Annual Report: Constituency Services ’S Why I have three Constituency Offices. Most MPs have only a single full-time office and sometimes a part-time secondary office that operates one afternoon per week. This was Annual Report

how constituency services were handled by the two MPs who preceded me in the two ridings that were redistributed in 2004 to create our

MP new riding. But the enormous size of our riding means that it can be a really long drive for a constituent who needs to come into my office and meet with me or with my staff. So I thought I should show just how big the problem is, and how I have set up three constituency offices. to Constituents


K1A0A6 January-December 2008 Offices , ON Ottawa, Just how big is our riding? from Adolphustown is 360 kilometres and To give one of many examples, I pay for all my

would take four and a half hours. own travel within the riding out of my own

Houseof Commons Carleton Place Scott Reid, Reid, Scott Our riding, Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Adding-  A round trip to the Napanee office from the pocket (the roughly $5,000 for “travel within the Dear Constituent, 6 Lake Ave. W ton (LFL&A), covers 9,639 square kilometres. northeast tip (White Lake) is nearly 420 kilo- constituency” shown in this year’s Financial Carleton Place Some of my fellow MPs from urban ridings have metres and takes about five hours. Report pays for my staff to drive to smaller cen- Each year I send you an Annual Report so ON K7C 1L2 trouble grasping just how big this really is. So tres like Sharbot Lake, Flinton, and Sydenham you can evaluate how I’m doing as your rep- here are some fun ways of making the point. The solution, of course, was to put an office in to hold one-day “mobile constituency offices”). resentative over the previous year. Toll-Free Our riding: both Napanee and Carleton Place. So from 1-866-277-1577

 is larger than the island of Cyprus—which 2004 to 2007, I maintained two offices. In the past I’ve mailed these to you shortly Staple or Tape Shut Shut Tape or Staple Three ‘One-Stop Government

contains two rival governments and a after the turn of the calendar year, but I’ve  Fold Here For Privacy Privacy For Here Fold But even this arrangement was far from perfect, United Nations peacekeeping force! Services Shops’ delayed this edition so that I could provide Napanee because Napanee and Carleton Place are quite you with the most up-to-date information 4 Market Square  is nearly twice the size of Prince Edward far from each other. That’s why, in 2007, I The constituency expenses that I pay out-of- Napanee, ON from the most recent fiscal year (2008/09). Island; pooled my resources with , our pocket make it possible to provide service at K7R 1J3 three permanent offices (and also the mobile  has more area than the United States’ newly-elected MPP, to open a third office in offices), while staying within the budget that is I’ve also included a report on how I’m trying three smallest states combined! Perth. Toll-Free to provide the best possible level of services. allocated by Parliament to each MP. As well, the 1-866-929-0092 But aren’t multiple riding extra payments have enabled Randy Hillier and A big riding can mean long me to turn all three offices into joint federal- It is my job to be open and available to all constituents. So if you have a question that  trips to get MP services. offices expensive? provincial service centres, which we call “Your Perth One-Stop Government Services Shops”. is not answered in this report, please contact Well, yes they are. Multiple offices have to be 1-105 Dufferin St. With the single exception of Perth, every town in one of my offices and a member of my staff manned by a larger number of staff members Perth, ON our riding with a population of over 5,000 is lo- Both Randy and I carefully comply with rules should be able to assist you. K7H 3A5 than are employed by most MPs. I’ve had to ex- cated close to the northeast or southwest edge that forbid us from spending federal money on pand the proportion of my budget that pays for , , detachthis survey and of our riding. (The largest northeast town is provincial government services, and vice versa. Sincerely, 613-267-8239 staff—I have the highest staff costs in — Carleton Place, and Napanee is the largest town But without Randy’s close cooperation, a third Nopostage is necessary. and I’ve had dip into my own pocket to pay for in the southwest.) Now imagine what it would be full-time office would never have been possible, other expenditures. These expenses use up like to cross the riding to reach my office: let alone the joint provision of provincial ser-

 A round trip to the Carleton Place office about half the salary I earn as an MP. Scott Reid, MP

vices at all three offices.

Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington


For your privacy For your foldin half with the addressedside facing Then out. simply staple or tape shut it mail and it.

Name: Name: #): locator 911 include please rural, (If Address Town: Code: Postal Email me: [email protected] Ribbon Cutting:Funding to RoadRibbon repair 38. Remembrance Day CeremoniesRemembrance Volunteer Seniors Outreach.Volunteer SHARBOT LAKE SHARBOT FLINTON

SELBY Around Riding: the

Someof theevents Iattendedlast year.

Hwy 2 Clean Up with Up NapaneeHwy Club. Clean 2 Civitan


Lanark County campaignLanark United launch Way Signing the guest atSigning book the local museum. Wheeler’s MapleWheeler’s Sugar Camp McDONALD’S CORNERS McDONALD’S WATSON’S CORNERS WATSON’S CARLETON PLACE CARLETON SMITHS Christmas Parade Christmas

Annual Report: Financial Report Report Financial Report: Annual Total Spending Other Furniture &equipment Office supplies Printing Telephone outsideTravel constituency withinTravel constituency Advertising Office lease(s) Staff &otherexpenses public untilOctobermade 2009.) (Totals forother offices. forthe MP offices 2008/09 will year not be year’sthe(2007/08) to previous totalfor the2007/08 MP average all year during thefiscal ending2009.well, 31, As March compares it by outlinesmoney report office the This spent the of Reid Scott plus goods & services provided bythe

“Member’s Office Budget”

House ofCommons (fiscal years2007/082008/09) &

Operating Budget

(2007/08) Average $415,098 $231,617 $30,547 $11,109 $83,547 $11,228 $14,199 $23,559 $2,296 $2,705 $4,291 MP

(2007/08) $372,258 $292,796 $24,741 $11,488 $20,636 Scott Reid $4,842 $5,632 $3,924 $5,467 $2,730 $2

(2008/09) $373,018 $274,660

Scott $32,462 $29,860 Reid

$3,612 $4,219 $3,756 $9,408 $5,341 $4,231 $5,469

Cut Along this Line

   Rate the Harper Government! theHarper Rate Email: Phone: Code: Postal Town: Address Name: 


NO! Annual Survey: Annual

good job me. of representing me. Scott Reid

The HarperThe government Scott Reid The HarperThe government good job representingme. doingagoodjob is me. is NOT doing a good job doingagoodjob NOT is (include Road & 911 locator #): locator 911 Road & (include

of representing of representing is NOT doing a doinga is NOT is doinga is
