U.N.'Group of Experts on Geographical Names : ', Eighth

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U.N.'Group of Experts on Geographical Names : ', Eighth _ J?orking Paper IVo..20 . U.N.'Group of Experts on : Geographical Names ', Eighth Session I ~~~,York,-26J?eb.-9 March 1979 .. Agenda item No. 7 / . +- i. LIST OF THE MOST IMPORTANT GERMAN EXONYMS I , .- / Submitted by J. Breu and E. Meynen ' Inclusion or omission of names, and reference to countries, do not imply th'e expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the' compilers of the list concerning the legal ' status of any area or geographical object. U.N. Group of Experts on Paper No*& Geographical Names Eighth Session New York, 26 Feb.09 March 19'79 LIST OF THE MOST IMPORTANT GERMANEXONYMS I SubmittedI by J. Breu and E. Meynen Inclusion or omission of names, and reference to countries, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the dompilers of the list concerning the legal status of any area.or igeographical object, Introduction The selective list of German exonyms submitted to the UNGEGN - has been worked out in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations of 1972 and 1977. +I By "exonym" the United Nations understand a geographical name (1) used in a certain language for a geographical object situa- ted outside the area where the given language has official sta- tus, and (2) which deviates in its form from the name used in the offi- cial language, or languages; of the area where the geographi- cal object is situated. According to Resolution 19, Athens 1977, the following catego- ries of exonyms are;excluded from the list: Names that differ from the official names only by omission, addition, or modification of diacritical signs or the article; further, names which differ from the official names only by flexion or derivation; finally names which differ only by translation of the generic element of the name (examples: Istanbul insted of fstanbul, Lode insted of addi, Spezia in- sted of La Spezia, Golf van Sant'Eufemia, Pa13 von Roncesvalles), Furthermore, the following names are not included in the list: names of independent countries, names of continents and oceans, and cases of short-lived renaming such as, for instance, Zabrze/ Bindenburg. According to the selective character of the list a great number of current exonyms other than tose excluded under the above-mentioned restrictions has been left out. +) Resolution No 28' of the Second United Nations Conference on .Standardizati& of 'Geographical Names, London 1972, and Reso- lutions No. 18 and 19 of the Third United Nations Conference on Standardization of Geographical Names, Athens 1977. -3- Exonym Official name Country Abruzzen Appennino Abruzzese 1 Adelsberg Postojna PU Adlergebirge Orlicke hory CS Adriatisches Meer, also Adria Mare Adriatico/Jadransko more, ah0 Jadran/Jadransko morje/Deti Adriatik Ägäisches Meer Aigaion Pelagos/Ege denizi Agram Zagreb YU Aleppo Halab SYR Aleuten Aleutian Islands USA Alexandria Al-Iskandariyah ET Algier Al-6azäyir I DZ Allenstein Olsztyn PL Alsen Als DK Altkastilien Castilla la Vieja E Altvatergebirge,see Hohes Gesenke Anatolien Anadolu TR Andalusien Andalucia E Andamanen Andaman Islands IND Anden. Cordillera de los Andes Angerapp (Town) Ozersk SJ Angerburg Wegorzewo PL Antilibanon 6abal Lubnän a%$arql LIBAN/SYR Apennin, also Apenninen Appennino, also Appennini 1 Apenrade dbenr& DK ' Appalachen Appalachian Mountains USA Apulien Puglia 1 