Transboundary Waters and Basins in the South-East Baltic
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TRANSBOUNDARY WATERS AND BASINS IN THE SOUTH-EAST BALTIC Ed. by Boris Chubarenko Russian Academy of Sciences P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Atlantic Branch «Transboundary waters and basins in the South-East Baltic Edited by Dr. Boris Chubarenko Kaliningrad Terra Baltica 2008 УДК 912(084.4) ББК 226.173 T82 Preparation of this book was supported by Tacis Project “Seagull RC— Russian component of the development strategy for Euroregion Baltic”, No. 61.131/90 (2005–2006), and Seagull DevERB INTERREG project (2005–2006), Tacis Project “Sustainable Development Indicators for ICZM in the South-Eastern Baltic (SDI-4-SEB)”, 2006/131-758 (2007– 2008), the grant No. 08-05-01023 (2008) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, plan-programm of the Laboratory for Coastal Systems Study of the Atlantic Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences PART-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION The contents of this book are the sole responsibility of authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as refl ecting position of the European Union T82 Transboundary waters and basins in the South-East Baltic / ed. by B. Chubarenko. — Kaliningrad: Terra Baltica, 2008. — 306 p. ISBN 978-5-98777-031-3 This book is a collection of articles, presented information on coastal waters, lagoons and main river basins in the south-east part of the Baltic Sea, related to the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation. The book is devoted to wide audience of environmental experts, students and readers interested in water issues. УДК 912(084.4) ББК 226.173 © Authors, 2008 © Atlantic Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008 ISBN 978-5-98777-031-3 © Terra Baltica, 2008 Contents Preface.............................................................5 Chapter 1. General description of transboundary waters and basins shared between the Kaliningrad Oblast (Russian Federation), Lithuania and Poland .............................................. 7 Boris V. Chubarenko Shared watersheds in the South-East Baltic .......... 7 Dmitry A. Domnin, Boris V. Chubarenko Watershed and administrative division of the Kaliningrad Oblast ................................. 22 Boris V. Chubarenko The Vistula Lagoon .............................. 37 Zita Rasuolė Gasiūnaitė, Darius Daunys, Sergej Olenin, Artūras Razinkovas The Curonian Lagoon ......................... 58 Sergey I. Zotov, Nikolay S. Belov The characteristics of the Pregolya River basin ........................................ 68 Tatiana A. Bernikova, Maria N. Shibaeva, Vladimir A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Prokhladnaya River ................... 80 Maria N. Shibaeva, Tatiana A. Bernikova, Vladimir A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Primorskaya River .................... 88 Tatiana A. Bernikova, Maria N. Shibaeva, Vladimir A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Mamonovka River ................... 96 Tatyana I. Grin, Svetlana S. Smirnova The Sheshupe River basin ...... 106 Tatiana A. Bernikova, Maria N. Shibaeva, Vladimir A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Vishtynetskoye Lake ................ 118 Evgenia S. Gurova, Boris V. Chubarenko, Vadim V. Sivkov Transboundary coastal waters of the Kaliningrad Oblast ............. 127 Chapter 2. Organizational and legal issues ........................ 143 Peter Kessler, Sergey V. Kondratenko, Mikhail Yu. Durkin The legislative basis of international cooperation of Russia for sustainable management of water resources of transboundary waters ............ 143 Raisa A. Gouseva Public initiatives in environmental protection process in the Kaliningrad Oblast ........................................ 153 Felix E. Alexeev Water resources management in the Kaliningrad Oblast; expedience and perspectives of applying the principles and norms of the EU Water Frame Directive ...................... 162 3 Boris V. Chubarenko, Georg Umgiesser, Irina P. Chubarenko, Inga Davulienė, Arturas Razinkovas, M. Feike Numerical modeling of the Curonian and Vistula lagoons revisited .................... 177 Recommendations on ecosystem approach and decision making for sustainable use and development of the Curonian and Vistula lagoons ............................................... 193 Yuri V. Velikas, Nataliya V. Shchagina, Tatiana L. Laleko Bilateral agreements between Hydrometeorological and Environmental Monitoring services of Lithuania, Poland and the Kaliningrad Oblast ....................................... 203 Chapter 3. Case studies ........................................... 207 Jan Kwiatkowski, Boris V. Chubarenko, Erik Koch Rasmussen Vistula Lagoon as a trap of nutrient pollution ...................... 