




Colin Barr Colton Parish Council William Barr National Park Authority Robert Cass Grange Town Council David Huggett Lower Parish Council Penelope Lovegrove Colton Parish Council Ted Walsh (Chairman) County Councillor for Cartmel Bill Wearing County Councillor for Grange

Also in Attendance:-

John Evans - Resident Howard Firth - Constabulary Janine Hounslow - Senior Democratic Services Officer, CCC Sophia Lacey - Youth Representative Pamela Monkhouse - Resident Donovan Noble - Resident Réa Psillidou - Development Manager, SLDC Farrah Sandbrooke - Youth Representative Donald Scott - Resident Aidan Smith - Resident Leslie Swart - Cartmel Village Society Dianne Whitehead - Area Support Manager, CCC Mary Wilkinson - CCC Julia Wilson - Voluntary Action Cumbria



Apologies for absence were submitted from Inspector I Carruthers (), Councillor J Manning (District Councillor for Holker) and Councillor R Shapland (Grange Town Council).


The elected Members had no declarations of interest at this meeting.

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Donovan Noble a Grange-over-Sands resident posed four questions to the Board.

(1) were proposing the pilot Community Boards should continue and asked how discussions with the districts were going.

(2) The Community Board’s executive functions were currently dominated by traffic and transport issues, what other executive functions were likely to be devolved to the Community Board.

(3) He asked for an update on the enabling bill that was currently going through Parliament.

(4) He wanted to know the current budget for the 30 Community Boards.

Dianne Whitehead, Area Support Manager (ASM) informed the Board that in terms of infrastructure costs for the rollout of 30 Boards there had been a growth bid within the Unitary Bid. However, as the unitary bid had failed the roll-out would have to be looked at again. As for the five pilot Community Boards at the moment it was just her own and Janine’s time that was given to support the Board. The Chairman advised the Board that both he and Councillor Wearing had held a meeting with the Chief Executive of District Council (SLDC) on what, if any, executive functions could be devolved to the Community Board. As part of the Strengthening Communities agenda, District Councils are looking at how they can work more closely with communities.

Miss Lacey informed the Board that the Skatepark built at the end of the Summer was used by a number of young people in the area. However, the nights were drawing in, and there were currently no floodlights and no benches for them to sit on. Councillor Wearing advised that funds were available to purchase lighting and that benches had already been ordered. Miss Lacey also asked for a progress report on the new sports hall at School. The Chairman asked if it was receiving Lottery Funding. Dianne Whitehead (ASM) would find out and report back to the Board at the next meeting. Miss Lacey then asked for an update on the Pool at Grange. Councillor Wearing informed her that two bids had been received but they had not met the criteria. There would be a presentation in Victoria Hall within the next couple of weeks giving the details of both the pool and the car park site as well. He added SLDC had put the development of these sites out to tender again. It could be 2008 before there

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(1) Notes

The Notes of the 26 July 2007 meeting were AGREED as a correct record.

(2) Constitution and Terms of Reference

Dianne Whitehead (ASM) tabled a paper that gave clarification on the Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Community Board, that were raised at the last meeting. She informed the Board that it would be possible to redraft the Terms of Reference if the Board deemed it necessary. The Chairman added that he could also discuss it at the Members White Paper Working Group meeting when it next met. A member asked where the executive functions came from. He was informed that most were taken from the executive functions of the County Council’s Constitution and from the Local Committee which would be available at the next meeting. The Board agreed that the Constitution and Terms of Reference be redrafted with explanatory notes for the next meeting.

AGREED, that the Constitution and Terms of Reference be Janine Hounslow redrafted with explanatory notes for the next Dianne meeting of the Community Board. Whitehead

(3) Grange Regeneration Action Plan

Réa Psillidou, Development Manager, South Lakeland District Council gave a presentation on the Grange Regeneration Action Plan. She informed the Board that the Local Development Framework (LDF) had replaced the local plan under Government legislation in 2004. The most important part of the LDF was the core strategy. This would set the strategy for SLDC planning and development outside of the Lake District National Park. This would include housing needs infrastructure, business and community needs up until 2025. A major consultation exercise would take place in 2008 and she urged residents and Councillors in the Board area to get involved.

