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Scott Foresman Science 5.18 ì<(sk$m)=bdjgjj

13969_01-04_CVR_FSD.indd Cover1 5/13/05 1:10:51 PM Vocabulary Extended Vocabulary What did you learn? assembly line catalytic converter inventor chassis 1. Why is it important for modern to be manufacturing drive train fuel-effi cient? microchip internal combustion engine space station hybrid 2. How did make automobiles technology retool affordable enough for most people? World Wide Web suspension transmission 3. Why were foreign cars unpopular when they were fi rst sold in the United States? by Anne Cambal 4. In the early 1900s there were three main types of fuel used to power cars. Write to explain which one(s) became widely used throughout that century and why. Include details from the book to support your answer.

5. Sequence Put the following events in the proper sequence. Hybrid cars successfully Picture Credits Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. re-introduced; Henry Ford builds two The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions.

Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R), Background (Bkgd). thousand Model T’s per day; Benz’s three-

9 (TR) Mary Evans Picture Library; 13 (TR) Motoring Picture Library/National Motor Museum, Beaulieu; wheeled vehicle; electric added to 15 (T) Kim Sayer/Corbis; 17 (TR) Cindy Lewis/Alamy Images; 18 Charles O’Rear/Corbis; 23 Cindy Lewis/Alamy Images. cars; compact cars introduced; Cugnot’s Scott Foresman/Dorling Kindersley would also like to thank the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu/ DK Images for the use of photos on the Opener and pages 1, 5, 7, 10 (TR), 11 (TR, CR). steam-powered vehicle. Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the copyright © of Dorling Kindersley, a division of Pearson.

ISBN: 0-328-13969-6

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025.

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13969_01-04_CVR_FSD.indd Cover2 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 1 5/13/05 1:11:101:12:03 PM What You Already Know

Technology is the use of scientifi c knowledge for a The invention of the microchip in the late 1950s helped purpose. The invention of modern airplanes, for example, is to start the computer age. Today, there are computers that fi t the result of the work of many inventors who worked to in the palm of your hand. If your computer is connected to create new devices and solve problems. Sometimes the the World Wide Web, you can get information about almost work of inventors results in improvements rather than in any subject. the creation of completely new devices. The Wright brothers Advances in technology have even allowed us to leave the fi rst fl ew a plane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, more than Earth to explore space. In 1961 a Soviet astronaut named a hundred years ago. Today’s airplanes reach speeds that the Yuri Gagarin became the fi rst human to enter space. In 1969 Wrights never dreamed of, but they are still basically the American Neil Armstrong became the fi rst person to walk same type of machine as the Wright brothers’ plane. on the Moon. Today, several countries are working together Technology affects the way that we work. Modern to operate a space station orbiting the Earth. manufacturing uses an assembly line able to produce large numbers of products. In this system, a product such as Try to imagine life without a car moves through a factory. Different groups of people technology. What would you or robots add parts to the car as it goes along. miss the most? There would be no television, telephones, or computers. You would have to make your own clothes. If you wanted to hear music, you would have to play it yourself. One invention you would probably miss a lot is the automobile. Keep reading to learn more about this important machine and the ways it has changed our lives.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 2 5/13/05 1:12:11 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 3 5/13/05 1:12:25 PM The This steam carriage from the 1850s was based on horse-drawn carriages. In some ways the automobile began with the invention of the wheel. That breakthrough occurred about four thousand years ago. The next big step was the invention of the . In 1769 a three-wheeled, steam-powered vehicle was invented by Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot. This invention was not designed to people though. It was built to haul cannons. It moved at a maximum speed of about three kilometers per hour, and had to stop often to build up steam. At the beginning of the 1800s, a few people in England had steam-powered vehicles, which were allowed on private tracks only. Many of them looked just like horse-drawn carriages, but without the horses. By the middle of that The new vehicles competed with horse-drawn carriages century, steam-powered vehicles were being used for and railroad companies in England. These businesses urged London’s fi rst bus system. the government to tax the steam-powered carriages. Unable to pay the taxes, they soon went out of business.

