Central Eyre Iron Project Guideline for the Application, Public Consultation and Assessment Processes

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Central Eyre Iron Project Guideline for the Application, Public Consultation and Assessment Processes Central Eyre Iron Project Guideline for the application, public consultation and assessment processes www.ceipconsultation.sa.gov.au Mineral Resources Division Department of State Development Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide GPO Box 320, Adelaide SA 5001 Phone +61 8 8463 3000 Email [email protected] www.minerals.statedevelopment.sa.gov.au www.statedevelopment.sa.gov.au/sarig © Government of South Australia 2015 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth), no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Government of South Australia available through the Department of State Development (DSD). Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Deputy Chief Executive, Resources and Energy, DSD, GPO Box 320 Adelaide SA 5001. Disclaimer The contents of this report are for general information only and are not intended as professional advice, and the Department of State Development (and the Government of South Australia) make no representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this report or as to the suitability of the information for any particular purpose. Use of or reliance upon the information contained in this report is at the sole risk of the user in all things and the Department of State Development (and the Government of South Australia) disclaim any responsibility for that use or reliance and any liability to the user. Alternative formats This publication is available in other formats, including translation, on request. Direct requests to the Mineral Resources Division. 19/11/2015–204706 Guideline for the application, public consultation and assessment processes for the Central Eyre Iron Project (CEIP) Iron Road is proposing to develop a magnetite iron ore mining and infrastructure project on Eyre Peninsula. The proposed Central Eyre Iron Project (CEIP) consists of a mine and associated infrastructure developments which provide the logistics pathways or support for the mining operations. The applicant for the mining lease is IRD Mining Operations Pty Ltd (IRD Mining), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Iron Road Limited. The applicant for the infrastructure developments is Iron Road Limited. References to Iron Road in this guideline may be taken to refer to IRD Mining as well as Iron Road Limited. Iron Road’s CEIP is a proposed magnetite iron ore mining and infrastructure project located on Eyre Peninsula. The project proposes a mine to be located approximately 25k m southeast of Wudinna and east of Warramboo and associated rail, power, water, port and accommodation infrastructure developments to be located between the proposed mine and the proposed deep sea port approximately 7 km south of Port Neill. The project proposals are subject to assessment under three separate State and Commonwealth laws. To ensure clarity and access for the public to all aspects of the project, government is undertaking a single consultation process and will prepare a consolidated assessment for the CEIP. The proposed mine will be assessed under the Mining Act 1971 with the mining lease application being supported by a Mining Proposal (MP). The MP describes the existing environment, type of operations proposed, and an assessment of the environmental impacts of the proposed operations and a mine rehabilitation and closure plan. The mine includes an open pit mine, integrated mine waste rock and tailings landform and magnetite ore processing plant. The planned ore extraction would result in an open pit void approximately 6.2 km long, up to 2.4 km wide and up to 630 m deep at the end of the mine life. The integrated mine waste landform to the south of the pit would be approximately semicircular, and have a radius of approximately 3.5 km, covering an area of approximately 2000 ha at the end of the mine life. The associated infrastructure elements of the project will be assessed as a Major Development, requiring an assessment of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the Development Act 1993. These elements are a deep water port at Cape Hardy, an infrastructure corridor containing rail, powerlines, a borefield and water pipeline, and a worker accommodation camp planned at Wudinna (see Figure 1). The EIS process under the Development Act has been accredited by the Commonwealth government to assess matters of national environmental significance (potential impacts to Southern Right Whales due to shipping movements in the Spencer Gulf) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) (EPBC). 1 Applications and assessment of the CEIP by the South Australian Government A The South Australian • There is significant public interest Government has received in the proposal; 10 week applications in accordance • The large scale and high public with the requirements of the complexity of the proposal; consultation Mining Act 1971 (for the mine), • The public consultation period the Development Act 1993 (for coincides with public holidays. period has been the associated infrastructure) determined including actions that trigger The Department of State the EPBC Act. Development (DSD) and the for the CEIP Department of Planning, Transport beginning on Written submissions are invited and Infrastructure (DPTI) are from members of the public on working in partnership to deliver 19 November these applications. a consolidated ‘one window to 2015 and ending government’ approach to the A 10 week public consultation on 2 February assessment of the Iron Road period has been determined applications under the Development 2016 for the CEIP beginning on Act (accredited for the EPBC Act) 19 November 2015 and ending and Mining Act. This collaborative on 2 February 2016. effort underpins a joint government The consultation period has approach to public consultation taken the following factors into and assessment, ensuring the consideration: requirements of the Development Act, EPBC Act and Mining Act are met. This guideline CEIP Project Elements Proposed workforce village (EIS) outlines the Wudinna Proposed mining lease application and Warramboo (Mining Act MP) assessment process and how to make a written submission. Lock Proposed infrastructure corridor (EIS) 20 km Proposed deep sea Cape Figure 1 Mining Application and port (EIS) Hardy Development Application Elements 2 Legislative requirements The Mining Act 1971 Under Section 35 of the Mining Act a mining lease application must be accompanied by a mining proposal that complies with the Mining Act and the relevant Minister’s Determination under the Mining Regulations 2011. A mining proposal has been submitted to government as part of the mining lease application. Section 35A(1) or 53(2) of the Mining Act requires the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy to publish a notice in a newspaper inviting the public to make written submissions in relation to the application. The Development Under Section 46 of the Development Act, the Minister for Planning Act 1993 can declare a proposed development a Major Development if he or she believes such a declaration is appropriate or necessary for proper assessment of the proposed development, and where the proposal is considered to be of major economic, social or environmental importance. In this case, following a declaration by the Minister, the Development Assessment Commission set the guidelines (issues to be addressed) and determined that an EIS should be prepared. Iron Road has now submitted the EIS for public consultation release. The government consultation process on the MP and EIS provides the opportunity for public comment ahead of an assessment process before any decisions are made. The government consultation process on the MP and EIS provides the opportunity for public comment ahead of an assessment process before any decisions are made. 3 Why have public consultation? Whilst mining and development are important for the economic development of South Australia, it is also important that the potential benefits and impacts on the environment and on the broader community Government are identified and considered in assessing new applications. seeks to make Government seeks to make better decisions by bringing the voices of better decisions communities and stakeholders into the issues that are relevant to them. by bringing Government recognises that: the voices of • It is essential to engage with people and communities who are directly communities and affected by or have an interest in the proposal. stakeholders into • Communities have a wealth of knowledge about their local environment the issues that are that may not be available to the proponent or government through formal records. relevant to them • Benefits for both the local community and the proponent may be identified through two-way flow of information between the community “ and proponents. 4 Application, consultation and assessment process Iron Road prepares applications for the Central Eyre Iron Project Mining Act 1971, Development Act 1993 Mining Regulations 2011 EIS Guidelines Ministerial Determinations, Environment Protection and Guidelines Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 MP and EIS Iron Road submits a Iron Road submits an mining lease application and environmental impact statement (EIS) documents mining proposal (MP) released for public comment. MP and EIS documents released for public comment. Closing date Closing date 2 February 2016. 2 February 2016 Public meetings 8 December
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