40 1 20/30 1 60/70 1 50/6O Eleazer Clay 1 under 5 1 10/15 1 20/30 2 15/20 1 30/40 1 20/30 1 60/70 1 50/60 St. Louis County George Clay 1 5/10 1 15/20 3 15/20 3 20/30 4 20/30 1 30/40 1 30/40 Thomas Clay 1 20/30 1 20/30 All other Missouri counties checked - no Clays Above census readings transcribed and furnished by Mrs. Rodney C. Cook, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Census-Mi s souri-1850 Age Born Moniteau County John Clay 40 Mo. Margaret 30 Tenn. Caroline 18 Mo. Clementine 14 Mo. Rachel 8 Mo. Eleazer 6 Mo. Green 3 Mo. Joseph Johnson 1 Mo. John M. 11 Mo. Green Clay 46 Malva 36 Nancy 16

10 Census-Missouri-1850 (cont.) Louisa 15 Mariza 14 Anderson 12 Julia 10 Elizabeth 8 Christopher Columbus 7 Malva 1 Thomas 2 Sullivan County J. M. Clay 32 Rebecca 25 Eleazer 2 St. Charles County Mathew Clay 29 Amanda 27 Josephine !» Hampson 2 William C. M. Clay 24 Harriot 22 Alice 3 Census-Missouri-i860 Moniteau County Margaret Clay 50 Clementine 24 Eleazer 16 Green 11 Joseph J. 10 John M. 21 Mahala 15 William H. Clay 27 Nancy E. 21 Martha 10 Clarissa 50 Green Clay 55 Malva 44 Anderson 21 Julia 19 Elizabeth 18 Christopher Columbus 16 Malva 11 Thomas 13 Celestia 9 James G. 6 Margaret 5 John 1 Census-Missouri-i860 (cont.) Age Moniteau County Eleazer Clay 28 Permelia 32 Robert M. 8 Margaret 6 Martha 2 Robert M. (?) 4 Putman County J. M. Clay 41 Rebecca 33 Eleazer 12 Susan 8 Margaret 7 James M. 4 Joseph 2 Census-Missouri-1870 Putman County Rebecca Clay 44 Susan 18 Margaret 16 James M. 14 Joseph K. 12 Mary A. 10 Mariza J. 8 Sarah E. 5 John M. 2 Census-Mi ssouri-1880 Sullivan County Eleazer Clay 32 Samanthia 25 William Munro 7 Margaret Catherine 5 Robert Shanklin 1 Elsie Ellmettla 3 Above census readings transcribed and furnished by Mrs. George H. Colver, Coffeyville, Kansas.

Marriages- Missouri St. Charles County James Clay m Sarah Hancock 21 December, 1801 James Clay m Nancy Murdock 11 February, 1821 Winnie Clay m Darling Smith 10 March, 1824 Lucinda Clay m. Wm. Smith Mc Clenny 13 February, 1823 Polly Clay m John King 1 March, 1829 Meeky Clay m Jesse Alkere 3 January, 1833 Lobrina Clay m Henry Ruple 5 March, 1819 Marriages- Missouri (cont.) Cole County Green Clay m Malva Musick 13 July, 1832 John Gardner Clay m Margaret Miller 25 December, 1828 Wade Hampton Clay m Meriza Musick 22 November, 1835 Moniteau County (incomplete) James M. Clay m Rebecca J. Williams 14 January, 1847 Elizabeth Clay m Squire Hickman 17 August, 1862 Mahala Clay m Squire Hickman 23 March, 1865 Julia Clay m A. B. Alexander 12 March, 1861 Mari za C lay m Richard Bruce 27 April, 1861 Clementine Clay m Issac Kimel 23 May, 1861 Louisa Clay m Francis L. Potter 26 June, 1851 Eleazer Clay m Permelia Moore 12 May, 1852 Caroline Clay m James M. Kimberlain 19 February, 1857 G. C. Clay m Sarah A. Mc Clanahan 31 March, 1867 Christopher Clay m Lucy Ann Detheridge 12 April, 1867 Nancy G. Clay m Presley Moore 20 February, 1854 Above marriage records transcribed and furnished by Mrs. George H. Colver, Coffeyville, Kansas.