Horse-drawn wagons, By the early 1900s steam-powered cars were being built carriages, and carts have been in the United States. The most famous was the Stanley used for thousands of years. Steamer, named for the builders Francis and Freelan Stanley. A Stanley steam car set a world speed record of over two hundred kilometers per hour in 1906. Inventors around the world also worked with other sources of power, such as kerosene and electricity. Cars with electric engines were especially popular in the 1800s and early 1900s. Electric vehicles were very quiet, so they didn’t scare their passengers or other drivers’ horses. But electric cars were not very practical. They had to stop often to recharge their batteries.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 4 5/13/05 1:13:10 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 5 5/13/05 1:13:17 PM The First Car Benz’s car had three wheels, which made it easy to steer. Historians disagree over who Daimler’s design had four wheels. At that time, roads were invented the fi rst modern car. very rough. They were usually unpaved, with two deep ruts This is due in part to the fact that made by carriage wheels. Daimler’s four-wheelers rode in many people around the world these ruts just like a carriage. But Benz’s three-wheeled cars invented and improved different did not fi t into the ruts, making for a very rough ride. parts of what was fi nally called Benz’s three-wheeled cars did not sell very well. So in an automobile. Benz’s three-wheeler gas- 1891 he changed his design to a four-wheeled vehicle, similar Some historians say the powered Patent Motorwagen to Daimler’s. Benz’s new car was much more popular than inventor of the car was Gottlieb the three-wheeled vehicle. By 1900 his company was the Daimler, while others believe it was Karl Benz. Both were largest automaker in the world. German engineers, and both invented vehicles powered by gasoline engines. Both produced vehicles that were similar to present-day cars. On January 29, 1886, Karl Benz’s gas-fueled design was recognized by the German government. For this reason, Benz is generally considered the automobile’s inventor. In March of the same year, Diamler installed a gas engine on a four- wheeled carriage. His vehicle was more like today’s cars.

Gottlieb Daimler’s early four-wheeled Benz’s four-wheeled Velo motorcar car, shown from behind

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 6 5/13/05 1:13:21 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 7 5/13/05 1:13:26 PM Mass Production At the beginning of the 1900s there were several thousand cars in use in the United States. Only the very rich could afford these cars. Driving a car was more of an expensive hobby than a useful way to get around. Soon all of this would change. Mass production would make the automobile the most popular method of transportation in the United States. In the beginning every car was made to order, so each car was unique. The fi rst car to be standardized was Benz’s 1894

Velo. More than one hundred Velos were built in 1895. The Model T Ford was affordable enough for millions of people to buy.

The fi rst U.S. auto to be mass produced was the 1901 Oldsmobile called the Curved Dash. Unlike other cars at the time, Oldsmobiles were built on an assembly line. In 1901 an amazing 425 Curved Dash Oldsmobiles were built. It was Henry Ford, however, who really began modern auto manufacturing. Ford improved the assembly line process by adding a conveyor belt. Before, cars had to be pushed from one group of workers to the next. The conveyor belt did this automatically, allowing the assembly line to move much faster. By 1916 Ford’s company was assembling two thousand cars every day! Ford’s changes decreased the cost of cars so much that many more people could afford to buy them. He built over 15 million of his Model T automobiles between 1908 and 1925. When it was introduced, the Model T cost $850. By 1925 better manufacturing methods had decreased the price to $300. The use of the assembly line made automobiles much cheaper to build.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 8 5/13/05 1:13:31 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 9 5/13/05 1:14:02 PM A Century of Cars The electric starter was added to cars after 1911. Before 1900–1939 this, cars had to be started with These years brought great changes in automobiles—how a hand crank. Cars also began they looked, how they were manufactured, and how they to have tops on them that were powered. helped keep out rain and wind.

