Hospital Card'sfloo I
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....... ; ":. ! . : , :. , • Hospital card'sfloo i...... ............. TERRACE Volunteers are beds, jobs and medical services w'ill start July 1. This is the second time in two manning tables in the city's three, are feat," it concludes. Elaine Pigeau, head of the joint years the joint action committee malls this week, as the -latest. :' Mills faces the closure of 22 of action committee of. hospital has organized activiUes to protest protest to healthcuts at the hospi: its89 beds and the loss of 10 full workers, management'and other cuts, ," ~ . = .... tal takes place .... ' " time eqnivaient jobs, to balance a; people set Up tO protest the Cuis, . Last year the hg~nii~l'¢~,,,.~ h,.,~ They're handing out 10,000 budgetdeflcitof$525,000 . said there'll be peonlc at'ihe :",~-:-~ :~;-:~5-~":.'277 "~'" .... • : :, ............ r .... cmsures aua iayolt$iwnicn.were mail-in cards.addressed Ri health That arose/when the!proviiiee tables during mail hours np to and later cali6cl off after'the provin minister Elizabeth Cull.. froze-::hospital budge~' ~l~ast including this Sunday. cial government a0~eed ito ,,re On the back is a two paragraph : year'sl&vels~ leaving.flip'facilities ""'e 2 !/:`~' . , .._ ......... ~.. v , • . ' .,.,. .... .,~....... w want one signature per vloemoremoney:.. ,., ., : mn~S:rg,~ ad~;~s spa~., for to coYer.:!:atton and wage.::n~ " card: If two peoplesign them, it The Committee gaihered 1~4,000 .... .... ann s~gna~ure., i creases w~!n me s ameamounr Io~ , makes it too hard to count and signatures On a petition in support t onsagree wtm your :minis-, money as tney nan In lyyx. : :,.: ..,. keen track"' sald:Pi/,eau ~ ofihe'hosnital : ' try's decisi0nn0tto piovide addi-. And ih'&e people wh0 will io$~:: "rr..' ..'~- -:.. ~'~',_Z) ,_ ., ,-,_=,_ .-_r."~., , :: :_ :_..., ' , :- ." ,. ,,i ,~,,, :: : ' a. Ut:, t~lU~S U/tll:OU,Ifit WIU] |he g..,lllu~i .Will, also oc sent to the ~alifnuc~nng for n.o.rth~mhosPat::" !h.e,rp bs:are string:their ! : volunteers aMi p~Stage Will be Hazeito~,sttWart/~nd tlleNass , g Mills M m rl 1, letters mis week :' " : .... ,-' take ........ "" "'' a e ........ " ; ; ..... ~, -., .., ....' _.....,; .', .... .. : n care.of:b ,the:.commtttee VII y, smdPn eau, : ::' ~:.:- nospntal m ierrace:~ leans Ins " Ins layotts will taKe place ac,'; : /.. : • -:....Y~:::. :i .... , : g : : :: first paragraph: : :::. :. Cordingto the worker's seniority -NOrthwest hospltalrepresen~. STRONfil .Ml~_q.q~ ' " :: :'! ":'":~:: ':"'::"!: " "We are' . ' :" ' " " '" ' '= ":"' ~ :: :":::" ":" ' " ..... ~' ~:'-';:~:" .... .... :, ,-: .... ...... , . ,.,.--=--_:.. ...... GE. Mills Memor,al:..nurse, Karla, Beam;,and . .not second class, under applicable contract, prow-.:. : ~ecard.s foll0v/:i.May 0utdoor trees:gathered here last.week for I:: n nn Pier,art head: nf tl.i=: irdnt efi,tiAn :~'Agrrtiffi~'"/~re~i~g[fna ; cmzens and demand that your sions. ::',: . ." i'- .'ralb' in which :m0~e. thi/n 300. astrategy Sess'ion"on wliatto,do h-A-al';hn'ar~"_~"n'~ndi'n~"~.~'~'h: ,~""~.,.."".'Lv".,.""t,I,p,.,",:"~,~.L~'.~"~..% ''~' ' rain" ' • " ' J ..... M ' " ' ......... ''' ....... : ....... "" ......... - • . : • .... " ..