Marriages-New Jersey Thomas Clay m Phebe Durant 19 October, 1799 Jan Everse Claes m Catharina Soldaat 11 December, 1735 Ann Clay m Hugh Ross 13 September, 1771 Hannah Clay m Thomas Thorne 22 October, 1730 Lysbeth Claes m Hessel Pleterse 8 June, 1699 Merritje Claes m Gerbrante Claese 11 August,1674 Piertertje Claes m Jacobus Jansen 22 November, 1696 Tryntje Claesje m Teunis Roelfse 23 December, 1677 Vrouwtje Claes m Gerret Steynmets 12 March, 1684 Cornells Claesz m Aeltje Teunise 11 December, 1681 The last six marriages were performed at Bergen Reformed Church, Jersey City Heights. Above marriage records transcribed and furnished by Robert Young Clay, Knoxville, Tennessee

Wills and/ or Estate Settlements-New Jersey The following transcribed from "Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series" by Robert Young Clay: Helena Clay legatee of Ann Morris. Will proven 2 October, 1817, Middlesex County. Executors: Daughter, Helena and son in law, Richard Clay. Vol. XLII pg. 300. Will of Humphrey Clay, Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, 3 July, 1736. Lists children: Humphrey, Catherine Thorn, Sarah Clay, Rebecca Wood, Hannah Thorn, Phebe Cox, Eathalenta Denton. Vol. XXX pg. 98

13 12 June, 1736 . . Will of Humphrey Clay, jnariner, Perth Amboy; mentions estate of his grandfather Lawrence Vangall, deceased. Executors- mother, Rebecca Clay and Richard Fitz Randolph. Vol. XXX pg. 9«. Will of Lawrence Van Gale of Perth Amboy, Middlesex county. Hannah Clay, administrator. 1 September 1733. Vol XXX pg. 49Ö. Mr. Robert Young Clay also furnished the following from "New Jersey, Index of Wills, Inventories, etc.' Abraham Clay, Sussex Co., 2888S, Inventory, I856. Christopher C. Clay, Sussex Co., 4558S, Will, 1893, Inventory, 1893. Elizabeth Clay, Middlesex Co., 17042L, Inventory, 1898 Emma Clay, Hudson Co., 15251, Will, 1872, Inventory, 1872. Feargus H. Clay, Mercer Co., 4750K, Inventory, 1891 George Clay, Essex Co., 16283G, Inventory, 1866. George B. L. Clay, Burlington Co., 21489C, Will, I898, Inv., 1898. Harkless Clay, Monmouth Co., 15459M, Will, 1893 Henry Clay, Mercer Co., 4158K, Will, 1887. Humphrey Clay, Monmouth Co., 11753M, Inventory, 1858 Humphrey Clay, Sr., Middlesex Co., 709-710L., Book B. pg.293, wín 1732 Humphrey Clay, Sr., Middlesex Co., 975-976L.,1023L., Book C, pg. Ill, Will, 1736, Inventory, 1736 John Clay, Sussex Co., 2631S, Inventory, 1850 Ralph Clay, Essex Co., 11102G, Inventory, 1818 Samuel Clay, Essex Co., 12955G, Will, 1839, Inventory, 1839, Renunciation, 1839. „ • . Susannah Clay, Mercer Co., 6136K, Will, 1ÖÖ7. Thomas Clay, Passaic Co., 4422P, Inventory, 1895. Death Records and/or Cemetery Incriptions Family cemetery on old Clay farm, highway 94, northwest of Augusta, Missouri. James Clay died i860 Nancy Clay died 1843 Elemus Clay died I836 Matthew Clay died age 38 Amamda Miller Clay died 1859 Newtown, Missouri cemetery. Phillip Johnson April 4, 1888 Age 39 yr. 5 mo. 28 days. Margaret Johnson March 12, 1900 Age 75 Hickam cemetery, Lupus, Missouri. John Gardner Clay 5-13-1855 Sabrina Renfrou 1-29-1863 Mahala Moore 5- -1855 Joseph Johnson Clay Elizabeth Hickman Jan. 23, 1842-Apr. 23, 1864

14 Mt. Zion cemetery, Lupus, Missouri, Green Clay 12-2-1881 Malva Clay 3-24-1886 Above records transcribed and furnished by Mrs. George H. Colver.

Bible Records and Other Family Records No data on hand for this issue.