At the beginning of the 1900s, headlights and windshield A running board, which looked 1935 Auburn 851 wipers were invented and soon became standard features. like a step, was added to Speedster: This Gasoline engines became the most common source of auto each side to help drivers car has a smooth, streamlined shape. power. These engines were more convenient to use than and passengers step up steam or electric engines. Gas-powered cars could also travel into their vehicles. at a faster rate. In 1906 the Rolls-Royce company was started In the 1930s cars became in England. It produced luxury cars, such as the Silver more powerful and more Ghost. This model earned a reputation as the best car in the comfortable. Their bodies had world. The very fi rst Rolls-Royce, built in 1906, still runs. smooth shapes that cut through the air easily. An improved suspension system made the 1909 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost: Rolls-Royce started making ride smoother on bumpy 1936 Austin Ten: expensive, high-quality cars in 1906. roads. Improved brakes and This car is enclosed to protect passengers engines brought more safety from the weather. and increased speed.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 10 5/13/05 1:14:07 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 11 5/13/05 1:14:13 PM American cars of this The Volkswagen Beetle was the period were large, heavy, fi rst small car to be imported to and comfortable. the United States.

The Volkswagen Beetle was the fi rst German car imported to 1940–1969 the United States. At fi rst, The automatic transmission was a major breakthrough these small, effi cient cars were in the 1940s. It shifted the car’s gears automatically, making not very popular. Only two Beetles were sold when they driving easier. This era also saw advances in headlights. were fi rst offered in the United States in 1949. Americans European and American car designs began to differ in were used to bigger, more comfortable vehicles. Before long, the 1950s. European cars tended to be small and light. In however, Americans began to want smaller cars, and imports America, however, cars became longer, larger, and heavier. started selling well in the United States. Smaller cars used American cars were designed for style and comfort instead less gas and were easier to park than large cars. In response, of effi ciency. They had fi ns at the back and cone-shaped American automakers began designing smaller cars called parts at the front. The 1959 Cadillac had fi ns almost four compacts. The Nash Rambler was the fi rst American feet high! The large American cars had more power than . those in Europe, and also provided a smoother ride. By 1960 almost a third of the cars sold in the United Unfortunately, they also burned more gas. Power steering States were compacts. American compacts had more and power brakes helped make these large, heavy cars easier powerful engines than earlier compact cars, despite their to drive. Air conditioning and electric-powered windows smaller size. Automatic transmission became much more also became available. common during the 1960s.

The 1959 Cadillac was a very large, heavy car.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 12 5/13/05 1:14:37 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 13 5/13/05 1:14:58 PM 1970–Today Honda Civic In the early 1970s large cars were still the best-selling American models. Auto manufacturers, however, continued to build compacts to compete with foreign imports. Then the United States was affected by a huge increase in the price of oil. Many of the countries that produced oil decided to stop selling it. It became very scarce, which drove the price up. This was called the energy crisis. There were long lines of cars at gas pumps, and the gas often ran out In the 1980s cars from Japan became popular with while customers waited. Because of the energy crisis, Americans. Many of these cars were small and light. American consumers and auto manufacturers became more They had small engines that didn’t use much gas. Japanese interested in fuel-effi cient cars. People were only allowed to auto plants were built in the United States to help meet buy a small amount of gas each day, which they quickly used the demand for these cars. In the 1990s pollution-control up in their ineffi cient cars. Some larger-model cars could go laws were passed by some American states and European a mere eight miles on a gallon of gas. But compacts could go countries. They required improved gas mileage and less as far as thirty-fi ve miles. pollution. Automakers began to experiment with electric Auto technology continued to make advances. The cars again. Although electric cars make little pollution, energy crisis triggered a lot of research into more effi cient they cannot travel very far without recharging their batteries. engines. Catalytic converters were added to cars in the Today, car companies are looking for new power sources 1970s. These devices reduce the amount of pollution that that make less pollution. Scientists know that the Earth will cars make. eventually run out of oil. A new power source must be found before this happens.