-: ............. e .......u .... , ....d one of10,000 cards addresseclto. tstry prowde addmonal fund,: Hosp~tal.admm~stratorMmhael, ,.people. heard sneeches by:local • aboutremorml health:care-rob- =-~-,.,- .......... ~., ..... .: .,..,~,..... ~.,,, ..... ...... ~.,;:,, r .... ,.... .... .... _ = . .;;~.,~, :,, . ..~- .;, . - .... , . .... , _.o , • :-'~'-:. nerdlffl mlrllsler i::llZaDeln L,;uII, YOU canslgn one ln~any oLtnei~ .mg to .,vlius memoria=.~ esters. Leisinger said the oea:c=osures • proms[of the cuts.. .: lems, ThntstoryonPageA2;; ' :: city's threemallsthls week . ' ' : .......'!~.":/::'":' : r egu,I , Ümy wacn men: !s a complaint. ,:::.::: •. ::i: ,:W W ,W 7¢ W ~.!:i :. Patrick says most(of the. larger;~ ::.;,The city's :i0urlsm and: eebndm~ stores -.-. mcludlng,, Safeway r , ic.,, this Overwaitea; W0o!worth'.s aM, K,:, .:Spri/{g' :.:r¢~endtd : :..a • Mart. retnained':,6pen onVi~ ." 'referendumbe:hdd 6d'lhemaitcr.i toria Day, May i8:,~. !, ,: " If Voi~rs:ap~prgVe:thelpiani a::.Io~ "I'm biased 0f course --it's a : .Cat b~2i'h~: GOuld' be:passed ~;ai2 gra.vy day . for sma!l :stores ," ' .i0~i@!i~rge:stor~:to::i~e!0Peit :0~: ': .~ :: :! " " " " statutofy-h01idays.:,i~ ::::.-: !i.'::! IlK ~ ='~ lk~ | | Chris~: Day : and i~ster Sfin2 , • .... " day.:, L ii%!":'/~i,:::',~~::'~ ' .' m ~ ~& | m ~ -, i.Major stbres ii'tMd'::lil¢ advisory Litt,' nile' - Chap:el.:,:.,.i...;;. ,.:". • - - --- = sta to y : h l,d si: b!can e TERRACE " The plans or,a st°tes r¢/open: s days; " i company that wants, to build ::a There's: no!i/l/diCation yet of red edication:( multi-million-dollÜi: :: wilderness :, when c0uncil"will ~consider the hiking resort northeast!i!of: heie : re~endation itO hold the will be open for ail to:dee'ne~t ~ referendum.. '. ' week. .' i :::'i:"~ .. A public meetly'is scheduled i', ,Lhis:::: June '16, fro~.6 :to 10 p,m~: in ~.i .room 328 at the:Inn of the West : into the proposal by Seven Sisters • Ventures Ltd,. :.. : part: of: Usk that m~3st~".t'h~)~.~::. Saved when it lodg d against th PropoSed iS:~'.an 11,000 square foot mainlodge nearDorreen on This~we~kend,:'in hon6ur'0f:'$~ :~-:i:.ExCePt for a small upright~tabl the far side:of iheSkeena River country's 125th birthday, celebra- with a Bible'stiii on top, much c from the Seven Sisters. The $12.6 tions, there will be a rededication the chdrch.wasdestroyed. million proposed .project also. of the risk Pioneer Chapel.Pe 1. ;~-::~:: .: Thirty years iateriiin 1966,:a d~ calls for 55 miles of trails, remote Built as a 1967 centennial:,year cislon was made to build a replic cabins and suspension bridges. • project,-the chapel is a replica of :,of the original churcL i~ : Seven Sisters ventures is now an earlier church. " - :' :.: : Itwas built through the effort ¢ the s01e remaining .appli~nt forÜ During the' c0nstmction"of the' 'the Terrace Christian Reforms licence to developsuch s com- Grand Trunk Pacific railway; Church congregation and Lee merc~ial~ baCkco~ntry~: recreation Canon T.J. Marsh devoted his life • VanderKwaak's. carpentry: skill l icence inthe area, to missionary work between Ter- on land donated by Bill McCrac. Several Gitk.~an.~chiefs from race'a~d Usk: i ::' :i '! The"ch~apell ~was repainted: i Gitwangak put in a competing ap- Twelve miles from Terrace' and 1990, and since then volunte~ plication last y~ar, but: that was the nearesf church, the mining painters ' Casey and Pini Brain rejected when they faiied to ¢~me village ofUsk placc~of :•have.been its caretakers, , up with a d~tat]ed busin~s plan ,worship.' :Thei: Margh: Mdm~rial. " : Tl~ 'rededication ceremony Wi or therequired $10,000 letter of Church was built, during/the beat 4p.m.; June ]4 at theffsk credit. ..:i!: ',' ..... 