1272 Carling Planning Rationale
Stantec Consulting Ltd. 400 - 1331 Clyde Avenue, Ottawa ON K2C 3G4 August 14, 2019 File: 160410260 Attention: John Bernier, Planner I City of Ottawa Planning, Infrastructure & Economic Development 110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1 Dear Mr. Bernier, Reference: Site Plan Control Application for 1272 Carling Avenue INTRODUCTION This letter has been prepared in support of an application for Site Plan Control by Best Western Plus (the proponent) for their site at 1272 Carling Avenue. The Site Plan Control application proposes a two-storey addition above the north wing of the existing hotel, adding an additional X rooms to the site. The proponent also proposes to improve surface parking configuration and layout on the site; these changes will remove one vehicle access from Carling Avenue, provide additional landscape buffering along the street edge and remove parking spaces which, due to several road widening, were within the right-of-way. Changes to the parking areas will result in X additional parking spaces, for a total of Y spaces. SITE LOCATION AND CONTEXT The site is located in Ottawa’s Carlington neighbourhood at the southwest corner of Carling Avenue and Merivale Road, as shown in Figure 1. The property is legally described as Part of Lots 12, 13, 14 on Plan 221, Concession A, Lot K, Geographic Township of Nepean, now City of Ottawa. The site is irregular in shape with 101m of frontage on Carling Avenue, 122m along Merivale Road, and an area of 1.1 hectares (2.7 acres). The property is occupied by Best Western Plus- a two and four-storey hotel, and accessory surface parking lot.
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