ASSOCIATION MEMBER LINEAGES Three of the sons of James Clay 5-22 migrated to Missouri soon after 1800 and today their descendants ara all over this country. The following is the compilation of the lineages of several descendants, also see vol. 1 pg. 23, 37. James 5-22 -1790 m Margaret Muse James 6-60 1772- m 1 Faithful Grimes; 2 Sarah Hancock James 7-145a 1800-1860 m Nancy Murdock Elemus 8-270a -1836 Winnie 7-l45b 1803 m Darling Smith Lucinda 7-l45c 1810 m William Smith Mc Clermy Polly 7-146 1809 m John King Lobrina 7-l46b 1798 m Henry Ruple Matthew 7-147 1821- m Amanda Miller Josephlne 8-270 1846 Hampson Strother 8-271 1848-1904 Jeremiah Walker 6-61 1746-1845 m 1 Francis Gardner Johnson Polly 7-170 1796 Johnson 7-171 1798-1860 m Rebecca Collett Sarah T. 8-260 m A. J. Gilliam Abraham C. 8-261 1824-1846 Ann E. 8-262 1827- m S. W. Holland Nancy 8-264 1828-1869 m T. S. Osborne Frances G. 8-265 1830- m A. H. Burgess William H. 8-266 1833-1863 m Nannie H. Montgomery Martha 9-470 1850 Mary Geneva 8-267 1836- m John C. C. Davis William B. Davis m Adora Pullins Edna Marie Davis m Francis A. Muench William N. Muench m Ruthe Conrady William 7-172 1800-1875 m Sarah Collett Elisabeth 8-240 m C. B. Vaughn Sophia Jane 8-241 m John Bruce Jerry 8-242 m Mary F. Burruss Henry C. 8-243 John D. 8-244 m Fannie Stagners Mary A. 8-245 Rebecca 8-246 m Shouse Sarah 8-247 m Landrum J. D. W. 8-248 m " "Swerengen Martha 8-249 m Pleasant Pews Jeremiah Walker 6-61 * m 2 Nancy Thompson Ott Green 7-173 m Malva Musick Charles 8-210 1833-1833 Nancy G. 8-211 1834-1852 m Presley Moore Louisa 8-212 1836-1901 m Francis L. Potter Mariza 8-213 1837-1911 m Richard Bruce Joe Anderson 8-214 1839-1893 Julia 8-215 1841-1898 m A. B. Alexander Elizabeth 8-216 1842-1864 m Squire Hickman Christopher Columbus 8-217 1843-1907 m Lucy Ann Detherage Thomas 8-219 1847-1902 Malva 8-220 1849-1933 Coleste 8-221 1851-1869 James Green 8-222 1854-1933 Margaret 8-223 1855- John Moore 8-224 1859-1932 m Fannie Ellen Hudson Thomas Ewing 9-379 Mildred Lee 9-380 m Richard Paddock John Gardner 7-174 1807-1855 m Margaret Miller Caroline 8-250 1832- m James J. Kimberlain Clementine 8-251 1836- m Issac Kimel Rachel 8-252 1842- Eleazer 8-253 1844- Green 8-254 1848- Joseph Johnson 8-255 1849 John M. 8-256 1839 m Mahala Elizabeth 7-175 1809- Louisa 7-176 1811- Sabrina 7-177 1813-1863 m Mark Renfrou Mahala 7-178 1816-1855 m John Moore James Munro 7-180 1819- m Rebecca J. Williams Eleazar 8-210a 1847-1921 m Samanthia William Munro 9-475 1873- Margaret Catherine 9-476 1875 Elsie Ellmettia 9-477 1877- Robert Shanklin 9-478 1879- Susan Frances 8-213a I852- Margaret Ellen 8-218a 1853-1918 8-212a 1856-1932 m Neattie Malinda Everman George Monroe 9-430 1883- Mable Blanch 9-431 I885- m Charles Reuben Phares George Emory Phares m Frances Althea Goodman Arthur 9-432 1887- James Franklin 9-433 1889- Eleazar 9-434 I89O- Ella Neata 9-435 1893- Paul Jennings 9-436 I896- Joseph Kemal 8-217a 1858-1941 m 1 ? ; 2 ? ; 3 Cora Olive Britt Maude Estelle 9-471 1883- m Anderson Bert C. 9-472 1893-1961 Vlnita Eileen 9-473 1911- m George Herbert Colver Donald Woodson 9-474 1914-

