COPY FOR USE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PPOCIR PARTNERSHIP WORKSHOP – 5 DECEMBER 2014 AN OVERVIEW OF THE BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES 30 March 2014 Prepared by Dilip Soman for Office of Consumer Affairs | Bureau de la consommation Industry Canada | Industrie Canada 235 Queen Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0H5 | 235, rue Queen, Ottawa ON K1A 0H5 Correspondence: Professor Dilip Soman Rotman School of Management University of Toronto 105 St. George Street Toronto, ON M5S 3E6
[email protected] Dilip Soman | ROTMAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 0 COPY FOR USE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PPOCIR PARTNERSHIP WORKSHOP – 5 DECEMBER 2014 Table of Contents AN OVERVIEW OF THE BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES 1. THE BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 A Brief History: ............................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Approach 2: The cognitive approach. ............................................................................................. 4 1.4 Approach 3: The social psychology approach. ............................................................................... 5 1.5 Approach 4: Transformative Consumer Research and Choice Architecture.................................. 6 1.6 The Methods of the Behavioural Scientist ....................................................................................... 7 2. KEY ISSUES IN THE FIELD AND EMPIRICAL GENERALIZATIONS ........................... 8 2.1