THE BALTIC STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER IMMANUIL KANT. 15 LOCATION: THE CITY OF GARDENS 14 км Universitetskaya St., 2. The rst stone of the university There is a “green belt” around the city. It was made in the end of XIX-beginning of XX centuries was laid in August of 1844 during the fest of 300 years according to the project of landscape architector Ernst Snider at the place of defensive of birth of the Koenigsberg University. Royal architect buildings. This belt is one of sightseeing of the city. F.A. Shtuler made a great building in Italian Revival style. University as a sightseeing can be visited from 12 to 16 hours. The real building without any THE PARK OF CULTURE AND REST “YOUTH”. decoration is saved until nowadays. 1 LOCATION: Telman St., 3. The territory of the park is in the city district of Koenigsberg named Traghaime. It was THE MONUMENT TO IMMANUIL KANT. 16 called after the Prussian settlement in the district of LOCATION: the High Lake. In 1920-30s the park was in English Universitetskaya St., 2. The rst monument to I. Kant style. The new life was given to park with the was set near his house since 50 years after his death. presentation of a new project “The rebuilding of the The sculpture was made in 1857 in Berlin. In 1945 the Youth” in 2004. The park was reconstructed by the original monument disappeared. In 90s thanks to spring of 2008. There were made works in rehabilitation and planting of the territory. countess Denhoff there was made the copy of the There were made some bridges across the Golubaya River, were built cafes, covered monument by Harold Haake. It was made in . ice rink, carting trucks and new amusement rides. New monument stands at the entrance to the square before the university. THE HIGH POND. 2 LOCATION: THE CITY Proletarskaya St. – Telman St. The high pond is arti cial. It was made in 1270 by the Teutonic knights OF FORTRESS 9,5 км who bay the feeder of the River with an earth dam. The pond was used for sh farming. “fter the The way shows us the defensive buildings making the second defensive perimeter. Its building reconstruction High pond shores have become a big was since 1843 to 1859. Also it shows transport buildings which were made by the perimeter recreational zone. There are sculptures of the walrus after arbor lost its meaning and was sold to the city by the military at the beginning of XX and seals made by German Tile. century.

THE LOW POND. 3 THE WRANGLE TOWER. 1 LOCATION: LOCATION: THE WORLD OCEAN MUSEUM. Proletarskaya St. The low pond is arti cial. It was 9 THE CITY OF HISTORY 5,5 км LOCATION: Professor Baranov St., 2a. It was built in 1853. It is found in 1256 by the Teutonic knights who bay the The way acquaints us with the ancient part of city’s history and with its famous citizen – named after eld marshal Wrangle. He was feeder of the Pregolya River with an earth dam. The Naberezhnaya Petra Velikogo, 1. This museum is the Immanuil Kant. outstanding Prussian commander of cuirassier water from the pond was used for watering graffs of rst complex marine museum in . Expositions garrison in Koenigsberg and the hero of the battle the castle. Also there was a watermill on the pond. It of the museum are dedicated to navigation, ora and near Preysish Ellau. Don Tower and this tower were gave the rst name to it. Low pond shores have fauna of the ocean, geology and hydrology. Also it THE VIEWING PLATFORM OF THE ARCHEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION used for attacking the enemy which was by the lake. become a big recreational zone. contains marine library and working ecological 1 These towers invert each other. OF THE ROYAL CASTLE. station. You can see museum ships “Vityaz”, “Victor LOCATION: Patsaev the Cosmonaut, submarine ”-413, sh THE PARK OF SCULPTURES. trawler SRT-129. Also you can see the collection of cannons and anchors, enjoy the Centralnaya square near the House of Soviets. The 4 THE DER DON TOWER. LOCATION: 2 collection of shell sh and corals. There are works of marine painters, ship plans and museum exposition in the open air was made on the LOCATION: territory of archeological excavation of the Royal Immanuil Kant’s Island. The park was founded in 1984 many other things. The excursion on the museum leaves apathetic no one. Castle ruins. It was built in 1255 by the order of the Marshal Vasilevsky Sq., 1. The tower was named after next to the Cathedral. There is a collection of Bohemian king Ottokar Przhemisl II who leaded the the Prussian eld marshal Don who took part in the sculptures of the second part of XX century. It has crusader’s campaign to the . Here you can learn war against Napoleonic France. It was built