16 Mary Ann 8-2l6a 1861-1945 Mariza Jane 8-2l4a 1862- Sarah Elizabeth 8-215a 1865- John Calvin Munro 8-219a 1868-1955 Eleazar 7-150 1822- m Permelia Moore Robert M. 8-186 1852- (?) Margaret 8-187 1854- Robert M. 8-189 1856- (?) Martha 8-188 1858- Margaret Muse 7-182 1825-1900 m Phillip Johnson Eleazer 6-66 1779-1863 m Mary Dumville Alley 7-157 Margaret 7-158 James William 7-159 1806- m 1 Mary Ann Spradling Frank Eleazer 8-l66a m Mary Jane Breckenridge Robert Joseph 8-l67a m Marcenia Emeline Breckenridge William Spradling 8-l68a m Mary Mc Henry Mary Caroline 8-l69a m Columbus Bean Angeline Bean mrrFrank Brim Carl Clay Brim m Ann Monroe Ellen Louise Brim m John Lee Shelton Sarah Elizabeth 8-170a m John W. Fraser Catherine 8-171a m John Mc Clanahan Nancy Jane 8-172a 1842- Susanne8-175a Lucinda 8-175b 1840- Johnnie 8-176a Eleanor 8-177a James William 7-159 m 2 Amanda Andrews Clara 8-173a m Shaner Luella 8-174a William S. 7-160 1806- Nancy 7-161 Eleanor 7-166 Eleazer Green 7-162 1818-1869 m Susan Shelton Clement C. 8-190 Mary 9-479 Mary Lucinda 8-190a 1844- m Peter Hanger Lewis Robert D. 7-163 1817- m Susan Hunt Robert 8-195 William 8-192 Edward 8-196 Romeo 8-193 Philip 8-197 Thomas 8-194 Waide 8-198 Mahala M. 7-165 Angeline 7-167 Walde Hampton 7-166 1811-1884 m 1 Musick Henry M. 8-199 Volney C. 8-204 Cordelia 8-205 Orlena 8-200 Walde Hampton 7-166 m 2 Mary E< Sutherland Anna M. 8-201 Julia 8-206 Eva 8-202 Waide H. 8-203 Benjamin M. 8-207 John S. 8-208 -1942 Mary 7-156 Ann L. 7-156a Morgan S. 7-164 These more than 150 names of Clay descendants are added to the Clay Family register through the combined efforts of: Mrs. William Muench, Tampa, Florida; Mrs. Richard Paddock, Hillsboro, New Mexico; Mr. George E. Phares, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mrs. George H. Colver, Coffeyville, Kansas; Mrs. John L. Shelton, Washington, D. C.

REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION With the exception of the following all requests for Information have been answered on the basis of data in the register. Mrs. Wortham M. Thompson, 6017 Charlotte St., Houston, Texas 77005 is seeking information on Jesse and Marium Clay, parents of Marian Clay, who married Michael Wright in Georgia in 1794.

The Clay Family Register Perhaps* the following will serve to answer the several questions regarding the register, and how it is set up. This is the editor's own filing system and any resemblence to an orderly system is accidental. The basis of the register is a small but growing library of books containing Clay family data. This is supplemented by files of information furnished by members of the association? in many cases members have loaned their entire research files to be duplicated, and in addition, the editor's file of dated research notes and correspondence. The keys to this information rest in the five card files, samples of which are depicted on the following page, and in a chart the editor has expanded from Clifford Charles Clay's "The Colonial Virginia Clays and Some of Their Descendants". This expanded chart contains the names of some four thousand Clay name descendants of five original Immigrants. As family information sheets are received from association members identifying numbers are assigned to each individual and the data is transcribed to the several card files and added to the chart. During the past year numerous inquiries have been answered and as the register expands we expect to satisfactorily answer a greater percentage of questions regarding all branches of the Clay Family tree. 18 Ffl.yet.te County, Kentun. ky_ born lyd. Fayette lvd. elsewhere Bishop 10-160 18^6 1866- Henry 7-117^*1777 -I852 b.Hanover Co., Va. Henry 7-78 1800 1800- James 8-147 18*" 7-117 James 7-85 17 NAME Clay, Henry CA. 1777 John M. 8-148 18 Son ofj John 6-42 B. 12 April, 1777 WHERE Hanover Co., Va. Samuel 9-93 18 M. 1799 WHERE Saml. B. 10-162 o- 29 June, I852 WHERE Washington, C. Thos.H. 8-140 18 LVD. Lexington, Kentucky Wife: Lucretia Hart Wm. R. 10-161 18 CHLDN: Henrietta 8-139, Theodore Wythe 8-140.^Thomas John Hart 8-141, Susan Hart 8-142, Ann Brown 8-143, Lucretia Hart 8-l43a, Henry 8-144, Eliza 8-145, Abraham Laura 8-146, James Brown 8-147, John Morrison Mastln 8-148.