207 Sergey V. Shibaev, Malgorzata Bielecka Water monitoring database as a tool for transboundary cooperation for management of water resources ............................................... 215 Vadim L. Boldyrev, Valentina P. Bobykina Coasts of Vistula and Curonian Spits as transboundary territories ................................. 225 Zita Rasuolė Gasiūnaitė, Jari Hanninen, Artūras Razinkovas, Ilppo Vuorinen Transboundary environmental monitoring in the Curonian Spit protected territories .......................... 237 Vladimir A. Chechko Spatial structure and evolution of bottom sediments in the Vistula Lagoon .................................. 244 Inga E. Igoshina, Svetlana G. Matviy, Svetlana G. Chepurina The Lyna-Lava transboundary river basin: ecological assessment and recommendations for monitoring ............................. 250 Boris V. Chubarenko, Artem I. Shibin, Natalia V. Reznichenko Transboundary influence of potential oil spill sources on the Curonian Spit area (South-East Baltic) ...................... 268 Irina P. Chubarenko, Natalia Yu. Demchenko Large-scale transport of coastal waters into the Gulf of Gdansk due to seasonal mixing mechanisms .................................. 279 Boris V. Chubarenko The role of coastal lagoons in land-sea transport of water and substances in the South-East Baltic ........... 289 Authors ............................................................ 293 Index ............................................................. 305 4 Preface This book is a collection of articles, which comprehensively presents an information on coastal waters, lagoons, and main river basins of the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation. The book is a re- flection on rising interest of international water expert community to the Kaliningrad Oblast and to results of international projects imple- mented by Kaliningrad organizations and their foreign partners in the field of water management. Water quality in the Baltic Sea and especially in its coastal zone is mostly determined by quality of water in the catchment basin. Waters entering the Baltic from the territory of the Kaliningrad Oblast drain areas of Poland and Lithuania as well. Northern part of the Oblast belongs to watershed of the Neman River, which enters the Baltic in Lithuania. Thus, water resources of the Oblast are fully transbound- ary, and responsibility on quality of inner and coastal waters is shared between the Kaliningrad Oblast, Lithuania and Poland. Analysis made by (Chubarenko, Alexeev, 2005)* revealed the need in systematic col- lection of information about transboundary waters of the Kaliningrad Oblast (marine, coastal, inland). It was a starting point for the decision to work on the book, which aim is to show the main characteristics of transboundary river basins and shared inner coastal waters (lagoons) in the south-east part of the Baltic Sea. An important step in “opening” the information, which before was only accessible in Russian, to international audience was done by short brochure “Kaliningrad Oblast Water Bodies: Environmental Assessment” issued by Kaliningrad experts during the Tacis project ENVRUS 9803 “Water Environmental Monitoring and Management in the Kaliningrad Oblast”. The present book continues this tradition and presents an information on waters of the Kaliningrad Oblast more widely and deeply. * Chubarenko, B.V., Alexeev, F.E. (2005) Trans-boundary Character of Water Resources in the South-eastern Baltic as the Basis of the Strategy for Sustain- able Development of Water Resources. In: Perspectives of Interregional Coopera- tion Development: Kaliningrad Oblast within the Euro-region “Baltic”, pp. 202–223. Kaliningrad. 5 Preface Chapter 1 of the book presents oceanographic, hydrological and geographic overviews of ecological conditions in the main transbound- ary water basins and water bodies of the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation as well as in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. Chapter 2 gives examples of legal and organizational prerequisites for transboundary cooperation. Case studies presented in Chapter 3 introduce some specific important problems for transboundary waters and land territories of the South-East Baltic. Collection of papers for this book started in 2005 from (Kessler P., Kondratenko S., Durkin M.), other papers were submitted during 2005–2007. Preparation of the book was started within the frame of the Tacis Project “Seagull RC—Russian component of the development strat- egy for Euroregion Baltic”, No. 61.131/90 (2005–2006) and Seagull DevERB INTERREG project (2005–2006, working package 2 “Wa- ter resources”). The work was finished with support of the Tacis Proj- ect “Sustainable Development Indicators for ICZM in the South-East- ern Baltic (SDI-4-SEB)”, 2006/131-758 (2007–2008), and the grant No. 08-05-01023 of the Russian Foundation for