CISA 2020-2021 Executive Committee Candidates Announcement Dear Members, Here are the candidates for the 2020-2021 CISA Executive Committee Elections. All candidates must be present at the AGM, 3pm-5pm AEST on the 31st August 2020 for elections. Members will be asked to cast their votes electronically usinG the Electionbuddy platform durinG the AGM. If any nominations are withdrawn from now till the elections, thereby renderinG positions vacant, it will be left to the incominG executive team to call for further nominations. Note: Nominees with a * marked beside their names have been conditionally accepted, pendinG confirmation of additional documents to be provided before 31st of AuGust 2020. For any issues or questions in reGard to the elections, please do not hesitate to contact me at
[email protected] Kind ReGards, Annette Kalczynska ReturninG Officer Council of International Students Australia (CISA) PO Box 18096, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia Copyright © 2020 Council of International Students Australia Inc. All rights reserved. National President: Belle Lim My name is Belle Lim, I am applyinG for the position of the National President at CISA. I served on the CISA executive committee as the National Women’s Officer over the past two tenures. I have dedicated myself to be a true, stronG voice for female students in our cohort, and deliverinG initiatives that empower and support our students includinG the Future Female Conference. CISA’s Women’s Office has received tremendous support from students, members and stakeholders. We in turn have Garnered universal recoGnition and respect for our work. I hereby thank all of you who have supported us in any way.