in 1858 as general name “The Man and the World”. The most part 10 THE BLINDAGE MUSEUM. about history of castle’s building and listen to the part of the Second Defensive perimeter of of sculptures is dedicated to famous people: artists, LOCATION: Koenigsberg. By the end of the century defensive politicians, poets and musicians. The main sightseeing different legends about mysterious underpass which Universitetskaya St., 1. This museum is in the bunker buildings became old and lost their military role. But of the park is valuable collection of tree species. It was found in 2006 by archeologists. where was the German headquarters since March of they were used during the World War II: the tower consists of more than 1000 specimen of rare trees and bushes. gave up the last one and nished the history of city and fortress storm. In 70ss there 1945. Also here General Otto Lyash made the decision was the only museum of amber here. of capitulation on 9 of April in 1945. The bunker is 7 2 THE WOOD BRIDGE. meters in depth. It has all the life support systems. LOCATION: THE SOUTHERN PARK. 5 Here you can enjoy the scenery of the war time. There LOCATION: Oktyabrskaya St. – Moscovskiy Pr. It is the oldest THE ROSGARTEN GATES. are a lot of diagrams and schedules describing bridge. It was built in 1404 and was connecting 3 Alleya Smelih, 2. the Southern Park was found in LOCATION: capturing the city by the Soviet Army. and one of the subways of Lomse Island 1841. In 1927 it was reconstructed according to the (Oktyabrsky Island). The bridge was rebuilt in 1904. Marshal Vasilevsky Sq., 1. This gates were built in project of landscape architector Ernst Snider. 1852-1855. It was named after the region it was built Now it is standing further east than the old one and it Defensing arbor which lost its meaning was wooded THE THEATRE OF DRAMA. is reversed this way to the present days. There are - . On the city’s side there are medallions with valuable species. There were made squares, 11 LOCATION: emblems of on cast columns of the bridge. with portraits of generals Sharnost and Gnaisenau. alleys with hornbeam, oak, chestnut and harewood. The real hammered grates are present here. They were the heroes of the war against Napoleon. This wonderful landscape park is one of the biggest Mira Pr., 4. The theatre got love and support of citizens The gates are standing on the way which was used for in the city. for its classic and modern plays. It takes part in a transportation of the Amber Cabinet to the Russian different festivals in Russia and all around the world. Tsar Peter I in 1717. The cabinet was given to Peter I as a present from Prussian king 3 THE CHURCH OF THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS. The theatre got its new building in 1960. It was rebuilt LOCATION: Frederick Wilhelm I. THE VICTORY PARK. building of an old German theatre of drama with big 6 General Pavlov St., 2. The Protestant Church of the Cross LOCATION: hall. was built in 1933 by the project of Arthur Kikton. It is one THE DEFENSIVE BARRACK “CROWN PRINCE”. Gornaya St. The park was found in 3 of May in 2000. It of the last monuments of the Lutheran art of building of 4 LOCATION: adjoins to the memorial to 1200 guardsmen from the pre-war period. The main architectural detail of the western part. There is a mass grave of soviet warriors western side of the church is the huge habitacle. Its Litovskiy val St., 38. The defensive barrack Crown THE REGIONAL THEATRE OF PUPPETS. on the territory of the park. 12 surface is decorated by the panel of majolica with a big Prince was built in 1843-1849 according the project LOCATION: cross. Now it is used as a orthodox church. of the group of architectors under Ludwig von Aster. The barrack was for the first royal grenade regiment. Victory Pobedy Pr., 1. The basis of theatre’s repertory It was the privileged one. After the World War I the is plays for children made on the basis of Russian, German and English authors’ stories. The theatre took 4 THE HONEY BRIDGE. regiment was dismantled and barrack was used for police of Koenigsberg, storages and different city THE CENTRAL PARK OF CULTURE AND REST. part in international festivals in Byelorussia, Poland, LOCATION: 7 departments. LOCATION: Germany and Lithuania. For many years it grew into Oktyabrskaya St. – Kant St. The pregoer of this bridge cultural center for children with lots of fests and was built in 1542. It was used for transportation of Pobedy Pr., 1. The central park locates at the place of concerts. The puppet theatre is in one of the most Luisenval Park. It was one of the oldest parks of the building materials to the educational institution beautiful buildings in the