1920s as a tribute t0i Canon Pioneer l Chapel. Everyone's in' Familiar sight. The tiny white chapel at Usk is being rededicated Some Gitksan leaders have said Marsh .... vited. this weekend in honour of the country's 125th birthday. they will oppose th e project. - . [] • C tc TER~ Springs leans I Lakels¢ tion's r mittee Forest million Odes port re: beat ot the Ore HeW conlinL. ,::i.' :~ :' ': (i.' : ::, : :"!: ¸ ;: :i Page A2 - Terrace Standard, Wed esday, June 10, 1992 Council 1 Hospitais gather TERRACE ~ Northwest hospi- them regional autonomy in deciding shorts tals have joined together to better That's to better reflect the how health care should be pro- figure out how to share their ser- provincial government's new vided in the northwest. It'll bepaved: vices. policy of shifting money away The report found a lot Of cam- The move follows a freeze of from hospital services into com- petition for health care dollars WELCOME TERRIE "H~ PAVING of Graham all eight northwest hospital Ave. west Of Ketrney St to munity health care. among . communities and the Bonnle's Cut & Cud Is proud budgets, at last year's level which "We want to build links for , agencies wSich provide services. Craig Drive was approvedby is resulting in bed closures and to welcome council May 25 after mutual benefit and unity," said job losses. r 1 Terrle Janzen homeowners voted 86 per.~nt Leisinger. to their team of profssslonnl But they'll also be sending a He added that involving the in favour Of the local improve- letter to health minister Elizabeth hairdressers. Terde ,~ ,, Skeena Health Unit also makes C ment project. Cull telling her the bed closures welcomes all her. cllentelle : The $231,000 project will sense because its boundaries will hurt northwest health care, match the area covered by north- and frlende to stop by and !. cost homeowners an estimated Terrace Regional Health Care r-T $16.31 per frontage foot west hospitals. see her for all their Society chief executive officer hair care needs. Michael Leisinger said last week, Leisinger said there is already a o" • Sprinkling "We won't just be rolling over. sharing of some resources be- ~-.~ BONNIE S. =£(7)) , restricted We're also taking a responsible tween h0spilals. F LS approach in tSe region in plan- At the same time,, the hospitals GARDENERS WILL, have ning and co-ordinating services," are taking another look at a north- to get up early this summer to west health care study completed RUSHIH. ~~ " e ss-sesr .. hc said. vomm=~ua OICBC No. 6-4717 Lakelse legally water their lawns, Six of eight hospitals were for the provincial government City .council hasjnst imposed represented at a meeting here last two years ago. water sprinkling restrictions week to discuss ideas. That study recommended a again, and this time Ihe al- They'll meet again in Septem- sharing of health services and lowed period will be from 6 ber to continue the process. more co-ordination between the a.m. to 10 a.m., with even- Leisinger said the hospitals will different agencies which provide L.UCKY DOLLAR BI even-numbered .days and odd- It also recommended a greater Christens,if.:.not~i~..the,,~dding,ono_---' ,l,Oheadl~.DavidBowedngtoj%~inviteSkeens, H.,Ith tho.,ewi~.~.