1971 Chevrolet Nova: This Nova was a mid- sized car, but it had a large engine that used a lot of gas.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 14 5/13/05 1:15:05 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 15 5/13/05 1:15:14 PM Car Parts The fi rst thing most people cylinder—where the valves let fresh fuel into fuel is burned to force the cylinder and spent notice about a car is the body. the piston down gases (exhaust) out A car body is designed to be both stylish and effi cient. A well-designed body allows air to A car’s controls are located on pass over it with little resistance. the dashboard. This lets the car move more easily and use less fuel. Underneath the Most cars have internal body is the chassis, or frame and combustion engines. This type supporting parts. of engine burns fuel in cylinders In order to move, a car needs piston inside the engine. Cylinders are an engine, a fuel system, an closed tubes. Inside each one is a exhaust system, and a cooling piston, which moves up and system. The drive train delivers down. Gasoline and air enter the engine’s power to the wheels. the top of each cylinder. Then This system is made up of the a spark plug lights the gas on transmission, driveshaft, and fi re, causing it to expand and axles. The suspension system push the piston down. The includes the springs and other piston is connected to a parts that make the car ride crankshaft, which changes smoothly. It keeps the car’s ride the up and down motion smooth. The control system of the pistons into a consists of the steering and brake spinning motion. components. Cars also have safety This spinning is systems, which include seat belts transferred to the and air bags. Air bags infl ate piston and connection Internal combustion wheels to move rod turn the crankshaft when a car crashes, keeping engines are used in the car. almost all modern cars. the passengers from hitting the windshield. spark plug

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 16 5/13/05 1:15:23 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 17 5/13/05 1:15:29 PM Cars are crash-tested using dummies to Car Construction help fi nd new ways to make cars safer. Designing and building a car requires the knowledge and skills of different types of workers. Automakers must decide what the car will look like, how it will work, and to whom it will be sold. The actual construction of cars takes a lot of people, materials, and money. Once the design of the new model has been approved, the factory where it will be built needs to be retooled, or set up to build the new type of car.

