Agenda Lanark County Council Wednesday, August 24Th, 2005 7:00 P.M
COUNTY OF LANARK COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SUNSET BOULEVARD, PERTH, ONTARIO AGENDA LANARK COUNTY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24TH, 2005 7:00 P.M. COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Susan Freeman, Chair 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. MOMENT OF SILENT MEDITATION 3. ROLL CALL 4. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Suggested Motion by Councillor John Fenik: “THAT, the minutes of the Lanark County Council meeting held on June 22nd, 2005 and the minutes of the “Special” Lanark County Council meeting held on July 6th, 2005 be approved as presented.” 6. ADDITIONS AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA Suggested Motion by Councillor Dennis Cordick: “THAT, the agenda be adopted as presented.” 7. COMMUNICATIONS i) Mississippi River Water Management Plan – Draft Plan Review 3rd Public Information Centre – copies of the plan can be reviewed at the Clerks Office – attached, page 6. Suggested Motion by Councillor David Schoular: “THAT, the Mississippi River Water Management Plan – Draft Plan Review 3rd Public Information Centre communication be received as information only.” 8. DELEGATIONS None 1 of 43 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS • Perth Hotel Request for Support, Peter Wagland, CAO – to be distributed at the meeting. • Report #C-14-2005 Agendas and Minutes Public Documents – attached, page 10. Suggested Motion by Councillor Gary Doyle: “THAT, the County website be utilized to provide a method of making available all Council and Committee minutes and agendas for inspection; THAT, a disclaimer appear on the website in a highly visible location, stating that Staff Reports and Committee Minutes are recommendations to Council and that current agendas and minutes are subject to amendments and adoption by Council; AND THAT, the format in Appendix C of the Procedural By-Law 2003-38 be amended to change RECOMMENDATIONS to STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS.” • Community Development: August 3rd, 2005 meeting, page 15 – Chair J.
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