city. It is the monument of XX century architecture devoted THE GROLMANN BASTION. city. The queen Louisa liked to walk here. The church which has become the Albertina University. The name 5 to the memory of the Queen Louisa. of bridge is connected with the history of bribery of LOCATION: named after the queen (1899-1900) was rebuilt into city councils with several barrels with honey. After Litovskiy val Lithuanian Arbor St., 21. The building of the puppet theatre. There are remains of rotundas that occasion Kniephof citizens was called “honey the bastion was nished by 1851. It was named after with the branch, dado of the monument in honor of lickers. It was rebuilt in 1882 and has become the rst bridge with the hydraulic the General Karl von Grolmann. He was the reformator the queen. For 750 birthday of the city there were built THE FOOTSTEPS gearing in Germany. of the Prussian army. The bastion was the part of the modern covered stage for taking festivals , new attraction, the monument to V. forti cation building Grolmann high Fort. It is the Visotsky who gave his last concert in our city. Also there was built the monument to OF THE WAR only straightening which was safe nowadays. the tireless baron Munchausen. 11,5 км IMMANUIL KANT’S ISLAND. During the World War II Koenigsberg was besieged by the Soviet Army in April of 1945. This 5 LOCATION: was the last and the hardest operation which lasted from the 1st to 10th of April. As the result THE ZOO. THE ROYAL GATES. 8 the city was captured. According to the offi cial statistics, 3,700 of soviet soldier and 42,000 Kant St. Kniephof was the richest and the most beautiful 6 LOCATION: among three old cities of Koenigsberg. Kniephof LOCATION: of German soldiers were killed during the storm of the city. About 100,000 German soldiers Mira Pr., 26. The zoo of is on the territory consisted of two parts: trade part and cathedral part in Frunze St., 112. The rst stone in the basis of the gates were taken prisoner. the east. Kniepho she Laggasse was the center of the was layed in 1843 in attendance of the King Frederick of an old zoo of Koenigsberg. It was found by German trade life. Buildings of the island were almost destroyed Wilhelm IV. It was named after honored royal rides for Claass who was the German businessman. The It was the real historical victory and a great step in fi nishing the World War II. There are in the result of air bombing by English aviation on the military inspections to Devau hardstand. The front opening was on 21st of May in 1896. By that time his about 20 mass graves of the soviet soldiers. Besides Kaliningrad district is the only part collection consisted of 900 specimens of animals (260 night of 29-30 of August in 1944. side of gates is one of the most beautiful in the city. It of the Russian Federation where Russian army was fi ghting for long terms. Memorials and species). During the storm of Koenigsberg in April of is decorated by gures of Koenigsberg fathers: 1945 buildings and aviaries were destroyed. There monuments of the way would help you to recognize all the bitterness of the war. Also you will Czech king Ottokar Pshemysl II, the rst King of remember about the heroism and public spirit of people. THE CATHEDRAL. Prussia Frederick I and the duke Albrecht I. The gates were rebuilt in 2005 by the 750 were fallow deer, badger, donkey and injured hippo which stayed alive. Thanks to 6 year jubilee of Koenigsberg. Now there is a historical and cultural center “The Great veterinaries hippo stayed alive and became the rst big animal of the zoo in LOCATION: Kaliningrad. The territory of the zoo is about 16,5 ha. There is wonderful tree nursery Ambassador” on the gates. Kant St., 1. The Diocesan Iogan Klare began the which contains exotic bushes and trees. THE VICTORY SQUARE. 1 building of the Cathedral in 1330. It should be a LOCATION: fortress which could help to stand the castle against THE ZACHAIM GATES. Pobedy Sq. There were Stindam and Traghain Gates the in the case of war. It took 50 years 7 THE CITY OF CULTURE to build the Cathedral. It was the center of social life LOCATION: 9,5 км at the place of the square until the beginning of XX century. In the beginning of XX century military and the burial vault for famous citizens. The Cathedral Litovskiy val St., 59-61. It was built in 1848. Gates was The way comprises museums, galleries and theatres which give you the opportunity to dip strengthening lost its meaning. They were sold to was harmed greatly in the result of air bombing by named after Prussian settlement Zachaim (it means into the history of Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad) and to meet the modern waft of the cultural the city and destroyed. At its place new square were English aviation on the night of 29-30 of August in 1944. The history of Cathedral’s “sack carrier“). Under these gates general York leaded life of the city. built. Now it is called the Victory Square. There rebirth has begun in 1992. the army for the struggle with napoleon’s army in January 1813. were built complex of pavilions called the Eastern trade fair in 1920-1923. After the war the square was called the Victory Square. In THE REGIONAL AMBER MUSEUM OF KALININGRAD. 