Workers in the factory are stationed on an assembly line. It works in almost the same way as Henry Ford’s assembly line in the early 1900s. Workers operate machines, robots, computers, and other equipment. The cars move from one group of workers to another automatically. Sections of the car called subassemblies are put together. Then the subassemblies are combined to make a whole car. Whenever possible, robots are used to speed up work on the assembly line. Robots are very effi cient, and they can do work that is too dangerous for humans. Quality inspectors watch over each step of the assembly process. Modern cars are much safer than cars of earlier decades. This is because the government tests cars to fi nd out how well they protect passengers in a crash. Car companies test their cars also, to fi nd new ways to make them safe. Safety testing is done by placing dummies in a car and crashing it into an object. Sensors record how much force the crash puts on the dummies. Robots such as these make modern assembly lines very effi cient.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 18 5/13/05 1:15:38 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 19 5/13/05 1:15:45 PM Impact of the Car But cars cause many problems. Many highways and The auto industry is one of the biggest industries in the roads are needed to keep these vehicles moving. Cars also world. It produces cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles. It create a need for gas stations, towing services, and stop lights. employs millions of people and makes billions of dollars. Traffi c jams and noise sometimes make cities unpleasant. Almost 60 million new vehicles are built each year, with Thousands of people are injured in auto accidents each about a quarter of them built in the United States. year. Pollution from cars makes people ill and hurts the The automobile affects the way that people live, work, environment. Large amounts of electricity and natural and travel. In just one hundred years, people in the United resources are used to build all of these cars. Automakers States have come to rely on cars and trucks. and owners around the world depend on oil, which is quickly running out. Too many cars lead to clogged roadways.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 20 5/13/05 1:16:03 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 21 5/13/05 1:16:13 PM Future Cars The design of cars is always changing. Air and noise pollution, as well as limited oil resources, are serious problems that may be overcome by future cars. Hybrid cars—vehicles powered by more than one energy source—have been around for a long time. The Krieger Company marketed a hybrid gas/ in 1903. Hybrid cars are usually more fuel-effi cient than standard Cars in the future may be powered by fuel cells gas-powered cars. that convert into electricity. These cars are becoming popular again. In 1999 the fi rst modern hybrid car was released to the American market. Because so many people want to buy hybrids, some buyers Special devices called fuel cells may power the cars had to wait six months to get them. of the future. Fuel cells convert a gas called hydrogen to Scientists are also looking for ways to improve electric electricity without producing any pollution. Fuel cells are cars. They are trying to make batteries that are lighter and a bit like batteries, but instead of recharging them, you last long enough to be practical. Just having effi cient electric simply add more hydrogen. cars won’t solve pollution problems, however. We need a The problem with hydrogen fuel cells is that producing pollution-free way to generate the power that will charge hydrogen takes a lot of energy, which must come from a these cars’ batteries. pollution-free source. Also, hydrogen is a gas. It must be pumped into a tank at high pressure in order to be held battery a hybrid gas/electric car inside a car. Another way to get hydrogen is to take it from a fuel such as alcohol or . Unfortunately, this process creates some pollution. gasoline engine The need for better car designs continues. It is a diffi cult problem. The solution must combine a clean, quiet, effi cient engine and an affordable cost. With more cars on the road every year, the importance of environmentally safe cars continues to grow.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd 22 5/13/05 1:16:20 PM 13969_05-28_FSD.indd 23 5/13/05 1:16:26 PM GlossaryVocabulary Extended Vocabulary What did you learn? assembly line catalytic converter inventor chassis 1. Why is it important for modern cars to be catalytic converter a device that reduces the amount of manufacturing drive train fuel-effi cient? microchip pollutioninternal in a car’s combustion exhaust engine space station hybrid car 2. How did Henry Ford make automobiles chassis the frame and supporting parts of technology retool affordable enough for most people? World Wide Web a car suspension transmission 3. Why were foreign cars unpopular when they drive train the system in a car that brings power were fi rst sold in the United States? from the engine to the wheels 4. In the early 1900s there internal combustion an engine that produces power by were three main types of fuel used to power engine burning fuel inside of the engine cars. Write to explain which one(s) became itself widely used throughout that century and why. Include details from the book to hybrid car a car that is powered by more than support your answer. one source of energy 5. Sequence Put the following events in retool to set up a factory to produce a new the proper sequence. Hybrid cars successfully Picture Credits type of product Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. re-introduced; Henry Ford builds two The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. thousand Model T’s per day; Benz’s three- Photosuspension locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Centerthe (C), system Bottom (B), that Left (L), lets Right (R),a carBackground ride (Bkgd). more 9 (TR) Mary Evans Picture Library; 13 (TR) Motoring Picture Library/National Motor Museum, Beaulieu; wheeled vehicle; electric starter added to 15 (T) Kim Sayer/Corbis; 17 (TR) Cindy Lewis/Alamysmoothly Images; 18 Charles over O’Rear/Corbis; rough 23roads Cindy Lewis/Alamy Images. cars; compact cars introduced; Cugnot’s Scott Foresman/Dorling Kindersley would also like to thank the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu/ DK Images for the use of photos on the Opener and pages 1, 5, 7, 10 (TR), 11 (TR, CR). steam-powered vehicle. Unlesstransmission otherwise acknowledged, all photographsthe are part the copyright of a © car’s of Dorling drive Kindersley, train a division that of Pearson. controls how fast the wheels spin in relation to the speed of the engine

ISBN: 0-328-13969-6

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025.

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13969_05-28_FSD.indd13969_01-04_CVR_FSD.indd 24 Cover2 5/13/05 1:16:31 PM 5/13/05 1:11:10 PM