I Lawyer, U. S. Senator, Orator,

REF:MRC; CCC Chart, 1/15/64; F-2; JBW 42;

Clay Ann-,—Anna.,^krme^ Ann i e Mary Ann Elizabeth m Jno. R. Steele ccc 59 Ann Brown 8-143 m I825 James Erwin 2/1/66 Ann Elizabeth 9-1C Ann dau. Slator 17 Erwin Ann 11-267 Josephine (nee Russell) m 1845 John Morrison 8-148 Ann Clayton 9-207 am J es m 1825 Ann Brown 8-143 Annie 10-137 Anne

Ann 7-96 Ann 7-96 8-143 Ann Brown 1807 Ann Warfield 8-137 dau. Henry 7-117 Ann T. Ann dau. Joseph 17

19 VIGNETTE - Carlos Green Clay 8-276 Carlos Green Clay was born 1 June, 1810 in Lunenberg county, Virginia, the son of Levi Clay 7-185. He married Selene Caroline Taylor 2 December, 1849 In Wilson county, Tennessee, where he farmed until his death 22 January, 1900. Carlos and his wife had ten children, of whom only two, William Bowen 8-487 and Carlos Green 8-490, lived to maturity. Carlos Green Clay, as revealed by the following excerpts from his journal and from his obituary, was a man of strong con­ victions, determination and a sense of Justice. He was a southerner by birth and love of country, but was opposed to secession as futile and basically unjust. Having made up his mind he refused to conform and suffered the discriminations of his community and his government, however, at the time of his death his "Unionism" had either been forgiven or forgotten, for no mention was made of the matter in his obituary. "General Chronology of Memorable Events 1847-1867" by Carlos Green Clay, Sr. "1855- Finest crop of wheat raised ever known in Tennessee. we raised about 30 bushels per acre. Planted my young orchard of Yankee fruit trees this year, the most of which were worthless. My own grafting done well, proving conclusively that Yankees nor Yankee fruit will not do amongst honest people." "i860- Great excitment upon secession, Tennessee finally acted the fool and went out (as it was termed) with the other foolish southern states, which eventually resulted in the abolishment of slavery and inaugurated a perfect military despotism in all the southern states after a desperate conflict of arms which lasted 4 years, in which time there prevailed a desperate state of things, such as robbery, murder, arson and every other species of desperation." "1862- August 5. This day General N. B. Forest, rebel genl., in the plenitude of his greatness siezed upon me at midnight on Sunday night and by force of arms took from me by force of arms 4 fine and valuable horses, which he values himself very low, but amounted to $675 which sum he promised to pay In worthless Confederate money, but not having the fear of God before his eyes and not having the honesty to do so he failed ever afterward to pay. This property was taken under the charge of my Unionism, which was a great crime at that time with all contemptable and infamous scoundrels and bankrupts like Forest and others of his kind."

"1863- May 5. This day, or rather night, I was robbed by force and arms by three armed men, Henry Riggin of Wilson

20 county, Tenn. being one of the number, and the others seemed to be rebel soldiers, but I never knew certainly who they were, they took two horses or rather mares and about $75 in Confederate money, the horses in this money- $10,000,000." "1865- April. Geni. R. E. Lee, Rebel genl. surrendered his army at Appomattox, Va., to Geni. U. S. Grant of the Federal Army." "1867- Jany. Hired Andrew Harrison and Berry Clay, free men of colors and paid Andrew $10 per month. Paid to Missouri Clay, mother of Berry, he being of under age, $75 for the year, $40 also for the hire of Amanda, her daughter, for the year, we boarded Henry and Bowen, children of Missouri, and paid her $20 for hers and Henry's services."