Arabisches Meer Al-Bahr al-barbi/Bahr-e 'Omm3n, also Daryä-ye 'Ommän/Behr e Arab/Arabian Sea Aragonien Aragon E Ardennen Ardennes B/F Argonnen Argonne F Arkadien Arkadia GR Armenien Hajkh, also Hajastan/Armenija/Hayastan SU/TR Arnheim Arnhem NL Arnswalde Choszczno PL Asch AB Aserbeidschan Azärbaj$an/AzerbajdBan/ÄZarbayejän %IR Asturien Asturias . E Athen Ath&nai GR Xtna Etna 1 Atolien Aitölia GR Attika Attike GR Augustenburg Augustenborg DK Auschwitz Obwiecim PL Aussig Fusti nad Labern CS Austerlitz Slavkov u Brna CS Azoren Aqores P Bagdad Bagdad IRQ Balearen Islas Baleares E Balkan Stara planina BG/YU Bangkok Rrung Thep T Bartenstein Bartoszyce PL Beirut Bayrüt LIBAN Belgard Biazogard PL Belgrad Beograd YU -4. I Exonym / Official name Country Beludschistan Balüchistän/Balüchestän PAK/IR Benares Varänasi IND Bengalen Banglä/Bengal Bangladesch/IND Bengalisches Meer, see Golf von Bengalen Beraun Beroun CS Berge11 Val Bregaglia Beskiden Beskydy/Beskidy/Beschizi cs,%su,R Bessarabien Basarabija/Bessarabija SU Bethlehem Bayt Lahm JOR Beuthen t Bytom PL Bielitz-Biala Bielsko-Biaka PL Bischofsburg Biskupiec PL Bistritz y;;'ta R Böhmen CS Bomst Babimost PL Böotien, also Boiotien Boiötia GR Bosnien Bosna YU Bosporus Karadeniz bogazi TR Bottnischer Meerbusen (including Bottensee Bottenhavet/Selkämeri and and Bottenwiek) Bottenviken/Perämeri Braunsberg Braniewo 1 PL Breslau Wrockaw PL Brieg Brzeg PL Britisch-Kolumbien British .Columbia4 I CDN Bromberg Bydgoszcz PL Brünn Brno CS Brüssel Brussel/Bruxelles B Brüx Most CS < Budweis Cesk6 Budejovice CS Bukarest Bucuref;ti R Bukowina, also Buchenland Bukovina/Bukovyna/Bucovina SUi/R Bunzlau Boles2awiec PL Burgund Bourgogne F Bütow Byt6w PL Cammin in Pommern Kamien Pomorski PL Casablanca Ad-Dar al-Bayd&' MA Celebes Sulawesi RI Cevennen Cevennes F Ceylon Langkä/Ilangai CL Chittagong Chättagäm Bangladesch Cilli Celje YU Colombo Kolamba CL Cosel Keile PL Cranz Zelenogradsk su Crossen Krosno Odrz'afiskie PL Cyrenaika, also Kyrenaika Barqah LAR Dagö, also Dagden Hiiumaa/Hiuma su Dakka Dhäka Bangladesch Dalmatien Dalmacija YU - Damaskus Dimagq SYR Dänemarkstraße Danmark Strzde, also Danmarksstrzedet/ I Danmerkursund, also Granlandssund Danzig Gdaiisk PL Danziger Bucht Zatoka Gdafiska/Gdan'skaja buhta , PL/SU Exonym Official name Country Dardanellen $anakk&le bogazi TR Delphi Delfoi GR. Deutsch Krone WaYcz PL Diedenhofen Thionville F Dirschau Tczew PL Dobrudscha Dobrogea/DobrudZa R/BG Doha Ad-Dawhah Q Dorpat Tartu SU Dramburg : Drawsko PL Drontheim 'Trondheim N Dschibuti 'Djibouti Dschibuti Dschidda (Siddah Saudi-Arabien Dsungarei Jungqariya/Dzüüngar/Zhfing&rbh PRC Düna Daugava/Zabodnjaja Dzvina/ Zapadnaja Dvina SU Dünaburg Daugavpils SU Dünamünde Daugavgriva/Daugavgriva su Dünkirchen Dunkerque F Düppel I Dybbral DK Dux Duchcov CS Ebenrode INesterov su Eger (River) 'OhEe CS Eger (Town) Cheb CS Eipel (River) Ipel'/Ipoly CS/H Eisernes Tor Porlile de Fier/Gvozdena vrata, also gelezna vrata, Derdap R/yU Elbing Elblag PL Elbursgebirge Reshteh Kühhä-ye Alborz IR Elfenbeinküste Gote-d'Ivoire RCI Elsaß ilsace F Epirus Epeiros GR Erlau Eger H Ermland j Warmia PL Esch an der Alzette Esch-Sur-Alzette L Esseg Osijek YU Estland Eesti/Estonija su Euböa Euboia GR Eulengebirge G&y Sowie Euphrat First nehri/Nahr al-Furgt, also Al-Furat $SYR/IRQ Europäisches Nordmeer Norskehavet/Nordhavet/Norbur-ishaf/ Norwegian Sea Falkenberg Niemodlin PL Falklandinseln, also Malwinen iFalkland Islands/(Islas Malvinas) GB/(RA) Felsengebirge :Rocky Mountains CDN/USA Feuerland :Tierra del Fuego RA,'RCH Finnischer Meerbusen Suomenlahti/Soome laht/Finskij zaliv Fischhausen Primorsk su Flandern Vlaanderen/Flandre B/F Flatow z2otow PL Florenz Firenze 1 Frankenstein in Schlesien Zabkowice Slaskie PL Franzensbad Frantigkovy La65 CS Franz-Joseph-Land zemlja Franca-Iosifa SU Fraustadt ~Wschowa PL Freiburg 1 Fribourg CH / . ! -6- Exonym Official name Country Freystadt in Niederschlesien KoCLuch6w PL Friaul Friuli 1 Friedeberg Strzelce PL Friedland Pravdinsk su Frische Nehrung 'Mierzeja Wi&lana/Baltijskaja kosa FL/SU Frisches Haff Zalew WiSlany/Vislinskij zaliv, also Kaliningradskij zaliv PL/SU Fiinen Fyn DK Fünfkirchen Pecs H Gablonz Jablonec nad Nisou CS Galicien Galicia E Galiläa Ha-Galil IL Galizien Galicja/Galicija/GalyCyna PL/SU Gallipoli Gelibolu TR Ganges Gangä IND/Bangladesch Gdingen Gdynia FL Gebweiler 'Guebwiller F Gelbes Meer Huangh&i/Sb-hae Geldern Gelderland NL Genf Geneve CH Genfer See Leman, also Lac Leman, Lac de Genkve CH/F Genua Genova 1 Georgien, see Grusinien Gerdauen ZeleznodoroBnyj SU Gerlsdorfer Spitze cerlachovsky &!tit CS Gesellschaftsinseln Iles de la Soci6t6 F Gesenke Jesenik CS Glatz Kkodzko PL Glatzer Schneegebirge Gory Snieine FL Gleiwitz Gliwice PL Glogau GLo&w PL Gnesen Gniezno PL Gobi Gov'/Shämo Mongolei/PRC Goldberg Zkotoryja PL Goldenes Horn Haliq TR Goldingen Kuldiga/Kuldiga su Goldküste Gold Coast GH Golf von Bengalen Bay of Bengal/Bingala Pinlei Golf von Biskaya Golfo de Vizcaya/Golfe de Gascogne Golf von Genua Golfo di Genova 1 Golf von Kalifornien Golfo de California MEX Golf von Mexiko Golfo de Mexico/Gulf of Mexico Golf von Sues Balig as-Suways ET ' Golf von Tarent Golfo di Taranto 1 Golf von Thailand Ao Thai/Chhung S&mfitrGsiem/V#h Thai-lan Görz Gorizia 1 Gottschee KoEev je YU Gran (River) Hron CS Gran (Town) Esztergom H Graudenz Grudziedz PL Greifenberg in Pommern Gryfice PL Greifenhagen Gryfino PL Große Antillen Antilias Mayores/Grote Antillen/ Greater Antilles/Grandes Antilles 1 Große Arabische Wüste Ar-Rub'al-Bali Saudi-Arabien -7- Exonym Official name Country l Große Australische ; Bucht Great Australian Bight AUS Großer Bärensee Gfeat Bear Lake CDN Großer Belt Store B&t Großer Sgdzsee Great Salt Lake USA Großer Sklavensee Great Slave Lake CDN Große Schütt Ostrov CS Große Syrte HalIg as-Surt LAR Groß Strehlitz Strzelce Opolskie PL Großwardein Oradea R Groß Wartenberg sycow PL Grottkau Grodkow PL Grünberg in Schlesien Zielona G6ra PL Grusinien Sakharthwelo/Gruzija SU Guhrau G6ra PL Gumbinnen Gusev su Guttentag Dobrodziefi PL Habelschwerdt Bystrzyca Kzodzka PL Hadersleben Haderslev DK Hadramaut Hadramawt ADN Hagenau Haguenau F Havanna La Habana 0 C Hebriden Hebrides GB Hedschas, also El-Hidschas Al-Higäz Saudi-Arabien Heiligenbeil Mamonovo su Heilsberg i Lidzbark Warmihski PL Heinrichswalde Slavsk su Hela Hel PL Hennegau i Hainaut/Henegouwen B Hermannstadt Sibiu 1 R Herzegowina Hercegovina PU Herzogenbusch * 's-Hertogenbosch, NL . Heuscheuer Hejgovina CS/PL Heydekrug Silute/Silute so Hirschberg im Riesengebirge Jelenia Gera PL Hoangho, also Huangho Huanghe PRC Hohenfriedeberg Dobromierz PL Hohensalza Inowrockaw PL Hohes Gesenke Hruby Jesenik CS Hohe Tatra Vysok6 Tatry/Tatry Wysokie CS/PL Ho-Tschi-Min-Stadt Thanh-ph8 Hö-chi-minh VN Iglau Jihlava CS Ilmensee ozero Il'men' SU Ingermanland Ingrija -su Inseln über dem Winde Islas de Barlovento/fles du Vent/ / Eilanden boven de Wind.
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