The Grange Regeneration Study was currently being carried out to consider the future of the Berners Pool area and also the former open air pool on the promenade. The consultants had also been asked to look at the town centre, as it was a key service area for Grange in the Core Strategy. SLDC wanted to strengthen the town centre to deliver its services to the community. The latest draft of the study indicated that the Berners Pool site remained as it was or that a pool facility be

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Councillor Wearing asked if Parish Plans would be required by SLDC in order to inform the LDF. Rea asked that all Parish and Town Council Plans were made available to them, as these would assist with the Spatial Plan and the Community Strategy for the Grange area. The Chairman asked the current status of the Plan. Rea informed the Board that the Plan had not been prepared yet, as information was still being collated. It would be advertised in Spring 2008 when the consultation process would commence. SLDC held a database of consultees which she urged Members of the Community Board to sign up to. The Plan would be a public document and would be available on the SLDC website with hard copies available in local libraries. The Chairman requested a copy of the public consultation document as soon as possible.

AGREED, that

(i) the presentation be received;

(ii) the Local Development Framework Core Strategy be made available to the Community Board as soon as possible.

(4) Direct Payment Scheme

The Chairman informed the Board that direct payments were cash payments made to individuals 16 and over who had been assessed as needing services, in lieu of directly provided or care managed social care provision. The aim of the direct payment scheme was to give more flexibility in how services were provided to those individuals who were assessed as eligible for social services support. By giving those individuals money in lieu of social care, people had a greater choice and control over their lives, and were able to make their own decisions about how their care was delivered. He asked the Parishes in the Board area to promote the direct payment scheme by having a small item on All Community their agenda and an article in their Parish magazine. Board Members

AGREED, that

(i) the report be noted;

(ii) Parish Councils promote the direct payment scheme by including it as an agenda item and advertising it in their Parish Magazine.

(5) Rural Wheels Scheme

Dianne Whitehead (ASM) informed the Board that there had been

Page 4 of 9 E:\modernGov\Restricted Project\Results\Grange and Cartmel Community Board\20070918\Agenda\Notes0.doc ACTION a Rural Wheels Scheme operating in the area for the past four years. It was a demand responsive passenger transport scheme using a smart card payment system. It could be used twice a week, journeys need to be booked 48 hours in advance and cost 30p per mile. It was initially piloted in High , Low Furness and the Grange area and would be rolled out over the rest of South Lakeland within the next couple of weeks. She asked Board members to encourage people to pass information on Dianne about the Rural Wheels Scheme and added that a new leaflet was Whitehead/All being printed; once available she would send it to all the Parish Community Board Councils in the Board area. Members/Parish Clerks AGREED, that

(i) Members of the Community Board encourage people to pass information on regarding the Rural Wheels Scheme;

(ii) Dianne Whitehead (ASM) despatch leaflets on the Rural Wheels Scheme to all Parish Clerks in the Community Board area.

(6) Winter Gritting Schedule

Dianne Whitehead (ASM) informed the Board that it was now County Council policy not to refill grit bins unless they had been previously notified. She urged members of the Board to ring the Highways Hotline on 0845 6096609 if there were any bins or salt heaps that needed to be refilled. The Chairman asked that Parish representatives bring a list back to the next meeting of the Board detailing the position of salt heaps in their area. Councillor Barr added that in 2006 piles of salt had appeared in places where there had not previously been any. He asked what the procedure for allocating salt heaps was and asked if the information was not available on a GIS system at the Highways Department. The Chairman would ask the Corporate Director about the criteria Parish Reps/ used for the salt heaps in the area. Ted Walsh

AGREED, that

(i) the report be noted;

(ii) Parish representatives compile a list of salt heaps in their area and report back to the Community Board at its next meeting;

(iii) the Chairman ask the Corporate Director – Client Services what the procedure was for the allocation of salt heaps in the area.

(7) Possible Partnership Working on Activated Speed Indicator Signs

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Councillor Wearing informed the Board that they were investigating the possibility of erecting three posts across the Board area where a speed activated sign could be placed. Grange Town Council had allocated £500 towards the scheme and the local Area Engineer had informed him that it would cost £500 for each post. The sign would be solar powered and the Highways Department would move them around the three posts on a rota basis. The Chairman asked that the Board consider funding the sign and asked for a report with costings for the next meeting. Councillor Barr added that there was a mobile unit that Dianne could be used for free. Dianne would compare the Speed Whitehead/All Indicator Device (SID) Scheme used by the Police to the one Community Board proposed for the Board area. Members

A member had received a letter highlighting a speeding problem in the Flookburgh and Allithwaite area. It was suggested that the SID scheme be used in the short-term and the scheme be used in the long-term. The Chairman asked the Parish reps to consider where the best place to erect a pole in their area.