1 1958 the monument to Lenin was set up. In 1996 next to the square the building IMMANUIL KANT’S GRAVE. LOCATION: 7 of the Church of Christ the Savior has begun. By the 750 year jubilee of Kaliningrad LOCATION: Marshal Vasilevskiy Sq., 1. The unique museum of the square was rebuilt. While the reconstruction fountains and the triumphal THE FRIDLAND GATES. Kant’s Island, North East corner of the Cathedral. 8 amber is situated in the center of the city at the bank column was built. Immanuil Kant was the ancestor of classic German LOCATION: of the High Lake in the Don Tower. The exposition philosophy and the professor of the Albertina Dzerzhinskogo St., 30. Gates were built on the way takes territory more than 1000 sq. m. There are University. He spent his life in Koenigsberg. Kant was leading to the city of Fridland. The date of building is different in color, size and transparence specimen of THE MONUMENT TO RUSSIAN HEROES FAILED buried in 1804 by walls of the Cathedral. In 1924 it was 1862. It was recorded at the brick of the dome. The amber in the museum. Also there are different works DURING THE WORLD WAR I. built an open colonnade with granitical cenotaph by building of the Second Arbor strengthening was of masters of XVII-XVIII centuries, works of modern 2 the project of Frederick Lars. It was made by the 200 nished with the building of the gates. There is themasters and splendid collection of exclusives. There is the biggest “stone of the sun” LOCATION: years since Kant’s birth. museum here. in Russia in the collection of the museum. Its weight is 4 kilograms 280 grams. Gornaya St. The monument which weight is about 8 tons was opened in 30th of May in 2014. The composition shows unity of nations for protecting THE MONUMENT TO THE DUKE ALBRECHT. 8 THE SOUTHERN STATION. THE HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL their Motherland. It contains three gures of soldiers 9 LOCATION: LOCATION: 2 CENTER “THE GREAT EMBASSY”. going into attack. They are of different ages, ranks. Kant’s Island, North East corner of the Cathedral. Zheleznodorozhnaya St. The project of the main LOCATION: There is standing straight Russian of ce in the middle of the composition. There is a young soldier from the Albrecht Brandenburgsky was the last master of the railway station of Koenigsberg was made in 1914. But Frunze St., 112. The exposition of the Royal Gates will Teutonic Order and the rst Duke of Prussia. He the beginning of the World War I prevented the great introduce you with the history of Russian and left side and the peasant from the right side. The gure of the charity sister remains became history as one of the greatest gures of the opening of the Station which was on 19 of September European diplomacy. Expositions of the center would of the Russian women’s brevity. Renaissance Era. Political and cultural development of in 1929. During battles of the World War II the building tell you about building and development of city and the Eastern Prussia begun under his rule. The of the Station was damaged greatly. The opening of fortress of Koenigsberg. Also it tells about visit of Albertina University was found by Albrecht. The the rebuild station was in 1949. There was the Peter I by the great Embassy and connections of THE MEMORIAL TO 1200 GUARDSMEN. bronze sculpture was set near one of the Koenigsberg Castle towers in 1891. It was 3 reconstruction of the Station in 2003. As the result the general face of the Southern Prussia and Russia. LOCATION: made by Frederick Roysha. The monument was safe during the War but it disappeared Station was saved. several years later. Its copy was made and set up near the walls of the Cathedral in Gvardeysky Pr., 1. The decision of making the 2005. memorial was made by the Military soviet of the 11th THE REGIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND ART. 3 guardsmen army in a month after the storm of THE BRANDENBURG GATES. LOCATION: 10 Koenigsberg. The general K. N. Galitsky signed the LOCATION: THE FISH VILLAGE. Klinicheskaya St., 21. It is the oldest museum of the order about reburying of soldiers into the mass grave 9 LOCATION: Bagration St., 137. It was built at