"Bands" Or Covenants in Scotland, with a List of Extant Copiee Scottisth F So H Covenants Reve .Th Jamey B
166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 10, 1908. I. "BANDS" OR COVENANTS IN SCOTLAND, WITH A LIST OF EXTANT COPIEE SCOTTISTH F SO H COVENANTS REVE .TH JAMEY B . S KING HEWISON, M.A., D.D., F.S.A. Scot. An interesting chapte n i Scottisr h history might he written regarding the origin and continuance of " bands" or bonds, leagues, mutual indentures, arid covenants generally, having for their objects the protection of individuals, clans, or families, and the nation, or of certain rights, privileges, or possessions, personal or national, when these were menaced. Assurance f thio s s character, give d receivedan n n somi , e simple a bindinmanner y b e r consideregb o , writy ma , a primitivd e custom e example e covenantTh th . f o s s referred recordean o t n di d e Holth y Scripture sf Christiao wer a eer copiee nth civilisationn di d an , invested similar agreements wit a morh e binding force supposee b o t d resule th f thio t s religious association earln importand A y.an t compact, fraught with very happy result r Scotland sfo e Bru d Th s tha san f o wa ,t three gallant outlaws, as referred to in Balfour's Annals (i. 89), under yeae th r 1306, thus:—"This zeir ea niivtual s thewa r l endenture made betuix Sr Gilbert Hay of Erole, Sr Neill Campbell of Lochaw, and Sr Alexander Setton, Knights, at the abbey of Londors, to defend King Eobert and hes croune to the last of ther hloodes and fortunes; wpone the sealling of the said indenture, they solemly toke the Sacrament at St Maries altar, in the said abbey-churche." For consolidating their personal power and influence as chieftains, head f familiesso r head,o f burghso s givwelo s t a , s ela them indisputable rights over the lives and possessions of their retainers and allies, the head-men e ,Highland th e botLowlands th n i h d an s , exacted these bond f manreno s d indenturesan t o thas , t their increased powes a r independent justices becam emenaca e Crowconstio t botth d o ht n an - tutional government.
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