Broughton-In-Cartmell, Field Broughtori, Holker, Upper Holker
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3819 Broughton-in-Cartmell, Field Broughtori, Holker, work, and 'use the'same, or any of them, or any Upper Holker, Lower Holker, Newton, Brow part thereof, and to levy tolls, rates, and duties, in. Edge, Lower Newton, Low Newton, Allithwaite, respect thereof, and to exercise such powers, or Upper Allithwaite, Nether Newton, Lower Allith- any of them, or to guarantee to the said company to waite, High Cark, Field End, High Newton, Head be incorporated by the said intended Act, such Houses, Low Cark, Cark, Barber Green, Ayside, interest or profit on their outlay, as may be agreed Moss Side, Summer Hill, Saxgills, Seatle, Stavely, upon; and generally to enter into and carry into Raggy Gill, Cartmel Fell, Staveley, Newby Bridge, effect such further and other arrangements and Newby, Finsthwaite, Rusland, Bouth, Haverth- agreements, either jointly or severally, and either waite, Haverthwaite Finsthwaite and Rusland, mutually or with -any other parties, with relation Backbarrow, Low Wood, Fidler Hall, Chapel to the said intended new railway, branch railway House, Hazleridge, Fair Ridge, Coulton otherwise or works, or any part thereof, as may be mutually Colton, Coulton East, Coulton West, Hollow Oak, agreed on between the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Lowick, Penny Bridge, Spark Bridge, Scarthwaite, Company and the company which may be so incor- High Scarthwaite, Upper Scarthwaite, Low Scarth- porated as hereinbefore mentioned; and for such waite, Lower Scarthwaite, Egton-with-Newland, purposes it is proposed to alter, amend, extend, and Egton-cum-Newland, Egton, Greenodd,ArradFoot, enlarge the powers and provisions of the following Pennington, Osmotherly, Osmotherley, Mansriggs, Acts of Parliament, or some of them, relating to the Newland, Plumpton, Casser End, Nibthwaite, Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, namely, an Act Springfield, Smithy Green, and Ulverstone, all in the passed in the seventh and eighth years of the reign county palatine of Lancaster. of Her present Majesty, and another Act passed in •• And it is also intended by such Act or Acts to the eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her said take power to stop up, alter, or divert, whether present Majesty. temporarily or permanently, all turnpike and other . And further notice is hereby given, that maps or roads and highways, tramroads, railways, streets, plans and sections of the said intended railway and paths, passages, aqueducts, rivers, canals, brooks, branch railway and works, and of the lands pro- streams, sewers, waters, and water-courses, within posed to be taken for the purposes thereof, together the aforesaid parishes, townships, and extra-paro- with books of reference to such plans, containing chial or other places, or any of them, which it may the names of the reputed owners, lessees, and occu- be necessary or expedient to stop up, alter, or piers of such lands, will be deposited, on or before divert, for the purpose of making and maintaining the thirtieth day of November, in the present year, or more conveniently making or maintaining or using with the clerk of the peace for the county of Lan- the said intended railway and branch railway and caster, at his office in Preston; and with the clerk works or any of them. of the peace for the county of Westmoreland, at his . And it is further intended by such Act or Acts office in Appleby; and that a copy of so much of to vary or extinguish all existing rights or privi- the said maps, plans, sections, and books of refer- leges in any manner connected with the lands pro- ence respectively, as relates to each of the said pa- posed to be purchased or taken for the purposes of rishes from, in, through, or into which the said the said undertaking, or which would in any man- intended railway and works, or any of them, are ner impede or interfere with the construction, main- intended to be made, will be deposited, on or before tenance, or use thereof, and to confer other rights the thirty-first day of December, in the present and privileges. year, with the parish clerk of each such parish at . And it is also intended by such Act or Acts to the place of abode of such parish clerk. incorporate a company for the purpose of carrying Dated this tenth day of November, 1845. the said intended undertaking into effect, and to Clay, Swift, and Wagsiaf, Liverpool. take powers for the purchase of lands, by compul- Rawsthorne and Swainson, Lancaster. sion or agreement, for the purposes thereof, and for levying tolls, rates, and duties on and for the use of the same and otherwise, and to grant certain exemptions from such tolls, rates, and duties. Bury (Lancashire) Improvement. And it is further intended by such Act or Acts OTICE is hereby given, that application is in- to-enable the company to be thereby incorporated, N tended to be made to Parliament in the next to sell or let and transfer the said intended railway session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills for better, and branch railway and works, or any of them, or paving, cleansing, lighting, watching, widening, and any part thereof, and all or any powers of such otherwise regulating and improving the streets, company in connection therewith or in relation squares, lanes, roads,' paths, ways, courts,'passages, .thereto, to the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Com- and places, and for opening new streets, within-the pany, and to enable the said last-mentioned com- borough of Bury, in the townships of Bury and pany and any other companies or persons who may Elton', in the county palatine of Lancaster. .'— be so minded and named in the said Act or Acts to And it is intended by such Bill or Bills, to appoint raise funds, and out of their corporate or other commissioners for carrying the same into execution,' funds, either, jointly, or severally to. take shares in and to enable the said commissioners to erect,and and subscribe for or.towards the making, maintain- provide, or cause to be erected1 arid provided, for: ing; working, and using of such intended new rail- tfie-purposes of the'said'borough, proper slaughter- way and bffrneh railway and works, or any of houses' and places for. slaughtering cattle,rand to them, or any- part thereof,'- or to contract for, pur- regulate the same by bye-laws" and other regula- chase, or rent, or to construct, and to maintain, tions," and to demand and receive rates or. rents and..