Obituary Carlos Green Clay »» The subject of this notice was for nearly sixty years a resident of Wilson county, Tenn., where he sustained an enviable reputation as a good citizen, kind father, and to many, both young and old, an invaluable friend. He literally fulfilled in his life the scriptual injunction of "love thy neighbor as thyself." Never allowing prejudice to conquer reason, he regarded no man as his enemy. When he shook the dust of his native heath from his feet and turned away to the then new country of Tenn., he brought within his honorable manhood all that which makes Va. famous for her hospitality and nobleness of character, and was the same to his triumphant end." "Though often solicited to give his services as representative in the general assembly of his state, he always modestly declined any political honors, though he kept in familiar touch with all public questions of the day, . A fluent and logical talker, he was entertaining and listened to by all who enjoyed his company." "He had the happy turn of making every one familiar and easy in his company, which always made his abode attractive to his friends and the strangers who tarried within his gates." The above data furnished by Woodson Hobson Clay 10-451, grandson of Carlos Green Clay, Sr. Woodson Hobson Clay, an association member, lives in Lebanon, Tennessee.

New Members of Clay Family Association Additions since October, 1966 Mrs Irene Brandau, 7007 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212 Mrs. E. C. Englebrecht, 1201 Southfield Road, Evansville, Ind. 47715 Mary Beth Fish, Victor,Iowa 52347 21 New Members of Clay Family Association Mrs. William Muench, 3011 San Miguel, Tampa, Florida 33609 Mrs. John T. Officer, 11177 Wagner St., Culver City, Calif.90230 Mr. George E.Phares, 6805 S. Country Club Drive, Oklahoma City, Okla Mrs. Ervin Shaw, Box 323, Protection, Kansas 67127 Mrs. John L. Shelton, 605 Raliegh Place SE, Washington 20, D. C. Mrs. Wortham M. Thompson, 6017 Charlotte, Houston, Texas 77005 Mrs. Charles E. Ward, Route 5, Box 109, Jackson, Mississippi 39212 In addition the Fort Worth Public Library, Fort Worth, Texas has been added to our mailing list.

MEMBERSHIP IN THE CLAY FAMILY ASSOCIATION Membership is open to any Clay descendant of any lineage, who is Interested in their family origins and is willing to share their family data with the association. If you know of any such person or persons pass the attached family information form on to them with the request that they complete and return to the editor. There is no membership fee.

MISCELLANY To a family genealogist every mention of the family name is important, for we have all had the experience of discovering a clue to family history while reviewing notes, which seemed irrevalent at the time they were transcribed. To that end we research census records, vital statistics, court records, tax rolls, local histories and multitudes of printed genealogies. The following transcription is typical. It may be the clue some researcher is seeking to confirm the location of an ancestor in time and place: An auction sale of Widow Henson's property 10 January, 1Ö35. Henry Clay bought 1 ax and iron wedge $1»12| Henry Clay bought 1 cabbage patch »8lt Joseph Clay bought 1 bread tray .314 "Warren County, Tennessee Inventories, Sales, Bills, Settlements, Etc."

COATS OF ARMS Did you see the advertisement of heraldic artist and association member, Robert Young Clay, in the September, 1966 issue of the Genealogical Helper.

22 THE CLAY FAMILY QUARTERLY Volume 2 Number 2 April 1967 CONTENTS Editor's Notes 23 Coats of Arms — Drawings by Robert Young Clay 24 Clay Family Bibliography "Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica" 25 Public Records Census: Kentucky 27 Indiana 27 Births: Virginia 29 Marriages: Tennessee 29 Wills: Tennessee 30 Death Records and/or Cemetery Inscriptions Saint Louis, Missouri 30 Mount Pleasant, Tennessee 31 Independence, Texas 31 Bible and/or Other Records 32 Association Member Lineages Thomas C. Clay 32 Requests for Information, 2 and 3 33 Vignette: The Clays of Old Independence 34 New Members 37 Invitation attached

A publication of The Clay Family Association, G. R. Clay, Editor. Address: P. 0. Box 35254, Houston, Texas 77035