AGREED, that

(i) the report be noted;

(ii) Dianne Whitehead prepare a report for a future meeting of the Board that gives the financial implications to the Board for a speed activated sign and the cost of poles for parishes;

(iii) Parish representatives consider potential areas to erect the fixed pole in their area.

(8) Future Development of Parish Lengthsman Scheme

The Chairman informed the Board that a paper on the Parish Lengthsman scheme was going to the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland in October. He asked Members to defer the item until it had been considered by the Local Committee.

AGREED, that the item be deferred until the October meeting.

(9) Staveley and Cartmel Traffic Issues Janine Hounslow

Cllr wearing informed the Board of issues raised at a recent Staveley in Cartmel Parish Council meeting. There is concern about the safety of the crossroads at the end of the High Newton By Pass and about the speed of vehicles travelling through the village, particularly now this is signed as a faster route than the A592. The Chairman informed members that he sat on the local Casualty Reduction and Safer Highways (CRASH) Group for South

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Lakeland and would be able to pass on the concerns in relation to the A590. The Board was asked to support the request for a speed limit reduction in Staveley in Cartmel. The Area Engineer was to be asked to comment on whether 30mph or 20mph would be advisable. Nick Raymond

AGREED, that

(i) the report be noted;

(ii) the Community Board support a 20 or 30 mph limit with access only in the villages of Staveley and Cartmel and that the Area Engineer produce a paper for the next meeting with a recommendation from the Community Board to the South Lakeland Local Committee.

(10) Budget Report

Dianne Whitehead (ASM) advised the Board not to make grants from its budget. She felt that the Board needed to look at the area and decide where it wanted to allocate its budgets in line with the outline guidance given in the report. Further information reports will come to the Board to help with this. The Chairman asked Members of the Board to consider projects that would benefit from funding from the Board. All Community AGREED, that Board Members

(i) the report be noted;

(ii) Members of the Board consider worthwhile projects which the Board could assist.

(11) Parish Plans

Julia Wilson, Voluntary Action Cumbria (VAC), updated the Board on the Parish Plans for the Community Board area. She informed members that she had written to the nine Parishes in the Board area. Seven had replied and she was awaiting responses from two others. Three already had a Community Statement in place, three were interested in finding out more and one had written back saying that they were not interested at all. It took three months to produce a Community Statement and eighteen months to produce a full plan. The Chairman asked for an update in October/November.

AGREED, that Julia Wilson

(i) the report be noted;

(ii) Julia Wilson update members on progress at the

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October or November meeting.


(1) Communication/PR Strategy – A4 Flyer

Dianne Whitehead (ASM) informed the Board that A4 flyers had been sent out for the meeting and would be available for all future meetings.

Councillor Barr asked that papers that were tabled at the meetings be sent out to all members of the Board as soon as possible after the meeting.

(2) Parish Lengthsman – Commercial Waste Licence Janine Hounslow

Councillor Wearing informed the Board that the commerical waste licence for the Parish Lengthsman had not been resolved. He added that he had negotiated with SLDC for two wheelie bins to be placed behind the CAB office in Grange. Dianne added that a direct request for the commercial waste licence had been made. Unfortunately, there was still no response. The Chairman added that he and Councillor Wearing would speak to the relevant Corporate Director.

AGREED, that the Chairman and Councillor Wearing speak Cllrs Walsh and directly to the Corporate Director – Client Services to Wearing request a commercial waste licence for the Parish Lengthsman.


These were identified as:-

(1) Speed limit in Haggs Lane; (2) The junction at Grange and Cartmel; (3) Speed limits in Cartmel and Staveley villages; (4) Activated speed indicator signs.


Members noted that the next meeting of the Community Board would be held at 6.00 pm in Grange Library on Tuesday 16 October 2007.

Dianne Whitehead (ASM) informed the Community Board that Local Democracy Week was taking place between 14-19 October and invited all Parish Councils to become involved in a political speed dating event. It would comprise of 20 Councillors from

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The meeting ended at 7.50 pm.

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