the place of XVII region. In 1946 the museum began to complete its and making the monument at that place. It was on 8th century gates on the way to Brandenburg. It is the only funds. Nowadays the museum is in the rebuilt building of May of 1945. The memorial has a great importance. Oktyabrskaya St. It is an ethnographical and trade gates where modern traf c goes through. There are of Stadthalle which is a monument of architecture of It became the symbol of war end. center. Village stands at the place of sherman high relives under the road. On the left side there is a the beginning of XX century. The exposition of the settlement. Its shape remains the style of historical portrait of the general von Boeyn who took part in the museum gives the information about history and buildings of Koenigsberg with corresponding names: war against Napoleon and was a military reformator natural treasures of this district. Also it tells about war THE MEMORIAL TO THE BALTIC NAVY MEN. “Albrecht Tower”, “Caroline Yard”, “Kiser Cup” and and minister of Prussia. On the right side there is a actions during the World War II and making of Kaliningrad. 4 others. There are modern hotels, restaurants and portrait sculpture of the military engineer and general von Aster who was one of LOCATION: cafes, business and of ce centers in these buildings. authors of the Second Arbor ring project. Moscovskiy Pr. Near the bank of the Pregolya River. 4 THE STATE ART GALLERY. LOCATION: The monument is dedicated to navy men who took THE JUBILEE BRIDGE. THE FREDERICKSBURG GATES. part in eastern Prussian operation in 1978. There is a 10 Moscovskiy Pr., 60. The basis of the collection is works LOCATION: 11 torpedo boat on the pedestal. There is 4 meter wall LOCATION: of modern painters, sculptors and other kinds of art. near the boat. There are portraits of navy men on the Oktyabrskaya St. – Epronovskaya St. The Jubilee Portovaya St., 39. These gates leaded to the There are artworks of the XVII – the rst part of XX Bridge was built in 2005 in honor of 750 birth of Fredericksburg fortress which was built in 1657 centuries. There is the unique collection of modern wall. 15 meters Stella ends the composition. Koenigsberg. It was built at the place of Imperial on the bank of the Pregolya River. Peter I under graphics of Baltian countries. A lot of exhibitions and Bridge (Kiserbrukke) which was built in 1905. It was the name of Peter Michaylov was taught the art projects are held here annually. destroyed during the war but was not rebuild. In THE MEMORIAL TO THE TANK MEN. artillery science in 1697. After the World War I the 5 comparison with its predecessor the Jubilee Bridge fort was taken into pieces for making new LOCATION: became narrower (6 meters against 11) and higher. It railways. There is a historical and cultural center THE CATHEDRAL. makes possible not to draw a bridge while passing small crafts. ”ut the gure of the “Ship revival” on the territory of these gates. 5 Jubilee Bridge remains the Imperial Bridge. LOCATION: crossing of Marshal Rokosovsky St. and General Kant St., 1. Immanuil Kant’s Museum, Valenrodt Sommer St. The memorial was made for immortalizing Library, the Fund of I. Kant, the Orthodox Church, the the glory of tank men in 1980. The tank T-34 which THE DOUBLE DECK BRIDGE. THE HIGH BRIDGE. Protestant chapel, the Institute named after I. Kant took part in battles is standing on the plinth. At the 11 12 LOCATION: LOCATION: are in the Cathedral. The big concert hall is the heart front side there is table with words: your brevity is Pravaya Naberezhnaya. According to building of new of the Cathedral. It can contain 700 people. The immortal. The memory is ageless. Oktyabrskaya St. – Bagration St. The High Bridge is railway station (the modern Southern station) there unique organ complex was made here. It was the rst one of preserved bridges of Koenigsberg. The rst was the need to build the passage through the in Russia. This complex with the acoustic bridge was built in 1520. It was connecting Lomse and Pregolya River. There was offered to make a double- characteristics of the Cathedral allows playing the big organ with the including of THE MONUMENT TO SOVIET MARSHAL Forstadt. In 1882 it was rebuilt. It was made the house 6 deck bridge with using of the rotary mechanism. This small organ more impressive. ALEXANDER MICHAYLIVICH VASILEVSKY. of bridge caretaker which looked like a castle in mechanism gave the opportunity to open the road for Disneyland. The old High Bridge was demolished in ships with the help of rotation the bridge in horizontal LOCATION: 1938. The new bridge was built in several meters from direction. The rst level is for cars and trams. The second level is for trains. THE MUSEUM OF THE FRIDLAND GATES. Vasilevsky Sq. The monument to the hero of the USSR the old one. 6 LOCATION: marshal A. M. Vasilevsky (1895-1977) was built at the square named after marshal in 2000. The sculpture THE AUSFALT GATES. Dzerzhinskogo St., 30. The exposition of the museum shows the marshal sitting over plans and maps of THE PROTESTANT CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY. 13 tells about pre-war Koenigsberg, history of arbor 12 LOCATION: Koenigsberg storm. LOCATION: defenses, city gates, and traditional production of the Gvardeysky Pr., 22a. It was built in XVII century as eastern Prussia and citizen’s life. There is the unique B.Hmelnitsky st., 63a. The Catholic Church was built “departure gates”. They are across the Astronomic collection of the small arms of the World War I and the in 1907 according the project of Frederick Haitmann. Bastion. While the reconstruction it was under the World War II. Many elements of building, its planning was taken THE MONUMENT TO BALTIAN PILOTS. ground level. There is a St. George Orthodox church 7 from Order churches which were taught by architect. on the roof of the gates. LOCATION: Red bricks were used as a general material. Haitmann supposed that the church would be a family house. Sovetsky Pr. The monument to the Baltian pilots was THE SHIP REBIRTH. That is why there were no requiems in the church, 7 built 2nd of November in 1974. It immortalizes the christening and weddings only. LOCATION: glory of ”altian eet pilots. There is an airplane in the THE ASTRONOMIC BASTION. 14 Portovaya St., 39. The historical and cultural center center of composition. Its length is 26 meters. Before LOCATION: “the Ship Rebirth” is on the territory of rebuilt the airplane there is a stone with the inscription “to THE BUILDING OF THE IMPERIAL RAILWAY DIRECTORY. Gvardeysky Pr., 22. It was built in 1860 opposite Fredericksburg Gates. The center is devoted to the the Baltic pilots”. The monument is dedicated to 682 13 LOCATION: Astronomic Hill where famous observatory was history of shipbuilding and the rebirth of historical pilots who died under the . There 15 Heroes standing. F.V. Bessel was mathematician and ships. Here you can enjoy the history of shipbuilding of the USSR and 14 Heroes of the Russian Federation among them. Leninsky Pr., 111-117. There were ruins of the Imperial astronomer founded the observatory. His grave is on and to take part in the rebirth of historical ship. Railway directory and St. George Hospital between this hill. 1949 and 1960 in the district of Forstedtishe Langasse. FORT 5 “THE KING FREDERICK WILHELM III”. It was the only standing wall constructions. The 8 LOCATION: building of the Directory was rebuilt by the building THE REGIONAL PHILHARMONICS OF KALININGRAD. department of the trade port directory for its workers 8 at the end of Sovetsky Pr. Here you can walk under the THE NORTHERN STATION. LOCATION: living. 15 dome of the legend forti cation building. “lso you can LOCATION: B. Khmelnitskogo St., 63a. A lot of international concerts see its rooms, inner yards, shelters, artillery positions Pobedy. Sq., 4. The Northern Station was built in and festivals are held here. The concert hall contains 400 and so on. There is the exhibition of war photos and an THE REGIONAL CULTURAL CENTER FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 1920-s during the large-scaled reconstruction of people. This ancient building is the monument of open exposition of weapon of the World War II. War 14 railways. It took place of old Kranz and Zemland LOCATION: architecture of Koenigsberg. There is the unique Czech reconstructions are held here annually during the stations. During the war station was harmed and it organ which was made by Rigger-Kloss Company. It has Victory Day. Leninsky Pr., 83. The regional cultural center for was not used for passenger transportation. In May 3 manuals, 3600 pipes connected into 44 registers. The young people was the Fund Exchange. The building of 1964 station began to work again. There was a concert activity in the Philharmonics is introduced not was built in 1870-1875 in Neorevival Style by Henry little building with box offices and waiting room. only by the organ music but the whole styles of music. Muller from Bremen. The sculptures of stone lions on Prewar building was used as a house for sailors. the main stair were made by a famous sculpturer Emil Hundriser (1846-1911). The building was not only the center of business activity but the place for rest. Balls and concerts were held in the hall of the exchange. Robert Shuman and Anton Rubinstein appeared here. walking route cycling route bus route